Its Not the Blood

By Will Ren

Published on Jul 16, 2010


The usual disclaimers apply. This story will have some mild m/m sexual content as well as possible fetish situations. If that bothers you, or you know you shouldn't be reading this, then ask yourself why you are and then go do something to repair your karma. If it is legal for you to read this kind of entertainment (because really, that's all it is) then do so.

If you want to drop me a note to say "yay/nay" about the story, I'm:

**I was asked for details about Ryan's `exercise suit'. It isn't the type you find for 20 bucks, at sporting goods stores (the silver ones). His is the type that cost over 100 bucks and have a bit of color to them. Yes, his is all black but they come in many colors. (Mine is yellow with black stripes). Here are a few picts I grabbed off the WWW:


Ryan's jeep sped down the street, its occupants too shocked to say anything. They drove in silence until he pulled into his spot in front of their apartment.

Trevor faced his friend. "Holy shit, that was intense! Dude, those guys seriously wanted to hurt us."

Ryan sighed and leaned his head on the steering wheel. "I'm sorry I got us into that."

"What? No man, you didn't. They were just messed up."

"Yeah I did. I shouldn't have worn these pants."

"Bullshit! You can't be afraid of what other people will do or think and let that keep you from being yourself."

Ryan faced Trevor and smiled weakly. "Thanks."

Trevor put his hand on Ryan's shoulder. "Bro, you're my best friend. Now come on, let's go inside." He got out of the jeep and pulled his weights out of the back. "Help me carry these things."

Ryan nodded. He helped lug the weights into the apartment and then closed and locked the door. His pulse was still racing, and he felt sick to his stomach.

"Hey you ok?" Trevor stepped up to him. "You are practically white. You see a ghost or something?" He smiled.

"Yeah I'm fine, just a bit freaked out still. No ghosts...just killer bikers."

"Hey...we're home and in one piece so let it go."

"I guess so. I'm going to shower and then go to bed." Ryan went to his room and closed the door.

Trevor sighed. He hated seeing his friend like this. He had known Ryan for a few years and in that time had come to know that the younger boy was very sensitive. He took things like what had happened in the alley very seriously, and would probably be freaked out by it for several days.

Ryan's door opened and he walked through the apartment to the shower, a towel around his waist. He turned on the water and closed the door. The shower lasted a long time during which he thought back to what had happened. The strongest memories were Trevor stepping in front of him to protect him. He began to cry. He really liked Trevor and it killed him that he couldn't tell him what he felt for fear of rejection.

It was a valid fear as that is how he and Trevor had become roommates. He had opened up to his previous roommate, shared his feelings for him, and found himself suddenly alone and in need of someone to share the apartment. He didn't need the money, but he hated being alone. He had gone to high school with Trevor, and they had been friends then. When he told him he needed a roommate, Trevor had eagerly agreed.

After some time the water got cold and he turned it off. He spent a long time drying off and then opened the steamy room and walked out into the living room.

Trevor was sitting on the couch putting weights onto the bars and tightening the clamps to keep them in place. He looked up when the door opened.

"You feel better now?" He looked up and saw Ryan's eyes were red. It tore him up inside but he didn't say anything.

"Yeah, wanted to get the bar smell off me." He moved over and sat on the couch next to Trevor, wearing only the towel. "You need any help?"

Trevor looked at Ryan and then the towel around his waist. "Are you going to sit there half naked or put some clothes on?" He smiled.

"Oh, yeah, I probably should. Listen I'm really tired so I think I'm just going to call it a night ok?"

"Sure bro. Good night." He returned his attention to the weights. "Why are weights so heavy?"

Ryan made his way back to his room and closed the door. He let the towel slide down and let it fall to the floor. He was tired but not sure he could get the thoughts out of his mind enough to sleep. He switched off the light and climbed into bed, pulling the covers up to his chin. He had been planning to sleep in Cody's clothes but, after the events of the evening, he didn't want to be near the leather pants at the moment.

He lay in the darkness and tried to calm his mind. He thought about tomorrow and meeting Cody at the mall to swap back clothes. He wondered if Cody were wearing the exercise suit still or maybe Ryan's clothes or maybe he had his own clothes on. He wondered what Cody would wear to the mall. He hoped he would wear the exercise suit so when they switched back Ryan would be able to put it on after Cody had just been wearing it. He smiled and some of his fear subsided. As upsetting as that night had been, the following day would probably make everything better.

