Its You

By rafael munoz

Published on Oct 24, 2008


Disclaimer: I do not own and I do not state that any member or all of the Jonas Brothers are gay. This is a work of fiction. Not everything is true.

This is my first time to write a story, so please bear with me. Comments are welcomed. Thanks.

It's You Chapter 1 By: Rafael Munoz

It's You Chapter 7 By Rafael Munoz

-Raf leaves for the airport...

MOM: are you sure you don't want me to come with you at the airport???

RAF: it's ok mom...just go to work...and it'll be hard for me to leave if you're there...

MOM: okay...


ding ding ding Welcome to Northwest Flight NW121 bound for Manila...please Fasten Your Seat belts...

RAF: (thinking) don't they get tired of using the same lines over and over again...

-the flight lasted for fourteen hours; Raf couldn't wait to see his friends again and forget about Joe and the incident...

-ding ding ding we have now landed at Ninoy Aquino International Airport, we thank you for choosing Northwest Airlines, we hope to fly with you again in your future flights, thank you...

-Raf didn't have carry-on luggage so he was one of the first people to exit the plane. After the immigration stuff was fixed, he was looking for someone outside until someone hugged him from the back... As a defense mechanism he turned around and just slapped whoever hugged him at the back..

RON: (rubs his cheek) ouch Raf! Nice way to tell your friend that you miss them

RAF: (shocked; holding Ron's Cheek) oh I'm sorry Ron!!! I just got surprised haha...

LISL, NICO, JENETH, KYLA: (running towards Raf) Hey Raf!!!

-group hug

RAF: I missed you guys!!!

ALL: We missed you too Raf!!!

RAF: Now guys, since you're here, you can help me with my luggage...


RON: Wow Raf... (Sarcastically) Do you have more? Because you actually didn't buy a lot!!!

RAF: (smiles) sorry guys my mom and I got carried away with the shopping...haha... at least I thought about you while shopping...

NICO: well that changes everything... (Grabs one big suitcase) Let's go!!!(Walks to the exit)

RAF: (laughing,) haha... that was quick... Hey, where are Leslie, Noel and Lindon???

RON: They couldn't find a parking space, so they're just driving around...

RAF: oh okay...


  • The boys didn't let Raffy work... RAF: Guys, let me help...

NOEL: (shakes head) No Raf, we know you're tired... Just go inside the car...

  • Raf goes in the car... so the seating arrangements were Lisl and Jeneth at the back, Raf, Ron and Leslie in the Middle, Nico and Kyla at the front, Noel is in the driver's seat and Lindon at the passenger's seat...(yes it was one of those big, big cars)

RAF: Hey guys, don't forget, we'll eat at our favorite sushi bar...

ALL: (chanting) Sushi! Sushi!

RAF: (laughing) you guys are dorks!!!

LISL: But we're you're dorks...haha...

NOEL: How was the Jonas' concert?

RAF: It was great!!! I got to meet The Jonas Brothers!!!

JENETH: (screams) you've got to tell me the story!!!!

RAF: I still want to hear with this ear (pointing to his ear nearest to Jeneth)

  • Raf told the story on how he met the Jonas Brothers but leaving out the Kiss...

NOEL: So guys, we're here


-Saisaki is a buffet style restaurant, so you have all this Japanese dishes ranging from sushi to teriyaki served at an all you can eat buffet... I know, great huh?

RAF: You!!!

???: Raffy? Is that you? How have you been doing? (Tries to kiss Raf on the cheek)

RAF: (really irritated) uhm excuse me? What are you doing?

???: Saying hello to my past lover...

RAF: I was never your lover, Jaikko

JAIKKO: I was, and you know it! I just replaced you like I change my clothes...

RAF: Yeah yeah... I've heard that before, I was too young...

JAIKKO: So you're acknowledging that you are my past lover...

RAF: I was only with you so that I could have someone to call my first!

JAIKKO: So I see that you still are living with that lie...

RAF: (on the verge of tears) whatever! Hope you have fun with your boyfriend, oh wait where is he? (Acts like he remembers something) oh yeah he left you for this doctor huh? What was his name again Harold?

JAIKKO: (furious as hell; trying to punch Raf) Why you?!

RAF: (closes eyes, ready for the beating he'll get)

NOEL: (grabs Jaikko by the shirt) Look, we came here to have a good time, we have no plans on ruining your pretty face, if you want to keep it that way do not show your face to us ever again!

