It's Rude to Stare

By Shutup NZ

Published on Jan 17, 2021



This story is the first part of a series which is going to end up more explicit than most of my other works. If slave, master, torture, and all that jazz isn't what you're into, I suggest you avoid this particular series. Below are some links to some of my other gentler works. As always feedback is welcome to ????

"It's rude to stare"

"S..sorry.. sir.."

I had been waiting for months to find a boy like him, and I think I had finally found the right one. I would frequent the public pools daily, and on both getting changed into and out of my swimming trunks, I would search the pool for the right boy. Not too old, not too young. Just a hint of femininity and enough submissiveness to get the ball rolling, and most importantly, no parents loitering around to get in the way of my plans. This boy, I think, was the right one.

He looked about 14. He had no body hair that I could see, and nothing under his arms. His short curls on his legs were normally nearly invisible, but would be darker when damp after he got out of the pool. He was brown haired, and looked to be quite slim. He had been sitting on the wooden benches and had just finished putting his trunks on. He had now stopped, watching me for the last few moments as I dried my hair, only wearing speedos.

I only wore speedos in the pools, and I was fairly well endowed. Even soft I was a solid 4", getting up to 8 or 9 when given a good enough reason to. I dried my hair so it looked like my head was covered, but I could see him checking me out the entire time. I looked after my body; I swam a lot for one thing. I am 28 so have a generous smattering of chest hair, what they call a swimmers build.

This new boy had passed all my visual tests so far with regards to age, and demeanour. The next steps were where a lot of boys failed, but I cast out my line to see if I could get a catch.

"It's rude to stare.."

"S..sorry sir.." he replied.

My dick twitched when he said 'Sir', this was a good sign. His voice told me he was no longer a boy, yet not a man. He had that weird middle octave that could change at a moment's notice.

I glared over at him, pretending to be offended, as he finally made the preparations to leave. I padded over to him, my bare feet making wet slaps, making my approach as obvious as I could. I stood directly in front of him, my crotch now only a couple of feet from his face

"Where are your parents?" I demanded

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to look sir, please don't tell them." he squeaked.

"Don't tell them what? What were you doing?"


"LOOKING?! What were you at looking boy?"

"At your swimmers sir...?" he looked up at me, then at my briefs as he tried to cast his sight back down. He noticed my thickness quite apparent as it lay across my left thigh.

"Bullshit. " I hooked my swimming briefs under my balls, my cock flopping out. To an adult it would look big, to this boy I would look massive. Though I am a swimmer, I prefer not to shave fully, stopping to only shave my balls and taint, so I looked pretty hairy to a kid his age. I am uncut, the tip of my foreskin comes to a point, almost looking like an arrow tip which makes it look even bigger than it really is. With everything now on display, the young boy had a hard time turning away from looking at it.

"You wanted to see this didn't you?" I said shaking my dick at him.

"yes..sir..yours is a big one..". He was passing the test; he hadn't run off.

"What is your name boy?"

"A..ash..ashley" he said, still looking.

"Aaaa.aaaa..ashley " I mocked in a whiny voice. "Talk properly boy! How old are you 8?"

"I'm 14 sir."

"Well Ashley, when I was in school at your age, if I was caught staring at another man's junk, I would have been called a faggot. Are you a faggot Ashley?"

"No, I...I'm not." He replied. That's fine I thought, they always say that.

"I think you're lying Ashley, but I'm going to make you an offer. I think you really ARE a faggot and want to see more of my cock. If I'm right my address is 55 Maple Cresent, Brown Beach. Come to my address in just your swimmers, midday Saturday, and I'll show you more of it. Okay?"

"Okay sir." he croaked.

The next 48 hours dragged. For one, it had been a long time since I found a boy who got this far, and two, I had stopped jerking off over that time to build up to the big day.

On Saturday I got up and had a shower at about 11, then watched outside my window the rest of the morning. I live alone so sitting around in just a towel wasn't all that unusual. I was certain this boy was the one. The kid might have said no in the changing rooms, but I was positive I had found the right one. Sure enough at 11.55am I heard a light tapping on my front door.

Opening my door, one again I saw Ashley in front of me. He had biked over in his ¾ Hawaiian style trunks and a yellow t-shirt and red cap. Bare feet. I spoke first before he had the opportunity.

"Leave your bike and bag out here. Come inside. Don't speak, not even a word"

He followed me in quietly, I quickly closed the door behind him. This being the first time I saw him standing, he was quite short for his age, though his butt was quite something, almost creating a shelf where it's curviness met his back.

"Remove your hat and t-shirt here, and follow me."

I could see the hesitation in his face. 'Fuck' I thought to myself, he is going to run after all. Then I think he surprised us both by dropping his hat and shirt to the floor.

We went deeper into the house, down into my basement where I had a small workshop. It was a concrete room, with various tools in shelves around the outside that I never used. In the center was a small 4-legged table with a leaver which allowed me to raise and lower it.

"We have some rules we need to go over first Ashley, so get on the bench and lie down."

The table was low to the ground and it wasn't particularly comfortable. His head was just below crotch height, about 4 feet off the ground. I pulled my towel to the side and suddenly the boy found himself before my completely naked body.

"Do you like what you see Ashley? You may speak." I told him, absently stroked my cock, letting it bounce around a little and move my balls.

"Y..yes sir, it looks very nice. "

"Good. You need to prove yourself before you can have it Ashley. To do so, there are some rules you must hear, and some instructions you must follow. Do you understand?

