It's Rude to Stare

By Shutup NZ

Published on Mar 3, 2021



This story is the second part of a series that is going to end up more explicit than most of my other works.

If slave, master, torture, and all that jazz isn't what you're into, I suggest you avoid this particular series. Below are some links to some of my other gentler works. As always feedback is welcome to More feedback means more parts! ????


Overnight I had been incredibly busy. A snowstorm was rolling in, yet I had some tasks to achieve for what I planned for Ashley the next day. A surprise if you will. Ashley had also texted me later in the evening begging that he could wear more than just the usual swimwear I had him show up in. Apparently, he was worried about hypothermia? After enough pleading, I figured it was best for us both that he wrapped up this time. Part of the reason I finally gave in is that I realised swimwear was the most I had seen him in since we met 2 weeks back, and it would be interesting seeing what his particular style was like. That said I permitted him to wear what he liked.

So, Sunday came quickly, I had been busy in town much of the time since Ashley left. Yesterday he had endured so much pain by my hand. I had tortured his feet and fucked in for the first time, to cement in that his body belongs to me, and he had to endure what I dished out no matter what. The week of school sounded like it had been rough on him as well, so I wanted to give him somewhat of a reward. If he didn't like it, at least I would.

He answered my door at the usual time, this time dressed in actual clothes. He wore a baseball cap and a thick black puffer coat, with long jeans, trying to protect himself from the cold. He managed to get in without getting wet, but the wind was sub-zero out. Noone was out on the streets except him because of the cold, and his teeth were chattering as he entered.

"Lovely weather" I greeted him sarcastically.

"Yeah..thank you for letting me wear a bit more today sir. It's nice and toasty in here, would you like me to get naked again?" Ashley asked, immediately unzipping his jacket, revealing a clean ironed shirt underneath.

"I have a slightly different routine planned today boy," I said, stopping him. I walked up closely, directly in front of him and casually plunged my hand down inside his denim jeans, grasping at his cock, and holding his balls in my hand. I stared into my boys eyes as I tightened my grip. Visible discomfort flashed in his eyes as he looked back at me, accepting it. He stood fast as I squeezed harder, leading to more intense pain as I crushed his balls more and more.

"You make me so proud Ashley, you know that? I was almost about to give up finding a boy like you when you showed up" His hands at his sides, twitching slightly, the only other sign of the pain he was going through.

"" He managed to push out.

I loosened my grip on his young balls slightly, just enough to have a conversation, but firmly enough so he still had my full attention.

"Why don't you put a hand down my pants too. Feel my cock, but be very gentle. If you hurt me you won't leave this house again." His young fingers delicately pushed down through the waistband of my boxers and carefully cradled my balls. He gently rubbed my nuts slightly between his finger and thumb.

"Have you cummed since yesterday?" I asked, tightening my grip on him once more.

"No sir, I haven't since Friday night"

"What about in the shower, did you touch it then?"

"Barely sir, only to wash. My dick gets hard too easily otherwise. My balls have been aching like crazy."

Taking my hands off his balls, I wrapped my fingers around his lengthening shaft. It was already semi-erect, which fit my hand nicely. Ashley grunted with satisfaction as I squeezed it. Ashley mirrored my actions in my own pants, wrapping his smaller hands around my cock.

"ooooh .. please sir, if you keep doing that I might cum...."

"Well don't, because I don't want you to come yet," feeling him get rock hard in my hand. To subdue his erection I took his knob between my thumb and forefinger and pinched it hard.

"AHHH Ehhhhh!! Ow ow ow! " Ashley shrieked, and went up on his toes, but stayed in place. His cock quickly softened again. His hand stopped caressing me momentarily as he tried to cope with what I was doing to him.

"I didn't tell you to stop jerking me off. Keep going" My fingers still pincered on his cock head

"Yes sir" he squeaked, his gingers fumbling back to life on my dick.

"You will only cum when I say you can cum, understand?" I took my hand out of my pants and sniffed my fingers, the sharp tang of teenage cock on them, "Your balls stink of cum, are you sure you haven't jacked off?" I replaced my hand back in his boxers once more.

"I haven't sir. My dick has just been leak- AHHH!!" I had scrunched his balls in my hand again, smooshing them hard against one another.

"Don't lie you me!"

"I swear sir" he croaked, his knees bending and buckling. "Please sir....the pain....I think I'm going to pee myself!"

