J and Jc

By Kevin Michael

Published on Feb 10, 2000


Okay - this is for all of you who have torn me away from my main story because you couldn't go on breathing for another minute if JC and Justin weren't a couple. So, as promised, I am writing a ONE TIME STORY about these two. Then I can get back to taking care of Lance .. I mean thinking about Lance .. I mean writing Two-Out-Of-Five. (It's a pretty good story, so read this and then go check it out!)

Legal Guidelines: You must color in the lines. If you go outside the lines, you will be beaten firmly with a stick. And the stick will be large. With nails in it. Oh yeah - if you happen to be under age and shouldn't be reading this, don't. Penalty to be determined by your local dominatrix. If you offended by male/male sex, the penalty will be to severe to discuss. Leave now before it's too late.

And now - the moment you've waited for.


"I don't feel so good" Lance whined as he ran towards the bathroom.

Chris sat in his chair laughing.

The guys were celebrating the release and success of the newest single "Bye, Bye, Bye". Justin's family was away for the weekend and everyone felt a party was in order. They each had a bottle of champagne plus whatever else there was to drink in the house.

"Damn light-weights" Joey chuckled "It's only 8:30 and Lance is throwing up and Justin is out cold on the couch."

"I know. The dancing girls haven't even gotten here yet!" Chris agreed.

"Justin and Lance DID both finish their bottles of champagne. You two girls aren't even half done yet." JC joked.

"Listen missy, you're bottle doesn't look much emptier than ours" Chris threw back.

"Yeah, drink up big man." Joey taunted.

JC grabbed the bottle, threw his head back and chugged the rest of it down. Immediately after he let out an impressive belch.

Joey and Chris looked at each other, shrugged, and chugged down their bottles as well. As they set teir bottles down, Lance stumbled into the room.

"Feel alright there Scoop?" JC asked

"Fine. We got anything else to drink?"

"Maybe you should take it easy for a while. You did just throw up and all." Chris suggested.

"I was making room for more. Besides I don't like champagne. It makes you feel all bloated and nauseous."

"Where's the TV remote? Maybe there's a good flick on." Joey stated.

"Umm, I think it's under Justin. I'll see if I can find it." JC responded.

Justin was laying on his stomach with his arm hanging off the couch. JC felt around trying not to wake Justin. He felt behind him, between the cushions, under his chest and then he found it. It was wedged under Justin's right leg. He tried to reach around the sleeping boy but couldn't reach it. The only way to get it was to reach underneath him and grab it. He hesitantly looked to make sure Justin was asleep, then stuck his hand underneath the sleeping body. On his hand's journey he encountered Justin's manhood.

`Wow that's big' he thought to himself.

He finally grabbed a hold of the remote and slowly pulled it out from underneath Justin. He quickly threw the remote to Joey and ran to the bathroom.

"God, I hope no one saw this" JC said to himself looking at the tent in his pants. He paced around the bathroom until his erection subsided and he felt safe to go back out with the guys. Just as he was entering the living room, Lance was sprinting past him towards the bathroom.

He sat down and watched TV with Joey and Chris. After a while they were concerned as to where Lance went to. He hadn't returned yet. Chris went upstairs to find him passed out on JC's bed. Chris came back downstairs and said, "Looks like JC's getting' some tonight!"

"What are you talking about Chris?" JC asked.

"Lance decided he liked your bed and he's out cold." Chris explained.

"Great." JC sighed "Oh well. I'll crash in Justin's room so I can keep my eye on him."

After a short time the guys decided to call it a night. Al of them had had quite a bit to drink and it was catching up with them. Joey and Chris headed downstairs to Chris' room. His room was in part of the basement of the house. JC looked around and said "Great. Everyone leaves and I'm stuck to carry Justin upstairs." He shrugged and went over to the couch. He leaned down and shook Justin, trying to wake him up.

After having no success at waking him, JC lifted Justin into his arms and carried him up the stairs. On the way up the stairs JC said "Remind me to talk to you about going on a diet." He kicked the door to Justin's room open and set him down on his bed. JC went to his room, covered up Lance saying "You had better not puke on any of my stuff." He then changed into a pair of Umbros and a tee shirt and grabbed his baseball cap. He turned off the lights and went back to Justin's room.

"Alright, let me get you out of these clothes."

JC propped Justin up and removed his shirt. He laid the boy back down and removed his shoes and socks. He then took a deep breath and unbuttoned Justin's pants. He reached behind Justin's back to hold him up while he slid the pants down. Due to a slight mis-judgement, JC had accidentally taken Justin's boxers off along with his pants. JC stood there in amazement of the beautiful body that lay before him.

