Ive Got You

By moc.liamhsuh@101yadun

Published on May 19, 2006


Please be aware that this story contains material of a sexual nature and describes sexual acts between males. If you find this kind of material offensive, or if you are not of legal age to read such material or if it is illegal in your country, please do not read any further.This story may contain some factual information, but is a work of fiction. Any apparent similarity of characters to real people is coincidental.

Thank you Justin for editing this portion of the story. It will make it better for the reader.

I've Got You Part Three

It's hot; I threw the blanket off. It's cold; I move under the covers. I sleep and dream. I don't like my dreams; they are filled with, well, you know what.

My queen size bed is certainly large enough for me, but I seem to roll over every inch of it. I'm hot again, maybe too much sun. I pull my nightshirt off and toss it across the room. Now clad in just boxers, they seem to bunch up and crawl into my butt. This is my room, no one ever comes in without knocking, and I pulled them off too. I use them to collect my cum, wild thoughts passing threw my mind. The cool sheets comfort me; I sleep.

His eyes, his smile, and hell, the whole face etched in my mind. Why am I thinking of him? I need to stop; I need to wake up.

Open eyes; still dreaming, I must be, because there he is. I see clearer now, no wait, I still see his face, his body, his hand on my chest. Oh, he's back!

Lying still, looking up: eyes, smile. Oh god, here we go; another day with Mr. Happy.

His hand is on my chest only to shake me awake. He moves it now, winning the battle.

The heat is gone; he playfully pulls the sheet off of me. My dick is hard and flat against my belly. I see him look; I pull the sheet back over.

"Hey what are you doing?"

"Its time to get up, I see part of you already is." More smiling.

"Get me something to put on," I demand.

He reaches down and picks up my used boxers with just the pinch of finger and thumb.

He holds them up and away; they are matted and stuck together in clumps of fabric.

"I think these have seen better days." More smiling.

"Please get me something to wear," I plead.

He hands me my swim trucks that dried at his house overnight. I lean up to pull them on, the sheet sliding off and exposing me again. I hurry; he watches, smiling

"Don't you have anything better to do?" I ask a little irritated.

"Yeah, but you're not ready," he says smiling.

At that he turns and heads to the door, looking back to tell me Jeanie has breakfast waiting.

I adjust myself, put on my Long Shaft shirt and head to the kitchen. I see Joey, Jeanie and Ray all drinking juice, talking and enjoying themselves. I wonder if I just sneak out and go fishing, would anyone would notice?

Ray looks up and greets me, now everyone with smiles. I frown in return.

"Good morning Mr. Grumpy," Aunt Jean says.

"May I have some juice?" I try to smile.

A seat remains next to Joey; he is wearing shorter swim trucks, no shirt and flip-flops. I sit, he smiles and hands me some juice. Our hands touch - charge. It's too early for this.

"What?" says Uncle Ray.

I didn't know I had spoken; I ignore him and drink my juice. Eye rolls around the table. I think I'm having a bad day already.

Aunt Jean says to me, "Have some toast sweetie, we're leaving in a few minutes. This is going to be a fun day."

I eat while she grabs a basket of towels and sun lotion. Uncle Ray stands and tells us to have fun as he goes out the door to work.

Ready to go, Joey and Aunt Jean race out the door, laughing, I follow behind. Outside sits a blue-gray 1969 Volkswagen Beetle with a ragtop sunroof. I know this because Joey proudly states it; it's in great shape.

Aunt Jean is all excited; she hasn't been in one since she was a kid. Joey tells her to sit up front next to him because the back seat is tight.

I get in the back with the towels. The ragtop rolled back, tunes on the old radio, and we head to the water park.

Aunt Jean is like a kid; she and Joey are a team, singing to the old tunes, talking and enjoying the day. I tell myself to shape up. I need to get out more and Aunt Jean has been begging me to go somewhere with her. At least with him around I don't have to entertain her all by myself. I remind myself to have a fun day. We'll see.

