Its Not the Blood

By Will Ren

Published on Dec 4, 2011


It was later that afternoon when Cody and Ryan finally emerged from Ryan's room. Trevor was in his bedroom studying, so they quietly settled onto the couch.

Cody sat at one end, his feet up on the couch. Ryan sat between his legs, resting his head on Cody's chest. They were both still naked, but it didn't matter.

"I'm going to hold you to your word. Nobody else gets to have you." Ryan pulled Cody's hands onto his stomach. "And before you say it, you know damn well I AM the jealous type!"

"I'll behave; I promise." Cody laughed and began to gently rub the boy's chest.

"Damn right you will." Ryan looked over his shoulder and glared.

For over an hour, they sat together, talking quietly. Cody apologized repeatedly, for his recent behavior, and was eventually forgiven. In time, still having homework to do, Ryan disentangled himself and went back to his room to study.

Cody found himself alone on the couch and soon became bored. He tried to sit quietly, for a while, listening to pages being turned in both bedrooms. When he could no longer stand being alone, he got up and wandered back into Ryan's room.

"I'm lonely...and bored." Cody flopped down on the bed, his face buried in Ryan's pillow.

Ryan turned from his desk and smiled. "oh...I can't play right now. I have homework to do. Maybe my little vampire should take a nap."

Cody turned his head and faced him. "Be nice or I'll bite you."

"Promises, promises." Ryan turned back to his desk.

"Fine." Cody rolled back over, inhaling the boy's scent from the pillow.

After a few minutes of silence, Ryan looked over his shoulder. He expected Cody to be staring at him, but found him face down on his pillow. He shook his head and continued the homework assignment.

An hour later, still naked, he sighed and closed the book. "This shit is done!" He stood and looked at the bed. Cody was exactly where he had been last time, face down on the pillow.

"Are you going to lie there all evening, smelling my pillow?"

Cody was silent.

"Cody?" Ryan walked over to the bed. He poked Cody's leg with his finger. "You resting?"

Cody was silent.

"Hey, you're freaking me out!" Ryan rolled Cody onto his back and gasped.

Cody's tongue was hanging out of the corner of his mouth and his eyes were closed.

"Oh my're dead!" Ryan shrugged. "Oh well, maybe Trevor wants to run out for a bite to eat." He turned and walked away. He had not quite gotten to the door when a hand landed softly on his shoulder. He had never heard Cody move.

"Were you just going to leave me there?" Cody pouted.

"I thought you were dead. What was I to do?" Ryan turned and smiled.

Very quickly, Cody scooped Ryan into his arms and carried him back to the bed. None too gently, he dropped the teen onto the mattress, and then jumped on top of him, straddling his waist. "Did I fail to mention that I'm bored?"

Ryan struggled briefly and then relaxed. "Don't make me kick your ass. I'm still feeling very energetic."

"It will wear off soon enough. Then, you're mine again!" Cody lunged forward and began kissing Ryan on the mouth and face.

"Ahhh...stop already...vampire slobber!" Ryan shoved Cody aside, more easily than he ever had.

Cody fell off the bed and onto the floor, landing with a heavy thump.

"Oh my god! I'm sorry." Ryan leaned over the bed, laughing. "I didn't mean to push you so hard."

Cody lay on the floor, staring up at the ceiling. "Ouch..."

Ryan stopped laughing. "Are you hurt?"

Cody sat up and shrugged. "Just my ego. You really are kicking my ass." He stood and climbed back onto the bed. "I want a rematch!" He lunged forward, grabbing Ryan's wrists, and pinned him to the bed. Then, he resumed kissing the boy.

Ryan struggled for a while but their strength was equal.

Cody smirked. "You know, the more we wrestle, the sooner you return to normal. You're burning through the chemicals I put into your body."

Immediately, Ryan stopped fighting and relaxed. "Ok, you win."

Cody kissed him heavily on the mouth and moved down to his neck. He could feel the boy's blood, pumping through his veins, and he kissed his neck.

"Hey now, you already had lunch!" Ryan laughed, uneasily.

Cody pulled his head up and batted his eyes. "You want to prolong this enhanced state?"

Ryan grinned. "Oh yeah! What do you have in mind?"

"Me...inside you..." Cody climbed off him, and stood by the bed.

"Done!" Ryan sat up and shook a finger at Cody. "No condom." He shook his finger.

"Nope." Cody grabbed the tube of lube and squirted some on his hand. He began greasing up his erect penis.

Ryan began rubbing his own dick. "What do you want to do?"

"Where are the exercise suits?" Cody grinned.

"Oh yeah, been a while since we played in those." Ryan climbed off the bed and pulled the two vinyl suits out of his closet. "You want your usual one?"

"Yeah, for now."

Ryan tossed the vinyl pants and top to Cody, who caught them and pulled them on. Ryan also dressed and walked back to the bed. "Should I lie down?"

Cody shook his head. "Nope. Just bend down over the corner of the bed, face down please."

Ryan moved into position, and straddled the corner of the bed, lying down on his chest. "This is new." He laughed.

"To you maybe..." Cody pulled his slimy cock through the hole in the front of his suit and wiped it on Ryan's ass. Satisfied that the boy's ass was sufficiently lubricated, he pushed the head of his dick inside.

"Mmm...that feels nice." Ryan purred. "Put that all the way in, where it belongs." He clenched.

Cody pushed his hips forward, and buried the entire length in the boy's ass. He leaned forward, the vinyl suits rubbing together, and lay down on Ryan's back. In that position, he was able to slowly move in and out, merely by arching his back.

He reached his hands forward, and interlocked his fingers with Ryan's. He moved their hands above Ryan's head and continued mating him. "I could do this all night."

"I'd like that." Ryan sighed contentedly.

"I bet you would. You're as much a sex nut as I am." Cody continued to thrust.

There was a knock on the door, and Trevor poked his head into the room. "Hey, do you guys want to go..." He stopped short, when he saw them together, bent over the corner of the bed. " bad. I'll come back in a while." He laughed and pulled the door closed.

Cody thrust forward, pushing in as deeply as he could. "You're mine boy!" He growled playfully.

Ryan clenched again. "God, you are hitting the spot perfectly. Don't stop; not ever."

Cody felt a wave of lust wash over him and began to increase his thrusting. He enjoyed bare backing Ryan more than any other sensation. "You ready?" He pushed deeply.

Ryan turned his face down, into the mattress and nodded.

Cody erupted inside him, spraying hot, bloody semen deep inside the boy. He pumped as much into him as he could and then relaxed on top of his back. He gripped Ryan's hands tightly, waiting for the chemical shock to hit him.

Ryan stiffened beneath him, drawing his legs up to the edge of the bed. "Oh god...!" He began to thrash again.

"Keep fighting me and I'm going to bleed you." Cody licked his neck playfully.

Ryan trembled violently for a moment and then forced himself to relax, as much as he could. "No, I'm going to manage it this time..." he held his breath. "Oh fuck! It burns..." He began to thrash wildly.

Cody smiled and gently sank his teeth into the boy's neck. This time, he knew it was different. He wanted to calm Ryan, but he didn't need his blood. He sucked for a short time, enough to calm him, and then pulled away, licking the wounds to close them.

Ryan relaxed and wiggled gently beneath Cody. "Wow...this feels better than last time."

Cody straightened up, but didn't pull out. "Takes a bit longer and is more of a gradual hit, when you take it in the ass."

"You have such a way with words." Ryan laughed. "You're still inside me." He clenched again.

"Round two." Cody growled playfully. He began thrusting again, pushing as deeply into Ryan as he could.

"Again?" Ryan looked over his shoulder. He met Cody's gaze and saw the lust in his eyes. "I'm not going anywhere."

"No, you aren't." Cody grinned and collapsed on the boy's back again, grasping his hands tightly. "I find the second time feels better." He quickened his pace and lengthened his strokes.

"Oh does." Ryan closed his eyes and moaned softly. "You weren't kidding that my senses are heightened. I can feel every inch of you moving in and out of me."

Cody pushed deeply and again sprayed the boy's guts with his semen. For him, it was twice as pleasurable as the last time and he cried softly in ecstasy.

Ryan felt the wave of warmth inside him and knew this was a sensation he feel on a regular basis. "Maybe Trevor can duct tape us together like this so we never have to be apart." He laughed and then tensed as the second wave of vampire energy flooded his system. "" He clenched his teeth and moaned into the bed covers.

Cody slowly withdrew but remained resting on top of Ryan. "Are you ok?" He did not let go of the boy's hands, in case he were too excited again.

Ryan nodded. "Yeah, I'm managing it better each time."

Cody slowly released his hands and stood, stretching his back. "I'm proud of you."

Ryan rolled over on the bed and stretched. "Thanks. I want to be able to do this all the time so the sooner I get used to it, the better each time will be."

"Something like that." Cody looked towards the window.

"Cody? You alright?" Ryan stood.

"Yeah." He turned back towards the bed. "Just thinking."

"Uh shouldn't do that." Ryan wrapped his arms around Cody and hugged him.

"I know, it usually gets me in trouble." Cody retuned the embrace.

Ryan released him and sat on the edge of the bed. " what are you thinking about?"

"What you said earlier."

"Which part?"

"When you asked me to change you."

"Oh yeah, that part." Ryan shrugged. "I was mostly serious."

"Mostly? That isn't something you can go into half-heartedly."

"I know...but..."

"You thought we could feed each other."

"Yeah. The thought of feeding on strangers is kind of gross."

"I guess I got used to it. Still, now you understand why I tend to stay with a specific guy for as long as I can. It lessens the interaction with strangers, to an extent."

"I need to think about what I said."

Cody nodded, sadly. "I know. It really isn't as cool as it seems."

"It's still pretty cool, but it's different now, knowing what I'd have to do -- less appealing."

"'re saying you don't want to be changed. That's cool. And...I do understand." Cody couldn't help feeling saddened by the boy's change of heart.

"All I'm saying is I need to think about this some more." Ryan smiled.

"Ok." Cody nodded.

"Hey, it isn't like you're going anywhere. There's no rush."

Cody shook his head. "I'd like to stay here as long as I can."

Ryan smiled seductively. "I bet you would."

"Yeah, I mean, Trevor is pretty cool."

"And I'm just a sack of potatoes I guess." Ryan grinned.

Cody stepped forward and hugged the teen tightly. "I wouldn't say that. I've never had such a strong desire to stick my dick into a sack of potatoes."

Ryan leaned his head back and locked eyes with Cody. "My ass is yours anytime you want it."

"Now who's talking dirty!" Cody leaned forward and kissed him, before pulling free. "Let's go see what Trevor wanted."

"You want to change first?"

"Yeah, probably should." Cody pulled the exercise suit off and set it on the bed.

Ryan removed his and was just about to set it next to the other when Cody cleared his throat.

"If you don't mind." He held out his hand.

"Oh...almost forgot." Ryan handed him the sweaty vinyl suit.

Cody eagerly pulled it on. "Thank you." He smiled.

"Freak..." Ryan grinned.

"You love me, don't deny it." Cody smoothed the damp plastic to his chest. "Mmmm...teenage boy sweat." He smiled.

"Glad you like it. I can make more later tonight if you'd like." Ryan pulled on the jeans and shirt Cody had been wearing.

"Yes please." Cody nodded.

Together, they walked out into the living room. Trevor was sitting on the couch, flipping through stations on the TV.

"Are you done for a while?" He laughed as they each sat on the couch, on either side of him.

Ryan nodded. "Yup, for now." He leaned close to Trevor and inhaled. "You smell really good tonight."

Trevor raised an eyebrow and eyed Ryan suspiciously. "Um...ok...thanks. I smell the same as always I think."

Ryan leaned closer and kissed his cheek. "You taste good too."

Trevor faced Cody and shrugged. "Is he high?"

Cody shrugged. "In a manner of speaking, but not weed."

Trevor turned back to Ryan and nearly bumped noses. "What gives?" He was trying not to laugh.

"Cody and I had sex." Ryan was practically beaming with happiness.

"Yeah, I kind of gathered that is what you were doing when I barged into your room."

Ryan shook his head. "No...I mean we had SEX..."

Trevor turned back to Cody. "You did it without a condom?" He looked more serious.


"Is he going to be ok?"


"Is he going to change? Become like you?"

"No, this is a temporary buzz."

Trevor faced Ryan again. "Good. Then let's go get something to eat. I'm starving."

"Me too." Ryan quickly nodded and stood. "Come on Cody, let's go."

Cody shrugged. "I'm not hungry but I'll tag along. I don't want you out there alone, without a chaperone."

"I'm fine. I feel almost normal again."

"Yeah...well you aren't. It's better if I come with you."

Trevor stood and nodded. "Great, then let's go."

They moved to the door and paused. Ryan faced Trevor, then Cody, and smiled.

Trevor also faced Cody and grinned.

"What?" Cody shrugged.

"You going out like that?"

Cody looked at himself and laughed. "Oh yeah. I probably should put something on over the exercise suit."

Trevor nodded. "Doesn't bother me but other people may give you shit."

"Be right back." Cody disappeared into Trevor's room. In a minute, he returned, wearing a hooded shirt and jeans, over the exercise suit. "These smell nice."

Trevor smiled. "I wore that hoody jogging yesterday."

"I know." Cody nodded and pushed past them. He opened the door and stepped into the hall. "Are we going?"

The other two laughed and followed him into the hall. Ryan led the way to the Jeep and soon they were on their way to an inexpensive restaurant.

During dinner, Trevor raised his glass of Coke and toasted them. "Here's to another year. May none of us get expelled."

"I don't have to worry about that but I'll toast you two." Cody raised Ryan's water glass.

They clinked glasses and the two teens took a drink. Cody set the water glass back down.

Dinner arrived and the boys eagerly consumed their food. Cody sat patiently across the booth from them, his eyes roaming over the gathered crowd.

"See anything you like?" Trevor nodded towards the room.

Cody faced him and shrugged. "I'm just window shopping. I'm not allowed to play with others anymore."

"No you are not!" Ryan glared. "If you feel horny, you can use us but nobody else."

"I'll pass on the butt sex... but thanks for thinking of me." Trevor raised his glass and took a drink.

Ryan faced him. "You should try it. The feeling is amazing!" He ran his hands up and down his chest, his eyes closed. "I'm practically on fire."

"Well, I have chemistry class tomorrow so being on fire probably isn't a good idea." Trevor set his glass down.

Ryan gently punched his shoulder. "Coward."

"No, just not what I want to do." Trevor shrugged.

Ryan nodded. "That's cool." He pointed to the rest of Trevor's steak. "You going to eat that?"

"Nah, I'm pretty full already."

"Good." Ryan reached over, picked the half-eaten steak up with his fingers, and dropped it on his plate. "I'm still hungry."

Trevor looked at Cody and raised an eyebrow. "Is this normal?"

Cody shrugged. "It isn't anything I did to him. I think he is just really hungry."

"And `he' is sitting right here so don't talk around me." Ryan took another bite and swallowed.

They all laughed and the night wore on. In an hour, they were done eating and Ryan sat back in the booth.

"I think I'm going to be sick." He placed a hand on his stomach.

"No shit. You ate enough for two people." Trevor scolded him.

"Let's go. I need some fresh air." Ryan rose and dropped his napkin onto the table.

"You two go; I'll take care of the bill." Trevor pulled his wallet out of his pocket. "But you owe me rich boy!" He called after Ryan.

Ryan and Cody walked outside, into the cool night air.

Cody put his arm around Ryan's shoulders and hugged him tightly. "You ok?"

Ryan nodded. "Yeah, just feel bloated."

"When we get home, chill out for a while, or take a cold shower."

"Yeah." Ryan burped loudly.

"Classy..." Cody shook his head.

Trevor joined them in a moment and Ryan handed him the Jeep's keys. "I might have to yack so you drive."

"I'll try to avoid any sudden turns." Trevor grimaced and led them to the Jeep. He started it up and they headed home.

When they were back at the apartment, Ryan took a cold shower in an attempt to keep his dinner down.

Trevor and Cody sat on the couch and waited for him.

"Is he ok?" Trevor looked concerned.

"I think so. This really doesn't have anything to do with our having sex earlier."

"Ok, I just worry."

"About what?" Cody turned so he was facing Trevor.

"I think he wants to be like you. He is completely in love with you and what you are. Sometimes it seems he forgets he has a life here, with school and stuff."

"Yeah, we talked about that."

"You did?"

Cody nodded. "I don't think he wants me to change him. He may have once, but not after I explained he would need to feed on humans, not me."

"Gross." Trevor shook his head. "I bet that upset him."

"Some. Still, if he asks me ..."

The bathroom door opened and Ryan stepped out, a towel over his head. "If who asks you what?"

Cody faced him. "Nothing, just chatting about stuff. You feel better?"

"Yeah, some. I think I'm going to call it a night."

"You want company?" Cody stood.

"Not tonight. I need some space. Sorry."

"Don't sweat it. Go to bed and feel better."

"Thanks. I have to get up early again for class."

"What class?" Cody walked to Ryan and hugged him.

"Boring-ass English Lit. I will probably fall asleep."

Cody grinned and stepped away from Ryan.

"What?" Ryan smiled.

Cody shrugged. "You want company tomorrow?"

"Sure. I can sneak you in the first day. Worst thing that happens is you have to leave if the prof catches you."

Trevor rose and stretched. "You two have fun in class. I get to sleep in tomorrow!" He waved and headed to his room.

Ryan took Cody's hand and pulled him into his bedroom. "I want you to sleep with me after all. Do you mind sleeping on the floor though?"

"Not at all. I've slept on the floor many nights."

"Thanks. I don't want anything touching me while I feel like this. Sorry."

"Don't be. It's no big deal."

"Do you ever get sick after feeding too much?" Ryan undressed and sat on the edge of the bed.

"There is no such thing as feeding too much, for a vampire." Cody removed Trevor's hoody and jeans.

"Oh, I guess that makes sense."

"I'm sorry you feel sick. Maybe next time you won't eat so much."

"I doubt I will learn from this. I wish there were a magic cure. I don't think Pepto will help much right now."

"There may be a cure." Cody sat on the bed next to him. "But I've never tried it for an upset stomach."


"My blood."

"I don't understand." Ryan shook his head.

"If you were wounded, my blood could help you, help your body heal more quickly. It's like steroids."

"Oh...I hadn't thought of that. Kind of like when you helped me in Naderi's house, after I was bled almost dry."

"Similar." Cody nodded.

"Will it help me not throw up my dinner?"

"That I don't know. Probably not, as nothing is broken in you."

" says you. I feel terrible."

"Better just sleep it off. You'll feel better in the morning. And then we can go to class." Cody grinned and lay down on the floor, next to the bed.

"Thanks Cody. I'll see you tomorrow." Ryan lay back and burped loudly again.

Cody lay on the floor and closed his eyes. He could tell from Ryan's heart rate and scent that he was still jacked up on vampire chemicals. He would probably be normal again in the morning but Cody intended to accompany him to class. Even if the boy were back to normal, he wanted to see if the professor was Randy, from earlier that year. He wondered if the man would recognize him. He should, Cody looked exactly the same as when they had sex.

He slowed his pulse and slipped into the meditative state to pass the time.

In the morning, Ryan looked over the edge of the bed and stared at the twenty-something boy on his bedroom floor. He still found it amazing that Cody was almost one hundred years old but looked every bit twenty and some change. He wondered what it would be like if Cody changed him. Three hundred years could pass and Ryan would look the same – a boy clinging to his teenage years.

The thought of eternal youth was appealing, but he realized it came with a price. Humans, probably strangers, would become his food. Sex with Cody was something he had come to love and need but to do those things with strangers, from all walks of life... Ryan shuddered. That wasn't something he was ready to do. He continued to stare at Cody, amazed at how dead his friend looked when he meditated. His skin was pale and he didn't appear to be breathing.

"You should shower and get ready for class." Cody opened his eyes and locked onto Ryan's. His skin flushed and returned to its normal color. "I want to get a good seat in the back of class."

Ryan pulled himself forward and slid out of bed, onto Cody. "You afraid of being seen?"

"No. I just don't like having people behind me." He kissed Ryan gently on the lips.

Ryan kissed him back and rolled off onto the floor next to him. "You want to shower with me?"

"No thanks. I don't want to wash off your sweat." Cody ran his hands over the cold exercise suit.

"You going to wear that to class?" Ryan walked to the closet and pulled out what he was going to wear to class.

"Maybe. Would that be a problem?"

"Um..yes." Ryan smiled. He dug around in his dirty clothes hamper and pulled out a shirt and pair of jeans. "Here." He tossed them onto Cody. "Wear those instead."

"Yes master." Cody stood and removed the exercise suit. He smiled and picked up the dirty clothes Ryan had thrown at him.

"I'll be back in a few." Ryan headed to the bathroom.

Cody dressed, lay down in the bed, and folded his hands behind his head. He wasn't sure what he was going to do if Ryan's professor were Randy; probably just smile and wave. He didn't need to feed on the man again and wasn't allowed to be with anyone else. He laughed to himself. Ryan had become quite jealous. Normally, Cody would have found that trait unappealing, but in the case of Ryan, it was cute. It made Cody truly feel wanted, and that meant a lot to him.

In a few minutes, Ryan returned to the room and dressed. "I'm ready to head out if you are. I want to stop at the coffee shop and fuel up."

"Let's go." Cody climbed off the bed and stood next to him. "I'll just tag along."

They left the apartment, careful not to wake Trevor, and headed to Ryan's Jeep. They drove into campus, stopped briefly at the coffee drive through, and finally parked in the student lot. It took ten minutes to walk to the English building. When they arrived at the class, Ryan maneuvered them to two seats in the back of the room and pulled out his book.

Cody took the seat behind Ryan, looked around the room, and smiled. There were so many young people in one place. He lingered longer than normal on some of the other boys in the room.

Ryan nudged him. "Stop it, you look like a stalker."

"Party pooper." Cody faced him and smiled. "How did you know what I was thinking?"

"Duh..." Ryan grinned.