JAIKKO: (walks away abruptly)

LESLIE: Uhm are you okay Raf?

RAF: I'm okay, but can we just go home? I can't handle anymore drama...

ALL: yeah...


-Raf was looking out the window

NICO: Hey friend, are you okay?

RAF: I was thinking...

LISL: He thinks!!!

RAF: (pinches Lisl's arm) hey, I do think okay..Haha...going back...I should never get a boyfriend...haha

JENETH: And why?

RAF: My list doesn't look good haha...seriously Jaikko and Robert...

LISL: Haha. Raf. Don't think that; don't be so hard on yourself. Someone is out there for you... okay to make this fun haha... the first ever guy who'll call you is gonna be your soul mate...

--MEANWHILE— --Joe was pacing around the living room

KEVIN: (throwing Joe a pillow) Ugh! Joe stop pacing around I can't see the TV.

NICK: What's your problem???

KEVIN: He's debating if he should call Raffy after he surprised him by kissing him on the lips.

NICK: What??? Why would you do that??? You haven't even told him everything...

JOE: I know that's why I'm debating if I should call Raf...

NICK and KEVIN: Just call him already!!!

JOE: What if he doesn't answer???

NICK: (grabs Joe's Phone and dials Raf's number)...It's ringing Joe

JOE: (gets the phone) waits for the phone to be picked up...


RAF: How is someone cal... (Gets cut off by his phone ringing)...

RON: (smiles mischievously) Hmmm now who could that be???

-Raf looked like he'd seen a ghost

LISL: Hey Raf are you okay?

-Leaves the phone ringing

RAF: Okay guys I have to tell you something... JOEKISSEDMEONTHELIPS...

LISL: Uhm speak more slowly Raf..

RAF: Before I left Joe, kissed me on the lips...


NICO: You must be kidding me?!

RAF: I want to but it's true...

LISL: So that's why you're afraid to answer the phone...

JENETH: Uhm... what did you tell him...

RAF: I didn't say anything, I just kinda left and slammed the door on his face...

LESLIE: (slapping Raf at the back of his head) and why did you do that...

RAF: You know I was just in a relationship, and a pretty bad one at that. I wasn't ready and he just kissed me out of nowhere!!! What would you want me to do jump on him??


LINDON: Now answer that phone or else I'll answer it for you...


JOE: (disappointed; frantic) He's not answering!!!

NICK: Then call him back!!! Maybe he just didn't hear it...

JOE: (dials again, after 3 rings; sighs) Hello??


RAF: (swallows a big lump forming in his throat; closes his eyes) Joe?

JOE: (on the phone) Uhm how are you???

RAF: I'm on my way home...

JOE: Oh, okay... so how was your flight???

RAF: It was fine, just like any other flights...

JOE: Okay I'm gonna go straight to the point...I'm sorry for the thing that happened last time...

RAF: (awkwardly) Oh, okay... It's okay...(laughs awkwardly)

JOE: Uhm I'll leace you now to rest, I know you're tired from the long flight...

RAF: Uhm okay...

JOE: So okay huh??? Thanks for the time Raf ...bye...

RAF: Bye...


JOE: So okay huh??? Thanks for the time Raf ...bye...

RAF: (on the phone) Bye...

-Joe hangs up

JOE: (pacing the living room again) what the?! Thanks for the time?! I couldn't have said anything more stupid than that!!!

NICK: Hey we're going to sleep already, coming???

JOE: Yeah... (Disappointed)

NICK: Wow, what did Raf tell him to make him like this??? I got to call Raf, but that can wait, I'm sleepy...


-Raf hangs up

LISL: So what did he tell you???

RAF: (rolls his eyes) he just asked if I was mad at him for kissing me...

JENETH: (excitedly) so?

RAF: So what?

JENETH: You know what I mean Raf...

RAF: I didn't know what to say, I just said it's okay...

LISL: Come on Raf why don't you give Joe a chance...he really looks like he's into you...

RAF: You all know why I'm like this...

NICO: But you have to move on Robert apparently has...

RAF: It's easy for all of you to say that... you're all happy with your love lives... and Robert has moved on because our relationship wasn't "real" okay...

LISL: But please Raf think about it...

RAF: I will... now let's sleep, I know you woke up early to fetch me and I'm tired so let's sleep...

LESLIE: Sounds good to me...

-Raf wasn't really sleeping, he was still thinking how in the world THE Joe Jonas apparently took a liking to him...

To Be Continued Email me at I appreciate your comments people...haha..thanks

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