I sighed and released him. As much as I was enjoying this, I didn't want him getting piss all over my carpet. Having enough of our little game, I decided to move onto the surprise I had in store for him.

"We still have a matter of your punishment from yesterday to deal with. But first, follow me"

I lead him further into the house, gesturing where to go. I trusted him enough now to show him the rest of my home, directing him up the stairs to my bedroom. As we went up the stairs, I couldn't take my eyes off his jean covered butt, which I had only recently fucked. I loved watching a boys bum, even a clothed one. There was something so sexy about a boys butt, naked or not.

On entering my bedroom, Ashley's mouth dropped. On my bed, tied to the four corner posts, was another boy. He immediately recognised who it was, it was his nemesis, Tyler! He was fully bound, his eyes, ears covered and tape over his mouth. He was lying flat, but still in his clothes. He is one of these kids who likes to dress all in black. He wore Black T-shirt with some kind of metal music band on it, and black jeans. Tyler had been making life a living hell for Ashley over the last week, and now here he was, gagged and bound and helpless on his new master's bed. His legs and arms tied securely to the corner posts of the double bed. Even with the coverings, Ashley recognised his shape immediately, his wild black hair the main giveaway.

"What...what is he doing here sir?" Ashley whispered to me.

"Don't worry, he can't hear us. " I said, casually walking up to my captive, giving him a slap on the head. The bound kid groaned through his coverings but with his senses blocked, had no clue as to what was going on. "He has plugs in his ears as well as earmuffs, so he has no idea where he is. As far as he is concerned, he is still riding out the worst acid trip of his life. Or at least, that will be the last thing he remembers doing before I knocked him out last night."

"But sir, why is he here? He beat me up!" Ashleys big brown puppy eyes looking up at me anxiously.

"Well, I was thinking about what you told me yesterday about what those kids did to you. I realised they damaged my property. You. I cannot allow that to go unpunished. I am well connected, and just through some phone calls I found out it was Tyler here who hurt you the most, so it will be Tyler who pays. I do have the right boy don't I?"

"Yes, that's him. What are you doing to do to him sir?"

"I'm not going to lay a finger on him, you are. You can start by taking off his pants, let's see what Tyler is packing."

Ashley swallowed hard as he moved towards the bed. At school Tyler basically ran the place, and now he was at the mercy of Ashley. If he hadn't been tied up Ashley would have been petrified of him even being in the same room. Nervously he unbuttoned the top of the black jeans and unzipped them, the two sides dropping apart. Never in his worst nightmare did he picture himself touching Tyler like this. Undressing him. Tyler, feeling what was going on, began to struggle, twisting back and forth, but with being tied up so tight, he wasn't able to fight back much. He was soon stripped down to his blue and white boxers as his pants were lowered, they were now his last protection.

Ashley with a final breath tugged the stiff jeans along with his boxers down to his knees. Tyler thrashed in his bonds as much as he could but wasn't able to prevent the loss of his last dignity, his soft flaccid cock wagging to and fro as he tried to get free. For the first time, Ashley got to see Tyler's dick. His cock was circumcised, and at 16, had a smattering of hair on his pelvis and lower tummy, a line of hair making its way to his belly button. Some curly hair even made it to the tops of his thighs, though surprisingly his balls were mostly devoid of hair, with only a few dark springs sticking out here and there. His scrotum was large compared to his dick, the wrinkled bag cushioning the little spike among a nest of pubes, lying against them like a pillow.

"Disgusting" I baulked. "Don't you think you look so much better being shaved clean compared to all that hair?"

"I don't know sir, I think it looks good. Like a grown-up. Are we going to shave it all off?"

"No. I want out activities today to leave as little physical evidence as possible. We'll keep it as is. Why don't you get down there and give those balls a big smooch to say hello."

Ashley made a face as if he would rather make out with a dog than do such a thing to his worst enemy. But knowing he had to do as he was told, he sat on the bed with Tyler at his side and bent his face down to kiss Tyler's nutsack.

As his lips made contact with Tyler's balls he heard a low moan of pleasure above him. The skin of his sack was warm and stretchy. Ashley could feel the firmer balls within them as he licked them, moving inside the bag. He could also tell that Tyler smelled different to me down there. A revelation in his mind that every boy might be different. Tyler's ball sweat seemed stronger somehow, laced with a hint of nicotine and leather, a consequence of his style of smoking and motorbikes. Ashley kept kissing the wrinkled skin of his balls, feeling the semi-hard testicles move around within.

