Ive Got You

By moc.liamhsuh@101yadun

Published on May 21, 2006


Please be aware that this story contains material of a sexual nature and describes sexual acts between males. If you find this kind of material offensive, or if you are not of legal age to read such material or if it is illegal in your country, please do not read any further.This story may contain some factual information, but is a work of fiction. Any apparent similarity of characters to real people is coincidental.

I've Got You Part Four

We took Ray's Land Rover because Aunt Jeans Mercedes sports car was a little small for the three of us.

We rested against each other in the back as she headed west. I could see her looking back using the mirror, I smiled, she nods and smiled back and turns up the radio. Joey and I, our hands together, we are together.

Another park, life is good. This one is fun, when you get tired of zoo dust you take a ride. Clouds moved in and we headed home. I asked him to stay the night, he says he needs to go home, but wants me to stay with him. Aunt Jeans gladly agrees, obviously thrilled with wants going on.

Memaw greets us at the door, she smells of cinnamon and vapor rub. I get the mother hug. I don't pull away; I like it too much, Joey laughs knowing I sucking up the loving.

Hank and I talk a moment and I tell him I like all his cars. He tells me to wait and see the next one, but won't tell me what it is.

Mrs. Simmons takes my hand, looks me up and down and then.

"Yes, yes you'll do just fine", she remarks and then returns to her room.

Joey just smiles.

We shared dinner with the family, chicken, noodles, and fresh baked apple pie. It was Memaw's turn to cook and she was good at it. I gave her a hug and thanked her for a great meal.

"You're always welcome at my table Thomas" cool another hug.

Joey and I headed back to his bedroom. He was self-contained with his own bathroom, small refrigerator, microwave and a stash of snacks.

I went in the door, he behind me, I heard the door close and lock I turned to see the eyes the smile. I moved towards him.

He stopped me his hands on my chest. They slipped down and under my shirt. I felt his fingers move below my shirt and up again. Charges, now all over my body. His hands moved up and pulled my shirt off; I reached over smiling and repeated his moves.

His hands moved to my shorts, I felt a squeeze of my now hardening dick. I heard the zipper. My shorts dropped to the floor. I kicked off my sneakers and with each foot stepped out of my shorts. My hands moved to his navel I played for a moment he laughed. Down to his shorts. They had an elastic ban. I pushed them down, seeing his dick standing through his white briefs. I gave him a squeeze he laughs a little again.

He found my dick as it popped out of the hole of my boxers. He stoked it; I reached down and pushed my boxer over it he moved his hand long enough for the boxers to go by. I put two thumbs in his briefs and pushed them down. His head pops out with a wink.

Joey pulls me towards him. Our bodies press together. He kisses my face several times. His lips go to my shoulder and then my chest. He sucks on my left nipple. I am insane with pleasure. We dance backward to the bed, I almost fall, he holds on.

"I've got you", he says warmly.

We find the bed I am on my back as he moves down to my navel. His breath sends shivers all over me. I feel his hair hanging down; it meets my pubic area first. He rubs his face in my pubes, his head turns, and his lips find my dick. He takes me in.

I have heard about it, I have read about it, I have seen it on the Internet and even in a movie once, but I never knew it felt this great. The warm moist blanket covering, the tongue applying pressure and dancing with the head, the sucking vacuum, all made this special. But what really made this so special was it was Joey.

The night went on like this. I got to be pretty good at it myself. You know what they say, Practice, Practice, Practice.

At one point or the other one of us were head diving under the sheets. Somewhere during the night we each tasted the juices of our efforts. That was good too.

The next morning while Joey sleeps I hear someone walking by our door. Ah the aroma of Vicks and cinnamon. I crawled out from under his arm found my shorts and slipped them on

I found Memaw in the kitchen making coffee. She smiled seeing me standing there.

"Did you two boys have fun last night?" she smiles.

"Hey, we just played games and went to bed" I replied.

"Thomas, my room is right next to Joey's and I can still hear pretty good. You boys did more than play games and you sure went to bed. You know what they say, "If this bed is rockin, don't come a knockin." She laughs.

I blush deeply, "sorry if we kept you up", I said quietly.

Honey, I say you kept each other up", laughing again loudly

She could see I was very embarrassed and gave me a hug.

Thomas, you have nothing to be ashamed of, she smiles

"I don't know Memaw". I hesitate.

"Thomas, sit with me and listen. There are all kinds of love. The one I got for you, the one you got for your momma and maybe the one between you and Joey. Some loves bring the desire for sex and if both parties are willing, then sex makes that love so much stronger. That's when sex is good. Then you got sex just because we as animals want what we want and we want it right now. That kind of sex is like building a house on sand. The relationship is sure to crumble."

"But Joey and I are..." I stammer.

Tommy and I are a team", I hear from behind me, its Joey's voice

I turn; he's wearing only swim trunks, and my heart skips a beat just seeing him again.

"You two complete each other", Memaw says. She hands me coffee, cream sugar just the way I like it, how does she know?

Joey tells me we're going out for a feeding. He grabs a bag of raw chicken wings and legs and we head out the door.

Down on the dock is a small boat with a very old looking motor. Now that I know Hank, I don't worry about it running. Joey starts it up and we move out slowly away from the shore. The sun is already heating up, but the reeds and sea bushes still offer shade along the shoreline. Once we get out, he moves back in to where the bushes are heaviest.

