Ive Got You

By moc.liamhsuh@101yadun

Published on May 25, 2006


Please be aware that this story contains material of a sexual nature and describes sexual acts between males. If you find this kind of material offensive, or if you are not of legal age to read such material or if it is illegal in yourcountry, please do not read any further.This story may contain some factual information, but is a work of fiction. Any apparent similarity of characters to real people is coincidental.

I've Got You Part Six

I drove up to the funeral home; Uncle Ray offered to come along because it was in an area of town that could get rough. I said I needed to do this on my own. When I got out of my car I noticed a group of black teens checking out my car.

"Hey white boy what you doing down here?" A very large black thug asked

"I'm here to pay my respects to a dear friend who passed away," I said as the group moved in closer.

"Who you know from down here?" Another tough looking kid asked.

"I knew her as Memaw, she lived with the Simmons" I answered wishing I had let Uncle Ray come along.

"You talking about Thelma Johnson?" said the biggest one of all "you her friend?" he asked

"Yes, I loved Memaw and I will miss her very much", I answered

"She was my Grandma said the big one, Boys you leave this man and his car alone or you will hear from me. Come on let's go in together." He took my arm and the gang backed away.

The room was full. Everyone was black, except the Simmons family. Byron, my guard introduced himself to me as we went up to the casket. Being with him seemed to let everyone know I was okay. He backed off and let me say goodbye to Memaw.

How I will miss those hugs, how I will remember her love, how will I ever repay her for making me feel so good?

Tears blinded me, I turned and Byron guided me back towards the Simmons. I was a real mess the tears wouldn't stop. Mrs. Simmons stood up I tripped on her foot, I was falling.

"I've got you" I heard his voice. He spoke in a tenor with just a crack and a rise towards the end of his phrase.

His arm around me he sat me down between him and his mother. She sat down and placed her arm around me, while Joey gave me a tissue. We sat as a family through a beautiful service.

The hall emptied as we waited by the back door and Mrs. Simmons thanked everyone for coming. Byron came by and gave both Joey and I a hug, he said he would look for us at school.

I didn't know what to say to Joey as we walked out to my car. The gang still there parted as we came near.

I have to go with my mom, but you're welcome to come back to the house if you want." He said

I don't think I should, I mean I'm not family or anything"

"Tommy I mean Thomas you're everything to me, Memaw knew it, she would want you to be there," he said quietly

"You can call me Tommy, but only you." We looked into each other eyes. The smile was gone.

I went home and asked Aunt Jean to join me at Joey's. She smiled warmly, gave me a hug and we drove over together.

It was a nice gathering of neighbors, friends, and family all telling stories about Memaw. Mrs. Simmons spoke more that day than I had ever heard from her.

Joey stayed busy serving everyone. He was really glad to see Aunt Jean again and he made sure to get his hug from her too.

He and I didn't say much, but the eye contact was there. Soon we left, as I drove away I saw him waving, around the bend and he was gone.

Sarah came over Sunday, I think she wanted to mess around, every time she could I was backed into a wall or an empty room and she would be all over me. I just wasn't in to it, I had a lot on my mind and I really wasn't interested in sex with her anyway. Finally she left.

Monday, another week, I saw Joey in the hall we spoke. He told me his mom was having a rough time handling things without Memaw. I asked how he was doing, the sad look came again.

"I miss"

The same football player that had pushed him on the first day stopped in front of us.

We'll what do we have here a little queer meeting? You two goanna blow each other right here in the hall?" he smirked

Before we could answer, Bam! He went flying.

"Keep moving dickhead" It was Bryon, "Morning boys", he smiled and moved on.

School, homework, more school, Greg said they were planning a party Friday night for just the boys. Good, I could escape Sarah again.

Friday came and the day went by slowly waiting for the party.

Sarah wasn't happy to be left out, but when she heard that all the girls were being left out she made her own party for all of them. That was just fine with me.