Five minutes later, a man in his mid-50's entered the room and made his way to the podium at the front of the class.

"Good morning." He set his books down and looked around the room. "I'm glad to see so many of you willing to get up for an 8am class. My name is Professor Stein." He smiled and pulled a book out of his bag. "This is the book we will be using for reference but I will be covering much more than what it has to offer." He set the book on the podium and opened a binder. "To get things started, I'm going to take attendance. Don't worry, you are not required to be here every day. I just like to put names to faces."

He began calling off names and, one at a time, students raised their hands. He would look up, notice the person who had responded, and look down to call the next person.

"Ryan Davis?"

"Here." Ryan raised his hand.

Randy looked around the room and his gaze settled on an attractive boy in the back. He nodded and looked down at his binder, placing a check mark next to Ryan's name. He was preparing to call the next person's name but instead, looked back at Ryan...and the person sitting behind him, in the last row.

Cody locked eyes with Randy and smiled. He dipped his head slightly but didn't say anything.

For a second, Randy's gaze lingered and then, trying not to smile, he called the next name on the list.

Ryan turned around and faced Cody. "Well?"

"It's him." Cody smiled.

"Dude! You had sex with my proff!" He whispered.

"He's really a nice guy." Cody raised an eyebrow. "Don't think my having sex with him means you can skip class either. He doesn't know we're together."

"Not yet." Ryan smiled and turned around.

"Be nice. He is very shy." Cody gripped Ryan's shoulder. "Besides, I'm only here today. I don't plan to return."

Randy called the last name from the list and closed his binder. He began lecturing on the history of English Literature and its influence upon modern writing. The hour passed quickly, during which time, he did not make further eye contact with Cody. Class ended and the students began to file out of the room.

"You going to talk to him?" Ryan faced Cody.

"No." Cody rose. "Let's go."

Ryan shrugged and stood. Together, they exited the room. Ryan headed towards the building's exit and paused at a drinking fountain, near the door. He took a long drink and then straightened up.

"Hello Cody." A man's voice spoke from behind them.

Cody turned and smiled. "Hi Randy. You're looking good."

Randy smiled. "So are you." He faced Ryan. "I'm sorry; I don't remember your name."

"Ryan Davis." Ryan smiled.

"Are you two friends?" Randy faced Cody again.

"He's my boyfriend." Cody nodded.

Ryan felt that familiar tingle of joy when Cody referred to him so. "Yup." He nodded.

"How nice for the two of you." Randy smiled.

"Looks like a full class." Ryan adjusted his backpack.

"Yes it is. Which reminds me...I didn't see your name on the class list." He glared playfully at Cody.

"I'm not in your class. I was just sitting in with Ryan to see if his professor was you."

Randy looked quickly at Ryan and then back at Cody. "Oh... Does he know that you and I are...acquaintances?"

"Yes. Don't worry, he's cool." Cody tilted his head towards Ryan.

Randy looked at Ryan and smiled, weakly. "Thanks."

"No worries." Ryan smiled.

"Well, I have things to attend to before my next class. Cody, it was nice to see you again. Ryan, I look forward to seeing your smiling, attentive face every class." He tried to sound stern.

"Yes sir, I'll be there."

"And...will you be coming back with him?" Randy faced Cody.

"Not sure. I might, if you don't mind a squatter."

"I'd like that." Randy smiled. "And now, I really do have to be going." He gave them a quick wave and hurried from the building.

Ryan faced Cody and laughed. "I like him. I think this class will be fun after all."

"He really is a nice guy. Don't take advantage of the fact that he had sex with me."

"Me? Never! I'll rely on my good study habits to get me through the class. Of course, should my grades be failing..."

"Let's go!" Cody grabbed Ryan's shoulders and steered him out the door and towards the parking lot, across campus.

"I'm just could be handy having you around."

"I won't trade my body for your grades."

"I didn't mean that!" Ryan sounded shocked.

"Yes you did." Cody faced him.

"Yeah, I kind of did." Ryan laughed.

They reached the Jeep and drove back to the apartment. Trevor was awake and eating breakfast. They chatted for a while and then both boys had to leave for class again.

Cody spent the afternoon alone in the apartment, thinking about Randy and about what he and Ryan had talked about after having sex. He wanted to see Randy again, to be a cause of pleasure for the man, but would honor his promise to be Ryan's alone. The thought that Ryan no longer seemed to want Cody to change him weighed heavily on his mind.

Cody would not force the issue with Ryan. In fact, he wouldn't bring the subject up again, but would discuss it if the boy wanted to.

As the afternoon wore on, Trevor returned first, followed an hour later by Ryan. The boys settled into `homework mode' in their own rooms. Cody lay on Ryan's bed and waited patiently for him to finish his homework so they could have sex. As Cody wasn't going to be following Ryan to every class, they used a condom again. Ryan wasn't happy about that but, as Cody explained, it was either that or no sex.

The night passed, and in the morning, Ryan headed off to a new class. That would become the routine for the next few weeks. On the nights when Ryan didn't have class the following day, they played without protection.

Cody never returned to Randy's class and Ryan knew why. He was pleased that Cody was displaying some level of control over his sexual urges. He spoke with Randy a few times, mostly about Cody. Ryan agreed that the man was nice. He even began to get the feeling the man was interested in him. He didn't let that influence his studies though, as he wanted his grades to reflect his effort, not his looks.

The term progressed and the weather turned colder. Eventually, it was finals week and the boys were deep into their studies, trying to cram as much last-minute information into their brains as possible. Cody left them alone, remaining on the couch so as not to be a distraction. He flipped channels as usual, eventually finding something tolerable.

The next two days concluded the fall term and both Trevor and Ryan were finished with exams. Ryan was the last to return to the apartment. He dropped his backpack by the door and sighed.

"Done. I think I passed all my classes."

Trevor, who was sitting at the kitchen table, nodded. "Me too, believe it or not." He laughed and took another sip of his Coke. "Probably the first time I've done that!"

Ryan clapped his hands together loudly. "Let's go out and celebrate! Everyone will be partying."

Trevor nodded and turned to face Cody, who was sitting on the couch, quietly observing the post-exam relief. "You want to come with us?"

Cody shook his head. "Not really. I don't want to be around all those partying students."

"What? Since when!" Ryan jumped over the back of the couch and landed heavily next to Cody.

"Too many...too close together...too tempting. It's been a long time since I had fresh meat."

"Hmmm...I guess so. I just hate to think of you all alone here."

"Then don't be too late. We can celebrate when you get home." Cody ran his hands down Ryan's leg and then back up, resting his fingers on the boy's crotch.

"Count on it!" Ryan stood and faced Trevor. "Let's go."

They each grabbed a jacket from the closet and headed to the Jeep.

Cody watched them from the window, as they drove out of the complex. He was sad to not be going with them but he really didn't like that many young humans in one area. It was difficult to behave, and he had promised Ryan he would.

He passed the time flipping through the movie channels. The evening wore on and he began to check the clock, wondering just how long the two would be out partying. It was already later than they usually stayed away. He hoped Ryan wouldn't eat or drink too much and be too sick for sex. Cody had a strong lust building within him, the more he thought about all the college boys Ryan would be around.

He began watching an old movie from the 50's, one he remembered seeing in the cinema, and the time passed quickly.

The movie ended around 2am, and he realized just how late it had become. It wasn't like two of them to stay out this late, if Cody weren't with them. Besides being a little rude, leaving him alone in the apartment, they usually lost interest in crowds after a few hours.

Outside, a car door slammed loudly.

Cody walked to the window, hoping to see the Jeep, but it wasn't in the lot below. He normally wasn't prone to panic but he began to get the feeling something was wrong. Vampires didn't have true sixth sense but Cody had come to respect his instincts, as they were usually correct. In the back of his mind, an image of the two bikers surfaced. No, they wouldn't be eager to repeat the incident from earlier that year, but there were plenty of other dangerous people in the world.

He returned to the couch and began flipping channels again, hoping to lose track of the time. He clicked through the local channels and paused. He pressed the back button and TV returned to the previous channel.

It was some kind of breaking news or something very recent. He took in the image of police cars, several ambulances, and a crowd of students gathered outside a local bar. Cody listened as the reporter on the scene explained what everyone was watching.

The woman in the studio prompted him for an update. "Can you update us on what is happening now Ted?"

"Susan, the scene behind me remains one of sadness and disbelief. I was just told that the passenger of the vehicle, who was taken to St John's hospital several hours ago, is out of surgery and in intensive care. His condition is listed as extremely critical."

"And what of the driver of the truck that hit them?"

"He was being treated in the other ambulance as his injuries were minor, but he is gone now. I believe they took him down to the police station. This size of his delivery truck compared to the Jeep is what kept him relatively safe."

"Any clue as to what happened?"

"Nothing definite but my suspicion is that alcohol is involved. I noticed one of the officers remove a bottle from the truck driver's cab. I haven't been able to get close enough to ask what it was."

"Thanks Ted. We'll check back with you in thirty minutes." She turned from the remote monitor to face the camera again. "As you've just been updated, the passenger of the vehicle which was struck has survived this horrific accident. We do not know the identity of the driver of the jeep, who was killed, as the authorities are awaiting notification of next of kin, before releasing his name."

The newscaster beside her shook his head. "Such a terrible way to end the term. What should have been a night for celebration has turned deadly for one student, and possibly two."

The woman agreed. "Not what anyone was prepared for, I'm certain. They just didn't have a chance, given the size of the delivery truck. This is a real tragedy."

Cody couldn't look away from the screen. An image of Ryan's Jeep, crushed and on its side, filled the corner of the newscast. How he knew it was Ryan's wasn't the point...he just knew. What was worse, the passenger was being taken to the hospital, but the driver had not survived.

He felt sick. Where it possible for him to throw up, he would have. Time stopped. He had no idea what to do. Ryan was gone and there seemed little purpose to his own existence anymore. The chance for a life with the boy was no more.

They moments clicked by. He turned off the television and dropped the remote onto the table, the battery door breaking off and spilling the batteries onto the floor.

What had the woman on the news said? The passenger was alive and being taken to the hospital.

Cody shook himself back to life, rushed to the apartment door, and ripped it open. He didn't know where the hospital was but he had recognized the part of town where the accident had happened. He would start there and someone could direct him, or better yet take him, to the hospital. He would try to help Trevor, if he could. The other boy was all that remained of his life with Ryan.

He left the apartment building and began to run, towards town. He dashed past students partying on the sidewalk or in the streets, hardly more than a blur. Nobody noticed him.

It took a while but soon he could see the lights from the police cars ahead. He slowed and melted into the crowd, trying to get close to the Jeep. He could see it now, but it was being dragged up onto a flatbed wrecker.

To the side, a large deliver truck was still dripping antifreeze from the engine area, its front end crumpled. He looked for the driver of the truck, but didn't see anyone likely to be that person. He remembered the newscaster saying the man had been taken to the police station.

He balled his hands into fists, his nails digging into his own flesh. Cody usually wasn't a violent person but a rage began to burn within him. He would find this truck driver and kill him slowly, for what he had done. Drops of blood dripped from his hands, landing quietly on the sidewalk and his shoes.

"Cody?" A voice called to him from somewhere in the crowd.

He turned and focused on where the sound had come from. "Kyle..." He rushed to the officer and hugged him tightly.

"God, Cody, I'm so sorry." Kyle hugged him in return, holding him tightly. "I wondered if somehow you would know about this."

"I don't want to think about it right now. I have to get to the hospital."

"Of course. I can drive you. My car is just around the corner."

"Thank you." Cody released him and stepped back. "I want to go now."

"Yes, I just have to tell the officer in charge. I'll be right back." Kyle walked quickly to another officer and pointed back to Cody.

The other officer nodded. Kyle thanked him and returned to Cody. "Let's go." He headed around the corner to where a patrol car was parked, its lights flashing. He opened the passenger door and Cody sat down. Kyle climbed into the driver's seat and started the car. He turned it around and headed down a side street, avoiding the crowded main road.

Kyle turned the car onto a road parallel to the main street and turned on the siren. "Hold on!"

He was just beginning to accelerate when a shadow separated from the darkness to the side of the road and something landed heavily on the hood of the car, causing the nose to dip slightly.

"What the fuck?" He looked forward, into the eyes of a young Asian male, poised gracefully on the hood.

"Stop the car!" Cody braced his hands on the dashboard.

Kyle slammed on the brakes and the man on the hood lightly flipped backwards and landed on his feet in the road, in front of the car.

Kyle switched off the siren and turned off the car. He opened his door and stepped out. "Are you ok?"

Cody opened the door and stepped out. "Shota! This is seriously not the time!"

"Hello lover boy." He walked over to Cody. "Hold up a minute and let's talk."

"No! I'm going to the hospital. Now...get out of the way."

"I'm afraid we cannot do that, just yet." A woman's gentle voice drew his attention to the driver's side of the patrol car.

Cody turned and focused on Kyle, standing quietly next to his car. A tall, slender woman in a black gown had her hand firmly on the young officer's shoulder.

"Naderi. What are you doing here?"

"I came to find you."

"Me?" Cody stepped around the car and stopped next to her. He looked at her hand, on Kyle's shoulder. "You can let go of him, he's with me."

"With you? Intriguing! You simply must bring him by for coffee some time." She released Kyle and he visibly relaxed.

"With all due respect, I don't have time for this. I need to get to the hospital and try to help Trevor." Cody's voice was becoming frantic.

Naderi looked at Cody quietly for a moment, and then shook her head. "I'm afraid there is nothing you can do for him."

Kyle shook his head and began to say something, and suddenly, Shota was standing next to him, his arm playfully around the officer's waist.

"Why don't we let them chat and not interrupt." His fangs descended and he smiled playfully.

Kyle quickly closed his mouth and held still.

"Good boy." Shota ran his hand through Kyle's short hair. "I like a man who knows how to follow commands."

Cody glared at Shota and then focused on Naderi. "The newswoman said Trevor was alive and being taken to the hospital. I may be able to help him."

Naderi shook her head. "That is not what she said."

"I heard her! I was watching the TV." Cody glared. "What the fuck difference does it make what she said! I have to!"

"You are mistaken." She replied, her voice calm. "She said the `passenger' had survived."

"Whatever!" Cody didn't understand the point of this conversation.

Kyle quickly nodded, and against his better judgment, clarified. "It's true. Trevor was driving, not Ryan. I thought you knew that."

Cody heard a humming in his ears and didn't respond.

Naderi nodded and snaked a thin arm around Cody's shoulders. "And that is why I am here."

"I don't understand." Cody spoke softly.

"My assumption was you were also close to this `Trevor' and you might do something foolish, involving the truck driver who killed him, and nearly your boy."

"Ryan is alive?" Cody faced Kyle, seeking some affirmation.

"Yes, but only just. They took him to the emergency room. I'm sorry, Cody, I thought you knew it was Trevor who died."

"No..." Cody was quiet.

"And now you do." Naderi smiled. "So, the question is...what are you planning to do about it?"

"I need to get to Ryan. I need to save him."

"Hospitals are not the place for our kind. It is too risky."

Cody glared at her. "If Ryan is there, I'm going! You can punish me afterwards, if you must."

"We were headed there when you stopped us." Kyle added.

"So, how much do you know about Cody?" Naderi faced him.

"Um. I know a little. I mean, I know what he is...mostly." Kyle stammered.

"I see. Then you also know he has a propensity for getting into mischief. Do me the favor of keeping him out of trouble for a while. I need to sort some things through." She walked away, disappearing into the shadows.

Shota removed his arm from Kyle's waist and whispered into his ear. "I'll be seeing you around, sexy." He kissed Kyle's cheek, followed Naderi into the shadows, and was gone.

Kyle faced Cody, and then, without a word, they both jumped back into the car. Kyle started the engine and continued towards the hospital.

"Faster..." Cody was frantic.

Kyle turned on the siren and gunned the patrol car to a higher speed.

Very quickly, they arrived at the emergency room entrance and Cody jumped out. Without a word to Kyle, he entered the building and ran to the desk.

The nurse behind the counter looked up from her paperwork. "Can I help you?"

"I need to find someone. He was brought in several hours ago. Car accident. His name is Ryan Davis." Cody blurted it out quickly.

"And you are?" She turned the registry towards him and pointed to the bin of pens.

"I'm his boyfriend."

"Oh, I see." She sat back down, frowning. "Well, you can't see him now. He's in the `IC' ward."

"When can I see him? I need to see him." Cody knew time was precious.

"Only immediate family can see him, while he's in intensive care."

Cody took a deep breath and relaxed. "I am family."

She raised an eyebrow. "You just said you were his...boyfriend. Which is it?"

Very faintly, Cody's eyes lit with an inner glow. "I am Ryan's older brother. I need to see him. Now."

The nurse's eyes glazed over and she nodded. "Yes, of course, let me get someone to show you to his room." She pressed a button on the wall and sat back in her chair. "Someone will be here soon. I'm sorry to have kept you waiting."

Cody held her gaze. In a moment, another nurse entered the room and spoke to the receiving nurse.

"What do you need?"

The other nurse pointed to Cody. "This is the brother of the young man who was brought in several hours ago; the one from the car accident on campus. Please take him to his room."

"Oh, ok." The other nurse faced Cody. "I'm sorry about your brother. This way please."

Cody followed the nurse to the section of the emergency room where they kept the patients newly out of surgery.

"He's in here. Don't try to wake him. We have him sedated so he can rest. Take a seat and I'll send the doctor in as soon as I find him."

Cody hurried into the room and stopped at Ryan's bedside. "I'm here Ryan." He spoke softly.

In the bed, the broken and bandaged body of a teenage boy lay quiet, his breathing regulated by machines. His skin was dangerously pale. A breathing tube was taped over his face, its length somewhere deep in his chest.

Cody reached out a hand, passing it over most of Ryan's body, inches above his skin. He identified broken bones, a punctured lung, and something else. Some sensation he had never felt, or rather, a lack of sensation. There were no electrical impulses from the lower half of Ryan's body.

"What are you doing?" A man's voice spoke from behind him.

Cody turned. "What's wrong with him?"

"Who are you?" The man wore a surgical suit and still had a mask around his neck.

"I'm his brother."

"You don't look very much like him."

"Please tell me how he's doing." Cody kept his voice calm.

"Well, he has a concussion, broken leg, broken arm, a few cracked ribs. I've managed to stop the internal bleeding. Actually, he's doing remarkably well for someone in his condition."

Cody merely nodded. He knew why. He had made love to Ryan the previous day, without a condom. It had been a reward for his studying for finals. Now, there was a residual level of vampire chemicals in Ryan's body that would take a few days to dissipate.

"Actually, now that a family member is present, I have a question."

"I'll try to answer it."

"I don't mean this to come out the wrong way, but does your brother do drugs?"

"No, absolutely not."

"I see. I ask as, during the blood panel, we noticed some foreign substance that I've not encountered before."


"Yes. I've sent his blood to the lab for a more detailed analysis. We should know in a day or two what the chemical is."

Crap! Cody knew that was a problem. Depending on what they found or `thought' they had found, they might contact other agencies to get another opinion. That could attract the wrong attention.

"When can I take him home?" Cody asked.

"What? Oh my god, he's lucky to be alive. He needs to stay here for a while yet, probably two weeks at the minimum."

"No, that won't do."

"I'm sorry...are you some kind of doctor? Do you know how to care for him at home?" The doctor took out a pen and pad of paper. "What is your name?"

Cody held the man's gaze, his eyes now a much brighter shade of blue. "You don't need to know my name." He pulled the curtain around the bed closed.

"No, of course not." The doctor put the pen and paper away.

"Sit down."

The doctor sat in the closest chair.

"Is it safe to move him?"

"No." The man folded his hands in his lap and sat patiently.

"What's wrong with his legs?" Cody pointed to Ryan's lower half.

"Nothing that I am aware of. He suffered a lot of trauma to his middle body. I suppose he could be paralyzed but we won't know that until he wakes."

The curtain slowly opened and Kyle stepped up to the bed.

"How is he?"

"Bad." Cody faced the doctor. "I need you to leave for a while. Come back in a half hour and tell the nurses to stay out of the room."

The doctor rose and nodded. "Of course." He never looked at Kyle, but instead, exited the room.

"What's up with the doc?" Kyle faced Cody. He didn't seem to see me.

"He's under my control at the moment. He was asking too many questions."

"Oh, gotcha. Like what you did to Bruce in the mall."

"Same." Cody gently placed his hand on Ryan's chest. "He's barely hanging on." He was very glad they had made love recently. No doubt, that had saved the boy's life.

"Can you help him?" Kyle placed a hand on Cody's shoulder.

Cody faced Kyle, tears welling up in his eyes. "I have to. I love him too much to lose him."

"I know." Kyle removed his hand. "What do you have in mind?"

"Well, if he were in better condition, I'd try to get my blood into his body. It would heal him much more quickly than any medicine this place has."

Kyle was puzzled. "If he were in better condition? Won't your blood heal him and put him in a better condition?"

"I can't risk it now. As battered as he is, the shock of my blood might do more harm than good. He needs time to rest."

"So, what do you plan to do?"

"I will stay here, at his side, until he wakes. After that, when he is strong enough, I will try to heal him."

"Will they let you stay the entire time?"

Cody's eyes glowed softly blue for a second, as he nodded. "Yes, they will."

"Ah, I see." Kyle nodded. "How many of them can you control?"

"A few at a time. I need to get the main people under control and they will do the rest for me."

"What do you want me to do? How can I help?"

"There may be a problem on the horizon; one that you can help me with."


"They took a sample of Ryan's blood to a lab to be analyzed. They noticed my `essence' mixed with it and could not identify it."

"Uh oh."

"Exactly. Will you let me know if you hear of anything happening on a government level? It would probably be the CDC or FBI, but I suppose it could be anonymous suit asking questions."

"I'll try but I'm not sure they will involve local police, certainly not at my low level."

"Still, keep your ears open, ok?"

"Definitely. Here is my card. My cell number is on the back. Call me if you need anything, day or night."

