Its Not the Blood

By Will Ren

Published on Jul 8, 2010



The usual disclaimers apply. This story will have some mild m/m sexual content as well as possible fetish situations. If that bothers you, or you know you shouldn't be reading this, then ask yourself why you are and then go do something to repair your karma. If it is legal for you to read this kind of entertainment (because really, that's all it is) then do so.

If you want to drop me a note to say "yay/nay" about the story, I'm:

Ryan walked quickly to his car, not looking back over his shoulder. He had one thing on his mind -- getting home and jacking off, several times if his roommate didn't get home too early and interrupt him. He started his Jeep and left the mall parking lot, merging into traffic on the main road.

On the ride home, he paid less attention to the other motorists and more to the fantasies playing through his mind. He had definitely met someone interesting today. It was likely that Cody was gay and at the same time seemed pretty cool. He might just be the one, Ryan thought.

He braked hard as the car in front of him stopped for the red light he hadn't seen. The big tires on the jeep protested but kept him from a collision. "Whew...need to pay attention to the here and now." He switched on the radio and turned it to his favorite station. Singing to himself, he resumed driving and in a few minutes arrived at the apartment complex where he and his roommate lived. He pulled into his designated spot and jumped out of the Jeep.

Quickly, feeling a little out of place in leather pants, he ran up the stairs to the second floor and fumbled with his keys at his lock. The door opened and he ducked inside, just as another door down the hall opened.

"That was close." He smiled to himself and ran his hands down the leather jeans, feeling their smoothness. He brought his hands up to his face and smelled the lingering scent of leather.

A growing bulge in his pants reminded him of everything he had been thinking about on the ride home, and he quickly went to his room and shut the door.

He flopped down onto his bed on his back and inched upwards until his head was on his pillows. He unzipped the leather pants, tugged his semi-rigid dick out, and began to slowly stroke himself. He arched his hips to get into a more comfortable position and continued stroking. As the first drop of pre-cum formed at the tip he paused and reached over to the small table next to the bed, picking up a hand towel. He draped the towel over his waist and chest to keep things clean.

He closed his eyes and pictured Cody as he had looked, standing naked earlier. Ryan smiled. Cody had the exact type of body he had always fantasized about. He wasn't flabby and he wasn't overly muscular either. He still had very much a boy's body -- smooth and clean. He wondered how old Cody was. He was older, sure, but not by too many years; not enough to matter.

He increased the pace of his jacking and moaned.

He thought back to what Cody had looked like in the shiny, black, vinyl suit. "Mmmm...that was nice." He bit his lower lip and continued to jack. He and Cody were the same size so he would look pretty much the same when he wore the suit.

"...mmmm..." He jacked faster as he remembered Cody putting the sweat-soaked suit on and...well...seeming to really enjoy wearing it. What had he said? `I am covered in your sweat now' or something like that, before putting on Ryan's street clothes.

"That was so hot..." Ryan pulled Cody's shirt up over his head and breathed in his scent while his dick exploded onto the towel covering his chest. He shot five streams of cum before he relaxed and slowed his hand to a gentle caress to finish things off.

Calmer now, Ryan sat up and wiped his dick off with the towel and then set it back on the table next to the bed. He pulled a piece of tissue from the box, draped it over his softening dick, and tucked it back into the leather pants. "Don't want to get anything on these pants." He zipped up and made his way to the kitchen to get a bite to eat.

Ryan glanced at the clock. It was a quarter past three in the afternoon. His roommate wouldn't be home for a few more hours so he had time for round two, and maybe three if he were quick about it.

He shoved the sandwich into his mouth and stretched out on the couch in front of the TV. He needed a short rest before he could jack off again, so he flipped on the TV and tuned to different channels for a while, eventually settling for the afternoon news.

The weather looked good for the next few days so that was a bonus. Stocks were dropping, but what was new there. Then something caught his eye -- a special bulletin about a boy who had been missing for two days. He listened as the anchorwoman explained the physical details of the kid and where he had last been seen. Ryan turned the volume up and heard the lady name the arcade in the other mall across town. Seems the boy's mother had dropped him off with some change, and he wasn't waiting for her later in the day when it was time to be picked up. Police were at a loss as to what might have happened. Everyone was being asked to keep an eye out for the boy and report it immediately if they thought they had useful information.

