It's Too Bad

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Nov 19, 2007




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM



The last of the football games had finished a half hour ago and the party was still in full swing.

Gordon and Dell were having a final brew (well, the fourth final brew) to celebrate another bodacious Thanksgiving and the football games that came after, which they had watched while drinking beer. Now the games were done, they were celebrating by drinking even more beer.

"Hell of a great game." Gordon said as he sloshed his can of beer by moving his arm the wrong way.

"Yeah, great." slurred Dell.

"Been a good year." Gordon said. "And a good party."


"Lots of good beer tonight. This frat always has good beer."


"The beer tonight has been flowing"

"Like what?"

"Like beer at a frat party." Gordon said and guffawed heartily.

Dell laughed too, but not enough, Gordon thought.

"Too bad the girls couldn't make it tonight." Gordon said after he finished laughing.

"They had to go home."

"Yeah, but too bad they couldn't make it tonight."

"They had to go home." Dell repeated.

"I know, but still, it's too bad."


"Wish they could have made it." Gordon said wistfully with an accent of beer. "Kind of sucks being alone on Thanksgiving."

"Uh-huh. But they had to go home." Dell said yet again.

"Yeah, that's too bad."

"They had to go home."

"Yeah, too bad. Yeah."

"Sure wish my girl was here." Dell tried to change the subject.

"Yeah, too bad."

"I'd sure like to have her here with me."

"But she had to go home." Gordon said. That, at least, had pierced his beery veil and entered his brain.

"I'm just saying it's too bad."

"But she had to go home."

Too bad."

"Uh-huh." Gordon finished.

That revelation called for another beer.

"Damn it, how we going to celebrate tonight?" Gordon said when they'd worked through their next set of beers. What'd that make, Dell thought to himself, eight, or nine? Must actually be twelve because he thought it was ten.

"Wish our girls were here."

"Yeah, but they had to go home."

"Yeah." Gordon struggled. He had the edge of an idea here. If he just could push aside the alcoholic fumes a bit so he could see it. "But I wish they were here." he said again.

"Yeah. "Good party and they're missing it."

"Yeah, they're missing it." Gordon agreed. "But you know what I wish they were here for?" The light broke through briefly...he had it! No, it was gone again, the clouds had closed up.

"Without the girls, we got nothing to do." Dell groused. "Nothing but drink another beer. He had to prove his point, of course, so he got another beer.

"I know what I'd do if Michelle were here." Gordon mused.

"Yeah, but she had to go home."

"Stop that!" Gordon protested. "I got an idea here."


"Yeah." Gordon said. "What I'd do if Michelle were here."

"So what would you do?"

"That's easy!" Gordon had his idea and he was running with it! "I'd put her right where you're sitting now."

"But I'm sitting here."

"I know, but I'd put her right there."

"But I'm sitting here."

"I know, but if she was here!" Gordon said. "I'd put her where you're sitting."

"But I'm sitting here."

"Just for the sake of argument."

"Okay, okay, for the sake of argument then." Dell agreed.

"That's better."

"So what would you do?"

"About what?" Gordon wanted to know.

"If I wasn't sitting here."

"Why wouldn't you be sitting here." Gordon said.

"Michelle." Dell pointed out.

"Oh, yeah!" The light parted in golden glory! "If she was here, I'd put her right where you're sitting."

"But I'm sitting here!"

"For the sake of argument, if Michelle were sitting there instead of you!"

"O-o-o-oh!" Dell said. "Okay, if Michelle were sitting here, what would you do?"

Oh, the train of thought was tootling along now! Gordon said, "I'd put my hand right on her thigh like this!" And his hand landed on Dell's thigh.

Dell looked at the intruder with the objectivity of Zeus peering down at the ant-sized humans from on high. "Why would you want to do that for?" he wanted to know.

"It's just a first step."

"But you didn't step anywhere!"

"Just drink your beer." Gordon said. "And watch what I do next."

"Okay." Dell sipped his beer as he watched Gordon's hand. It stayed still for a moment, then it began to worm its way up.

"Hey, that feels kind of good." Dell marveled.

"Yeah, it's supposed to." Gordon said. "All the way up" And he cupped Dell's crotch.

"Ooh, that is nice." Dell said. "I can see why Michelle would like that."

"Yeah, she would." Gordon agreed. "And once I gave her a nice thrill like this, then I'd lean in and kiss her."

"Kiss her?"

"Yeah, like this." And Gordon leaned over and kissed Dell. The sharply acrid taste of consumed beer was on Dell's lips and it could have bothered Gordon, only he was just showing Dell what he'd do with Michelle, so that didn't count.

He let go to continue his demonstration. "And then I'd play with her titties, like this." And his hands roamed over Dell's chest, feeling for and finding and fondling his nipples.

"Oooh, God damn, man, that does feel good!"

"You bet it does."

"And what, uh! What does, uh! What does, uh!"

Dell's hand slapped Gordon's fingers away from his love knobs. "What does Michelle do when you do that to her?"

"She'll usually giggle and get up and take off her pants and panties and sit down, right here!" Gordon slapped his thighs to show where she'd perch.

"Does she like doing that?"

"Oh, yeah." Gordon said. "It's her favorite way."

Dell showed scorn. "Aw, that's stupid. Girls want to lie down and you get on top of her!"