Okay, you don't have to pull my fingernails out; I'll admit I had fun, we all did. We took every slide, shot every shoot and, even did the Long Shaft, together, holding hands through the dark part of the tunnel. We joined Aunt Jean riding around the park in a moving river. We had lunch and found some shade. The sun was getting to me and I asked Aunt Jean to apply some lotion on my back. She said she was reading a book and didn't want to get her hands greasy so I should ask Joey.

I tuned to him and he gladly took the lotion and applied it evenly on my shoulders and down my back. It was like a never-ending electrical charge, especially when he slipped below the back of my trunks. His fingers warm and slippery, kneading my backbone, my eyes closed and the front of my trunks pushed out.

He leans into me and says, "Do you want to do me?"

"Yeah, wait, I don't know what do you mean?"

"Will you do me? You know put some lotion on me?"

"Oh, that, yeah sure," I say.

I can feel each muscle, I move down his arms and even to his hands. I work on his back and yes slip below the trunk line. His eyes close, I see it's having the same effect on him it did me. I smile, I don't know why.

"You're very good, I knew you would be," he remarks.

I give him a slap on the back and say, "You're done pal".

A sad smile is returned.

We finish the day with one more ride and head for home. This time I get the front, Aunt Jean insisted.

He drops us off saying he needs to go help with dinner. Not until he and Aunt Jean conspire about tomorrow's park. They decide I need rollercoasters. Off he goes and he is gone.

After a long night, I wake to chatter coming from the kitchen. No personal wake up call, I feel left out. Damn I am moody I think, not happy when he is there not happy when he's not.

Shape up, I scold myself.

We're off to another park. Uncle Ray decides to join us, he loves rollercoasters. Joey and I sit in the back of his Land Rover. He wears a real shirt today. Sneakers, cargo shorts and baseball cap with the local basketball teams logo. He smiles, seeing him dressed for the first time; I realize he is a really nice looking kid. We relax for the short ride, our hands almost touching.

The park is full, every ride requires a wait, but they are all worth it. I think Uncle Ray is having the most fun, but Joey and I keep up. It turns out to be a great day.

The next day is a park filled with fish. I like sea animals and show off my knowledge about them. Joey and Aunt Jean seem impressed.

On the way home Aunt Jean suggests that we go to a land animal park tomorrow. The two of them discuss which one I would like the most. They decided to skip the local one and head towards Tampa early in the morning. That park has rides and animal they tell me.

Aunt Jean surprises me when she invites Joey to spend the night, so we can get an early start. I wasn't sure that was such a good idea, but the two of them agree, not even checking on my feelings. I feel like a third wheel here.

Joey went home to check with his mom about the overnight stay get fresh clothes.

Aunt Jean saw I was upset and asked why.

I told her she should have checked with me before inviting him to stay.

She looked at me sadly and said, "Thomas you need to open your heart and let someone begin to replace the void left by your parents. I think Joey is the right person at the right time to do that."

Tears came to my eyes and I said, "What do you know about the void in my heart? And no one is ever going to replace my parents!"

"Thomas when you lost your parents, I lost my sister and a very dear friendship with your father. No one will ever replace them with me either. But the void they left in both of us needs to be filled; I'm filling mine with you, because you have become very special to me. You need to fill yours with someone special and Joey seems like he is willing to be that person for you."

"Joey is a guy," I say with frustration.

"I noticed that, and I noticed how you two connect when you are together. Let your heart guide you Thomas, the problems will sort themselves out."

Both of us with tears embrace, another mother hug, two in one week. I miss my mom.

We hear a new sound in the driveway, turning together we see Joey jumping out of an old Willy's Jeep. The top is off and it looks like something you see in the old war movies. Aunt Jean and I holding hands go out to check out the new toy.

Joey tells us it's a 1960 CJ5. The first model built for civilian use. I jump in and we take off exploring around the lake.

Joey can see my face is red and looks like he's going to say something. I look at him and say, "Its okay Aunt Jean and I had an emotional moment is all." As we drive along he ask me where my parents are. I tell him about the crash. It brings tears to my eyes again and I notice he has tears too.

We park in a neighborhood common area. There is a boat ramp and swings for kids along with some benches down by the water. Joey and I take a bench and watch the sailboats and this one guy doing his best to get a lady up on skis.