"Well that's just creepy." He always saw older guys around the arcade and wondered what interest they would have in video games. Half jokingly, he had always assumed they were cruising for guys his age or younger, but hearing about the missing boy he wasn't so sure his assumptions were that far off.

He felt a slight shiver run down his body and tucked his hands between his legs to warm them. The leather surrounding his crotch was warm and inviting. He rubbed his hands around his groin a bit and then got up and headed back to his room.

Round two went pretty much the same as round one but took a while longer. This time he let his mind wander to the more perverted thoughts he had been having the last few years. He envisioned himself lying on his back on his bed, naked from the waist down. Someone...he laughed to himself as he knew perfectly well now who he wanted it to be...was standing at the edge of the bed in leather pants and no shirt.

The other person leaned forward and gently pushed his dick into Ryan's very receptive ass. There was no pain, only fantastic pleasure. As he fantasized he put his other hand down between his legs and pressed inward on his ass, feeling the leather pants resist him. "Oh Cody..." He grimaced and shot again onto the towel on his chest and stopped stroking himself, breathing heavily.

After a few minutes, he sat up and returned the towel to the table. He smiled as the second time always felt better than the first. And the third, should he get that far, would feel almost painfully good as his balls tried to implode in order to shoot another load that wasn't there.

He needed more time to recharge and his roommate would be home eventually, so he decided it was better to change into his own clothes for the rest of the afternoon and evening and then put Cody's back on before he went to bed. He fully intended to sleep in the leather pants at least and probably the shirt and boots too.

He removed the combat boots and set them next to his bed. For a moment, he lingered until a smile slowly spread across his face. He reached down and picked up one of the boots. Slowly, in case he didn't like what he discovered, he held the boot to his face and inhaled just a little. It didn't stink as he assumed it would so he inhaled more strongly.

"Ok...this is messed up." He spoke aloud to himself as he took a final and very strong smell of the boot. He was hooked. They smelled fantastic; a combination of leather and what he assumed was Cody's own scent.

He placed the boot back on the floor next to its companion and removed the leather pants, setting them on the bed. He reluctantly pulled a pair of his own jeans on and buckled the belt. He started to remove Cody's shirt but then decided otherwise. It was just a white shirt, after all, so nobody would know it didn't belong to him.

He dug a pair of tennis shoes out of the closet and slipped them on before heading back out to the kitchen for something to drink. He was leaning against the fridge when the door to the apartment opened and his roommate came home.

Ryan looked at the clock. "You're home early."

Trevor set his backpack down on the table next to the couch and shrugged. "Got done at the library earlier than usual. Why? You got a girl in your room and don't want me to find out?" He smiled and cocked his head towards Ryan's room.

" know me." Ryan nodded and finished his drink, placing the cup in the fridge to keep cool.

"Hey, you want to go to the bar tonight?" Trevor flopped down on the couch and grabbed the remote to the TV.

"Maybe. Don't you have to study or something?"

"What are you, my mother? I spent all day in the library studying today, so no,...I can go out and have some fun. Besides, it's Friday and I want to go out. Just because you aren't taking summer classes doesn't mean you can make me feel guilty for wanting to goof off a little." He smiled and flipped on the TV.

"If you hadn't screwed around all last term you wouldn't have to be in class now. Still, you are right that I shouldn't care if you study or not. Let's go out and have fun tonight, if you really want to."

"Really want to? What else is there to do?" He turned off the TV and swung his legs up on the couch.

"Not a hell of a lot." Ryan took a seat at the end of the couch by Trevor's feet. "You want to move those stinky things?"

"My feet don't stink!" He moved his feet from the couch to the coffee table. "Happy now?"


"So what did you do today while I was slaving away in the library?"

"I went to the mall again. Played in the arcade for a while and then walked around."

"Sounds dull. You should take classes with me."

" thanks. Three quarters a year is enough for me. Besides, I like the adventure of not knowing what each day will bring."

"If you call going to the mall every day an adventure, I feel sorry for you."

Ryan smiled. "You never know what will happen in a place like that."

Trevor eyed him suspiciously. "Something happen today?"

"Nah, not really."

"Hmmm...sounds like more excitement than I could handle. I'm going to shower and chill for a bit then we can go grab a bite to eat and decide which bar to hang out in."

"Cool. Let me know when you are ready to go. I'll be in my room."