"Thanks." Cody smiled. "Now, I just have to wait. You don't need to stay. I know you have work to do."

"I do. I need to get back and report in on the accident."

"Do you know what happened?"

"Yes. Several witnesses said Trevor was pulling out to cross to the far lane and the truck broadsided him. From what I gathered, the truck didn't have its lights on and was moving at a good pace."

"Was he drunk? The driver?"

"I think so. I didn't examine his cab but another officer said he found a mostly-empty whisky bottle."

"Damn him." Cody balled his hands into fists.

"I promise I'll do everything I can to get him locked up. It is involuntary manslaughter after all." Kyle took a stern tone.

"Do what you think is best. I plan to find and deal with him myself, when this is all over."

"Oh? I have to tell you this, as I am a cop. Don't take the law into your own hands. Let me do my job."

"I know you have to say that but you know I'm going to do what I want to."

Kyle shrugged. "Yeah, I know, but I had to say it." He smiled weakly. "I'll check back in when I get time. Take care, and take care of Ryan."

"I will and thank you very much for your help." Cody hugged him. "I'm glad you're a friend."

Kyle returned the hug. "Me too." He pulled away and nodded. "I'll be in touch." He pulled the curtain back and exited the room, closing the door.

Cody pulled a rolling chair over next to the bed. He took Ryan's hand and held it. "I'm here sweetie. It's going to be alright."

In a while, the doctor returned and stood by the bed.

Cody faced him, his eyes glowing again. "I am Ryan's older brother Cody. You are pleased I am here with him. Nobody is to hinder my remaining at his side, not matter what time of day. You will ask no further questions about me. Should anyone inquire about Ryan's blood, you will inform me immediately."

The doctor nodded. "Yes."

"Now, I release you." Cody passed his hand in front of the doctor.

The man inhaled and looked around, first at the monitors, and then at Cody. "Oh good, you are still here."

"I want to stay with him."

"I think that would be a good idea. I feel that the presence of family often speeds the healing process."

"Thank you. Will it be a problem if I stay all day and night?"

"No, I'll alert the staff that I'm making an exception to the rules. It will be fine." He reached down and placed his stethoscope on Ryan's chest. "He's actually doing quite well."

"I'm glad." Cody kept his eyes on the doctor. "When will he regain consciousness?"

"Probably in a few days. I'll stop the sedation then and see how he responds."

"Let me know if I can help in any way."

A nurse entered the room and looked first at Cody and then the doctor. "I need to check his bandages."

The doctor nodded. "I need to get on with my rounds. This is the boy's older brother, Cody. I know it isn't usual procedure but I told him he could stay here as long as he wants."

"Oh, I see." The nurse faced Cody. "Would you like me to find a cot?"

"No thank you. I'll be fine." Cody held her gaze.

She shrugged and began to check the monitors and jot down notes. When she finished that, she began to change Ryan's dressings.

The doctor left the room and Cody watched the nurse work. Eventually, she also left.

That process repeated itself throughout the night and the next two days. Nurses, for there were several, would come and go, checking on Ryan and changing his dressings as needed. On the third day, the doctor returned, early in the morning.

"Good morning Cody, did you sleep well?" He placed his scope on Ryan's chest and listened.

"I did, thank you." He lied, as he hadn't slept at all.

"Well, what say we get this tube out of him and see if he is ready to wake up." The doctor pressed the `call' button and was soon joined by a nurse and an orderly.

Cody stayed out of the way while they worked on Ryan.

"He is breathing nicely on his own." The nurse jotted down vital signs.

"Yes he is. I think we can safely revive him. Stop the sedative and let him come around at his own pace." The doctor faced the nurse. "I'll be back in a while to see if he is awake." He left the room.

The nurse busied herself with the various bags of saline and other chemicals, hanging above the bed. She stopped the flow of a small greenish bag and disconnected it. "You'll be happy to know you are going to have company soon."

"Excuse me?" Cody's pulse jumped.

"I spoke with your father today and he and his wife will be here this afternoon."

"What?" Cody stood.

"Yes, he sounded very concerned about your brother. I told him you were here but he seemed confused."

"How so?" Cody's eyes began to glow.

"He said he was very anxious to meet you but that you aren't ..." She faced Cody and her face lost all expression.

"I've been away for several years. He and I were not on good terms when I left. We have some catching up to do. There is nothing strange about our relationship." His eyes ceased glowing.

"Yes, you will have a nice reunion, I'm sure." She looked at the chart on the foot of the bed. "Well, let's give him a while for the sedative to wear off. I'll stop back in a bit." She left the room.

Cody stepped up to the bed and placed his hand on Ryan's forehead. The boy was cool to the touch. He bent down and gently kissed him on the mouth. "Your father and stepmother are coming. This should be interesting."

He returned to his seat and tried to recall if Ryan had ever mentioned telling his father he was gay and Cody was his boyfriend. For that matter, what would his father tell the hospital staff when he met Cody? He wasn't Ryan's brother and his father knew that.

Cody could try to charm him but it was more difficult when family was involved. The parental relationship could often overcome an attempt to charm, especially when emotions were elevated.

Two hours passed and then, to Cody's delight, Ryan began to stir. The process was slow, taking another hour, but eventually the boy opened his eyes.

Cody stood next to him and looked down, into his eyes. "Good morning sleepyhead." He smiled.

"What time is it?" Ryan tried to lift his arm but the IV and bandages restrained him.

"No! Don't try to move. Not yet." Cody gently placed his hand on Ryan's arm.

"Where am I?" Ryan closed his eyes.

"You are in a hospital. You were in a car accident."

"Oh. I don't remember anything about that. How long have I been here?"

"A few days."

"Have you been here the entire time?" Ryan slowly opened his eyes and turned his head to face Cody.


"You look like shit." Ryan smiled and closed his eyes.

"Speak for yourself. I'm not the one in the hospital bed."

"Have you slept?"

"What do you think?"

"Yeah, stupid question." Ryan was quiet for a few minutes. "Where is Trevor?"

Cody was silent for a while.

"Cody?" Ryan opened his eyes.

"He's in a different hospital; something about his medical insurance. Last time I checked he was doing fine."

"Oh...that's good. For a minute I was worried." He sighed deeply.

"Don't be. You are going to be fine...both of you..."

"Uh huh..." Ryan sighed and closed his eyes. "I'm hungry."

"The nurse should be back in a while. Do you want me to go find her now?"

"No. Don't leave me!" He sounded panicked.

"Never." Cody smiled and placed his hand on Ryan's forehead. "We're going to have company in a while."

"Oh yeah? Anyone I know?" He opened his eyes.

"Yes. Your father and stepmother are coming."

The heart monitor on the wall began to beep more quickly.


"Yeah, this should be fun."

"Oh shit."

"Too funny...that's exactly what I thought." Cody smiled.

"Let's pretend you're a friend from school."

"Ah, so I take it they don't know I'm your boyfriend."

"No. I'm sorry, I never got the nerve to tell him...or Alice."

"Don't sweat it, but there may be a complication."

"What's that?"

"I charmed a few of the hospital staff and told them I'm your older brother."

Ryan smiled. "I like that. You would have made a great older brother. A lot older..." He tried to laugh but ended up coughing.

"Hey, lay still ok?"

"Don't sweat it. Just tell them you had to say that to get the staff to let you stay here."

"That makes sense but won't they wonder why I stayed for the entire time?"

"Maybe. I don't really care what they think. I am with you and we are lovers. I'll tell them eventually."

"Only if you want to."

"I do." He closed his eyes.

Shortly, the nurse returned. "Oh good, you're awake." She smiled and examined the monitors.

Ryan nodded. "I'm hungry."

"Well let me see if I can get you something to eat." She looked at Cody and furrowed her brow. "Are you hungry? I don't think I've seen you eat or drink, come to think of it."

Cody shrugged. "I'm fine. I am quite the vending machine junky."

"You should eat something more nutritious. I'll be right back with something light for you both." She left and pulled the curtain closed.

Ryan adjusted himself in bed, trying to sit up a little. "She's right. You should eat something." He looked concerned and struggled in bed.

Cody stepped up to the bed and gently placed his hand on Ryan's crotch. "When you are feeling stronger, I intend to feed. Until then, I'll be fine."

Ryan faced Cody and began to cry.

"What's wrong?" Cody pulled his hand off Ryan's crotch.

"I...can't feel anything below my waist."

Cody nodded. "I know. You are paralyzed, or at least I assume so."

Ryan began to slap his thighs. "How can you be so calm about this!"

"Hey stop that!" Cody took his hands and held them, the monitors on the wall beginning to beep wildly.

"I can't take this! I don't want to live this way." He struggled against Cody's grasp but was too weak.

" isn't permanent."

"What? How is that possible?"

"If I let go of you will you behave like a good boy and hold still?"

Ryan nodded and forced himself to relax.

"It's true, at the moment you are paralyzed. I, however, have the power to restore your legs."


"You know how great you felt when we had sex?"


"The chemicals in my body that keep me frozen in time can heal just about any injury a mortal has."

"Just about any?"

"Well, I'm sure there are limits but I don't know what those are. Anyway, what I'm saying is, once you are strong and mostly healed, I'll do what I can to heal you fully."

Ryan nodded, a tear sliding down his cheek. "Thank you."

"I'd do anything for you." Cody placed his hand back on the boy's crotch. "And anything `to' you." He smiled.

Ryan grinned. "Don't make me laugh, I might cough myself unconscious."

The curtain slid back and a man entered the room, followed closely by a woman.

Cody didn't recognize either of them and they were not hospital staff, judging by their clothes. He quickly removed his hand from Ryan's crotch.

The man met his gaze and raised an eyebrow. "Are you Cody?"

"I am." Cody felt his pulse climbing.

"Well, although we have never met, I suppose you really must be his brother. You two seem quite close."

The woman stepped up to the bed. "Hi tiger, how are you feeling?"

Ryan faced her. "Hi Alice. I'm doing ok."

"We came as soon as we could get a flight back to the states." His father leaned over the bed and examined the bandages across Ryan's chest. "You gave us quite a scare."

Cody slowly backed away from the bed, giving them more room.

The man quickly turned his attention to Cody. "So, son, tell me about yourself. I feel like I hardly know you."

Cody crossed his arms. "No need to mock me. You know I'm not your son."

"Oh, I do indeed. The question is...who are you?"

Cody looked at Ryan and saw the boy had a pleading look on his face. He faced Ryan's father and shrugged. "I'm a student at the university. Ryan is my best friend."

"No doubt. None of my friends were ever so friendly as you two seemed, when we arrived."

"It isn't what you think." Cody frowned.


Alice interjected. "John, this is not the time."

Ryan struggled to sit up. "Dad, relax. Cody and I are just friends."

The man nodded and smiled at his son. "Oh course, just trying to get to know him better."

Cody nodded. "There isn't much to know. I'm just an average college kid, probably below average actually."

"Well, now that we are here, you can get back to your studies." He faced Cody.

"If it's all the same the same with you, I think I'll stay." Cody crossed his arms.

Alice nodded. "I think that's a good idea. Ryan obviously enjoys your company."

His father shrugged. "I guess it won't hurt, son." He smiled mockingly at Cody. "Just do me the favor of keeping your hands to yourself."

"Sure." Cody disliked Ryan's father but would behave, for the time being.

In the bed, Ryan visibly relaxed. "How long are you staying?"

"A while. We need to find a hotel." His father pulled the chair up to the bed and sat down. "How are you feeling, really?" He placed his hand on Ryan's arm.

"Pretty good actually." Ryan didn't mention he couldn't feel his legs. "I bet they'll let me go home in a few days."

"Hah, I doubt that!" His father shook his head. "But, you are in good hands here, I can see that."

"Yeah, I am." Ryan looked at Cody and smiled.

His father noticed but didn't comment. "Well, now that I've seen you are on the mend, we need to find a hotel and you need to rest, quietly." He gave Cody a knowing look. "We will get settled in and come back this afternoon."

"If you want to. Really, I'm fine."

"We want to honey. We care about you." Alice gave his hand a squeeze.

His father rose and felt Ryan's forehead. He pulled his hand away and nodded. "We'll be back in a while." He moved towards the door, Alice following. "Will we see you later Cody?" He wasn't smiling.

"Probably." Cody met his gaze.

"Well, thank you for being such a good friend to my son." He waved at Ryan and they left the room.

Ryan stuck his tongue out as they left the room. He faced Cody and spoke quietly. "I really don't like him."

Cody nodded. "I never would have guessed."

"He doesn't like you." Ryan looked embarrassed.

"It doesn't matter." Cody shrugged. "I like you and that's all that's important." He gently placed his hand on the boy's crotch again. "See? Best friends take care of each other."

Ryan smiled sadly. "Don't take this the wrong way but don't touch me there ok?"

Cody pulled his hand away. "Oh, I'm sorry. Your father got you upset?"

"No, I can't feel anything down there and as much as I want you to hold my crotch...not if I can't feel it."

"Oh, gotcha. Well, later you can hold my dick, ok?" Cody smiled and gave him a quick kiss on the mouth. "I'll be right back." He moved towards the door.

"Where are you going?" Ryan sounded panicked.

"I need to talk to your dad and Alice."

"No Cody, don't bother with them. I don't care what they think about us."

"Well I do. Your dad might make trouble if I'm always here when he visits. Just give me a minute."

"Don't tell them about us." Ryan pleaded.

"I won't. It's none of their business." He smiled and hurried after Ryan's parents.

Cody caught up to them in the parking lot outside the emergency room. "Hey, wait up a minute."

His father turned and crossed his arms? "Yes?"

"I don't want us to get off on the wrong foot. Can we talk a moment?"

Alice nodded. "Of course."

His father nodded. "What's on your mind, son?"

"I told the hospital staff that I'm Ryan's older brother or they wouldn't have let me stay with him."

"Well, that makes sense." His father nodded. "But why have you stayed with him the entire time? That's a bit more than college buddies usually do for each other."

Cody poured on his charm and looked as pathetic as he could. "I don't have any family of my own and Ryan has been a great friend since we met. I wasn't going to stay at school but he convinced me I could do it. Ryan helps me with my studies and has kept me from flunking out. He's practically my little brother." He held his breath.

Alice was obviously the more gullible of the two. She reached out and hugged Cody tightly. "Oh you poor dear. All alone at this age. I'm glad you two are friends."

Ryan's father seemed to soften too. "Well, I apologize if I gave you the impression I didn't want you around my son. It seems I misjudged you."

"Well, we were horsing around a bit when you walked in."

"Um...yes, you were acting a bit overly friendly."

"I was teasing him that he'll be back to chasing the girls sooner than he thinks."

"I have no doubt of that." Ryan's father smiled. "Just like his old man."

"John!" Alice slapped him gently on the shoulder. "You'd better not be doing that!"

"Anyway, it isn't what you think." Cody shrugged. "He really is my best friend, that's all."

"I see that now. Please, don't leave because of me. Ryan needs you close, I can tell."

"Ok, I'll stay a little longer." Cody had no intention of leaving but having them on his side was important.

Ryan's father extended his hand. "Thank you...son." He smiled.

Cody shook his hand and returned the smile. "Aw shucks dad, he's my little brother, after all."

They all laughed and Ryan's parents said goodbye and climbed into their rental car.

Cody watched them drive away and hurried back to Ryan's room.

"And?" Ryan was obviously anxious to hear what happened.

Cody shrugged. "I told them the truth. I confessed that as often as we can, I bend you over the bed and bury my dick in your ass. Really, they took it quite well."

Ryan's mouth fell open and he stared at Cody. On the wall, the monitor charting his pulse began to beep quicker.

Cody looked at the machine and quickly waved his hands. "Ok...I'm kidding! I made up some shit about my dropping out of school and not having a family. I said you are helping me pass my classes."

Ryan closed his eyes and lay back in the bed. "I am going to kick the living shit out of you, once I'm better. Don't EVER do that to me again."

Cody pulled the chair up next to the bed and took Ryan's hand. "Tell me truth. For a were relieved when you thought they knew the truth about us."

"No, I wasn't. You don't know my father. He would freak out if he knew I was gay. He thinks I'm a lady's man like he was in college."

"I see your point. But, maybe if you tell him you are a vampire's `sex toy'...that would be different?" Cody grinned.

"You are damn lucky I can't move my legs." Ryan smiled. "Now, kiss me before the nurse returns."

Cody stood and kissed Ryan passionately for a few seconds. When he pulled back, he had to adjust himself. His pants were tenting out in front.

Ryan noticed Cody's erection and pointed. "Need me to call the doctor? Maybe he can give you a shot for that."

"What I need is my boy back to full health. I have a powerful need to breed you." Cody groped himself.

On the wall, the heart monitor beeped quickly.

"Stop it, you are going to give me a heart attack." Ryan closed his eyes.

In a moment, the nurse returned. "Well, how are your folks taking all this?" She looked from Cody to Ryan. She had a tray with an assortment of Jell-O and fruit juice for them.

"Fine." They both answered at the same time.

"Good. I don't mind if Cody remains, but no more visitors for a while. You need to get some rest young man." She pointed sternly at Ryan. "And eat something."

Ryan looked at Cody and gave him a seductive look. "I am hungry."

The nurse didn't notice their sexual glances. "Good. I'll bring you something more substantial this afternoon. Now, try to rest, if you can."

"Yes ma'am." Ryan nodded obediently.

They nurse left the room, pulling the door closed behind her.

Ryan looked at the `food' and grimaced. "I think this might kill me."

Cody sighed and smiled happily at Ryan.

"What gives? You're all dreamy-eyed this morning." Ryan stuck a spoon into the Jell-O and let it wobble back and forth.

"I thought I had lost you, and am overjoyed to see you recovering."

"You want to have sex with me, that's all. Admit it." Ryan smiled and took a bite of the bland food.

"I can't imagine any gay guy NOT wanting to have sex with you, hell, probably some straight ones too."

Ryan smiled and waved his hand. "Go on. Tell me more."

Cody took the boy's hand and squeezed it. "You know what I mean."

Ryan set the empty dish on the tray and nodded. "I do. I feel the same about you."

For a moment, they stared at each other in silence. The heart monitor on the wall began to beep quicker.

Cody looked at the machine and grinned. "What's on your mind?"

Ryan blushed and turned his head to the side, avoiding Cody's gaze. "That is so unfair!"

Cody sat on the edge of the bed and bent forward, both hands on either side of Ryan's shoulders. "How can I help you?"

"Kiss me." Ryan faced him and grinned.

Cody leaned forward and kissed him passionately on the mouth. He gently tugged on Ryan's lower lip with his teeth, and then pulled back.

"You hungry?" Ryan ran his tongue over his lip but didn't taste any blood.

"Yeah, a little."

"Well...we're in a hospital. I suspect there's some blood around here if you ask nicely." He smiled.

"No, that won't work. The blood on storage around here is stale. I need live blood, or better." He looked down at the boy's groin.

"You know I'd let you suck me in an instant...but I can't feel anything. I doubt I'd get hard."

"I know sweetie. It's no big deal. You'll be out of here in a week or so and I'll feed then. I'll be fine."

"A week or so? Can you go that long without food?" Ryan sat up.

"I have before. Besides, if I get desperate, I'll just grab that cute orderly who has been changing your bed sheets while you were asleep. He keeps looking at me out of the corner of his eye when he's in here." Cody grinned.

"Like hell you will! You remember your promise!" The heart monitor beeped loudly.

Cody looked at the wall and then shook his head. "Jealous much?" He faced Ryan.

"You know damn well I am. Feed on anyone else and I'll beat your ass." He glared.

"I only have taste buds for you." He kissed Ryan again. "Now, what do you want to do today?"

"Well, I doubt they'll let me go jogging just yet."

"Do you want me to push you around in a wheelchair?"

"Absolutely not!"

"Well, they probably won't let you out of bed anyway."

"Let's just talk about happy things." Ryan smiled.

"Mmmm...teenage boys in sweaty vinyl exercise suits." Cody gave Ryan an impish stare.

"You are incorrigible." The boy laughed.

They spent the rest of the morning and early afternoon chatting about everything they could think of, to pass the time. Around three o'clock, Ryan's parents returned and the nurse brought extra chairs.

"You seem to be recovering nicely." His father nodded approvingly.

"Yeah, I feel better all the time." Ryan smiled.

"Cody, dear, will you join us for dinner?" Alice inquired.

"Oh, thanks but I'm all full of wonderful hospital food." Cody lied.

"Well, if you change your mind let us know. Maybe tomorrow night." She smiled happily.

"Yeah, maybe."

They all talked for a few hours, mostly about Ryan's classes, and around dinnertime, John and Alice left for the day, promising to return the next morning.

Cody again saw them out to their car and said goodnight, telling them he was headed back to his apartment and would see them tomorrow. He watched them leave and then returned to Ryan's side.

"Are they gone?" Ryan sat up in bed.

"Yeah, just." Cody took his seat in the chair next to the bed and held Ryan's hand.

"So how long before I'm strong enough for you to heal me?" Ryan looked worried.

"I'm not sure. A few more days I think."

"God...I can't stand it here. I want to talk to Trevor and I want to go home."

Cody knew that eventually he would have to tell Ryan the truth about their friend, but not yet. He switched the subject away from Trevor.

"You know, your Jeep was totaled. You're going to need something new to chauffer me around in." Cody smiled.

"Oh yeah! I hadn't thought of that. I could always get another Jeep." Ryan shrugged.

"No, get something different."

"How about a truck? I've always wanted a big 4x4."

"How about a Corvette." Cody challenged.

"Wow... I doubt my father would let me get one of those, but then, after this accident, he might get me anything I ask for. I'll think on it. Then again, it would be a tight fit for all three of us to ride in at the same time. Trevor would have to ride on your lap. And I know how much you'd hate that." Ryan laughed and for the first time, didn't cough.

"Yeah, need to have more room than a Corvette I guess." Cody smiled weakly.

They spent the rest of the evening talking about Ryan's new classes and the likelihood that the next semester was a complete washout at this point.

