Its Not the Blood

By Will Ren

Published on Jul 23, 2010


The usual disclaimers apply. This story will have some mild m/m sexual content as well as possible fetish situations. If that bothers you, or you know you shouldn't be reading this, then ask yourself why you are and then go do something to repair your karma. If it is legal for you to read this kind of entertainment (because really, that's all it is) then do so.

If you want to drop me a note to say "yay/nay" about the story, I'm:

I'd like to say a special thanks to Jay Gordon. He has been proof reading my chapters before I post them, so you all don't have to suffer through my English skills, or lack of. :)

Ryan parked outside the food court, for the second time that day, and walked back inside the mall. He half expected to see Cody sitting at the table waiting for him, but he wasn't. The food court was busy now, being a Saturday afternoon, so he pushed his way through the masses and out into the mall.

The arcade was at the same end of the mall as the food court, so it wasn't long before he was inside. The place was packed. He quickly made his way over to the racing game where he had first met Cody, but he wasn't there. Ryan began a systematic sweep through the arcade, checking each machine. When he was done, he went back to the racing game but Cody hadn't shown up.

Ryan looked at the concession counter and saw the security guard who was always in the arcade, sitting to the side, watching people come and go. He walked over to him. "Hello."

Frank looked at him and nodded. "Good afternoon. How can I help?"

"I'm looking for a friend of mine. He might have come in here today."

"We get a lot of people in here. What does he look like?"

"Well..." Ryan tried to picture what Cody looked like as they had only spent a little time together. "He is my height and build, but with darker hair. I think he's a few years older than I am."

"You just described half the people that come in here." Frank looked irritated.

"Sorry but there really isn't anything about him that stands out."

"Well, then I can't help you."

Ryan had a sudden thought. "He was in here yesterday a littler earlier than now."

"That doesn't help."

"Um...OH! He was wearing black leather pants, combat boots, and a white shirt!"

Frank suddenly seemed a million miles away. "Yes. I remember him. Cody Walker. He is allowed to be here."

Ryan smiled. "Yes, Cody! Have you seen him?" He wasn't sure what the `allowed to be here' part was about, so he didn't ask.

Frank stared at the far end of the room but his eyes hadn't focused on anything in particular. "He has not been back since then. He is my friend." Frank blinked and faced Ryan. "I'm sorry what did you say?"

Ryan started to repeat what they had talked about but something was odd about the security guard's comments, and besides, he said Cody hadn't been in since then. "Um...never mind thanks. If you see him please tell him Ryan is looking for him and will try to wait in the food court."

"Sure kid, whatever." Frank turned around and walked behind the counter to get a candy bar.

Ryan walked out of the arcade not exactly sure what had just happened. The guard had looked almost hypnotized for a minute, but he had confirmed that Cody hadn't been back. Ryan walked to the food court and back to the table where they had planned to meet. He was alone. He waited for thirty minutes and a few different people sat at the long table with him, but nobody he knew.

He thought about going back to the sporting goods store and buying the red exercise suit. It could be fun for both he and Cody to each have a suit to wear when they hung out, though probably not in public. Of course, that implied he would ever see Cody again. He stayed at the table.

Time dragged on slowly, and he waited another hour and a half before his stomach told him it was dinnertime. He got a burger and fries to go and drove home. The ride home was a blur as he kept thinking about what might have caused Cody to miss their meeting.

Before he knew it, he was back at his apartment complex. He parked in his spot and shut off the Jeep. It wasn't supposed to rain soon so he didn't bother putting the top up. Worried about theft, he pulled the duffle bag with Cody's clothes out of the jeep and took them inside.

Trevor looked up from the table where he was eating spaghetti. "Hey, I was starting to worry. Is everything ok?"

"Just a minute." Ryan tossed the duffle bag into his bedroom and then took a seat at the table across from Trevor. He pulled his burger and fries from the bag, and began to eat. "Yeah, I'm fine. I came home for lunch but you were gone. After that, I went back to the mall for a bit."

Trevor set his fork down. "You spend a lot of time at the mall. What is it you find so interesting about that place?"

