It's Rude to Stare

By Shutup NZ

Published on Feb 2, 2021



This story is the second part of a series which is going to end up more explicit than most of my other works.

If slave, master, torture, and all that jazz isn't what you're into, I suggest you avoid this particular series. Below are some links to some of my other gentler works. As always feedback is welcome to More feedback means more parts! ????

Sunday lunch time rolled around, I had a shower in the morning, but this time decided to get changed into my casual clothes. Again at midday I heard a timely tapping on my door. Answering the door, once again the young teenager Ashley stood at my door, this time only in his just his swimming trunks, his chest a little sweaty from the walk over, his little brown nipples staring back at me.

"You're learning, well done. Come inside, you know the drill."

We entered and closed the door behind us, and went directly to my workshop. When we got there, without speaking he handed me the shaver I had provided him the day before.

"What is this?" I asked

"Your shaver sir. I did what you asked of me."

"Did you now? Did I say to bring the shaver with you today?"

" sir?"

"You have broken Rule 3 again. I never said to give it back did I? You must keep the shaver as you are to continue to keep yourself clear of hair. You will be punished for this mistake, but first, I want to see the job you did, and get a proper look at you. Remove your trunks, and get up on the bench."

When it comes to getting naked, I have noticed every boy does it different. Some are shy and keep their legs pinned together, some do a little bend at the waist, and others lift one leg at a time. Ashley was a bender, bending at the waste to almost horizontal sticking his butt out, and shucking down his shorts in one go, then walking out of them.

My workshop was a square room with a table in the center. Around it there was a bench at about waist height, and then cupboards above the working area. Ashley shucked off his shorts, and with little effort lifted himself onto the bench. It was just enough room for him to lie on his back, with his butt hanging over the edge. Like yesterday I used clamps to secure his legs above his head, onto the door handles of the cupboards above him. This left him spread eagle on the counter, I left his hands free as usual, which he used to support himself more comfortably on the hard benchtop.

His cock, balls and asshole were now on display before me, any modesty he might have had was lost. He was nervous as he had opened himself up fully to me now to my inspection, praying he had got all the hair off. I scanned his private regions, particularly around and beneath his balls which would have been harder to get to. He had done an outstanding job of shaving himself, not a hair could be seen on his cock, balls, or anywhere around his asshole. I could see every ridge and bump and not a hair to be seen. His cock was uncut, not quite fully hard at the moment but certainly chubbing up, his foreskin covered all but the very tip of his dick, I could just make out his piss slit. His balls and sack were large for his age, like a large pink peach which hung down about an inch above his asshole which was spread open like a flower. If I had my dick out, it would have been at just the right height for me to fuck. As I examined his shaving job, the bulge of my jeans rubbed up against his open crack, the friction causing the young boy to whimper and grow stiffer.

"Good. I can see that you have done a good job shaving, ensure it sure it stays that way. I can see that you aren't yet growing hair on your balls or asshole yet, but these too will need to be hairless of all times, so keep a close eye on them. The position you are now in will be known as the 'present' position. If I ever require you to get into this position, this is what I mean. You are to be on your back, and present your cock, balls and asshole for my inspection.

"Yes sir"

"Now, for a new lesson" I cupped his boy balls in my hand, bouncing them slightly to feel their weight. "What are these?"

"Um, my balls sir?"

"Are you forgetting rule 2? Try again" I tightened my grip, deliberately ensuring his precious nuts were inside my hand as I squeezed them firmly.

"Oh, your balls. They're your balls sir." he replied urgently, feeling the pressure building.

"And what is this?" I asked still holding his balls, and tapping the finger of my other hand at the entrance to his ass. His asshole had a sheen of sweat probably from the journey over. It twitched as I touched him there, but did not enter.

"Your asshole sir"

"Good. For simplicity I may refer to them as yours, but don't forget they are mine. Mine to do with as I please. Remember your body is mine to do with as I please. Now. There is the little issue, of punishment from yesterday when you didn't follow my instruction for dress, and today for returning the shaver. How do you think you should be punished?" finally letting go of his balls

"Uh, um, a ..spanking sir?"

"Hrm, yes, I had a feeling you might say that. Punishment is intended to teach a lesson. I suspect a boy like you enjoys being spanked. Do you like being spanked Ashley?"

"Sometimes sir. My dad used to spank me when I was little."

I reached into one of my tool boxes, and pulled out a small wooden paddle. I began tapping it against his left butt cheek and then have it a smack, which left a red mark.

He cried out, but barely moved, I asked him "I think you would enjoy getting your butt punished, you would, wouldn't you?"

"I guess so sir" he bit his lip. I tapped his other butt cheek and again gave it a hard smack, this time he jerked a little but only made a little whimper, leaving another mark on his other cheek.

"No, I don't think we would get very far at all with your lessons with butt spanking. I think something more painful will be required" I returned to the first cheek again, bouncing it up and down on the small red welt, and then with all my strength brought it down. This time the mark was much larger. Ashley made a small moan but the message wasn't getting through this way.

"I think you would enjoy this method too much." I returned the paddle to my toolbox, and this time took out a smaller wooden spoon "Tell me Ashley, what would you say is the most painful place for a boy to be hit?" I asked as I rested the spoon on his left nut, and looked into his eyes. His eyes bulged as he looked from the spoon to my face, trying to read if I was joking.