"Yeah, and I know what you'll be doing." Trevor arched his back and pretended to be jacking off. "Oh...oh...oh..." He stopped and smiled at Ryan.

Ryan just stared at him. "Are you finished?"

Trevor jumped up smiling. "Yeah I think so." He went to the bathroom, turned on the water, and closed the door.

Ryan went back to his room and sat on the edge of the mattress. He casually massaged his groin but really wasn't in the mood to jack again, especially after his roommate's most recent enactment. He let his mind wander to the possible places they could have dinner and then which bar they might end up in. He knew it would be one on campus as the ones off campus were somewhat seedy at night.

He wondered if they would see anyone they knew, though most of their friends had gone home for the summer. He sighed. He hadn't gone home because his father and `Alice', his stepmother, had decided to summer in Mexico with another couple and told him to stay at school. They showered him with money so he didn't care, but it did get lonely sometimes.

He thought back to when he had told Cody that he stole the warm-up suit because he didn't have any money. That was so not the case as he had more money than he knew how to spend, realistically of course. He had stolen the suit because he enjoyed the thrill of it, plain and simple. His life was pretty dull at the moment and any diversion was welcome.

Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Cody's leather pants and he turned towards them. He was thoughtful for a moment, trying to decide if he were brave enough to wear them out in public that evening. He knew Trevor would give him shit about it but wouldn't really care. And, as most of their friends were gone, chances are he wouldn't see anyone he knew, so it didn't really matter all that much.

Hi reached over and picked up the pants. As he would have to give them back to their rightful owner tomorrow, he might as well get as much use out of them as possible. He began to grin and before he knew it had the crotch of the pants over his face and was inhaling deeply. They smelled pretty much like he expected -- leather pants and a hint of their previous wearer. "I have got to stop smelling his clothes." He smiled.

Ryan kicked off his shoes and jeans and pulled the leather pants back on.

Instantly, his dick came to life and started to swell. "Not now boy...there will be time for that later." He gave it a gentle squeeze and then pulled Cody's boots back on and laced them up over the pants. He went back into the living room and sat on the couch with his legs up on the cushion, waiting for Trevor to finish showering and the inevitable conversation about where he got them and WHY he was wearing them out in public.

He shook his head when he thought about what he might tell Trevor. "You mean these? Oh, I traded a stolen warm-up suit to a complete stranger who, by the way, I find so incredibly attractive I jacked off twice just thinking about him after I got home."

Then again, he didn't want to lose his roommate and be completely alone for the rest of the year so perhaps a less honest explanation was in order.

The shower turned off and he heard the curtain slide open. Ryan's heart began to beat quicker in anticipation that the door would soon open and Trevor would see him in the leather pants. Why did that excite him so much he wondered?

The minutes dragged on for what seemed like an hour before the bathroom door finally opened and Trevor came out with a towel draped over his shoulder, showing off his tight stomach and tanned abdominal muscles. His black hair was wet and hung down to his eyes in the front.

He walked to his room, tossed the towel onto the floor, and then, as if in slow motion, backed out of the room and looked over at the couch.

"Oh hell no!"

Ryan smiled. "What?"

"Where did you get those?"

Ryan shrugged. "The boots? Army surplus store."

"Ok, well I hadn't seen those, but no, I meant the rock star pants. You go join a band and forget to tell me?" He leaned against the doorframe and folded his arms.

"You mean these pants?" Ryan pointed to his legs.

"Yeah...the `hey everybody check out my gay ass' leather pants."

"I got them at the mall today. Why, you want to borrow them?" He smirked. He knew Trevor wasn't really upset but he always had to be overly dramatic.

"No thanks, I am happy in my denim know...the stuff normal people wear." He ducked back into his room.

Ryan smiled and shook his head. "So you like them, huh?"

He barely heard the distant reply. "Yeah, they're pretty cool."

Ryan stood and walked to Trevor's room. "You should get a pair too." He stared at his roommate's back and for a moment had the crazy notion of walking up behind him and hugging him, tightly.

Trevor turned around and pulled a tight tee shirt over his head. "Not my style bro but they do look good on you."

"Thanks. I probably won't wear them much, but I thought tonight it might be fun." He looked away.

"Whatever makes you happy." Trevor pulled on a pair of hiking boots and laced them up. "You hungry now?"

"Sure, I could eat something. Kind or early to hit the bars though, isn't it?"

