Its Not the Blood

By Will Ren

Published on Feb 27, 2011


"Draven?" Ryan's mouth hung open. "Do you mean...?"

The tall man faced him and nodded. "As you are with Cody, you no doubt know who I am, now."

Ryan grabbed Cody's arm. "He's the first one who bit me tonight! He's been after me since I arrived."

Draven smiled. "I will admit that when we first met, you immediately appealed to me. Cody and I, you see, have the same taste for boys your age. That is what drew me to him, so many years ago." He faced Cody. "You are looking well."

Cody wiped his face on his hand and shrugged. "I don't know what to say..."

Ryan pulled Cody towards him. "Well I sure as hell do! Aren't you supposed to be dead?" He glared at Draven.

"Ah yes, that is a matter we need to discuss." He turned from Ryan and faced Cody. "Will you join me?" He held out his hand.

"No, he won't!" Ryan tugged on Cody's arm again. "Let's go."

"You are welcome to join us too, Ryan."

"No thank you."

"As you wish, but Cody and I do need to speak. So, if you don't mind, please unhand him." He lowered his hand and took a step towards Ryan, his fangs descending. "Or do I need to make you?"

Ryan faced Cody. "You see? He's nuts. Come on, let's go already."

"Let go of me." Cody faced Ryan. "I'm not leaving."

Ryan stared at Cody for a few seconds, not believing what he had heard.

Cody pulled his arm from Ryan's grasp. "You should go home."

"What?" Ryan's eyes began to water. "You aren't coming with me?"


"But...why not?"

"I need to talk with Draven."

"Oh..." He fumbled with his car keys. "Well...are you coming home later?"

"Yes, after we talk." Cody nodded.

"Should I wait up for you?"

"No, it won't be that soon. Besides, you have class tomorrow, right?"

"Yeah, first day." Ryan looked down, avoiding Cody's eyes. "So when will you be home?"

"I don't know. Depends on a lot of things."

"Well, call me if you want me to come get you."

"Sure, thanks."

"So...I guess I'll go then..." Ryan turned towards the door.

"I love you Ryan." Cody called after him.

"Yeah...I love you too." Ryan opened the door and left, walking quickly to the Jeep.

Cody faced Draven. "You're an asshole!" He was angry.

"I know, and for what it is worth, I apologize."

"That doesn't come close to fixing this."

"Come, Cody, we need to talk, and I do not wish to do so here." He held out his hand again.

Cody shook his head, refusing the offered hand. "No thanks. Let's go."

Draven sighed and turned around. He led them to a small room, on the second floor. His suitcase lay open on the bed, an assortment of clothes laid out.

Cody looked around. "So, you've been here for a while."

"Yes, a few days now."

"And you waited until tonight to let me know you weren't dead?"

"To be honest, I did not know for certain you were nearby. I sensed you, of course, but before I could act, you and your boy showed up here."

"His name is Ryan." He glared at Draven. "Don't call him my `boy'."

"Well, that is his role is it not? Much as you were Hans' and my boy? Before I changed you."

"His name is Ryan." Cody restated with emphasis.

"Ah, then it is true. You consider him an equal, as Naderi explained."

"Yes, and I love him with all my being."

"So I have come to learn." Draven sat on the bed and motioned to a chair across the room. "Come, sit, and talk with me now."

Cody dragged the chair closer to the bed and sat down, his arms folded.

"Your friend is very cute, and has a strong personality."

"Are we going to talk about him or about us?"

"Both. Do you love your boy...forgive me...Ryan, more than you do me?"

"How can you even ask me that? You've been out of my life for almost 60 years, since you died. Oh, I guess we can't call it that anymore. Since you left me."

"Yes, and I feel the need to explain my actions."

Cody unfolded his arms and rested them on the chair, leaning back. He crossed his legs. "Oh, I'm all ears."

"You are not making this easy for me." Draven frowned.

"Why should I? Do you think you made life easy for me?"

"No, I suppose not. Think back, to when we were together, after Hans died."

"I've never forgotten."

"I was not handling his death well. He had been my mate for over three hundred years."

"I know; I loved him too."

"I needed time to accept his loss, and to move forward."

"So...was I in the way or something? I thought I was filling his role nicely."

Draven smiled, sadly. "Yes, you did me a great courtesy by becoming my mate, but it did not heal my heart."

"So, is that why you left? Because I wasn't good enough?" Cody's anger lessened and was replaced by sadness.