He wondered who the stranger was that had shown up just in time. He hadn't been able to see him at the end of the alley, standing in the shadows, but there had been something familiar about him. Well, whoever he was, Ryan was very grateful he had shown up when he did. Hopefully he hadn't gotten into any trouble himself. He felt a little guilty for not driving around the block to see what had happened to the bikers and the stranger, but his first instinct was to get as far away from the area as possible.

Ryan rolled over, buried his face in his pillow, and drifted to sleep.

David dialed the number Cody had given him the first time they had stayed together. What had he said then? "You must NEVER call this number unless my life depends upon it. Do not lose this paper and if you are ever arrested, or whatever, destroy it."

The phone on the other end rang and a woman answered. "Yes?"

David took a deep breath. "Hello. You don't know me but..."

"Do you have any idea what time it is?" The woman on the other end snapped at him.

David cringed. She was pissed, whoever she was. "I do, and I'm sorry to be bothering you right now, but it is an emergency."

There was a brief pause and then she spoke. "...I'm listening..."

"A friend of mine is hurt and he said to call you."

"Does this friend have a name?"

"Yeah, Cody Walker."

Another moment of silence passed. "Where are you?"

"Motel Six on Industrial. Do you know where..."

"Fine." The connection ended.

"Hello?" David frowned and put his cell on the dresser. "Rude bitch!" He walked over to where Cody lay on the other bed and looked at his hand. It looked like he had grabbed onto a red-hot poker and closed his hand around it. Blood still dripped from the wound and was staining the comforter. David got a towel and placed it under Cody's hand.

He looked at his wrist and forearm and noticed black lines had begun to move up towards his shoulder, under the skin. It looked like his veins were turning black. "Whoa...what the hell?" He put his fingers on Cody's arm, and it was burning up. He felt his other arm and it was cool to the touch.

He looked at the clock and saw it was almost half past twelve. He yawned and wondered when the woman would arrive. He realized he had never given her his name or the room number so he wasn't sure exactly how she would find them, but he had a feeling she would.

He moved over to his own bed and propped himself up against the headboard and grabbed the TV remote. There wasn't much on but for the next thirty minutes, he surfed channels to pass the time.

Outside a car door closed and he heard someone walking up to the room. He swung his legs over the side of the bed just as someone knocked softly on the door. He cautiously approached the door and looked out through the peephole.

A man in a black leather jacket stood on the other side of the door.

"What do you want?"

"She sent me."

"What? Who sent you?"

"You called her didn't you?" The man spoke quietly.

David was confused and considered not opening the door when he noticed the deadbolt was slowly turning by itself. He reached up to stop its movement and instantly pulled his hand away from the freezing cold metal. "Ouch."

The lock in the door handle also began to turn and he backed away from the door.

The door opened silently, and the man stepped quickly inside closing it behind him

David couldn't describe exactly what he felt other than the man made his skin crawl. "Who are you?"

"My name is unimportant." He looked to his side and focused on Cody where he lay unconscious on the bed. With a sudden movement that David had trouble following he was on top of the bed on all fours above Cody smelling his chest and neck.

"Hey, he's hurt be careful!" David took a half step towards the bed but paused when the man was suddenly at his side, an inch away from him.

"Did you do this to him?" His voice was as quiet and calm, and sounded hollow.

David froze, unable to move. He felt compelled to tell this man anything he asked. "No, he was like that when I brought him back here."

"Do you know what happened?" He slowly moved behind David.

"No." The hair on the back of David's neck rose.

"He is dying." The man whispered and stepped around him and back over to the bed by Cody. He examined Cody's hand and then let it fall back to the bed.

David exhaled and could move again, now that the man was not next to him. That must be what it felt like when Cody charmed someone. "Can you help him?"

"Why would I?" He turned his icy stare towards David.

"But I thought that is why he had me call that lady."

The man laughed quietly. "No. He had you call so one of us would be here when he dies."

"I don't understand."

"To take his body away. We like to keep these matters private."

"But he isn't dead yet. There must be something you can do to help him. You have to try!" David blinked and focused on the man who was now standing in front of him. He had never seen him move.

