Its Not the Blood

By Will Ren

Published on Jul 11, 2010


The usual disclaimers apply.  This story will have some mild m/m sexual content as well as possible fetish situations.   If that bothers you, or you know you shouldn't be reading this, then ask yourself why you are and then go do something to repair your karma.  If it is legal for you to read this kind of entertainment (because really, that's all it is) then do so.

If you want to drop me a note to say "yay/nay" about the story, I'm: 

Ryan and Trevor arrived at the mall and made their way to the food court. It was late afternoon so not too many people were around as most families were preparing for dinner.

Trevor gently punched Ryan's arm. "What sounds good?"

"Asshole!" Ryan punched him back, harder.


"Well then don't hit me." He looked around. "I think I am going to pizza."

"Wow...that's original."

"Yeah well I happen to like pizza so kiss my ass. What about you?"


"Meet you back here."

"Why here? We should sit closer to the stores so we can people watch."

Ryan put his hand on the back of the same chair Cody had been sitting in earlier that day. "I don't know. This seems a bit more out of the crowd."

Trevor looked around. "You mean the crowd of twelve other people that are here at the moment?"

"Don't make me kick your ass in public." Ryan headed towards the pizza place.

"Fine. Meet you back here in a few...leather boy!" Trevor grinned and moved off in the opposite direction.

Ryan smiled. He ordered his pizza, two slices, and a large drink and then headed back to the table. He sat in the chair Cody had been in and smiled to himself.

In a moment, Trevor joined him. "Why are you so happy all of a sudden? Is the mall really that exciting to you?"

Ryan shook his head. "Nah, just happy to be out again."

"Because you spent SO much time in the apartment today..."

"I don't expect you to understand so shut up and eat." He picked up a slice and began to eat it.

"Well someone is feeling feisty tonight." He picked up his sticks and began eating the rice. "When do you want to go to the bar?"

"I don't know, maybe around nine?"

"So we are going to wander around here for another three hours?"

"I guess so, unless you want to go somewhere else."

"Can't think of anywhere else so what the hell. Maybe I will get a pair of leather pants too. What store did you buy them at? We can stop by and see if they have another pair in my size."

Ryan spit his drink out and coughed. "What?"

"Dude, take it easy or you are going to choke to death. I asked which store you bought them from."

"Sorry, went down the wrong pipe." He coughed again. "Um, this was the last pair of pants they had so no sense going back."

"Ok but which store in case I want to check back another time?"

Ryan mentally ran through the different stores in the mall trying to remember what the leather store was called. "Leather City!" He blurted it out.

"Ok...but you don't have to yell at me."

"Sorry, my drink is still stuck in my nose." He blew his nose on a napkin for show.

"Well maybe when we walk around we can stop in just in case they have a pair in the back or something."

"What is the hurry? You anxious to be in leather pants too? People will think we are dating." He felt his pulse quicken for just a moment at the possibility.

"Ew! Fine, we won't stop by if it is going to upset you so much. Besides, I want to check out the sporting goods store. I have been thinking about getting some weights."

"Yeah, you are getting a little flabby." Ryan looked away and continued to eat his pizza.

Trevor gave him `the look' and continued eating his dinner.

The fact was, Ryan thought, Trevor was anything but flabby and out of shape. He was an inch and a half taller and about twenty-five pounds heavier but it was all muscle. He routinely worked out at the college gym and it showed. He wasn't a bodybuilder but he looked nice, really nice.

For the next few minutes, they were quiet while they ate. When they were both finished, they threw out their trash and put their trays on the trash bin.

Starting at that end of the mall they walked around the first floor and then to the upper level. When they were approaching Leather City Ryan suddenly ducked across the aisle, heading for the book store.

"Dude...counter clockwise and no crossing the middle. You know the rules." He knew Ryan had not heard him so he crossed over to the bookstore and went inside.

Ryan was looking at the calendars.

"Um...what are we doing here?"

"I need a new calendar."

"It is June..."

"Yeah well the next year's come out early, you know, sixteen month calendars." He put back one with cars and picked up one with motorcycles.

"Ok but what's the rush?"

"I just remembered I wanted to look at them."

For ten minutes, Ryan looked and Trevor sat down and waited. Eventually they left the store and headed back the way they had come.

"Um, we never finished this wing, you cut across."

Ryan shrugged. "Nothing to see down there really, just Sears and we aren't old enough to shop there yet."

"True." What time is it?"

"Eight fifteen." Ryan looked at his watch.

"Forty-five minutes until the mall closes. Let's head to the sporting goods store and then it will be time to go."


They headed to the same store Ryan had stolen the exercise suit from that afternoon and went inside.

Trevor headed over to the weights and began to pick various ones up and get a feel for what he might like.

Ryan walked around a bit and found himself back at the rack of exercise suits. He tried not to smile as he ran his hands over the red suit he had put back on the rack. He shrugged. "What the hell." Grabbing the hanger, he picked up the red vinyl suit and went into the changing room. He stripped naked and put on the suit, feeling the cold vinyl against his skin. He began to breathe faster as he ran his fingers up and down his body. In response to the material, and what who he was thinking about, his dick began to swell and tent out the front of the pants.

Realizing where this was heading he stopped and quickly removed the suit. He had a momentary thought of stealing it but realized he had nearly been caught this morning and wasn't likely to get away a second time. He put his clothes back on and hung the suit back on its hanger.

He opened the changing room and returned it to the rack, just as Trevor walked up to him.

"Oh there you are. I was looking around but couldn't find you."

Ryan spun around, slightly red in the face. "Yup, just looking at clothes, not that I need more."

Trevor leaned to the side to see around him. "And what were you looking at?"

Ryan felt his ears warming and stepped aside. "Not sure, some kind of exercise suit. I thought if you are going to lift weights you might want to get one of these to keep warm so your muscles don't cramp." He held his breath.

Trevor removed the red suit from the rack and looked at it. "What is this vinyl? Man I would roast in this thing." He looked at the price tag. "You have to be shitting me!" He put the suit back on the rack.

"Too much?"

"Too expensive and too gay for me. I'll just wear shorts like I always do. I don't need any fancy trash bag suit."

Ryan shrugged. "Just trying to help." He would have enjoyed seeing Trevor in the suit, maybe a little too much.

"If you want to help, come over here and tell me which weights to get."

They walked over to where Trevor had been looking at weights and Ryan helped him pick out some dumbbells and a few weights to put on them. They headed to the checkout and then lugged the weights to the Jeep and dropped them in the back.

Ryan looked at his soft top. "Do you think they will be safe in here while we are at the bar?"

"I don't think too many people steal free weights. Not much fun to run with."

"Good point." Ryan laughed.


Ryan looked at his watch. "Almost nine. Where do you want to go?"