"My god, no Cody. You were the perfect mate. Kind, courteous, helpful. I could not have asked for more. Yet, I was unable to move past Hans. I felt I was holding you back, making my grief yours."

"I never objected."

"Still, I needed time and distance from you, the cottage, the old life I had with Hans. I could not think clearly."

"You could have told me this. It would have been difficult but at least I would have understood and not thought you just walked away and died, leaving me alone."

"Believe me, leaving you alone was the most painful thing I have ever done. I have never stopped thinking about you, about us. I have longed to seek you, but never had the courage."

"Until now..."

"Naderi contacted me and requested I attend this gathering. At first, she would not say why, but after we talked more, she told me you were in the city. I could no longer I am here."

Cody was silent for some time. He weighed the terrible suffering Draven had endured after Hans' death, against his own loss and loneliness.

"You do not have to forgive me; I did not come here seeking that. I do not deserve your forgiveness, but, I wanted you to understand that is was entirely my doing that I left you, not yours."

Cody spoke then, and his voice was soft and calm. "I remained in the house for some time, hoping you would come back. When you didn't, I left. I assumed you were dead. I made my way back to this country, and eventually to my home. My parents were gone and I never sought them out. I tried to find work, but I'm too young looking and nobody would hire me."

"Yes, Naderi has chastised me for making you vampire at such a young age." Draven laughed quietly. "She can be such a bitch."

Cody coughed. "I think that is an understatement."

Draven smiled, glad Cody's mood was changing for the better. "Yes, but she seems to have a soft spot for you and...Ryan."

"Well, if what she did to us tonight is an example of her kindness, I'd hate to see her really pissed off."

"Yes, it is not pretty." Draven looked down at his boots.

For some time, neither of them spoke. Eventually, Cody rose and shrugged.

"So? What happens now?"

"To be honest, I am not certain. I had assumed we would reunite and perhaps you would follow me back to Germany. I have stayed in contact with many of our old friends and they are anxious to see you again."

Cody shook his head. "That isn't possible."

Draven held his gaze and smiled, slyly. "The boy..."

Cody raised an eyebrow. "Ryan."

"Yes, Ryan. He has captured your heart, has he not?" Draven nodded.

"He has. In the years since you left me, I've been mostly alone. I had a brief relationship with a human, early on, but it didn't last."

"I warned you against becoming emotionally involved with them. It is harder on us."

"You know me; I usually have to screw something up to figure it out."

"So, other than a failed relationship with a mortal, what have you been doing?"

Cody shrugged. "The only thing I could do to survive. I moved from town to town, latching onto humans like a leech. It's really hard to provide for myself, looking as young as I do. Well, actually, looking like I do, it's quite EASY to earn a living, just not the type I envisioned for myself."

"Yes, you are still the most beautiful boy I've ever met." Draven held up a finger. "Let me ask you one thing."


"Do you regret that I changed you?"

Cody was thoughtful. "Sometimes."


"I think about being like this for the rest of time, being alone."

"Oh Cody, you do not have to be alone. There are many that would be happy to have you, myself included."

"Well, I often feel alone. I think I'm different than most other vampires."

"You are. It is because I turned you at so young an age. You were not tired of your mortal life. You have never lost your humanity, so to speak. It makes you more like them, than us. But, I am back now." He smiled. "I have found you again."

Cody stared at Draven for a while and then shrugged. "What if I don't want to be with you?"

It was Draven's turn to be shocked. "I do not understand. Do you not still love me?"

"I don't know what I feel. I won't deny that I think about you often. Part of me never accepted that you were gone, never believed it."

"And now I have returned."

"Yes you have, but, it's complicated."

"The human?"


"I do not mean to sound like your mentor, still, but have you forgotten what happened the last time you took a human for a lover?"

Cody looked away. "No."

Naderi told me of your Martin. "I'm sorry you lost him, and so tragically."

"I loved him."

"But...he was mortal – destined to die."

"He deserved better than me."

Draven took a deep breath and slowly let it out. "So...what makes you think Ryan will be any different?"

In a flash, Cody was standing, his hands balled into fists. "This is completely different!"

"Is it? Why?" Draven remained calm.

"Because...I love him."

"You loved Martin..."

"I did, but I was so young, still coming to terms with myself."

Draven laughed, but he wasn't happy. "You are still very young, as vampires go."

"But I have learned so much about what I am."

"Are you using Ryan as a test? To prove you have control now?"

