Ive Got You

By moc.liamhsuh@101yadun

Published on May 17, 2006


Please be aware that this story contains material of a sexual nature and describes sexual acts between males. If you find this kind of material offensive, or if you are not of legal age to read such material or if it is illegal in your country, please do not read any further.

This story may contain some factual information, but is a work of fiction. Any apparent similarity of characters to real people is coincidental.

I've Got You Part Two

Walking into the house the first thing I noticed was everything was old. Not warn but dated and comfortable. Joey was standing in front of a chair talking to someone; He moved aside still holding hands.

"Tommy this is Memaw. She has been family for over fifty years. She helped my Grand Ma raise my mother". He explained.

Memaw was black, upon seeing me she stood up and moved better than I expected for a woman her age. Three steps and her arms came around me and folded me into her embrace. I have had hugs; Aunt Jean tries to catch me with one as often as I let her. Everyone was hugging me at the funeral, but this was more of a mother hug. She held onto me, pulled her face back to look deep into my eyes. I looked back.

"Welcome to our home Thomas", she called me Thomas! "I'm glad Joey found you."

Joey yelled back over his shoulder, "Tommy come find me in my room if she ever lets go", smiling.

Around her chair were balls and spools of yarn, each a different shade. On a table next to her were her knitting needles and a stack ready to fall of hot pads. You know the ones you use to get hot pans out of the oven. She turned and went through the pile pulling out an over-sized one with stripes of many colors like a flag. She turned and handed it to me and said, "I was saving this one for someone special. I wasn't sure who, until I met you".

I took it and she took my hand and held it a moment.

"It's going to be fine, now go find Joey".

I took my pad and walked down the hallway that I think he used. The rooms seemed dark, one room had a light coming out of it and I looked in and out quickly. There was woman with stacks of books all around her. She looked like she was reading one and using the computer at the same time. Further down the hall I heard a noise. I pushed the door open of a fairly large bedroom.

There in front of me was Joey. He had taken off his wet suffer shorts and was looking into a drawer of his dresser.

Two white pillows making up a bubble split by a vertical cavern. Not a blemish, not a pimple. Just smooth hairless and there.

He turned, my eyes still zoned into that area when his dick came into view. Curly blond to light brown hair guarding the base where a white tube extended over a tight ball sack covered with little hairs, like a tennis ball. I was close enough to make out the blue veins, an over sized one on top of his penis filled slightly, that brought the head up and away from his balls. He was circumcised like me and maybe a little longer, but thinner. I looked at his dick, and then his balls and back again.

"Which do you want Tommy?"

Which do I want? I have to choose I think and then look up he's smiling.

"Which do you want the blue pair or the green pair", smiling holding two pair of shorts.

"Green I guess"

He throws them to me and waits. I feel the dampness of my swim trunks and realize he wants me to change. I see a door, but I would need to go by him and he is blocking my way. I'm not sure where it goes anyway, so I pull off my wet suit, he takes it from me and drops it on a towel next to his.

We stand together naked, he's smiling; I don't know what I'm doing. He leans over and pulls his shorts up and I watch as his dick head is pulled up with the shorts and winks good bye. I hurry and get my shorts up not wanting to be the only naked guy.

He reaches in another drawer and finds a football jersey, he slips it on, and it only covers the upper half of his torso. The shorts below the navel and the shirt just below the breastbone leaves a lot of open flesh I think.

He throws me a tee shirt with a picture of a long winding tube from a local water park. The front says "I took the Long Shaft".

I looked at it and threw it back at him.

"I'm not wearing that", I blush.

"Okay with me, you don't have to wear anything." He winks.

"Come on I'll take you on with a few of my games." Smiling

We move over to his bed, he turns on a TV and a game I'm pretty good at comes on. I smile and sit on the edge of the bed. He plops down on the floor, pushes my two legs apart and rests his head against the bed just below me.

I have a hard time concentrating and he wins three times in a row.

I set up for a fourth game and he pushed against my legs stands and stretches

The jersey moves up showing more of his chest. I have to admit he is a good-looking kid. He tells me its time to start getting dinner ready. I look out the window and realize, I have been here for a while, and the sun is going down.

I suggest that he take me back and grab my swim trucks.

"We'll go back later, call home and tell them you're with me", he says.

"What does he mean with him, although technically I am? I make the call. You would have thought Aunt Jean had won the lottery when I told her I was at a friend's house. She happily told me to stay as long as I wanted and would see me when I got home. I guess that was cool?

I found Joey in the kitchen removing some burgers from the frig. Next to him was the woman I had seen earlier.

He said, "This is my mom"

"Hi, I'm Tommy". What did I say?

Looking me up and down adjusting her glasses and looking again, she hands me the burgers and says, "Can you cook?"

"Yes Mrs. Ah, Joey's mom"

"Good, Simmons, Mrs. Simmons call me when dinner is ready dear." she said turning to Joey.

Off she went back to her room. In through the kitchen door walks the Mailman. This house is beginning to make me wonder.

"Hank" hugging the mailman Joey turns to me and says, "This is Hank!"

"Hey Hank, shaking hands, I'm Tom, Thomas.

Before he can speak Joey unloads. "Hank is the best mechanic in the world he can make anything old new again".

"Oh", referring to his uniform, I said, "I though he was a Mailman".