He had known for some time now that he was gay. No one else knew. Well, one other person knew - the only man he had ever been with. He still couldn't believe he had done that. It had to be against some musical law or something. He wasn't even drunk and he had hooked up with a Backstreet Boy.

His attention was immediately shifted to the movement on the bed. Justin had rolled onto his side and curled up into a ball. JC quickly grabbed Justin boxers and tried to put the back on. As he attempted to put them back on, Justin began to stir a little.


"Shhh. Go back to sleep."

After a moment or so, he again tried to put Justin's boxers back on. This something was stirring, but it wasn't Justin. Justin's cock began to grow in front of JC's eyes. JC was instantly hard as a rock. He just stood there staring.

"Josh? "

"Umm yeah?"

"Why are you taking my boxers off?" Justin asked sounding very tired.

"I'm so sorry J. You were out cold and I was getting you ready for bed and I pulled them off with your pants. I was trying to get them back on you and you woke up. I'm sorry."

"Oh." Justin said a little bit hurt.

"Are you mad?"


JC saw a tear fall down the younger boy's cheek.

"Justin, what's wrong? I'm so sorry. Please don't cry."

JC instinctively crawled into bed, trying to comfort his best friend.

":Want to tell me about it?"

Justin was still feeling the effects of the champagne and didn't realize what he was about to say. He rolled over to look at JC and said "I thought that maybe you were finally coming on to me."


"Josh, I know you're gay. We all do. Why else would you be so close with Nick after the weekend you roomed together? I . I am too and I thought maybe you wanted me. Sorry. My bad."

Josh sat stunned. Not only was his secret out, but Justin, who he had lusted after for years, just came out to him. Maybe even came on to him.

"You hate me now, right?" Justin asked pulling away from JC's grasp.

JC pulled him back, looked into his eyes, and then kissed him.

"Why did you think I was coming on to you before?"

"Let's see. You had my boxers in you hand and your shorts looked like they were a big top circus tent. That and you have all these stories you downloaded from the net about me on your computer. Word of advice - try using a password. Mom can be a little invasive at times."

JC just stared into mid-air with his mouth open. Justin moved to place his mouth over JC's, pulling him out of his dream world.

Justin was rock hard by now, as was JC. JC reached behind him to turn of the light. The two went back to kissing and exploring one another's bodies. After some time, the two drifted off to sleep in each other's arms.

The next morning, the sun was shining through the windows causing JC to wake. He looked over to see Justin curled up beside him. The bright morning sun shone through the window like a spot light, highlighting each of Justin's delicate features.

JC started to run his finger's through Justin's hair, which caused the boy to stir.

"Uh JC? Why are you looking at me like that?"

He then looked down to find himself laying naked on his bed

"And why don't I have any clothes on?"

JC was at the point of tears. Was this all some drunken joke?

"You mean it wasn't a dream?" Justin asked.

JC stayed quiet, not knowing what to do. He slowly shook his head.

Justin cuddled up against JC's chest and whispered "I was afraid it was just a dream. I'm so happy it's for real."

JC beamed as Justin clung to his chest. A tear of joy fell from his face. They lay there together until they heard movement from out in the hall. They got up, Justin put some clothes on and they opened the door to see Lance holding his head, walking towards the bathroom. At least they thought it was Lance. It actually looked more like Lance after being hit by a truck.

"Morning Lance!" Justin happily called out.

"Shut up." Was shot back down the hall at him.

Justin and JC went down to the kitchen where JC pulled out 2 bowls, filled them with Justin's favorite cereal, and set them on the table. He turned to get milk and juice from the fridge. When he returned Justin said "Thanks, but where's yours?"

"Funny smart ass."

JC pulled one of the bowls away from Justin and they sat and ate. When they were finished, Justin cleared the dishes away and came back and sat on JC's lap.

"Thank God." Chris called out from behind them.

"It's about time you two just fucked and got it over with." Joey chimed in.

Justin was frozen on JC's lap.

"It's not what you think." JC tried to defend himself.

"It's cool. You don't have to hide it. We've all had bets that it would happen eventually. I must say, it's a big step up from Nick!" Joey laughed.

JC turned bright red.

"You're cute when you blush" Justin said kissing JC on the nose.

"Would you two mind doing that behind closed doors somewhere. We said it's cool' NOT we want to watch." Chris exclaimed.

"Ok, fine." Justin said getting up from JC's lap. He pulled JC to his feet and led him back to his room. As they got to the top of the stairs Lance was there. He stopped dead in his tracks at the sight of his two band- mates holding hands. He smiled widely and moved aside to let the couple go past.

Once inside the room Justin pushed to door closed and locked it. He stripped his clothes off and jumped back into bed. JC stood there and said "Um, Just, the guys are downstairs."

"Yeah, downstairs in MY house, so if they don't like it, tough. Besides it's only 10am on a Saturday, we have all day to be with them ... Later.