"Yeah, I guess so, but now I don't feel like resting. The shower woke me up enough."

Ryan thought for a second and faced him. "We could go to the mall and grab a bite at the food court and walk around a bit then go to a bar."

"You and that damned mall. You act like it might not be there tomorrow."

Ryan nodded. "Oh, it had better be!"

"Yeah, sure, what the hell. Junk food it is."

"I'll drive." Ryan left to get his keys from his room.


They jumped into his Jeep and took off for the mall.

Trevor looked down at the leather pants and shook his head. "I can't believe you are wearing those in public."

"Does it really bother you?" Ryan didn't take his eyes off the road in front of him.

"Nah, I'm just giving you shit. You know that."

"Yeah, I knew you would."

Almost hesitantly, Trevor reached out his left hand and touched Ryan's right leg. He gently caressed the leather. "They actually look pretty cool. Maybe I will borrow them sometime."

Ryan's stomach fluttered when Trevor touched his leg. Was there more to it than just a casual touch of the foreign material? He found himself hoping there was but as usual buried that thought WAY down deep to keep him from saying or doing something he might later regret.

"Hey you ok?" Trevor faced him.

"Sure why?"

"You haven't said much and look a million miles away."

"Oh...just concentrating on the road. You always say I am a shitty driver so I am trying to improve."

"Yeah, your driving sucks, big time."

The rest of the ride to the mall was quiet, and soon enough they were parked and heading inside towards the food court.

Cody stepped off the bus in front of Motel Six and heard it pull away behind him. The curb smelled like garbage and somewhere off to the side a man was yelling and a baby was crying. He was home. He walked up to the long row of rooms and stopped in front of room thirteen, knocking on the door twice. He heard footsteps on the other side, the chain being slide out of its track, and the deadbolt undone.

The door opened a bit and a man in his late thirties carefully peeked out. "Oh hey, come on in." He opened the door a bit wider and stepped aside.

Cody stepped into the darkened room and was immediately aware of a second person, seated on the bed across the room. "Sorry, I didn't know you have company. I can come back later if you want."

The man shook his head. "Nah, we are pretty much done here." He looked outside and then closed the door, locking it. The heavy curtains were drawn tightly closed so very little light made it inside. He was taller than Cody by a few inches and larger framed. He wore jeans and a tank top that showed his strong arms and chest. Black hair covered his head and thin, well groomed, lines ran down his cheeks, meeting at his chin.

Cody's eyes instantly adjusted to the dim lighting and he sized up the person across the room. He was tall and thin with a cruel look to him. On the bed next to him was a small leather bag. He slowly inhaled and recognized a few scents in the room -- pot, booze, heroin, and gun oil. He assumed the man was a drug dealer and was armed. Not a problem and nothing too unusual for his host to have in their motel room. Cody knew he didn't do heroin but he did like pot. It didn't bother him that he smoked in their room.

The thin man rose and picked up his bag off the bed. "So is this him?"

The other man nodded. "Yup." He opened the small fridge by the bathroom and pulled out a beer.

"He doesn't look like much to me."

Cody raised an eyebrow.

The other man twisted off the top on the beer bottle and tossed it into the trash. "Isn't he how I described him?"

"I mean yeah he's cute enough so I can see why you are fucking him but not exactly what I expected... you know, for a vampire." He smirked and crossed the room heading quickly towards the door. "See you round."

Cody was still standing by the door and as the man crossed in front of him, Cody shot out his hand and hit the man squarely in his chest stopping him on the spot. It wasn't a move designed to push him backwards, just to stop him as if he had run into a brick wall.

The man coughed and dropped his bag, staggering backwards.

Cody faced the other man. "You told him about me?"

"Yeah, well, it isn't like he is going to tell anyone, certainly not the cops."

"You know I don't like people to know about me unless I choose to tell them."

"Yeah well it just kind of slipped out while we were lighting up earlier. Really, not a big deal."

"Well it is to me!" He faced the tall, thin man who had seated himself on the bed by the door and was gasping for breath.

"Look...I'm...not going to say anything to anyone. Hell, I don't talk to most people."

Cody held his gaze and his eyes glowed dimly in the dark room. "You will forget about me. I am not a vampire. Vampires do not exist."

The man's eyes glazed over and he nodded. "...there are no vampires..."

"Go home now. You are tired."

"Yes...I should leave. I am tired." The man rose and made his way over to the door, letting himself out.