"No." Cody looked away. "I would never hurt him."

"Did you ever tell Martin that?"

"Why are you doing this? Are you trying to piss me off?"

Draven stood and stepped forward. He opened his arms and smiled sadly at Cody. "Never."

Cody relaxed his anger and eased into the embrace. His body trembled, and he hugged Draven tightly. Memories of days long past returned in a wave.

"I'm not trying to hurt you. I never want to cause you sorrow again."

Cody sniffled and buried his face in Draven's shirt. The familiar scent of his maker and former lover overwhelmed him. A strong sense of security swept over him.

"I just do not want Ryan to end up like Martin."

Cody nodded, but didn't look up.

"Do you understand what I'm saying?"

Cody pulled away and nodded. "I do, but I've grown so much."

Draven shook his head. "It's not in your nature to be with a human."

"I will not hurt him." Cody shook his head.

"Can you be certain?"

"I..." Cody hung his head. "No, not completely."

"I know you love Ryan. I can feel it in the air around you two. I was aroused just standing near you tonight. The air practically tingled with lust."

"He is very special to me."

"So was Martin."

Cody looked up at Draven, and tears streamed down his cheeks.

Draven nodded. "I hurts."

"I...never meant to kill Martin. It was an accident!"

"I know, and really, it is my fault. I left you too soon; you were too young."

Cody wiped his cheeks on his hand. "I'm older now. It will be different with Ryan."

"But what if it is not?"

Cody shook his head. "No! I will not let that happen again."

Draven shrugged. "I can not make you leave him."

"No, you can't. But...if I think I'm losing control again, I'll leave him."

"I caution you once again that we are not compatible with mortals; you are not compatible with Ryan. You will not know you are losing control...until you already have."

Cody nodded. "So you once told me."

"Was I mistaken?"

"Not then." Cody shook his head.

"And what about now?"

"Now? I think you are."

"Will you do me a favor?"

"Depends." Cody crossed his arms. "I'm not sure I owe you any favors."

"No, you do not. But hear me out."


"Leave Ryan."

Cody began to protest.

"I am not finished. Leave him for a while; see what it feels like. See how he reacts. Maybe he will move on, move past you."

"Absolutely not. He has told me many times that he would die without me."

"He may very well die WITH you." Draven was sad. "I am not trying to cause you grief, rather, save you from more of it."

"I know, and, I appreciate it."

"But you will not leave him."

"No, I won't."

"Very well. I can see you have made your decision."

Cody nodded. "I have."

"Then we shall not speak of this again." Draven looked around the room. "It is a small chamber, but I will happily share it with you." He faced Cody and smiled. "Will you stay?"

"For how long?"

"Tonight, maybe the next."

Cody didn't need to deliberate long. "I will stay tonight, but in the morning, I'm going home."

Draven nodded. "I'm glad you have found a place to call home."

"Me too."

"I will not stay long in this country; it feels too modern and unrefined."

"So how long will you be staying?"

"Perhaps a week." Draven moved his clothes and suitcase. "Come, lie down with me."

Cody nodded and joined him on the bed. He faced Draven and smiled. "I've missed you."

"And I you."

They spoke long into the night, each catching the other up on what had been happening in their lives. When Cody again spoke of Martin, it was with a great sadness and guilt.

It was four o'clock in the morning when Draven sat up. "I want to make love to you, like we used to."

Cody propped himself up on one elbow and shook his head. "As much as I would enjoy that, I promised Ryan I would be his alone from now on."

"You promised a mortal?"

"I promised my lover."

Draven moved to the side of the bed and stood. "Well, your word is a powerful gift to give another. I will not ask you to break it."

"Thanks, I wouldn't anyway." Cody stood next to him. "I think I'll go."

"So soon?"

"Yeah. If I time it right, I will get home before Ryan leaves for class."

"He would probably like that."

"So would I." Cody smiled.

"Will someone be driving you home?" Draven pulled his boots on.

"I hope so."

"I would offer to drive you, but I do not have a car."

"Thanks, I'll see if Naderi has anyone who can." Cody pulled Ryan's shoes on.

"Would you like me to accompany you home?"

"No. That's not necessary."

Draven looked sad but nodded. "As you wish."

Cody smiled. "Cheer up. I'm sure you'll find another young man to take under your wing when you get home."

Draven nodded. "I have my eye on two already."

"Two?" Cody laughed.

"My appetite has grown." Draven also laughed.

