Ive Got You

By moc.liamhsuh@101yadun

Published on May 22, 2006


Please be aware that this story contains material of a sexual nature and describes sexual acts between males. If you find this kind of material offensive, or if you are not of legal age to read such material or if it is illegal in yourcountry, please do not read any further.This story may contain some factual information, but is a work of fiction. Any apparent similarity of characters to real people is coincidental.

I've Got You Part Five

Not Happy, I was not happy at all. I felt betrayed, I felt victimizes and most assuredly used. Really I was hurt!

Aunt Jean came running in asking what had happen. She had seen Joey run out bleeding.

"Nothing" just leave it alone", I said sharply.

"Young man I hope you didn't hurt him", she scolded

"Hurt him, what about me?" I slammed the door and waited for her to leave.

A long day, I didn't want to be in my room, too many memories, not the pool, not fishing, that's when we met. I should have let him drown that first day damn it.

I went out for the afternoon mail, not expecting anything, it just gave me something to do. From down the street a new corvette came rolling to a stop in front of me. Two guys about my age were in the car.

The driver said, "I didn't know you lived here"

"What, Oh yeah, I got here early in the summer", I said.

"What's your name? From the passenger"

Pause, "Thomas!"

"Hey Thomas, I'm Greg Rogers, this is Baxter Peoples and we're your neighbors." from the driver.

We did a kind of shake and hand jam, whatever.

"Listen, we're heading over to the school for a game of basketball, we could use one more players how about it?" said Greg

"Well I don't know, I"

"You're not doing anything, and we could use a hand, they're going to kill us as it is, at least if you come along, we can blame the new kid." Baxter laughing

"I thought for a moment and said, "why not, I'll see you there."

The school wasn't that far. I had seen it a few times riding around the area. I pulled up and parked between Greg's Vet and some guys Porsche. There was a BMW Z4, and a MX5 as well as other assorted expenses sports cars in the lot. On the court were nine guys warming up.

Greg came over and put his arm around me.

"Guys" this is Thomas and he lives down the street from us."

Everybody acknowledged me in one way or the other. I learned as we played this was not just a bunch of boys. The tall black one was the son of a top player on the local pro basketball team. Unfortunately he was on the side that killed us.

Greg Rogers came from a family that owned a half dozen car lots and his dad was on television hawking autos five times a night. Baxter looked familiar. His dad was an attorney and was on billboards all over town. "Baxter Peoples helping People"

One guy's mom was a local judge in the paper all the time, another from a world-class golfer, a developer's son, the son of a US Congressman and so on.

Everyone was cool and everyone called me Thomas. I had my identity back.

Mike the developer's son pointed to my car and said, "So does that belong to you?"

Looking at the parking lot, I blushed and said, "yeah, I needed something while I checked out what I really wanted. That seemed to satisfy the group.

Check out the new Vets, no the Mazda are far out. Nothing but Porsche I heard from around the group.

I smiled and took it all in. I thought to myself, if I'm going to fit in here I need new wheels.

Baxter said, "So you live with Ray Gordon, what's that all about?"

"Oh, Ray Gordon the big landscaping guy?" I heard from the group.

I quickly explained who Ray and Jean were and that I would be with them through high school.

"Too bad about your parents man, did the crash leave you rich?" Trent from old money asked.

"That's not cool man" Greg seemed upset.

"Sorry" Trent, knew he had screwed up

Baxter broke the silence, "Hey you've got to join us tomorrow night, we're having a big party at my house, everybody will be there and it would be a prefect way for you to get to know the really cool people." he said with a laugh.

Greg said, "yeah, I'd like you to me some of the other guys and I can think of one girl that would be prefect for you." He winked.

"I don't know, I really wouldn't want to"

"Don't be a dick, Greg will come get you, you're coming willingly or Greg has his ways". Baxter laughing

We all laughed and I agreed to be ready at six.

The day started, badly, but now I had friends, I didn't need you know who. I still couldn't help wonder if he was all right, I hope I didn't hurt him, but never mind, I had friends!

I told Uncle Ray and Aunt Jean about my new friends during dinner, Uncle Ray seemed excited; Aunt Jean just smiled and asked if I had called Joey.

"No I'm over him", I said with force.

Jean looked sad Uncle Ray passed the peas.