"Hmm...haven't been to the Land Shark in a while. How about that?"

"Sure, sounds good."

They got into the Jeep and headed to the bar on the opposite side of town, at the edge of campus.

Cody continued to suck David until, with a sudden spasm, he felt something warm and wet land on his tongue. He swallowed greedily and felt the energy spread throughout his body.

David's knees buckled and he sagged against the shower wall. "Damn you do that well. I don't know any women who can compete."

Cody stood and smiled. "I've had a lot of practice over the years."

David reached behind him and turned off the water. For a moment, they both stood in the shower with water dripping off their hair and bodies.

David reached out and ran his hand down Cody's chest. "Why do you stay with me?"

Cody placed his hand over David's. "What do you mean?"

"You could have anyone you desire just by controlling their minds and making them do whatever you want. Why do you keep coming back me?"

Cody released his hand and stepped out of the shower, picking up a towel. "Don't flatter yourself. You are feeling the aftereffects of my feeding on you. You have felt it many times before and you always get moody like this."

David followed him out of the shower. "You haven't answered my question."

Cody faced him. "You are reliable, well except for that little scene today, and I like you. It's dangerous for me to have to find someone new to house me every time I move."

"Why dangerous?"

"There are people out there who know about my kind and would use us for their own purposes, government people." He dropped his towel and left the bathroom to get dressed. "I feel safe with you."

David watched his cute teenage-looking body leave the room and smiled. "I'm not gay you know. I just like get my nuts off as often as possible and you are happy to help me."

"I know you aren't gay. That's another reason I like you. You don't expect anything from me so there aren't any strings."

David followed him into the room and started to get dressed. "How long are you going to stay this time?"

"Not sure. Maybe a few months. Do you have enough money or do I need to get some more?"

"I have enough for now but eventually I will need more to keep the room. Oh, and I have to go back to work on Monday. You know we could do all this at my apartment if you wanted to."

"No!" Cody faced him. "I told you I would never do that to you. It would put you in danger. I like random hotel rooms. It keeps people guessing."

"Ok sorry, just a suggestion. We can stay here as long as you want and then find a new motel. But...we will need more money."

Cody nodded. "I should go out tonight and get you some."

"Tonight? Are you still hungry?"

"No but this will be business."

"Ah, time to be a hustler." He looked away and pulled on a shirt.

"You don't say that when I hand you a roll of twenties." Cody glared at him.

"I feel bad that you have to do that to get money. I could take some out of my savings."

"No you won't. I am not a charity case. I can earn my keep just like anyone else. It just happens that I have a special talent that society doesn't seem to appreciate."

"So where do you want to go tonight?"

"Campus. Can you drive me up there and drop me off?"

David smiled but looked sad. "Sure. It's not that I mind driving you around, but have you considered getting a driver's license? You would have a lot more freedom."

"Kind of hard to get one when all of my identifying information says I am 87 years old."

"Yeah that would be a problem."

"Tell me about it." He pulled on Ryan's jeans and shirt and reached for his shoes. "You about ready?"

"Almost. It isn't even seven. What are you going to do?"

"The kind of people who are looking for guys like me don't have a set schedule. They are out there right now. The sooner I get to work the sooner I get you some money."

"Ok let's go." David pulled on a shirt and grabbed his keys.

They got into his car and drove in silence until they reached the closer edge of campus. David parked the car on the side of the road and shut the engine off.

"Will this do?"

Cody opened the door and stepped out. "Yeah thanks." He closed the door and walked away.

"Hey!" David leaned over the passenger's seat.


"Be careful ok? And take this." He tossed him his cell phone.

"Don't worry, I can handle myself."

"I wasn't referring to you. Don't eat anyone by accident." He laughed and waved as he pulled away from the curb.

"Asshole." Cody flipped him the bird and walked away.

David shuddered involuntarily realizing completely for the first time that he lived with a creature... no, a person... who needed to be handled with great care. If he had any doubts before this afternoon when Cody bit him those doubts were long gone now. Still, it was better to be his food source than his enemy David mused.

Cody walked through campus and looked around. The dorms we all closed except for the one near the library, as only a fraction of students remained for summer term. He wasn't headed there now although he did frequent the dorms when he was hungry and David wasn't available. There were always horny college boys looking for easy sex with no strings. He preferred to suck them off as the energy transfer was quicker and stronger but if they wanted to do him in the ass that worked too. It took longer to absorb their energy that way but it was an option. He mainly did that if they insisted, but he also enjoyed anal sex so it wasn't a problem.

He never ejaculated when he was with someone. It was too risky. His semen was very powerful and, if ingested, would give someone temporary power similar to his own. It would wear off after a few hours but during that time, they could do a lot of damage if they wanted to. If ingested in a large enough quantity along with a sufficient amount of his blood it was possible to change someone into a vampire like himself. It didn't happen quickly like in the movies but it could happen. He was always careful.

He passed a few guys coming back from the soccer fields but didn't make eye contact. He knew that, being a vampire, he gave off a subtle aura. For some vampires their aura was fear and you could not bear to have them near you. For others it was devotion and they would have you begging to serve them just to be in their presence. For him it was sex appeal and it was too easy for people to feel attracted to him. Not just guys but girls though he had no use for them. He tried not to suck people's blood, preferring the more powerful protein that only guys could give him.

On occasion, he had bled people, when he was extremely hungry or weak. It was in those times that he risked hurting them. He didn't want to harm anyone, preferring to make them feel wonderful, if only briefly. After sex with him, a person would be in a state of sexual bliss for a short while. It was usually during that time that he would leave, avoiding any emotional entanglements.

He bumped into someone and realized he had been walking and daydreaming instead of watching where he was going. Books fell to the ground and someone cursed. He looked up into the face of an older man, probably a professor judging by his suit, tie, and all the books. He was taller than Cody and had dark brown hair streaked with gray.

Speaking of the books...they went flying in all directions. Cody bent down and apologized. "Wow I'm sorry sir. I wasn't watching where I was going."

The man also knelt down and began to pick them up. "Don't worry about it. I wasn't watching where I was going either."

They each picked up a few books and stood. Cody offered him the books he was carrying. "Here, sorry they got dirty."

"It's alright. I hadn't planned to use them again anyway. I am just bringing them home from my office."

"Are you a prof?"

"Yes I am, English Lit. Are you a student?"

"Yeah, but not during the summer."

"What is your major?"

"History, twentieth century to be more specific."

"Really? That is refreshing. You don't see many young folks interested I history these days. I assumed computers or something trendier."

"No sir, I really like history. It is after all our pasts that make us all who we are today."

"Yes, that is true." The man was silent for a moment then smiled. "Would you mind carrying those to my car for me? I am just parked over in the next lot."

Cody smiled. "Sure, that is the least I can do after knocking them out of your arms sir."