I arrived at the party about seven. Greg handed me a beer as I walked in. I didn't know that this was a Keg Party. I'm a lightweight when it comes to liquor, not having any experience, but I took the beer everyone else had one. I also found out the Baxter parents were out of town. I started my plan to leave early.

The music was loud; guys were jumping in and out of the pool. I eased into a chair and sipped a little beer, not bad. Baxter had pizza, chicken wings, chips and stuff. I ate some food and had another beer. Some of the boys were doing shots; I got the dare and joined for just one round or was it two. The taste was bitter, I had another beer. There was a poker game in the dinning room, pretty high stakes so I stayed away.

The pool seemed like the place to hang. Some of the guys were skinny-dipping, no one cared. A few were drunk by now and started throwing everyone in to the water. Baxter and I got caught and came up soaked. We peeled off our clothes down to our boxers and dived back in and had another beer.

It was about two in the morning, the poker game still going strong. Some of the boys drifted to different places to sack out. Baxter was really drunk and asked me to help him to his bedroom. I wasn't in very good shape either and we tripped and bounced off the walls together, everything seemed funny. I found his bedroom, his pushed the door closed behind us explaining he didn't want the guys to come in and throw water on us.

We found the bed. He couldn't stand and asked me to pull off his wet boxers. I did and he reached over and pulled mine off. I was dizzy and was in no shape to object. Somehow we both made it into the bed. I was out like a light.

"Joey, Joey, stop you know that tickles". He's knows I go crazy when he sucks my balls.

"Joey, please your teeth are scrapping my dick. Joey, Joey?"

My eyes opened, my head is spinning. I focused and saw a hairy ass in my face, I felt a mouth around my dick, and I heard the sucking sound that means, you know what it means.

I kicked the sheets off it was Dexter.

"What the hell are you doing?" pushing him off me, my dick spilling out of his mouth.

Baxter landed on the floor beside the bed his hard dick taking a dive into a hairy forest.

"Please Thomas, don't tell anyone, please, I didn't, I mean you're just so cute, I couldn't help my I mean you were naked and I was just going to you know check out your dick. Please don't say anything, my dad would kill me. I was just checking you out and your dick I mean it's prefect I just got so close I had to I mean I wanted to just well you know taste it. You were asleep. I didn't think you would ever find out. Please, please don't say anything. You can do anything you want to me. Do you want to stick your dick up my ass or let me blow you again name it I'll do anything please, please, please don't tell."

"You had no right taking advantage of me. What made you think I wanted that?"

"Well you know I saw how you were looking at the really cute blond gay kid and how he was looking at you. I thought maybe you two you know; I'd sure let him have a crack at me he's hot. I mean I'm not queer or anything you understand, not like that queer guy you were taking to".

Smack! I slapped his face, my hand was imprinted a crossed his cheek.

"Baxter Peoples you just preformed a sex act on another guy and you did it without his permission. You are not only a queer, but you are also a rapist, yes a queer rapist that's what you are. So don't ever talk badly about Joey to anyone. Do you understand?

Tears in his eyes, "Yes, yes I'll do whatever you ask Thomas. Dad's thinking about running for Governor next time and he, well he would kill me if I screwed that up for him,

"Alright Baxter, this stays between the two of us, but I may need favors from you and I'll expect you to be ready, do you understand?'

"Yes Thomas oh thank you, I'll be ready. Promise, I'll do whatever you want, thank you, thank you. Thomas, is there any chance that one of the favors might be me getting to do this again with you?" He said hopefully


I grabbed my boxers, found my wet clothes by the pool from the night before. I placed everything in a bag and drove home. Walking through the house in damp boxers and nothing else raised some eyebrows, but nothing was said.

I stayed in bed most of the afternoon. Aunt Jean brought me a sandwich around lunchtime, but I took it and closed the door before questions could be asked.

I slept, I had dreams, I lay awake and though about a lot of things. Like, who am I? Why is happiness so hard to find? When will I figure out what I want? Why did mom and dad have to die? Tears after that one and then more sleep.

About four, Aunt Jean knocked on the door and said that Sarah was in the family room. I thought for a moment and asked her to send her back. This was my chance to solve a major question.