Ryan shrugged. "I like the arcade and spend most of my time there. There're the stores too, though I don't usually buy much. I did consider buying that red exercise suit I showed you, but I didn't."

Trevor grinned. "Oh yeah? Were you going to but it for me to wear when I work out, or for yourself?"

Ryan got up and filled a glass with water. "For me to wear around the apartment, but I'll get you one too, if you want. I like the way the leather pants look, and I assume the exercise suit would look cool too."

Trevor resumed eating. "Hmm, first leather pants and now a vinyl suit. I think your taste in clothing is changing."

Ryan returned to the table with his glass of water. "Do you object?" He grabbed a few fries and stuffed them into his mouth.

"No, why would I?"

"I don't want you to feel uncomfortable if I wear that kind of stuff, so let me know if it bothers you, ok?"

"Bro, when have I ever had a problem telling you what I think?" He smiled and took a bite of his garlic bread and set it back on the plate.

Ryan picked up the half-eaten piece of bread and took a large bite. "Never, and I don't want that to change." He put the bread back on Trevor's plate.

"Um, that's my dinner." He reached across the small table and grabbed a dozen fries.

"Yeah, well, it still is. I didn't eat it all, unlike you and my fries."

Trevor took a large drink of Coke. He had been thinking about going out to the bars again, but was concerned it might upset Ryan. "So, I want to ask you something and please answer me honestly."

Ryan felt his pulse jump. He wondered if he had been too open and Trevor had begun to suspect something. "Um, ok."

"I want to go to a bar tonight."

Ryan relaxed; slightly disappointed Trevor hadn't broached a certain subject. "Oh."

"I want you to come with me but only if you're going to have a good time."

Ryan shrugged. "I usually have fun."

"Yeah, but after last night I want to make sure you are ready. We don't have to go. We can stay here, watch TV, or rent a movie or something."

Ryan thought about going out and realized that he was still a little shaken up, but what had happened the previous night was so unlikely to happen again, he shouldn't let it bother him. "Yeah, we should go to the bar. We didn't do anything wrong so we shouldn't be the ones stuck at home, in hiding."

"Hell yeah! That's the spirit!" He carried his plate to the sink and added them to the pile.

"When do you want to go?" Ryan joined him in the kitchen.

"Same as last night? Nine?"

"Sounds good. We have a few hours to kill."

"Um, no offense, I don't want to go to the mall again." Trevor smiled.

"No, I am done with that place for today. I think I'll just chill a bit."

Trevor nodded. "Sounds good. I need to do some reading before we leave. I've got a stupid test on Monday."

"Ha ha. Someone has homework." Ryan smiled and left the kitchen, heading for the couch.

Trevor followed him. "Hey, would it be alright if I wear your leather pants tonight?"

Ryan faced him. "You really want to?"

Trevor nodded. "Yeah."

"Sure. Let me get them." Ryan went to his room and pulled the pants out of the duffle bag. He wondered if Cody would object to someone else wearing his pants, but he wasn't there to ask.

Trevor smiled when Ryan returned. "I can't believe I am going to wear those."

Ryan looked puzzled. "Then why are you?"

"You look really good in them and I want to see if I look even better." He took the pants from Ryan and went to his room to change. "Be right back."

Ryan sat down on the couch; happy Trevor wanted to wear the pants. In some way, it brought them closer together.

In a moment, Trevor returned to the living room, wearing the leather pants. "Well? What do you think?" He held his arms out to his sides. "Pretty cool huh? I'm a rock star!"

Ryan was speechless. Trevor had put on a white tank top. Combined with the leather pants, and his athletic chest and arms, it was difficult not to stare.

"Ryan?" Trevor lowered his arms.

"Wow." Ryan whispered.

Trevor grinned. "I take it you approve?"

Ryan nodded. "Yeah, you look great."

Trevor shrugged. "I thought this top would go nicely with the pants."

"Yeah, it really does." Ryan felt a bulge forming in his jeans and crossed his leg.

"Cool. Now, all I need is some boots to wear. You mind if I borrow yours?"

