Its Not the Blood

By Will Ren

Published on Jul 30, 2010


The usual disclaimers apply. This story will have some mild m/m sexual content as well as possible fetish situations. If that bothers you, or you know you shouldn't be reading this, then ask yourself why you are and then go do something to repair your karma. If it is legal for you to read this kind of entertainment (because really, that's all it is) then do so.

If you want to drop me a note to say "yay/nay" about the story, I'm:

Trevor and Ryan arrived at the same parking structure as the night before. For just a moment, Ryan paused at the entrance. At this time of the night, the ticket gate arm was raised, but he stopped anyway.

Trevor looked over at him. "We don't have to park here. There might be a spot on a side street." He knew there wouldn't be any spots on a Saturday night.

Ryan gassed the jeep forward. "Not this time of the night. Besides, we didn't do anything wrong." He drove up two levels before he found a spot to park. It was near the stairwell, which led to the back alley.

Trevor jumped out of the passenger seat, the leather pants creaking as he moved. "Good thing it is cool out tonight or I might overheat in these heavy things." He ran his hands down his thighs.

Ryan climbed out his door and smiled. "Yeah but you look cool, and that's what matters."

Trevor nodded. "And, you look good in my clothes, but not as good as I look when I wear them."

Ryan shrugged. "Oh well. If we get jumped and beat up tonight at least I won't bleed on my own stuff." He had accepted Trevor's offer to swap clothes. He was wearing Trevor's jeans, tee shirt, and hiking boots. He smelled the shirt and frowned, though not seriously. "When is the last time you washed this?"

Trevor stopped at the door to the stairwell. "I'll have you know, I washed that...actually I'm not sure. Maybe a week ago?" He grimaced. "Does it stink?"

Ryan shook his head. "No. It smells like you, and that girl-magnet deodorant you coat yourself in."

Trevor opened the door to the stairwell and went in. "Well, seeing as you're my date for the night, it obviously isn't working."

Ryan followed him inside, keeping close. He wasn't scared but he felt safer closer, rather than further, behind Trevor.

They reached the ground, and stepped out into the alley. For a moment, they both stood still and looked out into the darkness. Overhead bulbs cast a gloomy path of light down the middle of the lane.

Trevor looked over at Ryan. "You ready to do this?"

Ryan nodded. "Let's go. Just keep an eye out for dogs."

Trevor laughed. "You know, maybe that guy who helped us was really a werewolf. That would explain the `dog attack', and why he wasn't hurt like the two bikers."

Ryan shook his head. "You watch too many monster movies. Werewolves aren't real."

They kept walking and, in two blocks, reached the bar. They could hear the thumping from the music, and went downstairs to have their hands stamped again as `underage'. Unlike the previous night, the place was bustling with people, all eager to enjoy the weekend.

The DJ was cranking out popular tunes, until the live band would take over. Already, they were setting up in a corner, getting ready to play.

Trevor went to the bar and got their usual drinks. When he returned, Ryan was looking around the bar anxiously.

"You ok?" Trevor set the drinks down.

"Yeah, just looking for the other bikes that where here with the two that jumped us. I bet they think we had something to do with their friends getting hurt."

"I don't see them, do you?"

Ryan shook his head. "No, just normal people." He smiled. "I think tonight is going to be great."

Trevor nodded. "I agree."

David tuned to a trivia game show, and made himself comfortable, on his end of the couch. "It isn't even nine, and it's already getting dark out. Summer seems to go so fast." He dug his hand into the bowl of popcorn and shoveled a handful into his mouth.

Cody sat at the other end of the couch, gently rubbing his crotch, and watching David eat popcorn.

After a few minutes, David looked over at him. "Umm...what are you doing?"

Cody shrugged. "Watching you."

"Right, but you seem a little aroused."

Cody nodded. "I am. You aren't the only one who likes to `get his nuts off', as you put it."

David set the popcorn bowl down and turned to face him. "Really? I didn't know you did that. I mean, obviously you're a guy, so I guess you would. I've just never seen you jack off before."

Cody laughed. "I'm not doing that. I'm just enjoying something that feels good. Does it bother you?"

"No. I'm as comfortable around you as I am around anyone. If you want to crank off, be my guest, but don't expect me to watch."

"Oh no? So it does make you uncomfortable. Admit it."

David shrugged. "I don't know if uncomfortable is the right word. You know I'm not gay, so don't even think of asking me to help you. At the same time, we are both guys, so it isn't a big deal. Just don't make a mess on my couch, ok?" He laughed.

