
By Jenny Tian

Published on May 15, 2012


Jace - chapter 1-3

Hello everyone.

This is a new story I just wrote. I had the idea for a while and began to write it and finished it within two weeks. The whole story is eleven chapters long and I'll post them fast. I don't know if you will like this story. It's set in a different time. It reminds a lot of the time when king Louis lived in Versailles and the time of the French revolution.

But it's different. I'm not sure how realistic it is. It's just a story after all.

I named one of the boys, the youngest of them, after an author on Nifty. The author is called Nial Thorne and his story made a big impact on the story I then wrote. I had the idea before I read Nial Thorne's story but I really liked the protagonist of his story and made Ace, the protagonist of my story similar to him.

When I finished writing I realized that there were some similarities to 'From the sky' but I let you decide for yourself.

And perhaps I should warn you that there's harsher sex in it than in my other stories, some authorian scenes... But it is a love story.

I'd really like to hear what you think about it since it's so different from the college love stories I wrote. You can read them in my yahoo-group and there are also more chapters of this story available. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/azulastories

This story is copyrighted by me, the author.

And now, enjoy the first three chapter. Azula


Chapter 1

The king's birthday was in a few months and already were they asking for more food, more money and more women. I don't think anyone who lived in Vail, the big castle, knew how much we had to suffer. They had everything they needed, they didn't work, they didn't have to try to survive the cold winters, they didn't have to get up early to milk the cows or collect the eggs.

It was us, the poor people who were suffering. But we were used to it. I was used to it. It was how I grew up and I have been the man in our little family since I can remember. There was an uncle living with us until I was twelve and able to do all the hard work on the fields. My mother never really talked about my father, just that he was a very good man. I didn't even know if he was dead or just gone.

So it was just my mom and me, living in the small house, working hard and giving almost all of our profit to the landlord. As much as they expected from us it was no wonder we were all unhappy and needed their help. Not that they gave that freely. I always heard it was better in the city. Especially in Valhi, right next to the castle. Actually I heard that the castle was as big as the city and for the king's birthday they were building a new castle somewhere near a lake. Why did he need so much space? Wasn't one huge castle enough? Apparently not.

Of course there were people protesting. There were even rumours that there was a strong, rebellious group somewhere in Valhi but up until now they didn't manage to make our lives any better.

I never heard my mother complain though. She always wore a small smile on her face and encouraged me to work hard because for one it made me stronger and secondly she always believed that better days were coming. I didn't really believe her but I always worked hard.

But despite all the work I still had time for my friends. Our neighbours had three sons, two were already married and the youngest, Micah, and I had been friends since ever. He was a very quiet person. It was hard to tell what he was thinking but everyone knew there was always something serious going on behind those dark, beautiful eyes. He was very handsome and had that tall, dark look. I trusted him more than anyone else.

When I was 14 and he was 13 we found a few new friends but we were more like a gang with me as their leader since I was the oldest.

Today I'm 16 and there were five other guys in our group. About the time there was four of us we found an incredible place in the forest. It was secluded and we only discovered the cave by luck. The forest was big and scary at night but I always loved the place. The trees were so strong and high and only let a little bit of sunlight come down to the ground. There were many animals but most of them were scared of us humans.

But one day I was just walking through the forest when I heard a sound, like a whine. I went nearer and saw a little monkey. His leg was bloody and I picked it up and brought it back to our gang's hiding place, a big cave where we hid some food, tiny amounts of money, a few knives and some books. At first I was the only one who could read because my mother taught me but then I taught them and also other stuff like sword fighting and throwing knives.

We also had some clean water and I washed the scared monkey's wound and fed him some food. It was soon asleep and when Micah came with our youngest member, he was only eleven and called Nial, a real cutie, they admired the little monkey. The others were against letting Nial join at first but I let them test Nial and in the end everyone loved him as much as I loved him. He was like a little brother to all of us.

I took care of the little monkey and after a few days we were inseparable, he was always sitting on my left shoulder. I called him Bimbo and he agreed with the name even though the others thought it was a little weird.

It was now spring and we were all glad the hard winter was behind us. It was always the hardest time of the year even though we didn't have a lot of work. The worst always was the hunger and the cold and every year some people died.

The gang met every late afternoon and usually it started with some practice. Early on I realized that it was important to do something with them other people couldn't. So I brought one of the books my mother gave me and slowly taught them how to read. Tim, now 14, and Nial were fast learners. My closest friend Micah already could read.

We also took up fighting and sparred against each other, I always was the strongest and could teach them some tricks I learned from the books.

After about two hours we usually ate some things and then talked. There was always something to talk about. Cam, also 14, was probably the shyest one in our group. He and Tim were always together. Then there was Jug, also 14, who had the biggest mouth on earth. He could just talk to everyone and everything. Sometimes we had to shut him up. And the last member was Callen, 13. His favourite hobby was to tease little Nial but everyone knew he loved him. Even though Callen was the second youngest he always felt like he was the biggest and could be a real pain in the ass but nevertheless he was a good guy. So that was us, our gang, seven of us. Me, their leader. My mother called me Jace but everyone else just said Ace, my closest friend Micah, then Jug, Tim and Cam, Callen and Nial.

We were close as brothers and through the hard times we had, the cold, the hunger, the family problems, we always stuck together. We were like one big family.


At the time we discovered we all had something in common we didn't even imagine how much our lives would change.

It was a cloudy day and we, our gang except for Tim and Cam, were walking to our place. Callen was running and Nial going after him so they were the first who reached the cave when I heard them yell, well, Callen was yelling and he sounded pissed. We hurried up and then saw Cam holding on to Tim's arm, shaking and looking pale.

"Let's sit down." I said in my strongest voice and we took our usual places in the cave. Micah was always on my right side and then it went down from age so Nial, the youngest was at my left.

When everyone sat I looked at them for a few seconds. Tim had a determined look in his eyes and Cam looked scared. Callen was still shooting angry stares at them and I had a suspicion what happened.

"Brothers." I said. "Sometimes there are misunderstandings and things we don't understand and you all know that this is why it's important to talk. Since you, Callen started the whole yelling I want you to tell us what happened."

"Tim and Cam should go. I don't want to be near them. What they did is so disgusting!"

"Callen, not what we should do but what you saw, please."

"Those two, they were kissing."

Now it was very quiet, no one said a word or made a sound until I turned my head to look at Tim and Cam.

"Tim, now please tell us what happened."

"Callen is right. We were kissing. I love Cam and he loves me. So if you don't want us in your group anymore we'll go because there's no way I'm going to let go of Cam." Tim said.

I admired his strong words, his confidence and I could understand why Cam would fall in love with him. But also why Tim was attracted to Cam. Even though Cam was very quiet he was intelligent, very cute and a loving heart.

"Did you ever do more than kissing?" I asked.

"Sorry Ace, but that's none of your business."

"You're right." I nodded. "Now, before we decide what to do I want you guys to remember that we've been friends for two years. We know each other, we help each other. And we all love and respect each other. Who we love is everyone's own business. But I also want to tell you guys something. I am probably like them. I think I like guys. But for me that's just a detail. If you love someone, what is gender?"

"You do?" Nial asked with huge eyes.


"Did you ever..." He didn't continue but blushed. Too cute, really.

"Not with someone I love." I answered.

"Then with whom and why?" Callen asked. I could tell that he was thrown with my confession.

"I was forced to suck an old guy's cock and I never ever told anyone about it. I felt dirty and it was so disgusting. And I don't want that anyone of you ever tells another soul. You know about our rule. What is said within the circle, stays within it. The guy, he's Lord Adelhorn, our landlord. When we don't make enough food for him and the king he wants money but since we don't have much of that either he makes me suck his dick, usually once a month. And I can tell you, I hate it."

Six sets of huge, horrified eyes looked at me. There was recognition in them and I felt like my heart had been stabbed with something cold.

"Please don't tell me, all of you know what I'm talking about." I whispered.