"Yes sir, what do I need to do?" His eyes watched me move around the room. I could feel him watching my naked body taking it all in. He got his first look at my ass too. I had clamped his ankles to the legs of the table, but I left the rest free. With that taken care of, I walked back to where his head was, my legs almost at his ears, my cock drooped onto his forehead. I looked straight down at him, and him up at me, seeing the bottom of my butt cheeks.

"You are doing well. Now, I am going to move up and put my balls in your mouth. You are not to suck my balls as you have not yet earned that privilege. You also do not lick my balls as you have not yet earned that privileged. I am merely trying out your mouth to see how it feels. Just keep them in your as we discuss the other terms. Do you understand?

"Yes sir.."

I moved forward, my hairy legs now tickling his cheeks. He opened up which allowed my balls to fall inside his maw. My taint now over his nose, he got a close up view of my butt. I had a small dusting of hair on the bottom of the cheeks but liked to keep myself clean. With his nose so close to my asshole he chose to use his mouth to breathe. His mouth was wet and warm, I could feel the roughness of his tongue moving against the underside of my balls as it moved around as he breathed. Granted he was doing his best not to actually lick them beyond that.

"Rule 1. You do not speak unless spoken to. I do not want to hear a fucking peep from you unless I ask you a question. If you have something you want to say outside of my questions you must first kiss my balls and wait until I acknowledge you. If I do not acknowledge me, you can either continue kissing, or try again later until I reply. Do you understand?"

There was some hesitation as he processed what I said, calculating to make sure he was allowed to speak with his mouth fall of balls. "Yeth....thirr.." he managed to get out. The vibrations of his voice make my cock lurch and start to harden, air rushing around my nuts in his maw.

"Rule 2. Your body, and my body both belong to me. Your body is mine to do anything that I like. I also don't want to hear any whining or complaining or questioning when I desire to use it. You do not use your hands unless I say so. Do you understand?"

"Yeth thir" now getting the hang of talking with his mouth full.

"Rule 3. Anything I say you will hear and remember. Treat my words as gospel, if you make a mistake you will be punished. As you will for breaking any of the other rules also.

There was now silence in the room, apart from the faith sound of mouth breathing, as his oxygen moved around my nuts. The kid was smart, he knew I hadn't asked him a question so he wasn't yet allowed to speak. My cock was at 8" now and starting to leak. The poor kid couldn't see though it as all he could see were the base of my fuzzy ass cheeks, all he knew was that my balls were now tighter, so he was having a little more trouble containing them in his mouth with his lips.

"Good. Now. You will have noticed I haven't handcuffed your arms. I want you to push down your trunks now, show me what you've got going on down there."

Ashley tried to lean up but found he couldn't as my balls were still in his face, trying to move his head up as hard as he could, but couldn't lift me. As he tried this, he found my nuts completely blocking his mouth breathing, and his nose slipped into my crack. A couple of times he breathed with his nose, getting a whiff of my recently washed ass. Then he tried to pull his legs up but remembered quickly they were chained to the table. Running low on air he managed to stretch his arms far enough down to get his shorts about half way down his thighs before giving up.

This was enough though to get his cock out, which was quite a fine specimen. He was about 5 inches long and hard, his foreskin came about halfway up the head. His little piss slit was was shiny wet with precum with the root nesting in a generous patch of brown pubes. From this distance I couldn't see his balls properly or much else. Ashley reached over to stroke his straining cock when I slapped his hand away.

"You are not touch or stroke yourself. Remember, your body is mine, you do not cum unless I allow you to." I could see his still dick twitching, but he managed to focus himself without cumming.

Finally I pulled my spit drenched balls out of his mouth, but still rested them on his face. His stomach heaved as he got more air back into his lungs, even if it was air from around my nether regions.

"You will need to work on your breathing boy, use your nose more. A little ass smell won't hurt you, but I can teach you that another time. As you couldn't complete your first instruction, you do not get my cock. What time do you need to be home by today?"

"4 o'clock..sir. But may I ask sir, how was I meant to complete your instruction in that position?" Ashley panted.

"That wasn't the task you failed. Today you turned up in a cap and shirt, when I said swimming trunks only. You failed rule 3. Let this be your first and only mistake, pay attention to my words. Now, it's almost 4 so I will let you go without punishment, but be back tomorrow at the same time. Remember you are not allowed to cum until then. Also take this shaver and shaving cream with you"

Ashley took the tools, though couldn't see them as he was still pinned down. It was the first time he had touched a shaver, as his face was long from sprouting any facial hair.

After standing for a few moments, I felt a feather touch kiss on my left ball, then another on my right. It was one of the softest sweetest little kisses I have experienced to this day. This kid was turning out to be a keeper.

"Good boy Ashley! Yes, what is your question?"

"I'm sorry I failed sir. But what do I need a shaver for sir?"

"Excellent question. They are part of your next instruction so listen very carefully. You are a BOY Ashley. So apart from the hair on your head, and that little fuzz on your legs, I don't want to see any anywhere else. Shave that little bush above your dick clean, and any butt hair you have. The next time I see any hair on your cock or ass you will be punished, so be sure to keep it all completely clear. The moment you start growing facial hair, even just a little bit, our time is over. When you come over tomorrow I will inspect you to see how good of a job you do. If you have done a good job, I MIGHT let you cum. If not, you could be waiting till the following weekend. Do you understand?

"Yes Sir. Thank you, sir." Ashley said though little dejected. He was okay up to this point, but was quite proud of the pubes he had, and at 14 of course he loved to cum! He knew he didn't have any hair on his butt, but being bald down there was going to suck, especially when changing at school. The feeling of being owned was started to settle in.

Next: Chapter 2

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