Cody shook his head. "I'm not going to jack off, David. I am just enjoying sitting here, thinking about things." He stopped rubbing himself and pulled his legs up onto the couch, keeping his knees bent. "You might freak out if you saw me actually jack off."

David looked at his legs. "Do you want me to move so you can stretch out?"

Cody shook his head. "No, I'm comfortable." He ran his hand down his leg, enjoying the feel of the vinyl pants.

David tilted his head towards his hand. "You really like those pants."

Cody nodded. "Yeah, I guess I do. It's funny. I hadn't planned to borrow his stuff; I just needed some reason to see him again. It was very impromptu."

David turned himself on the couch so they were facing each other. "Who is he? You haven't said much about him. If my Cody is in love I want to hear about it." He grinned.

"Don't be an ass, I'm not in love." Cody smiled. "His name is Ryan. I'm not sure how old he is, but I would guess late teens."

"Where did you meet him?"

"The mall arcade."

"Ah. I bet that place is like a buffet to you." David smiled.

Cody frowned. "No, most of them are kids, and I don't feed on children. Ryan is...probably legal." He shrugged. "If I obeyed your laws."

David shrugged. "Ok, I'll bite. No pun intended. You borrowed his clothes so you would see him again, but why the second meeting?"

"From the moment I saw him, I knew there is something special about him, but I don't know what. I want to spend more time with him so I can discover what it is."

"How do you know there is something special?"

Cody shrugged. "He smells different to me than other guys."

David grimaced. "You smell guys?"

"Oh grow up." Cody frowned. "I catch their scent, when they pass by me. Just think of it like dogs smelling the air around them."

David nodded. "I get it. For a minute I thought you smelled his shirt pits or something gross like that."

Cody shook his head. "No, but I did smell his shoes."

David made a bitter face. "Bleh, don't even joke about that."

Cody stared at him. "I'm not joking. When we traded clothes, I smelled his shoes. And, no, before you ask, they didn't stink. They smelled mostly like new shoes, but also like him. I happen to think he smells nice."

David waved his hands around in front of him. "Ok, too much info. I don't want to hear about what he smells like."

"Well you are the one who asked me about him. It's his scent that attracted me to him in the first place. I could tell he is a virgin, but there is something more."

David nodded. "Ok, so you are attracted to virgins. That much I know. I assume because they are...well, why are you attracted to them?"

"Usually a virgin is a young guy. As I said, I steal life energy from those I feed on. The younger the guy, the stronger the life force, to a point. Too young, and they aren't fully developed. I get nothing. Well, unless I drink their blood."

"You know, you're really gross sometimes." David shook his head.

"Need I remind you that YOU started this conversation? I was happy just sitting here."

David nodded. "True, I did ask. Ok, so you hunt virgins, and Ryan is a virgin. Why not just suck him off then and move on?"

Cody frowned. "Aren't you listening to me? There is more than virginity to his scent. There is something different, something exotic. I've never felt what I do when I am with him. And, what's really strange, he feels something when we touch."

"You touched him?" David raised his eyebrows. "I thought you didn't do anything when you were with him?"

"Get your mind out of the gutter. I just shook his hand."

"And he felt something?"

"Yes. I always get a slight electric shock, when I touch a virgin. Never understood why. Something about their chemical makeup and mine. Ryan, however, felt the same shock, when we touched. That has never happened before, at least not with me."

David nodded. "So you think there's something chemically different about him?"

Cody shrugged. "I'm not sure what to think. That's why I want to spend more time with him, and not just treat him as a meal, and move on. So, to bring this conversation full circle, I traded clothes with him so we would have a reason to meet up again."

"And he was ok with trading clothes?"

Cody smiled. "Oh yeah, he seemed to like the idea."

"You think he is gay?"

Cody shrugged. "I don't know, maybe."

"Have you ever fed on a gay guy before?"

"Sure, lots of times. They're usually the ones looking for guys like me, for one night stands."

"So it probably isn't that he is gay, and probably isn't that he is a virgin, unless he is the first gay virgin you have met."

Cody shook his head. "I don't think so. I'm sure some of the gay guys I have fed on were virgins. To a guy, seeking his first boy to boy hookup, I have a way of helping him overcome his inhibitions. I can be quite appealing, when I want to be." Cody batted his eyebrows.

David leaned back on the arm of the couch, and adjusted his crotch. "Ok, all this talk about sex is starting to get me hard."