Suddenly Nial burst into tears and I took him into my arms. He was only eleven for heaven's sake. I rocked him and caressed his back and head. When I looked up I saw Callen, also with tears in his eyes and I motioned him over, included him into the hug and soon we were all in a big group hug, Nial our little baby in the middle and all of us sharing warmth and comfort. Soon Cam was also crying and Tim kissed away his tears and even Jug, our ever happy Jug let a few tears fall to the ground. Only Micah and I didn't cry. But I knew we were both crying inside, hating the world for it's unfairness, wanting revenge. I was sure Micah was already thinking about it, probably already had several plans. But we didn't cry. We had to give our brothers comfort, be strong for them.

A long time passed before the tears dried and we all sat back but I still held Nial in my arms.

Callen was the first to break the silence. "Tim, Cam, I'm sorry." He said.

Tim smiled. "It's alright. It was probably a shock for you."

"Yes. Because of Lord Adelhorn I always thought two guys together were disgusting and dirty. But I know you two and I love both of you. I can't imagine being with a man instead of a woman but you're still my friends."

Cam, suddenly courageous, smiled at Callen and gave him an air kiss. We all laughed and that broke the tension.

"Anyone else who's like our leader and our couple?" Callen asked but no one answered. "Phew, so we women-lovers still have the upper hand."

Micah grinned. "Ace counts for more than one person."

"Sure, but I don't think he'll have more than one lover so there will be three guys and four women." Callen countered.

"Women are boring." Tim said.

"Yeah, all they do is cook and nag and pinch my cheek." Nial said.

I smiled and kissed his head. "He's right."

"Geez, Nial, you're just too young. Women are beautiful." Jug said.

The easy banter continued and soon it was getting late and we had to go back. But we all knew tomorrow was a new day and probably everyone was aware of Micah's brooding eyes, knowing that something interesting was going to happen. Something big, probably dangerous but definitely satisfying for all of us.


"Hi darling, had a nice evening?" My mother asked and kissed my cheek.

"Yes. You?" She and the families of my friends had long since gotten used to us being away every evening.

"Sure did. I found two books behind some clothes you might find interesting. I can't remember why I put them back there."

"Wow, thank you."


"What is it?"

"Some people from the castle came today."


"Not our house. No, they took Amy."

"Oh my god." I whispered. Amy was the youngest of Jug's three older sisters. And the people from the castle had been coming for young girls. As if the king needed so many fuck toys for his birthday. He probably had a dick as big as my little finger and let them be used by other guys as well.

"I need to go." I said.

"I know. Here, give him some of that. I made it for him and his family." My mother gave me a big pie.


"You're a great son. I'm proud of you. Now go."

I kissed her again and then ran all the way to Jug's house. When I knocked no one opened the door so I called Jug's name. After a while someone opened the door.

"Hello Katie. Can I see Jug?" I asked.

"Sure, come in." She had red eyes.

"My mom made a pie for you guys. I'll put it on the kitchen table."

"Thank you." She said and managed a weak smile. I gave her a hug and then went up to Jug's room. I quietly entered and saw him curled up on his bed. He didn't even look up so I just lay down behind him and took him into my arms.

"Why?" He whispered, his body shaking with sobs. "Why did they have to take her? Why her? And why are they so mean?" I just held him closer to me. "Why is this world so unfair?" He turned around and the look in his eyes broke my heart. "Why, Ace, why? Why are we so poor, why aren't we living in the castle with all the other rich people? Or in Valhi?"

"I don't know, Jug. This world is just unfair. Some people are just lucky to be born rich and we are not. My mother always tells me that it will get better. I'm not sure but I'm not going to stop hoping. If we stop, our lives are over."

"But it's just not fair. How the hell is it going to be better? The asshole king's birthday is months away and already are they raising the amount of food and money we have to give them. Already are they taking so many women! Who says he's not going to take Katie and Mia as well?"

"We won't let that happen." Suddenly a weird rush went through my whole body. Yes, this world was unfair and mean and cruel. Yes, we were just poor farmers. But our gang, we'd been training for two years. We were stronger than and better at sword fighting and throwing knives than all the other boys. We could read. We were clever. We were brothers.

Why had I taught them to fight and to read? Only to continue to live our lives as poor farmers? No, definitely not. Why did my mother have so many books about fighting? Why did she even have books? Books were very precious. That was it, had to be it. I now knew what we were going to do after we took revenge on Lord Adelhorn for treating us like dirt.

I sat up. "Jug, we're going to fight."

"What?" He asked.

"We'll go to the city, to Valhi in three weeks."


"To get your sister back, to fight against all this unfairness."

"But we can't just leave our families."

"No, you're right. But if we don't do anything we'll never have better lives. Don't you want to get your sister back?"

"I do. I do. Oh my god, Amy." He sobbed again.

"We'll get her. I promise. We'll do anything we can to get her back."

"Why three weeks?" He then asked.

"We still need time to plan and to talk about it. You'll see, we'll make it."

"But our families will die without our help. Like Tim's family. They need his help."

"You're right. You're right of course. But if there is ever the chance to fight, I'm going."

"Me too."

I smiled at him. "There's some pie my mother made for you in the kitchen. Do you want some?"


We went downstairs and got his family together. They all sat on the kitchen table and ate the pie and it really seemed to give them some strength. I soon left, hugged them all once more and then went home. My mother was already in bed and I took the books and the small lamp and went to my room. I took off my clothes and slipped into bed, positioned the lamp and then looked at the books. I smiled. One was about knives and how to throw them precisely, how much force to use and things like that. I'd have to try it out tomorrow. The other book surprised me a little. It was about poison. I opened it and there were many different kinds of poisoning described, how to make poison, how much to use, what effect they had. Not all of them were lethal, some just had ugly effects. One for example could make a person unable to move for a few hours and all you needed was some plants and to mix them together in the right way.

I was totally engrossed in the book and time passed fast. When I was finally too tired to continue reading I closed it but as I put them on a small table I noticed that there was something in the back of the first book. I took it out and it was a small notebook but when I opened it I couldn't read it. It wasn't normal letters, it looked foreign, or like a cryptograph. I definitely had to talk to my mother the following day.


Getting up early, milking the cows, collecting the eggs, working on the fields. It was a warmer day and I was soon very thirsty. Around noon I went back to our house, my mother had already prepared lunch. It wasn't much but she always poured some love in it and I appreciated her efforts.

"Mom." I started.

"Darling, I think I know what you want to talk about but finish work first. Then take a bath and afterwards we can talk."

"Okay. See you." And so I went back to work, my head full of thoughts. Today sure was going to be interesting.

I finished a few hours later and when I was clean I went to sit with my mother.

"You've become such a good, confident and strong young man." She said. "And I really like your friends and how you lead them."


She chuckled. "I can see that you want to ask questions. Fire away."

"Okay, well, first I want to ask you, are the rebels in Valhi real?"

"Very real, Jace. And they're not just in Valhi, they're all over our country."

"How do you know?"

"I was once one of them."

"And dad, too?"

"Yes." Her eyes saddened. "He still is."

"So he's not dead."

"Not really."

"What does that mean?" I asked.

"It was a few days before our planned revolution. Almost everything was planned and ready to take place but one of our friends, a good friends, he betrayed us. Many were caught and your father is still somewhere in the prison under the castle."

I was stunned even though I had suspected something. But being betrayed by a good friend had to be hard.

"Why didn't you stay with them?"

"Because of you. You were only two years old and I didn't want to endanger you. So I moved out here with your uncle. He helped me a lot but when you were old enough to work he went back to Valhi."

"But why didn't they make a new plan in all these years?" I asked.

"At first they just had to get themselves together, they lost many good people. And then things just weren't right. There are many, many important details that can't be overlooked in something that important. But I stood in contact with them and they are close to it, very close."

"So that's why you always said it would get better."

"That's right."

"But how do you know it will work this time?"

She smiled. "Because I had a feeling that you'd be with them."


"Jace, you're my son. I know you. And I know almost everything about you. And I think that you'll be a very big help for them."

"I don't want to leave you."

"I might come with you."


"Yes, why not? I miss my old friends. Your father's best friend, Barton, is also their leader. A very good and clever man. I'm sure you'd like him."

"I can't wait to meet them. Oh, that's right. There was a small notebook in one of the books you gave me."

"Oh. I didn't know it was there." My mother said.

"I can't read it. What is it?"

"Your father's cryptograph. I don't think anyone knows how to read it but there has to be a key somewhere. Who knows, we might never know what he wrote in there."