Sarah came into the dark room. She opened the drapes a little and saw I was in bed. A smile came across her face.

"Hey babe did you drink too much?"

"Yeah I think that's the problem, I don't feel very good, can you rub my back for a while?

"Sure babe. Let me get that shirt off of you."

Her hands were like magic, so warm so wonderful. She went up and down my back and then down lower into my shorts. I felt her hands kneeding by butt. Actually is felt pretty good, I let her do her thing. I felt her hands come out of my shorts and take the sides pushing them down.

Here we go I thought.

Somehow she wiggled my shorts off my feet leaving me totally nude. I was on my stomach acting like I was a sleep.

I felt her fingers go up the inside of my legs. She pushed my legs apart and proceeded to rub the inside area just below my crack. Her hand found my ball sack.

I could hear her breathing, she petted by balls; her hand went around them and somehow she was able to roll me over.

She was exhaling and inhaling faster as she rubbed just above my pubes, her fingers in my hair, her hand finally made contact with my dick.

I let out a sound like, "hoo".

She took my dick and pulled it and pushed at it. My eyes opened I could see her smiling at me.

"Babe you are so hot, I love your cock." Smiling.

I smiled back.

She pulled off her top her breast fell out. She was built, she was pretty, and she was hot. She stood before me and pushed her shorts and panties down.

My god, what the hell was I doing?

She went down on me. The second unwanted blowjob today. She had done this before; she was very, very good.

She knew what to do with her lips, she knew how to please, she knew when to stop, and I was hard and ready for the next move.

Now on me, her hand placed my dick in between her warm moist legs I felt her bush, she had hold of me, she moved around ready to open up and let me in.

I tuned us on our sides I kissed her and said.

"Sarah, lay with me and listen. There are all kinds of love. The one I have for life, the one you have for your parents and maybe the one between you and me. Some loves bring the desire for sex and if both parties are willing, then sex makes that love so much stronger. That's when sex is good. Then you got sex just because we as animals want what we want and we want it right now. That kind of sex is like building a house on sand. The relationship is sure to crumble."

"Thomas don't you want sex with me?" she said sadly

"Sarah, if we have sex I want it to be because we already have love".

"Wow Thomas. You are the best. I thought all boys expected me to please them, if not they would just leave". She said

I gave her a hug and a kiss. "Sarah, if our friendship ever develops into love, we'll know it and if that love is strong, then we'll be ready for sex. I don't expect anything other than your friendship until then, okay?"

"Thank you Thomas, thank you for respecting me. I think I'm in love with you."

"Good Sarah, let's let that love grow."

She smiled knowing that we were finished. She found her clothes and gave me my shorts. On the way out she turned and said.

"Thomas you are hot, but most of all, you're just wonderful."

Ten thousand guys would have gladly been in their private room in a mini castle, with a beautiful, young, sexy, millionaire's daughter ready to have sex with them. Why couldn't I?

The next morning Aunt Jean and I had breakfast together Uncle Ray was playing golf with the fathers of my new friends.

"Lots going on in that head?" she asked

I came out of my fog. "Yeah, maybe too much, I'm just so confused about what's right and what's wrong. I don't want to do something that would disappoint my parents, but I want some happiness in my life someday" I said

"Your parents would be disappointed if you choose not to find happiness because of them," she advised.

"So what's right then?" I hoped she had an answer

"For you?" she wondered

"Yeah for me"

"I don't know, what makes you happy?" she asked

Silence, "Being with Joey" I answered quietly

"Then try that, it can't be all wrong" she said with a smile

"It would mean my life would be different." I worried

"No matter what you chose at this age, it will make your life different than what you didn't chose"

"What about what everyone will think?" I asked

"Whose opinion is important to you?"

I thought for while and finally said, "okay I got it."

I went to my room, I found my hot pad given to me by Memaw and I placed it prominently on my dresser. I took some time to finish my homework and get everything ready for the next day

I knew in my heart I was ready to go to the other side of the lake.

Next: Chapter 7

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