"So I told you about my parents, what's the story with your dad," I ask.

Joey is silent for over a minute. This is so usual I begin to regret that I asked.

"I don't remember my dad. I was told when he and mom were first married everything seemed fine. After I was born, he began to drink and mess around. He claimed he caught Memaw stealing, fired her and made her leave the house. Sometimes he would hit my mom. One day she came home and found him with another woman. The other woman ran out and the story goes that my dad felt so bad he went into the back bedroom and shot himself in the face.

"The problem was my mom had gunpowder residue on her hands. She claimed that she was down by the lake earlier that day shooting rats. The police were going to arrest her for murder until Hank who happened to be our mailman and had grown close to mom came forward and said he had seen her at the lake that morning shooting rats. The police ruled the case a suicide and let mom go. Shortly after Memaw came home, Hank moved in, mom built him the garage and things have been just fine since. "

Wow, I thought, and Joey told the story like it was just another day.

"Do you miss your dad," I asked

"I never really knew him, but if he acted badly towards the people I love, then no".

We sat for a while, finally the woman got up on her skis and we headed back to the house.

Joey and I helped Aunt Jean with dinner, she said she could do it, but Joey insisted. That night we cooked out steak and corn on the cob and had ice cream.

After dinner Joey and I went to my room to change. Everyone was going in the pool and spa just to chill out. Joey had his bag and pulled out a pair of Speedo's. They were deep purple.

"Are you going to wear those?" I asked with surprise.

"Sure, why not," smiling.

"They show, you know, everything"

"So, Tommy I'm not ashamed of my body, not one inch of it and you shouldn't be either, you look great!"

"I do?"

"Come on, you don't know your cute?" he said, smiling

"Yeah, I mean I don't know, I guess yeah, I guess I look okay, it's just that well it doesn't matter I don't have a pair of those anyway," I said

Joey reaches in his bag and pulls out a pair of red ones.

"Red or purple?" smiling.

"Purple," smiling back.

We pull off our clothes and change in front of each other; at this point I've grown comfortable being naked in front of him. He looks terrific in red. Maybe it's his color or maybe it leaves so much of him open to see, but he looks good. I check me out in the mirror and I do a good job of filling out my Speedos and look pretty cool too.

We race down the hall onto the patio and we dive in the pool.

Coming up for air, Ray whistles and Jean gives a hoot.

We play and swim and enjoy the spa. Everyone is laughing and just having fun, even me.

Ray and Jean cuddle on the lounge; they really care for each other it's easy to see. We get the idea it's time to give them some space and take our towels and head to the bedroom.

"Do you want me to make a bed on the floor for you or..." I stop

"I'd share the bed with you, if you think there's room" he says turning the color of his Speedos.

We both peel off our wet swimsuits and I hang them in the bathroom. He's standing next to the bed naked. I look him in the eye, smiling.

"Are you comfortable sleeping like that?" blushing I ask

"Yeah if you are," he says quietly.

We move in under the sheets.

The moonlight comes in through the window our hands make contact. Charge, our fingers intertwine. I turn on my side he does the same. I feel his breath he moves closer. I feel him up next to me.

"We don't have to..." he starts

I touch him, I hold him, he is warm and wonderful, and he copies my moves. Bodies rest on one another, our noses rub, I feel his lips, and I copy his moves.

Later, lying listing to him breathe, his head on my shoulder, I realize I have learned a lifetime about him in one day. It is almost too much to take in, too much to think about and way too much to consider, but I'm glad to know him as I do.

He wakes early and sees me looking at him.



"Nothing? I'll show you something", smiling.

He already knows where my tickle spots are, he reaches the tenderest one, and I squirm but don't tell him to stop. His hands move up my body sending a title wave of charges. I pull him in and we kiss. Wow that was a 220-volt.!

We both have morning wood. His is a bit longer, but I check again to make sure. Our messing around makes a mess of both of us again.

Now nothing but smiles. The knock on the door and Aunt Jean wants us to hurry. We start another day together.

Next: Chapter 4

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