"Except if we ask him."


We were both quiet for a while and then she said: "I think your friends are waiting."

"You're right."

"I trust you and I trust them. So you can tell them if you want. But don't force them away from their families."

I nodded. "Bye."

She kissed my cheek and I was outside, running to the forest. When I arrived at our place everyone was already there.

"Hi Ace." They said and I hugged everyone of them. "Are you ready for some new training?" I asked.


"Okay, I have this new book. Everyone take a knife and come outside." We had built a few wooden people who we used as our targets.

Cam and Nial were very good at throwing knives. As well as Micah but he was good at everything. The others were better at sword fighting and sparring. I showed them the tricks I had only trained mentally last night but was now able to do. Of course it wasn't perfect yet but everyone needed training and there was soon the sound of many knives flying through the air, often hitting the target, some cussing, some encouraging words.

When we were done we sat down in our usual circle.

"You all did well today. Jug, your throw improved a lot and Cam, you never missed the target by more than an inch or two." He beamed with pride and Tim kissed his cheek. I was glad that they all just smiled, even Callen.

"Callen, you did good even though we all know it's not what you like the best."

"Yeah, real fighting is much better." He said.

"And Nial, you hit the bulls eye several times. We're all proud of you, too." He smiled and I tousled his hair.

"Okay, now we have some serious stuff to talk about. I talked with Jug yesterday night. You probably all know what happened."

"Yes. That's just so unfair." Tim said and got a round of nods.

"Well, Jug and I talked and I promised him we'd get Amy back but it can't happen without some serious planning and it might be even impossible. We'll talk about it next week because yesterday, we also discovered that we all had to suffer under Lord Adelhorn."

Another round of nods.

"And I'm pretty sure Micah thought about it. I also have another book about poisoning, there is some interesting stuff like making people unable to move or put them to sleep. So Micah, tell us what you think."

He smiled. "Sure, I thought about it for hours and came to the conclusion that we should punish him in a way that he couldn't tell others. It had to be something humiliating like he did to us. But there should be at least two people to see him. I think it ought to be his wife and his son."

"I like the way you think, Micah." Callen said.

"Yeah. What is your plan?"

And Micah told us. We all agreed with big smiles on our faces.


I went to collect some plants the next day and spent hours working on the potion we needed. Lord Adelhorn had his habits and that was what made him weak to our attack.

It took a long time but when I was done I felt good. Micah had been watching the whole time while the others were playing around.

"Micah, we need to test it." I said.

"You're right of course. But it wouldn't be too bad if it didn't work."

"It could get ugly. I'll try it out."

"You can't." We both turned around and there was Jug. "You're our leader. You can't be the one to try it out. What if something goes wrong?"

"Jug's right." Suddenly everyone was there.

"Guys, we need to test it. And I'm the one who made the potion so it should be me to test it." I said.

"No, I'll try it." Jug said.

"You can't do that. What do you think your family would do when they find out their son is gone?" I asked.

"What about me?" Tim asked.

I just looked at him and then at Cam. "Nope, no way."

"I could do it." Micah said.

I smiled at him. "You're our brain, we need you."

"So that leaves me." Callen said. "I can do it."

Nial looked at him with fear in his eyes. I always had suspected that those two really liked each other even though they were always fighting and teasing each other.

"Nial, do you want that?"

"No." He whispered.

"Okay, now we established that everyone in our group is important and we can't lose anyone. Bimbo?" I looked at my little monkey. "Do you want to try it?" He was a clever animal. His eyes widened and he went to hide behind the lamp. I laughed. "Come back, Bimbo. I was just kidding."

"So, what do we do now?" Callen asked.

"I know it's mean but how about we catch some rats?" Tim asked.

"Yes, let's do that. I bet everyone of you got bitten once by them." Callen agreed. And so we went to catch them. When we had one we fed it a few drops of the potion and within seconds it didn't move anymore.

"Is it dead?" Nial asked.

"I don't think so. We'll just have to wait." I answered.

"The eyes are moving." Jug commented.

"So it can still look around. That's good." Micah said.

We sounded like scientists.

Time passed and about an hour later the rat began to move again and then walked away.

"It does work." Nial said.

"So it's going to be in two days." Jug said.

"Yes. I think we're all prepared. And if anything goes wrong, just come back here." I said and then we went back home. I knew everyone was a little nervous but that was normal. It would work. But still, Micah's mind was evil and I wondered where he got all those ideas. I had suspected what went through his head when we found out but he went several steps further. If it were the man I loved doing things like that to me... I could almost imagine it feeling wonderful, heaven.

I stopped dead in my track. What? No. No. No. I shook my head. There was no way, why did I think that? What sicko would want things like that done to himself? My hands were shivering a little and I ran back home. I was glad I didn't see mom and made myself some tea and then went to bed. I took my father's notebook and stared at it and for some weird reason it calmed me down and I soon fell asleep.

Chapter 2

The meagre bit of food we had and money was piled on the small cart but I had taken a little away, just to be sure that Lord Adelhorn would be unsatisfied. Not that he was ever happy with the amount I brought him every month.

Lord Adelhorn lived in a nice mansion like all the rich people, not that there were many. And a lot of them lived in the big castle and just enjoyed their lives. Lord Adelhorn was an older man and ugly, fat and disgusting. I didn't know anyone who liked him and his wife was just as fat and ugly as him. And of course their son, a mix of the two of them.

When I arrived a servant led me inside and brought me to the room with the scale, which was rumoured to be manipulated. A little later the fat man came inside with his glass of wine. Habits, hard to break, good for us.

Bimbo was like always on my shoulder and Lord Adelhorn looked at my little monkey. "Does he always have to come with you?"

"No, I can send him outside." I answered.

"Humph, it's alright. So let's see, is that all?" He eyed the contents of the cart.

"Yes, I'm sorry but we don't have too much food left, the winter was hard and we had to sell some stuff."

"Then why isn't there more money?"

"Cause we gave it to you the last time."

"Boy, you know that the king's birthday is coming and he'll need the food, it's going to be a big party and you love the king so you'll have to work harder. God will reward those who are giving and punish the greedy one."

"I'm sorry, Sir but we really don't have more."

"Well, what now?" He asked, playing his awful, stupid game with me.

"I don't know."

"Oh, sure you do. Get on your knees."

He pushed me to the floor, not that he was stronger but I knew that this would be the last time.

I opened his pants and took out his small, stinky dick and took it into my mouth. The last time, last time I reminded myself. Lord Adelhorn didn't have a lot of stamina and when he came he closed his eyes, my chance to pour the potion into his wine.

"Ahh, wonderful, aah, boy, that was great." He moaned and then took a sip from his wine. I was still on my knees, watched as he drank. He suddenly looked at me with a shocked expression and I smiled.

"What..." He asked before he sank down. I pushed him back and he fell onto the chair that Jug pushed behind him. I grinned at my friends.

"You got inside without trouble?"

"Sure did. We're all good climbers." Tim said.

"So, shall we start?" Callen asked.

I could see in Lord Adelhorn's eyes how scared he was. It had to be a terrifying feeling not to be able to move, but hear and see what happened around you. A picture flashed through my mind but I pushed it away.

"Let's do this." I said and with that they began to take off his clothes. In a bag Micah had prepared all the things we would need and looking at them I couldn't help but wonder if he had used some of them and how the hell he got them. They looked foreign and I could see that Cam was in awe of them.

"Wow, that's really cool. But where do you get this stuff?" Tim asked.

"We once had a guest from the city and he and I hit it off and he showed me how to use them. There are not many people who know where to get this stuff because many would say it's dirty."

"That's cool. Do you have more of it?"

Micah grinned. "I can give you a few of those to play around with." He pointed at the rubbery things. "But be careful with this stuff and I don't know how far you two went but you need oil or lube or something so it doesn't hurt. Not that we'll use a lot of it today."

"That stuff is pretty disgusting. Cam, I can't imagine how you could like it, but I sure am going to enjoy using it today."

"What is it?" Nial asked and we all laughed.

"Maybe he shouldn't see this." Micah said.

Jug frowned. "You're right. We didn't really think about this. I mean, we talked about taking revenge but not the details. And this will be harsh so I don't think Nial is old enough."