"Postman", that's what I do, mechanic is what I am. And welcome, was it Tom or Thomas" he asked?

"Tommy and he and I are becoming friends" Joey spoke.


"Okay, I'll be in the garage, when you two get dinner ready and decide his name call me", and at that he was back out the door.

"Is Hank your dad", I asked?

He's been like a dad since mine left, come on let's get the fire started" like that Joey, Chevy and Ford were out the door.

The fire was lit and I was put in charge of food, while Joey set the table. I wondered how I became the cook, but at this point, I was hungry and knew everything would be cooked to my taste.

Burgers done, I brought them to the dinning room table, which was down a different hall than the bedrooms. Joey came in and threw The Long Shaft shirt at me again, this time I put it on.

Soon Hank came in and washed his hands at the kitchen sink. Memaw showed up from nowhere and took a seat. Mrs. Simmons joined us and Joey and I took the two seats that were next to each other.

"Nice shirt, Joey has one like it I think. Alright Tommy its your turn to pray", said Mrs. Simmons

I know I turned deep red and then flush white; I didn't expect to have to lead them in prayer. Joey saw my look and spoke.

"If it's all right mom I'd like to do it tonight"

"Well all right, but it's still your turn tomorrow". She warned.

Joey reached down and took my hand; Mrs. Simmons took the other one, warm charges on one hand, and cold fish on the other.

"Thank you Lord for this food cooked by my good friend Tommy and thank you for this family and allowing Tommy to be part of it.

Fish dropped, warm held on, I looked at him he squeezed my hand, the eyes and the smile again. We turned to enjoying our meal.

Dinner done and Mrs. Simmons excused herself. Memaw helped clear the table and Hank went back outside. The conversation during dinner was a little interesting.

Hank enjoyed buying old cars and Jet Ski's and such and refurbishing them. He and Mrs. Simmons were, I guess friends, and each had their own room. Mrs. Simmons was a writer at one time and now worked for a book publisher as an editor, proofreader.

She was so good that she was able to work at her own pace from her home. Memaw of course helped raise her and you could see the bond between them.

It had gotten dark and I suggested that I call Aunt Jean for a ride back to the house. I knew it was too dark for the Jet Ski.

No, no I'll take you Joey smiled. He grabbed two helmets and we headed out the kitchen door.

In the distance I could see a long garage with lights on in side and you could hear the roaring of an engine.

"What's Hank working on?" I asked

"Don't know, but we'll test it out soon" he smiled.

"Here put a helmet on, I promised mom I would never ride without one he said"

Around the corner was an old motorbike. I asked what it was and was told it was an Indian Scott. I remarked I had never heard of them. Joey explained that this was one of the last ones made in America back in 1953.

Joey got on and started it up, it purred like a kitten. At that a real cat ran out from under it. I jumped, Joey laughed.

"Who was that Dodge", being clever I thought.

"No that's Catty, Dodge is the Parakeet." He smiled, "hop on"

We both put on our helmets, the seat was short, not much room, and I had to move up close. I searched for handles or something to hang onto, but found nothing.

"What can I hang on to?" I asked as we rolled down the drive.

"Me", he took off.

I quickly crossed my hands around Joey, his jersey flying in the wind, nothing but warm soft skin. I measured each breath he took. Each gearshift moved my arms up, just below his nipples. Each shift down and my hands rested in his groin. We sat at a light, the motor vibrating, and my hands felt movement under his shorts. My dick begins to have a mind of it own.

He moved a hand under mine and adjusts himself.

"Sorry, The vibration does it to me every time. It feels like it does the same to you", he says through his helmet.

I can't see his face, but I feel his hard dick just beneath my hands. I know my dick is sticking him in the back it can't be helped.

He takes off, my hands move away and up his torso. I feel the heat from every rib. I lean in and my warm breath goes down his collar. We turn another corner and glide into my driveway.

We get off the bike both adjusting ourselves. I say thanks, he says no problem, let me meet the folks.

I quickly explain they are my Aunt and Uncle. I get a strange look and moved to the door, Joey behind me. The door flies open and Aunt Jean is like a girl waiting for her prom date.

"Hi, I'm Aunt Jean", all smiles.

Don't people's lips hurt after awhile?

"Hey Aunt Jeanie, I'm Joey, Tommy friend".

"Tommy?" looking at me with a strange eye "Hey I love that shirt, we should go to that water park it's great. Nice shorts too. All from Aunt Jean

"I love that park," says Joey, "you're right we should take Tommy."

"I'm off the next week, I was going to help Thomas get new clothes for school, we could probably use your help for that too, but why don't we go to the water park tomorrow?" She says.

Before I can speak, they plan my life, I'm not happy.

"Well I'll leave you two to say good night", with a wink she ducks back through the door.

"I guess I need to give you your stuff back", I say as we stand to near each other.

"Keep it, unless you want to get naked out here or something" he smiles.

"Oh yeah, I mean No" I back up and trip over the step.

He catches me and pulls me in.

"Looks like I got you again. Smiling charging, smiling.

I move away through the door and yell back good night.

He's gone! The bike starts and now he is gone. I hear the engine as it fades away down the road, he's really gone. Aunt Jean is all over the fact that he is so nice, so cute so this, so that. I get to my room and close the door and put my hot pad away. He's gone.

Next: Chapter 3

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