Ryan nodded and rose. "That's fine." He walked to his room and took the opportunity to adjust his dick into a less-painful position. He was worried that it would be obvious just how much Trevor was turning him on. He pulled Cody's boots from the duffle bag and walked back to the living room. "Here."

"Thanks." Trevor took the boots from Ryan and set them down next to the couch. He turned towards his room.

Ryan shrugged. "Aren't you going to put them on?"

Trevor turned back to face him. "Not yet. I have some reading to do before we leave."

"Oh, yeah." Ryan sat back down on the couch.

"You want to wear anything of mine tonight?" Trevor looked hopeful.

Ryan nodded. "Sure, maybe. Let me think about it."

Trevor smiled. "Cool. I'll be in my room reading."

"Ok." Ryan picked up the remote and began flipping through the channels. He found the local news and turned up the volume, hoping to catch the weather report. If the night stayed cool and dry, he would leave the top down for the ride to the bar and back home.

The man on the news was talking about a pack of wild dogs reported to be running loose in the city.

"And, just to remind everyone to please keep an eye out for any stray dogs, and to report them immediately to the authorities or animal control." He faced his female co-host.

"That's right Jim. We first brought you the breaking story, early this morning. Two motorcyclists, heading home after a night out at a local bar, were attacked and savagely mauled. One has since been discharged, but the other man remains hospitalized with non-life-threatening injuries."

The man nodded. "Those are some pretty bad bite wounds too, from what I heard."

Behind them, on the monitor, was a picture of the larger biker who had attacked them, the other night, with his arm lifted, revealing two deep holes, just below the armpit.

"Holy shit!" Ryan jumped up. "Trevor! Get in here quick!"

Trevor rushed into the room. "What?" He looked at the TV.

"It's him!" Ryan pointed to the TV but the news had moved on to the weather. He turned the volume down. "It was the biker from last night."

Trevor shrugged. "I missed it. What happened? Did he get arrested?"

"No, he's in the hospital. So was the other guy."

"What? Why?"

"Supposedly they were attacked but a pack of wild dogs. He had a bite mark on his arm, and they said he had other injuries too."

"Holy shit! We got out of there just in time." Trevor sat down on the couch.

Ryan sat next to him and their legs touched, barely. "Do you think the other guy was hurt?"

"The one who helped us? I don't know. Did they say anything about him?" Trevor didn't move his leg.

"No, just the two asshole bikers."

Trevor shrugged. "Then, I guess he's fine. Still, I won't lose any sleep over those two. They got what they deserved."

"You think it is safe to walk around tonight?"

"I don't know. I would think so. There should be other people around too. It's Saturday night."

"True. You want to do the Land Shark again?" Ryan felt it was important to go back to that bar, given the events of last night, so he wouldn't end up avoiding it.

"Sure. They should have a band tonight."

"Yeah, I forgot about that. Will you dance with me? Ryan smiled.

"Sure." Trevor smiled back at him. "Ok, back to the books." He walked back into his bedroom.

Ryan turned back to the TV and listened to the weather report. It was going to be a cool but clear evening.

David pushed fully inside Cody and held still, while his dick shot a few streams of cum. "You'd better appreciate how awkward this is with you lying there, not helping at all. I feel a little strange doing this to you, without your consent." He pulled out of Cody and sat on the bed. He gently traced his fingers down Cody's back. "I hope you're going to be alright."

David stood and pulled his pants back on. He picked up Cody's small bag off the floor, set it on the chair next to the bed, and looked inside. The exercise suit pants were on top, and looked more comfortable than jeans, so he carefully put them on Cody, in case he got cold. David removed the pillows from under Cody's waist so he was laying flat on the bed. He went back into the living room. It was still morning but people had begun to move about the complex. He heard doors closing and kids yelling down the hall. He settled into his recliner and stretched out to relax. Although it wasn't his intention, he was soon asleep.

A while later, a door down the hall slammed shut and David woke. He looked at the clock. It was after two in the afternoon. "Damn!" He lowered the footrest and stood.

