Its Not the Blood

By Will Ren

Published on Aug 6, 2010


The usual disclaimers apply. This story will have some mild m/m sexual content as well as possible fetish situations. If that bothers you, or you know you shouldn't be reading this, then ask yourself why you are and then go do something to repair your karma. If it is legal for you to read this kind of entertainment (because really, that's all it is) then do so.

For almost two hours, the live band played without a break, other than to consume the drinks patrons purchased for them. Ryan and Trevor continued to drink their Cokes and enjoy the music. Eventually, nature caught up to them both.

Trevor yelled over the music. "Dude, I have to piss." He got up and motioned towards the bathroom.

Ryan nodded. He also had to use the bathroom, but for a while now, he had been holding it in. "Ok." He got up and followed Trevor.

"Are you coming with me?" Trevor grinned.

Ryan just nodded.

They entered the bathroom together and got into line for the urinals. Normally, Ryan would have been shy about so many people standing around while he pissed, but tonight the crowd was welcome. A urinal opened and he took it. Trevor stepped up to the one next to him a second later.

They both finished at the same time and headed towards the sinks. Trevor flashed Ryan a quick smiled as he washed his hands, then toweled the dry, and left.

Ryan had to wait a minute, as some guy cut in front of him to use the sink. When it was his turn he washed and dried, then left the restroom. He saw Trevor was back at the table and joined him.

The band was finally taking a break, and the room was much quieter.

"Well, that wasn't so bad." Trevor smiled.

"Yeah, much better than last night." Ryan settled back in the booth, and took a sip of his drink. "How much longer do you want to stay?"

Trevor shrugged. "We can leave whenever. It will be midnight by the time we get home."

Ryan nodded. "Let's go, I'm getting tired." He stood, and left a tip for whoever was going to clean the booth.

They left the bar, and walked back to the parking structure. On more than one occasion, they each looked behind them, but nobody threatening was around. They saw a few other college-age people either heading to or from the bar.

This time, they were alone in the alley, as they walked to the stairwell. Trevor went in first, and Ryan quickly followed.

They made it to the jeep and climbed in. Ryan faced Trevor and smiled. "Safe!"

Trevor laughed. "Then let's get the hell out of here before something attacks us." He pointed towards the exit. "Punch it Bishop!"

Ryan backed out and started down the structure to the street. Once out on the main road, the cool air invigorated them. He faced Trevor. "I had fun tonight. Thanks for dragging me back there."

"Yeah, because you fought me so hard. Seriously, I'm glad you had a good time. I was kind of worried you might not enjoy yourself."

Ryan shrugged. "Good music, good company, and a diet Coke. Life doesn't get much better."

Trevor laughed and laid his head back on the headrest, closing his eyes. "I'm going to close my eyes. Wake me when we get home."

Ryan looked over at Trevor. He lingered longer than he should have, as his eyes took in the black leather pants, white tank, and perfectly defined muscles. He wished he had been drinking beer, so he would have an excuse to say things that could be explained by alcohol.

A sudden drop on the passenger side of the jeep snapped his attention back to the road. He swerved back onto the pavement and kept his eyes straight ahead.

Trevor sat up. "What happened?"

Ryan faced ahead. "Raccoon. I missed it."

"Ah. I thought it was your shitty driving, as usual."

"I can drop your ass right here, and you can walk the rest of the way."

Trevor shook his head. "Hell no! The werewolves might get me."

They both laughed, and in a few minutes, pulled into the apartment complex lot. They got out and Trevor helped Ryan pull the top up on the jeep, to keep the dew off the seats. Satisfied that the top was secure, they headed into the apartment.

Trevor closed and locked the door after them. "I'm going to get some water. You want anything?"

Ryan shook his head. "Nah, I'm cool, thanks." He jumped over the back of the couch and stretched out, reaching for the remote.

Trevor got a glass of water, and joined him. "Is there room for me, or do I have to sit on your lap?"

Ryan felt his pulse jump, and for a second, considered saying what he truly would prefer. "I'll move." He swung his feet onto the floor.

