J and Jc

By Kevin Michael

Published on May 24, 2000


Okay, okay, okay - I'm a slacker. So - now that it's been 2 months since the last chapter, you've probably forgotten all about me and the story. So- I won't bore you with details - I'll just get to the good stuff! Remember - email me!! studat25@hotmail.com

Oh yes - almost forgot. There is this wonderful story on the archive entitled Strange Interlude. The idea behind the story is that an author writes a chapter and then 'passes the torch' to another author who writes the next chapter. What you get is a great story bringing in the styles and ideas of many different authors. Well - there are 4 chapters of the story posted on the archive and one of my favorite authors - Kyle (aka K_magic) asked me to write chapter five - so check it out!

As for the legal matters: If you are underage, prohibited from reading this type of material, or offended by male/male sex, leave now. This story does not imply anything about the members of N Sync or the Backstreet Boys.

That said - enjoy!

J and JC chapter 5

When last we saw the guys the members of N Sync they were out celebrating Justin's birthday. After dinner, they headed out to Disney's Pleasure Island where they ran into Nick and AJ of the Backstreet Boys. After partying and dancing the guys all headed home. Nick, who had taken a liking to Lance went back to Justin's so they could get to know each other better. JC and Justin went to bed where Justin was handcuffed to the bed and JC was getting ready to pounce on him.

Lance and Nick were in JC's bed together kissing. Beside them lay a strip of condoms and a jar of lube.

And now we rejoin the story . . .

JC rolled the condom down Justin's erect penis.

"Josh - we really don't have to. . ." Justin protested as JC covered the pole with lube.

JC stared deeply into the younger boy's eyes. "But I want to."

With that, JC positioned himself over Justin. He ran his hands over the blonde's chest, lightly pinching his nipples. He then grabbed Justin's member and slowly guided himself over top of it. He never broke eye contact with Justin as he slowly impaled himself on Justin's shaft. Justin's eyes were closed as he moaned in pleasure from the extreme tightness of his lover. JC's eyes filled with tears; tears of pain as well as tears of happiness. He was sharing this special moment with the one he truly loved. As he slid all the way down, a strange sensation rushed through his body.

He moaned out causing Justin's eyes to open.

"Josh? Are you okay?"

JC just smiled and nodded his head. When Justin saw the tears in his lovers eyes, he struggled to withdraw from JC. His efforts were hindered by the handcuffs holding him in place.

JC placed his hand on the boy's chest, pushing him back down to the bed. JC then slowly rose up off Justin and then slid back down the fuck-stick. This time they both moaned. Their pace quickened as they became lost in the moment. There was an animalistic passion in the room. Justin was continually fighting the handcuffs, trying to take control and JC was riding Justin's cock for all it was worth.

As JC picked up the pace, Justin was pushed over the edge. He screamed out as he unloaded into the condom. JC, however, was not done yet and continued to ride the boy. He moved up and down, enjoying the massage his prostate was getting from each stroke. Justin on the other hand was screaming, but not so much from pleasure, but from the sensitivity he was feeling.

His screams just spurred JC on more.

"JC?" Justin asked only to be ignored.

"JC!" he shouted.


"Let's do this right. If you really want to be fucked, take the cuffs off and I'll do it."

JC growled at the thought. He unlocked the cuffs freeing Justin's hands.

Justin immediately pounced on the older boy, throwing him on his back. Before JC knew what happened, his legs were in the air and Justin was plunging into him. Justin grunted with each thrust he made into his band-mate. JC just lay back moaning. Justin began to slam into JC which hit all the right buttons and before long JC was shooting all over himself. Justin felt himself go over the edge and quickly pulled out of Josh. He furiously stroked himself until he was covering his boyfriend with his load.

Justin then collapsed on top of JC panting. As their heart beats slowed, the two decided to clean up and get some rest.

Lance and Nick were rolling around in JC's bed kissing and exploring each other's bodies. Neither one was adventurous enough to venture below the waist line.

Nick then slowly rolled over on top on Lance. Lance froze as he felt Nick's immense hard-on pressing into him. Lance froze.

"What's wrong?"

"Um, nothing. You're just kinda stabbing me there." Lance replied pointing towards Nick's bulging pants.

"Sorry, but isn't that the point?"

Lance didn't respond. He just lay back on the bed with a million thoughts in his mind.

Nick reached over and began to undress Lance. As he pulled the boy's pants down, he noticed something was missing. There was no bulge or anything inside Lance's boxers. Nick then reached for the waist of Lance's boxers and pulled them down. Nick gazed in awe at the flaccid penis in front of him. It was almost identical to his own. He decided to go for it and inhaled the entire thing. He sucked on it for some time, and still no reaction. He pulled off and looked into Lance's eyes. They were filled with tears.

Before Lance could say anything, Nick burst into tears.

"It's me isn't it? Why can't anyone like me? I don't even excite you. I'm just a freak!"

With that Nick grabbed his shirt and ran out the door. Nick ran out of the house and down the road. Lance attempted to run after him but had to get dressed before running outside. When he did get to the front door, Nick was no where in site. He ran upstairs, got his wallet and keys and headed to his car.

Nick wandered aimlessly around the neighborhood before pulling out his cell phone. He debated who to call, but then decided he wanted to be alone. He wandered into a park where he lay on a bench and looked up at the stars.

As a tear ran down his cheek his pondered, 'Why? Why me? Why do I have to be like this? Why couldn't I have been normal. I have lost my friends. Brian doesn't speak to me. Howie denies that I'm gay. Kevin acts all funny around me, like he's going to catch something. And now I find someone I can be with and I mean nothing to him. Life has taken everything away from me. There is nothing left to take. Nothing except life itself.'

With that Nick took out his pocket knife. He flicked open the blade and stared at it. He slowly brought it to his wrist. He hesitated for a second. Then, without warning, someone grabbed him, throwing the blade to the ground. Nick struggled against the attacker, but was pinned to the bench.

Okay - there it is. It was short, I know. So - who is the attacker? Why couldn't Lance get it up? And why was he crying as Nick undressed him? Guess you'll just have to wait and see, huh?!? E-mail your thoughts/suggestions to studat25@hotmail.com . Later!

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