"You are an unusual human. Why do you care about one of us?" He smiled and his fangs descended over his lower lip.

"He friend." David tried not to look away from the man's gaze but every fiber in his body told him to run away.

The man casually placed his hand on David's head and turned it to the left and then to the right. "Curious...he has fed on you recently and yet you feel such a bond to him."

David pulled his head out of the man's grasp and stepped back a pace. "That was an accident. He prefers to suck..." He stopped himself in fear of saying something Cody might not like repeated.

"Ah...I see..." The man quickly dropped to his hands and knees and sniffed at David's crotch. He put his nose against the material of his jeans.

"Whoa!" David moved around the man and over by Cody. "Don't do that."

The man rose and moved over to stand by David again. "I have heard of this one but never meet him."

"His name is..."

"I don't care." The man cut him off. "Are you his lover?"

David blinked. "What?"


"Oh, no. We are friends. He stays with me when he comes to town."

The man smiled but it on him it looked grotesque and evil. "How nice for the two of you."

David faced him coldly. "So are you going to help him nor not?"

The man shook his head and started to say something when a woman spoke from over by the door.

"He cannot help Cody. That is not what he does." The voice was soft and sweet.

David gave a small shout and turned to face a tall, black-haired woman in a black dress and black boots, standing by the door, which was still closed.

The other man retracted his fangs and moved over to speak with her. "He is dying."

"Yes, I can smell it."

David shrugged. "What can you smell?"

She looked at him and then at the other man. "Who is this?"

David didn't wait for the man to answer. "I'm David, the one who called you. I thought you were going to help him."

She casually walked across the room and stopped a foot or so away from David. "So you are the one who disturbed me at this late hour." She was taller than David and very thin. Her long black hair hung over a very pale face and neck. In some ways, she looked a lot like Morticia from the Addams Family show.

"I'm sorry if I woke you."

"I don't sleep."

"Oh, no, of course not."

"So you want me to save him?"

"Well, yeah."

She looked at the other man and nodded subtly. "Thank you that is all."

The other man dipped his head politely and left the room.

She looked at David. "Why do you care what happens to one of us? To him?"

"He is my friend."

She looked at him and smiled. "He is feeding on you."

"Yeah so?"

"Doesn't that bother you? To know you are little more than a meal to him?"

"I guess I don't see it that way."

"Curious." She turned to the bed and examined Cody's hand. "Do you know what happened?"

"No. He was out and called me to come pick him up. He said he got into trouble, but didn't say what happened."

"He has been poisoned."

"How? I thought he was immune to drugs and stuff."

She leaned down and smelled his hand. "He was burned by something and it has left its residue in his blood. It is slowly killing him."

"What was it?" David walked over to the bed.

"He might not like me telling you what has such power over him."

"I would never hurt him." David knew it was true no matter what she told him and how much power that might give him over Cody.


"I don't have any here but I have a little at my apartment. How much will it cost to save him?"

She smiled and held his gaze. "No, he was poisoned by gold."

"Can it do that to you people?"

She nodded. "Different objects affect each of us differently. Do you have anything of gold with you here?"

David nodded. "I have my watch." He motioned to the nightstand next to his bed.

"Get it." Her voice was calm.

David reached over and picked up his watch.

She eyed him curiously. "You sure that is real gold?"

"If not I'm going to be pissed. It cost me a fortune."

"Let's see." She held out her hand.

David dropped the gold watch into her hand and she looked it over. "I think your money was well spent."

He noticed it was not having a reaction to her holding it. "Does that hurt?"

She smiled. "Why would it? Now, observe." She ripped open Cody's shirt and exposed the pale flesh beneath. Carefully she placed the watch on his chest and it immediately began to smoke and char his flesh. She casually picked it back up and handed it back to David.

"Holy shit!" He took the watch and set it on the bed next to him. "That's wicked."

"Gold is his bane." She turned her attention to his hand. "So now we know what hurt him but not how."

"Do we need to know how or can you heal him anyway?"

"I don't need to need to know." She sat on the bed and faced David.


"You can heal him."

"Me? How?"

"What would he do if he were sick or weak?"

David shrugged. "He would feed, I suppose."

"Yes, and that is what he needs to do now."

"But how can he if he's unconscious?"