"Oh don't call me sir. My name is Randy."

"I'm Cody. I would shake your hand but..." He held out the books and shrugged.

"Come on, I am over this way." Randy continued down the path towards the parking lot.

Cody fell into step behind him and smiled. Sometimes it was too easy.

"So how old are you Cody?" He didn't turn around.

"Twenty two and holding." Here we go...

"Wow, you don't look that old but I suspect you hear that all the time."

"Yes sir but I don't mind."

They reached the man's car and Cody was impressed. "Wow, a Lexus."

"Yeah she's my baby. Go ahead and drop those in the trunk." He pressed a button on the key fob and the car's trunk opened.

Cody set his books inside and Randy did the same with his. Maybe by accident he brushed up against Cody but didn't apologize.

"Thanks for helping me carry all those books."

"No problem, sorry I bumped into you back there."

"Yeah...say listen Cody, I am heading over to the Westside Grill to get a bite to eat. You want to come with me? I would enjoy the company."

"Well..." Cody paused.

"I mean if you have plans already...of course you do...why wouldn't you." The man back peddled.

"No I don't have any plans, but I also don't have any money."

"Oh, well that isn't a problem. I have more than enough money to feed a skinny boy like you." Randy's face lit up with happiness, and he opened the driver's door. "Come on, get in. My treat!"

"Really? Sure, why not." Cody opened the passenger door and stepped into the car.

They drove for ten minutes during which time Cody impressed Randy with his knowledge of history of the twentieth century. It wasn't hard to remember as he had lived most of it personally.

When they arrived at the Grill, Randy parked the Lexus and faced Cody. "I want to thank you for joining me."

"Sure, thanks for treating me."

Randy got out of the car and Cody followed. They went into the restaurant and had a really good dinner, continuing to talk about history most of the meal. At one point Cody recalled an event that went against what Randy remembered about world war two, and he questioned him.

"I am pretty sure." Cody smiled. "I could be wrong though." He wasn't wrong. He had been there himself.

"Well when I get home I will look it up as now I am not certain myself."

"Bet you twenty bucks." Cody challenged.

"You're on." Randy laughed.

They continued dinner. When they were finished, Randy paid the bill, and they got back into his car.

"Where can I drop you Cody?" He looked a bit anxious.

"Oh, I live out by the tracks in Greenwood apartments." He lied. Motel Six didn't sound like where a college kid would be living.

"That is not too far from my home." Randy started the car and backed out into the street.

"You want to stop at your place first so you can look up what we were talking about and see who is right and who owes who twenty bucks?" He smiled.

"Sure if you don't mind. I am curious now whether my mind has begun to forget things as I get older."

"You aren't that old." Cody continued to smile.

"Thank you. That is a kind thing to say."

They drove for a few miles and then Randy pulled into the driveway of a large house. "Here we are." He pulled up to the garage but not inside. "This won't take long." He got out and went to the front door.

"Oh it might..." Cody thought to himself. He followed Randy into the house. Contrary to what Hollywood has taught everyone, vampires do not need to be invited into someone's home, but it is more polite than kicking in the front door.

Inside, Randy took off his tie and blazer and draped them over a chair. "I am going to get something to drink and relax; you want a coke or something?"

"I'll have whatever you are having." Cody walked to a large bookcase set into the wall and began looking at the titles. Some he remembered reading years ago when they were first printed. He gently caressed the spine of "Heart of Darkness" when Randy walked back in with two glasses of scotch.

"I hope this is what you had in mind." He handed him one and smiled.

"Yeah, this is nice." Cody took the glass and drank about half the contents. It was scotch.

"Hey, take it easy there. That stuff will make your head spin."

"Yeah but it tastes really good." He wasn't worried. Whatever made him the way he was also kept him from getting any reaction from drugs or alcohol. Really, sometimes it didn't seem fair.

"Ok. Make yourself comfortable while I fire up the demon box."

"Excuse me?" Cody laughed.

"The computer. I swear they get harder to use every time a new and improved operating system comes out. Pretty soon I will need to keep a young man like you around all the time just to help me use the silly thing." He went into the next room over and turned on his PC.

Cody could hear the man's blood pumping through his veins as his heart was racing. He could tell what the man wanted. He wanted the same thing but for different reasons.

Cody looked into the next room and saw it was a formal sitting room of some type. He found a comfortable chair, pulled Ryan's shirt over his head, and set it down next to him. Remembering the glass of scotch, he finished the last half and set the glass on a coaster on the table.

He spread his legs apart slightly and turned on the old vampire charm, waiting for Randy to return. He was purposefully giving off an aura of lust and desire that even the straightest of guys would find challenging to ignore. He closed his eyes and waited. Sure, he could compel the man to do what he wanted, but this was a lot more fun, hopefully for both of them.

It wasn't six minutes later when the lights in the den clicked off and he heard footsteps approaching. They paused at the entrance to the sitting room, and he heard the slightest gasp from across the room.

"Cody? Are you alright?" Randy cleared his throat and announced his presence. Before him was a sight he had only fantasized about -- a half-naked young man, hardly more than a boy, who so desperately wanted something. Did he dare to hope it was a brief encounter to curb his own loneliness? He could feel the sexual longing flowing off Cody. He saw that Cody had removed his shirt so clearly he was sending a signal, right? In addition, look how he sat. Legs open just a bit, suggesting arousal. Should he take a chance?

Cody opened his eyes. "Oh yeah. Just feeling really relaxed and a little warm. Can I have another of these?" He lifted his empty glass and held it in front of him.

Randy quickly crossed the room and took the glass from him, their fingers brushing ever so slightly. "Of course, I will be right back." He left the room.

Cody listened and heard the sound of ice cubes and a glass being filled. He leaned down in the seat a bit more and closed his eyes again. He thought he heard a pill container rattling as well. It didn't matter if Randy were drugging his drink; it would have no affect on him.

Randy returned to the room and, for a moment, his breath caught in his mouth. Cody was quite clearly in the early stages of being drunk and apparently very horny. He set the glass down and took a seat in the chair next to Cody. "There it is."

Cody opened his eyes and focused on the drink. "Cool, thanks man." He picked it up and again drank nearly half of it in one swallow. "So? How about it?"

Randy looked guilty for a moment. "I don't follow you." He shifted in his seat.

"What we were talking about at dinner. Who was right?"

"Oh that!" Rand sighed and smiled. "Well it turns out, my bright boy, that you were correct and I was mistaken." He dipped his head politely to Cody. "I thought I knew a great deal about the war but I see some of my information was lacking."

"Don't be too hard on yourself. I remember it all as clearly as if I had lived it. That is why it is my major."

"Still, I owe you twenty dollars. A bet is a bet." He stood and pulled his wallet out of his pants pocket and handed Cody a twenty-dollar bill.

