It's Rude to Stare

By Shutup NZ

Published on Feb 14, 2021



This story is the second part of a series which is going to end up more explicit than most of my other works.

If slave, master, torture, and all that jazz isn't what you're into, I suggest you avoid this particular series. Below are some links to some of my other gentler works. As always feedback is welcome to More feedback means more parts! ????

I wouldn't have been surprised if he didn't come back again, the punishment I gave his nuts would have been with him a few days no doubt. Sitting in class it would have been a constant reminder of his time with me. After each day the task with the steel bar would have been a further reminder. Painful, and uncomfortable, if not entirely impossible to achieve, but I suspected he obediently tried to please me as best he could anyway. Would he return knowing I would probably punish him again for not being able to manage it? Nevertheless, Ashley had determination, showing up once again at my doorstep the following week.

"Hello Sir," Ashley said as I answered the door. His cute brown hair a little unkempt, and a bit of a worried look in his eyes.

"Good afternoon Ashley, I missed you, how was your week?"

"Um, okay I guess"

"What's wrong?"

"I dunno, just scared I guess."

He knew the drill now, following me inside to my workshop. He only wore his three quarter swimming trunks again, even though I hadn't given him specific instructions of what to wear this time. I went with a pretty casual checkered shirt and jean pants. I realised so far he had only really seen my workshop part of my house, I might have to be a little more adventurous next time.

He saw some of my handy work when he followed me in. I had installed a pulley to the roof, along with some hoops to the beams across the ceiling. Some candles were on the bench, but mainly his concern with the contraption he suspected he would be involved in. He eyed it somewhat wearily and then got undressed, less shy about the process now. I never tire of watching a teenage boy his age undress in front of me. There is something magical about a boy in the prime of puberty, revealing himself to me that just gets me going. His flaccid uncut cock drooped towards the floor, his balls appeared to have fully recovered from the previous week, the redness which adorned them now gone. They wobbled back and forth as they came into view, his bag now back to a healthy skin colour. He stood in front of me, arms clasped behind him, knowing covering himself would probably lead to me getting angry. He wasn't wrong. I scanned his body from head to toe and noticed he had a couple of grazes on his elbows and a bruise on his chest.

"What are you scared of?" I asked softly, taking his package into the palm of my hand, checking it for stubble. I rolled the shaft around and checked his balls. Ashley jumped only slightly as he felt my touch, still not quite used to being handled so personally. It had been a week since someone other than himself had touched him in that way.

"I just hope it doesn't hurt too much today. I didn't get on too well with the bar you gave me sir. I might be too tight for you." I could see that he was nervous. I could see it in his eyes, perhaps he hadn't quite recovered from last weeks punishment. Tough.

"It will hurt Ashley, it will hurt a lot. Especially if you keep misbehaving. But I will be the one to determine what you are ready for. How did you get these grazes on you?"

"Oh...they're from school sir. My class saw that I don't have any pubes down there anymore. Word spread to some of the older boys who called me a fag for shaving it, and beat me up."

"Well you are a fag, aren't you? You should know that now?" My hand returned to his round balls. I couldn't get enough of how smooth they were, and feeling his precious peanut-sized testicles move around inside. I stretched and pulled the skin, checking for any morsel of hair I could punish him for. He whimpered as I groped him, it was a whimper of pleasure.

"I don't think I am though sir. I only want your dick, no-one else's."

"We might have to remedy that. You will need to accept other dicks too, not just mine. If they come and see you again, don't deny that you're a fag. Tell them you ARE. Offer to suck their dicks, the extra practice will help you."

"Do I have to sir? They're mean to me, I don't want to suck them off."

"Are you really going to make me repeat myself? Rule 2 remember?" my hand quickly tightened on his nuts, making him know I was serious.

"Sorry sir, yes sir. Rule 2." Ashley yelped. He was about to bring his hands around to cover himself but thought better of it, instead his knees bent slightly as crouched towards the floor slightly as I gripped them harder.

"I'm sure I can be a lot meaner than a couple of punk kids can. You're going to put your own feelings over mine are you?" I demanded, still holding them tight.

"No sir, I will do it, sir. I'm a fag, sir. I'm a fag." Ashley gasped. I let go of his jewels as he crumpled to the floor. While he tried to recover, I made moves towards my plan for the day.