Cody swung his legs down off the couch. "You want some help with that?"

David nodded. "Sure. Let me get rid of these..." He unbuckled his belt and slid his pants down. His erect dick sprang up, freed from its denim confines.

Cody leaned over, and pulled David's legs out straight on the couch. He got into a pushup position, with one hand on each side of David, and leaned forward, sucking David's dick into his mouth.

David moaned quietly. "I said I'm not gay, and I meant it, but god this is the best feeling in the world. I think about you doing this to me, and I wonder if I will ever go on another date with a woman."

Cody's eyes were glowing a soft blue. He stopped sucking, and looked up at David. "You will."

"How can you be so certain?" David was curious.

"Because I won't be here forever. Eventually I will move on, and I know you won't be able to go more than a day or two without a blow job." Cody went down on him again.

David closed his eyes. "I suppose you're right. Still, while you are here, please feel free to do this anytime you wish." He groaned and shot a large load into Cody's mouth.

Cody sucked a bit longer, milking the last few drops from David, and then sat back against the arm of the couch, at the other end. He licked his lips and smiled. "How old are you David?"

"Thirty-eight. Why?" He pulled his pants back up.

"Normally, as guys age, the energy in their semen decreases. That is one of the main reasons I seek out boys in their late teens. You are at the age where, no offense, guys have usually lost potency."

David eyed him curiously. "But...?"

"But, you are still going strong. Were I to predict your life expectancy, I would say you are going to live to be very old, and probably be very horny during that entire time."

David smiled. "God, I hope so. The day I can't experience an orgasm like I just did...kill me please!"

Cody held his gaze for a moment and let his fangs descend over his lower lip. "If you would like me to, I will."

David looked a bit shocked, and sat up. "Don't do that. It creeps me out."

Cody smiled and retracted his fangs. "Sorry, couldn't resist."

David relaxed. "Yeah, try to. You know, up until the other day when you bit me, I had never seen your fangs. Now, I wish I hadn't."

"Why, don't you like them?"

"I always assumed you said you were a vampire because you were uncomfortable being gay. You know, some kind of reason why you HAD to suck guy's dicks."

Cody shrugged. "I can't change the fact that you've seen them. Well, I guess I could erase those memories from your mind, if you want me to. I think it brings us closer together. Don't you?"

"No, I think it makes me afraid of you." David laughed.

"I don't want you to be afraid of me David. Here, touch one." Cody extended his fangs and leaned forward.

David shook his head. "No thanks!"

"Oh come on, you big sissy. I won't bite."

"God, this is messed up." David leaned over and pushed up on one of the inch-long teeth with his thumb. Yikes, these are wicked."

Cody quickly jerked his jaw open and David yanked his hand back.

"You asshole!"

Cody laughed. "I'm sorry, that wasn't nice." He retracted his fangs and sat up. "There, now you don't have to be afraid of me. I wouldn't want..." His voice trailed off. For a moment, he was still, staring at the wall behind David.

David stopped laughing and looked over his shoulder. He didn't see anything unusual so he turned back, to face Cody. "What's wrong?"

"Someone is watching us." Cody's voice was quiet, and serious.

"What? Are you sure?"

Cody nodded. "Yes, behind me."

"We're on the second floor. Nobody can see up here from the parking lot, we are too far back in the room."

"Casually get up and turn off the TV and lights." Cody continued to stare at the wall.

David reached for the remote, and turned the TV off. He picked up the popcorn bowl, and moved into the kitchen. Reaching around the wall that divided the kitchen from the living room, he switched off the lights. He moved back over to the couch. "What do you see?" Cody wasn't at the other end of the couch. David looked around the room. "Cody?"

"I'm over here." Cody was standing next to the window, concealed by the curtain. For a few minutes, he stood there, unmoving.

"Can I come over there? What do you see?"

"No, stay where you are. I'm watching him."

"Who?" David was having a hard time not going over to the window too.

"How well do you know the guy across the parking lot? Fourth apartment from the right; the guy with the plants all over his deck."

"I've never met anyone from that building. You can see him? There aren't any lights on over there." David peered into the darkness across the parking lot.

"Yes. He has his lights off, and is standing in the living room, with something in his hand."

"How can you see him?"

"I see his life force. It's like a blue mist surrounding his body."

"I didn't know you could do that." David was amazed.

"I rarely use this ability, but it comes in handy once and a while."