"I am." Nial protested.

"Ace, what do you think?" Tim asked.

I looked Nial, sweet Nial. "I also think he's too innocent and young to see this." Nial just wanted to protest as I continued talking. "But, Adelhorn didn't think about whether he was too young to suck his little pee-pee or not so I guess it's Nial's decision, he is one of us and we all had to make the same experience. But Nial, remember that what we do isn't the way things usually go. This is an exception and you can't to the things with other people. And even if they want it you need someone to teach you, like Micah will today. Now, what do you think?"

"I want to stay. I want to see him cry. I cried, you know. When I went home the first time."

He looked so sweet and sad about what happened to him and what he said convinced everyone that he was allowed to stay.

"Okay, Micah, what's next?" I asked.

"Well, we should try to get him into an upright position so it will be easier to do stuff to him. With all his fat it's going to hurt him but who cares? I'll tie his hands and you two get that rope over that balk."

Jug took the rope, tied it around something a little heavier and then threw it over the balk. Tim caught it and tied it around the back door's knob, hoping it would hold Adelhorn's weight. Micah meanwhile had tied the other end of the rope around Adelhorn's wrists.

"Okay, now we just need to pull. I'll hold this fatty and you guys pull and then fix it." Micah said. Soon fatty, we all liked that name, was hanging helplessly in the middle of the room.

"This is pretty cool." Callen said. "What's next?"

"Take that." Micah pointed at one of the rubbery cocks but one of the smaller ones. "Shove it down fatty's throat. For one it will stop him from yelling for help when he can move again and secondly, he'll get some of his own medicine. Not that his little thing comes anywhere near what he gets in his mouth."

"Won't it stop him from breathing?" Cam asked.

"No. It is long enough to make him gag but not thick enough. You'll see." He added with a small grin and Cam blushed.

"Okay, next we can either shove one more up his ass or we can whip him around a little. And don't forget the candles for his pee-pee and balls either."

"This is weird." Nial said.

"Do you want to go?" I asked.

"No. It feels good to see him helpless like this but it's still weird. Why does Micah know so much?"

"Who knows?" I said but I did wonder, too.

"Let's do the whipping first." Callen said and Micah agreed. He took one of the whips and began to whip fatty's ass all the while explaining how to do it best, how not to leave permanent marks and how much a man could stand. After five he handed the whip to Jug and everyone whipped his ass at least five times. Nial was the last and when he was done fatty's ass was a glowing red.

"Can we put that one inside him?" Callen asked and pointed at the biggest rubber cock.

"Sure. But better try a smaller one first. And put some of that on it." Micah handed him a tube of oil and Callen went to work. The smaller cock went inside fatty without much trouble and even Micah was surprised, murmuring that Adelhorn probably ate so much that huge amounts of shit were coming out. Callen then forcefully shoved the bigger one inside and we were all staring at the huge thing disappearing inside fatty. Annoying thoughts came to my mind, scaring me, I wanted them to go away but it wasn't so easy. I caught Micah looking at me with his deep, dark eyes and knew, that he knew that I knew that he knew what I was thinking. I shivered a little but he just smiled a comforting, kind and gentle smile.

"Okay, next we'll try the candles. Nial, you get the fire." Micah said and within seconds three candles were burning. "These are special, soft candles and their wax will get very hot. So just let the wax drop on his balls and pee-pee."

Nial was holding one candle and Cam and Jug the others. Soon fatty's whole genitals were covered with wax. Just then Bimbo came running inside - he'd been outside, standing guard. Yes, he was very clever.

"We have to go. Take everything that belongs to us and get out." I said. Callen already opened the window and ushered Nial to follow him. I helped Micah grab his things and also took the money and then we all climbed out of the window. Just as we reached the bushes we heard someone yell and yell and yell.

Jug broke into a huge smile. "Looks like we succeeded."


"Let's go back to our place." I said and back in the cave we hid Micah's stuff but he did give Cam and Tim two of the rubber cocks.

"So Adelhorn won't force us to do things anymore?" Nial asked.

"No, I don't think so. And if he ever dared to touch either one of us, we'll kill him. I think he got the message." I assured him.

"That's good."

"Let's fight a little. I feel totally energized." Callen said.

"Yeah, me too. I'm so gonna beat you." Jug replied.

"You think? No way." Both Callen and Jug grabbed their wooden swords, ran out of the cave and within seconds we could hear their swords crashing.

"Micah, up for a fight?" Tim asked and Micah just grinned and soon they were out as well.

"And you two? Want to bring your throwing skills to perfection?" I asked them.

"Sure. I'll only hit the bulls eye." Nial said and we took our knives.

The evening passed fast, we were all in a very good mood and when it got dark we all went home with smiles on our faces, even though we knew that the world was still as unfair as before.


"Darling, you look happy." My mother said.

"I am. We had a lot of fun together." I just answered.

She raised her eyebrow, just one. That gesture always let me know that she didn't believe me but wouldn't press the matter any further.

"There's something I want to give you."

"So many presents, lately." I said.

"Yes. Time just passes so fast and whenever I look at you I can't believe how much of a man you already are. I don't think I ever told you but you look a lot like your father. He was a very handsome, almost gorgeous man."

"Really? I just wish I could meet him."

"You might. Anyway, when he gave me his notebook he also handed me his favourite necklace and told me to give it to you when I thought the moment was right. Here." She handed me a small box and when I opened it I saw a beautiful, golden necklace with a pendant. I carefully took it into my hands and opened the pendant. It was a clock and as I held it to my ear I heard it's soft ticking noise.

"Wow, it's so beautiful." I whispered.


"How come it hasn't stopped ticking?"

"Look, you need to turn there every few months or else it will stop." My mother showed me how to do it and then she put it on for me. It wasn't very heavy and hung a little lower than my shirt so I could hide it from greedy eyes. As I put my hands on it I almost felt like my father was there.

My mother kissed my forehead and I then hugged her. Somehow I felt that she needed the comfort. She soon went to sleep and I lay in bed, thinking of my father who probably hadn't seen the sun in 14 years.


As soon as I finished work the next day I ran home, grabbed some things and then wanted to kiss her goodbye. But she smiled, made me sit down and fed me some cake she managed to make. Sweets were a real luxury and I always appreciated her meals.

"Wow, that was good." I said when my stomach was full.

"I also made some for your friends."

"You're the best."

"Here." She gave me another, bigger cake.

"Don't you want to eat some?" I asked.

"No, I already had a piece."

"Okay. Thanks mom. Love you."

"I love you, too my darling." She kissed my cheek and I then left. At our hiding place only Nial and Micah were there but soon the others arrived. We read a little, usually from the stories book my mother once gave me. Everyone read a few pages and then handed the book to the next person. Later we fought and I read a little in the poison book, trying to memorize all the interesting potions.

A while later they came inside the cave, all a little exhausted and panting.

"Nobody ever beats Micah except for Ace." Callen mumbled.

"You might if you train a little more and defend yourself better. You are too fixated on attacking." Micah said.

"But attacking is more interesting than defense."

"Well, just remember that you're only as strong as your weakest point." Micah, wise as always. "So if you don't defend yourself enough you're weak, no matter how strong your attack is."

"Okay, I think I get it."

Then they all looked at me. "Is there something interesting to talk about today?" Tim asked.

"Yes. I already talked with Jug about it and I think I better start at the beginning. You all know my mother is the one who gives me the books and taught me how to read. I never suspected anything until the night I went to Jug because of his sister. I just suddenly knew that she wasn't as ordinary as I thought she was. I then asked her about it and she told me that my father was one of the rebels. They had a good plan 14 years ago but someone betrayed them and it failed, many got caught, as did my father. Some were killed, some just sent into prison. That's where my father is. But she also said that she still had contacts. One is Barton, their leader and apparently my fathers' best friend. They are now once again almost ready to strike and my mother asked if I wanted to go to the city, something I already thought about when I heard about Amy. I really want to go to the castle and bring her back. I won't force anyone of you to come with me because you all have family here and they need you. I just think that if no one does something against that king and his greediness, we'll soon all be dead. Who has to work for him to eat? Who is the one who pays so that he can build a second castle? Who is it that suffers just because he needs hundreds of women? It's us. And I want to change it. I want to change our lives. I want to go to Valhi, join the rebels and then to Vail to change the regime. It can't continue. Our life is too short to just let us die because of hunger or the cold."