"Thanks." He stood and pocketed the money. "Bus fare." Cody smiled

Randy set his wallet down on the table next to the couch. When he straightened up Cody had moved closer to him.

They were now standing less than two feet apart. Cody looked at Randy and smiled seductively. "Will you have sex with me?"

Randy's eyes opened wide and he took a step backwards. "Excuse me?" He wasn't angry, just surprised. It was happening quicker than he had hoped.

"I think you heard me. Let's get wild."

Randy shook his head. "You are hardly more than a boy, and I am several times your age Cody."

"So? You too old to get it up?" He grinned challengingly.

"No, but you are drunk, and this isn't right."

Cody shrugged. "I feel fine. Come on, what's the harm." He unbuckled his belt and slid his pants down to the floor. He kicked off his shoes and the pants followed them. He sat back on the couch, now completely naked, and opened his legs. "I need to burn off some energy." Cody held his gaze but did not compel the man. He didn't need to.

Randy was clearly having a difficult time with the situation. He took a hesitant step towards Cody. He was trembling. "You really are over eighteen, right?"

"Oh, yeah, definitely." Cody nodded and stood. He reached out, grabbed onto the bulge in Randy's pants, and squeezed it gently. "Can I play with this?"

Randy moaned and closed his eyes as his pants were unzipped and his belt loosened. He felt his pants drop down to his ankles and his briefs being pulled down. "Maybe we should..." His voice stopped working when a pair of warm lips swallowed his penis in a wonderful embrace. "Oh ..."

Cody did his usual best and, in no time, the man was having trouble standing. He steered him over to a chair and helped him sit before latching onto his dick again. It didn't last long, Randy was that excited. In a few minutes, he groaned and shot a sizable load into Cody's mouth.

Cody swallowed, but as it so happened, the older the donor the less energy he received. It helped satisfy the hunger within but not as much as say...Ryan would have. He sat back and smiled; licking his lips and thinking of the boy he had met that afternoon and would be seeing again tomorrow.

"Oh Cody, that was...fantastic. Thank you." Randy was breathing heavily and sat up.

"No problem, I enjoyed it too."

Randy looked at the naked young man in front of him. "I...don't know if this is the proper thing for us to be doing."

"Don't worry about it. I am an adult and so are you." Cody stood and stretched.

Randy reached forward and grabbed Cody's semi-hard penis, gently fondling it. "You are very attractive."

Cody took a step backwards and looked startled. He didn't like people touching him, as he would NOT allow them to taste him.

"I'm sorry Cody, I shouldn't have done that." Randy looked away.

"You just startled me. Listen , let's continue this in your bedroom." He smiled and raised his eyebrows.

"You sure?" Randy stood.


They walked upstairs and Randy opened the door to the master bedroom and stepped inside. It was a large room with a large bed in the middle against the outer wall.

Cody walked over and flopped down on the bed, slowly moving his arms around as if he were trying to make a snow angel.

Randy watched him and smiled. He removed his shirt, exposing a patch of gray chest hair, and lay down next to him.

Cody rolled over and grabbed the man's penis, which was still swollen. He was a little surprised Randy was ready to go again so quickly, but he had learned not to ignore unexpected opportunity.

"You mind?" Cody rolled over on top of him and straddled the man's waist. He wiggled is ass around to get comfortable.

Randy laughed. "Do I have a choice, my little sex demon?" His voice took a rough tone but he wasn't angry. He put his hands on Cody's legs and rubbed them gently, moving them down and inside his thighs.

Cody laughed. "I haven't been called that in a long time." He rose up and backwards, gently sitting down on the man's now fully erect penis and taking it all the way inside him.

Randy groaned. "Oh god..." He bucked his hips upward forcing the last inch deeper into Cody.

Cody clamped down on the man's penis and began to ride him.

It didn't last more than ten minutes before the man again ejaculated, but there wasn't much there. Cody remained on top of him for a little longer and then leaned forward and gave him a gentle kiss on the mouth.

Randy was breathing hard and returned the kiss. "You have done that before."

Cody smiled. "Yeah, once or twice." He kissed him again and sat up, gently pulling off and lying down next to him.

For a while, they just lay there and Cody listened to the man's breathing calm. After a while, he propped himself up on an elbow and looked at Randy. For an older guy, he was decently attractive; sort of had a Clark Kent look to him.

Randy rolled over to face him. "What?"

"Nothing, just looking."

"Oh? Everything ok?"


Randy reached out and gently traced the subtle outline of Cody's abdominal muscles with his finger. "I haven't done that in a very long time. I was worried I wouldn't be able to."

"Well, for an old guy, you are hanging in there just fine." Cody laughed.

"Old guy? I'm only fifty seven!"

"That's not old, not really." Cody put his hand on top of the man's and pinned it to his chest.

"Yeah, well, some day you will be an old man' like me. Hopefully you will be lucky enough to find a cute college boy who is willing to make a lonely middle-aged' man feel special again."

Cody was silent for a moment, and his eyes got just the tiniest bit misty. He would never look any older than he currently did but that wasn't what had stirred the rush of emotion. "Did I?" His voice was quiet.

"Did you what?"

He smiled. "Make you feel special?"

Randy nodded. "Yes, you really did. And I am very grateful to you."

"Oh yeah? How grateful?" Cody let go of his hand and playfully pushed him onto his back before climbing back onto his waist.

"You want to go again?" Randy smiled.

Cody rose up and sat gently back down on the man's semi-hard penis. "Get that thing inside me before I change my mind."

Randy groaned and reached down to aim his rapidly hardening penis at Cody's ass. "Back in you go soldier." He guided the tip into Cody and then pushed his hips up, forcing the rest inside. "I hope nobody is waiting up for you."

"Nope, I am all yours." Cody tightened his ass muscles and gripped the throbbing invader in a tight embrace.

"This might be the last time for me." Rand bucked his hips and pushed in as deeply as he could.

Cody gently rode him for a few minutes and then began to increase the pace. He kept it up a few more minutes, and then Randy moaned loudly and his penis twitched inside Cody.

"That almost hurt it felt so good." He relaxed and put his arms above his head, closing his eyes.

Cody leaned forward and most of the man's penis slid out of him, but not the tip. He reached up, held Randy's wrists to the bed, and kissed him on the mouth again. "You're not quitting on me already are you?"

Randy opened his eyes and smiled at the attractive young man pinning him down. "I don't think I can do much more tonight, but what about you?"

"What about me?"

"Well, I've had three unbelievably-wonderful orgasms but you haven't had even one."

"I've had a lot of fun sucking you and taking you inside me. I don't need anything else."

"I'd like to suck you at least once if you don't mind." Randy struggled free of Cody's hands and put his hands on Cody's waist, rubbing his sides. "I promise not to bite."