His stomach was empty and rumbled. He made his way to the kitchen, fixed a sandwich, grabbed a bottle of bear, and returned to the living room to eat a late lunch. When he was finished, he set the plate and empty bottle in the kitchen and went in to check on Cody.

To his surprise, Cody was lying on his back, and had his right arm draped over his eyes. His left arm lay straight out to his side.

David walked up to the side of the bed and looked at Cody's arm and hand. The arm looked normal, no sign of the strange, black lines. His hand looked a lot better but still had a nasty red burn across the palm. David was pleased Cody seemed to be waking up, though slowly. He left the room, pulling the door closed behind him.

For two hours, he busied himself with cleaning the kitchen and doing laundry. They had been at the motel for a week and he had plenty of dirty clothes to wash.

It was about four in the afternoon when the buzzer sounded on the dryer. David removed the clothes and folded them on the table. He took the clothes into his bedroom and put them away in the closet, and then returned to the living room. He decided it was time to check on the patient, and perhaps feed him again.

Quietly, he opened the door to the smaller bedroom. Cody was on his side, with his back to the window.

"Cody? You awake?"

He didn't respond.

David knelt down by the side of the bed and looked at Cody's face. He was breathing softly but rapidly, and appeared to be asleep, still. One thing David did notice, with some amount of concern, was that Cody's canine teeth were an inch long and protruding over his lower lip.

As he watched Cody's body twitched slightly. His mouth made almost unperceivable chewing movements, when his body would move.

"Somebody is dreaming." David whispered. He noted it was similar to when dogs dreamed, and their bodies would spasm. "I hope you catch whoever you're chasing." He stood and went back out into the living room, pulling the door closed behind him. It didn't seem like the right time, or a safe time, to have sex with an unconscious vampire.

For the next few hours, he watched TV and read the Saturday paper. Around seven thirty, he folded the sports page in half and set it on the table next to the couch. He faced forward and yelled, startled. "Shit!" He stood. "You scared me!"

Cody was standing on the other side of the coffee table, the door to his room still closed. He was standing still, staring at David.

David cautiously stepped around the low table. "Hey kiddo, how do you feel?"

Cody tracked David's movement, as the wolf does a rabbit in the forest. His fangs still hung down over his lip, and his eyes were very alert.

"Cody? You in there?" He didn't like the way Cody was watching him. It made the hair on the back of his next stand up. He recognized that Cody wasn't quite himself, and, Cody looked hungry. It wasn't the kind of hunger when you want a burger, rather, the kind of hunger when you eat a friend, and regret it later.

"Hey, you ok?" David cautiously waved his hand in front of Cody's face.

Slowly, as if waking from a dream, Cody relaxed and his fangs retracted. He closed his eyes and sighed. "Where are we? This isn't the motel."

David shook his head. "No, we had to leave the motel."

Cody opened his eyes and looked around the apartment living room. It was obviously not another motel room. He looked accusingly at David. "No! We had better not be where I think we are."

David was silent for a moment and then crossed his arms, angrily, and glared at Cody. "You know what? It is! It's exactly what you think it is. Look around you Cody. This is my apartment."

"David! I told you it's too dangerous for me to be here, for both of us. Why did you bring me to your home?"

"Why? I'll tell you why. Sit down!" He pointed to the couch.

Cody had never seen this kind of emotional reaction in David and it took him by surprise. He sat down on the couch and folded his arms across his chest. "I'm listening."

"So, last night, you called me, half dead, to come pick you up. I did what you asked. You told me to call some creepy, bitchy woman. I did that too. Her goon shows up and scares the crap out of me, and then she shows up too, but that's ok. When you have one vampire in your room what's two more right?" He sat on the other end of the couch and glared at Cody.

"David, don't get so upset." Cody uncrossed his arms and let his hands fall to his lap.

"Oh no, no sir! You don't get to tell me not to be upset. I deserve to be upset! So, there you were, unconscious and bleeding all over the motel room. She tells me the only way you will survive is for me to feed you, especially your wounds. As if I had any fucking clue what she meant at the time. She and her bodyguard, or whatever he is, wouldn't lift a finger to help you. I had to figure it all out by myself."