"No kidding." Cody extended his hand. "Thank you for talking with me."

Draven took his hand and pulled him into a tight embrace. "I will always be here for you, if you need me."

They parted, and Cody stepped back. He nodded. "Thanks. Well, I should go find Naderi and see about a ride home."

"Take care of yourself, and Ryan."

"Goodbye Draven." Cody left the room quickly, before he changed his mind about leaving.

Draven watched him leave. His heart was heavy, for he had hoped Cody would return home with him. Still, he was pleased to have had the opportunity to explain what happened between them, so many years ago.

Cody walked downstairs and found Shota sitting in the living room, talking to a human. The man had two small holes in his neck, and some blood ran down his collarbone.

Shota turned to Cody. "I see you are still here."

The man said goodbye and walked away.

"Yeah. Do you know where Naderi is? I need a ride home."

Shota stood and grinned. "I would be happy to give you a ride, to your home that is."

Cody shook his head. "No thanks. I'd rather you not know where we live."

"I have tasted your Ryan. I can always find him, should I wish to."

Cody took a step closer, so they were mere inches apart. "If you go looking for Ryan, I'll be there when you find him."

"My, but you are the protective one, are you not." Shota laughed. "Relax. I would not harm him. As long as he is with you, I will behave."

"Damn right you will. You need to remember that he's mine." Cody stepped back.

"So, would you like a ride home?" Shota smiled.

Cody realized Shota was correct. As he had fed on Ryan, he would be able to locate him again. Ryan's blood would draw any vampire who had bled him. Hopefully, however, as long as Cody claimed him, the other vampires would leave Ryan alone. "Fine."

Shota smiled. "Good. Let me find my keys." He walked away, returning shortly, wearing a leather jacket. He had some keys in his hand. "Time to go."

Cody followed him out to a car parked by the side of the house. They got in, and he directed Shota to Ryan's apartment. When they arrived, Cody asked him to stop, just inside the apartment grounds.

"This will do." Cody pointed to the curb.

"So he lives right here? On the grass?" Shota smiled slyly, as he pulled the car to the curb.

"No but you're close enough." Cody opened the door and stepped out. "Thanks for the ride."

"Thanks for coming to the party tonight, and for introducing me to Ryan."

Cody slammed the door and leaned into the window. "You're an asshole. Keep away from him." He stepped back from the car.

"See you around." Shota put the car into gear, turned around, and pulled out onto the main street, heading back to Naderi's home.

Cody watched him drive off, and then headed to Ryan and Trevor's apartment. He opened the main door leading to their complex and climbed to the second floor. He didn't know what time it was, but he assumed his friends would be asleep.

Quietly, he put his hands on the door and concentrated. He sensed two life forces, in opposite ends of the apartment. The boys were in their rooms. He continued to concentrate and confirmed that their pulses and energy levels were low. They were asleep.

He tried the door handle, but it was locked. Without a key, all he could do is force the lock, but that would make a lot of noise and damage the door.

Cody leaned against the wall and sank to the floor. He would wait for one of them to wake. He closed his eyes and stretched out with his senses, zeroing in on Ryan. The teen was asleep in his room and Cody could feel his heartbeat and emotions.

When Ryan returned to the apartment, and was visibly shaken, Trevor had tried to comfort him. He had said to give Cody a chance to talk to Draven, as they had history. "Just wait, Cody will be back tomorrow," he had told Ryan.

Ryan went to bed, extremely unhappy. From his perspective, Cody had brushed him aside and chosen to stay with his old mate, Draven.

Time passed slowly for Cody, while he waited, and the boys slept. His thoughts wandered to what Ryan might say to him, when he woke. Cody was prepared for another round of ass kissing, but hoped it wouldn't be necessary. After all, he had made his love for the boy quite clear on many occasions that evening. Ryan shouldn't have any doubts.

"'s human nature..." He heard Draven's words like echoes in his mind.

"Go away!" Cody spoke to the phantom voice. He folded his hands in his lap and waited.

The sun was coming up, when a door down the hall opened, and a young woman, probably another student, stepped out of her apartment. She closed the door and turned towards the staircase, stopping when she saw Cody sitting against the wall.

Cody faced her. "Good morning. Do you have the time?"

She looked at her watch and nodded. "It's almost seven." She hefted her backpack and moved closer.

Cody stood. "Thanks."

"Sure." She walked past him, looking carefully over her shoulder.

Cody watched her go and then turned to the apartment. He heard movement within and quietly knocked on the door.