I was quiet for a few seconds and then continued. "Again, I won't force you to come with me. Neither going to fight nor staying back is right or wrong. I don't know how the city will be. I can't guarantee you that it will work. I can't guarantee you a better life. But I will go and if you all stay back, I'll fight for you, my brothers and if we succeed, the first thing I'm going to do is help you and your families."

I stopped talking and then looked at them. It was now up to them, it was their decision and it surely was a hard decision. It could change so much. I glanced at Micah and he just smiled at me. I had known that he'd come and fight.

"I want to come." Nial said.

"Of course I want to fight." Callen said. "But I don't know if I can just go."

"I don't know either. I have four siblings and three are girls so I always need to help with work." Tim said.

"I'll do what Tim does." Cam said and Tim hugged him close.

"Ace, you know how much I want to go but I can't. My family is already suffering so much and I can't leave them even if I really want to go get Amy. But I trust you. I know that if you're with them they're going to succeed. I trust you to bring Amy back."

"Are you disappointed?" Cam asked.

"No, never. I'm proud of you all. You're thinking of your families and family comes first. Of course we're family as well but we'll see each other again. We're not going yet, probably in two weeks. So there's still some time do think about it. Nial, I also want you to think about it very good. You're still very young and I know your parents don't pay you very much attention but it could be, not, it will be very dangerous."

"I don't care. I'm coming with you." He said with a determined voice.

"Alright. But promise that you will listen to us and not just take off or something."

"I promise."

"Okay. We should probably get going. It's getting late."

As we walked through the forest I suddenly saw a weird light and had a sinking feeling in my gut.

"What's this?" Jug asked.

"Don't know."

We were practically running and then saw it. The fire, the fields, the houses, everything burning. The heat was incredible and I knew there was no way anyone survived within this fire.

"Stop!" Callen yelled, just as Jug began to run. He didn't run into the fire, just to the direction where his house was and us chasing after him. I ran at his side, not stopping him. A few minutes later he looked at his house, or what was left of it with unbelieving eyes.

"Ace, look what I found." Micah called us and I took Jug's hand and we walked over to him. There on the ground was one of the farmers, not related to us but we knew him. His throat was slit and I put my hands before Nial's eyes.

"This was made on purpose." He said.

"You're right. There's just no way everything just caught fire. We should check all our houses, just to be sure."

We were all quiet as we walked to all our houses. Every single one of them was burning, the fields were burning and we could only look at them from afar. Then we went back to our place. There was nowhere else we could go to. Everything was gone, everyone was gone.

Once we were there Cam broke down and cried on Tim's shoulder who was soon crying himself. Jug was still holding on to me. "Why?" He asked me again and again and there was nothing I could answer him. I didn't know.

When Callen began to cry Nial went over to him and they were hugging and crying like Tim and Cam. Micah came over to Jug and me and hugged me from behind.

"I'm so sorry for your mom." He whispered.

"I'm so sorry for your family."

"We'll find out." He said and warm tears fell on my shoulder. I turned around a little so I held both him and Jug in my arms and rocked them gently. I don't know why I didn't cry but I just couldn't believe it yet. I didn't realize yet that everyone was dead. That my mother was dead. I just couldn't. But I held my two brothers, my family, and we all comforted each other, held everyone close and then fell asleep.


The next morning it hit us with an even stronger force when we realized what happened. We ate some breakfast even though none of us was hungry and then slowly walked to the village we'd lived in for all our lives. The fire had stopped and everything was now just black, black and dead.

There were no birds singing, no wind rustling, no sound at all. It was just dead.

"It's ugly." Jug whispered as if he was afraid to talk aloud.

"I don't want to stay here. We should go. It's creepy." Nial said.

"I guess the decision to go or not was taken from us." Tim said.

"Yes. We'll go to Valhi." Callen agreed.

I lifted Nial up and carried him, for some reason needing the feeling of another living body.

"Do you think they did it because of what we did to Lord Adelhorn?" He asked me.

"No. That can't be the reason. The news couldn't have travelled so fast and did you see? His own mansion was burning, too. So there has to be another reason."

Nial relaxed a little.

"So does anyone know how to get to Valhi?" Tim asked.

"I know the direction and there is a road that leads there so it shouldn't be a problem. But it will take us a few days since we're walking and we'll need money and food. We have some in our place but I don't know if it's enough." I said.

"Well, let's get it. I can't stand looking at this place. We should go." Jug said. And so we packed our meagre belongings, some food and water, all the books we had, some money and our weapons. It was easy to determine which way to go and we were soon on our way.

It wasn't noticeable at first but soon I could see that the sad expressions became lighter, as if going to the city and leaving everything behind helped us to lose some of the weight and sorrow on our shoulders. It felt like we had a new beginning and could start anew. We wouldn't forget anything of the past of course, but we could start a new one, hopefully a better one. We only had ourselves but we loved each other, we were family, and I believed we could make it.

Around noon it became warmer and we sat down to eat a little and drink some of the water. No one had complained about the walking yet and I could see we were all determined. We had lost everything we couldn't lose our hope.

We didn't talk very much while we were walking on the dirty road but in the late afternoon Micah looked a little worried. "We need to find a place to stay for the night."

"You're right. We passed a few farms but right now there's nothing in sight. I suggest we walk about one more hour and if we don't find anything we just try to sleep somewhere in the bushes. Two of us will stay awake for three hours, just in case, and then we'll change so everyone gets some sleep. Is that alright?" I asked.

"Sounds good."

So we continued walking but there just wasn't anyone around and we found a place with thick grass and I took the first guard with Tim to keep me company. We were both tired but we talked, looked at the peaceful faces of our brothers and just couldn't bring ourselves to wake them. So we stayed awake for over four hours but by then we were constantly yawning so we woke up Micah and Jug.

Dawn came way too early and we were on the road again. Apparently Micah and Jug had stayed awake the rest of the night so the rest of us were fit and ready to go after some breakfast. But it was getting less and less and we only had very little water left.

That day was even warmer and it was harder on us all. At noon we were sweating and I could see that Nial didn't have much strength left. But then we heard Callen's yell, a happy yell. He had walked a little ahead and we hurried after him. What we saw made us all more than happy. It was a river that came from the right and made a little turn so that it went to the direction we were headed to. The water was flowing very slowly and I knew we were right because Valhi was built near that river.

"Let's take a swim!" Jug said and walking into the water with his clothes still on. I smiled and looked at Micah and then we followed Jug. The water was cold but it felt good, very good. We drank some of it since it came from the mountains and it was clear, clean and fresh. Heaven.

Later we lay in the grass, enjoyed the sun, let our clothes dry and Nial and Callen went to collect some berries, not that there were that many yet. It was still spring after all. But after that we were all refreshed and ready to go on. With the river at our right we didn't have to worry about water anymore. That night we slept under the sky again. I don't know why I didn't look at the stars the first night but that night I did and they were so beautiful and the moon was almost half full. I slept a little more that night but had weird dreams that disturbed me.

"How long do we have until we reach Valhi?" Nial asked the next morning.

"I don't know. Perhaps two more days. It could be more or less." I said.

"Walking is so boring." He said.

"You're right. Maybe we could play some games."

"Like what?"

"How about finding as many words as possible that begin with the letter A?" I asked.

"It sounds boring." He mumbled but only minutes later everyone was thinking of words like Apple, Angel, Ache, Arm, Asshole (Callen's), Alpha, Arch, After, Amy (Jug's). There were many more and when we couldn't think of any more words we went on to B and so on.

Just before dawn we saw a farmhouse and decided to knock. I went with Nial - he looked so cute, whoever lived there wouldn't refuse him shelter - and when we knocked a man opened the door.

"Hello boys." He said.

"Good evening. My brothers and me are travellers and wondering if you have some place in your barn where we could sleep tonight?"

"How many of you are there?" He asked.

"Five without the two of us."

"Seven? So many?"


"Well, if you have to. But don't expect any food. I don't have enough for my own family."