Cody smiled sheepishly. "Well, I guess you did as I'm not dead."

"Oh yeah, I figured it out. I jacked off, and used it to heal your wounds. That was fucked up. But, that's ok. I did it because I care about you."

"David, I..."

"I'm not finished! So then, I had to feed you, but you were out cold. Do you have any idea how psychologically twisted it felt to fuck you while you were unconscious? Don't get me wrong, it felt great, but it was messed up. And, I didn't do it once, I did it twice!"

Cody just nodded.

"So, I have to return to work Monday but creepy woman couldn't tell me when you would wake up. So, when it came down to leaving you alone, and sick, in the motel room, or bringing you home so I can work out of my den for a few days while you heal, I decided to do what was best for both of us and brought you here. For the record, I don't care who might be looking for you. I don't care what my neighbors would have thought if they had seen me carrying your unconscious ass up the stairs and into my apartment. You told me you trusted me and felt safe with me. So...welcome home!"

Cody was too shocked to say anything witty so he just nodded. "Thanks."

David raised his eyebrows. "Thanks? Is that it? How about `wow David, you sure must care about me to do all that crazy shit.' You know, a little more gratitude."

Cody looked away and quietly repeated what David had said. "Thank you David. You sure must care about me."

"Cody..." David didn't sound so angry now. He sounded very tired.

Cody faced him.

"I do care about you. I really do. Please give me enough credit to know what to do in a crisis, ok?"

"Ok." Cody nodded

"Good. That's settled now. Are you hungry?" David asked.

Cody nodded.

"Do you want to feed?"

Cody nodded.

David stood and pointed to Cody's room. "Go. I will be there in a moment."

Cody rose and did as he was told. He sat on the edge of the bed and noticed his small bag on the chair. He looked inside and confirmed Ryan's jeans were there. He was wearing the exercise pants and the top to the suit was in the duffle bag too. Ryan's tennis shoes were on the floor by the bed. He knew the boy's shirt had been destroyed and he would have to replace it. He pulled the vinyl top out of the bag and pulled it over his head. It was comforting to wear the entire suit again.

David walked into the room, naked. "You cold?" He noticed Cody wore the top to the suit now.

"No, I don't get cold. Just feeling a little insecure."

"You like that guy's clothes huh?"

Cody nodded. "Yeah, I guess I do."

David sat on the bed next to him. "How do you want it?"

Cody shrugged. "Whatever you want to do." He had trouble meeting David's gaze.

"I'm not mad at you. It's just been a stressful eighteen hours." He put his arm around Cody's shoulders. "Come on, you must be starving."

Cody nodded. "I am." He slowly slid off the bed, onto the floor in front of David.

David smiled and spread his legs apart. "Watch those teeth of yours."

Cody smiled. "Yes sir." He went down on David's dick and began sucking and licking. He was weak and still a little sick feeling, so there was an urgency he did not try to resist.

"Oh god, take it easy or you're going to rip it right off me." David put his hands on the back of Cody's head and steadied him. "I'm not going anywhere. You can do this as often as you need to."

Cody tightened his grip with his lips, and slowed his pace for the next few minutes.

"Christ!" David leaned his head back and exploded into Cody's mouth. "I think I saw stars that time."

Cody pulled off and licked his lips. "Thank you."

David was breathing heavily. "Anytime."

"Move back on the bed, ok?" Cody removed the exercise pants, and climbed up onto the small bed.

David moved up next to him and lay back.

Cody gently climbed onto his waist, and sat down on his crotch. "You mind if I sit here?"

David smiled. "Be my guest, but I won't be ready for while."

"I just want to talk." Cody got comfortable and rested his hands on his thighs. "Did the woman who came to help tell you why I was sick?"

David nodded. "Yes. She said gold is your weakness. And, for the record, she didn't come to help. She said they were there to take your corpse away."

Cody nodded. "Yeah, that is why I had you call her. I didn't think I was going to survive. As for gold, you are now one of two humans who know how dangerous it is to me. Please don't share that knowledge with anyone else. It would put me at great risk."

"I won't tell anyone. How did you learn about gold? She said it is different for each of you."

