Its You

By rafael munoz

Published on Oct 1, 2008


Disclaimer: I do not own and i do not state that the celebrities mentioned in this story are gay... This is just a work of fiction. not everything is true...

This is my first time to write a story, so please bear with me. Comments are welcomed. Thanks.

Let me start by introducing myself, I'm Raf, 18 years old, not that thin but not that fat so I'm kinda in the middle..haha..studying at a well known nursing school in the Philippines, went to the States to visit my family. and yup I'm gay.

Now on with the story...

I was sleeping peacefully until someone was jumping at the bed and screaming their heart out. it was my twelve year old cousin Martina

ME: Martina, can't you see I'm sleeping?!

TIN: I'm sorry but mom got us some concert tickets!!!!!

ME: and what concert would that be??? And why are you at my house this early???

TIN :(grinning) cause your mom told us that we get to have you as our chaperone for tonight, and raffy it's already 12:30 so it's not morning.haha

ME :( shooing Tin away) okay okay get out and i'll go down in a minute..

So when Tin went out i got some clothes and went to the bathroom. i took a quick shower cause i wouldnt want my mom to shout

at me for staying in the bathroom for so long.

ME :( walking to the kitchen) hi Auntie!(Tin's Mom) Hi mom!

MOM: Well it's about time you woke up. I know it's a vacation for you but please wake up early once in a while, you're the only one I could rely on for help. (I have younger brothers and a younger sister)

ME: (rolling my eyes) whatever mom. I'll try to...

Auntie Suzette: Hey Raf thanks for coming with Martina and her friend to the concert, I bought an extra one so that you could have a friend with you.

ME: it's fine auntie, I love Martina to death, and I know I'm the oldest among the cousins that's why you and mom are always relying on me for some things. There is this one tiny problem, I don't know anyone here. So let Martina call another friend to the concert. (Leaves the kitchen to go find Tin)

MOM :( to auntie Zette) you know he wasn't like that before, he was so friendly and people were just having fun around him but after...

Auntie Zette:(cutting off mom, whispering) shhh, you know we promised not to talk about that anymore.(talks normally) he's doing fine, he's going back to the same Raf we once knew and loved slowly but surely.


Tin was watching TV, so i sat down on the couch beside her

ME: hey Tin, whose going to have their concert tonight? (hey, I have to know who's playing so that I know if it's going to be a long night)

TIN: Who else but the greatest band in the world...

ME:(Grinning mischievously) The spice girls are back??hahaha

TIN :( throwing me a pillow) NO! And FYI they are not the greatest band in the world...

ME: Then who is it?!

TIN: THEJONASBROTHERS!!!!ahhhhhhhh!!!!

ME: Wow you get excited your just saying their name...hahaha

TIN: Well the concert starts at nine so we'll be here at eight.

ME: eight!!! The venue is just ten minutes away...

TIN: whatever just get ready...

ME: Okay okay, (Whispering) little devil (smiles)

TIN:hey I heard that. Anyway Thanks cous for going with us. And thank GOD that you're gay, Cousin Eric wouldn't be seen dead in a Jonas Brothers concert...(Giving me a peck on the cheek.)

ME:Haha you're right... he wouldn't even watch Camp Rock with me...

(Tin walks away)

ME: (Thinking) it's a good thing the WHOLE family Knows and is cool about me being gay...or else it would be weird seeing me at a Jonas brother concert...

-so after Tin left I sat down on the couch and called my friends from the Philippines...

ME: Noel??

Noel: Raffy? Hey how you've been dude??

Me :( laughing) haha..well I'm fine how's everyone there in the Philippines?

Noel: it's 2 o'clock in the morning and we're still here at Lindon's drinking...(We always do that once a week haha)

ME: why don't you put me on loudspeaker,(after hearing a beep) hey guys!!!


LINDON: What have you been doing there and you only remembered to call us now!? Wait don't tell me, you got yourself a boyfriend over there and you've been "preoccupied" with such..hahaha

LESLIE: Hahaha Raffy's Got A boyfriend!!!(Yes they do know)

ME :( laughing) Hahaha I miss you guys and LINDON I do not have a boyfriend over here cause I still love you (joke)hahaha

LINDON :( catching on the joke) haha..good cause I wouldn't want to be away from you ahahaha..joke..hahaha

ME: I miss you guys!!!

LISL: you said that already dumbass!!

ME: sorry miss perfect!!! Hey guys I get to go to my first ever concert and it's going to be here in the states!!! Hahaha...well

I'm just going with my little cousin but hey at least it's a concert... hahaha...

LESLIE: Who's the artist going to be performing???

ME: The Jonas Brothers... hahaha

LISL: Wow at least you get to see stars... hahaha... (We like the Jonas Brothers but we're not obsessed. We just like some of their songs)

JENETH: Tell me how is it after okay friend (it's a Filipino way of showing affection to friends by calling them friend... haha... I know weird hahaha)

ME: okay, haha

-so we talked for 2 more hours until I had to say goodbye and get ready for the concert.

At 7:30 I was out of the bathroom in only a towel and was trying to choose an outfit to wear...

ME :( thinking) well I don't have anyone to impress over at the concert so I'll just wear a shirt and jeans...

So at 8pm I was wearing a white shirt with HOW SOON IS NOW printed at the front and jeans, (I'm not that skinny and I'm not that fat but I don't wear skinny jeans I don't think I look good in them) and I was wearing my blue and white checkered vans and had my hair in a out of bed kinda style. I was about to go sit at the couch when somebody rang the doorbell.

ME: (Opening the door) hey Tin, let me get my stuff and we'll be out okay...

At the Car

Auntie Zette: hey Raf thanks again for going with Martina, and this is Tin's friend, Therese

-And off to the concert we go...

To Be Continued.......

SO OKAY, that's Chapter 1 hope you like it...

Comments and Suggestions welcomed :) email me at


Next: Chapter 2

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