Cody turned to face the other man. "Why?"

The man shrugged. "Hey look, it isn't like I have a lot of interesting things to tell people. I just let it slip out that's all. Really, no big deal. Besides, you made him forget so there's nothing to even worry about." He didn't really believe Cody was a vampire as he walked around in the daylight and wasn't remotely frightening, though it was strange how he could make people do things or forget things.

Moving quicker than the man's eyes could follow Cody crossed the room from the door to the bathroom and stopped inches away from him.

The man backed up a step and bumped into the desk. "Come on're freaking me out." Suddenly it seemed far more likely that his roommate was a vampire.

"What is our arrangement...David?" Cody spit out the man's name and casually began to run his fingers down the man's chest and back up again.

" wanted..." He was sweating now.

"I told you three things when we first met two years ago."


"One -- you secure a different residence from your own which I will share each time I am in town." He leaned closer and could smell the beer on the man's breath.

"Two -- you do not EVER tell anyone about me, especially what I am!" His canine teeth lengthened and descended below his lower lip. He put his hand on the side of the man's face and roughly turned his head to the side, exposing his neck.

"Oh god...I'm sorry!" David tried to turn his head and pull away but Cody's strength was incredible.

"And three -- you feed me when I am hungry." Cody lunged forward and sank his fangs into the man's neck, piercing the jugular vein.

Beneath him, the man tensed and stifled a cry but then relaxed as his life force began to drain from him and a strange pleasure spread throughout his body. He began to feel really good, which he thought was a nice way to die.

Cody only fed for ten seconds, not enough to permanently harm the man. He pulled off and the two puncture wounds on David's neck closed up immediately, his saliva sealing them. Blood ran down Cody's lip and off his chin. He quickly wiped himself off with the back of his hand but not before a few drops landed on Ryan's shirt.

"Shit, now look what you made me do." He let go of the man who promptly slumped to the floor breathing heavily.

Cody pulled the shirt over his head and went to the sink. He dampened and used a hand towel to blot at the blood but it didn't come clean, not completely. "Ryan is going to be pissed." He heard movement behind him and turned around.

David had crawled up onto the bed by the bathroom and was lying on his back breathing deeply. He whimpered quietly.

"Oh toughen up, I barely bled you." Cody laid the shirt on the counter to dry and walked over to the bed.

David calmed his breathing and propped himself up on his elbows. "Well that really hurt!" He gently rubbed his neck.

"Good. Maybe next time you will think before telling someone about me."

"You said you'd never bite me." At the time, he had thought it was a joke. He rubbed his neck some more and noticed his fingers were damp with his own blood. He had never seen Cody's fangs before and honestly had doubted he was really a vampire. He had just assumed it was an excuse for sucking off people as he did -- some way to be gay but have an excuse. Though, he thought to himself, his eyes did glow softly blue when they had sex which was strange. Oh, and he never ate food, drank anything, or slept. Oh, and he could make people do things or forget things that happened to them. Ok, he was creepy and obviously a vampire.

"Yeah, well, you agreed to not tell people about me." Cody crossed his arms.

David looked at Cody more closely. "I know I did but come know you aren't very vampire-like, at least not what I think of as one. Hell, you walk around in the daylight!"

"That doesn't change anything. A promise is a promise."

David noticed the vinyl top. "What's up with the plastic shirt?"

Cody looked down and ran his hand across his chest. "This belongs to someone I met and I am borrowing it for the day."

David smiled, mostly recovered from his recent ordeal. "Someone you met huh? Did he taste good?"

Cody shrugged. "Don't know."


"I didn't feed on him dumbass."

"Why not? Why else do you go out looking for people?"

Cody shrugged. It was a fair question. He didn't really have friends and certainly didn't seek companionship. That was too risky and led to emotional pain, mostly for himself. "We are meeting up tomorrow to trade clothes back. Don't worry about it."

"Oh I see...the thrill of the hunt!"

Cody unfolded his arms and grinned. "Now why would I bother with that when I have you ...all to myself, powerless to escape?" He slid Ryan's jeans off so he was only wearing the black, vinyl suit.

"Hey, those pants match the top." David recognized the soft, blue glow in Cody's eyes and began to undress.

