Izzy meets his older man - installment

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Apr 26, 2020



Isaac had joined the biking group for two reasons. One was to try to build up his quads. As a bottom, he was always looking for a way to make his ass more attractive. He had a cute face, compelling blue eyes, a hairy chest, but somehow, he always seemed to miss a connection. Maybe this would help.

The second reason was more complex. His friends told him he needed to meet more people if he were going to get dates, and a biking group might help. It wasn't necessarily the case that he'd meet someone IN the group, but the biking groups hung out together, and maybe someone in another group?

Isaac liked older men. NOT men who were a few years older than him, but daddy types . Real, serious daddy types. Isaac was 29, moving on 30, and his cut off was that his man had to be at least 50. Fit, smart, and financially independent were other requirements. And of course, he had to be a top. NOT a "versatile top" like his last boyfriend, but a true, total, dominant top. People said he had the right to be picky, and he had been, but most nights, including weekends, he spent at home watching movies and making music tapes. In his words, "my life sucks."

His group, with the boring name of "the Central NY Biking Club," was going on a three day ride through the state. The plan was to camp out under the skies, and to maybe make their way to the Canadian border and back. Some of the guys in the group were so serious about the biking, that Isaac ('call me Izzy' he would tell people), that he really couldn't find any way to engage them. Others were nice, but not what he was "looking for." So he treated these rides as a chance to burn some calories, build up some muscles, and present a better picture to the guys he was after when he wasn't riding.

The first day of the ride was uneventful: they covered a lot of ground, and after they had coated themselves with insect repellant, the night under the stars was very pleasant. Izzy was a city kid, so he spent a lot of time with the guys who knew the sky, as they pointed out planets, and stars, and constellations. Izzy was fascinated by this kind of thing: some would say he was geeky, but it was part of his charm.

The second day of the trip was way more interesting . His group was riding along a stretch of flat land, when they heard the "WOO WOOS" behind them. "Look at those healthy specimens. Mighty fine eating for a bear WOOOOOOO" they heard called to them. It was all in fun: they had crossed paths with a well known group, known as the "Biking Bears." Anyone could join, but by and large, these guys were older, hairier, and bigger. Izzy had never heard of them, but he was delighted. He was even more delighted when the two groups decided that they'd take a break together, have their lunch, and just rest before continuing. Izzy was setting up his stuff, when one of the Biking Bears came over. He was muscular, and big, but not huge. Salt and pepper hair, small beard, bright green eyes. "Hey. I'm Mitch. Can I join you?" Izzy smiled his best smile. "Anywhere, anytime, Mitch. I'm Izzy. Have a seat. Want some of my sandwich." Izzy smiled. I think I'm good. You know, I was watching you as you rode. You're good. And you know what else, Izzy? You're cute. Whomever you're going home to after this ride, is a lucky man."

"Awww, thanks Mitch, but you know who I'm going home to? Myself. I'm despairingly single." "You're single? Oh, well that's not acceptable. What are you doing to change that?"

"Well, I'm joining groups like this, hoping to meet people, maybe get a date, maybe push it further. I dunno"

"I just don't understand why you're single. Why, any guy would give his right arm, or maybe even his right testicle to date you."

Again, Izzy smiled. "I appreciate that, Mitch, but let's just say I have specialized tastes."

"OH? If you're going to tell me something like you're looking for a gay, purebred eskimo who likes water sports, I'm leaving right now."

"Ha ha. Not quite that specific, but maybe if I were, I'd be luckier. I like older men. And tops. Total tops. I thought - I really did - that it would be easy to find one. The good news is, it was. The bad news is, they're all in committed relationships." Mitch smiled. "And the ones who say they're total tops are really bottoms who just want to ride on top, they can't afford to buy you dinner, and they have no sense of personal hygiene.'

"EXACTLY. You see my dilemma. You get it." Mitch grinned. "Well, for what it's worth, folks like me, who like younger guys, have similar problems. Everyone you meet is looking for a sugar daddy, or is in a relationship, and is just looking for something on the side, or , frankly, is as dumb as a rock. My last boyfriend didn't know the difference between the Beetles and the Rolling Stones." He paused. "I swear, I think my cock is gonna dry up and fall off, it hasn't been used in so long." Izzy laughed at that. "you know, I can think of about six guys in my group who would love a date with someone like you."

"Yeah, I have no trouble with first dates. The problem is the follow up. It's always something. They text during dinner, or they need to get to their best gal pal to shop for shoes. UGH. Not my thing." He balled up the wrapper for his sandwich and finished his water. "Anyway, it was great chatting with you Izzy. Two questions though. Izzy is short for Isaac. Which do you prefer? And second, you guys DO know that there's a storm coming in. I didn't see any winter weather gear in your group. What are you going to do?

"I like Izzy better. Isaac just seems like something older than I wanna project. I'm 29 - no really - 29. Not 31 but 29 - and I wanna keep that air about me. Storm? No one said anything about a storm. You think?

Mitch signaled for Izzy to come with him to check out the sky. He put his hand on Izzy''s shoulder. "Now, turn to the left. See those clouds?" Yes. Those are rain clouds. And PROBABLY, behind them, there are darker, more dangerous ones. It's going to be a rough night, because we can't get out of that path."

"GOSH. I don't know what we're gonna do. You have any suggestions?"

Mitch took a deep breath before he spoke again. "Well, Izzy, if I told you I wasn't following your ass pumping on that bike, I'd be lying. So I was glad to see you were lacking company. I have a tent. All of the bears do. And if you'd consider sharing my tent with me tonight, I'd be honored."