"Thank you so much sir. We won't be any trouble."

"I'll show you the barn." He grumbled and then led us there. "You boys don't look like brothers."

"Some of us were adopted. Our parents had a big house and a big farm. But they died and we have an uncle in Valhi so we're going there." I said, most of it was true.

"Whatever. You can sleep here tonight."

"Thank you."

"It's alright. Goodbye, boys." He said and then turned around and left us alone. The barn was big and almost empty. There was just some dried grass where we could sleep.

"This is nice." Cam said and lay down on the hay.

"Yeah. Better than the hard ground." Tim said and snuggled behind Cam.

"Those two, just can't keep their hands off each other." Callen said but then snatched Nial away from me.

"He's also very touchy feeling." Nial said with a grin. But he was right. We had all needed a lot of contact the last two days.

No one had to stay awake that night. I didn't think the farmer would come and rob us or even kill us. There wasn't much he could take. But I was unable to sleep. Whenever I closed my eyes and fell asleep I began to dream, nightmares. When I couldn't stand it anymore I went outside, the cool night air helped a little.

"Can't sleep?" I heard Micah's voice.




"You didn't cry."

"What do you mean?"

"In our cave after it happened. Everyone cried, you didn't."

"I just couldn't."

"It helps, you know."

"They don't come, the tears I mean."

"You don't have to be strong for us. We're also here for you when you need help even if you're our leader."

"I know. It's just, somehow I still can't believe it. I know she's gone but..." I sighed and Micah hugged me from behind.

"It's okay. I'm always here for you. You can cry if you want."

"You know, the last thing she told me was à ⠬˜I love you, darling'. And she gave us the cake. I don't think she ate any of it. And I just can't help thinking how little time I spent with her. I was gone the whole day and every evening. But she always smiled, always prepared my meals and always supported me. I just can't believe she's gone."

"She's not gone for good. See, all you remember are good memories. She lives on in your heart. And all you have to do is honour her and never forget what she did for you." Micah said.

"Why do you always sound so wise?"

"I'm not, brother. But even though we need to be strong, we don't have to hide our pains and sorrow, let it out, let it out. Cry on my shoulder. I can be strong for you like you're strong for all of us." He turned me around and I sobbed and then it was like it all came spilling out of me, all the feelings I had ignored and suppressed came flooding out and Micah was there for me, drying my tears with his shirt and holding me. I don't know how long I cried but it was a long time. When I finally quieted down I realized we were no longer alone. Everyone was there with tears in their eyes.

"I'm sorry, guys." I said.

"It's alright. We all know how you feel." Tim said.

We all hugged and then went back to sleep. This time I had no more trouble and slept without any dreams.

Chapter 3

The farmer was nowhere in sight so we left quietly the next morning. The endless walking was getting to us but no one complained, everyone knew we didn't have another place to go. Around noon we were finally out of food. We passed a few villages like the one we had lived in but people were as poor as us but we managed to buy some bread from a friendly old lady.

At night we again could sleep in an empty barn but the farmers allowed us to eat with them for a little bit of money. It was a friendly family and they told us we were almost in Valhi, which definitely lightened our moods. We were much more energized than any day before. After all we were soon at the end of our journey, or better, at the end of our walking. Our journey wasn't over by a long shot.

Indeed, around noon we saw the walls of the city and we saw more and more people.

"It's so big." Nial commented.

"Yes, there are always new people moving into the city, hoping to find work. So I guess that's why there are also many houses just outside the walls."

"How the hell are we gonna find your uncle and Barton?" Callen asked.

"Honestly, it won't be easy. We can ask around but also not too much. So I think we first try to find a place to stay, some work to earn money and always keep our ears open." I said.

"Hey, do we have enough money to get inside the city?" Tim asked.

"I hope so. But we also have the books. We can sell them, they're worth a lot."

"But how are we going to train?" Cam asked.

"I have most of them memorized. I only want to hold on to the poison book."

"You know that you're pretty much a genius." Micah mumbled.

"No, I'm not. You're out brain."

"You're both very intelligent." Nial said.

And soon everyone was complimenting each other and I had to hold back a laugh. We then had to wait behind the other people who also wanted into the city and when it was our turn I just said seven people and then gave the bored looking man the money. He didn't even really look at us. And thus we were in Valhi.

Everything was different from what we knew. It was bigger; there were tons of people, all kinds of different smells and sounds. There was everything and we also passed a huge market where people were yelling, yelling so that the people would buy their stuff.

We all were very close to each other and I held Nial's hand so we wouldn't we separated. If that happened we probably wouldn't be able to find each other again. Micah of course had the great idea to meet just behind the market if anyone got lost. But we made it through the masses of people and thanks to our reading skills we made it to a tavern. They only had one free room but we took it. There were only two beds but we were by now used to sleeping on hard ground so it didn't really matter.

Jug fell down on the bed and sighed. "We made it."

"Yeah! We're finally here." Callen said.

"Well, I guess we just rest a little, then go down for some food, probably sell one of the books and then come back to sleep. Tomorrow we'll look for jobs. I suggest all of us try to find one but I don't want Nial to work and since we won't all find a job, those who don't work stay with Nial." I said.

"Why can't I work?" Nial asked.

"You're too cute. Just think, all those old people who'd want someone like you to work for them. Nope, definitely not."

"But you're also handsome." He protested.

"Ace is not handsome. He's gorgeous." Jug said.

"So should we tell people that we are able to read and write?" Tim asked.

"It depends. Sometimes it's very good to hide it, so you can look at their stuff and they think you're just a dumb kid staring at their letters. But in other jobs it will be helpful, like in the big library or so. It's up to you." I said.

"Okay. Well, I'm taking a nap now." Jug yawned and then turned to his side.

"Hey, don't take the whole bed for yourself." Callen protested and grabbed Nial's hand to sleep in the other bed. They were soon asleep and nothing could wake them up. Micah smiled and the two of us went to buy some food, sell one of the books and then came back to our room where we also went to sleep.


"Mmh, that was wonderful." Callen said and patted his now full tummy.

Jug burped and then laughed. All the food was gone but they hadn't had any dinner last night.

"I'm so ready to go." Callen jumped up and took a fighting stance; he definitely had too much energy.

"Okay, we should go. But I don't want you to go somewhere alone. Go in groups. Nial, you'll come with me. And everyone, be back before it gets dark."

Callen grabbed Nial's free hand and ran out, pulling Nial and me with him. I looked back, grinned at the others and then we were outside. It was still early but there were many people on the streets already.

"Where do we go first?" Nial asked.

"I want to go to the library." I said.

"What? No, that's boring. Just books and dust and old people." Callen protested.

"Let's go there first and see if we can find some work. If not we continue searching and if you really don't want to work there we'll look for a job that suits you."


The library of Valhi was big and known. The knowledge in the beautiful building was endless and I really hoped that we could find some work there. When we entered immediately it was quiet, the noise of the streets was gone and I could smell the books. At a desk was an older man sitting and looked up when we entered.

"Hello boys, how can I help you?" He asked.

"Good morning, Sir. We're looking for work and wondering if there's a possibility for us to work here." I said.

"Well, we can only use people that can read."

"That's okay. We all can read and write."

"Oh?" The man looked more interested now. "All of you?"

"Yes. But I don't really want our little brother to work." I said and ruffled Nial's hair.

"Okay. Well, he can stay here if he wants. We also have books that are interesting for younger people. But let me test how good you can read first."


"Come with me."

We followed the man into another smaller room but on the way could glimpse at the huge amounts of books, neatly put in the shelves that reached many, many metres high.

"What are your names?" He asked.

"I'm Ace, the little one is Nial and the bored looking guy is Callen. Oh, and the little monkey is Bimbo."

The man chuckled. "Nice to meet you all. I'm Alvin. Okay, here's a book. Callen, do you want to read the title and then some pages?"

"Sure." He took the book and began to read. "The secret of how a man pleases a woman. Oh, that's interesting." He opened the book and began to read but then stopped with a big blush.

"That's perfect." Alvin said and I wondered a little why he gave him such a weird book.

"What is a kli... kilto..." Nial asked.

"Oh geez, I'm sorry. I didn't think about little Nial." Alvin said. "I just thought this book might peak the interest of Callen."

