Ive Got You

By moc.liamhsuh@101yadun

Published on May 16, 2006


Please be aware that this story contains material of a sexual nature and describes sexual acts between males. If you find this kind of material offensive, or if you are not of legal age to read such material or if it is illegal in your country, please do not read any further.

This story may contain some factual information, but is a work of fiction. Any apparent similarity of characters to real people is coincidental.

I've Got You Part One

The last time I stepped off a plane in this airport I was looking forward to hugging a duck and taking my picture with a mouse. This time wasn't going to be like that at all.

The car crash took both my parents at once. I was alone and no matter who tried to change that, I was certain to stay that way. I realized that more loss wouldn't fit into this broken heart, so my theory was to stay away, from everyone.

My mom's sister and her husband offered to take me in right after the crash. But I begged them to let me stay until the end of the school year. My attorney helped convinced them explaining that I needed to be close by to sign things when the house sold and insurance papers were prepared.

My best friend's family took me in for the last two months of school. Ryan and I had been friends for years and like most boys we had, well you know messed around a little.

After the crash he tried to get me to join him like the old days, but I wouldn't have anything to do with that. Nothing that might feel good or brings happiness, no that's not for me anymore!

I dated a little before the crash; Mary Ann would call and she even asked me to the end of the year dance. I said no. She came by a few times, we had never, well you know done anything but cuddle. I didn't want to do that either. Tell you the truth it never made much sense to me anyway.

Uncle Ray and Aunt Jean were cool. Ray was my Aunts second husband, but no kids came from either marriage. Their house was nice, very large, on a lake, with a huge pool. They did their best to make me feel welcome.

I had turned sixteen right after the crash. Not even my birthday was fun. Uncle Ray helped me get my Florida driver license and within days I bought my new Chevy Cobalt. Money wasn't an issue, but I decided I just needed transportation, nothing fancy.

I hung out at the house, swimming in the pool or fishing in the lake. Jean offered to take me to all the Theme Parks in the area, but I continued to turn her down. I was happy just being alone. Happy, there's a word that's over used.

So the summer moved on, the heat, the pool and fishing filled my days. Then one day in mid July, I was fishing, and this Jerk on a jet ski kept circling in the lake about half way out but directly in front of our pier. He was showing off or something, but he was running the fish off. What a Jerk he was to disturb my day I thought, so I waved him away.

He apparently thought I was waving him in, because he turned and headed my way. About a hundred yards out the engine stalled on the Jet Ski. He yelled at me to come help him.

It wasn't my problem, but if I didn't help he would just hang out there and yell.

I took a dive and swan out to the ski. He quickly told me that he had run out of gas. What a Jerk. Now we had to drag the heavy machine into the beach. I pointed to a common area, but no he said it was too far and our beach was right in front of us. Something about him seemed familiar.

It took both of us to drag this thing into shore. He's skinny and not very strong I thought to myself. Then I remembered I wasn't any he-man either. We made it to the beach, he dragged himself out of the water like a drown rat. I lay on the sand a moment just to catch my breath. I remember looking up and seeing him looking back at me. What the heck was he looking at? I wish he'd just get out of here.

I sat up and he put out a hand to help me. I didn't need his help, but took his hand. Have you ever felt like a charge or surge when you touched someone else? Well that's what I felt. I quickly jumped up and tried to let go.

His light brown hair hung down over his forehead, all wet and tangled. His chin had one of those dimples, his face smooth. The frame of his body was slight, but he was built like a swimmer, arms showing veins, hairless chest, small nipples and his abdominal muscles displayed a small six-pack above his navel. His swim trucks hung low with rivers of water flowing from them down his legs. They were surfer's shorts that came to just above the knee. Above his trunks there was a vertical vein showing under his pink skin traveling from his navel into trunks. He was mostly hairless, just his calves to his ankles had a whisper of small light cover.

What I hated was his eyes and his smile. The eyes were blue/green and you had to look into them, and his smile never ended. What a pain!

He spoke in a tenor with just a crack and a rise towards the end of his phrase.

"I've got you" I'm Joey". Smiling.

Joey! What kid would go by Joey? And what the hell was he so happy about?

"I'm Thomas", pulling my hand away, stepping back so I didn't have to do that whole touch thing again.