Cody sat up and held Randy's hands in his own. "Look, it's really sweet of you to offer, but I'm going to have to pass."

"Oh? Is something wrong?" He looked embarrassed for having asked.

"No, I just prefer to take it in the ass."

"So I noticed. Well if you change your mind let me know ok?"

Cody gently slid off the tip of his penis and lay back down next to him. "I will, and...thanks for asking."

Randy rolled onto his side and traced his fingers up and down Cody's chest. "You want to spend the night with me? I'll make you breakfast and we can do this a bit more tomorrow."

"That's sweet, but I should probably go. Eventually I have to get home to my own bed."

"Ok but at least let me drive you home."

Cody gently pushed Randy onto his back and rolled up onto his chest. He stared down into his eyes and shook his head. "That won't work."

"Why not? I know where you..." Randy couldn't be certain, but it seemed the boy's eyes had begun to glow softly.

Cody held the man's eyes with his own. "Shhh... You are very tired. Sleep and have wonderful dreams."

"I am tired." Randy mumbled something else, and then his breathing slowed and he was asleep.

Cody climbed out of the bed. He glanced at the clock on the table and saw it was just before nine pm. He went downstairs and dressed and saw Randy's wallet sitting on the table next to the couch. He opened it and counted almost three hundred dollars inside, not to mention a nice assortment of credit cards.

He removed the money and then closed his eyes. "Fuck..." He opened his eyes and slid the money back into the wallet. "I am getting soft." He couldn't bring himself to rob Randy. It wasn't the man's fault that he had been seduced by a professional. He lived alone and was probably starved for affection. Cody had used that to his advantage, and he felt ashamed now for almost robbing him. "This isn't right."

He found a piece of paper and scribbled a quick note.

`Randy, I had a lot of fun. Thanks for dinner and a good time. Let's do it again. C.'

He set the note on the table by the bar and a half-empty bottle of scotch. Next to the bottle was a decanter of water and a small vial of pills – Viagra.

"You sneaky devil." Cody smiled and shook the container. "Plenty left."

He let himself out the front door, walked to the nearest bus stop, and waited. It would take about thirty minutes to get on the bus, and be dropped off at the other end of campus, but he had all night. Eventually he would have to figure out how to get some money to help David with the rent.

Ryan and Trevor parked in the structure near the bar and got out of the Jeep.

"You sure that stuff will be safe in the back? We could run home and drop it off."

"Don't worry about it. You can always replace it if someone steals my weights." Trevor grinned.

"You're only my friend because I have money. Go on, admit it."

"Nah, I would still be your friend if you were poor like me."

Ryan smiled and moved off towards the stairs. "I hope there isn't a line."

"Dude...summer term? We will be the only losers there."

"Well that would be even worse, wouldn't it?"

"Yeah, I would probably end up dancing with you." He pushed past him on the stairs and took the remaining ones three at a time.

Ryan watched him go and smiled. He liked Trevor, a lot, but was pretty sure his roommate wasn't into guys and wouldn't chance losing him as a friend by telling him how he felt. No, just like everyone else he met and was attracted to, he would just window shop, and not touch the merchandise. He hurried down the stairs and caught up to him.

They walked down the sidewalk for two blocks and arrived at the door to the Land Shark. There wasn't a line descending to the basement level where the door was but the music was already thumping so at least one other person was inside. The entered the bar, flashed their ID, and got their hands stamped as `under 21'.

Trevor tried to rub the black mark off his hand. "A couple more years bro we won't have this problem." He was 19 and Ryan was 18, though they both looked younger.

They chose a booth in the back so they could watch the people coming and going. If they didn't find girls to dance with and they didn't have a pitcher of beer, there wasn't much else to do but people watch. There were probably two dozen other patrons in the place.

Ryan leaned over and spoke over the music. "I don't recognize anyone do you?"

Trevor shook his head. "The night is young. I'm going to get a Coke you want anything?"

"Diet Coke please."

"Oh yeah, because you have to worry about your weight." Trevor got up and made his way over to the bar.

"I don't like all the sugar." Ryan looked around the room again but didn't see anyone new. Between the loud music, people he didn't know, and lack of alcohol to drink it would probably be a boring night but at least it would help pass the time until he was tired enough to sleep. And, he smiled, the sooner he got to sleep, the sooner tomorrow would come and the sooner he could go back to the mall and meet...

"Here you go." Trevor set his diet down in front of him and slid back into the booth. "Did I miss anything?"

Ryan took a sip and shook his head. "Are you kidding me? This place is dead."

"You want to go somewhere else?"

"No we paid to get in here so might as well stick it out. Besides, doubt any other place will be any better."

He looked across the bar at the various TV screens and saw one of them had a poker game on. "Let's move across to a different booth so I can watch the TV."

Trevor looked across the room to see what had caught Ryan's attention and saw the poker game. "Alright." He got up and moved to an open booth across the room

It was much easier to see the TV up close so they both focused on the game and time slipped slowly by. Every now and again one of them would get replacements for their drinks.

As the evening drew on Ryan stood up. "Have to piss."

Trevor nodded and continued watching the TV.

Ryan made his way through the few people standing around the pool table area and entered the bathroom. As usual is was pretty dirty and seemed to have run out of hand soap but it did have three empty urinals, which is all he cared about at the moment.

He took the one furthest from the door. As he urinated, the bathroom door opened and another guy walked in. Instead of taking the urinal at the opposite end from Ryan, he stopped right next to him and unzipped.

Shit...doesn't he know the rule about leaving an empty spot between us? Ryan thought. The guy stunk of cigarettes and beer, not to mention needing a bath. He purposely did not turn to look at him but from what his peripheral vision saw it was obvious he was much bigger than he was. He quickly finished his business and zipped up his pants before heading to the sink.

He coaxed a small drop of soap out of the dispenser and scrubbed the best he could.

The toilet behind him flushed and he tensed. The other guy stepped up to the sink right next to him, again, too close for comfort, and then...the dreaded event happened...he spoke.

"Those are nice pants." His voice was deep but appropriate for a guy who was six foot two at the minimum and built like a construction worker.

Ryan faced him and smiled politely. "Thanks." He noticed the guy also had on leather pants and a leather vest. His hair was long and braided down his back, and he really needed a shave.

"You ride?" He shut off the water and faced Ryan.

"Excuse me?" Ryan shut off his water too.

"A bike. Do you ride?"

"Oh, no. These are just comfortable pants. In fact, they aren't even mine. They belong to a friend." He turned towards the wall where the paper towel dispenser hung.

"Well your friend has good taste. They look good on you."

Ryan was silent while he dried his hands on a paper towel.

"I've got a Harley."

He faced the guy. "Oh, cool."