Trevor grinned. "Dude, you so hesitated." He sat down next to Ryan. "Is there anything good on the tube?"

Ryan shrugged. "Not sure, you interrupted my search." He switched on the TV and began scrolling through the directory. He didn't make eye contact as he could feel how warm his ears were. Truth be told, he had come very close to asking Trevor to sit on his lap, or at least next to him, so they were touching. He realized that over the past two days he had grown very fond of Trevor, to the point he wanted to tell him how he felt. As usual, he buried those thoughts.

"Hey! Go back one. I like that show." Trevor waved at the TV.

Ryan flipped back one channel and groaned. "CSI? Again? Haven't you seen them all?"

Trevor shrugged. "How will I know if I don't watch this episode?"

Ryan sighed, and tossed him the remote. "Enjoy. I'm going to go to bed." He stood and stretched.

Trevor looked up at him. "You aren't mad, are you?"

Ryan yawned and shook his head. "No, just beat. See you tomorrow."

"Ok bro. Sleep tight. Don't let the werewolves bite."

Ryan gave him a look. "Um...ok..." He walked to his room and turned. "I'm not worried about werewolves. It's the vampires that bite." He smiled and closed his door.

Trevor laughed and stretched out on the couch. He only lasted about half way through the show and fell asleep.

Ryan undressed and pulled on his sweat pants and favorite sleeping shirt. He got into bed but couldn't sleep. His feelings for Trevor had reached the point where he needed to either say something to him, or commit himself to never telling him. He couldn't handle the wondering and hinting, not this time. It had been tolerable with Brian, his last roommate, as they hardly knew each other. With Trevor, it was different. He had known him for several years, and, the more he thought about it, had always been attracted to the older teen.

He rolled over and buried his face in his pillow. `Why does this always happen? Why can't I be the one who is surprised, when some guy says he's in love with me?' He thought to himself. Ryan rolled over and stared at the ceiling. He reached down, onto the floor, and picked up Trevor's shirt, that he had worn to the bar. He draped it over his face and tried again to fall asleep. It didn't work.

Two hours later, still unable to sleep, Ryan walked out into the kitchen to get a glass of water. The TV was still on, and so was CSI. "Doesn't that show ever end?" Ryan walked over to the couch to turn off the TV, assuming Trevor had left it on, and saw him on the couch, sleeping.

He looked down, and felt his heart racing. Trevor was beautiful, and, wearing Cody's leather pants and that white tank top, hot as hell. Ryan gently pried the remote from Trevor's hand and turned the TV off. He wondered if Trevor were cold. He wondered if he should wake him, so he wouldn't be sore in the morning from sleeping on the couch. He wondered if Trevor would wake up if he kissed him. He sighed. Maybe Trevor would never know how he really felt, but at least he got to look at him for a while. Ryan sat on the table and looked Trevor's body up and down a few times, private fantasies running through his mind.

"Something on your mind?" Trevor slowly opened his eyes and looked into Ryan's. "Trouble sleeping?"

Ryan felt the blood leave his face, and knew he must look as white as a ghost. He was busted checking out Trevor, and was suddenly right back where he was a few months ago, with his prior roommate. "You...left the TV on. You must have felt me pull the remote from your hand. Sorry if I woke you." Ryan quickly stood up and walked back to the kitchen. He set his glass in the sink and turned to walk back to his room.

"Hold up a second." Trevor leaned over the back of the couch, and faced him.

"What? I'm really tired."

Trevor pointed to the other end of the couch. "Can you sit for a minute? I think we should talk."

Ryan felt like crying, and his legs were suddenly weak. He was going to miss having Trevor for a roommate, and a friend, but maybe it was best if he were alone. "Sure." He walked over and sat on the opposite end of the couch, practically on top of the armrest. "What's up?"

Trevor smiled. "I'll have you know, I don't have cooties."

Ryan frowned. "I'm sorry?" He didn't understand.

Trevor pointed at him. "If you sat any further away from me you would be on the floor."

Ryan smiled weakly and scooted over a little. "Oh, sorry."