It grew dark outside and the hospital staff began to head home, except those on night duty. Around nine, Ryan fell asleep while Cody was talking about Germany and the mountains.

"Sleep then." Cody smiled and kissed Ryan gently on the forehead.

He sat back in his chair and watched the gentle rise and fall of the teen's chest. As he relaxed, he felt a presence approaching – another vampire was near.

Cody quickly stood and placed himself between Ryan and the hospital door. A shadow passed by the window in the door and the handle turned.

The door opened and Naderi stepped quietly into the room, followed by the ever-present Shota.

Cody quickly walked towards them, his finger on his lips. "Go away, he's resting."

The two made their way to the chairs by the bed and sat down. Cody sighed and closed the door. "Or we can talk now..."

Naderi kept her voice quiet and motioned to the other chair. "Sit."

Cody obediently sat and folded his arms across his chest. "Why are you here?"

"He isn't very polite." Shota smiled at Naderi.

"No, he really isn't." She faced Cody. "So, how is he doing?"

"He's doing better each day."

"It's a wonder he survived the accident." Naderi gave Cody a knowing smirk.

"You know we've been having sex. The latest was a day before the accident."

"Yes, that would explain his stamina and recuperative abilities." She agreed.

"So when do you take him home? And when can he play?" Shota drummed his fingers together.

"Soon...and never with you, in that order." Cody glared.

"Oh don't be like that." Shota frowned.

"Why are you here?" Cody faced Naderi.

"We came to check on your human, and to talk to you about his future."

"His future is with me and I'll worry about that. You don't need to remain."

"I fully agree his future is with you and that is WHY I am going to worry about it." She held his gaze. "I've given this quite a bit of thought and it is my request that you change him and take him as your mate."

"I'm not going to have this conversation with you, not now. I told you before it's HIS decision, not mine and certainly not anyone else's."

She rose. "Your continued declaration that he is your equal insults me. We will leave now. Give what I said some serious thought. Perhaps his surviving the accident is a sign that you two are destined to be together. If you want that to happen, you need to make him one of us."

Shota raised his hand. "I volunteer to help with the changing. Your blood, my dick in his ass."

"If I do change him, you will be the last person I'll ask for help. Now go!" He pointed the door and then faced Naderi. "Please."

"Ah, he has found his manners again." She walked past him and opened the door.

They left the room and closed the door on the way out.

Cody flopped down in the chair and sighed. "Bloody hell."

"Don't be upset, they aren't worth it." Ryan spoke softly from the bed.

Cody rose and walked over to him, taking his hand. "I'm sorry, I thought you were asleep."

"Who could sleep with you three bickering." He grinned. "So she wants you to change me huh?"

"She does, but it needs to be your choice, not hers. In this matter, I will fight her all the way, if I have to. I won't have you forced into something like that."

For a while, Ryan was silent, thoughtful. Cody watched him quietly, knowing the boy had a lot on his mind. In his heart, Cody knew there was nothing he wanted more than Ryan at his side, through the ages. He tried to not let that desire show. He really did want it to be Ryan's decision. He knew firsthand how the boy's life would change and those changes were sometimes difficult to cope with.

"So, what do 'you' want?" Ryan quietly asked.

"Nothing right now, I'm good. I'll probably leave in a few days to feed, but just for a while. I'll come back as soon as I can."

Ryan stared at him. "That isn't what I'm asking and I think you know it."

Cody faced him. "I know, just trying steer the conversation in a different direction." He smiled weakly.

"That's no way to deal with this." Ryan sighed. "Sooner or later I suppose I need to choose."

Cody nodded. "I guess so, but it can be later." His heart was racing and he felt the blood pumping in his neck. He was afraid of what the answer might be and he was not prepared to lose Ryan to the ravages of time.

"Not too much later. Like Naderi said, I'm not getting any younger. I don't want to grow old and watch you lose interest in me."

Cody shook his head. "Do you really believe I'm that shallow? I love you Ryan and I always will."

"You say that now but think when I'm old and shriveled up, unable to get an erection." He laughed.

"There's always Viagra." Cody shrugged.

They both laughed quietly but the seriousness of Ryan's comment was not lost on either. For some time they were both quiet, thoughtful.

Around eleven o'clock, the night nurse came in and checked Ryan's vital signs and dressings. She adjusted his bed and noted some elevated readings on the heart monitor. Satisfied he was doing well, she bid them goodnight and reminded them to press the call button if they needed anything during the night.

She left the room, closing the door behind her, plunging the room back into silence.

Ryan lay back in the bed and closed his eyes. His breathing slowed and the heart monitor settled into a relaxed and rhythmic beeping.

Cody also closed his eyes, trying to relax while the boy slept. An hour passed, and then another.

"Cody?" Ryan called to him quietly.

"Yeah?" Cody sat up and put his hand on the corner of the bed, careful not to touch the boy's unfeeling legs.

"I can't sleep."

"What's wrong? Are you in discomfort?" Cody rose and stood by the bed.

"No, it's just...we need to finish talking about our future." His voice trailed off.

"Are you sure? Maybe you should rest more. We can talk later."

"No, I've given this a lot of thought, and not just recently. I've wondered about my future since you came to live with me."

"Oh, I didn't know you were that worried about it." Cody felt his pulse climbing again.

"I wouldn't say worried but when two people are in love they want to live their entire lives together. For us, that's not very long, well... for me anyway."

" what are your thoughts?"

"You know what I'm afraid of." He closed his eyes.

"Then you want me to change you so we are together forever?"

Ryan didn't answer. He lay quietly for some time, occasionally sniffing and wiping his eyes.

Cody felt his own eyes beginning to water, mostly because he couldn't stand seeing Ryan in pain.

"Cody...?" Ryan whispered.

"Yeah?" Cody rose and stood by the side of the bed.

"I...don't want..." Ryan paused and wiped his eyes.

Cody sank to his knees and laid his head on the bed. "It's ok...I understand." He began to cry quietly.

For a moment, they both sobbed quietly. Then, Ryan cleared his throat.

"Don't interrupt me..."

Cody looked up, his eyes red. "Sorry."

"I wasn't finished." Ryan wiped his eyes. "I've given this a lot of thought and I know the consequences of my decision."

Cody merely nodded.

"We will be together for as long as we can..." His voice trailed off.

"I know." Cody felt tears streaming down his cheeks.

"And, if some day you tire of me, hopefully we part as friends, each going our separate way."

"I will never tire of you!" Cody grasped Ryan's hand tightly.

"Never is a long time, especially if we live forever." Ryan cautioned him.

"What?" Cody didn't understand.

" a really long time." Ryan was thoughtful. "I think that's from a song but I don't remember which one."

"What are you talking about?" Cody stood.

"I started to say, before you began balling like a baby, that I don't want..." He paused.

Cody nodded silently.

" grow old and die, losing you along the way."

Cody was quiet, staring down at Ryan.

"Hello? Is Cody in there?"

" mean..."

"You really can be dense sometimes." He smiled. "I'm asking you to change me. I want to spend eternity with you. have to promise we'll have sex every day." He grinned.

Cody sank to his knees and closed his eyes.

"Isn't this what you want?" Ryan's smile faded. "I'm really frightened about it, you should know."

Cody looked up, into Ryan's eyes. "I would have killed myself when you eventually died."

"Well, now you don't have to." Ryan brightened. "So when do you want to do it?"

Cody sighed and smiled. "May I?" He pointed to the bed, next to Ryan.

"Please." Ryan tried to scoot over but failed. "Oh, I forgot." He frowned.

"There's room." Cody spooned in next to him, careful of his wounds.

They were so close mere inches separated their faces.

"The moment I think you are strong enough, I want to do it." Cody whispered.

"You want me to be a teenage boy for the rest of time, don't deny it." Ryan playfully licked Cody's nose.

"I do but I also want you to be happy with yourself so if you want to wait until you're older, we'll wait."

"Nah, I want to be like this forever. Eighteen going on two thousand...I like how that sounds."

They both smiled and Cody pressed his forehead to Ryan's. "Thank you so much; I can't tell you how happy this makes me."

"Hey, I should be thanking you! I get to live forever."

"With me." Cody cautioned. "No fair running off with another guy."

"I won't." Ryan was serious. "I've never felt as certain of anything as I do that we belong together."

"I feel the same." Cody nodded.

"So, can we do it now?"

"No, not yet. I need to heal you first. When you are back to full health and the way you want to be, I'll do it."

" next week?" He smiled.

"Maybe." Cody carefully climbed off the bed and stood. "I need to talk to Naderi. We have some planning to do."

"Really? Is it that involved?"

"I want to get you out of here and somewhere safe. You can't undergo the change in this place and you need to heal."

"Is there someplace safer than a hospital for someone who needs healing?" Ryan raised an eyebrow.

"This place isn't safe for me. The results from your blood work should be done by now. Things could get interesting very quickly."

"Oh yeah, I'd forgotten about that."

"Kyle is keeping his ears open but that isn't foolproof."

"So let's go tomorrow."

"I doubt they will let you leave that soon. You need to show more progress."

"Ah yes. They want me healed before letting me go."

"I would think so. Plus, your parents are still around. We would have to tell them where we are going."

"Well, seeing as I will be leaving them behind soon or later, why not make it sooner." He smiled.

"They would look for you."

"I suppose they would..." Ryan frowned.

"Why don't we try healing you first. If you make progress, the doctors will let you go. After that, maybe your folks will go home."

"The sooner the better."

Cody was silent for a moment. "So do you feel up to a little blood?"

"Yeah." Ryan began to grin.

"I want to heal your legs."

"Yes please!" Ryan nodded happily.

"Ok, let's take this VERY slowly. I don't know if you are strong enough yet and I don't want to do more harm than good."

"I'm ready." Ryan took a deep breath and let it out.

Cody rolled up his sleeve, exposing his right wrist. Gently, he sat on the bed, next to Ryan. With his left hand, he extended a fingernail on his index finger and slowly pushed it into his right wrist.

"Does that hurt?" Ryan grimaced.

"No, not really. Open wide." Cody held his wrist over Ryan's mouth.

Ryan parted his lips and Cody gently placed his dripping wrist over the boy's mouth.

"Drink, but slowly...very slowly. I don't want your body to have too much of a shock when this enters your system."

Ryan nodded and began to gently suck on Cody's wrist. "Mmm..."

"Take it easy..." Cody cautioned. "I'm serious!"

The heart monitor on the wall began to beep faster. Ryan continued to suck gently on Cody's wrist.

"Slow down. If you set off the alarm on that monitor we're going to have company!"

Ryan released Cody's wrist and licked his lips. He tensed a little and nodded. "It feels ok."

The monitor on the wall reached its highest level and began to drop.

"Can we continue?" Ryan smiled.

"Do you feel alright? I don't want you to stress yourself."

"Yeah, I feel great."

"Ok, just a little more." Cody reopened the cut on his wrist and Ryan hungrily pulled it back to his lips. For nearly two minutes, he gently sucked, then released Cody's arm.

"There, I think that's enough." Ryan sat back in bed and licked his lips. "It doesn't hurt, but I can feel it moving through me. My body feels like I have a fever."

"That's because your blood is fighting my blood."

"Will your blood win?" Ryan grinned.

"No, you have much more of your own than mine. When we change you, I'll bleed you first, and then you get to drink a lot more of my blood."

"Oh goody. I can't wait." He laughed and folded his arms across his stomach."

"You're silly." Cody smiled. "Hold still." He leaned forward and licked the blood off Ryan's face, around his mouth, then sat back up.

"Thanks, don't want to look a mess when the nurse returns."

"No, that would definitely be a bad thing." Cody looked at the clock on the wall.

"What is it?" Ryan also looked at the clock.

"Will you be ok if I go away for a few minutes?"

"What?" Ryan sounded panicked. "Where are you going?"

"I need to talk to Naderi."

"Oh." Ryan visibly relaxed. "I guess so. Can't you call her from here?"

"I don't want to use this phone. You never know who else may be listening."

"Good point."

"Although...I could use Kyle's phone."

Ryan grinned. "As long as you behave yourself."

"I swear it." Cody raised his hand. "Though, I am hungry."

"Yeah, I'm sorry about that. I shouldn't be such a baby about your feeding habits."

"I completely understand. Besides, it's flattering that you are so jealous."

Ryan smiled. "I do jealousy pretty well don't I?"

"You excel at it."

"So go call Kyle already."

"Alright. I'll use a phone up front. Be right back."

Cody rose and left the room. He made his way back to the ER waiting room and called the number on the back of the business card Kyle had given him. A sleepy voice on the other end answered.


"Hey, it's me."

"Hi, what's up?"

"I want to talk. Can you come over?"

"Are you still..."

Cody cut him off. "I'm still here, yes. I don't know if this is a private line."

"Oh, gotcha. Ok, I'll be over in a bit."

"Thanks." Cody hung up the phone, wanting to keep the conversation as brief as possible. He returned to Ryan's room and explained that Kyle would be stopping by, but not sure how soon.

"If you want to go to sleep I'll meet him outside." Cody ran his hand gently up and down Ryan's chest.

"Nah, I'm wide awake now."

"Do you feel any different?"

"Not really. I still can't feel my legs." Ryan frowned.

"That will take some time. For now I'm just looking for signs that your incisions are closing and your general aches are going away."

"Oh. Well I do feel them itching a bit. I think that means they are healing."

"Good. In the morning, we'll try again with more blood. We have to be careful that nobody catches us. That would be bad."

"Agreed." Ryan lay back on the bed and closed his eyes. "Maybe we'll have enough privacy tomorrow night for me to drink a lot more."

"Maybe. I don't have an endless supply." Cody smiled.

"You need to feed." Ryan opened his eyes.

"I can wait."

"Don't get sick or something because of me." He closed his eyes again.

"Don't worry about it." Cody shook his head.

They were quiet for some time. Ryan fell asleep and Cody relaxed, as best he could. Knowing Kyle was going to be arriving sometime soon made his pulse race. He wasn't as attracted to him as he was Ryan, but knowing what they had already done together made his stomach rumble with anticipation.

It was three in the morning when someone knocked softly on the door. Cody rose and opened it.

"Hey." Kyle smiled and stepped quietly into the room.

"Hey yourself." Cody hugged him. "Thanks for coming."

"How is he doing?"

"Better. I think he'll be able to leave in a few days, as long as the staff lets him go."

"That's great. I'd assumed it would take a lot longer."

"He was eager to begin healing so...I let him drink my blood."

"Oh, glad that's working."

Cody nodded. "Do you have your phone with you?"

"Yes." Kyle removed his phone.

"May I borrow it? I need to make a call." Cody held out his hand.

Kyle passed him the cell. "Sure. Just don't call anyone on the other side of the world. I'm a poor public servant remember." He smiled

Cody opened the flip phone and dialed a number. The other end of the call connected.

"Yes?" A woman's soft voice answered the phone.

"Hi, it's me." Cody's voice was calm.


"I need your help."

"I recall you recently told me to leave, rather rudely."

"I'm sorry... I need you after all it seems. I want to"

"I see."

There was a long moment of silence. "Well? Will you help me?"

Another long minute of silence passed before she answered him. "Yes."

The line went quiet.

Cody handed the phone back to Kyle. "Thank you."

"Who was that?" Kyle put the cell back into his jacket.

"Her name is Naderi. You met her the other night, when you drove me here."

"Oh, wonderful. She's creepy as hell you know."

"She's a lot worse than that, but she can help."

"Do you want me to stay here?"

"Do you mind?" Cody looked hopeful. "I like having you around."

"Sure, I'll stay." Kyle smiled. "Just don't let that woman eat me, ok?"

Cody smiled. "I'll do my best."

In the bed, Ryan stirred. He opened his eyes and recognized Kyle. "Hi."

"Hey Ryan. I'm glad you are feeling better. Is there anything I can get you?"

"No I'm good. If, however, you want to help..." Ryan sat up in bed.

Cody stepped up next to the bed. "What's wrong? I'll get you anything you need."

Ryan faced Kyle. "I don't really know you, so this is kind of awkward...but...will you help Cody?"

Kyle faced Cody. "Help you with what?"

Cody shrugged. "I have no idea."

"He hasn't eaten anything in days. He won't admit it but he's really hungry." Ryan folded his arms.

"Ah, and you want him to eat me." Kyle laughed.

"If you don't mind. I know he won't ask you himself. I made him promise to not feed on anyone else but me."

"I'd be happy to help in any way I can."

Cody faced the bed. "Ryan, I promised."

"I know. And, as the person who asked you to promise, I reserve the right to change the arrangement whenever I want." He tried his best to look serious.

"Oh I see. So you can turn your requests on and off, as you wish." Cody laughed.

"I'm glad you understand." Ryan smiled. "Now, if Kyle is willing, feed damn it! I need you strong so I can heal quickly and get the hell out of here!"

Cody faced Kyle. "Do you mind?"

"Depends. Are you going to bite my neck or suck..." he blushed, "well, you know."

"I don't know." Cody faced Ryan. "Which do you want me to do?"

"Do what you need to do. I'll just watch." He folded his hands behind his head and lay back in the bed.

Kyle faced Cody. "You mean right here? I thought maybe we'd go in the bathroom."

"Oh no, if Cody is going to be with another guy, I'm going to be in the same room. You know, to keep him in line." Ryan grinned.

Cody stepped up to Kyle and put his hands on the young officer's chest. "I'd like to suck you, if you don't mind."

Kyle looked quickly at Ryan and the boy nodded his approval. "Um, sure." Kyle agreed.

"Sit." Cody pointed to the chair closest to the bed.

"No." Ryan clarified. "Sit next to me on the bed."

Kyle nodded and gently sat on the side of the bed, next to Ryan.

"Pants off please." Cody's eyes began to glow faintly.

"See that?" Ryan pointed to Cody's eyes. "He's really hungry."

"Quiet you." Cody smiled and dropped to his knees, between Kyle's legs.

Kyle removed his pants and boxers and slid them down to his ankles. "No biting."

Cody looked up at him and grinned wickedly. "I make no promises." He lowered his head onto Kyle's semi-hard dick and sucked it into his mouth in one fluid motion.

"Wow!" Kyle leaned back, resting his hands on the bed. "That" He closed his eyes and smiled happily, as Cody deep throated him. The smell of soap and Kyle's own musk filled his nostrils.

"I miss that." Ryan sat up closer to Kyle and watched Cody work.

"You should go next..." Kyle replied dreamily.

"No, not now. I can't feel my legs." Ryan spoke softly.

"I'm sorry. Maybe in a few days...once he...heals you." Kyle's breathing became labored.

"Thank you for helping him." Ryan placed his hand on top of Kyle's and gave it a gentle squeeze. "This means a lot to both of us."

Kyle nodded, his eyes closing. "I know. I'm happy to be able to help you, both of you." He tensed and arched his back, squinting his eyes tightly. "Oh god..."

Cody sucked strongly for a few seconds and then sat back on his heels, a small string of Kyle's semen hanging off his lower lip. "Thanks, that hit the spot." He stood and cracked his back.

"Come her a second." Ryan beckoned Cody closer.

"What's up?" Cody leaned forward.

Ryan licked Cody's chin and lower lip, then looked sideways at Kyle. "Don't want him giving away what just happened."

Kyle smiled, surprised the teen had just eaten a bit of his cum. "Wow, we're like one happy family now."

Cody reached a finger up and felt his chin and lip. "What?"

"He just cleaned you off. You had a bit of ...'me' on your lip." Kyle smiled.

"Oh!" Cody looked at Ryan and smiled, a surprised look on his face. "Thanks."

"I might as well get used to it." Ryan shrugged. "Who knows, maybe he'll become a regular on the menu." He squeezed Kyle's hand tightly.

"Not sure I follow you." Kyle squeezed Ryan's hand in return.

"Cody is going to change me, make me like him." Ryan couldn't conceal his happiness.

"Oh yeah?"

"And..." Cody began to stroke Kyle's flaccid penis, causing it to stir, "as a new vampire, he will need to feed often."

"Meaning?" Kyle grinned.

"Meaning...I hope you like company." Cody went back down on him and resumed sucking.

"I could get used to it. I might have to clean the other bedroom so you two have a place to stay when you visit." He closed his eyes and sighed, enjoying the second blowjob.

Cody pulled off momentarily. "If you mean your play room, no, keep it just the way it is. I'm sure he will enjoy it as much as I did." He resumed sucking.

"Play room?" Ryan grinned. "Do I need to know about this?"

Kyle nodded. "Hopefully in time you'll see it firsthand." He began to groan as, over the next fifteen minutes, his not-quite-ready dick was sucked to a second orgasm.

Cody stood, his eyes glowing softly, and licked his lips. Gently, he eased Kyle down on the bed, next to Ryan, and began kissing him passionately.

"Hey now, this is not part of the deal." Ryan laughed, enjoying the scene next to him.

"May I bite you?" Cody asked Kyle softly.

"Uh huh..." Kyle answered dreamily, enjoying the post-orgasm high he was feeling.

Cody met Ryan's gaze and smiled, his fangs descending. He began licking Kyle's neck and gently sank his teeth into him.

"Ahhh..." Kyle groaned but not from discomfort.

Ryan watched, the heart monitor on the wall counting higher and beeping more frequently. "Feels nice doesn't it?"

"Mmm...yeah..." Kyle reached out and grabbed the teen's hand, squeezing it tightly. "You're lucky."

"I think so too." Ryan nodded.

Cody sucked for a few more seconds and then, suddenly, pulled away and spun around, facing the door. "Someone is coming." Blood dripped off his chin.

"Maybe it's that lady you called." Kyle sat up and felt his neck. His fingers were damp with blood and he felt a small trickle running down his neck.

"No, it's a human." Cody rose and stepped to the side of the bed, behind the curtain.

Kyle quickly pulled up his pants and moved over to the chair at the foot of the bed, just as the door opened.

A nurse, one Ryan didn't recognize, entered the room and walked quickly to the bed.

"All you alright?" She quickly looked at the machines hanging on the wall, next to the bed.

"Yeah, why?" Ryan shrugged.