" don't miss much." Cody removed the top and pants and set them on the bed. For a moment, he ran his hand up his chest, feeling Ryan's sweat. He didn't perspire so he knew the little moisture that remained on his skin belonged to the teen. He rubbed his hand across his face and smiled. "I am hungry."

David nodded. "My blood didn't satisfy you, huh?" He kicked off his jeans and arched his back, settling back down. "Be gentle with me." His semi-rigid penis flopped against his abdomen.

Cody smiled. "Aren't I always?" He climbed up onto the bed and straddled the man's waist before gently sitting down on his dick. He felt the entire length slide into him and moaned softly. He began to ride David who just closed his eyes and sighed.

For ten minutes they had sex and then with a soft cry David thrust his hips up off the bed and spurted into Cody.

He opened his eyes and saw Cody was staring up at the ceiling, which was reflecting a soft, blue light. "You ok?"

Cody looked down on him and bathed him in the blue light, emanating from his eyes. "Yeah, that was nice, thank you." He closed his eyes and the room darkened again.

"You want to go again in a bit?"

Cody slid off to the side and lay next to him, their arms touching. "Sure, if you are up to it. I am pretty hungry still."

"Well not from lack of performance on my part!" David laughed. "I am a machine in bed."

Cody rolled over on top him and looked down into his eyes. "That might be a bit of an overstatement but you do just fine." He leaned down and kissed David on the mouth.

Beneath him, the man struggled. "Hey, you know I don't like that. I don't kiss guys."

Cody pulled back and sat up on his waist. "But you have no problem fucking them." He ran his fingers gently down the man's sideburns.

"Yeah, well, that's different, and only you."

"I don't see it that way, but if you don't want to kiss me, that's cool." Cody's voice was quiet and sounded just a little sad.

David reached out and poked him in the stomach gently. "Hey kid, don't be like that. I didn't mean anything. It isn't personal, I just don't kiss guys."

Cody frowned and faced him. "Don't call me kid, I am way older than you."

"Yeah yeah, you always say that but let's face it, you look like a teenager, not a sixty, seventy...hell how old are you again?"

"I was born in 1923".

"Can I call you gramps?" David smiled playfully and bucked his hips upward, rubbing his semi-hard dick into the small of Cody's back.

"Go take a shower." Cody rolled off to the side and stood up.

David shrugged. "I don't want to take a shower. I am comfortable right here."

Cody faced him and his fangs slowly descended over his lower lip. "I am still hungry and if you aren't clean enough so I can suck your dick I am going to suck somewhere else. And it will hurt..."

David scrambled out of bed and hurried to the bathroom. "Be back in a few."

Cody retracted his fangs and sat on the bed. He lifted the warm-up suit top and smelled the inside of it. He had been wearing it for a while so it smelled a little like him but mostly it smelled like vinyl with a hit of Ryan and was still barely damp with his sweat. He pulled the top back on and lay back on the bed.

He began to casually stroke himself as he thought about the teen he had met that morning in the mall. Ryan was cute and seemed intelligent but more than that, he had been attracted to Cody, of that much he was certain. Not the kind of attraction Cody induced in people, the real deal. He pictured the boy in his mind and smiled. Same height, same weight or close to it, same body shape in general and little body hair. Ryan had light brown hair whereas Cody's was dark brown.

He stroked faster and felt his dick swelling. He reached a hand over, picked up the exercise suit pants, and draped them across his face. He continued to stroke himself and in a moment shot a large quantity onto his abdomen, onto the suit top. He sighed deeply and sat up slowly, catching his cum in his hand as it slid down. He looked at the pool of liquid and was thoughtful. It was different from non-vampire semen in that it was sterile. It wasn't, however, white -- it was blood red.

He walked over to the sink, dumped the contents down the drain, and ran the water for a minute. While the water ran, he removed the exercise suit top and wiped it clean. Shutting off the water, he opened the bathroom door and slid the shower curtain aside.

David was covered in soap suds and was rinsing his face under the water.

Cody stepped into the shower and wrapped his arms around him. "You look clean enough to eat."

David gave a small jump and wiped his eyes. "Yeah well remember our arrangement. You won't be able to stay here if you eat me." He turned around to face Cody.

" about just a little snack to hold me over then?" Cody dropped to his knees in the shower and sucked David's dick into his mouth.

"Oh my..." David put one hand on top of Cody's head and the other against the shower wall while he began to receive what he knew was going to be a stellar blowjob.

Next: Chapter 3

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