Trevor pulled himself up and against the other armrest. He pulled his legs up, and sat cross-legged, the leather pants protesting. For a moment, he didn't say anything. He was concerned about what he was about to say to Ryan. "I just want to chat a bit, about something I have wanted to discuss for a little while now."

Ryan shrugged. "Sure, ok." His heart was slowly breaking but he kept a straight face. He had assumed this day would come, and having gone through it a few months prior, was as prepared as he could be.

"I guess there isn't much point beating around the bush about this, so, just let me get it all out at once." Trevor took a deep breath.

Ryan just nodded.

"I've seen a different side of you these last few days. I'm not sure if I'm imagining it or not but I think you've been checking me out, you know, out of the corner of your eye, and stuff."

Ryan opened his mouth to protest but didn't.

Trevor continued. "Not that it's a big deal. I'm damn sexy, and we both know it." He smiled.

Ryan was confused at Trevor's relaxed attitude, considering he was outing him.

"So, I want to ask you something, and please be honest with me."

Ryan quietly replied. "Sure."

"Dude, are you gay?"

Two thirds of Ryan's heart already lay in pieces. This was the last piece to break, before their friendship ended. "I don't know, maybe a little."

Trevor shrugged. "Which is it? Yes, maybe, or no? You said you would be honest with me."

Ryan looked away, and felt tears forming in his eyes. "What if I tell you `yes', and you don't want to be my friend anymore?"

Trevor uncrossed his legs, and moved closer to him. "Answer me honestly, and let's go from there ok?"

Ryan felt the couch move and assumed Trevor had stood. He turned to face him and saw he had moved closer. Tears were sliding down his cheeks but he didn't care if Trevor saw them. "I'm gay." He felt sick to his stomach, knowing that small phrase would send him back into loneliness.

Trevor reached into his pocket and pulled out his key ring. He began to look through the jumble of keys on the loop.

Ryan sighed, the last piece of his heart shattering. Trevor was giving him back the apartment key Ryan had given him, when he moved in. The same thing had happened last time, except it had been thrown at him. He hoped Trevor wouldn't be that cruel.

Trevor kept looking for a specific key. "I have something to give you."

"Ok." Ryan sounded utterly defeated.

Trevor could hear the pain in his friend's voice, but this needed to be done. Things could not continue as they had been. It was clear now that Ryan harbored a secret desire for him. He found the key he was looking for. "Close your eyes."

Ryan was a little confused, but closed his eyes.

Trevor took a deep breath and removed a single key from the ring. He gently opened Ryan's hand, which was cold and damp, and placed the key in his grip. He carefully folded Ryan's fingers into a fist, the key inside.

Ryan was puzzled, not expecting the kindness, at the end to their friendship. He opened his eyes.

"Hey! Keep your eyes closed." Trevor glared at him.

"Sorry." He whispered.

Trevor was trembling. Hurting his best friend was the last thing he wanted to do, and it tore him up to see Ryan like this. "Ryan. You have been my best friend for a number of years now. You let me borrow your jeep, your food, you help buy my school books, hell, you even let me borrow you clothes."

Ryan nodded but didn't say anything.

"I guess I've always suspected you were partly attracted to guys. You always hid your feelings from me, and you should have been honest, to both of us."

"I'm sorry." Ryan kept his eyes closed.

"Yeah, well, I guess things have to change. I don't want to live here, not if you are always going to be sneaking peaks at me, and stuff. So, that being said, I guess I will be the one to make the change." He took a deep breath and leaned forward, pressing his lips to Ryan's. He felt their warmth, and wetness, and held their lips together for a few seconds.

Ryan slowly opened his eyes, afraid he was dreaming again. He looked into Trevor's eyes as he pulled back. "I...I don't understand."

Trevor licked his lips, and smiled. "How did I do?"

Ryan shook his head. "Why?"

"Why what?"

"Why did you kiss me? I thought..."

Trevor frowned. "Obviously, I didn't make myself clear." He leaned forward and pressed their lips together again. This time, he reached around Ryan, and hugged him tightly.

