It's Raining Dogs

By Michael Prymula

Published on Aug 14, 2022



Disclaimer: The characters in this story are all owned by Disney, this fic is for entertainment purposes only and I do not make any money off of it.

Summary:Leonard Helperman finds himself desperate to pee due to a series of unfortunate events, whatever will he do to relieve himself?

Category: bisexual/celebrity

Leonard Helperman was a fresh-faced 10-year old boy who was excited for the school field trip to the local carnival, it was the class's reward for doing so well on their previous test and Leonard was eager to indulge in his kid sensibilities with playing games and winning prizes, going on rides and gorging himself on junk food. Leonard had already pounded down a jumbo slushy and a root beer float and was working on some large watermelon slices when he began to feel his bladder protest. He realized he hadn't use the bathroom since this morning, he'd been too excited about the trip to think about going at school and all the fluids he'd consumed(a tall glass of orange juice at breakfast, a chocolate milk and apple juice at lunch and some long drinks of water from the drinking fountain due to how hot it was today)we're definitely catching up with him, he knew he should go to the bathroom but he'd heard about how gross the bathrooms were at the carnival and had witnessed many kids running out in terror(with several of the girls including Leslie and Younghee looking uncomfortable and squirming in desperation themselves confirming this to be true)at their condition. Besides there was one ride Leonard hadn't tried yet that he really wanted to before it was time to head back to school-the Spine Blaster. Unfortunately Leonard found he was too short to ride it, then one of the other kids dared him to sneak on anyways, he knew he shouldn't have but it looked too fun to not attempt so Leonard swiped a pair of oversized clown shoes to make himself appear taller and soon he was on the ride. As the intense ride rattled and swerved around the track, learning felt his bladder throb with discomfort, maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all, he was really regretting not reliving his poor aching bladder now. He squirmed but the handlebars made it difficult for him to hold himself very well, eventually the ride was over and Leonard immediately clutched himself as soon as he was off, he was about to try and stumble his way over to the bathrooms, willing to brave them if it meant relief only for Leonard's mom to see him and scold him for disobeying a rule like that and dragging him off to the bus which was about to leave. Leonard tried to protest his need to pee but his mom wouldn't let him speak, disappointed in him and too into her lecture to stop.

As the bus made the long drive back to school Leonard crossed his legs as tightly as humanly possible and held his crotch with all of his might, it took every ounce of willpower he had not to flood his shorts with pee, all those bumps jolted his bladder something fierce. He'd never had to go this bad in his entire life, he shuddered to think what would happen if he wet himself in front of everyone, especially his crush Leslie. Oh god he would never live down the humiliation if she saw that, so he was determined to hold on to avoid that. Finally the bus reached the school, Leonard was about to ask his mom to go the restroom when she told him he had detention for his stunt and the bus would be taking everyone else straight home, and unluckily for him Principal Strickler was the one who was going to be watching him for the next 45 minutes, Strickler made his list of rules which included no leaving the room until the time was up. Leonard was now mentally cursing himself for ever agreeing to that stupid dare, granted he no longer had to worry about wetting himself in front of Leslie, but Strickler would almost certainly tell the whole school what happened if he wet himself which would be almost as bad. Strickler took long drinks of iced tea at his desk which only further tormented Leonard's already overstretched bladder, those 45 minutes seemed to tick on for an eternity, finally Strickler allowed him up, Leonard holding his crotch for dear life stumbled to the bathroom as quick as he could only to find it closed for cleaning. Leonard almost fainted in horror and shock, his luck just kept on getting worse, the universe was seemingly intent in punishing him for his dare with bad karma, he knew he had no chance of making it home before he wet himself but there was one other option-Leslie's house.

The thought of visiting his crush's house terrified Leonard, any time he was around Leslie it was like his brain shut down, but he was more terrified of wetting himself, even if nobody was around to see it he would know and he would have a hard time hiding wet shorts from his mother. Oh boy there was a lecture Leonard didn't want to hear, especially seeing as he was already in enough trouble with his stunt. So after stumbling over Leslie's fighting with all of his might to hold back the raging flood of pee within himself, he took a deep breath and knocked on the door. Leslie answered surprised to see Leonard, she asked him what was up and Leonard quickly stammered about how desperate he was, Leslie immediately got a look of sympathy and led Leonard over to the bathroom, as soon as the door was shut Leonard yanked down his shorts and underwear, waddled in front of the toilet and unleashed an absolute firehose of a stream that went on for several minutes, he sighed was bless relief at how good it felt to finally relieve his overfull bladder. After his stream died down Leonard found his wee-wee was tingling and feeling good, he stroked it and it felt even better, curious about this feeling Leonard locked the door and tried putting some of Leslie's lavender scented lotion on his hands and used it to stroke his penis more and more thinking about Leslie, without warning he felt like a bolt of lightning had hit him and his first orgasm ripped through him like a hurricane, as he shot big wads of his cum into the toilet, he then flushed and washed his hands before Leslie got too suspicious.

As Leonard left the bathroom Leslie remarked on how he sounded like he really had to go and revealed that her and Younghee had been desperate themselves, with Younghee actually relieving herself into an empty thermos on the bus and Leslie nearly peeing herself and barely making it to the bathroom herself. Leonard blushed and thanked Leslie and was about to leave before to the shock of his life Leslie pulled him in for a kiss, saying that she loved how daring he was and how he was her favorite boy. Leonard practically fainted in pure bliss out of sheer joy of his wildest dreams of his crush noticing him finally coming true. Leslie said she had homework tonight but she would gladly see him over the weekend on saturday. Leonard left the house jumping for joy, feeling happy that his luck had finally turned around. Not only had he discovered a cool new hobby, but his dream crush loved him back and wanted to hang out with. Leonard told Spot all excitedly about Leslie though left out the part about him masturbating as he felt some things should be kept to himself. Leonard couldn't believe how explosive his orgasm had been and he could only imagine how amazing it would feel if he wet himself on purpose. He was definitely going to try it tomorrow before going over to Leslie's.

It was saturday and fortunately Leonard was going to be alone all morning as his mom had to take Spot to the vet(much to the latter's chagrin)and Pretty Boy and Mr Charlie were both far too engrossed in their mindless game shows to notice what Leonard was doing. He put on his red polyester gym shorts, he loved how good they felt against his skin and would wear them to school all the time if his mom would let him, he was sans underwear for now as he loved the feel of the fabric against his shaft. He downed several tall glasses of apple cider, water and even some ice tea, regular tea and finished off his mom's pot of coffee. Soon he was absolutely bursting and struggling to hold it in, feeling like his entire body was filled with urine. He quickly stumbled his way into the bathroom and into the shower and just in time as his pee exploded out of him in a fierce gusher quickly soaking his gym shorts in no time, as his marathon piss went on Leonard stroked his penis through his soaked shorts and soon he was blasting off in no time firing off big wads of jizz into his soaked shorts and feeling like he was totally boneless. Finally after several minutes of bliss Leonard slid down to the shower floor relaxed at how good it felt soaking in a puddle of piss in soaked shorts. He then snapped back to reality and remembered about Leslie, he didn't want to be late so he quickly stripped off his clothes and took a hot shower putting his clothes into the bottom of the hamper, fortunately his mom masked up whenever doing his laundry for how bad it could already smell so she wouldn't notice. He then put on his regular outfit and went off to Leslie's house skipping with joy wondering if he should tell Leslie about his new hobby and whether or not she might have the same interest? Either way today was going to be a good day.

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