"Your heart monitor sounded an alarm at the desk." She checked the machine's log and confirmed it had momentarily been highly elevated. She looked at Kyle and frowned. "You are not supposed to be here, officer. Or, are you Cody?"

Kyle started to respond and Cody stepped out of the shadow of the curtain.

"No, I'm Cody." He stepped up to the nurse. To his side, Ryan was shaking his head and pointing to his own face.

"Oh my god! What happened? Let me call for help." The nurse reached for the call button on the wall, next to the bed, but Cody grabbed her arm.

"Shhhh..." He spoke gently to the woman, who crumpled to the floor.

"Whoa..." Kyle stood, a shocked look on his face. "Did you kill her?"

"No I didn't kill her!" Cody frowned. "She's just sleeping. She was freaking out for some reason."

"Um..." Ryan pointed to the mirror on the wall, next to the bed. "Better take a look."

Cody turned and sighed. "Wow, didn't think of that!" He traced his lips and chin with a finger, smearing some of Kyle's blood.

"Is this going to cause a problem?" Kyle looked worried.

Movement from the darkened doorway drew their attention. "It had better not cause problems. I recall specifically asking you to keep him out of trouble, officer." Naderi stepped out of the shadows and approached the bed.

Kyle backed up and moved to the far side of the bed. "Sorry, it all happened so quickly."

"Naderi." Cody stepped up to her. "Thank you for coming."

She spun on Cody and grabbed his shirt, pulling him close enough he could feel her breath. "Have you completely lost your mind? Bleeding someone in a public place; a hospital no less!" She released him, shoving him back a step or two. "I should never have allowed you to come here."

"I would have..." Cody began to protest.

"Be quiet!" She stepped up to the bed and looked at Ryan. "How are you feeling? Better I hope." Her voice was quiet and gentle.

"Yes ma'am." Ryan quickly nodded, knowing this woman was no one to challenge.

"Good. I understand you will soon be joining us."

"I hope so."

"Wonderful, I'll enjoy seeing you around at social events. I'm certain you will be very popular."

Cody approached the bed. "I have everything under control. There's no need to get upset."

"Do you call that under control?" She pointed to the unconscious nurse, lying on the floor near the wall.

"Oops..." Cody smiled sheepishly.

"Yes, oops." Naderi sat on the bed and sighed. "So, what is the plan?"

"Should I leave?" Kyle asked cautiously.

"Yes." Naderi nodded.

"No." Cody shook his head at the same time.

"No?" She raised an eyebrow. "Is there some value to him remaining?"

"There is to me." Cody nodded.

"And to me." Ryan agreed. "He's helping us."

"Then sit, and keep quiet." She didn't face Kyle but they all knew who she was speaking to.

Kyle quickly sat and faced Cody. His expression clearly showed how uneasy he was around Naderi.

"So, I ask again, what is the plan? Am I taking you out of here now?"

"Not yet." Ryan shook his head. "My parents are in town. Besides, I don't think the doctors would let me leave."

"Well, I wasn't planning on asking anyone. If, however, you would rather wait a while, here in the hospital, that's fine." She felt Ryan's forehead and sniffed the general air around him. "You have vampire blood in you."

"I fed him." Cody nodded. "I'm trying to heal him quickly so he can leave."

"And the blood on your face?" She frowned.

"Um...that's mine, ma'am." Kyle sheepishly raised his hand. "I was feeding Cody to keep his strength up."

"That woman saw you in your present state I assume." Naderi's frown deepened.

Cody nodded.

"Foolish, very foolish. You take too many risks." She rose from the bed. "You will not be staying."

"I don't want to leave him." Cody protested.

"You assume I care. This is my decision. If you desire my help you will do as I say."


"Tomorrow you let him have your blood once more and then you will leave."

"Once more isn't enough to heal him!" Cody shook his head.

"I know that! Let me worry about healing him. I can make it happen quicker and without incidents like this." She again pointed to the nurse on the floor.

"So what am I supposed to do?" Cody folded his arms.

"Come to my home. You will wait there until I bring Ryan home as well. Then, we will change him. After that, get as far away from here as you can. I have little doubt that trouble is on the horizon for you both."

"Can I go back to his apartment and wait?"

"No. I want you where I can keep both eyes on you."

"Fine, but if he needs me I'm coming back."

"If you return without my permission, you two are on your own, permanently. I'll personally see to it that you are offered no help from any other vampire...ever."

Cody started to say something but closed his mouth.

"Do we have an understanding?"


Naderi faced Ryan. "And you?"

"Yes." He nodded.

"Good. Now wake that human up so I can go home."

Cody knelt down and whispered to the nurse. "Awaken." He backed away.

She inhaled and stood, not appearing to see Naderi. "Oh, I must have tripped. She smoothed her uniform and faced Cody. Oh my god! You have blood all over your face!"

Cody's eyes glowed dimly and he shook his head. "You will forget that you saw me like this. You will return to your desk knowing that everything is fine in this room. The machine must have momentarily malfunctioned." He waved his hand in front of her face and she moved to the door.

Without a word, she left the room, closing the door behind her.

"Well done." Naderi smiled. "You do that better than many who are twice your age."

"I've had a lot of practice."

"Why am I not surprised? Remember, tomorrow I expect to see you at my home. Do not disappoint me." She left the room as silently as she had arrived.

They were all quiet for a few minutes, thinking about what she had said. Kyle was the first to speak.

"She got here fast." He smiled weakly.

"Yeah, I suspect she was in the area. She was probably worried I'd do something stupid." Cody sighed.

"Nice to know you didn't disappoint." Ryan smiled.

"Thanks a lot!" Cody glared. "I'm doing all this for you, ya know."

"Yeah, and I really am grateful. I didn't mean to sound insulting."

"I don't want to leave you." Cody sat on the bed. "I'm scared."

Ryan pointed. "You need to clean off your face." He laughed.

Kyle moved over and sat on the bed next to Cody. "I kind of like the look. Very Hollywood, if you ask me."

They all relaxed and Cody excused himself to go to the bathroom and wash up. When he returned, Kyle and Ryan were talking quietly. They stopped and faced Cody.

"I'll try to stop in as often as I can, while you're gone." Kyle offered.

"Thanks, I appreciate that." Cody sat in the chair. "Well, I suppose there's no reason for you to hang around. I bet you could use some more sleep. Sorry I woke you."

Kyle shrugged. "I don't mind. I really do want to help, if I can."

"Oh, you helped." Cody licked his lips. "I'm good for a few days now, not that I'll be spending them here."

"So what am I supposed to do while you're gone?" Ryan shrugged. "How do I heal?"

"Not sure. Let's see what happens tomorrow. I'll give you more of my blood in the morning and then I guess I'll go to her home. Not really sure how I'm going to get there."

"I'll pick you up. I don't have to work until tomorrow night." Kyle volunteered. "Though, when we get to her house I'm not going inside." He shivered.

Cody nodded. "Thanks. I accept your offer. I'll call you when I'm done here."

"Then..." Kyle yawned. "I'm going home to sleep a little more." He stood.

Cody stood and hugged him. "Thanks for helping us."

"Yeah thanks!" Ryan agreed. "I'd hug you too but I can't get out of bed."

Kyle faced him and smiled. "Maybe you can thank me later, when you're all better."

"I'd like that." Ryan nodded.

Cody released Kyle and stepped aside. "See you tomorrow."

Kyle nodded and left the room.

Cody sat on the bed and shook his head. "Damn it! I don't want to leave you!"

"I'll be fine. I'm in a hospital, after all." Ryan held Cody's hand. "Just as soon as they let me leave I'll come get you and we'll be together."

"Forever?" Cody smiled.

"You'll never be able to get rid of me." Ryan nodded.

"I'll never try." Cody leaned forward and kissed him.

Ryan returned the kiss passionately and reached out, grabbing Cody's groin. "When I'm better, I get this."

"Any time you want it." Cody smiled. "Now, you need to rest." He rose and made his way back to the chair at the foot of the bed.

"I'm really not very tired."

"Close your eyes and sleep will come to you. Or, if you'd like, I can put you to sleep."

"Don't you dare!" Ryan glared at him. "I'll sleep when I'm good and ready." He lay back and closed his eyes.

Cody smiled and ran his tongue around his teeth. He was well-fed and tomorrow, would give Ryan more of his blood. Then, he would leave. He didn't want to but, if that was the only way to get Naderi's help, he would. He knew that whatever she had planned for Ryan's recovery, the boy would be safe. Now that the decision had been made to change him, she was his protector too.

In the bed, Ryan's breathing soon slowed and he slept.

Cody tried to relax but could not. He counted the hours as Ryan slept. In the morning, as the sun began to rise, dim light filtered in through the curtains.

The door opened and the familiar daytime nurse entered. She nodded to Cody but didn't say anything, as Ryan was still sleeping. She took note of the monitors and jotted down some numbers on the clipboard attached to the end of the bed. She placed her finger on her lips and smiled, then left.

Another hour passed and Ryan woke. "What time is it?" He stretched.

"Time for you to have something to eat." Cody rose and sat on the edge of the bed.

"You think we can do that without getting caught?"

"Well, the nurse was in here an hour ago so we should be alone for a while. I'll keep a wet washcloth on hand so if the door opens, you can quickly wipe your face."

"Good idea."

"You ready now?"

"Sure." Ryan nodded.

"Let me get the washcloth." Cody wet to the bathroom and quickly returned with the damp cloth. "Here, you take this so I can get out of the way if the door opens. Or, rather, in the way so you have a chance to clean up."

"Ok. I'm ready." Ryan took the cloth in one hand.

Cody again cut his wrist with his fingernail and Ryan pulled it to his mouth and drank. After several minutes, he pushed Cody's wrist away and closed his eyes.

"That's all I can do. I feel funny, kind of sick to my stomach."

"Yeah, you drank quite a bit this time. It's natural to feel like you do. Remember, my blood is a foreign substance in your body and your immune system is fighting it."

Ryan closed his eyes and slowly exhaled. "There, feeling better already." He reached for the damp cloth.

"I'll do it." Cody gently wiped the boy's mouth clean of blood and rinsed the cloth in the sink. He returned to the bed and sat next to Ryan. "I should be going soon. I need to call Kyle for a ride."

Ryan opened his eyes and nodded. "I'm going to be fine. In a few days we'll be together again."

Cody placed his hand on the boy's leg and gently squeezed. "I know, but I hate being away from you."

Ryan's face lit up with a huge grin.

"I'm serious; I'm going to be worried sick." Cody frowned.

"No! I can feel you hand on my leg!" He couldn't mask his joy.

"What? Oh my god that's great!" Cody gently moved his hand up and down Ryan's leg, eventually settling onto his crotch. "And this?" He gave a playful squeeze.

" that again!" Ryan closed his eyes. "Yes...I feel that!"

Cody leaned forward and kissed him. "I think you will be joining me sooner than expected." He sat up and smiled. "I really should call Kyle. Be right back."

"I can feel my legs...I can feel my legs..." Ryan sang happily and snapped his fingers.

Cody made his way to the ER lobby to call Kyle. After a brief conversation, Kyle said he was on his way to the hospital and Cody returned to Ryan's room.

To his surprise, the doctor was present and was examining Ryan's legs with a small rubber hammer, in the shape of a triangle. He was gently tapping on the boy's knees.

"And this?" He tapped again.

"Yes!" Ryan nodded.

Cody entered and stood quietly at the foot of the bed.

The doctor faced him. "Well it seems his paralysis was only temporary. Most likely caused but swelling of a disk around the spinal cord. He is a very lucky boy."

"No doubt." Cody nodded. "I'm going to leave today but a friend may stop by periodically to sit with Ryan. Is that going to be a problem?"

"No, it should be fine. I believe your brother is out danger now. In fact, at his present rate of recovery I should think he can go home in a week, maybe less."

"Woo hoo!" Ryan cheered from the bed.

" will need to take it very easy for a few months. I don't want to see you back here, shortly after you leave." The doctor looked at Ryan over his glasses and tried to sound stern.

"Oh, don't worry. You won't be seeing me again." Ryan shook his head.

"See to it." The doctor nodded. "Now, if you boys will excuse me, I have rounds to make." He left the room, closing the door behind him.

"I got a hold of Kyle; he's on his way."

"Wow, you sure know how to kill a good mood." Ryan frowned.


"Want to see something cool?" Ryan smiled.


"Watch this." He concentrated and barely managed to move both legs side to side. "Whew...that's all I can do at the moment."

"But what a change!" Cody smiled. "You'll be up and moving around in no time."

"Thanks to you." Ryan batted his eyes.

"Well, I want you fully functional for when we are together." Cody smiled devilishly.

They talked happily about the future for a while. Ryan gave Cody permission to `play' with other vampires while he was at Naderi's, and to entertain her guests, should she request it of him. Now that they were going to be together for the rest of their days, he wasn't concerned that Cody would grow tired of him and leave him for someone else.

"Thanks, but I doubt I'll interact with anyone while I'm there."

"Still, don't hold back because of what I asked you a while ago. Things are different now." Ryan smiled happily.

"We'll see." Cody shrugged.

Eventually, Kyle knocked on the door and entered.

"How are you doing today Ryan?" He stood next to the bed.

"Watch this." Ryan concentrated and wiggled both legs.

"Wow! That's remarkable." Kyle nodded.

"He'll be out of here in no time." Cody placed his hand on Ryan's ankle. "Be good while I'm gone."

"I'm always good. You're the one who gets into trouble all the time." He happily challenged back.

"Well, not for a while. It seems I'm going to be under house arrest."

"I'll come save you just as soon as I can." Ryan nodded.

"Thanks, I'll be waiting." Cody faced Kyle. "I'm ready to go."

"Ok, car's out front. See you later Ryan. I'll stop by before work."

"Thanks. I'll probably still be laying here." Ryan laughed. "Or I might be out jogging."

"Well, I'll check here first." Kyle pulled his keys out of his pocket. "I'm ready."

Cody nodded and squeezed Ryan's hand in parting. "Be safe."

"You too." Ryan squeezed his hand back.

Cody and Kyle left the room, pulling the door closed.

In the hallway, Cody turned to Kyle. "This is killing me. Promise you will keep an eye on him?"

"I swear it." Kyle nodded.

"These next few days are going to be hell." Cody walked towards the ER door, Kyle following.

They climbed into the patrol car and Cody gave directions to Naderi's house. It took thirty minutes to get there but, soon enough, they pulled into a long, tree-lined driveway, leading to an enormous home.

Kyle whistled in appreciation. "Wow, what a place. I could handle living here."

"Careful, if she hears you there may be no going home." Cody looked serious enough that Kyle just nodded.

"If you believe Ryan is in any trouble you come get me right away. I don't care what anyone else says or does."

"I will, I promise. And don't worry; I'll look in on him as often as I can."

"Thanks, you're a good friend." Cody closed the door and waved.

Kyle waved back and pulled out of the circular driveway, back onto the main road.

Cody sighed heavily and rang the buzzer next to the door. In a moment, one of the massive doors opened and a large man stepped into the doorway.

"She is expecting you." He stepped to the side.

"I'm overjoyed..." Cody walked past the man, into the house, and into the formal sitting room.

Naderi, Shota, and two other people were engaged in casual conversation. She looked up at him and beckoned him to sit in a chair next to Shota.

"Come, join us."

"Right here sexy." Shota patted the chair next to him.

Cody frowned but did as instructed. He folded his arms and stared out the window.

"If you are going to be this sour the entire time you are away from Ryan, I will confine you to a room. I do not want you spoiling the pleasant mood in my home." Naderi cautioned.

"My room please." Shota raised his hand. "I'll keep him very busy."

"I'll bite your dick off." Cody glared.

"You tease!" Shota leaned over and put his arm around Cody. "We could be friends you know."

"Doubtful." Cody shook his arm off his shoulder.

Naderi faced the other two people seated at the table. "He has some issues with manners."

"Hi Cody, do you remember me?" A young man, appearing to be a few years older than Cody, smiled.

"I do. You're Mark." Cody nodded.

"Yup. We met at the party a while back. You were covered in blood if I recall." He grinned.

"I've tried to forget that evening." Cody looked sideways at Naderi.

"Well, seeing as you two already know each other let me introduce Samantha. She is visiting from England and will be staying for a while." Naderi pointed to the woman seated to her side. "Try to be polite please."

"It's nice to meet you." Cody extended his hand across the table.

Samantha shook his hand. "Charmed."

Naderi folded her hands on the table in front of her. "We were discussing what sights to show her, while she is in town. Do you have any suggestions?"

"We could show her the hospital." Cody smirked.

"Or I could lock you in a room, bound in chains again." Naderi challenged back.

Cody sighed. "Take her to the museum of natural history, down by the river. There are lots of exhibits from all across time; probably something as old as you."

"Now that is a wonderful idea." Naderi smiled, ignoring his comment. "Will you join us?"

"I'd rather not."

"As you wish. You are confined to my home, but you can go out into the grounds if you would like. Should you leave the property...I will become cross." She held his gaze.

"Fine." Cody frowned.

"Good boy." She rose. "Well, if you are ready my dear, let's hit the town." She took Samantha's hand and helped her up.

"I need to freshen up. I'll just be a moment." She left the room, heading towards the main staircase.

"So do I get a room or what?" Cody folded his arms.

Mark pointed. "You don't have any luggage. How long are you staying?"

For a few weeks, I guess. I didn't have a chance to retrieve my belongings before coming here."

"Oh that's not a problem. We look to be the same build. I'll loan you some of my clothes." He smiled.

Cody nodded. "Thank you."

"Do you wish a room of your own or would you like to share with Mark or perhaps Shota?" Naderi teased.

Cody looked at Mark and shrugged. "Do you mind some company?"

"I'll fight you for him!" Shota laughed.

"Piss off." Cody glared at him.

"Be nice boys." Naderi waved a finger at both of them.

"Sure, you can bunk with me." Mark smiled. "It will be nice to have some company."

"May I go now?" Cody faced Naderi.

"You may." She dipped her head.

"Would you like some company?" Mark faced him.

"Would you like to come to the museum with us, Mark?" Naderi asked.

"I'll stay here and hang out with Cody, if that's ok."

"Bah. You two are dull. I'm going out with the ladies." Shota rose.

"Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out." Cody didn't look at him.

Shota leaned close to Cody's ear and whispered. "Maybe I'll hit you in the ass when I return."

Cody didn't respond.

Naderi and Shota left the room and headed to the front door. She sent a driver for a car and they waited for Samantha to joint them before heading into town for the rest of the morning and afternoon.

"What do you want to do?" Mark folded his hands on the table and faced Cody.

"Nothing comes to mind. What do you usually do to pass the time here?"

"I read a lot and when she has humans over, I play with them."

"Are there any here now?" Cody raised an eyebrow.

"No but there's a party tomorrow tonight."

"A party like the last one I attended?"

"Yeah, the same crowd."

"Oh goody...I can hardly wait." Cody looked out the window at the manicured lawn.

"Maybe this will be better than the last time."

"Anything should be better than that party."

"Maybe you'll be covered in blood again." Mark laughed. "I thought that looked sweet!"

"Maybe. I don't have any of my own clothes so I will be trashing someone else's, if I do that again."

"Hey! Do you want to see what I'm going to wear?"

"Sure, I guess so." Cody rose.

"Come on, my room's this way." Mark headed upstairs and Cody followed. His room was on the end a long hallway, on the third floor, overlooking an ornate koi pond.

They entered the room and Mark opened the closet door. "Check this out!"

He pulled out a one-piece leather body suit. It had thick straps with rings on the wrists, ankles, and neck. "Pretty cool huh?" He turned it around, displaying it fully. There were zippered flaps on the front and back, covering the groin and ass regions. "I had it made last week but haven't had an occasion to wear it, besides just around my room."

"Yeah, it's awesome." Cody felt the sleeve and nodded. "Wow, this is heavy leather. It must have been expensive."

"It was but I don't have much else to spend my money on. Besides, I have a thing for kinky fun. I suspect that's why Naderi likes me staying here. She said it isn't easy to find vampires who like this kind of stuff. I guess it fits the mood of her wilder parties." He put the body suit back into the closet.

"Do you mind?" Cody held out his hand. "I want to look at it some more."

Mark smiled. "Sure." He pulled the body suit out and took it off the hanger.

Cody examined the craftsmanship and tugged on the buckles. "This is really well made."

"Why don't you try it on." Mark grinned.


"Now...and maybe tomorrow night." Mark winked.

"Hey...I thought you were going to be wearing it." Cody gave him a suspicious look.

"I have other stuff to wear. Besides, I think Naderi would be happy if you participated at the party. It might get you off her bad side."

Cody thought a moment and then shrugged. "Well, I do have permission to interact so who knows, maybe I will."

"So...put it on already!" Mark demanded. "I want to see you wearing it."

"Alright!" Cody laughed. He handed Mark the leather body suit and removed his clothes, standing naked in front of Mark, who took the opportunity to look him over.

"I can see why you are popular at these events." He handed Cody the suit.

Cody eagerly unzipped the back of the suit and slid his legs into the heavy leather. "Wow, this feels nice." His dick began to swell and he adjusted himself.

"You should unzip the front. It won't be so uncomfortable." Mark nudged his shoulder.

Cody unzipped the crotch of the suit and his erect dick sprang upwards. "Ah, much better."

"Let me help." Mark stepped behind him and helped Cody get his arms into the sleeves. Then, he zipped the back up and fastened the thick collar around his neck. He spent some time tightening the ankle and wrist cuffs and soon, Cody was locked into the suit.

"This is awesome!" Cody moved his arms and legs, feeling the tight leather resisting his movement. "I want one too!" He smiled.

"I'm glad you like it. I've always wished I could find someone else who enjoyed this kind of stuff. It gets a little lonely being the only one."

"I love it."

"Good, then you can wear it tomorrow night." Mark smiled.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, definitely!"

"Thank you. I suppose, as I'll be here for a few weeks, I might as well try to keep Naderi happy with me. She was kind of pissed last time."