Ryan slowly raised his arms and hugged Trevor, pulling him closer. He didn't understand exactly what had just happened, but he was slowly beginning to put the pieces together.

Trevor stopped kissing him but didn't let go. "I thought you needed that." He looked at Ryan, inches away from his face. "Or was I mistaken?"

Ryan shook his head, tears again sliding down his cheeks. "Thanks."

Trevor released him. He reached up and wiped the tear from Ryan's left cheek. "Why the tears? I thought this would make you happy."

Ryan gave a small laugh. "I don't know what to think at the moment. I guess these are tears of happiness."

Trevor sat next to him and leaned against his shoulder. "Well they had better be. That was the first time I ever kissed a guy, and all I want to hear is how fantastic it was." He turned his head to face Ryan.

"Oh, it was more than I had expected." Ryan smiled. He opened his hand and looked at the small golden key. It clearly was symbolic, as it was too small to be useful in anything but perhaps a suitcase lock. "What is this? I had assumed you were giving me your key to the apartment."

"Um, if I did that, it would make it challenging to get in here each day, wouldn't it?" He bumped Ryan's shoulder with his head.

"So, what is it?" Ryan held the small key up to the light and turned it around.

"You promise not to laugh at me?" Trevor looked serious.

"I promise." Ryan lowered his hand and faced his friend.

"It is the key to my heart." Trevor shook his head. "Yeah, I know. That is so cliché, but I really mean it. I don't have anything to give you, and I don't have much money. I've had that key for as long as I can remember...and now...I want you to have it. I love you bro, I really do."

Ryan felt another round of tears starting and whipped his eyes.

"Hey!" Trevor shook his head. "You can't keep crying. I don't want people to think my boyfriend is a pussy." He laughed.

Ryan laughed. "What makes you think I will agree to be your boyfriend?" He wiped his hand across his eyes. "Maybe you're not my type."

Trevor stood and stepped away a few feet. He seductively grabbed his crotch, and rubbed his cock and balls through the thick leather pants. "If you can look at me, right now, and tell me you don't want to be my boyfriend, I'll drop the whole subject."

Ryan stood and walked over to him, hugging him tightly. "Fuck that!" He kissed him passionately.

Trevor returned the kiss with vigor and then struggled free of Ryan's embrace. "Ok, not so much...Too soon. It will take me some time to adjust to having a boyfriend." He smiled.

Ryan looked at his feet. "So, you are gay too then?"

Trevor shrugged. "I don't know, maybe bi. I never really thought about it much. You are the only guy I have ever been attracted to. I always thought that was because we were close friends. I'm still interested in girls too, so this is a bit crazy."

Ryan sat back down and looked utterly exhausted. "Man, I don't know what to say." He looked up at Trevor. "Thank you! Thank you more than you will ever know. I thought for sure you were going to walk out, and never come back."

"That would make it difficult to wear your clothes again, wouldn't it?" He sat next to Ryan, close enough that their legs touched.

"I assumed you were pissed at finding out I was gay."

"Oh, I knew you were gay before I moved in here. I just needed you to say it out loud."

Ryan frowned. "What? How the fuck did you know?"

Trevor shrugged. "Brian told me, after he moved out, and heard I was going to move in. He wanted to warn me about your `faggyness' as he put it."

"What a dick!"

Trevor shrugged. "I had wondered for a long time before we roomed together, but once he told me, I knew for certain. Like I said, I'd been thinking about you for a few years too. But, until we roomed together, I didn't really know how strong my feelings for you were. It's your fault I have a boyfriend now," he smiled.

Ryan grinned. "Say it again, please."

"'s your fault!"

"No, the other part...after that." He blushed

Trevor was puzzled for a moment, but then grinned. "I have a boyfriend."

"Ohhhh!!!!!" Ryan threw himself on top of Trevor, knocking him onto his back, on the couch. He kissed him again and pushed up off his chest. "I have waited so long for someone to say that to me."

Trevor gently pulled him back down, onto his chest. "Then be a good little boyfriend and kiss me again."