"Tommy, nice to meet you" he said. He grabbed my hand again faster than I could pull away.

"Thomas" pulling back my hand as the charge hit again.

He ignored me and started walking towards the house.

Now from the rear, his back was tan, well developed and toned. His trunks hanging low showed the beginning of his butt crack I hurried behind him, watching his cheeks move in the wet trunks. As I came upon him I got a better look down his trunks.

Smooth skin, little soft hairs shadowed each knuckle of his vertebra diving down and meeting those cheeks. He stopped, looked back and saw my eyes looking down, again with the smile. I hate that!

"Tommy, where's your car"?


"We need to go get gas, you do have a car don't you?

Do I have a car? What a Jerk! Who does he think he is coming in here like he owns the damn place? He can just go get his own gas and then get his jet ski off our beach I thought.

I said, "Wait here I'll get my keys"

I ran into the house though the family room and down the hall. I grabbed the towel hanging on my door and dropped my shorts to dry off. Now dry I turned to find some shorts and there in the doorway was Joey.

"Nice, very nice" he said smiling.

I stood there not moving for what seemed like forever, until I realized I was naked and Joey's smile was getting to me. I quickly grabbed my dry shorts and pulled them on.

"I told you to wait out there", I said

"Yeah well I wanted to check out your, you know, room", again with the big smile.

What a Jerk, I thought. First he disrupts my day, now he's violated my privacy. I have had it with him.

I say, "Listen"

Come on Tommy get your keys and bring some money, I don't have any with me and we'll need to pay for the gas"

"Thomas" I say as I grabbed my wallet and keys.

Uncle Ray made sure I kept an emergency kit in the truck of the car. Part of that was a container for gas. So we jumped in and I backed out of the driveway.

You know how you have everything just the way you like it in your car? Well the first thing this kid did was to push the seat back, and then start playing with the radio. Not just changing stations, but the treble, bass and speaker mix too.

I kept my cool, thinking let me just get him his gas and get rid of him. He finally found a good station and then he starts whistling to the tune. What a Jerk, what right did he have to be so happy anyway?

"So Tommy what grade you are in this year? He said, smiling, whistling and now the third degree.

"Thomas, Junior"

"Cool, me too, we can go together." Smiling, always smiling.

"I like to go early, so that wouldn't work out". I stated.

"Early is great we can hang out or get breakfast before school".

I turned into the gas station.

"Fill up the can, I'll grab us some drinks, what kind do you want Tommy".

"Coke, and its Thomas"

"Cool two cokes coming up"

I paid for the gas and the drinks and we headed back to the house. Now maybe I can get him out of here.

We put the gas in the ski and I took the can back to the car, when I came back around to the beach he was gone, thank god!

Wait the ski is still here, where is he? I looked and the patio door was open I went in and moved back to my bedroom door. There he was going through my personal stuff, games and things that belong to me. That's it; I have had it with this guy!

I said, "What are you doing"?

He turned and smiled, "Hey Tommy grab your swim truck and I'll give you a ride on the jet ski. We'll go to my house and you can check out my stuff". His eyebrows moved up and down and a wink.

No way I was getting on that machine, it looked old and we would probably get half way there the ski would stall we would drown.

"Tommy will this be your first time," he asked smiling

"No, yes, I'm not sure what to you mean, Thomas".

"No I'm Joey, Your first time on a jet ski?

"Yes, and what kind of name is Joey", I asked bravely.

"It's cute for Joseph, like Tommy is cute for what you keep calling yourself."


"Whatever". Finding my trunks on a hook next to the door, smiling and throwing them at me, "here change" he said

He sat on my bed smiling and looking at me; no way I was giving him the satisfaction of seeing me naked again. I tuned and went into the bathroom and closed the door.

In the bathroom, door locked, I removed my shirt and shorts and had a look at myself. I'm not so bad I thought. About 5' 10", Dad was a dentist and made sure to have braces on and off me before I twelve. Straight white teeth smooth skin, nice lips. Okay no smile. Blue, no gray, no blue/gray eyes under heavy brow, brown hair a little too curly, so I keep it short. I really don't work out, so I'm thin and have a runners build. What's the different between a runner's build and a swimmer's build you wonder? A swimmers pecks are more defined, a runners legs are stronger, they way I see it.