"Do you see them?" He asked

"See what?

"Watch" throwing a wing into the bushes.

The water boils with movement a jaw snaps over the wing and the water becomes still.

"What the hell was that?" I ask

"You tell me, look closer", he moves in nearer the bush line.

Two more wings and a leg fly out of the boat. This time I see long teeth under a pointed nose come up snap shut and dive again. Two more grab the rest of the food. Now the ripples moves out towards our boat.

I feel a bump and another; I see green bumpy skin roll over and a white belly. Joey drops a leg over the side. I feel a big bump and the Alligator snaps again.

He can see that I am not enjoying myself.

"You want to try one?" he asked

"No, can we get out of here please?"

"Sure" he moves the boat away.

I see a large one follow for a while and then we speed up and away.

"Sorry I thought you would like that, he says looking at me with regret.

"Then you don't know me very well at all," I say a little perturbed.

His eyes, his smile, I can't stay mad. He says he knows how to get to know me better. I smile we head back and run to him room.

Behind the lock door he pulls my shorts off, I giggle as he tickles me in warm places He moves me back to the bed and runs to the refrigerator. I am naked and he holds his hand over my eyes. I hear a spaying sound and feel something cold flowing onto my dick and balls.

I push his hand away and see whipped cream all over my groin.

"What are you doing?" I laugh

"I guess the best way to know you is to taste you" he smiles and dives in.

We laugh, his face full of cream. My dick becomes hard, but only the head shows though the deep cream pile. Joey goes back down, I find the can and push him over and spay him too. We each lick and kiss and eat until more cream is produced. We lay together, sticky and warm, just holding on. Then holding hands we move into the shower and help each other remove all the sticky stuff we have produced. It was fun.

A day of shopping, Aunt Jean had asked Joey to help me pick out some school clothes. I had objected when the subject came up, and they both assured me I needed all the help I could get. Now I was happy he was coming with me.

While I finished dressing he ran out to the garage saying he had to get something.

Once I said my good byes, and receiving one more hug from Memaw I went looking for Joey.

Out front in a British Racing Green, purring, cool sports car he sat waiting for me.

"What is this"?

"Its a 1962 MGB. Its the first year they produced them", I was informed.

The top was down and I jumped in next to Joey and we were off.

We stopped by my house where Aunt Jean said she had some doctor's appointments she needed to take care of and then she handed me two one hundred dollar bills.

"I have money you know", I reminded her.

"I know you're a little Ritchie Rich, but this makes me feel good", she smiled.

I took the cash; Joey had a credit card in his own name. I was impressed.

We headed to the local major mall. This place had every top national department store, plus about 150 specialty stores for us to choose from.

We parked out a ways to keep the car from getting dinged, and began our shopping.

I never really enjoyed shopping, but this was different. We helped each other find cool stuff and when we could we would go into the same dressing room to well assist one another.

Joey always felt I needed adjusting; I made sure his new jeans and pants fit with room to spare. Some of the clerks looked at us, but when they saw the money we were spending, no one said a word. We each picked out and bought the other a favorite outfit for the first day of school.

Joey stayed over with me again. We used our Speedos again this time I wore red. Then went to bed early. It was a fun night.

The next day, both Jean and Ray had to leave early and we had the place to ourselves. Joey and I did join Aunt Jean for breakfast. Wearing just our shorts supplied my Joey. I think I was wearing the green in the morning and the blue when Jean came home that night, but nothing was ever said.

It was raining and a prefect day to do nothing. The spa was under a cover and we did skinny dip in there for a while and stayed nude together while we watched a movie.

We talked and shared the lives from before we met. That night he had to go home. I missed him, but was glad to have a night of just sleep.

It was a few days before school would start; I was looking forward to it now that I had Joey.

I hadn't met any of the other kids in the neighborhood and wondered why Joey hadn't introduced me to some of his other friends. He was coming in the door speaking to Aunt Jean and then coming back to my room.

I jumped him from behind the door, he carried me to the bed, I was ready to undress him but the door was still open. I got up and closed it and then asked him.

"Hey, why haven't you introduced me to your other friends, do you think I'm some freak of what?" I said joking

Joey was a bit uneasy not looking at me and not very comfortable. I hadn't seen this before.

"Tommy, I am out at school"

"Out of what? I said

"I'm out, you know out" His voice rising just a bit.

"Out of what, what do you need what are you out of?" This was frustrating I thought

"Tommy, they know I'm, you know that I'm gay"

Silence. "Joey, what are you saying, I don't understand", my head was swimming in thought, I could hear the words, I knew what they meant, but I still didn't understand.

"Tommy", nervous laugh, "I'm gay, queer, a fag, I like guys, his face red, a tear in his eye.

"You're a faggot? You're gay? You like guys? I repeated in question.

"Yeah, what do you think we've been doing?" He stammered

"Wait a minute, are you calling me gay? Because I'm not gay, I can't be gay. Do you know what they do to gays, they kick their ass that's what they do to gays, I'm not gay and if you are, I can't be seen with you. Yeah you need to leave, I don't want some faggot as a friend. I don't want you as a friend; get out, Get out, GET OUT NOW " I demanded.

Joey stood and put his arms out, tears running down his face, I slapped his arms away. He leaned against me.

"Please Tommy don't, don't."

I hit him, He fell, his lip bleeding, he got up and ran passed me out the door. He's gone!

Next: Chapter 5

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