J and Jc

By Kevin Michael

Published on Feb 16, 2000


Hey there everyone. Just me! Now I know I said that this story was just a one time deal - but I lied. Actually, a lot of people responded to part one and I figured I'm bored and I'm still working out some details on 'Two out of Five', so I'm writing this. Hope you all like it. Let me know - studat25@hotmail.com .

Oh yeah - I'm trying out this HTML stuff - the plain text format keeps screwing up the spacing and line breaks. Let me know if you like it - if so, I may start using it in both stories!

As for the legal matters: This story is a work of fiction. It is not meant to imply that the members of Nsync or the Backstreet Boys are gay. If you are underage or should not be reading this due to local laws, stop reading here. If you are offended be male/male sexual relations, you won't like this story.

With that said - here's part 2!

J and JC Part 2

Justin and JC were sleeping soundly in one anothers arms. Justin had just given himself to JC for the first time. They had only been a 'couple' for about 12 hours, but it felt so right to be in each others arms.

Outside the door to Justin's room Lance, Joey, and Chris were talking about the newest developments.

"I thought they'd never get together. I swear if I had to deal with them staring at each other one more day and acting as if they were both straight I would just puke." Joey remarked.

"Yeah" Chris laughed "So I wonder which one got fucked!"

"Okay Chris - that's just gross." Lance pretended to gag "First of all, I'm sure it was a little more meaningful than just 'fucking'. They have been best friends for ever. Secondly I really don't need to hear about their sexcapades. "

"Oh come on Lance" Joey grinned "We know you like to hear about it. When are you going to get a boyfriend?"

"Funny dick. Very funny. I'm straight."

"Uh Lance - you sepnd hours on your hair, your favorite movies are 'The Bird Cage', 'Beaches', and 'In and Out', and the way you dance ... you're gay."

"Listen Joey - I'm not the one who dies my hair 'flaming red' and sleeps with Chris all the time." Lance shot back.

"Don't be so defensive Scoop. And Chris and I do NOT sleep together. I just crash in his room from time to time."

"No. Of course not. You just 'happen' to be in the same room and whose to say that you don't just 'happen' to fall alseep naked on the same bed as him and just 'happen' to be WEARING YOUR UNDERWEAR ON YOUR HEAD." "How did you ..."

Lance put up his hand and said "I'm God. I see all, hear all and know all."

He giggled to himself and continued "Plus usually people lock the door when their doing such things."

"Oh God Chris - he know's about our naked twister sex parties. He must die!"

With that Joey and Chris began chasing Lance down the stairs and out the front door. Lance ran around the house, went in the back door and locked it. He started running fot the front door. The other two reached the back door and realized it had been locked. They sprinted for the front door but it was too late. As they rounded the corner, the front door was slammed and locked.

Lance opened the small window next to the door a crack and laughed out the two.

"Lance open this door right now." Chris demanded.

"I'll open this door ONLY if you promise not to hurt me AND you profess you undying love for one another"

"Open the door, then we'll discuss your options." Joey shouted.


"We can explain what you saw that morning - but not out here. Now open this door, or you're really going to have something to worry about." Chris tryed to reason with him.

"Promise you won't attack me?"

"We promise" the two sang out in unison.


With that Lance opened the door and ran down the hall. He peeked around the corner to see the two walking calmly towards him. He ran into the family room ad jumped on the couch.

As the guys entered he said "Hey guys! Where have you two been?"

"Funny Scoop. Real funny." Joey replied sarcastically.

Chris got in Lance's face and in a bad Italian accent said "Do you knows what we does wit funny boys Mr. Bass?"

Lance started to sweat.

"WE TICKLE THEM!" Joey and Chris shouted, pouncing on Lance.

Lance was laughing so hard he could hards breathe. The laughs soon turned to squeals as he tried to fight the two bigger boys off him. ust then JC and Justin walking in.

"God so that's what that noise is!" JC remarked.

"Yeah - it sounded like all those little 12 year olds at one of our concerts!" Justin laughed.

"And they told US to get a room."

"Don't make us get you two next!" Joey and Chris said as they took a break from torturing Lance.

Justin flopped down on the ground, spread his legs and started to moan "Oh yeah. Do it baby. Jump me. Ride me like the red headed freak you are."

Joey got up, jumped on Justin and started to hump him. Justin could breath he was laughing so hard. JC ran over and pushed Joey off Justin saying "He's mine and you can't have him bitch." JC started to hump Justin, but a little more seriously. Justin pushed JC off him and tried to sit up. JC sat next to him and started arguing over Justin.

Justin spoke up "You're both nice boys and all but I really like Brittney!"

"Bull Shit!" Joey and JC shouted.

JC said "I know he likes me best!"

"Prove it" Joey snapped.