"It did."

"You're a good reader. Now this book is for you, Ace."

I read only a page when he said it was enough and we had the job. He told us how much money he could give us and the pay wasn't bad. He then went on to explain what we would have to do and how the system of the books worked. There weren't all that many people there but Alvin said that often the rich people came in the afternoon, usually not to read but let others read to them. So until now it had always been him and his other two assistants but he really could use our help.

So in the morning we mostly got used to the books, to the library and the other people working there and then we had lunch together. Apparently the king and many other rich people were a big help for the library and paid them for the food and the other things they needed to keep the library going. Guess it made them look better if they supported the library.

Nial stayed with us and read the books Alvin gave him. Soon both Callen and I had our first customers. Mine was an older lady, many jewels on her body and good, expensive clothes. She chose the book and we went to sit in the comfortable chairs and she just listened while I read her for almost an hour.

In the end she gave me a bit of money. "It was such a delight listening to your voice and you're one very handsome young man. I hope you'll read for me many more times."

"Thank you very much, my lady. I enjoyed it as much as you. Not only is the book very interesting, also is the listener interested and a wonderful woman."

Did she blush? Whatever. I brought her outside, kissed her hand and then she left.

"You're a real charmer." Alvin commented.

"Well, she was nice."

"She's one of the richest in the country. She has her own mansion but lives half the time of the year in the castle in Vail."

"I see. Were you ever in Vail?"

"A couple of times."

"Is it as beautiful and big as they say?"

"More beautiful, bigger. If you ever have the chance to go there, you won't believe you're still on earth. The castle is out of this world."

Yeah, and we paid for it, I thought.

The day passed fast and since Alvin had said he'd pay us at the end of every week we only had the money I got from the lady. When we were back at the tavern only Tim and Cam were there.

"Did you guys find some work?" Callen asked.

"Well, yeah, in the kitchen in one of the mansions. We can start tomorrow. You?"

"In the library."

"Callen? You're working in the library?"

"Yeah, why not?" He asked.

"Well, just. Whatever. I'm hungry. Let's go buy some food."

"You guys look tired. I'll go and you just rest, okay?" I asked.

"Are you sure you want to go alone?" Tim asked but I could tell that they were all really exhausted.

"Yes. I'll be back in less than an hour. Besides, I have Bimbo with me."

"Thanks. And take care." Nial hugged me and then I left. The market was busy as always and I bought bread, some meat and fresh fruit. I realized that with Bimbo on my shoulders people gave me second glances but I ignored it. Suddenly there was a big commotion and I just heard: "The king's here! He's here!"

The people began pushing each other, everyone trying to get a good look at the king. I couldn't imagine him being very nice looking but still went with the masses and somehow Bimbo made some noises and people made place for me and then I was just at the front. The king's soldiers told us to stay back and the people did but for some reason I was standing a little before all the other people.

And then I saw the king. He had two servants walking in front of him, a bodyguard just behind him and a boy and some other servants a few metres behind.

He was fat, just as I expected and probably over 45 years old. And handsome was a word I'd never use in the same sentence as the king. Oh well, I just did but he looked weird, he had fake hair, he smelled of heavy perfume, it looked like he wore make up. Disgusting. He probably rarely took baths and that's why he used all the perfume.

Now they were only a few metres away from me and I suddenly got a good look at the bodyguard. I gasped. He was taller than me, had muscles but he still looked rather slim. Dangerous eyes, somehow and he was incredibly handsome. I guess I stared at him because he suddenly caught my eyes. I wanted to turn away, to run away, but I couldn't. I just stared and it was as if he held me captive with them. They were dark and deep, darker than Micah's eyes. And there seemed to be nothing I could do to escape them.

And then it was over, they passed by and I felt how hard my heart was beating. I became aware that I had a throbbing erection and put the bag with the food in front of it. My knees felt weak somehow but I managed to get back to the tavern. Micah and Jug were back by then.

"Are you okay?" Micah asked me. "You look a little pale."

"No, no. I'm alright. It's just..."


"I saw the king."

"What?" They were now all staring at me.

"Yes. He's in the city. I was on the market and then suddenly everyone was running and I of course followed them and there was the king. And his bodyguard and servants and soldiers."

"Wow. Is he fat?" Callen asked.

"Of course. And ugly and stinky."


"Better not let anyone hear you say that." Micah warned.

"You're right. Right, here's the food."

We were soon eating and Micah told us that Jug had gotten a job at a small shop but no one wanted to take him.

"It's like they're all scared of me!" He said.

"Well, could be because you're hard to read and your eyes have something dangerous in them." Tim said and I again saw those eyes...

When we finished eating we went out for a walk, tried to listen to others talk but it would be too suspicious if we just went to ask around.

The week passed boring and slow. The lady that had been my first customer visited again and Callen complained a little that he only had to read to old guys. There was one of Alvin's assistants that peaked my interest. He was older than me, probably 25 but he looked strong. Not just his body, also his eyes. Like he hated to be poor and suppressed like everyone else but he also had this fight in him. I didn't talk a lot with him, just an occasional 'hello' and 'how are you'. But I was hoping, really hoping that he could probably help us. After a few days of secretly observing him I was pretty sure it wasn't just wishful thinking. So yeah, perhaps he didn't belong to the rebels but even then he could probably be a good ally. And if he was, then we were lucky.

It was one morning that we talked a little longer.

"Are you guys brothers?" He asked me.

"Sort of."

"So, what are you doing in Valhi?"

I felt like he was interrogating me. "We're looking for someone."

"Oh, who?"

"Well, an uncle and another man."

He looked at me. "That sounds weird. Where are your parents?"

"My mother died and my two little brothers are also orphans."

"I see. So who's the other man you're looking for?"

"I only know his name."

"Tell me. I know many people in Valhi. I might help you."

I decided to take a risk. "He's called Barton."

No weird reaction. If he knew him the guy was good.

During lunch he was gone but back in the afternoon. When we finished with work we went home and it was already getting dark. Suddenly I heard a sound, took the two hidden knives from my shoes and jumped back. Callen and Nial were almost as fast and we were back to back as some people attacked us. It was hard to see well but the knives were very visible.

When I heard Nial cry I sort of snapped, knocked the guy's knives out of his hands and put my knife around his neck.

"Everyone away from my little brothers." I yelled. "Or this guy is dead."

Our attackers stepped back and I calmed down a little bit and realized it was Peter, the guy from the library that was shaking in my arms.

"Nial, are you okay?" I asked.

"I think so." He said.


"I'm fine. But Nial has a cut and he's bleeding."

"Take care of it, please."

"Yes." And I heard him rip his shirt apart to stop the bleeding.

"What's going on here?" I heard another voice.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"You have one of our men in your arms. Let him go."

"No. They attacked us and my little brother is hurt."

"Peter. What the hell happened?" The man asked.

I loosened the grip on Peter's neck a little.

"They are spies! I'm telling you, they're looking for Barton."

"Well, did you think that they probably were on our side?"

"This guy was looking me all week long. I'm telling you..."

"Peter. Quiet please. And you, let him go. I guarantee you he won't attack you anymore."

"But..." Peter protested.

"Shut up." The man ordered.

For some reason I trusted the man, the voice was vaguely familiar and I let Peter go and pushed him towards the other two attackers. That's when I got a good look at the man that had sort of helped us all.

"Uncle?" I asked.

"Jace, is that you?"

"Y... yes." I stammered. No one called me Jace anymore since my mother died.

"What are you doing here? We didn't expect you for another week and we haven't heard from your mother."

I saw the curious looks of my brothers and the attackers.

"This is your uncle?" Nial asked.

"Yes. Uncle, is there a place we can talk? There are seven of us."

"Sure. Where are you staying?"

"At a tavern."

"Okay. We'll follow you."

We went back to the tavern and everyone was already there. When they saw Nial's arm Micah jumped up. "What happened?"

"We got attacked."

"By whom?"

"I think it was a misunderstanding. But we found my uncle. He's outside, waiting for us."

"You found him!" Tim said.

"Yeah. Grab all your things and come with me."

Within minutes we were outside again and my uncle looked at us curiously and we began walking.

"I think I remember you. You're Micah, right?" My uncle asked.