"You probably wouldn't like it being as you are pretty small. Hard to keep it up when you stop."

"Yeah I bet my feet wouldn't touch the ground."

The guy moved around him and stood between Ryan and the door. "You want to go for a ride?"

" just said I wouldn't be able to touch the ground." He felt his pulse beginning to race and was glad he didn't have much money in his wallet.

The guy laughed. "Nobody handles my bike but me. You get to ride bitch."


"On the back, behind me."

"Oh right." He threw the paper towel away and stepped to the side.

The guy stepped to the side with him, blocking his path. "And you'd have to hold on to me real tight so you didn't fall off. So what about it, boy? You want to go for a ride?"

"Thanks, but I'm here with someone tonight, and I drove."

"What, you afraid I won't bring you back?" He reached out and roughly squeezed Ryan's cock and balls through the leather pants. "Nice..."

Ryan stepped back. "Hey, don't do that!"

The guy shrugged. "I figured you might enjoy it. Cute leather boy that you are."

"Yeah, well, I don't, so just back off."

The guy raised his hands in mock defense. "Sorry. My mistake." He stepped to the side and opened the door. "After you..."

Ryan quickly exited the bathroom and all but ran back to the booth, where Trevor was staring zombie-like at the TV.

"Dude what took you so long in there?" He tilted his glass back and coaxed an ice cube lose and began to crunch it.

"Holy shit you won't believe what happened. I almost got ass raped!"

Trevor chocked on the ice and set his glass down. "No shit?" He started to smile. "Was he at least cute?" He tried not to laugh.

"Fuck you, I am serious!" Ryan's face was red.

"For real?" Trevor lowered his voice.

"For fucking real."


"Some Neanderthal who owns a Harley."

Trevor looked around the room and saw a group of bikers over by the pool table across the room. "You mean one of them?" He pointed towards them.

"Don't fucking point, idiot!" Ryan grabbed his arm and pulled it down to the table.

Trevor sat back in the bench. "What does he look like?"

"Um...he has on leather pants and a leather vest."

Trevor shrugged. "Ok so you just described the entire bunch of them."

"Long hair braided down his back and in need of a shave."

Trevor looked over at the bikers again. "Well that narrows it down to two guys and one of the chicks." He smiled.

"I am serious you asshole. He was hitting on me."

"Well you could fit in with them wearing those pants, although we should look into getting you a leather vest or jacket too. Relax, nothing happened."

"Nothing happened? He grabbed my balls."

"No shit! Do you want to tell the bartender? Get the cops in here?"

"No, I want to leave, but I don't want it to look like we are running out of here."

"Cool, I'm about bored to death anyway."

"What time is it?"

Trevor looked at his cell phone. "Almost eleven."

"Let's go." He got up and left a tip on the table for whoever would end up picking up their glasses.

Trevor got up too, and they walked to the door and left. It was cooler outside now and they headed back towards the parking garage two blocks away.

At the pool table in the bar, the biker from the bathroom slammed his drink back and slammed the empty glass down on the rim of the table. "Take over for me." He handed his stick to one of his friends and ground out his cigarette.

"You got wind of something Bobby?" Another biker got up from where he was sitting.

"Maybe. Found me a piece of sweet ass in the bathroom earlier, but he didn't take kindly to my affection." He grumbled.

"One of those two who just walked out?"

"Yeah the one in leather pants."

"You want to go after them?"

Bobby nodded. "Yeah, he and I have unfinished business." He headed towards the door.

The other biker followed him. "You mind a tagalong?"

Bobby shrugged. "Come on Mick. There are two of them."

"Hell yeah!" The other biker slapped his thigh. "Going to get me some college boy tonight!"

They both exited the bar in time to see Ryan and Trevor a block away, heading towards the parking structure.

Bobby grabbed Mick's arm. "You follow them and catch up. He won't recognize you."

"What are you gunna do?"

"Head around the other way and wait for them in the back alley that leads the structure. See if you can get them to go that way and not in the main entrance."

"Done." He headed off after the two and increased his pace.

Bobby turned down the side street next to the bar and then turned and took off running parallel to them but a block away. His boots thumped loudly in the darkness, but the buildings between them would muffle or block the sound.

Trevor suddenly looked serious and spoke in a hushed voice. "I don't want to freak you out but one of those biker goons is coming up fast behind us. Don't turn around, but try to look over your shoulder."

Ryan turned to the side and pretended to look into a store and out of the corner of his eye saw the guy walking up on them quickly. He wasn't as large as the guy in the bathroom but he looked pretty solid. "Fuck. You think we can make it to the Jeep before he catches us?"

"Yeah, if we turn down the next street, and go in the back way."

"Let's do it." Ryan quickened his pace and Trevor matched it. At the next street, they turned left and saw the alley up on the right that led to the back stairwell of the parking structure.

Mick smiled. "That's right boys. Bobby's waiting for you."

The bus bounced along the main road through campus, and Cody bounced along in the back with it. He was one of only three people on board, and they were all spaced well apart. The woman up front had her hands around her purse in a death grip, and the guy in the middle looked ready to fall asleep at any moment. Cody's stop was approaching so he stood and pulled the cord. Up front, a bell chimed and the driver switched on his hazard lights in preparation for the next stop.

Cody stepped off the bus and onto the sidewalk of center campus. It was nine thirty and the streets were mostly bare. He walked up and down the main section of stores a few times but nothing caught his eye. He was not hungry after spending so much time with Randy but he was bored. He didn't sleep, so, as far as he was concerned, the night was still young.

He realized that with most of the students home for the summer he probably would be back on a bus headed downtown, to the motel, in an hour or less. If he spent too much time walking the same street he might attract the attention of the local cops, and he didn't want that. He stopped walking, sat on a bench across the streets from the bars, and just watched for a while.

People came and went, most entering the bars and not coming back out. He continued to watch for a while, and then a car pulled up in front of him. The passenger window rolled down and the driver leaned over and waved him to come over.

Cody rose and walked to the car window.

"You waiting for a bus? The man inside asked. He looked in his mid forties and was dressed nicely.

Cody could smell the alcohol on the man's breath. He laughed to himself at how easily alcohol lowered a person's inhibitions. "Nah, just hanging out, killing some time."

"You want to come to my place and watch some porn?"

Normally, had he not just finished three feedings, Cody would have taken the man up on his offer but he was not in the mood. "Maybe another time thanks. I'm just relaxing here."

"You sure?"


"Alright. I'll look for you another time." The man drove off, leaving Cody on the bench alone again.

He continued to watch the people coming and going for a while longer and suddenly something across the street caught his attention. Two college guys had just left a bar in a hurry and not a moment later a pretty mean looking pair of bikers came out after them.