"Well, I was the last to ride him and look he's all nice and hard now!" with that JC grabbed Justin's crotch.

Justin turned bright red and shouted "JC!"

"Let me check that for my...."

"Touch me and die eternal flame!"

Justin got up and ran into the bathroom.

Chris was still sitting on Lance, but the two were both engrossed at what was going on with Justin.

Then Chris spoke up "Well, Joe, I don't think our Lance here is gay. I've been sitting on him for ever now and he's not hard!"

Chris grabbed Lance's inner thigh. From Joey and JC's angle it appeared that Chris had just grabbed his dick.

"So are you done with me now you pervert?" Lance asked.

"Joey, are we done with him yet?"

The two looked at each other and nodded.

"Not quite yet" Chris answered Lance. "We have one thing we have to do yet."

Chris and Joey yelled out "WATERWORKS!"

"Oh no!" Lance squealed trying to get away. Chris grabbed Lance's ankles as Joey ran over to grab his wrists.

"JC will you do the honors?" they asked.


Lance was writhing and squealing trying to get away. They carried him into the kitchen where JC had the cold water running.

"I like this new tile floor!" Chris commented "Much easier to dry!"

They positioned Lance next to JC and the sink, still holding him in the air. JC pulled out the spray nozzle and stuck the nozzle into Lance's pants. He pushed the button and Lance screamed as the cold water filled his pants. Before long the water was running out of Lance's pants and from behind them they heard "You better clean that up before my mom kills you guys!"

"Justin, just walk away like you didn't see anything or you'll be next."

"Oh yeah - do me next. You can wash my boyfriends juices out of me." he said with a lisp.

That did it. The guys dropped Lance to the floor in a puddle and the game was over.

"You know how to gross a guy out Curly" Joey remarked.

"At least we know which one got fucked." Chris said.

"Now why would a 'straight' person care about that?" Lance asked from the floor.

"Do you want more Scoop?" Chris asked

"NO NO NO. NO MORE! I was just kidding."

The guys help Lance up from the floor. He started to head upstairs but was stopped by Justin.

"Lance - you are not walking on my mom's new carpet dripping wet. She'll kill you. More importantly she'll kill me. Take 'em off."

"You'd like that wouldn't you?" Lance asked.

"You know - I like to weigh my options. If I like the standard equipment on the Lance model better than the equipment on the Josh model, I just might trade mine in!"

JC glared at Justin.

"What? I wasn't the one sticking things in his pants." Justin shot at him. JC turned red.

"All right. We've all seen each other before." With that Lance dropped his pants to the floor and proceed to go upstairs to dry off. The other 4 whistled and made cat-calls at the now stripped Lance. Justin followed Lance to the stairs.

"And where do you think you're going?" JC asked Justin.

"I'm trading!" he laughed. "Don't give me that look. Lance doesn't live here and you just soaked the change of clothes he brought last night. I thought maybe I could find something he could wear. I really don't want to see him naked. His ass is a little big for me!"

"That's better." JC said, still pouting.

"You're cute like that!" Justin said leaning in to give JC a kiss.

Justin found some clothes for Lance to wear, and they all decided to hit Planet Holywood for lunch. They ate without being TOO noticed and decided to hit MGM. They didn't want to stay long, but it was off season and the lines would be short. PLUS Disney gave them all complimentary season's passes, so why not use them. Justin, Joey and Chris wanted to head to the Rockin' Roller Coaster, while Lance and JC wanted to hit Star Wars. They spent about 3 hours in the park before leaving for home.

Justin was driving and Lance had called shotgun. Lance started to go over their schedule. "We have tomorrow off and they gave us Monday off because it's SOMEONE'S Birthday."

"Oh that Justin is so hot. I want to give him my BIG birthday present." Joey joked. Justin remained silent.

"You alive up there J?" Chris asked.


"What's wrong?" JC inquired.

"Nothing. I don't want to talk about it, okay." Justin snapped.

"Alright." Lance quickly jumped in "Change of subject time."

Lance got an evil grin. "So you two going to tell me that story about why Joey was naked on Chris' bed with his underwear on his head?"

Everyone's eyes turned to the two.

JC reached around and grabbed Justin's head, turning it to the front again. "The road Justin, watch the road!"

"You are so dead Lance. Well, now that EVERYONE knows, the story goes like this..."

All right - there you go. Unlike 'Two out of Five' I don't have an agenda for this story. Just kind of going with the flow, so the 'destiny' of this story is in your hands. Let me know what you think. What you think happened in Chris' room, if you like it, if the story should just end or go on. The more responses I get the more inclined I'll be to continue!!!! (I really LOVE mail!) Remeber - the e-mail address of this most sexy writer is studat25@hotmail.com . Talk to y'all soon!

Next: Chapter 3

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