Izzy couldn't believe his luck. "Mitch, whether it rains or not, I'll be in your tent tonight. I promise. " Mitch broke into a big smile. "Well, now I'm honored. I'll come looking for you once I have it pitched. He looked at Izzy half seriously. "Don't offer to help, cause I have a feeling city boy, that you have no idea how to pitch a tent." Izzy laughed. "Well, you got me there." Mitch didn't miss a beat. "And I'm hoping I'll have you tonight too. " He squeezed Izzy's shoulder and then asked. "Would you mind if I gave you a kiss?" Izzy responded by saying "I'd be insulted it you didn't." It was a a very chaste peck: there were people around, but Izzy floated on his bike the rest of the afternoon ride.

Around six, they could see that the storm clouds were blowing in. The Biking Bears had ridden in parallel, and it was clear that they had decided to try to help these kids. The leader of the Bears, went over, and spoke to the head of Izzy's group. "It'll be tight, but we're all welcome to you guys sharing our tents. JUST SHARING OUR TENTS. Yeah, we're all gay, but we have manners. What happens otherwise is up to the people, not the group."

Charles, the head of the Central New York group, went to the riders and told them the situation. They were too far from home to go back, and they had no protective gear. They had the offer for shelter, and it was met with a big round of applause, and thank yous. "I'm afraid we don't have anything to offer you guys other than our thanks. You seem to have prepared much better than we did."

"Experience Charles. You guys will get better. Just pass it on. " It wasn't raining yet, when they made their supper. By the time that they were cleaning up, though, it had begun to sprinkle. It clearly was going to be a wet night. Izzy looked around, where was Mitch? He didn't see him. Then he felt the strong hand on his shoulder. "Izzy, your room is this way.." Izzy smiled. "Oh, wow, room service too. Thank you. you. Mitch smiled, and he grabbed Izzy's hand. "come on. If we don't get moving, someone else is gonna ask for the space.

Mitch's tent was more than big enough for two people. It was clear he was used to being in the open: he had a small heater, plenty of reflective blankets, and all kinds of snacks.

"Izzy , it's completely up to you. Sleeping in a biking skin is not the most comfortable thing in the world, and I'm taking mine off before I get under the blankets, but if you want to keep yours on, or take it off, really up to you.

"WAIT. Izzy cried out. "Before you do that, can we just sit in the doorway for a bit? Let's look at the clouds. And maybe if we see stars, you can tell me which ones they are. "

Mitch smiled "Well, sure... He came out front, and sat next to Izzy. He kept a polite distance, and Izzy moved in right next to him. "Ok" Mitch thought. "I hope I don't regret this." He put his arm around Izzy's shoulders, and Izzy just rested his head on Mitch's. Mitch began pointing out stars, and cloud formations. "Now, see that star that isn't twinkling?" He pointed. "Yeah, you're right. It's not twinkling. Why is that?" Mitch began playing with Izzy's hair. "That's because it's not a star. It's a planet. Planets absorb light, stars emit it. So if you see what looks like a star, but it doesn't twinkle, it's a planet."

"WOW. I didn't know that. Which planet is is?" Mitch hugged the younger man. "I'm not really sure, but it's probably either Mars, or Venus. They're both in this section of the sky at this time of year. It's good we got to see it, because when the clouds move in, we won't be able to."

They sat there for a minute, and then Izzy whispered: "would you mind if I kissed you Mitch?" Mitch smiled. "You better do it before I kiss you"

Their lips locked. Then Izzy opened his mouth, and Mitch pushed his tongue in. He kept it there for about a minute. He was smiling when he looked at Izzy. "You're a real good kisser, young man." Izzy smiled. "I'm a good hugger too. And I'm taking my skin off before bed."

They got into the tent, and just in time. The skies opened up and they could hear the rain, and see the lightning. Izzy was clearly a bit unnerved by it. "It's ok Izzy. It's ok. Nothing's gonna happen. NOTHING... The only thing that's gonna happen is, well..." Mitch rolled on top of Izzy, again afraid he was going too fast.

"OH YEAH. I've been wanting that. Kiss me Mitch. Kiss me HARD." They kissed for about ten minutes. "Too close in here for what I wanna do Izzy, but ..." Mitch grabbed Izzy's cock, and began jerkng him.

"YES. YES. This is so perfect. Izzy moved his head when Mitch moved down, and let him rub his beard scruff all over him. He just exhaled a little harder, and Izzy came . They had pushed the blanket aside, so there was no problem with it staining the sleeping area. Now Mitch pointed to his hard cock. "A hand isn't gonna do the trick sweetboi. Your mouth is pretty. " Izzy didn't need a second invitation. He fell on Mitch's cock like a hungry animal, gobbling it down, bringing Mitch to climax quickly.

"Thank you.. that was great." Mitch whispered, as they fell asleep."

Next morning, after they dressed and sat down to breakfast, Izzy's leader announced. "Guys, I don't think we can make this. We're gonna have to get back to home as fast as we can. So, everyone, pack up your gear, and we're gonna get on the road. The Bears have been so generous with their hospitality. Guys, we're gonna make a charitable contribution in your name when we get back. We can't thank you enough."

Izzy turned to Mitch "So, I guess this is goodbye." Mitch smiled. "Only if you want it to be. I'd love to see you again."

"I'd like that." Mitch smiled. "You know, I don't bring business cards with me on these things, because the closest I come to a human who doesn't know me, is a raccoon. BUT.... " He ripped a piece of paper off of one of the k rations, and scribbled down his phone number. "Please call me when you get to the city Izzy. If and when we meet again, is up to you."

"Then we will. REAL soon." He snuck a kiss on Mitch's cheek, before they had to pack up and get moving.

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