"So I heard. Something about you and your boy. I didn't get the entire story but Shota told me how unhappy she was."

Cody nodded. "Yeah, she was really pissed then but I think she's ok with Ryan now."

"Is that his name?"

"Yeah ,you'll get to meet him in a week or so. He's coming here."

"Where does he live?"

"He lives in town, but currently, he's in the hospital." A momentary look of sadness passed over Cody's face. "I love him very much and would do anything for him. I got angry at how she treated him."

"No wonder Naderi was pissed at you."

"Yeah, she gets mad at me pretty easily it seems. Still, I think she's better now."

"I'm glad she's in a better mood. As you probably know, it isn't any fun to be around her when she's pissed off about something, or someone."

"You don't have to tell me." Cody nodded. "Will you help me out of this?" He couldn't remove the suit without help, not without damaging it.

"Why?" Mark grinned devilishly. "I think you look fantastic in it."

"Are you planning to keep me in this all day?" Cody laughed.

"I'd like that, yes. Do you mind?"

"No, I'll keep it on. So if I wear this tomorrow, what are you going to wear?" Cody asked.

"Black PVC pants, blue PVC shirt, black rubber chest harness, and probably a rubber collar."

"Oh, so nothing out of the ordinary." Cody laughed. "Maybe I'll wear that after you do."

"You're on." Mark grinned happily. "I'm really happy you're staying with me. I haven't met anyone as fun to be around as you are in a long time."

"I'm glad you're here too. I thought this would be a terrible time, without Ryan, but I think I'll be alright."

"You'll be better than alright." Mark placed his hands on Cody's chest and rubbed the leather. "I'd like to take care of you, while you're here; try to keep you out of trouble."

"Thank you. Naderi will probably tell you I need looking after."

Mark leaned closer and whispered. "She already did."

"Great..." Cody rolled his eyes.

"So...Ryan is your human." Mark sat on the corner of the bed. "Tell me about him."

"Yeah." Cody couldn't help smiling when he thought of the sexy teen.

"Was he the one you were with the last time I saw you?" He looked a bit uneasy asking.

"Yes. That's not a night I want to remember. It really sucked." Cody frowned.

"I bet. Still, he's a cutie. You are lucky to have found him."

"I'm glad he agreed to let me change him. I've never felt so in love with anyone."

"You're going to change him? Wow!"

"Yeah. We both want it."

"Who is going to help you change him?"

Cody shrugged. "Not sure. I know Shota wants to but it will be a cold day in hell before I let that asshole touch Ryan again."

"I hope this isn't too bold...but if you want, I'd be happy to help you." Mark shrugged.

"You would?" Cody was thoughtful. "I may just take you up on that."

"Think on it. I won't be offended if you don't want my assistance."

Cody nodded. "Thanks." He rubbed his own chest, enjoying the smell and weight of the leather.

"Hey, I'm going to gear up too, instead of keeping my street clothes on." Mark smiled. "Give me a second."

"Gear up?" Cody questioned.

"Yeah, you know. Put on my fun `gear'. The stuff I told you I'm going to wear at the party."


"Sure. Might as well join you. Besides, I like any opportunity to wear this stuff." Mark pulled off his pants and shirt and went to the closet. He returned with the PVC pants and shirt and quickly dressed. "Will you help me with the harness and collar?" He held the heavy rubber harness and collar to Cody.

"My pleasure." Cody strapped the harness around Mark's chest and secured the collar around his neck.

"Thanks." Mark felt the heavy metal ring attached to the collar and tugged on it. "I hope somebody leashes me."

"Like a dog's leash?"

"Yeah. I enjoy being `property' at these parties."

"Sounds fun. You want to be my property?" Cody grinned.

"I do, but it works better for me if I belong to a group of humans. Get passed around and all that."

"Of course." Cody licked his teeth in anticipation.

Mark placed his street clothes in the dresser and pulled two pairs of leather boots out of the closet. He passed one to Cody and put the other on himself. "I hope those fit."

Cody pulled the heavy boots on and nodded. "Yup, perfectly."

"So do you have plans for the party?" Mark laced his boots.

"Nope. I didn't even know about it. I was going to hide up here."

"But..." Mark smiled.

"But, as long as you're going, I'll go too."

"That's great! We should try to stay together at the party. Be the kinky duo." He laughed.

"So what now? Are we going to stay up here or do you want to go downstairs?"

"Do you want to go outside for a while? There's a cool Koi pond in the gardens."

"Sure, I guess. I just can't leave the grounds."

"No, that would be bad." Mark leaned forward and gently tucked Cody's dick back into the body suit and zipped the crotch closed. "Don't want any drafts." He smiled.

"Thanks." Cody nodded.

"Come on." Mark led the way downstairs. There was a large man seated by the door, which led to the gardens. He rose and blocked their path, as they approached. "Are you Cody?" He pointed at Cody.

"I am."

"I was told to remind you that you are confined to the property." He stepped to the side and opened the door for them.

Cody could sense that the man was human, but very strong and capable. "Yes I know." Cody replied bitterly and stepped outside, followed by Mark.

"Nice choice of clothing." He sneered at them as they walked past.

In a flash, Cody spun around, stepping past Mark and up to the doorman. His fangs extended and he roughly shoved the man against the wall. It was no small feat, as the man easily weighed three hundred pounds, mostly muscle.

"Fuck you!" He gripped the man's bicep tightly, his fingernails elongating and digging into muscle, tearing through the shirt. With his other hand, he gripped the man's throat, digging into the flesh of his neck. "The next time we meet, if you so much as look at me wrong I'm going to rip your dick off and feed it to you." He let go of the man, who immediately covered his bleeding bicep and throat with his hands, and slumped down the wall.

Cody turned away and resumed walking out into the garden.

Mark lingered long enough to catch and hold the man's eyes. "What he said. You would do well to remember your place here." He turned and caught up with Cody. "Well...that's a side of you I hadn't expected."

"I'm sorry; he struck a nerve I guess. I get so tired of people treating me like a teenager; like someone they can push around."

"Well, no offense, but you look like a teenager." He smiled."

"Well he should know better, especially working here." He smacked his hand against a tree as they walked. "God! That gets me so pissed when people have to comment on how I'm dressed, or who I'm with, or what I'm doing."

"I know, I get that too. It's one reason I like to come here. I am usually treated well by her servants and guests. Come to think of it, I don't remember seeing that guy around a lot. He might be new."

"I hope he quits!" Cody frowned.

"Well, if you mention that little scene to Naderi, she might get pissed enough to fire him, or worse. She seriously doesn't like humans thinking they're our equals."

Cody sighed and faced Mark. "That's why she didn't like me with Ryan. He may not think so, but I consider him my equal and treat him as such."

"You do like to live dangerously." Mark laughed. "Come on, the koi pond is over here." He stepped through a gap in a hedge and approached a deep pond. There was a wooden deck around three sides, adorned with benches and tables. A large and colorful umbrella shaded the middle of the deck.

Cody followed him and sat on a bench, next to the water. The pond was two levels, with a waterfall connecting them. "This is pretty cool."

"Yeah. You can do a lot of awesome things, when you have nearly unlimited money to throw around."

"Like buy this kind of stuff." Cody smiled and ran his hand down Mark's PVC shirt. "And this." He felt his own leather-clad arms.

"Yup. And, I'll tell you something – it's a lot nicer to wear when you have someone around who also enjoys it."

For a while, they sat next to the pond, talking quietly and watching the large koi swim to the surface to eat bugs.

It was over an hour later when Mark looked up at the sun, gauging the time. "I'm ready to go back inside, if you are."

"Sure." Cody stood.

They returned to the house, entering through a different door to avoid the rude doorman. Cody said he wasn't in the mood for another encounter as he fully intended to follow through on his threat, should the man be rude again.

They took up comfortable positions on the couch, and watched some TV for a few hours. Their legs touched the entire time and Cody began to relax. He enjoyed the contact and was slightly aroused, the leather hiding it well. Still, he was desperately lonely without Ryan and knew he needed a distraction to pass the time. He was dangerously close to running back to the hospital; damn the consequences.

Mark laid his hand on Cody's leg and squeezed the leather. He turned from the TV to face him. "I hope I'm not being too forward, considering your situation, but I'm getting hard sitting here next to you."

Cody faced him and smiled. "You are as bad as I am."

"What?" Mark laughed.

"I'm sitting here with a half boner because your leg is pressed against mine."

"Ah..." Mark nodded. He moved his hand down to Cody's groin and gave a playful squeeze, feeling the growing bulge beneath. "Why yes you are!"

The main door opened and Naderi, Samantha, and Shota returned. Shota's arms were full of boxes and bags. It seems they had done some shopping while out on the town.

Naderi approached the couch and smiled. "Well, you two look absolutely delightful. Are you preparing for the party tomorrow?"

Mark nodded. "Yeah, I showed him what I was planning to wear and one thing led to another. Now I can't get him to take it off." He teased Cody, but didn't remove his hand from his crotch.

"Holy shit! I've got to get me some of this." Shota laughed and set the packages on the floor. He jumped onto the other end of the couch and reached out to grab Mark's crotch playfully. "You look completely fuckable, you both do."

Cody faced Naderi. "I'll attend your party, if you want me to."

"Want you to? My dear boy, it would not be the same without you!" She picked the packages off the floor and took Samantha into another room to talk.

Shota was running his hands all over Mark, getting them both aroused. Mark had removed his hand from Cody's crotch and was now rubbing Shota's.

Cody watched the scene unfold but resisted joining the fun. He had a strong dislike of Shota and if Mark wanted to play, that was his business. He watched as the grope session turned into sensual kissing, and more groping.

Mark broke the kiss and faced Cody. "Don't sit there all defiant. Give me a kiss already." He reached out and motioned for Cody to take his hand.

"You two look like you are having enough fun without me."

Shota pulled away from Mark and sat on the table in front of them both. "I'm not such a bad guy, once you get to know me." He faced Cody.

"I doubt that."

"Why do you hate me so much?" Shota seemed genuinely confused.

For a moment, Cody was quiet, staring back at Shota. Eventually he sighed deeply. "You bled Ryan, and you knew he was mine."

"I did, I admit it."

"Why? Why do that to him, and to me?"

Shota pointed his thumb in the direction Naderi had gone. "Do you really not know? You were seriously out of line that night. She was really pissed at you and considered draining him dry, to teach you a lesson."

"But she didn't because...?" Cody raised an eyebrow.

"I asked her not to. I thought it might drive you away." Shota shrugged. "And I didn't want you to leave."

"I would have killed her if Ryan had died." Cody's eyes narrowed.

Mark waved his hands between them. "This reeeaaalllyyy isn't a conversation we should be having here, in her home." He faced Cody. "Do not EVER say you would kill another of our kind, let alone a regional matriarch like Naderi. If she heard you..."

Cody shrugged. "Yeah well she didn't so don't sweat it."

Mark shook his head. "Holy shit you like to live dangerously."

"Still...can we try to be friends? I won't hurt Ryan, especially now that he is soon to be one of us." Shota smiled. "I just like to raz you a little."

"Yeah, well stop doing that." Cody held his gaze for a minute before relaxing. "Fine. We are friends."

"You say that so sincerely." Shota laughed.

For a long moment, Cody was silent, looking down at the floor. Then, he faced Shota. "No, I mean it. Bygones?" Cody extended his hand.

"Agreed." Shota accepted the hand and shook it firmly. "Now, how about you join us and we all have some guy fun before the ladies return." He laughed.

Mark nodded. "I'm game." He faced Cody. "You know you want to..."

"I do huh?" Cody was silent for a moment. " you want to stay here or go somewhere more private?"

"I knew it!" Mark laughed.

"Right here, lover boy." Shota stood and beckoned Cody to also stand.

Cody stood in front of Shota and smiled. "Not being at each other's throat will sure make it dull around here."

Shota ran his hands down Cody's leather-encased chest and purred. "Damn, this suit looks incredible on you. I wish you would wear this stuff all the time."

Mark nodded. "Me too!"

Shota reached out and gently groped Cody's cock and balls. He gasped happily. "What's this? A zipper!" He slowly unzipped the crotch region of the leather suit, from just below Cody's navel, under his ass, and up to his lower back. "How convenient!"

Mark leaned back on the sofa and pulled his hard dick out of the PVC pants, gently stroking it. "I could use some attention too." He smiled.

Although Ryan was foremost on Cody's mind at the moment, the sexually charged scene was lessening his fears and quickly returning him to his normally horny mood. "I can't imagine what would happen if I lived here all the time."

"I bet we would have a lot of fun." Shota gently turned Cody around and wrapped his hands around his chest. He moved his hands up to Cody's shoulders and slowly pushed him down onto his knees. "Mark looks in need of assistance."

Cody was now head level with Mark's crotch and could see the bead of pre-cum sliding slowly down his erect penis. "Too bad you aren't human." He grinned and leaned forward, sucking Mark's dick into his mouth in one fluid motion.

Mark leaned back on the couch and moaned. "Oh yeah...god that feels great."

Cody placed his hands on Mark's thighs and sucked his full length in, his nose resting on Mark's abdomen. He used his throat to milk his dick.

Shota unzipped his jeans and pulled his dripping cock out. He knelt behind Cody and gently, but forcefully, pushed it deep into Cody's ass. "You have NO idea how long I've wanted to do this." He began to pull out and push back in, building a constant but relaxed rhythm.

Cody felt Shota enter him and clenched his ass encouragingly. He might not have been completely friends with him but this was a sensation he had grown to love over the decades and he welcomed the bond it forged between the three of them. He was happy to be spitted at both ends.

Naderi and Samantha entered the room but stopped when they saw the three in action. Naderi put a finger to her lips and backed out of the doorway. When they were a safe distance away, she spoke, quietly.

"Well that is not something I would have expected from Cody, though I guess it does not really surprise me."

"Is he settling in now?" Samantha gripped Naderi's hand happily. "He seemed quite out of sorts earlier."

"So it would seem. I suspect he and Shota have put their past encounters behind them."

Samantha giggled quietly. "Let's go back and watch."

"You naughty girl!" Naderi smiled and agreed. Together, they returned to the larger room and observed.

Cody was sucking furiously on Marks dick, while Shota was thrusting away happily into Cody's ass. With the exception of Cody, whose mouth was full at the moment, they were moaning happily.

"I'm going to cum." Mark grabbed Cody's hair in both hands.

"As am I." Shota placed his hands on Cody's hips and quickened his pace.

Sandwiched between the two, Cody felt first Mark, and then Shota, empty into him. He swallowed happily but received no energy. This was not feeding, rather an act of raw sex for pleasure.

Shota sighed and pulled out of Cody, zipping his dick back into his jeans. He leaned forward and hugged Cody tightly. "Thank you my friend that was fantastic." He rose and turned, noticing the audience in the doorway. He smiled politely at Naderi and Samantha.

Mark opened his eyes as Cody gently pulled off his dick. "Thank you Cody, that felt wonderful."

Cody licked his lips and sat back on his ankles. "Thank you, I had a lot of fun. Too bad you aren't human." He laughed. "I'm getting hungry now."

Clapping from behind drew both their attention. Nader and Samantha stepped into the room, still applauding.

Shota faced Cody and gently zipped the leather suit closed. "Until next time." He kissed Cody on the mouth and took a seat next to Mark, on the couch.

Naderi approached them and faced Cody. "Thank you."

"For what?" Cody sat on Mark's other side and draped his left leg over Mark's right leg.

"For behaving true to your nature."

Mark placed his hand on Cody's leg, where it rested on top of his own. "It's the leather suit. It brings out the beast in him."

They all laughed and Naderi motioned Cody to follow her into another room. When they were alone, she took a seat and he did the same.

"I want you to know that I am pleased you are acting more appropriately. I had my concerns."

Cody shrugged. "Well, Shota isn't as big of a dick as he wants everyone to believe."

"And?" She smiled patiently.

"And...I like sex... a lot, so I'm doing what comes naturally. Ryan says I'm incorrigible." As he said Ryan's name, Cody realized he probably should have left the boy out of the conversation.

"Well, I think Ryan has you figured out to a T. I assume he is just as incorrigible, especially when with you?"

Cody tried not to smile. "Yes. I've been his only lover, and he has really become good at it."

"Then may the two of you have a happy, sexually overwhelming life together."

"Yes, I hope so." Cody was silent and looked down at the floor.

"What is wrong? Just a moment ago you were nothing but smiles."

"I miss him." Cody faced her.

"No doubt. Patience, he will be here soon enough. For now, please turn you attention to your two friends and the hoard of guests who will be here tomorrow. I'm sure you will be in high demand as always."

Cody nodded. "Of course. If I may ask though, when will you bring Ryan here?"

"I am going to give him this week in the hospital to show progress, then, he will join us."

"Is that enough time? Without my blood, he won't heal nearly as quickly."

Naderi sighed. "I have taken care of that. Now, let us forget about Ryan for a while." She rose and headed back towards the other room.

Cody realized the conversation had ended and knew better than to continue talking about Ryan. He dutifully followed her back into the sitting room.

Shota was speaking with Samantha and Mark was nodding in agreement.

Naderi joined them. "What are we gossiping about?"

"They were just telling me about your legendary parties. I simply cannot wait until tomorrow night." Samantha smiled.

"Yes, they are quite the social event." Naderi nodded. "If you get the chance, you should watch Cody in action. He is a favorite of my guests; such an appetite for submission."

"I'll take that as a compliment." Cody frowned.

"As you should dear boy. That is how I meant it." Naderi took Samantha's hand and led her from the room.

"So you are a submissive?" Shota grinned. "I never would have guessed that."

"I prefer to bottom, yes, but that doesn't mean I can't switch if the situation calls for it."

Mark sat on the couch. "So your human..." He held up his hand. "Forgive me...Ryan...tops you?" He smiled. "Kinky! I love it."

Cody nodded. "Yeah, he does. Don't get me wrong, I fuck him too, but I prefer to receive. The energy high is just a bonus."

Shota clapped his hands together. "How soon does Ryan get here? I'd love to see him at work."

Cody felt a momentary twinge of anger but realized Shota was just trying to get him going again. "He will be here in a few days. And, as I have to remind you...if you touch him I'll bite your dick off." He smiled.

"God, don't tease me like that." Shota laughed and followed after the ladies, leaving Cody and Mark alone.

"So, will you let me top you?" Mark asked politely. "I'm probably a lot better than Shota." He laughed.

Cody nodded. "Sure. Unlike Shota, I actually want you to."

Mark put his arm around Cody's shoulder and squeezed him. "Have I mentioned I'm glad you are staying here?"

"Yeah, but you can say it again if you want. I like the attention."

They relaxed and the conversation drifted to the party next evening. Mark and Cody made plans on how to get the most essence from the guests, and even considered wagering on who would be used the most.

Time slipped rapidly past and the night of the party arrived. As expected, there were more than a few guests hoping to get both Mark and Cody alone, or together. Mark was quickly leashed by a group of four businessmen from out of town, and led away to a different room. Cody joined them later, after each had taken a turn with Mark. The night wore on and soon Cody found himself on his back, next to Mark.

Eventually, the party guests left and the two went upstairs to clean up. At Mark's request, Cody put the leather body suit back on, after he had showered. He continued to wear it, to the delight of everyone in the house.

Several vampires from out of town lingered after the party, and a few more were due to arrive later in the week. To Cody, it was difficult to keep track of everyone's coming and going, and all the activity made him long for some quiet time with Ryan.

At the end of the week, Naderi pulled him aside in the evening.

"You need to change." She smiled and gently tapped a finger on his leather-clad chest.

"Oh yeah? I thought you liked me all geared up like this."

"While I do indeed enjoy it, I do not believe the people at the hospital would understand."

"What?" Cody began to smile.

"It is time. When you are changed, meet me at the front door." She walked away.

Cody raced upstairs and flung the door to Mark's room open. It banged loudly into the wall but he did not care. "Mark!" He yelled but received no answer. "FucK!" He tried to reach the zippers and buckles but was unable. He could, with some effort, rip out of the suit but he didn't want to damage it. He continued to fumble with the zipper when a hand landed gently on his shoulder.

"What's up?" Mark stepped around him, entering the room.

"We are going to the hospital to get Ryan. Help me out of this!" He stopped struggling and relaxed.

"Sure thing." Mark nodded and began helping Cody out of the body suit. In a moment, Cody was naked and fumbling for his clothes.

"Where did you put my clothes?"

"In the top drawer, over there." Mark pointed to a dresser across the room and watched as Cody's naked body moved about the room.

Very quickly, Cody dressed and then dashed from the room, down towards the main entrance.

Mark pressed his face into the leather suit and inhaled deeply. Then, he hung the suit on a thick hanger and put it in the closet.

Cody opened the door and saw Naderi and Shota waiting by a black Suburban, lit by the lights along the driveway. He quickly joined them and then they were off, heading towards the hospital.

Naderi turned around in the front passenger seat and faced Cody. "Now, when we get there, you go in first and make sure everything is in order. When you are ready, we will come in and collect your boy."

Cody raised an eyebrow but did not correct her. "So what is the plan?"

"I will charm the entire staff and we will take him with us."

"The entire staff?" Cody whistled. "Wow, I can only do a few at a time."

"Well, with age comes experience. When we arrive, do try to remain calm. I know you have not seen him for almost a week but do not draw undo attention towards us."

"Yes, I understand."

"Good." She turned back around and spoke quietly with Shota, who was driving.

Cody began to crack his knuckles and snap his fingers, anxious to be with Ryan again.

"Please stop that." Naderi didn't run around.

"Sorry." Cody held his hands together and stared out the window. The scenery was familiar; they were almost to the hospital.

In a few minutes, Shota pulled the SUV into the parking lot and turned off the engine. "Go get him lover boy." He smiled at Cody.

Naderi held up a finger. "One moment."

"Yeah?" Cody released the door handle.

"You have ten minutes, and then I am coming in. Do not waste time."