Tyler's penis was already starting to harden, his dick was quickly swelling as my boy gave his balls a tongue bath. Tyler groaned above him, he had no idea who was doing this, but his senses were exploding. He was praying it was a hot girl who was giving these feelings, making him hard, but something in the back of his mind was telling him it wasn't.

I left Ashley to get to know Tyler's ballbag for a good 10 minutes. I actually went downstairs for a quick drink and grab the punishment spoon before coming back up. I left the two boys together, Ashley getting to know knew every fold and bump on his tormentor's sack by the time I got back upstairs.

On my return, I saw Tylers cock now stood proudly against his lower tummy, it had straightened to its full length, proudly showing off how straight it was, the steely shaft had a vein running from the base almost to the top, a boy's cock ready to fuck. His balls at the bottom tightened and now protruded slightly from his body, ready to unload at any second.

"You can stop now Ashley. Take a look at that cock of his. Don't you think that's a great cock? Isn't that something you would want to suck every chance you got?"

"Not really sir, it's still not your cock. I don't really want to suck him but if you tell me to I will."

"Well, lucky for you, I have something else in mind". Turning to pull my preprepared spoon out of my pocket. "Yesterday you earned 5 whacks on your balls," I said, slapping the spoon in my hand.

"Yes sir... " Ashley eyed the spoon with terror, but obediently reached for the waistband of his jeans, pushing them to the floor with his boxers, now only leaving only his shirt on. The long back of the shirt still covered his butt, but otherwise, he was now naked from the waist down, his lower clothes bunched at his shoes.

"While I appreciate the view Ashley, you could have kept your pants on." I noticed Ashleys cock was erect once more. "Leave them off for now anyway, it looks like you're enjoying your work"

"I'm really not sir" glancing at his own hardon "my thing just has a mind of its own."

"Remember, as hard as you are, you are not to stroke yourself. No cumming just yet. Now.. " I handed Ashley the spoon, his face becoming visibly confused. "You'll be dealing the blows today, on his balls" I said pointing to the prone hair ballsack in the room.

Ashley stared at the spoon and back at me in astonishment. " You want ME to hit HIS balls?"

"He damaged you. And you are my property. For that, he must pay. I expect you to him hard. As hard as you can. "

Poor Tyler meanwhile had no idea what was coming. His prominent cock still hard, with a bead of precum oozing from the exposed head of his dick. The angle of his cock pulling his balls out from between his legs, exposed and vulnerable.

Ashley placed his hand on Tylers lower groin to lean on, he could feel the hairs of his pelvis mingling between his fingers. He took aim with the spoon and whipped it down right into the centre of Tyler's ballsack. Tyler screamed through the tape, the sudden rush of pain excruciating. Just moments ago, he was experiencing such pleasure, and now it felt like his balls were going to explode, the dull agony wrenching through him. His limbs yanking on their bonds, trying to find some way to deal with the torment.

His cries were only just starting to slow when my boy struck him again. Ashley brought the spoon down, this time specifically targeting Tylers left nut, the curve of the spoon smashing against the poor exposed orb within. Tyler, gasping and yelling, desperately trying to cover his exposed balls.

Ashley was really getting into it now, revenge for his beating earlier in the week. Tyler was so vulnerable now, his balls helpless to the assault.

What had started out of shouts of pain, had now turned to sobs and what sounded like begging as Ashley again struck him, back to the right nut.

Finally, taking Tyler's scrotum in his hand, stretching the skin taught, the skin around his balls tight held separately outside his thumb and forefinger. He traced the shape of them with his other hand, before raining down the last 2 blows in quick succession right on top of his nuts. Tyler howled, trying to pull away, but could barely move in his restraints, his balls turning a deep purple.

"Nice job Ashley. Now, get back down there and soothe those sore balls with your tongue again" I told him, taking back the spoon.

Ashley still had the skin of Tyler's balls pulled tautly. Tyler whimpered and mewed as he once again felt the gentle wet touch of lips kissing his abused balls, the softness soothing his throbbing balls. Ashley getting a close-up view of the impact of his punishment, noticed the skin of the balls hard turned darker, while he hadn't broken the skin, the little veins were now red, turning his balls dark.