"Well well...what have we here?" Cody stood and focused his heightened senses on the bikers. He could barely make out what they were saying over the passing cars, but it seemed something violent was in the works. Now this was worth hanging around for. He carefully made his way across the street, dodging the passing cars and stepped up onto the sidewalk in front of a bar called the Land Shark. He watched the two bikers talking and pointing and then when they split he followed the larger one as he ran down a side street and then into an alley that paralleled the main street.

Keeping to the shadows and moving silently Cody paced the man as he ran. He knew he wouldn't detect him running behind. In fact, if he wanted to, Cody could stand in a crowded room of people and become invisible to them all. He wouldn't actually fade from view but he would cloud their minds until they ceased seeing him. He wasn't doing that now, but could in an instant if the biker turned around.

He followed him for two blocks and saw him stop and crouch down just inside the shadow of a dumpster next to the rear entrance to a parking structure.

Cody ducked into the shadow of a tall bush and instantly blended with it, becoming undetectable. He heard footsteps walking quickly up the side street to the alley and knew it was the two college guys. They were walking right into a trap.

He heard the thump of leather boots behind the boys and knew the other biker was close. The two turned into the alley and sprinted for the door to the structure, but as they neared it, the large biker stepped out from the shadow of the dumpster and blocked their path.

His voice was deep and strong. "Where you headed leather boy?"

Behind him, the other biker arrived and walked slowly up the alley behind them, boxing them in.

"Fuck." Ryan swore under his breath and skidded to a halt halfway down the alley.

"Yeah, that's the plan." Bobby rubbed his crotch and began walking towards them.

Trevor stood next to Ryan. He wasn't much taller, but he was larger. "We don't want any trouble."

"Well, you've got it! Your boy there should have been a little more accommodating tonight and maybe you wouldn't be here now. But, since you are, me and my friend are going to have a bit of fun."

Ryan and Trevor turned around and saw the other biker walking slowly up behind them, blocking the alley.

Ryan raised his hands. "Look, I'm sorry about earlier, but I'm just not interested."

Bobby removed his belt and slipped the end into the buckle forming a lasso. "Well, maybe once I collar you, your attitude will change."

Trevor moved slightly in front of his friend. "Leave him alone."

Bobby reached into his vest pocket and flicked out a long, thin knife. "Look boy. You shut your mouth and maybe you'll walk away from this with nothing more than a sore ass."

Ryan pulled his friend back. "Ok, what if I go for ride on your bike like you offered. Will you let him go and bring me back here when we're done?"

Trevor grabbed his arm. "Dude, what are you doing?"

Ryan lowered his voice. "Stalling until someone comes to help us, I hope."

Bobby flicked the knife closed and put it back into his vest. "That was the offer in the bathroom but not anymore."

Mick stopped about ten feet behind the boys. "Which one is yours?"

Bobby twirled his belt around. "I get the leather boy."

Mick smiled. "Then I'll take leftovers."

Cody was listening to the scene unfold and knew the two college boys were going to be raped. He had seen this before. The weaker fell to the stronger; it was the nature of life. He didn't care. He closed his eyes and listened as one of the boys tried to defend his friend. It was admirable, but it wouldn't change the outcome.

A gentle breeze blew down the alley carrying with it the stench of over-filled dumpsters, urine...and...another scent, one he thought he recognized. Cody's pulse jumped. "Ryan..." He whispered the teen's name. Staying within the shadows, he moved a bit closer and sniffed the night air. A familiar scent filled his senses; it was the boy he had met that afternoon. "Oh no."

He tended to avoid large confrontations like this, but the risk of losing the mysterious teen he had only just met outweighed his caution. He moved up to the end of the alley, behind the smaller of the two bikers and called out to them.

"You guys should call it a night before this gets out of hand." He stood within the shadows so it wasn't obviously who he was or what he looked like.

Mick turned around. "What the fuck? This doesn't concern you mister. Piss off!"

"I'm not going to tell you again. Leave them alone and get out of here." He kept his voice low but strong.

"Who the fuck are you to give us orders?"

Cody could feel Ryan's fear and it angered him that the boy was frightened. "Why don't you come down here and find out. Or aren't you man enough without your boyfriend with you?"

Mick flicked a knife out of his vest and the streetlight reflected off the shiny blade. "You just made a big mistake mister." He called back over his shoulder. "You got them Bobby? I need to take care of something."

Bobby had heard Cody but couldn't see him. "I'm fine. I can handle these two bitches myself."

Ryan and Trevor had heard another voice behind Mick but didn't know what was happening.

Cody backed out of the alley as the man approached. He turned the corner and stepped back against the wall. He became vague, blending his body into the shadows until he became unseen. It was a skill he had learned soon after being changed. It allowed a vampire to camouflage himself into the immediate surroundings, making him invisible to all but someone trained to spot such a disguise. It worked better at night, of course, so he had that advantage.

Mick turned the corner, so he was also out of site of the alley. "Alright, where are you? I'm gunna cut you up. Nobody fucks with the road dragons."

Cody laughed. "A road dragon? You look more like a lizard than a dragon." Cody's voice echoed quietly off the walls as he projected it across the street.

Mick turned and faced across the street where the sound had come from. "Show yourself asshole."

Cody stepped away from the wall and snaked his right arm around the man's throat. It wasn't that easy to do, as he was about four inches shorter and a lot smaller than the biker was, but with his enhanced strength, he easy bent the man backwards. He reached out with his left hand grabbed the man's wrist in a crushing grip, forcing him to drop the knife.

"I'm right here. Now what was it you just called me?"

Mick coughed and choked while he tried to break free of the strongest grip he had ever felt.

Cody held him until he felt the man weaken and then released him and shoved him forward.

Mick fell onto the street and rolled to the side, coughing. He recovered himself quickly and looked for his knife.

"You looking for this?" Cody held the knife up in front on him. "It's mine now. If you want it back you'll have to take it from me, if you think you can." He folded the knife and slid it into his pants pocket.

"Why you little shit! I'm going to beat the living crap out of you!"

Cody stepped down from the sidewalk and into the street directly in front of Mick. "Let's go."

Quicker than he had expected the biker swung his fist forward, contacting Cody's jaw and knocking his head to the side.

"Fucker. How do you like that?" Mick pulled his hand back and rubbed his knuckles.

Cody reached up and felt his jaw. He tasted his own blood but the pain quickly subsided and the cut on his lip healed itself almost instantly. "Impressive, I didn't expect that."

"Well expect THIS!" Mick pulled his hand quickly back and slammed it forward towards Cody's unprotected face. He hit something hard and smiled, knowing that he had most likely broken his adversary's nose, and then winced in pain as his hand was enveloped in a crushing grip. First, his knuckles began to pop, and then his finger bones began to break.