Grabbing some rope, I tied it around each of his wrists, and using the pulley, hoisted him up so that his arms were hanging from the hoops. He would have to nurse the buzzing in his balls later as his arms were now pulled up, his wrists bearing the brunt of his weight. I gave him enough slack to give him some relief on his tippy toes. Now he couldn't bring his arms down if he wanted to, all he could do was twist a little.

"Comfortable?" I joked.

"Not really sir, my arms hurt"

"Use your feet to stand on. That will hurt soon too, but I want to play with you some. This isn't a punishment, this is a lesson. The lesson is to learn to accept pain for my pleasure. You do it well, but you can improve. Once we are done, I will fuck you.

"Yes sir.." I was growing hard as a rock, I just hoped I wouldn't cum in my pants before we got to the final show.

Grabbing some black masking tape, and without further explanation I covered his mouth, leaving his nostrils clear to breathe. His eyes still showed fear, but he didn't struggle. I walked around to the back of him, pulling up a stool to sit on behind his legs. Beads of sweat were already forming on his back, not sure if they were from fear or arm pain. I took a moment to admire his bum in front of me. The vertical crease of his shapely thighs forming his bum, almost like a face looking back at me. His cheeks quivering slightly in anticipation.

I grabbed his left foot and set it on my lap, the bottom of his foot was a pinky white, being a teen, the skin was still fairly tight around the sole. With some folds on the arches leading to his toes. I surveyed the base of his leg, the tiny springs of hair growth on his shins. I had decided to let him keep those previously but might have him shave those too. But for now it was time to get on with the lesson.

To start with I gently ran my finger along the sides of his sensitive foot. He jerked his foot away, I wasn't mad, I expected it. "You must ignore your urges to pull away Ashley. If I want your foot here, you must not pull it away" Ashley grunted as I pulled his foot back on my lap.

Again I ran a finger along the side of his foot, then traced it along beneath is toes. His foot twisted and contorted and I held it firmly. He groaned and whined through the tape, he was a strong kid, eventually managing to pull from my grasp once again. He moaned and sobbed; I suspect they were pleads for me to stop.

"From now on, each next time you pull your foot away will earn you a whack of my spoon on your balls," I said sternly. "Stop. Pulling. Away."

I grabbed his foot more roughly this time and yanked his foot back. Again, I traced my finger around his foot. Around the sole, around his little toes and even oh the thin skin on the top of his foot. His foot twitched and jerked, his toes scrunched up. I could hear him trying to yell something through the masking tape as he tried to will himself to keep the foot in place. Several times I repeated this, and each time he managed to pull away, earning himself a hit to his balls later on.

I counted up to 5 times aloud that he pulled away before suddenly I heard a trickle of liquid. The poor kid was peeing, piss arching from his deflated cock onto the floor. I put his foot down and quickly went back to the front of him, just as the stream was waning.

"Is that why you were pulling away all this time?" I asked, noticing the strain on his face. While he couldn't talk, he nodded the affirmative. The smell of fresh urine on concrete filling our nostrils.

"I should have anticipated this. Regardless, you should have still remained in place despite the need to piss. I will let you off for pissing, but you have still earned 5 ball hits so far. Now let us get back to it" This time when I returned to his foot to continue, while he still jerked and balled his feel, he did not pull away as much. It seemed it was the desperate bladder situation was more the reason for his movement rather than the torturous tickling he was enduring.

"Good boy." I finally said, releasing his foot. "Now for the other one" I let his left foot go, and reached for the other. While I am sure he was expecting more tickling, I had something more sinister in mind, wanting to raise things to another level. I took one of the lit candles from the bench and held it in the middle over the arch of his foot. It didn't take long before a drip of hot wax dripped from the candle onto his skin.

I could hear him scream a short scream through the tape. His foot twitched violently but amazingly he didn't move his foot away. This boy was something else! After a few more seconds another drop fell, this time I aimed for the webbing between his toes. I could hear him sniffing and snorting loudly through his nose as he fought through the pain of the searing hot substance making contact. This kid was special though, it seemed he had a strong will, or desire to do the right thing and held firm. Either that or he really didn't want his balls hit again. The candle continued to drop wax, each drip as hot as the last as they landed and began to cool on his foot. I pulled his other foot up so they were both in my lap, his arms strained in this awkward position. For a few minutes, I dropped how wax on each of his feet, sharing the white substance between each of them, his skin blistering. I noticed reddening of the skin around where they landed but suspected that it would heal soon enough. For my final act, I held the flame just under his big toe. He screeched as the skin began to turn, this one would stay with him longer than the rest.