"Ok." Cody opened the door and walked quickly to the entrance. He checked in and discovered Ryan had been moved to a private room, out of the ICU. He thought about telling Naderi but he was in too much of a hurry to see Ryan. He followed the room numbers and arrows and arrived outside a partially open door. He paused, hearing voices inside. After a few seconds, he realized it was the television and opened the door.

Ryan was at the opposite end of the room, sipping on some juice and watching the TV. He turned when the door opened.

"Cody!" He swung his legs over the edge of the bed and stood.

Cody ran across the room and hugged the boy tightly.

"Ok, take it easy. I'm still sore ya know!" Ryan groaned.

"Oh my god, I've missed you so much." Cody found Ryan's lips and kissed him passionately.

Ryan returned the kiss and grabbed Cody's crotch. He pulled his head back. "It's been like five days. You can't have missed me that much." He kissed Cody again and then sat down.

"Are you ok?" Cody was concerned.

"Yeah, just get tired easily. But hey...I'm able to walk now." He smiled.

"That's fantastic." Cody stared at him smiling.

"Cody?" Ryan began to cry.

"What's wrong?" Cody wiped the tear away.

"I know Trevor is dead." More tears flowed down his cheeks.

"I'm so sorry."

"Why didn't you tell me?" Ryan wiped his face with his hand.

"You were so weak after surgery. I just thought it would be one more thing you didn't need to worry about just then. I'm sorry I lied to you."

"No, I understand. Maybe, when this is all over, we can go visit wherever they buried him?" He began to cry. "Say goodbye..."

"Of course, whatever you want." Cody hugged him tightly.

After a minute, Ryan sighed and sat on the bed. He wiped his face again and shrugged. "So, what are you doing here? Did Naderi tell you it was ok to visit me?"

"Oh, yeah...we're here to take you home."

"Now? Today?" Ryan looked a bit alarmed.

"Yes. Is that ok?" Cody nodded. "Are you having second know...about joining me?"

", it's just I thought it would be longer. You know, maybe next week."

Cody shook his head. "No, it's now. In fact, Naderi will be here any minute. We need to get you ready to travel. Where are you clothes?"

"They didn't give them back to me. They were pretty much trashed. All I have are these stylish hospital gowns. You know, the ones that are open in the back?" He batted his eyes playfully.

"There is time for that later. Gather your things."

"You mean everything that belongs to me?" Ryan stood.

"Yes, and quickly."

"Sure thing." Ryan stepped forward and wrapped his arms around Cody. "Ok, I'm ready."

"Ryan! I'm serious."

The teen stepped back and nodded. "Me too. This is all I have and all I want." He hugged Cody again and rested his head on his shoulder, sighing deeply.

Cody relaxed and wrapped his arms around the boy, holding him tightly. "I've missed you so much."

"Yes, and now it is time for us to go." A voice from the doorway caused them to let go of each other and look in that direction.

Naderi was standing in the doorway, patiently waiting. "Time is short."

Cody removed his coat and helped Ryan put it on. "It's cold outside."

"Thanks." Ryan zipped the coat and shrugged. "I'm ready."

Naderi turned and left the room. "Give me one moment before you follow." She held up a finger. "I need to secure our departure."

They waited a minute and then she returned. "Time to go."

Cody escorted Ryan into the lobby area and paused. There were many people seated, reading magazines, or using their phones, but nobody looked up.

"Time is wasting." Naderi tapped him on the shoulder.

Cody nodded and led Ryan out the doors.

A black SUV pulled up and stopped in front of the steps. The driver's door opened and Shota stepped out. "Your chariot awaits you, Master Ryan." He opened the passenger door and Naderi climbed inside.

"Come on." Cody helped Ryan into the back seat and closed the door. He quickly walked around and got in on the other side. "Are you comfortable?" He took Ryan's hand.

"Mostly. I'm still a bit sore in places but it's been getting easier each day, thanks to Shota."

Cody turned and looked forward. He saw Shota's eyes watching him in the rear view mirror. "You helped him?"

Ryan quickly grabbed Cody's hand. "Don't be angry with him, he's been really great. He spent time with me each day and helped me heal."

Cody faced Ryan. "No, it's cool. He and I get alone now."

"That's right." Shota nodded and faced forward again. "It isn't just anyone I'll sink my dick into."

Ryan lifted an eyebrow and smiled at Cody. "Oh reeealllyyy..."

Cody shook his head. "It's been a crazy week."

"No doubt. You'll have to fill me in on the details."

"Sure." Cody nodded and leaned over, kissing Ryan on the mouth.

Ryan brought his hands up to Cody's head and held him in place.

"Now boys, save that for the changing." Shota laughed quietly.

Cody and Ryan ended their kiss and Ryan took Cody's hand in his, holding him tightly.

"You can still back out if you want to." Cody said quietly.

"No he cannot." Naderi didn't turn around.

Ryan smiled and shrugged. "Guess that's that."

The SUV pulled out of the hospital and into traffic. There weren't too many other vehicles on the road, as it was late at night. Soon, they were alone on the country road leading to the Mansion. They arrived shortly and Shota dropped them at the door.

Ryan involuntarily stopped, before he crossed the threshold. Naderi had gone inside and the door was still open, held in place by the same guard who had admitted Ryan on his previous visit.

"This is not time for cold feet." Cody took his hand and pulled him into the house. "Come on, let's go sit down."

They sat on the couch and Shota joined them, sitting on Ryan's left. Ryan was sandwiched between the two and started to fidget with his feet.

Mark came downstairs and took a seat on the table, in front of Ryan.

"Hey, you must be Ryan." He smiled.

"Yes." Ryan nodded.

"I'm Mark. I've been hearing a lot about you." He held out his hand.

Ryan quickly leaned forward and shook hands. "All good I hope."

"Oh yeah, nothing but. Cody has been staying in my room so we've a lot of discussions, mostly about you."

Ryan released Mark's hand and grabbed Cody's.

"It's ok. We're all family now." Cody squeezed Ryan's hand. He could tell the boy was nervous.

Naderi and Samantha joined them, pulling two chairs over to the table.

Mark moved out of the way, sitting on the arm of the couch, next to Shota.

"So, here we are." Naderi folded her hands in her lap. "Are you ready?" She faced Ryan.

"I guess so. But, do you mean right now?"

"Is there some reason we should delay?" She raised an eyebrow. "Shota tells me you are fully healed, just a little bruised. Do not worry about that, it will not carry through the change."

"I thought maybe I'd settle in first. You know, relax for a few days." Ryan shrugged

"No, that is not a good idea. You see, I have quite a house full of guests and you...well, you would be a distraction. I cannot guarantee your safety, should you go wandering around."

"Oh, I can just stay with Cody, in his room." Ryan quickly nodded.

Cody faced him. "If you want to do this, then the sooner we get it over with the better. Naderi is right; you can't just hang out here."

Ryan closed his eyes and hung his head. "Will it hurt?"

In unison, Naderi, Samantha, Mark, and Shota all answered. "Yes."

Cody quickly replied. "But only for a little while. Then, you will feel better than ever."

"And we will be together?" He faced Cody, a single tear sliding down his cheek.

"Forever." Cody leaned close and licked the salty tear. "I love you more than life itself."

"I think I am going to be sick." Shota shook his head and stood. "So, are we ready to do this or what?"

"Ryan? I need an answer from you." Naderi held his gaze.

The boy inhaled deeply and smiled. "I'm ready."

Naderi nodded. "Good, then we should begin."

They all stood, and Cody took Ryan's hand. "I'm going to be with you the entire time."

"This way please." Naderi left the room, the others following. She led them down a long hallway, to a small room with a single bed and dresser. She opened the door and they all followed her inside.

"Oh no, not this room." Ryan held back.

Cody recognized the room as the same one he and Ryan had been held in previously.

"Ah yes, memories." Naderi smiled.

Once inside, she closed the room and motioned for Ryan to step forward. "Strip."

"What?" He suddenly remembered the last time she had given him that order.

"I have no body harness this time, that is, unless you ask for it." She smiled seductively.

"No, I'm good." Ryan shook his head and removed the hospital gown.

Shota clapped his hands. "Oh yeah, my favorite part."

Cody glared at him but didn't say anything.

"Shota? Be a dear and get the restraints." Naderi pointed to the dresser. She picked up the discarded gown.

"With pleasure!" He walked to the dresser and removed four leather straps with padded cuffs at the ends.

"What are those for?" Cody stepped protectively closer to Ryan.

"I do things differently than Hans and Draven did. I do not like to take chances. Besides, a boy in restraints is something I never tire of seeing." Naderi smiled happily.

Shota walked over to Ryan and tossed the restraints onto the bed. "Up you go."

Ryan looked nervously at Cody and then climbed up onto the bed.

"Lay down please." Shota motioned to the bed.

Ryan lay back on the white sheet and exhaled.

Humming, Shota secured Ryan's hands together, above his head, and secured the restraints to the headboard. He attached the ankle cuffs to him, but did not secure them to the bedposts. When he was finished, he quickly grabbed the boy's dick and gave it a few gentle strokes. "Nice." He grinned.

"Hey now." Cody pointed at him accusingly.

"Oops." Shota stepped away from the bed.

Naderi stepped up to Ryan, who was breathing heavily. "Here is the plan. First, you need to be bred by one of the male vampires in the room. Do you have a preference?"

Ryan looked surprised and quickly nodded. "Cody of course."

Cody smiled but did not interrupt.

"Fine." Naderi nodded. "After that, you will be bled."

"How much?" He looked squeamish.

"Until you are on the brink of unconsciousness. If you faint, we have to start over."

"Oh, that much." Ryan nodded slowly.

"That is just the first bleeding."

"There is more than one?" His eyes widened.

"Yes, there are two." She nodded.


"When you are bled the first time, slightly more than half of the blood in your body will be your own. If we take too much at one time, you will die."


"When you are nearing unconsciousness, you will drink from one of us. While your body fights the new blood, you will be bled a second time. This time, when finished, less than half of the blood in your body will be your own."

"Oh, ok." Ryan nodded.

"Then you will drink of us a second time."

"And after that?" He looked at Naderi.

"The change will begin."

"Is that it?"

"No. Your body will fight the invasive blood and semen. Should it win, you will remain human. Should it fail, you will begin to change."

"How long does that take?"

"The outcome is usually known within an hour, often sooner."

"Wow, that quickly."

"It will seem like an eternity to you, make no mistake." She could not hide the faint smile that crept over her face.

Cody interjected. "But during the change I'll be right here, at your side. We all will be."

"Great, more pain." Ryan grimaced.

Cody nodded. "Remember when we made love? That discomfort you felt?"


"It is like that, only much stronger."

Naderi stepped away from the bed. "Who do you wish to bleed you the first time


"No." She shook her head.

"Why not?"

"Relax Ryan, this is how it has always been done." Cody reached up and took the boy's bound hands in his own. "I mate you, and someone else bleeds you. It takes two of us, always has. I will be the second one to feed you my blood."

"Oh." Ryan looked around the room. "I guess Shota then, he's the only other one I really know."

Cody nodded. "Fine."

"And after he bleeds me?" Ryan questioned.

"Then you drink from him." Cody released his hand and smoothed the sweat soaked hair from Ryan's forehead. After that, he will bleed you a second time. Then, I will offer you my blood to complete the change."

"Oh, yummy." Ryan smiled.

Naderi cleared her throat. "Are you ready?" She held his eyes.

"I am." Ryan nodded.

"Then, Cody, he is yours for the mating." Naderi nodded towards Cody.

Cody looked into Ryan's eyes and smiled. "With pleasure."

Ryan gave a small nod and smiled. "This part I'll enjoy."

Cody removed his boots and pants, and knelt on the bed. He placed his hands on Ryan's knees and then paused. He looked at the others and glared. "Do you mind?"

Naderi shook her head and motioned the others to follow her from the room. "As if either of you is shy. Restrain his legs when you are finished." She pulled the door closed behind them.

Cody looked at Ryan and gently slid the boy's knees up to his chest. "You know, there is no reason to rush this part. I say let them wait outside for a while."

Ryan laughed. "I know you. Once you start in on me you won't want to drag it out any longer than necessary."

"True, but it can be pleasurable for both of us." Cody leaned forward, kissed, and sucked on the head of Ryan's dick, causing the boy to moan happily.

"It's been too long since you last did this." Ryan stretched his fingers in the restraints.

Cody smiled and slid down, burying his nose in the teen's ass. He licked Ryan's hole, getting as much of his saliva on it as possible, both to lubricate and numb the area. Satisfied the boy was ready, Cody spit in his hand and spread his saliva on his own dick. He was mostly hard already, and smeared some pre-cum, which had been dripping out, over his dick. Then he gently eased himself into Ryan, until he was fully inserted. He held still for a few seconds, enjoying the tight grip Ryan's ring had on his dick.

Both boys moaned happily and Cody began the familiar rhythm. He took it slow at first, giving them both as much pleasure as the moment would allow, and then he increased his pace. He leaned forward and kissed Ryan's chest. "I'm going to let it all lose this time, more than I ever put in you before. When this is over, and you stand up, you'll literally be dripping my seed out of your ass." Cody thrust hard, running the head of his dick over Ryan's prostate. In his heat, his fangs descended and he began to drool on Ryan's chest.

"Give me all you've got. I want it, and more." Ryan arched his back in ecstasy. "Make me yours."

Cody opened his mouth with a soft snarl, a splash of saliva landing on Ryan's chest. He slammed his dick into Ryan, grinding himself home each time.

"Oh god, I'm gunna ..." Ryan gasped and groaned, his dick shooting stream after stream onto his chest and up to his neck, some hitting Cody in the face.

"Oh fuck!" Cody felt the boy's ass clamp down on his dick and he released his seed into Ryan. With a conscious effort, he kept pumping into the boy, longer than he ever had before. For Cody, it was a massive orgasm and he flooded his semen into Ryan. Then, knowing the after effect Ryan was soon to feel, he withdrew and quickly secured the ankle restraints to the corners of the bed.

"We are ready!" He called to the door.

They door opened and the others returned to the room. "Then Shota, it is your turn." Naderi pointed to Ryan.

In the bed, Ryan suddenly convulsed and pulled on the restraints. "Oh SHIT!" He arched his back and shook the entire bed.

Naderi faced Cody. "I assume you gave him everything?"

"Yes." Cody nodded, panting heavily. "Look." He pointed to a small pool of red semen, leaking out from Ryan's ass.

"Well done. This is quite a shock on his body." She smiled. "And what is this?" She reached up and wiped her finger across Cody's cheek. When she put her finger in front of him, it had a small amount of semen on it. She licked her finger and smiled.

Shota climbed onto the bed, riding Ryan's bucking chest, and sat down on his waist. Beneath him, the teen struggled violently. "If he smashes me in the face I'm going to be pissed." He bent down and sank his teeth into Ryan's neck, tasting the sudden flow of blood. For some time, he drank, always keeping track of the boy's life force and heart rate. Soon, Ryan stopped struggling and lay completely still.

"That is enough." Naderi nodded after a few minutes.

Shota pulled off Ryan's neck, blood running down his chin. "Wow, he's something else." He wiped his mouth on his sleeve and climbed off the bed.

Naderi stepped up to the bed. "Ryan? Can you hear me?"

At first, the boy did not respond but then, he slowly nodded. "Mmm...hmmm..."

"Open your mouth, you need to drink now."

Shota slit his own wrist with a fingernail. As his blood began to flow, he placed his wrist over Ryan's mouth and pressed down. "Dinner time."

Slowly, Ryan began to lick and then swallow the blood that was flowing into his mouth. He continued to suck until his eyes flashed open and he tried to grab Shota's arm. The restraints clanked loudly against the bedposts.

"Easy Ryan..." Cody soothed him. "Take your time."

Shota fed Ryan for nearly ten minutes, until he felt himself weakening. "There, I'm done." He pulled away and the cut on his wrist closed. "Phew, I feel a little lightheaded."

"Then...have a drink." Naderi smiled and stepped away from the bed.

"With pleasure." Shota leaned over and sunk his fangs back into Ryan's neck.

In the bed, Ryan cried out in pain. "Wait! I need burns!" He thrashed wildly but Cody held his body down. Soon, he relaxed and ceased struggling.

"That's enough." Cody released Ryan and placed his hand on Shota's back.

With a deep breath, Shota pulled off Ryan and faced Cody. Blood again ran down his face and with a sudden move, he grabbed Cody around the waist and kissed him on the mouth, smearing Ryan's blood around both their faces. "He's all yours, lover boy."

Shot backed away from the bed and cleaned his face.

In the bed, Ryan was breathing heavily but was otherwise non-responsive.

Cody sat on the bed and rolled up his sleeve. "Ryan?"

The boy slowly opened his eyes. "I hurt all feels like I have a fever."

Cody saw the streams of sweat running off the boy's body. "I know. This will be over soon." He slit his wrist with a fingernail and pressed the dripping wound over Ryan's mouth.

Ryan eagerly began sucking on the blood and closed his eyes.

For over ten minutes, Cody fed the boy his blood. He began to feel weak and closed his eyes.

"That should do." Naderi placed her hand on Cody's shoulder.

"Not yet." Cody shook her hand away.

"Cody..." Her voice was calm but stern. "Do not overextend yourself."

"I'm good. I want to make sure he gets enough to complete the change. I don't want...him to go through...this...again." Cody pulled his wrist off Ryan's mouth and stood only to crumple to the floor at Naderi's feet.

"Oops." Shota shook his head and picked Cody up, laying him next to Ryan, further down on the bed.

Naderi faced Samantha and Mark. "Would you two be kind enough to bring me the offering?"

"Of course." Samantha smiled.

They left the room and Naderi pulled a chair next to the bed. "Now we wait."

"I am going to clean myself up. I'll be back shortly." Shota politely excused himself from the room.

Naderi watched as the change took hold of Ryan's body. His own blood, now in the minority, was fighting the vampire blood in his system, in vain. That blood, combined with the large amount of semen in his bowels, would overpower his immune system and take over his body. She had done this countless times before and recognized the signs of the struggle within the boy.

In the bed, Ryan's eyes flashed open and he screamed in agony. He thrashed wildly, the restraints holding him firmly in place.

Naderi crossed her legs and waited patiently.

In the bed, Cody slowly sat up, and then slid/fell off the bed, onto the floor.

She looked down at him. "I told you to stop."

Cody sat up and leaned back against the bed. "Yeah, you know me." He turned and looked at Ryan, struggling in the bed. "Is he going to be alright?"

"He will be better than alright...he will be a vampire." She smiled.

"I can't stand it, he is in such pain."

"You had the same thing done to you and you survived."

"I know...but it is different to be watching it." He turned to face her and the door to the room opened.

Samantha and Mark returned, leading a blindfolded man into the room. "We're back." Samantha closed the door behind them.

"Who is that?" Cody stood and then promptly sat on the bed, regaining his balance.

"This is the offering." Naderi stood and walked to the man. She removed the blindfold and roughly grabbed the man's chin. "Almost time for you to be useful." She released him and stepped back, standing next to Samantha.

Cody faced the man and tried to recognize him. "Do I know him?" He felt certain they had never met.

"By reputation only." Naderi sneered.

The man struggled but his hands were bound behind his back.

"I don't understand." Cody stood.

"Until very recently, he drove a delivery truck. A large beer truck, I believe. One that would crush a Jeep, should the two be involved in an auto accident." Naderi narrowed her eyes and watched Cody's reaction.

For a moment, Cody was frozen, absorbing what he had just been told. "So...this is the driver of the truck that killed Trevor and nearly Ryan too?" He balled his hands into fists and his eyes began to glow, very faintly.

"Indeed. He was fired from his trucking company and is due to appear in court...but we thought he deserved a different kind of justice. Do you agree?" Naderi smiled.

With a deep growl, Cody lunged at the man, his fingers tipped with razor sharp nails.

The man gasped and jumped backwards, but Mark and Samantha held him tightly. "Keep him away from me!" He choked as Cody's hand wrapped around his throat and squeezed.

"Cody, if you kill him, I do not have another offering for Ryan." Naderi cautioned.

Cody closed his eyes and jerked his hand away, scratching the man's neck, drawing a little blood. "Thank you." He opened his eyes and faced Naderi.

"Yes. It seemed a fitting offering."

Cody faced the man, his fangs protruding over his lower lip. "You killed my friend and nearly my boyfriend."

The man saw the fangs and shook his head, as if trying to wake from a bad dream. "But...I'm going to do community time...and...I lost my job."

Cody turned his back on the man. He watched as Ryan's thrashing lessened and the boy began to relax. "It won't be long now."

"I agree." Naderi nodded.

For another fifteen minutes, they watched as Ryan completely relaxed and ceased struggling.

Naderi walked to the bed and undid the restraints. "It is time. Cody, come here please."

Cody walked to the bed and sat next to Ryan.

"Wake him."

Cody leaned over and spoke quietly. "Ryan? Can you hear me? It's time to wake up."

Ryan wiggled in the bed a little and then opened his eyes. "What time is it?"

"I'm not sure. Why?"

"I must have dozed off. It feels like I've slept for hours but I'm still so tired. I feel drained to the core." He rolled his shoulders and sat up, noticing Naderi standing next to the bed. "Hi."

"Hello indeed. Tell me, how do you feel?"

"Like I'm having a panic attack. I can feel my heart racing." He faced Cody. "Is this normal?"

"You are feeling the increased adrenaline in your system. You'll get used to it."

"And...I'm hungry, really hungry."

"I have something that will help with that." Naderi motioned for Mark and Samantha to bring the truck driver over to the bed.

The man stared down at the naked boy in the bed. He saw blood streaks down his neck and chest.

"Who is this?" Ryan swung his feet over the bed and sat next to Cody.

"I do not know his name but that hardly matters." Naderi took Ryan's hand. "This is the man who was driving the truck that killed your friend."

"What?" Ryan tried to grasp what she had just said. "Why is he here and not in jail?" He rapidly grew angry and took a step towards the man, but stopped when Naderi didn't release his hand.

"He has come to atone for his crime, in a manner of speaking." She smiled.