That night brought dreams, some of the past a few of the future. The next day moved slowly, but I was ready for Greg at six.

They had told me this was a dress up party, so I had a nice tie and summer sports coat waiting by the door. Greg was dressed about the same so I felt cool.

Baxter's home was just around the corner, but because the houses in this area were so large going by car was better.

The house was huge, of course all of the homes in this area were very large. There were limos and every kind of expensive vehicle you could think of parked around the large circular drive.

The butler opened the door for us and greeted Greg with a smile. Greg introduced me to Mr. and Mrs. Peoples, Baxter's dad looked just like the billboards; they were both very gracious and welcomed me to their home.

I saw Baxter with a few of the guys from the basketball game and Greg pointed out people I knew from the newspaper or local television news. The mayor was present and a few county commissioners as well as the head of the local school board. About the time I thought I was just impressed, I saw one of my heroes, a golfer we all watched grow up and become the greatest in the world. He was holding court with a dozen groupies in the corner. I would have loved his autograph, but knew this was not the place for that.

Greg took me around and made introductions. Along the back wall was a group of girls our age. One in particular was watching me make it around the room. Greg introduced us when we got there. Her name of Sarah Karlington, it meant nothing to me, but she was nice and we talked for a while. Greg slipped away at what point I'm not sure. Sarah and I found some food and a place to sit and talk. She was very cute, and I caught her looking at me a few times like she thought the same of me.

The party was fun. We danced and a few giants played basketball in the pool, well worth watching. At the end of the evening Sarah offered to drop me off. We drove the to the front of the house in her little BMW convertible. She walked me to the door, I stammered and made small talk, and she leaned in and kissed me. I kind of pulled back, but recovered by asking her to lunch the next day. She happily agreed, the time was set and we said good night.

Aunt Jean and Uncle Ray were up waiting for me. I told them about the party, the people I met and both were impressed. Then I told them about Sarah and our lunch date. Ray asked what her last name was and when I told him, he jumped up and high fived me. As he danced around the room, Aunt Jean explained that The Karlington Resort, Karlington Suites, Karlington Hotel and Convention Center along with a half dozen other places along the main hotel strip belonged to her father and Ray had been trying to get a contract with them for years.

Uncle Ray made sure I knew Sarah could come over anytime and if I needed anything to just let him know. I said I did need something.

"Sure, sure whatever let me know what is it?" He asked

"I need a new car"

"What!" Aunt Jean didn't seem happy; "You just bought a new car when you arrived".

"Yes, but everyone has a really fancy car and I want to fit in." I explained.

"You want to be like them, why not just be yourself like before?" she asked.

"You mean be like Joey don't you?" my voice shaking

"Joey was true to himself, when you were with him the two of you shared something special." She said

"I'm not like Joey, I'm not a," I stopped

"A what, a warm, loving, caring person?" she asked now turning red.

"Okay you two let's take it down a level". Reasoned Uncle Ray. "Jean if he wants different friends you need to support him, and if he wants a different car, he can well afford it and I want to help him be happy."

"Its not the car that will bring him happiness'" Aunt Jean turned and left the room.

Ray and I were quiet for a minute and then he said, "If you want a new car we'll get one in the morning in time for your date. What kind do you want?"

I told him, he smiled and whistled and said be ready early we'll take care of it.

The next morning dew still on the ground, Uncle Ray and I drove my Chevy to the dealership. At first the salesman looked at me like what are you doing here? Then the dealership owner drove up, saw me and remembered me from the party.

"Good morning, Thomas isn't it he asked?

"Yes good morning Mr. Collins its nice to see you again, I said and then introduced Uncle Ray.

"Oh you own that commercial landscaping company don't you?" he asked Uncle Ray beamed with pride and said yes.

"You need to give my manager a quote, we could use your services around here" replied Mr. Collins.

Ray smiled and said he would send someone out, but first he needed to help me pick out a new car. Mr. Collins instructed the salesman to do everything possible to help me.

Things moved quickly from there. In about an hour I owned a new Jaguar XK. It ran about $80K. I wrote a check, and we drove off.

What a car, it was sliver gray and purred like a kitten, I thought about showing it off to Hank, but then there was Joey, so we just drove home.