"You figure that part out yourself. Pay special attention to where he is wounded." She rose and moved to the door.

"Wait!" He stood.

"What is it?" She did not turn around.

"Aren't you going to stay to make sure he lives?"

"No." She opened the door and was gone.

David sat on the bed next to Cody and felt his forehead. He felt feverish. "How am I supposed to get him to suck me off if he is unconscious?" He remembered what she had said about the wound needing attention. He thought about it for a moment. "Feed the wound?" Would that work? It was worth a try so he began to undress.

A second police car stopped in the road next to the first. Their lights lit the side street and alley by the parking structure with a strobe show of red and blue.

The two officers got out of the car and made their way through the small crowd of people and paramedics. They walked up to the other officers and asked what was going on.

"Seems somebody roughed up a couple bikers and made off with their wallets." The cop pointed the beam of his flashlight on one of the biker's wallet chain, which was broken at the end where a wallet should have been.

The younger of the two cops whistled. "That guy is huge. I wonder who did this?"

The cop with the flashlight shrugged. "Not sure. The person who called it in didn't see anyone else. But, the big one was either fighting the other guy or they were fighting someone else. See the knife?" He pointed with his light to Bobby's knife, which lay on the ground near him.

"Well let's get this mess cleaned up." The younger cop pushed some people back out of the way so the paramedics could get Bobby and Mick onto stretchers and into the ambulance. "I'll get their stories later at the hospital. It will be interesting to see who kicked their asses." He walked to the ambulance and climbed in.

Ryan rolled over and draped an arm over his eyes to block the morning sun that was threatening to blind him since he had forgotten to lower his window blind.

"Ohhh...go away!" He waved at the window. He rolled over so his back was to the sun and looked at his clock. "Holy shit!"

Trevor looked up from the couch as Ryan's door banged open and he dashed to the bathroom. "Is everything ok?"

"Yeah...just running late." Ryan scrubbed his teeth and put on deodorant.

"'s only eleven in the morning dude. And, it's Saturday so what are you late for?"

"I am going to the mall." He walked back to his room and pulled on some jeans and a clean shirt. He found a small duffle bag in his closet and put Cody's shirt, jeans, and boots into it.

"I'm sure it will still be there later today." Trevor went back to reading the paper.

"Yeah well I want to be there sooner rather than later."

"You want company?"

"Nah, I want to get some air."

"Ok but call me if you need anything."

Ryan stopped on the way to the door and looked at him. "Thanks mom." He smiled and left the apartment, heading to his jeep.

"Dinner is at six, dear." Trevor laughed and went back to reading the sports section.

Ryan drove to the mall in a daze. He was still thinking about last night and the bikers, but it occupied only a small portion of his thoughts today as he had other plans. In less than an hour, he would be meeting Cody and getting his new exercise suit back, but that was only half the excitement. He was looking forward to spending time with Cody and getting to know him better. He was seriously attracted to him and hoped the feeling was mutual. Cody had been giving all the right signals the other day, so maybe this was it.

He pulled into a spot near the food court and waited until 11:50 before heading inside. He sat at the table they had been at the other day and waited. Noon came and went and still he was alone. He was hungry now, so he got some more pizza and returned to wait. By one o'clock he was beginning to think he had been stood up and Cody wasn't coming. By two o'clock, he knew he had been stood up.

Half pissed off, half sad, Ryan got up and threw his trash away before heading back to the jeep. He threw the bag with Cody's clothes in it into the back of the jeep and drove home. Back at the apartment, he left the bag in the jeep and went upstairs to the apartment.

Trevor was gone so he grabbed something to drink and sat on the couch. He remembered their conversation the other day and yes, they had agreed upon noon at the same table. Why hadn't Cody shown up? He thought of a few reasons. He might have had something come up unexpectedly and, seeing as they hadn't exchanged phone numbers, he wouldn't have been able to call. Maybe that was it. On the other hand, maybe he had decided he liked the warm-up suit more than his own clothes and decided to keep them.

No, that didn't feel right. Ryan didn't know why but something was wrong. Cody had intended to meet him and something had come up. The question now was how to find him. The only place they had in common was the mall. Ryan sat up. The arcade! That is where they had first met, kind of, so maybe he would go back there?