JC saw the logic in Justin's comment an he jumped into bed.

"No fair" Justin said pushing JC off the bed.

"WHAT?" JC questioned.

"This is a no clothing zone, now strip for me. "

JC Slowly peeled each article of clothing off and then joined Justin on the bed. Justin pulled JC into a kiss and said "You made me the happiest person in the world today."

"Likewise J, likewise."

"JC, I've know for a while that I wanted to be with you. Our friendship grows stronger every day and there no one that I trust more than you. I love you Joshua with my whole heart. I always said I wanted to save myself for that someone special, and now that I've found him, I want you to have that gift. Josh, I've waited for you my whole life, and I want us to be together forever. Be with me Josh. Be mine forever."

"Just, I love you more than words could ever say. I want to share every day for the rest of my life with you."

JC leaned in and kissed Justin. The moment seemed frozen in time. It felt so right to be in each other's arms. As time passed by, the two broke from their kiss and turned their attentions to their other needs. Justin turned around, getting into a 69 position. They eagerly began slowly licking each other's members. Justin began to take JC deeper into his mouth. JC followed suit, fitting half of Justin's hardness into his mouth. After a few minutes, Justin let JC's glistening cock drop from his mouth and said, "JC slow down. I'm close." It had been a while since Justin had gotten off, and it wasn't going to take much more before he lost it. JC had gotten off in the shower the day before, imagining a scene similar to what was really happening.

"JC STOP! I Don't want to cum yet."

JC reluctantly let go of Justin's manhood and Justin turned around again.

"JC I want to be with you completely. I want you inside me."

"Justin, are you sure? I mean we don't even have any supplies or anything. "

"There's lube in the drawer and a couple condoms too. "

JC reached over and got the necessary items from the drawer. In the meantime, Justin had bent over and taken JC back into his mouth. JC pushed him of saying "You want this to be over before it even starts?"

"Well, I don't want it to last too long in case it hurts."

"I don't want to hurt you J."

"You've never hurt me before, so I know you want now."

"I've never done this before so I'll try my best."

He had Justin roll over onto his stomach. He then lubed up a finger and started to rub along Justin's crack. He quickly found the tight little hole and pressed against it. He added some more lube and pressed more firmly. Justin moaned in pleasure. JC gave one last push and the finger went all the way in. Justin jumped and yelped in pain.

"I'm sorry baby. I'm not going to do this too you."

"Just hold on a second. It doesn't hurt as much now. Give me a minute, okay/"

"You just tell me when."

After some time he began moving the finger around a little, eliciting moans from Justin.

"Uhhhnn. JC that's good."

JC slowly put another finger inside. Justin hissed at first but then quickly adjusted to the newly added digit.

"You ready for this?" JC questioned, removing his fingers.

Justin shook his head yes, but was shaking.

"Just, let's not do this. You're nervous and I don't want to hurt you."

"JC no matter when we do this, I'm going to be nervous so let's just try it."

"Alright, I think they say the best way for this is for me to lay down and then you lower yourself on to me."

The two got in position and Justin squatted with the head of JC's cock at his entrance. He slowly let his weight push down on it. JC could see tears forming in the Justin's eyes. He was about to protest when Justin forced himself down and JC's head popped inside.

Justin was still. He thought the pain would pass, but it didn't.

"You okay J?"

Justin shook his head `no'.

JC grabbed Justin's shoulder and forcefully removed himself from him. Justin curled up in a ball with his back to JC. JC rubbed his back, apologizing to him.

After a minute or two Justin pushed JC on his back again and he got in position.

"Justin No. We are not doing this."

Justin didn't answer, he just slid JC's head inside.

"Hey it doesn't hurt as much now."

He slowly slid until he was sitting against JC's groin. JC moaned out in ecstasy. Justin slid up until only the head of JC's cock was left inside of him, then he slid back down. This time it was Justin to moan out. JC's member was rubbing against his prostate, a new sensation for the youth. He continued moving up and down on JC's pole, the room filling with their combined moans. After a few more strokes, Justin moaned, threw his head back and came all over JC's chest.

His orgasm caused him to tightly clench JC's penis in his hole. JC screamed out "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" and quickly began to fill the condom. Justin collapsed forward on top of JC. They lay there, coming down from their highs.

"I love you Justin."

"I love you too JC"

JC slowly slipped his deflating member out of Justin and removed the condom. He grabbed a shirt from the floor and wiped the lube off Justin's ass, then he turned the boy around and held him as they drifted off to sleep.

Well, there you have it. A Justin/JC story. Hope you all liked it. Don't forget to read "Two-out-of-five". Any comments can be sent to studat25@hotmail.com . Later!

Next: Chapter 2

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