"No sir, don't" he pleaded.

"Answer my question boy"

"My balls sir, please don't hit my balls sir."

"I would think most boys wouldn't find a spoon to the balls very fun, would they? Do you think it would hurt?" I asked started to tap the spoon up and down.

"Yes, it will! I'm sorry sir, I'm sorry I didn't wear what you said, I- AHHHH" I had thwacked his left nut with the spoon. I could have done it harder but wanted this to be a warm up. His hands came over and clutched his delicate balls. The dull ache of a whacked ball flooded his senses like a wave.

"HANDS OFF BOY!" I ordered, as I pried his grabbing fingers away. With some effort he put his hands back to his side, I noticed for the first time his eyes were watering. I began lightly tapping the spoon on his right nut.

"Please don't sir" he squeaked knowing what was coming next.

"Hold still. If you keep resisting the punishment it will only last longer" I brought the spoon down on his right ball.

"ARRRGGHH!!" He showed great restraint, he moved his hands, but instead of covering his balls, they covered his face, his whole body started shaking as he willed himself to leave his balls exposed to me. His little prick had retreated back to soft but had a string of precum oozing from the tip onto his left thigh.

"Better, but I need you to watch. Put your hands back on the bench and watch me do it again."

With great effort his put his hands back on the bench. His balls had a couple of red marks now on the underside. Tears were trickling down his face, he wasn't an all-outeye cryer, but his eyes were bloodshot and his whole body was shaking, especially his legs.

"I know this may seem harsh Ashley, but you need to learn your lessons if you ever want my cock. You do still want my cock, don't you?" I asked, as I brought the bulge of my now hard cock back against the smooth skin of his butt.

"Yes sir" he croaked through the pain "I want it in me"

"Can I hit your balls again?"

He thought long and hard about this, knowing it was probably a test. He didn't want his balls to be hit, but knew it wasn't his choice "Yes sir. They're yours to do as you want."

"Good. Now watch me hit them, one more on each nut" I quickly fired the curve of the spoon hard against his precious jewels. His whole body jerked both times, his legs pulling hard on their restraints and his hands in fists. He howled for a few minutes as he wrestled with the pain, his jiggling balls now turning a deeper shade of red. His legs shook and a couple of times he tried to cross them in front of him to protect them, but he knew he had to keep himself exposed to me or it would only continue.

I allowed him to recover from his pain, it took him a good 20 minutes as I watched his little body cope with that had been done. When his tears finally stopped, he wiped his face clear of the water.

"You have done well Ashley; you deserve this much at least." I unbuttoned my jeans, and pulled my cock from within. Ashleys eyes once again bulged as my 9-inch man dick came into view, my knob was fully uncovered, the different in our sizes was apparent as I briefly lay my cock next to his, so he could feel my heat against his crotch, before I moved back and held the tip against his moist teenage anus. The skin of his entrance felt like a hot kiss on my knob, but I did not yet enter. He moaned when I wrapped my fingers around his awakening shaft. Interesting that he had no objection to me fondling his ass and balls earlier, but it'shis cock that he has a reaction to. Every boy is different.

His dick was warm and smooth in my hand, the skin around it moved up and down easily as I stroked him to his full hardness. This was the first time in so long I had touched another boy, and obviously was Ashleys first time to be handled by someone else. At full hardness the head of his cock was a bright red, moist with his precum. After I was so cruel to his jewel's moments ago, the new sensations I was giving him was sending him to a different high. For a few minutes I jerked him, keeping him on the edge of orgasm pushing him to a point of frustration as I hadn't allowed him to cum since we met.

Eventually I got bored of this game and pushed a little too far, and he came onto his belly. 6 thick ropes of cum launched over his chest, the reward of not having cum since we had met. He hasn't made a lot of noise when he came when a lot of boys too, but his tummy was heaving from all the sperm he had now released. Dipping my fingers into it, I fed it back to him. He refused at first, turning his head, but with stern encouragement he took his load back into his mouth, tasting his own seed.

Not giving him any time to recover, I reached over for the last thing I had planned for the day. It was a foot long steel bar, about half an inch thick. I placed it against his asshole, then with only a bit of pressure, pushed it in, feeding the first 3 inches inside his body, leaving the other 9 inches sticking out. It would have been cold and hard in his anal cavity, and it would have felt heavy. Certainly not a pleasant replacement for cock, but something to train his ass muscles.

"This is for your training over the next week. I don't expect to see you till next weekend, but I expect you to practice this every day. Every opportunity you are alone, you are to put this up your ass part way like this, and then, only using your ass muscles, pull more inside you. You know the feeling when you accidentally pull a shit back up your ass? Do that to this to pull this rod up your ass. Next week I am going to fuck you, and fuck you hard and deep. When I do I want to feel your ass pulling my cock inside. Do you understand?"

"Yes sir" Ashley panted, still coming down from his orgasm high, feeling the invasive object lodged in him. I moved it in and out of his hole for a moment driving it in to see how deep it would go, before pulling it out fully and handing it to him.

I unchained his legs which had begun to grow numb from being suspended for so long, and he gingerly got down from the bench. He was a little wobbly so he leaned on the countertop for a moment to get his balance, his naked form before me. My new boy in his naked glory, his balls still red from our punishment, I imagine they would hurt for a few more days to come.

Next: Chapter 3

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