Ryan stood and picked up his car keys and paused. How long would he have to stand around hoping Cody showed? Well, he would worry about that later. For now, back to the mall.

David finished undressing and reached for a tube of lubricant that he kept for solo play. He straddled Cody and sat down on his thighs. "This is messed up." He greased up his dick and began stroking himself. He continued to masturbate until with a groan he leaned forward and shot a few lines of cum onto Cody's chest. He squeezed the last few bits from his dick and sat back down on his thighs.

"Now what to do?" He stared at the lines of cum. What had the creepy woman said? Pay special attention to the wounds? "This is so gross." He rubbed some of his cum onto the burn on Cody's chest where the watch had touched him.

For a few minutes, nothing happened and then he thought he could see the skin healing, slightly. "Whoa...that's cool." He watched for a bit longer and soon the small burn was mostly healed. He scooped the remainder of the cum and dumped it onto Cody's hand. After half an hour, it was difficult to tell if the wound looked better but it had stopped bleeding.

David began to jack off again and after a bit longer this time he again shot his cum all over Cody's chest. This time he immediately scraped it all into his hand and poured it onto the wound on his hand. As this load was fresh and still warm it seemed to have better results. The skin under the liquid bubbled a bit and Cody's fingers twitched involuntarily but he didn't wake up. David looked at the black lines that had been moving up his arm and they had begun to disappear.

He waited an hour, during which time he had something to eat and drink, and then had one more round but hardly anything happened. He dribbled the little bit he had produced onto Cody's hand and then lay down on the other bed and closed his eyes. "Good night kid, hope you feel better in the morning."

A few hours later David woke when a car door slammed outside his room. He looked at his clock. It was just after six in the morning and the sun was rising. He groaned and got up. Cody was exactly where he had left him and his hand looked a lot better. The burn across his palm was still red and ugly but had closed completely. All traces of the black lines on his arms were gone.

"Cody?" He gently called to him. "You awake?" Nothing happened. Carefully, David shook him. He didn't know what might happen if Cody suddenly woke up, recently wounded, but he assumed it could go badly for any non-vampires in the room, if he freaked out.

"Hmm...I bet you're hungry." David thought about how to get his cum into Cody. He thought about his mouth but decided he would have to pour it from his hand as he wasn't about to stick his dick into an unconscious vampire's mouth, one who had inch-long fangs. If he poured it into his mouth, it might just sit there, as he couldn't swallow if he were unconscious.

He looked at Cody's mid section. "I suppose I could do the usual, even though you are out like a light." He began to get aroused just thinking about it so he carefully rolled Cody onto his stomach and pulled his pants down. He grabbed two pillows from the bed and stuck them under his waist so his ass was elevated.

Even though Cody never needed it, David spread a bit of lube between his ass cheeks and pressed one finger gently inside him. He was always clean and never seemed to care about dry insertion.

"Ok, this is weird but let's see if this helps." He got onto all fours behind Cody's prone body and lay down onto him, easing himself inside Cody's ass. Being freshly lubed, David slid right in and bottomed out. He began moving in and out. It felt a bit different as Cody wasn't helping by tightening his ass muscles but it was still a nice warm embrace around his dick and that was enough.

After five minutes, David groaned and thrust deeply one last time as his dick exploded inside Cody and showered him with the large fresh load of cum he had been making throughout the night while he slept. He thrust a few more times and then pulled gently out. He wiped the lube off his dick with the bloody towel on the bed and lay next to Cody.

For an hour, nothing happened and David got up to shower. He cleaned off for twenty minutes and when he came out, nothing had changed. Cody was right where he left him with his ass sticking up in the air a bit.

David was concerned about how long it might take Cody to recover. He had already used up a few vacation days and needed to get back to work on Monday. Who would stay with Cody if he weren't up and moving around by then?

He got dressed and went out to grab a quick bit to eat. When he returned to the motel room Cody was exactly as he had left him. He set his breakfast on the dresser and began to eat it while flipping through some channels on the TV. The local news had a story about some bikers who were robbed during the night, up by where Cody had called him. One of them had been interviewed by the police and told the officer he was attacked by some wild dogs. He lifted his arm and showed the bandages where one of the dogs had bitten him leaving two deep puncture wounds in his bicep.