"What should we do?" David remembered Cody said he didn't want to draw attention to himself, but what they had recently been doing would be pretty memorable to someone spying on them. "Do you think he saw you sucking me off?"

Cody turned to face him. "I'm not sure. Be right back..." He opened the screen door leading to the balcony and stepped outside.

David stood up and walked over to the window. "What are you doing?"

"Cody faced him. "I'm going to ask him what he saw." He jumped over the railing and landed quietly on the ground, two stories below.

David gasped and looked over the railing, but Cody was gone. "Holy shit!" He had expected to see Cody lying on the ground with broken legs.

For a few minutes, he stared out into the darkness, and then the lights in the living room of the apartment across the street turned on. David squinted to see what was happening.

There were two people in the room. He could barely make them out from this distance. He suddenly remembered he had an old pair of binoculars in his closet, from when he had gone camping in the past. He quickly got them and looked back at the apartment across the street.

He instantly recognized Cody, standing in the middle of the room, in the black exercise suit. The second person was a guy in his mid twenties. He was seated on the table in front of his couch, looking very relaxed.

As David watched, the guy slowly rose and removed his shirt and pants. Cody leaned forward and wrapped his arms around the guy's chest, kissing him passionately on the mouth. Then, with a quick glance out the window and directly at David, Cody dropped to his knees and began sucking the guy's dick.

David watched, unable to look away, and after a few minutes the guy leaned back, and his body shuddered. He saw Cody stand and wipe his mouth with the guy's shirt. Cody then leaned forward and seemed to be whispering into the guy's ear. David assumed he was compelling him to forget whatever it was he had seen. Cody walked to the guy's door and switched the lights off.

David went back inside his apartment, and put the binoculars down on the coffee table. He turned back to the balcony to close the door, and saw Cody standing in the darkness.

David gave a small shout and jumped backwards. "Don't do that!"

Cody whispered in a seductive voice. "May I come in David?"

David shrugged. "Well, sure. You said I didn't have to invite a vampire in, for one to enter."

Cody laughed. "Yeah, you don't." He stepped into the room and slid the screen door closed behind him. "Get the lights."

David walked to the wall and flicked on the living room lights, and sat on the couch. "How did you get back here so quickly? Did he let you in, or did you break in? Did you compel him to forget what he saw?"

"Whoa, slow down. Let me answer that last part first. I took as long as you would, to walk back over here. It only seemed that I moved more quickly, because I was distorting your view of time."

David shrugged. "Um...ok, you lost me. Time is a constant."

"Yes it is, but I can trick people's minds into believing I am still in one place, while I move to another. It is a form of illusion. When I release that momentary hypnosis, if you will, it appears I instantly moved from one spot to another. I'm sure you've been driving somewhere, and all of a sudden you realize you are several miles down the road, and don't recall any of that portion of the drive? It's very similar except I can induce that time loss."

"Ok, that makes sense, kind of."

Cody shrugged. "When I went over there, I did it specifically so he wouldn't see me coming. But, as you were watching me too, you also didn't see me moving."

David nodded. "Gotcha. That's pretty cool."

Cody smiled. "Yeah, it has its advantages. So, I jumped up to his balcony and entered his apartment, through the screen door. He never saw me coming."

"You jumped...up?"

Cody nodded. "Yeah."

"I saw you jump off my balcony. I thought you'd be lying on the ground with broken legs. I didn't know you could jump up too."

"I can jump just high enough to grab the bottom of his balcony. It takes a lot of my energy to do though. I've been told as I age that power will grow."

"That seems impossible." David shook his head. "It defies physics."

Cody shrugged. "Vampire..." He moved around the table and sat on the couch next to David. "I expend three or four times the energy you would if you jumped up and tried to touch the ceiling. Think of it as a sudden burst of adrenaline, like when someone picks a car off a loved one after an accident. The difference is I can do it at will and sustain it."

"So, when you jumped off my balcony, the extra energy kept your legs from breaking?"

Cody nodded. "In a way. It is part of my vampire genetics. My tissues and bones are different. They aren't subject to cellular breakdown and normal stress. Think about what happens when you cut yourself or break a bone. Your cells are ripping and dying. My cells can't die, as they aren't really alive. Instead of breaking or tearing body parts, I use up energy to keep my body in the state it was in when I was changed into a vampire. The same goes for my enhanced strength. I don't fatigue and my muscles don't strain so they are able to operate at greatly enhanced levels."

David shook his head. "That doesn't make sense."