Footsteps approached and the lock was undone. The door opened and Ryan looked out.

"Good morning." Cody smiled.

"Hey." Ryan opened the door so Cody could enter.

"First day of class." Cody moved inside.

"Yeah, fun, fun." Ryan closed the door and locked it. "When did you get back?"

"A few hours ago." Cody turned to face him.

"Oh. You should have knocked."

"I didn't want to wake you."

"Thanks. I probably wasn't sleeping, just in my room."

Cody looked around and saw Ryan's backpack on the couch. "When do leave for class?"


"Anything you want me to do while you're gone?"

"Not really." Ryan moved over to the couch.

"Ok. I'll be here when you get back."

"Sure." Ryan picked up his backpack. "I'll probably be home around two. Trevor will be home around noon I think, at least on Monday's."

"Do you want me to come with you?" Cody smiled.

Ryan laughed quietly. "No, I don't need you to do that. I'll be fine on my own." He slung the backpack over his shoulder and moved to the door. "When I do get home, we need to talk."

Cody's pulse jumped. He didn't like the sound of that. "Sure."

"Well, I'd better get going. I want to grab a bite and some coffee, before class. Ryan unlocked the door, opened it, and stepped into the hallway.

"Ryan?" Cody followed him to the door.

"Yeah?" The boy looked back.

"Have a good day." Cody smiled.

"Thanks. I'll try." Ryan gave a little wave and walked towards the stairs.

Cody watched him descend the stairs, and closed the apartment door.

Trevor walked out of his room and headed into the bathroom. He turned on the water and stripped, closing the door.

Not for the first time, Cody felt very alone. He walked into Ryan's room and looked around. Everything looked the same, and that was comforting. He moved to the bed, and bent down over Ryan's pillows. The scent was strong, where Ryan's head had recently been.

Cody lay down, and buried his face in the pillow. He inhaled deeply and held his breath, drawing as much of Ryan's scent into him. Slowly, he exhaled, and repeated the process. The boy's scent usually calmed him, but today, it was not working. He rolled over and rested his hands across his chest. He closed his eyes, slowed his pulse, and slipped into a meditative state.

As he had planned, time quickly passed, as he rested. He was aware when Trevor left, and aware when he returned, shortly after noon. Trevor went straight to his room, not checking to see if Cody were in Ryan's room. Odd, but acceptable, Cody thought, given the general mood in the apartment.

Two hours later, Cody felt Ryan's approach. He roused himself, climbed off the bed, and waited.

Ryan opened the door and closed it after himself. "Hey." He moved to his desk and dropped his backpack.

"Hi, how were classes."

"Dull, as I expected." Ryan faced him. "Do you have any plans for tonight?"

Cody shook his head. "No, do you?"



"I just thought maybe you'd go out with Draven, or something." Ryan looked down at his feet.

Cody's heart melted. He had expected Ryan to be angry with him, but instead, the boy was very, very sad. "Come on, sit with me." Cody sat on the bed and patted the mattress, next to him.

Ryan sat down.

Cody put his arm around the boy's shoulders and pulled him close. "Draven is going home in a few days, back to Germany." He felt Ryan's pulse jump.

"Oh. He wasn't here very long."

"He only came here to find me. Naderi told him I was in town."

"So...are you going home with him?" Ryan's voice faltered a little.

Cody hugged him tightly. "Last night, I stayed behind because I needed to know why he had left me. I thought maybe I had done something wrong."

"Did he tell you?"

"Yeah, we talked. He explained everything, and told me it wasn't my fault. He's still in love with me, and, he asked me to go home with him."

Ryan nodded. "I assumed that's why he had returned." Ryan looked away and wiped his eyes.

"But, I told him I wouldn't go." Cody hugged Ryan again. He could feel the boy trembling.

"You did?" Ryan faced him, and his eyes were red. "He created you, was your mate. Why would you stay here, now that you know he's alive?"

Cody faced him, holding his gaze for several seconds, before smiling. "Duh! I'm in love with someone else."

Ryan nodded sadly. "Thanks."

"I love you, Ryan, more than anything else in this world. I've told you that countless times."

"I know, but, lately it feels like you're growing tired of me, maybe bored."

"What? If you are referring to my adventures with Kyle and the party last night, I assure you those were singular events. I'm a one-human vampire now. Scouts honor." He raised his hand and held it palm forward.

"You were a Boy Scout?" Ryan smiled suspiciously.