I had a great view now too, with Ashley kneeling on the bed he had his butt sticking out and his cheeks slightly spread. I could just see his boy hole, still looking a bit sore from yesterday, ready to be fucked once more. His hole was shut but it was still quite reddish pink from the fucking I had given him the night before. His balls dangling between his legs as he got to know Tyler so intimately.

I stuck my spoon between Ashley's legs and rubbed the back of it against the back of Ashley's balls. Ashley jumped at the coldness of the spoon came into contact with the underside of his balls, nervous of my intentions. I stroked them with the back of the spoon, then poked his testicles with the tip slightly, toying with them, making them sway.

"No sounds for a moment Ashley" withdrawing, moving to the top of the bed.

"I hope you're enjoying yourself there kid," I told Tyler, lifting one of his earmuffs. "Cooperate and we won't beat your balls again. Cooperate and you'll keep feeling good."

"mm mmmph" Tyler muffled, it sounded like a yes, unsure whether he should be looking forward to what was to come, or dread it.

I put the earmuffs back on and turned back to Ashley. "Time for you to get what you have waiting for!"

"What's that sir?" finally pulling himself up from Tyler's crotch.

"You want to cum, don't you?"

"Oh! Yes sir, so badly sir. Like you wouldn't believe!"

"Good. I want you to cum from getting fucked. Ride Tylers cock until you cum." I stated matter of factly.

Ashley looked back at me, stunned. "you want me to..."

"That's right, get up on that cock, and fuck yourself with it. I want to see his cock going deep into your little asshole. I want to see enthusiasm.

"Sir, I don't know if I can cum from that sir. My butt is still so sore from yesterday..I don't know if I will..enjoy his my.."

"This is your final test, Ashley. If you can do this for me, you have earned my cock."

"Uh ew okay, yes sir. If that is what you want" Ashley looked at me, then at Tylers cock, and absent-mindedly rubbed his butt with his hand. Tylers cock looked huge, but it was nothing compared to mine which he had endured yesterday. It wasn't only the size which concerned him, but whose cock it was.

Ashley begrudgingly got up, standing on my bed and then lowered, and held Tylers thick cock in his hand, bending it so it was vertical. He could feel it throbbing and pulsing as it touched his bare bum skin. He held the older boys cock in his palm, the hairs along its length prickling his hand. Ashley raised himself up, lining his bum hole up with Tylers cock. The spearhead of his knob, making contact with the entrance of his ass.

Similar to previously, Ashley's weight played a role in getting cock in his ass. After the fucking I gave Ashley yesterday, this cock was a little easier to manage, the hardest part was just will power. Unclenching his sphincter to allow Tylers cock to enter him, spreading his ass walls, giving it access.

"Aww shit" Ashley winced, as he felt it drive up further. His ass was still raw from the fucking I have him yesterday causing him some discomfort. Tyler might have been smaller than me, but it was still a difficult task. Tyler moaned at the same time, feeling his cock becoming smothered by something hot and tight. Ashley was still tight enough for it to feel like the best pussy he had ever felt.

"Mmmmmmm" Tyler let out a long slow moan as he felt the tip of his cock entrapped in the warm confines of Ashley's ass.

Ashley was not down to the root of Tylers cock, and could feel it filling his insides. Bracing himself on the bed, he began to work his ass up and down the 6" pole, ignoring the occasional pang of pain from the damage I had done before. Again and again, he pulled up, and then pushed all the way back down, violating himself with his enemy's cock. He could feel every inch move in and out as he rode it, feeling every ridge as it slid in and out of his teenage hole. Ashleys cock was so desperate to cum, his cock was hard just from being fucked. With a cry, Ashley came, ropes of his teen spunk launching and splattering onto my bed. Tyler had just cum shortly before, his semen coating Tyler's insides. Shortly after Ashley had come, he could feel Tylers cum starting to ooze out.


The following Monday Ashley was sitting alone having lunch at school. He preferred to eat when everyone else had finished and gone outside. Out of nowhere, Tyler walked up to him, slapping his food tray to the floor.

"aww, what happened to your lunch?" Tyler asked mockingly.

Ashley stood up and was walked away when Tyler spoke again "Aww now you'll go hungry, I guess you could find some dick you can go suck, right faggot?"

Ashley remembered my task, turned to face his tormentor and walked back up to him. "You have a dick don't you Tyler? I could suck yours if you want?"

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Next: Chapter 5

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