Jean gave it a smile and turned down a ride, Uncle Ray loved it and so did Sarah.

I picked her up at her house, about a mile away, but still in the private community where we lived. Her house looked like a small hotel. It was three stories high and rambled in a half circle. I met her mom and her brother; he thought my new car was hot.

We went to the country club for lunch. I knew we were members, but had never been there. Uncle Ray must have called ahead, because I was treated like royalty. Sarah was very comfortable there and we really had a nice time. She mentioned several times that a movie she really wanted to see had just started.

On the way home I asked her to the movies and we had our first real date. The movie went okay I guess, I really didn't know what to say every time Sarah missed the popcorn box and her hand landed in my lap. She was moving a lot faster than I was.

She hinted about going out the next night, but school was starting the next day and I wanted to be rested. She agreed, but only after we made out for a while. Way too fast.

I needed a night to myself. I remembered how happy I was before Joey, when all I had was me to think about. I tried to remember what it was I did back then, but all I could recall was the stuff with Joey. I took a cold shower and went to bed.

Up early, the first day of school. I was glad I had met some of the kids; it would make things go easier. Greg offered to come by and pick me up, but I wanted to drive in with my Jag just to make an impression.

I found a spot to park and saw all the eyes on me, it was cool. After seeing Greg and Baxter in the first hall I headed to what would be my first class. I passed two classrooms and coming out of the next was Joey. We stopped and looked at each other. It was the first time I had seen him since our fight. I noticed he was wearing the outfit I had bought for him and I realized I was wearing the one he had bought for me.

I was ready to speak, when this football player came by knocking Joey back into the lockers, yelling back "watch it faggot".

He looked so sad, so lost, and so alone.

"Hey honey, you look hot" Sarah grabbed my arm, "come on babe, I'll walk you to class," giving me a kiss.

Joey watched us walk away.

The first half of the day went well. Sarah and I had English together and Dexter was in my Science class. At lunch we all sat together and I could tell I had joined the elite group. We had football players and jocks of all sorts stopping by to chat as well as a few teachers and a dean. Kids of lower status moved out of our way.

I looked around and saw Joey behind us. Sitting with him was a fat kid with three earrings in on side and two girls dress totally in black with very short haircuts.

Baxter brought my attention back to the table when he asked me to join him and Greg after school at the Government Club meeting. I agreed and Greg told me it was in Building Three, room 304.

"Be careful not to go in 303" said Trent, That's the Queer Club meting." He laughed.

Greg gave him a look and explained that the Gay and Lesbian Group met there.

The final bell of day one, now only 179 days to go, I went to find the Government Group.

I looked into 303, I don't know why. There he was among a group of, I don't know I hated to think about it. Were they any different than any other kid, trying to find their place in a difficult world? I almost went in, but Baxter grabbed my arm and we walked into 304.

The week went by somewhat normally. I didn't see Joey at all after Tuesday, I wondered if he was sick. There was a lot of homework and that kept me busy. Also there was Sarah, who dropped by the house everyday after school to hang out. I guess we were dating or something. Uncle Ray made sure to come home early each day to just chat he would say. Aunt Jean was nice to all my friends, but the riff between us was still there you could feel it.

Friday night, I was getting ready to take Sarah somewhere; I think a movie or something. The phone rang, Aunt Jean took the call. She came back to my room and tapped on the door. I thought to myself, oh boy here we go; I hope there isn't a battle before I can get out of here.

"Thomas, I need to speak with you"

"I'm running a little late Aunt Jean, can it wait until morning"? I hoped.

"No, you need to hear what I have to say".

"Okay, I'm listening" opening the door.

"That call was Mrs. Simmons, Joey's mom. She wanted you to know that Memaw passed away on Wednesday and asked that you join them at the funeral tomorrow."

Silence. You see I was right. Don't get involved, don't let anyone near, and don't get close to anyone, because they will just disappoint you or leave you when you need them most.

I broke down, I cried like a baby. Aunt Jean held me in her arms. Uncle Ray looked nervous and worried he paced at the door. I couldn't speak I couldn't look at anyone. I was just so sad. Aunt Jean called Sarah and called off the evening. Sarah said she wanted to come over to help me, but Aunt Jean said no I needed time to myself, I was glad she did that.

Next: Chapter 6

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