Cody squeezed harder and the man dropped to his knees. "It's rare when someone manages to hit me but it never happens twice. Now I am going to show YOU what it feels like to be a victim." He twisted his hand and heard a bone in the man's arm snap.

Mick screamed out into the darkness as his arm bone shattered. The pain in his hand from broken fingers was nothing like the pain of his arm bone ripping through the skin as his arm was twisted and bent like a rubber hose.

Bobby heard his friend scream out and lowered his belt. "Mick?"

Trevor motioned to the end of the alley. "I think he might need your help."

Bobby glared at them. "This isn't over!" He pulled his knife out and walked past the two teens, heading into the darkness where the screams had just come from.

Cody faced Mick and saw terror in the man's pain-filled eyes. "Shhhh..." The biker crumpled to the ground in the middle of the street. Cody heard someone walking up behind him and moved to the side just in time to avoid the forward stab of a knife, aimed at his back.

"You bastard! What did you do to him?" Bobby pulled his hand back and poised the knife to slash again.

"We fought...he lost."

"Yeah, well, I'm a lot tougher than he is, so let's go." He waived the knife back and forth between them.

"What about your two dates back in the alley?"

"I'll catch up to them another time. Right now it's just you and me." He lunged forward but his opponent was no longer standing in front of him. He had somehow moved and was now next to him. Bobby started to turn when a searing pain ripped through his chest. He reached down to remove what he expected was a knife and saw two of Cody's fingers completely imbedded in his ribs.

Cody pulled his hand back, blood dripping off inch-long, pointed fingernails. He licked his fingers and shook his head. "You have been a bad boy. Didn't anyone ever tell you that heroine isn't good for you?" He could taste the drug in the man's blood.

Bobby staggered back and held his right hand over the two holes in his chest, trying to stop the bleeding. "What?"

Cody stepped up to him and kicked his feet out from under him.

Bobby fell to the ground and moaned, blood soaking his shirt and vest. He fumbled for his wallet, attached to his pants by a chain. "Here man...take it...take my wallet."

"Oh I'm going to take more than that." Cody looked up into the sky and opened his mouth. He felt his fangs descend and looked down on a very frightened man bathed in a soft blue light. With a growl, Cody jumped on Bobby and sank his fangs into the man's left bicep, piercing the axillary artery. Like a wild beast, he clung to the biker as Bobby tried to free himself, until he ceased his struggles and was still.

Cody pulled off him, blood running from his mouth and down onto the still body of the man beneath him. He felt the man's neck and found his pulse. It was very weak but he would live. The man groaned and tried to move.

In the distance he heard a car engine roar to life and tires screeching somewhere in the parking structure.

Cody bent down and spoke quietly but strongly. "Hear me. You and your friend were attacked by a pack of dogs tonight. You were bitten on the arm. You were not following those two boys. I was not here. Do you understand?"

The man mumbled. "...Yes..."

"Good. Now, sleep." He stood up and stretched, his shoulders cracking as he rotated his arms. He wondered what to do with the two bikers? He needed to alter the memory of the other biker as well but first things first. He reached his left hand down, pulled the larger man's wallet up by its chain, and immediately dropped it. "FUCK!" He yanked his hand back and cradled it to his chest. He could smell the burnt flesh and feel the blood dripping off his hand. With his right hand, he carefully spread his fingers over the chain connected to the wallet. The closer he got the warmer it felt.

Careful not to touch the metal he pulled the man's wallet up by the leather until the chain ripped free of the material and fell to the ground with a soft jingle. He opened his left hand and the pain was incredible. "For fuck's sake! Who uses real gold for their wallet chains?" He closed his hand into a fist and blood dripped out between his fingers.

Ignoring the pain as best he could Cody moved over to the other man and after carefully searching him and finding a wallet without a chain, he took that and moved back towards the alley. He was feeling dizzy now and wanted to sit down somewhere.

Ryan and the other boy were gone; he assumed it had been their car he had heard leaving the structure in a hurry. Using only his right hand he looked at the contents of the two wallets and was pleased to discover that between them there was quite a lot of cash. He pocketed the two wallets.

He closed his eyes and tried to ignore the pain but unlike when the first man had hit him in the face and other times he had been shot or stabbed, pain from an object of gold did not fade and neither would the wound quickly heal. In fact, it might take longer than a similar wound on a non-vampire.

Gold was his one weakness and not in a materialistic way. Something about that metal and the chemical makeup of his body did not mesh. In fact, they so badly reacted when in contact, it was probably the only thing he was powerless against and that could harm him. Just being near a lot of gold made him sick and weak.

He dug in a back pocket and pulled out David's cell phone with his right hand. He flipped open the case and dialed information. Motel six on South Industrial. The call went through and he asked for room 13.

A man's sleepy voice answered the phone. "What?"

"It's me. I need you to come pick me up. I'm in trouble."

"Cody! What happened?"

"I'll tell you later. Don't make me wait."

"Where are you?"

"I'll be walking towards the motel on the north side of main street, downtown campus area." He flipped the phone's lid closed and stuffed it back into his pocket. He kept his left hand closed in a fist, walked back to the sidewalk along the main street, and headed away from the bar, into the glare of oncoming headlights. He was aware of the bloodstains on his shirt, well - Ryan's shirt - and tried to turn away from the road when cars passed.

He walked for about fifteen minutes and then a car pulled off to the side and the passenger door swung open. David helped him inside and then turned the car around at the first intersection and took him home.

"Jesus, Cody, your shirt is covered in blood. What happened?"

"Just drive ok? I don't feel good."

David drove as quickly as he dared and in a few minutes, they arrived at the motel. He parked in front of their room and ran around the car to open the passenger door.

They entered the room and each sat down on a bed. Cody pulled the cell and two wallets from his pockets and tossed them on the other bed. "There is some cash in there but I don't know what else." He lay back on the bed.

David counted out the cash and whistled. "Did you rob a bank?"

Cody sat up. "How much?"

"Um...I'll have to count it again to be sure, but I think over two grand."

"What?" Cody looked at the stack of hundreds on the bed.

"Yeah and some credit cards that we won't be using, a condom...nice, and what have we here?" He pulled a small bag of off-white powder. "This looks like heroin."

Cody remembered the taste of the biker's blood. "Probably." He opened his left hand and winced with pain. It still bled and the wound was deep and ugly. What was worse, strange warmth was spreading up his arm causing it to throb with pain.

David gently took Cody's hand in his own and looked it over. "Holy shit! That is a nasty wound! You want to tell me happened tonight?"

Cody shook his head. "Not now. You remember that number I gave you to only call in an emergency?

David released his hand, pulled out his wallet, and found the scrap of paper. "Yeah, I have it here."

Cody faced him and nodded, a tear sliding down his cheek. "I think you had better dial it..." Darkness took him and he passed out.

Next: Chapter 4

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