"Oh no...tell me that wasn't you." He looked over at Cody but he hadn't moved. David turned back to the TV and heard the anchor woman saying to be careful after dark until the dogs were located and captured. The second biker had not talked and his hand and arm were in a cast it was reported.

David switched off the TV. He opened his wallet and pulled out the piece of paper with the strange woman's telephone number. Did he dare call her again? He flipped open his cell and hit redial of the last number.

"What do you want David?" Her voice was sweet but he knew she was not happy he had called.

"How did you know it is me?" He wondered what kind of powers she might have. Maybe she was telepathic.

"Caller ID."

David laughed nervously. "Oh yeah. Listen I will keep this short. Cody is doing much better. His wounds are nearly healed but he won't wake up."


"Don't you ...people...even care about your own?"

"You have ten seconds."

"Fine. How long before he wakes up?"

"Might be today...might be tomorrow."

"But he will wake up right?"

"Goodbye David."

"Wait! Will he wake up?"


"Thank you." David sighed.

"And David?" He voice was quiet.


"If you call me again when it isn't an emergency..."

"I'm sorry. I didn't know who else to call." He didn't get a response. The phone call had ended. "What a bitch!"

Ok, so the creepy lady had said it could be today or it might be a day or two but Cody would wake up. That was good news but presented a problem. David couldn't leave him alone and he had to go to work Monday. He thought if he were at home, in his apartment, he could work from home on his computer and keep an eye on Cody the entire time.

"But he said not to take him to my apartment. GOD this is so frustrating!" He paced the room. "Screw it. He can be mad at me later but we're going home." David began to pack his suitcase. He spent ten minutes cleaning up the room as best he could. There was blood on the comforter so he opened a bottle of beer and poured it on the bed, hoping to mask the stain. No doubt, he was going to be billed for something but he didn't care.

He carried his suitcase out to the car and returned for Cody's stuff. He pulled the small duffle bag out from the closet and looked inside. A pair of jeans and a few tee shirts. That was it for clothing. He had no bathroom stuff other than some hair gel.

David set the bag on the bed next to Cody and looked around the room. Up by the pillows were the top and pants to the exercise suit. He stuffed them into the duffle bag and carried it out to the car. He returned for Cody and carefully carried him out and put him in the back seat. His shirt was torn and bloody but it was dry.

David did one last walk through the motel to make sure he had everything and then walked up to the office and checked out. He told the lady behind the counter he had spilled some beer on the comforter but she didn't care.

He got back to the car and Cody was exactly where he had laid him in the back seat. Davie drove them back to his apartment about twenty minutes away and parked in his carport. He carried his and Cody's bags up to the apartment and set Cody's in the second bedroom.

He returned to the car and realized he had a problem. Cody's shirt was torn and bloody. David went back upstairs, got a shirt out of Cody's bag, and took it back to the car. He removed the bloody shirt and pulled the clean one on.

Now, how to get him upstairs? It was before nine on a Saturday morning so nobody was walking around. Carefully he lifted Cody out of the car and shut the door with his knee. "Good thing you aren't very big. He quickly carried him to the side entrance where the washers and driers were and after making sure nobody was using the room he went in and up the back stairwell. He looked down the hall and all was quiet. Opening the door quietly he carried Cody down the hall and into his apartment.

David closed the door and sighed. "Home at last." He placed Cody's unconscious body on the bed in the smaller bedroom and went to the refrigerator. He poured himself a glass of orange juice and went downstairs to check the mail.

A few minutes later he came back to discover nothing had changed. Cody was right where he had left him.

"I hope you don't stay like this for too long." He called to him from the living room. "I can't work from home more than a day or two, especially after having been on vacation."

He finished his glass of orange juice and set it in the sink. He walked into Cody's room and looked at the boy in the bed. His hand was doing much better but he was stone cold asleep, or whatever he was doing.

David looked at the clock on the wall and noted it was almost nine thirty. He sighed and walked over to the bed. "I suppose now is as good a time as any." He rolled Cody onto his stomach and slid his jeans off. Two pillows from the bed went under his waist and he was ready for another feeding.

David smiled and shook his head. "You are going to either laugh about this when you wake up or I am going to be in some serious shit but this is for your own good kido." He pulled his pants off and climbed onto the bed.

Next: Chapter 5

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