"Well, that's not entirely true. There are some who share the same weakness as I do. As for how I discovered it was deadly to me, it was by accident, the same way we all learn. There isn't a manual to this life I now live. I discover my powers and limitations as time passes."

"Is that the only weakness you have, or are you afraid of holy water and crosses too, like in the movies?"

Cody shook his head. "Crosses are not a problem unless they are made of gold. Even then, it is the metal, not the symbol that I fear. Holy water doesn't affect any of us. It's just tap water. I'm not evil David, just different from you."

David lay back on the pillow. "You know, I'm beginning to wonder what vampire legends are actually true. I mean, you aren't dead, or undead... not sure which is correct. And, you don't burst into flames in sunlight."

"No, I'm neither dead nor undead. My life cycle froze when I was changed. I am now as I was then, and always will be. Very few vampire legends are based on fact, but I don't mind that people are afraid of what Hollywood has created."

"But you need blood to survive. You don't eat people food."

"That's true. My digestive system is incapable of extracting what I require from normal food and drink. I can drink a little as it easily mixes with my blood but, if I eat solid food or drink a lot of liquid, I puke it back up, as it is of no value to by body. The nourishment I seek is not protein; it carries with it some of the person's life force, something I am unable to produce."

"I don't understand."

"I'm not sure I do fully either. When I was changed, my body"

"But you said you weren't dead."

"Not living as in breathing, rather, living as in part of the cycle of life. I am sterile and, this is difficult to explain, outside of the cycle of life. It can no longer age and kill me, but neither can it sustain me. I am an orphan from life, but not dead. Does that make sense?"

"Not really."

"I'm sorry. I really don't have a good explanation other than my body no longer produces the life, or `spirit', that is needed to sustain a person. For that energy, I have to turn to others and take a portion or theirs. If I don't, my body dies."

"Ok, but, you also drink other bodily fluids, not just blood." David tried not to smile.

"I do. Semen is extremely high in life energy. Think about it, blood can sustain life but it can't create it."


"And, well, I'm gay so it comes naturally to me."

"Do most vampires suck...dicks?" He smiled.

Cody smiled and shook his head. "Not that I know of. I like to be unique."

"Ok, I think I understand you better now, but tell me one more thing please. Why are you afraid of staying in my apartment?"

Cody sighed. "Two reasons really. People know you and your lifestyle. It will be difficult for me to come and go without attracting some attention. How do you plan to explain my being here?" He leaned forward and grinned. "You could introduce me as your lover." He raised his eyebrows.

"What's to explain, little brother?" David smiled. "You are living here while you attend school."

Cody shrugged. "Ok, that actually makes sense, though it isn't as much fun. Can I be your little brother who is also your lover? That would give your neighbors something to talk about."

"Probably not a good idea to tell people that." David moved beneath Cody and his hardening dick began to poke Cody in the back.

Cody gently rose up and sat down upon David's dick, taking it inside him. "Is this what you had in mind?"

"Yeah, that works." He began to slowly piston in and out. "So, what's the second reason?"

Cody shrugged. "I could become too comfortable, in this environment."

David quickened his thrusts. "Why is that a problem?"

"I might not want to leave."

"So stay." He moaned quietly and pushed fully into Cody, shooting a few streams of cum into him. "Oh god, please stay..."

Cody smiled and rolled off him, lying next to him. "You're just saying that because I am such a good fuck."

David faced Cody. "Well, duh!"

Cody rolled onto his side and faced David. "The longer I stay in one place the more likely someone will begin to take notice of my activities. Eventually, someone will come looking for me, they always do."

"Well, until that happens, please consider my home your home." David sat up and stretched.

"Alright, we'll try this." Cody sat up and pulled the exercise pants on. "Promise me one thing please. If you come home one day and I'm gone, don't take it personally. You will see me again, someday."

David stood and walked back into the living room. "Well until then, why not come out here and watch some TV with me. I'll make us some popcorn."

Cody walked out of his room and sat on the couch. "You know I don't"

David put a bag of popcorn into the microwave. "More for me then."

Next: Chapter 6

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