Cody continued. "Think back to what I told you earlier. I am outside the cycle of life. The rules about what would hurt or tire you don't apply to me, just as my weakness with gold doesn't apply to you. Besides, if I had somehow damaged my body, say a knife wound, it repairs almost instantly, except for wounds caused by gold."

"That's crazy, but it makes a little sense. Ok, so what happened after you confronted him?"

Cody laughed. "Well you can imagine his surprise when I was suddenly standing in his living room. He had been watching us for some time, and then BAM, I was in front of him."

"Did he freak out?"

"He pissed himself, if that is what you mean. Not sure if it was because he was busted spying on us, or because I was a foot away from him, displaying my pearly whites." Cody extended his fangs for display.

David grimaced. "Yeah, that would do it."

Cody retracted his fangs. "So, I charmed him, and asked him what he'd seen."


"He saw everything."

"Damn it!" David swore. "I guess we need to be more careful. I never close the drapes because it is usually just me here. For that kind of recreation, I go into the bedroom."

"Don't worry about it. He won't remember what he saw, or what happened to him."

David nodded. "Yeah, I saw you having some fun of your own."

Cody shrugged. "It was tiring having to jump up and down, and I needed a recharge. Besides, he needed to be punished for spying on us."

"So, he won't remember anything?"

"He will only remember that he fell asleep on his couch after jacking off, and that, in the future, he should keep his drapes closed at night."

"But he could spy on us again, right?"

"Um, actually, this isn't the first time he has looked over here. It seems you have an admirer, of sorts."

"What?" David frowned.

"Yeah, he has a telescope pointed over this way. That is what I thought he was holding in his hands. It's actually on a small tripod."

"That son of a bitch! I'm going to kick his ass tomorrow."

"No, you aren't. How would you explain knowing what he has been doing?"

David pouted. "Well, he has to pay for what he did."

Cody smiled. "Oh, he did, and, he will again."

David shook his head. "I don't understand."

Cody licked his lips. "He tastes really good. I plan to visit him on a repeat basis."

"Is that safe? He might somehow regain the memories you blurred, or whatever you did."

"Not to worry." Cody stood. "The next time he will ask me to suck him off."

David smiled. "You and your damned charm. I just hope you aren't using that shit on me, to get me to have sex with you."

Cody backed slowly towards his room and beckoned with his finger. "As if you need to be compelled to have sex."

David shrugged. "This is true." He stood. "What are you doing?" He followed him into his bedroom and watched Cody remove his pants.

Cody wiggled his fingers in front of him, and spoke in a mysterious voice. "You have the strong desire to fuck me."

David crossed his arms. "If that is you attempt at charming me, it isn't working."

Cody smiled. "I wasn't really charming you, but, you will fuck me, right?" He lay back on the bed with his ass near the edge, and put his feet up on the bed.

David grinned and removed his pants. "Yes you command." He approached the bed and bent forward, easing himself into Cody. "You know you don't have to ask twice."

Cody looked over at the window in his room. "Maybe we should close the drapes?"

Trevor crunched an ice cube, and looked at Ryan. "I'm going to get a refill. You want another diet?"

Ryan shook his head. "Nah, I'm good. If I drink too much I'll have to piss, and I don't want to use the bathroom, unless I have to."

Trevor grinned. "I could go with you, keep you out of trouble."

Ryan smiled. "Are you my bodyguard now?"

Trevor shook his head. "No, but I don't want you to be afraid."

"I'm not afraid, not really. I can't worry about that kind of thing happening, every time we go out somewhere. That's no way to live."

Trevor nodded. "True. Besides, I bet those losers will think twice before trying that again."

Ryan laughed. "Yeah, because we put up such a battle."

Trevor became serious. "Well, someone, or something, sure did. Maybe it was `wild dogs' and maybe it wasn't."

Ryan frowned. "Ok, now you are just being creepy."

"What if that guy who helped us beat them both up?"

Ryan shook his head. "I got a brief look at him, standing in the shadows, and he wasn't any bigger than me. I couldn't see his face, but he didn't sound intimidating." He was thoughtful for a moment. "In fact, now that I think back, he almost sounded familiar, but I can't place from where."

Trevor shrugged. "Well maybe we will get the chance to thank him sometime."

"Yeah, but he will have to come to us. I wouldn't know who he is if I tripped over him."

Trevor started to reply but the live band began playing, drowning out all other sound.

Next: Chapter 7

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