Brown hair under the arms, not much, but enough to let the world know I made it to puberty. Nice muscle tone in my torso and a wisp of hair at the navel and a shadow heading down to a nice patch of pubes. My dick stretches out with help from my hand. The pearly white skin starting at the base covers rivers of blue flowing through veins twisting along their path under the cinnamon colored cigar ring an inch before the crown. The head, circumcised flares with tiny purple pimples, each ready to feel the sensitivity of touch. Yes of course I measure it, and I can tell you its six, you'd know seven to be a lie. It's a healthy tube and normally hangs over a sack still mostly hairless holding two balls. The left hangs lower I don't know why, but now they pull up close and allow me to hold them in my warm palm. My legs are not hairy, but if I turn out like my dad and I do look like pictures of him at this age, I'll have more hair below my knees and very little above. You know, I'm not bad looking at all, not that I care; I'm not getting close enough to anybody to make a difference anyway.

I pulled my trunks on remembering I had Mister Nosy waiting for me.

I opened the bathroom door and see him laying face up in my bed. His arms were up behind his head, his eyes closed. The swim trucks had slid down past the tan line, below the not so tan area and into the Oh so white skin just above the groin. Hair in the armpits light, darkening in the middle, and a few curled above the ban of his trunks.

His eyes closed, I moved out toward him Breath in breath out. I liked out, it allowed for his diaphragm to fall and his trunks to stretch across his hipbones. This made a gap between his belly and his shorts and a view of what lay under. His bulge, not large, not small was just below the ban of his shorts and although you couldn't see the full shape of his dick, you could tell he had one.

Standing over him the urge to touch him overwhelmed me. He's sleeping and would never know, my curiosity squelched and it would be over. My hand moved to him hovering above his navel. The warmth drew me to him like a magnet. My fingers glided over soft warm skin, small hairs tickling a rise of goose bumps. Moving downward below the navel, heat transferring, making my skin warm. Fingers run on, they glide into the upper ban of his shorts, breath in breath out. Out, fingers slip under.

"Stop! That tickles" he laughs. His hand holding mine, the charge comes again.

Let go, let go damn it, I think. It seems like forever but ends in a second. He smiles and sits up.

"Come on I'll give you a ride" and like that it was over and we were off.

Out to the Jet Ski, He had me get on first; I scooted forward on the seat wearing just swim trucks that pushed up as I moved forward. The water felt cool after being out of it for a while. I felt him get on the back behind me. Then before I knew it his right arm came around me, it lingered resting on my leg, his left arm moved in past my waste. If I let him hug me, this will never end; I need to say something before this accelerates anymore.

As I start to object, the right hand turns the key in front of me, and then both hands move to the handlebars, my words are lost in the roar as we take off.

His chest is leaning forward touching my back; his arms like rails hold me inside. I move forward and he follows, his groin up close to my ass. His breath on my shoulder, the vibration of the engine rattles my body, my dick becomes hard, and I can't stop it.

He points out different sites along the lake. The park, the public ramp, the repair gas and go. We turn into a different part of the lake. I had been in most of these waters in Uncle Ray's boat, but I had never been back here.

Along the shoreline were scattered home sites, most looked like they we fifty years old or more. This lake used to be a great fishing place and families kept small homes here to visit during the summer months. Now the millon dollars castles we call neighbors had replaced most of those homes.

We slowed and headed into shore. Up ahead was a strange looking house, moving in several directions like it had been remodeled more than once. The best way to describe it was to think of a game of dominoes and how it stretches out.

We pulled up next to an old pier, tied down the ski and both went up a ladder to the dock.

Before I could get my balance two huge Labrador Retrievers came bounding down the dock. I almost fell back into the lake but he caught me and pulled me back into his arms.

"I've got you."

This has got to end I can't deal with much more touching, holding on to him I thought.

"Meet Ford and Chevy, boys meet my new friend Tommy".

Friend? When did that happen, was I out of the room or something?


"They don't care" follow me", he said as he and his dogs raced to the house.

Pouting, I thought, that's it, I'm having this Jerk take me home, and his dog don't even care who I am. I'm being and idiot. Just relax and see where this goes. Its just a few hours and he'll be gone. Try to me nice I warned myself. We'll see!

Next: Chapter 2

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