"That's right. I also remember you. You lived with Ace."

"Oh, right. You always called him Ace. All of you do?"


"Okay. Then I should probably call you Ace as well. How's your mother?" He asked me.

"Let's talk when we arrive, okay?"

"Sure." He said but he had concern in his voice.

We finally stopped at a big house and he led us inside. "This is where Barton and his wife live. We have other meeting places but I don't want you to stay at the tavern. I'm sure he has a few rooms for you boys."

"That would be nice."

The house was big and beautiful but not extravagant.

"Barton!" My uncle yelled and another man came down the stairs.

"James, who are all these boys?"

"I'm sure you can recognize this young man." My uncle pointed at me and Barton looked me up and down.

"Damn, don't tell me you're Martin's son."

"That's me." I said.

"You look just like him, if not even better. You have your mother's eyes. Is she also in Valhi?"

"No. We'll have to talk about that but would it be asking too much if we wanted to take a bath?"

"No, of course not. I'll show you and we should also have some clean clothes. Come on."

I think my friends were still in a bit of a daze that we were finally with the rebels and let me do all the talking. Nial held close to me and I also saw that Tim and Cam were holding hands but no one commented on it.

The bath was big enough for all of us and the water was hot. It felt like heaven and we were in it for almost an hour. There were new clothes for all of us and they even had some that fit Nial's small body. We were then led into a big room with comfortable chairs and a table with snacks and sweet pastries.

"Sit down and enjoy the food. Your uncle will be coming in a minute." Barton said. I smiled as I watched how the food was gone within minutes. When my uncle came inside he wasn't alone. There was a woman who we soon found out was Barton's wife.

"Oh, you boys are all so cute." She said and kissed us all.

"We have tried to become children but sadly it's not possible." Barton explained.

"We can call you mom?" Nial asked and immediately captured the woman's heart. She put him on her lap.

"Okay. Now let's talk. What happened?" She asked.

The boys looked at me and I began our sad story. "I only recently got to know about you and my father. My mother told me and we made plans to come here. Micah and Nial would have come with us but the rest of them would have stayed with their families but the evening we decided that tragedy struck. We don't know the reason why they did it but while we were in our hiding place, soldiers came to our village and killed every single person and then they burned every house and all the fields down. Even the landlord's. So the only option we had was to come here and look for you. We've been here for a week, found some work and today we finally found you."

"Oh my, that's terrible." Hannah, Barton's wife said.

"I can't believe your mother is dead. And all your families. Even though I have contacts in the castle I haven't heard of that yet." Barton said.

"What now?" Cam asked.

"Well, you boys are staying here. And from what I heard you're all very strong and we could use your help. But let's not talk about that until tomorrow when we have a meeting with many other allies. I suggest you go get some sleep. It has been a long day."

Barton's idea was welcomed and we got three aligning rooms for us with soft, warm beds and we were asleep within minutes.


The meeting took place the next evening. We all went to work like usual and then met at the market. Peter was already there, looking a little pissed that he had to show us the way. But at least he apologized for his behaviour.

The house we entered was in a darker, more dangerous place of the city. Even though it looked small from the outside, it had a very big room that stretched to the back and almost looked like a small arena. Barton was sitting at the front with my uncle and there were several other people there. Men, women, old people, young people but from what I saw Nial was the youngest. Barton waved us and I was allowed to sit next to him. For some reason I had the feeling that it was a very big honour for us to sit at the front.

Some time later almost all the places were taken and Barton began to talk. He greeted everyone and then introduced us as well as a few of the important key people of the whole plan. Then those people talked about how the plan was going and what was still unclear, what needed to be change and so on. It was very interesting and I learned that they had a few allies that were rich people, living in the castle and they had a few of their men working as servants.

The plan was that one of them would kill the king on his birthday, when all his guests would be drunk and no one would realize it until it was too late. Of course killing him wasn't as easy as it sounded and it wasn't enough. There were the king's advisors who were probably much more intelligent than the king and they had to be taken care of, thrown into jail or killed. People had to be stirred up so they fought against their landlords and of course taking over the whole country would take people who would reign. Not everything was talked about but we got the rough picture.

Back at our new home we boys sat in one of the rooms and talked about what we learned.

"It sounds like a good plan." Callen said.

"Yes. But anything goes out and we're all dead." Tim said.

"It can't be easy to kill the king. They said he has one of the best bodyguards ever." That was Jug and I shivered a little.

"Yeah, but that's just one of the many problems. I mean, who will take over when the king's dead? Who can guarantee that it will better?" Micah, always the thoughtful one.

"It can't be worse than now." Nial said.

"I think so too. And they want to make it very different from now, not a king or just one guy who's at the top but seven or so ministers who will be chosen by the people. I just hope it will work." I said.

"They still have some time to plan it. But somehow the king's birthday is an obvious date." Micah said.

"Well, who knows? Let's just hope for the best."


The following week was full of new and interesting revelations. We learned a lot more about the rebels and I got to know all the key people, also who in the castle was on our side and how exactly things would go. There were smaller meetings just with the most important people and Micah and I were floored when we were invited to them. Barton chuckled and assured us that they were interested in our opinion and that we would be talking for our group of boys.

Those smaller meetings were with about a dozen people at Barton's house and much more detail was involved. We learned the different places they hid their weapons and who was supposed to kill the king and how they would take over the castle as soon as that happened.

But then, two weeks after our joining the rebels, something happened. It wasn't very clear how it happened, but it did. Micah and I were a few minutes late for the small meeting when we heard them discussing, almost yelling at each other.

"No, we can't send him there. He'll be dead within two months!" That was Barton.

"But he's perfect. His boy died two days ago and he doesn't have a new one yet. It would be perfect and in six weeks is the king's birthday."

"It's too dangerous. I couldn't let him do that! What would I tell Martin if he died?" That was my uncle and yeah, I guess they were talking about me.

"Look, one of our most important men died and we need to replace him. This would be the perfect opportunity. There won't ever be a better one."

The door closed behind us and they looked up, suddenly quiet.

"Ace, Micah..." My uncle said.

"Hello. Are we interrupting?" I asked.

"No. Let's sit down."

We did but I just looked expectantly at them.

"We need your help." One of the men finally said.

"Yes, I heard that." I said.

"Ace, please think good about it before you decide." Barton looked defeated, like he somehow agreed with the other men but didn't want to.

"What is it all about?"

"One of our men, the one who should have killed the king on his birthday, he died." My uncle explained.

"How? Was he killed?"

"We don't really know. But what some of us have suggested is, to send you to the castle."

One of the men took over. "Two days ago a boy was killed. Exactly two months after he began working as the king's bodyguard's servant." I almost gasped but tried not to show any emotion. "This has happened for the last few years. We don't know if it's the bodyguard that kills the boys or someone else. But it's always after two months and then he has a new boy."

"And you want me to be his boy." I stated.

"Ace, you don't have to go. It's dangerous and I think you're intelligent enough to know what the boys have to do." Barton said.

"And you have to understand, that you'd be the one killing the king. If something goes wrong, there'll be only death waiting for you. Also you probably won't have the chance to be in contact with any of our allies and no one will be able to help you." My uncle said.

I was quiet for a few minutes. Being the bodyguard's boy? I was scared of that. He was dangerous, his eyes, knowing. And yet, I wanted to try it, wanted to be his boy. But I'd have to be careful, I'd have to kill the king. I never ever killed anyone.

"How would I kill the king?" I asked.

"That's up to you."

"Would poison be alright?"

"Yes, but it isn't easy to get poison, even in the city." Barton said.

"I could make it."

His eyes widened. "For real?"

"Yeah. I already mixed a potion once, not lethal, just makes people unable to move for a while. It worked."

"That's amazing. Do you think you could make some of that? It would be very helpful with the guards and other people." One man said.

"Sure. I just need to go to the forest and buy some things."

"So is that a yes?"

"Yes, I'm doing it." I said.

My uncle and Barton looked sad, the others hopeful, Micah concerned. We talked about the details and that I'd mix all the potions the next day. And then I'd go to the castle, ask for a job and hopefully become the bodyguard's boy.

To be continued

Next: Chapter 2: Jace 4 5

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