Looking up his back was soaking wet. Beads of it clung to the sparse tiny hairs on his back. His butt cheeks displaying a sheen of body sweat which was pouring down his back and legs. His torso heaved as he breathed. It was time. I pushed my seat aside and walked around to the front of him once more. Once in his full view, I began undressing, starting with my shirt, and then my jeans. I was throbbing with anticipation; I hadn't fucked a boy his age in a long time. And finally, it was time.

"You make me proud kid. You have earned this today, though you may not enjoy it today as much as I will. You still want this?" I asked, grabbing and moving my cock back and forth for him. I moved it up close to his boy cock. I was a generous 9 inches when hard, and was pretty thick, his little dick was still shrivelled, it looked puny compared to mine. A normal adult cock would have looked big for Ashley, I must have looked like a monster to him. His eyes bulged, but he slowly nodded as if hypnotized by it. I walked back behind him to make the preparations; I had no intention of making this easy for him.

I nestled my cock between his cheeks, feeling where his hole would be. I knew I had the right spot when the tip of my penis made contact with a different texture of the skin, that of his anal ring, and Ashley gave a little grunt. It was slick with sweat, which would be the only lube Ashley would get today. Then, using the pulley and ropes he was suspended with, lowered him so that he could stand on his own two feet again. This had the additional effect of him getting skewed on my cock as he came down. Only after the first 2-3 inches were lodged inside him, but he already started to howl.

I slacked the ropes just enough so that he was no longer suspended by his arms, but not enough that he could move away. He was up on his tippy toes, the same blistered feet which had just endured burns were the only thing stopping my cock from being forced further into his rectum. He wailed as his body was slowly lowering further on my cock. The lower he went, the more of my girth spread his ass open. He wanted to stay up, but his legs were fast running out of strength, and his feet just couldn't do it.

A couple of times I felt his body go completely limp. Normally this might have given him relief but in his inescapable position, it only caused my cock to jerk in him harder. I jabbed it inside him every now and then to keep it slipping down.

Further and further he lowered, my cock reaching further up into his guts. His legs were shaking like mad and he was still moaning and shaking his cheeks made contact with my pelvis. I gave him a moment, or rather me a moment, to feel the glove of his ass quivering around my girth. The difference in our heights meant he couldn't get me out if he wanted to. He was panting hard.

"Now, let's see how much progress you managed to make. Use your ass muscles along my cock. I want to feel them pulling on my cock. Milk my cock with your ass"

Though slumped, we stood for a few moments while he concentrated on his task. Despite his best efforts, I couldn't feel anything other than the occasional twitch. The poor kid tried his best, but it was pretty fruitless. His ravaged body just couldn't perform.

"I can't feel anything. Keep using the bar until you get better at it." Ashley began to panic and shout what sounded like 'no' through the tape as I used the pulley once again to haul him back up my cock, only to then let it go again for his to slowly slide back down my cock. Forcing its back inside down him. I felt his legs give way again at one point as he shook his head. He buckled at the waist, but with my cock so far inside him, this only meant my pushed my dick against the walls of his bowel, which hurt even more, so he short back up again. I could hear that he was crying now, inner body pain finally breaking this kids' fortitude.

His chute was tight as hell, but with the irregular movement, it was more his excursion to please me that made me cum in the end. My balls tightened and dumped my steed into his pain ravaged body. He probably wouldn't have felt it initially, denying him that satisfaction, but he would have felt the gooey substance running down his leg as I relaxed. Finally, I released the ropes and I pulled out of his ass, letting him fall to the floor. Ignoring the puddle of pee he was in, he immediately rolled up in the fetal position, his cute little naked butt sticking out, some white marks still on the bottom of his feet. His hole was open and raw now, the edges of it an angry red where I burrowed in. Some of my cum still oozing out onto the floor.

I leaned down and ran my fingers through his brown hair, then carefully peeled off the tape. "I think that is enough for today Ashley. Tonight, you are to keep working with the steel bar, and tomorrow we will take care of your punishments. I also have something in mind for the grazes from school"

"Please sir. Not my balls again sir!" Ashley cried, covered his balls as if to protect them even though the punishment wasn't till tomorrow.

"I might have to do something more if you keep whining about your sad little balls being hurt. Do as your told and I won't have to punish them, simple as that. Also, no cumming tonight, we will take care of that tomorrow after your punishment.

Next: Chapter 4

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