"Not Michelle." Gordon said.

"Not any girl."

"Girls like it that way."

"No, they wouldn't." Dell said. "I know I wouldn't."

"I bet you would."

"No, I wouldn't!"

"So why don't you try it and see if you would." Gordon challenged him.

With all the beer in Dell's veins, Gordon's proposal obviously made perfect sense to him. Dell said, "You got it, sucker!" And he got to his feet and promptly fell flat on his face.

"You fell down."

"Don't remind me." Dell struggled up. "Help me get my pants off, okay?"

"Okay." The struggle that ensued took a considerable amount of time, made longer by the consumption of three more beers each during pauses. After a half hour or so, though, Dell was now naked below the waist, and Gordon had his own pants down to his ankles.

"Now, all you got to do is sit down here." Gordon said.

Dell plopped down onto Gordon's lap and Gordon yelped. "Ouch! Damn it, not like that!"

"How, then?"

"You damned near crushed my balls, shit!"

"I just sat down like you said."

"Not like that!"

"Like how?"

Gordon spat on his cock and worked it up into a raging tower of beer-enhanced tumescence. "Now, you sit down on this. Nice and slow."

Dell grumbled as he eased his buttocks down onto Gordon's lap. "Don't see why any woman would put up with this." he muttered. "Much better to lay her down on a bed so she can fall asleep while I'm fucking her, like Jess does most of the time."

"Hold on while I steer you in." Gordon said and he gave Dell's buttocks a slight shift to the left. "Okay, on down."

"This has got to be the stupidest bit of...Guh!" That was the surprise of having something try to push a round knob-shaped thing into his butthole.

"Don't get back up." Gordon protested when Dell faltered.

"I ain't going to like this!" Dell said.

"You haven't sat down yet."

"I ain't going to like it!"

"You have to sit on down." Gordon insisted.

"This is dumb."

"Come on, sit on down."

"All right, but I'd better like this."

"You will." Gordon said.

Dell sat down slowly, and at first he winced as the hard tool penetrated his innards. "Ooh, that is beginning to feel good." he said as the first half began to slip inside him. "Kind of like there's a knob inside me that your dick is brushing against. Kind of nice."

"I told you you'd like it."

"Mmm, yeah!" Dell sank on down to the base and now he was sitting on Gordon's lap like Michelle would have.

"You see? Gordon said. "Michelle likes sitting like this."

"Yeah, I can see that." Dell said. "Only, now I'm not moving, it doesn't feel as good."

"So do like Michelle and bounce up and down." Gordon advised.

"Okay." Dell tried it experimentally. "Ooh, that does make it feel good again. Real good."

"I told you so." Gordon said.

"Mmm, yeah, uh, yeah, uh!" Dell bobbed back and forth at a smoothly increasing pace.

"Ahhh, man, you're moving faster." Gordon gasped. "Michelle always does that, too."

"I can see why, it feels a lot better if you're bouncing up and down nice and fast." Dell said. "Really nice, and the faster I go, the better it feels. Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah!"

"Oh, yeah, uh, ah!" Gordon groaned. "Just...uh! One prob...uh! Problem with...uh! With that!"

Dell was moving with a speed that turned his buttocks into a blur. "I don't see why." He said. "I'm not having any problems at all now!"

"Uhh...the problem...uh! Is that if...uh! You keep going...uh! Oh, God!"

"Oh, yeah, I feel really good now, oh, man, oh, oh!" Dell groaned. "Man, I'm going to shoot my nuts. Ah, ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah!"

"I...uh! Know!" Gordon moaned. "Oh, God, I'm coming!" he sobbed. "Hang on, here it comes!" That said in a strangled tone that was wrung from Gordon's soul.

"I'm shooting now, shooting, uh, GUH-HUUNN-HUHHH!" Dell gasped and his spunk sprayed out in a wide-angle spray in all directions before him. Only a coffee table was in the way, which was now adorned by a score or more of beer cans. Those cans rang out in an impromptu tune of passion's expression, tap-tap-tataptaptatat-tap!

"Hnnnnnnh-hnnnh!" Gordon was quieter and so was his orgasm, his own spray was expended deep within Dell's bowels, and Gordon laid his head back and sighed as his seed poured upwards into his buddy.

Dell finished climaxing and shifted, only to find Gordon's expended prick falling out of his butt. "Uh...!" his beer-fogged brain came up with. "What happened."

"The problem with you bouncing too fast," Gordon said, "is that it makes me shoot my load every time. When you do that, its all over."

"All over?" Dell was disappointed. He sat back down beside Gordon with a plunk. "Damn!"

"I know, I know." Gordon said. "I tried to tell you. Michelle slows down and makes it last longer."

"Wish I'd known that."

"Yeah." Gordon said. "It's why I wished Michelle were sitting here next to me instead of you."

"I see what you mean." Dell said.

"Another beer?" Gordon offered him a can.

"Thanks." Dell took it.

They each took a sip of their fresh cans.

"Too bad the girls couldn't make it tonight."

"Yeah. They had to go home."

"I know, but still, it's too bad."

"Yeah. I really wanted to get laid tonight, too!"

"Yeah, me too! Too bad we ain't going to get any."

"Yeah, it's too bad."


Comments, complaints or suggestions?

E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM



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