For a few minutes, they kissed, experimenting with their tongues, and grinding their crotches together. Eventually, Ryan slid off the couch onto the floor, next to Trevor. "So, do you want to move into my room or should I move into yours?"

"I think we can keep our rooms as they are, but we can sleep wherever we want I guess."

"Ok, that's fair enough." Ryan stood. "And, speaking of bedrooms, I'm seriously tired now. This has been a very stressful night, though a good stress, as it turns out."

Trevor yawned. "Yeah, I know. I've been thinking about how to broach this subject with you, and then it just happened. I'm beat too."

Ryan headed off to his bedroom. "Then I'll see you tomorrow. He paused in the doorway, and turned. "Trevor?"

Trevor stood up. "Yeah?"

"Thank you." Ryan smiled and ducked quickly into his bedroom, closing the door behind him.

Trevor turned off the living room lights, went to his own room, and removed his clothes. He was pretty sure he had made the right decision. It certainly felt right to him, but he was afraid of what his parents would say, not to mention their friends. He climbed into bed and relaxed. There was no use worrying about the future, that wouldn't keep it from coming. They would deal with whatever life threw at them together.

Ryan tossed and turned for ten minutes, trying to get comfortable. He was exhausted, but also very wide awake. He thought it was funny, how much he hated change, but what had happened tonight was without a doubt the best change he could have ever imagined. He felt around in the darkness, on top of his nightstand, and felt the small key Trevor had given him. It was cliché, but it meant a lot to Trevor so it meant a lot to Ryan now too.

He lay back and stared at the light from the parking lot, shining on part of his bedroom ceiling. He laughed quietly to himself. First thing tomorrow, he was going to Leather City to buy his boyfriend a pair of leather pants, and maybe a leather jacket to match.

His bedroom door quietly opened, creaking just a little. A weight landed gently on his bed and moved up next to him. Ryan rolled over onto his side and faced Trevor. "Trouble sleeping?"

Trevor settled next to him and shook his head. "Nope, just lonely. You mind some company?"

Ryan sighed. "I've been waiting for this my entire life." He rolled over and spooned back against Trevor.

Trevor reached his arm over Ryan and hugged him back against his bare chest. "You cold?"

Ryan shook his head. "Nope. Why?"

"Then, lose the shirt, ok?"

Ryan sat up and pulled his shirt off, tossing it on the floor. He lay back down against Trevor, and felt his skin against his back.

Trevor again draped his arm over Ryan and held him. He rubbed his hand slowly up and down Ryan's chest, enjoying its smoothness. "You don't have any chest hair."

"Nope, never did."

"I like it. Nice and smooth."

Ryan sighed. "Then keep rubbing. That feels fantastic."

For a few minutes, Trevor continued to stroke Ryan's chest. Eventually, his hand worked its way further down, until he was brushing against Ryan's swollen dick. He began to gently rub Ryan's groin, through his sweatpants.

Ryan moaned and wiggled in the bed. "That feels great."

"You want to take off your pants too?"

Ryan shrugged. "I want to, but this is all happening so fast."

Trevor laughed. "I just want to rub your dick some more. I'm not going to fuck you."

Ryan rolled onto his back, and turned his head to face Trevor. "Why not?"

Trevor kissed him. "Well if you put it like that. Do you have any lube?"

"Yeah, some KY for when I jack off."

"Ew, don't say that." Trevor laughed.

"Like you don't ever do it. I've heard you in your room." Ryan challenged back.

"Oh, I always thought I was pretty discrete."

"So, should I get it?" Ryan shrugged.

"I don't know. Do you want to, or would you rather wait a little, to let this all sink in."

Ryan rolled back over and slid his sweat pants down, and kicked them off. He scooted back against Trevor's naked body and sighed. "How about for tonight you just hold me. Oh, and you can keep rubbing my dick, if you want to."

Trevor slid his hand back down onto Ryan's groin. He rubbed and gently squeezed his cock and balls for a while and then moved his hand back up onto Ryan's chest, where it let it rest. "Good night bro."

Ryan didn't answer him. He was already sleeping.

Next: Chapter 8

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