The man stammered. "Yes...I...I'm sorry. I have no excuse for what happened, other than I never meant to hurt anyone."

Ryan lunged at him, but Naderi held him back again. "I don't care if you are sorry! You killed my best friend you bastard!"

Naderi turned to Samantha. "Would you be a dear and do the honors?"

"I would be happy to." Samantha released the man and stepped in front of him. With ease, she tilted his head to the side and sank her fangs into his neck.

The man screamed and struggled, but Mark held him tightly.

Samantha only bled him for a moment, and then stepped away, taking hold of the man's left arm.

Naderi bent down and spoke quietly to Ryan. "It is time to complete the change. You are not one of us until you feed for the first time." She released him.

Ryan nodded and stepped up to the man, gazing up into this terror-filled eyes. He inhaled deeply, smelling something wonderful. It reminded him of syrup-covered pancakes on a summer morning. He noticed the fresh blood running from two holes in the man's neck.

He faced Cody, a questioning look in his eyes.

"Go on." Cody urged.

Ryan leaned forward, placed his mouth over the man's bleeding neck, and sucked. He then tasted the most wonderful flavor he had ever encountered. It was slightly sweet and had an addicting quality. He sucked harder and the man squirmed against him.

Samantha laughed at Ryan's first attempt at feeding. "Oh my goodness. Use your teeth deer!" She giggled loudly.

Ryan wasn't sure how he did it but he just thought about his teeth as fangs and felt a strange sensation in his mouth. He licked his lips and his tongue brushed over inch-long, razor sharp fangs. As if he had been born to feed, he sank his teeth into the man's neck and was rewarded with a warm spray of fresh blood. His sucking increased and he grabbed the man's arm and head roughly, ripping into his throat.

Shota stepped into the room and sighed sadly. "Oh no, I missed his first feeding." He quickly walked around the scene and stood next to Cody. "Wow, he is really going at it. You must be proud." He elbowed Cody in the side.

Cody was watching Ryan feed, a string of drool dripping off his own fangs. He nodded, but didn't respond.

Shota reached a finger up and scooped up Cody's saliva, licking his finger cleaned. "You look ready to join the fun."

Naderi nodded. "They both have a stake in this feeding but it is Ryan's alone."

They all watched as the man's eyes slowly closed and he slumped forward. Mark and Samantha easily supported his unconscious form as Ryan continued to bleed him.

Cody could sense the man's life force weakening, and he faced Naderi. "Is this man going to die?"

She held his gaze for a moment and then nodded. "Yes."

"Good." Cody smiled cruelly and stepped up next to Ryan, placing his hand on the teen's shoulder.

Ryan lifted his mouth from the man's neck, blood running down his chin. "How am I doing?"

Cody leaned forward and hissed him passionately, their fangs clicking together. When he pulled away, his face was slimed with the man's blood, just like Ryan's. "You are doing great. Finish him off."

"I thought you didn't kill people." He looked a little shocked.

"I usually don't, but this is a special occasion—revenge for Trevor."

Ryan nodded. "Ok. How much more should I drink?"

"Are you feeling alright? No more pain or anxiety?"

"I feel great!" Ryan grinned. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.

"May I?" Cody raised an eyebrow.

"Please." Ryan stepped away from the man.

Cody noticed the man's neck was no longer pumping blood. It had lessened to just a dribble. He turned to face Ryan. "You bled him dry."

"Oops." Ryan shrugged.

"No, it's cool. You were supposed to. I just wanted to get in some abuse to make myself feel better about Trevor."

"Oh. Sorry. Maybe there is a little blood left?"

"Don't sweat it." Cody faced the man and swiftly placed both hands on either side of the man's head. With a quick twist, he broke his neck with a wet snap. "There, I'm satisfied."

Naderi clapped quietly. "Well done, both of you. Mark, be a dear and place the body by the front door. It needs to be disposed of discretely."

Mark nodded and carried the lifeless body out of the room.

"Now, come here young man." Naderi waved a finger at Ryan.

Ryan licked his lips and approached her.

"You did very well. Tell me, how do you feel?"

"Wonderful. No pain now. I feel like I could run a marathon!" He laughed happily.

"You can indeed, and so much more. Now, we need to take this next part slowly."

"What happens now?" Ryan shrugged.

Cody stepped up to him and took his hand. "We need to discover your bane."

"My what?"

"Find out what hurts you. For me it's gold, remember?"

"Oh, right! How do we rind out?"

Naderi held up a finger. "Very cautiously. This is a very dangerous time for you."

Cody nodded. "It would suck to find out what you are harmed by accidentally, with no control of the situation. Say...sunlight for example."

"Oh no! Could it really be sunlight?" Ryan frowned. "I like the sun."

"Me too, so let's hope that's not it." Cody laughed.

Naderi interjected. "We will do this slowly. When we are assembled in the living room, we will begin the process of elimination, with the obvious choices first. Now, it's time to get dressed."

Ryan looked for the gown but it wasn't on the floor where he had dropped it. "Um..." He looked under the bed.

Shota looked at Naderi and grinned. "I threw that silly gown away. There is something you can wear in the bottom drawer." He couldn't conceal the huge grin on his face.

Ryan opened the drawer and groaned. "Not again..." He faced Naderi.

"Yes indeed. This time, however, it is a polite request. It would please me." She raised an eyebrow.

Cody walked over and looked down into the drawer. "Hmm...I like it." He patted Ryan on the back. "Get used to it, she always gets her way." He walked back to stand next to Naderi, Shota, and Samantha.

"I heard that, young man." Naderi gave him a stern look.

"It's the truth." Cody shrugged.

"Yes, I suppose it is." She turned her attention to Ryan. "Get dressed and join us in the sitting room please." She turned and led Samantha and Shota from the room.

Cody lingered and then began to smile.

"What?" Ryan also grinned.

"See you in a few. I'm going to get dressed." He picked up his pants and left the room.

"But you have your clothes!" Ryan called after him but the door closed. He reached down into the drawer and removed a heavy, leather body harness. "How did I get myself into this?" He shook his head and began strapping the harness to himself. When he had finished securing the collar around his neck, he looked in the full-length mirror, next to the dresser, and nodded approvingly. All scars and bruises from the accident were gone. His body was perfectly toned and mostly devoid of body hair...and it always would be. "Well hello sexy!" He ran his hands over his body and tugged on the harness. It was then that he realized what life he had known was now behind him. He was free, liberated to do whatever he wanted to. He cupped the leather pouch covering his cock and smiled.

As Cody walked down the long hallway, back towards the main room, he met Mark. "Hey, are you free for a while?"

"Yeah, I put the body in a tarp and loaded it into a work truck out front. Seems there is a gravel pit that Shota knows about, in the next town."

"Can you help me with something?" Cody smiled.

"Sure. What's up?"

"I need to get changed." Cody turned and headed upstairs, to Mark's room.

"Oh yeah? Something in particular you plan to wear?" He followed.

"If you don't mind." Cody reached their room and opened the door.

"Do I mind? I would prefer you never take it off again." Mark laughed and pulled the leather body suit out of the closet. "Hurry up."

Cody removed the rest of his clothes and climbed into the suit. With Mark's aid, he was soon zipped and strapped back into the heavy leather. "Thanks."

Mark turned him around and playfully cupped his cock and balls, squeezing them through the heavy leather. "My pleasure."

"We are going to gather downstairs and work on discovering Ryan's bane. You coming."

"In a minute, I want to gear up too." He disappeared back into the closet.

"Same stuff as last time?" Cody moved to the door.

"No, I want to try something different." His voice was muffled in the large closet.

"You need help?"

"No. You go ahead and I'll be right down."

"Ok. See you in a few." Cody returned to the sitting room and Shota clapped his hands happily.

"Oh's play time!" He patted the couch. "Right here please."

Cody nodded and sat next to him. Naderi and Samantha were in larger chairs that had been pulled up to the table.

"You look right at home now." Naderi smiled.

"Yeah, I'm feeling a lot more comfortable here, now that Ryan is home...I mean here with me."

"You are home, and so is he." Naderi nodded.

"Are you talking about me?" Ryan stepped out of the hallway and into the main sitting room. The thick leather harness creaked when he moved.

Shota stood. "Holy shit, it must be my birthday!" He stepped around Cody's legs and met Ryan, halfway to the couch. "You look good enough to eat!" He playfully tugged on the strap across Ryan's chest and pulled him towards the couch.

"Hey! I thought we didn't each our own kind." He allowed himself to be led forward.

"I'm not talking about `that' kind of eating." Shota grinned.

Ryan saw Cody on the couch, in the body suit and gasped. "Oh wow! You really did change your clothes!"

Cody smiled and patted the couch. "Yeah, I hope you like it. Come on, take a seat."

Ryan sat next to Cody and ran his hands over the suit, settling on Cody's groin. "Like it? I love it. I hope you wear it a lot, and then let me were it afterwards."

Cody leaned over and pulled the boy into a powerful kiss. "Now that we are together, we can do whatever you want."

Shota squeezed in between Ryan and the arm of the couch. He faced Cody. "I am jealous as hell, you know."

Cody smiled. "I want to thank you for helping him, in the hospital."

"It was my pleasure." Shota nodded.

Naderi cleared her throat. "Are we ready to begin?"

Cody faced her. "Mark is going to join us. He's changing clothes."

Shota raised an eyebrow. "Oh reeeaallyy?"

Ryan laughed. "Does everyone go this crazy here all the time?"

Naderi faced him. "You will have to linger a while and discover that for yourself."

Movement on the stairs drew their attention. Mark entered the room, making his way to the couch.

"Sorry I'm late."

Ryan's jaw dropped open. "Woah..."

Cody and Shota echoed Ryan's comment and Cody stood. "Is that rubber?" He walked up to Mark and placed his hand on his chest. "It is rubber! Where did you get this?"

"Same place I got the suit you are wearing. Different gear for different occasions; I like to be prepared." He moved over to the couch and sat next to Ryan. "Hey you. I didn't want you to be the only one dressed like a freak." He smiled. "You mind if I sit here?"

Ryan nodded. "Yeah...I mean please do. Wow. That suit is wicked cool! Can I touch you?"


Ryan ran his hands over the black rubber suit that encased all of Mark's body. Even his feet and hands were covered. "What is this?" He fondled a `bag' of rubber hanging in front of Mark's neck.

"That is the hood to the suit. It zips down the back but I want to be able to talk so I'm not going to zip it up."

"Oh cool!" Ryan grinned and faced Cody. "I want one of these. No wait...two. One for each of us."

"Sure." Cody smiled happily and took a seat on Mark's other side. He sniffed the rubber body suit. "It smells nice."


"If we are ready to begin?" Naderi folded her hands in her lap.

Shota left the room briefly and returned with two large boxes, and one smaller box. He set them on the table and opened the first box. The sides folded down, revealing an assortment of small objects. Each object was crafted from a different material, almost everything imaginable.

Naderi stood and approached the open box. "Well, we should start with the obvious first." She motioned to Shota and he removed a large gold coin. Cody straightened up but did not leave the couch.

Shota made a tossing gesture towards Cody. "Here bud, catch!" He did not throw the coin but Cody jumped up on couch cushion.

"You asshole!" Cody glared at him.

"Relax, I'm just fucking with you." Shota turned to Ryan. Hand out please."

Slowly, Ryan extended his hand and looked at Cody.

"I'm sorry Ryan, this is the safest way to find out."

Ryan nodded and Shota moved the coin towards his palm.

"Huh..." Ryan furrowed his brow.

Shota stopped. "Do you feel something?"

"Yeah. I feel a tingling and a deep cold sensation, the closer you come with that coin."

Naderi nodded. "Good, it is as expected."

"So I'm allergic to gold, just like Cody?"

"Yeah." Cody nodded. "Sorry."

"Why sorry? I like that we have the same weakness. It makes me feel even closer to you." Ryan smiled.

"Oh god, they make me ill." Shota laughed and put the coin back in the box.

Cody relaxed and sat next to Mark again. For the next hour, they had Ryan handle each remaining object but none of them bothered him.

"Well, now you know." Naderi cautioned him. "Should you ever touch gold, you will feel pain the likes of which you never have. Remember, it can kill you."

"I will. Besides, Cody will have the same reaction so we can help each other." Ryan nodded.

Shota left the room, taking the boxes with him.

Naderi moved to the next order of business. "We need to decide what to do about your parents and where you two will go."

"What about them? Can't I just vanish and never see my father and Alice again?"

"You could, yes, but they might come looking or start some police investigation. I do not need that kind of attention." Naderi shook her head.

Cody shrugged. "Well, for a while they can see him. It's just in a few years when he doesn't age that he has to sever ties with them and friends."

"Bah, let's do it sooner rather than later."

Nader shook her head. "No, Cody is correct. Go see them and let them know you are fine. Visit them again next year and slowly break contact."

Mark raised his hand, the rubber suit creaking. "Maybe there is something you can do to make them lose interest in your daily life? For me, I got in trouble with the law and my father disowned me. It worked out quite well actually."

Ryan faced Cody and laughed. "Hi remember Cody right? Yeah, well he is my boyfriend and we fuck all the time."

Cody nodded. "Yup, that would do it."

Samantha laughed. "Well maybe not THAT drastic, at least not at first. Maybe let him catch you two horsing around in a few months."

"I was kidding, but you have a good suggestion." Ryan nodded.

"So, do you have questions for me?" Naderi crossed her legs.

Cody nodded. "Where should we go? I know we can't go back and live in the apartment, that isn't safe."

"Where do you wish to go? The world is a very large place. I'm certain you can find a new home."

"Can we stay here for a while? Until we decide? I need to keep an eye on Ryan, for a while."

"Yes, you do! I will not have any incidents in my jurisdiction. I think you two should remain here for a while. We can see how he is accepting the change and help him adjust to his new life."

"Thank you." Cody smiled. "We'll try to not be in the way."

She rose and smiled. "I think, actually, you will be most welcome here."

"Uh oh..." Cody smiled.

"I'm having another party next month. I would like you two to attend and entertain."

Cody nodded and faced Ryan. "I'm sure we will."

"I know you will." She left the room.

Ryan faced Cody. "What now?"

Shat answered. "Now, you need to learn a few things."

"Like what?" Ryan shrugged.

Cody reached across Mark's rubber-covered crotch and took Ryan's hand. "You need to learn about being a vampire."

Shota nodded. "Yup."

"So, sit back and listen. Feel free to ask questions as they arise." Cody released his hand and sat back.

Ryan listened as Shota spent the next three hours informing him of the various rules all vampires were supposed to abide by. As it turned out, not all vampires upheld the `code' but most did. Cody remembered Hans and Draven giving him a similar lecture and it brought back fond memories.

It was early the next morning, still dark outside, when Samantha returned to the room and asked if everything was going well.

Ryan nodded and explained that he was learning a lot.

"Good. Naderi and I are going to dispose of the trucker's body. Shota, would please accompany us?"

"Be glad to. These guys are boring me to tears." He laughed and excused himself from the room.

Cody turned to Mark and Ryan. "What do you want to do? Ryan, are you getting hungry yet?"

"A little, yeah. How often will I need to eat? You don't eat every day."

"It is different for newly changed vampires. You need to feed every day to keep up your strength and to keep the `hunger' at bay. If you go too long without blood you will become frantic and may attack others."

"Others? Like you guys?" Ryan frowned.

"No, other humans than the one you are intending to feed upon. Your body won't let you starve."

"So who are my intended victims?"

"We need to find you a steady food source for a while." Cody nodded thoughtfully.

"What about Kyle?" Ryan volunteered. "He already knows about us so we don't have to charm him, which, by the way, I want you to teach me."

"No, not Kyle. With all the stuff going on around here – your labwork, the missing truck driver – I want him to honestly be able to say he hasn't seen us."

"Yeah, good idea. He's cool and I don't want him to get into trouble because of me."

"Because of us." Cody corrected. "We are together now, through good and bad."

Ryan laughed. "Did we get married too?"

"Would you like to?" Cody raised his eyebrows.

"Sure, maybe." Ryan teased back.

"So..." Cody was quiet."

"Uh oh, he's thinking again." Ryan smiled at Mark. "So where do you go when you get hungry?"

"Me? I go either to a bar or to a biker hangout. I have no trouble finding a meal there."

"Are they all gay?"

"No. I'm an equal opportunity feeder." Mark laughed.

"Oh yeah, I never thought of that. I suppose blood is blood."

"Pretty much. I try to avoid drunks and crack heads but they will work in a pinch." Mark laughed.

"Be right back." Cody jumped up and left the room.

"Mmm...kay." Ryan watched him leave. He and Mark spoke alone for a while, until Cody returned. It was quickly decided that at the next party, Ryan would be head to toe in the black rubber suit.

In a few minutes, Cody returned. "Mark, can you drive us somewhere?"

Mark nodded. "Sure, let me go change." He stood.

"Ryan, we need to get dressed too." Cody faced Mark. Can you find something for him to wear?"

"Yeah, he's about the same size. Come on." He led them back to his room. They each stripped down and Cody pulled on the clothes he had previously been wearing. Mark dug some jeans, shirt, and a pair of shoes out of the closet for Ryan and soon they were all dressed to be out in public.

"So where are we going?" Ryan laced up his shoes.

"It's a surprise but I think you'll like it." Cody answered.

"Then let's get a move on." Mark grabbed some keys from the dresser.

In a few minutes, they were on the road and Cody was giving directions to Mark. In twenty minutes, they pulled into an apartment complex. Cody and Ryan got out of the car and Cody said he would be in touch and gave Mark a telephone number in case he needed to reach them.

Mark drove off and the two boys made their way into the closest building. Cody led them to the second floor and knocked gently on a door.

In a minute, they head movement from the other side and the door unlocked. A man in his late thirties looked out and rubbed his eyes.

"Cody? Hey, I was half-asleep when you called. I forgot what you need." The man looked at Ryan but didn't recognize him.

"We need a place to crash for a while."

"What? Oh, sure. Hang on." The door closed.

Cody faced Ryan. "You'll like him. He's cool."

"Who is he?" Ryan shrugged.

The door opened and the man welcomed them into his apartment. It was a mess, more so than Cody had ever seen it.

Cody looked around and then faced the man. "So, no girlfriend I guess."

"No, not for a while. Sorry the place is such a pit."

Ryan cleared his throat.

"Oh yeah, sorry." Cody pointed to Ryan. "This is my boyfriend Ryan." He faced Ryan. "This is David."

Ryan nodded. "I've heard of you. Hello." He extended his hand.

"Nice to meet you." David shook Ryan's hand.

Cody closed the door and looked around. "You going to be here for a while today?"

"Yeah, it's Saturday." David shrugged. "What's up? You in trouble?"

"No, not really, but we need a place to crash that's safe for Ryan."

"Is HE in trouble?" David raised an eyebrow.

"No's complicated." Cody smiled sheepishly.

"What about you isn't?" David put his hand on Cody's shoulder. "It's good to see you. Sure, you can crash here for a while. Do you have any bags?" He looked around but didn't see any.

"No, just the clothes on our backs."

"Well, you can have the guest room. Let me shower and get dressed." He yawned and moved to the bathroom, leaving them standing in the entryway.

"He seems nice, and he's pretty good looking." Ryan smiled.

"He is very nice."

"So why are we here?"

"You need to feed on a regular schedule and I need to know we are someplace safe. This is a good place to hang out for a while."

"Do you want me to feed on David?" Ryan asked quietly.

"You don't have to whisper. We have exceptional hearing, he doesn't." Cody laughed. "Yes, if you think you are up to it. I know it's a lot to ask of you this soon. Would you rather find a stranger?"

"I don't want to hurt him if he's a friend. I thought we would feed on criminals or something."

"You don't have to hurt him to feed. You can use your saliva to numb his neck and just drink a little, a few times a day. Or..."

"Yeah?" Ryan eyed him suspiciously.

"David loves a blow job." Cody grinned.

"I...oh! Yeah, I'd forgotten about that."

"Do you think you could? I mean, I know you don't know him."

"I can try. I knew this would become part of the new life." Ryan nodded.

"Good, you'll find semen is more potent than blood so you don't have to feed as often. I mean, unless you enjoy such things." Cody grabbed Ryan's cock, through the jeans.

"We'll see." Ryan playfully pushed Cody's hand away and kissed him.

They took a seat on the couch and waited for the shower to stop. David came out of the bathroom and noticed them.

"Be out in a minute." He headed into his room to get dressed.

Cody took Ryan's hand and they followed David into his room. He was naked, rummaging in the walk-in closet.

Cody and Ryan removed their clothes and when David came back into the room, he stopped and stared at them. He still didn't consider himself gay but the sight of Cody and the younger boy were enough to get his dick aroused.

"Oh..." Was all he said.

"So, I have a favor to ask." Cody walked up and placed his hands on David's damp chest. He gently rubbed the man's nipples.

"Yeah?" David sighed deeply. "That feels nice."

"Ryan needs to feed. Do you mind?"

David looked momentarily shocked and looked at Ryan. "Oh! I thought he was just your boyfriend. Do you mean he's like you too?"

Cody nodded. "Yes to both. He is my boyfriend and he is a vampire. He just changed last night, so, as you can imagine, he is hungry."

"I don't know if I can handle the both of you." He looked a little nervous.

"For now, just see to his needs. I'll take care of myself." Cody nodded.

David nodded and sat on the bed and his dick began to swell even more.

"You ready?" Cody faced Ryan.

"Yeah, I think so. You used to do this to him all the time right?" Ryan still looked nervous.


Ryan walked up to David and nodded. "Are you ok with this?"

"Yeah, sure. Just don't bite me too hard ok? I'm a bit of a wuss." David turned his head to the side, exposing his neck to Ryan.

Cody placed his hands on Ryan's shoulders and gently pushed him down to his knees, so his face was level with David's dick.

When he didn't feel teeth on his skin, David looked forward, quickly lowering his gaze to where Ryan was moving closer to his dick. He looked up at Cody. "I thought..."

Cody smiled. "'s not the blood..."

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