"I've always been a `boy scout', just not the type you're thinking of."

Ryan shook his head. "I'm all mixed up inside."

"About what?"

" future...everything."

"How can I help?"

"I just need to know that you won't leave me again, to be with anyone else. I don't think I can handle that anymore. I don't want to."

"I promise. You have my word. I'm yours alone, and maybe Trevor's, if he asks me really nicely." Cody smiled.

"That's a start. If you give me your word, I believe you, but, I have some questions."

"Sure. Ask away."

"Last night..." Ryan faced him.

"Yeah, that didn't go so well." Cody shook his head.

"It's my fault, I shouldn't have gone back to get you."

"No, it's my fault for even going there." Cody corrected him.

"Well, you had that life debt to repay."

"Screw that, I wasn't officially obligated to repay her, it was just a courtesy. I was thankful she saved me, but not at the cost of you getting hurt."

"I'm ok now. Besides, I got to drink your blood, finally." He smiled a little, his mood lightening.

"Yeah." Cody nodded. "So what's on your mind?"

"How come those humans were there? I thought you needed to keep your existence a secret."

"They came to have a good time. Some wish to be changed into vampires, and some really enjoy sex with vampires." Cody gave him a knowing glare. "They either know about us with approval, or would have their memories cleansed of any vampire activity, when they left. There are multitudes of reasons but when it comes right down to it, the party was about feeling good, for all attendees."

"Yeah, there was a lot of sex and feeding going on."

"I'm sorry you had to see that."

"That's ok. I kind of knew what to expect, before I got back there." Ryan turned on the bed, so he was facing Cody. "Naderi said to ask you something."

"She did?" Cody looked suspicious. "I can hardly wait."

"Well, she and I talked for a little while, before she threw me to the wolves."

Cody nodded.

"She doesn't like that you and I are together."

"No, none of them do."

"Why not?"

"You're mortal."


Cody sighed. "Vampires tend to be elitists. They don't like that I consider you my equal."

"You do?" Ryan smiled.

"Well sure, you're my best friend and lover."

"So, having me as a boyfriend is kind of embarrassing for them?"

"Yeah, but I don't give a shit if it bothers others."

"So I've noticed." Ryan nodded.

"But, the serious side of their argument against our being together is the danger it presents."

"Like what?"

"If I hurt you, and things go public, it brings us into the light, so to speak."

"Oh, yeah, that makes sense. Hey, Naderi told me to ask you about Martin."

Cody's face lost some of its color. "What?"

"Yeah, when we were talking about how you won't hurt me. I said I trust you, she said I couldn't. I asked why not. She told me to ask you about Martin."

Cody rose and walked to the window. "Fucking bitch!" He rested his hands on the windowsill and looked out into the parking lot.

"Hey? What's wrong? I already know about Martin. He was you last boyfriend, from a long time ago. Is she trying to make me mad because you've had other lovers?"

Cody shook his head and turned to face Ryan. His eyes were red and moist.

"Cody?" Ryan climbed off the bed and stepped up to him. "We don't have to talk about this right now if you don't want to. I know it makes you sad."

"No, she's right. You need to know...what happened."

"You already told me, he died in a car accident."

Cody shook his head. "That's not true."

"What? You lied about it?"

"I didn't think I would be here, living with you, like I am now. I was so desperate to be with you when we first met; I didn't want to frighten you away."

Ryan reached out to hug him. "It's ok..."

Cody stepped back, raising his hands defensively. "No, it really isn't. You deserve to know the truth."

Ryan lowered his arms and nodded.

"Martin and I were lovers, it's true. We shared his house, just as you and I share this place. It was perfect, magical. In a lot of ways, it's just like you and me now."

"I know, you said you loved him."

"I did, with all my heart."

"So...what happened?" Ryan's pulse began to climb. He had the sinking feeling he was about to learn something he wasn't going to like.

"One night, we were in bed together, enjoying being close to each other. He had been asking me to bleed him, make us one."

Ryan nodded. He too had wanted, and finally experienced, the pleasure of joining with Cody.

"I didn't want to; I was too attracted to blood at the time."

"You were pretty young then, right?"

"Yes, and I didn't have a lot of self-control."

"Uh oh." Ryan grimaced.

"Yeah. So, we tried it. I bled him. At first, it was beautiful. He enjoyed the feeling; I enjoyed the taste. Soon, I couldn't stop myself. Martin began to struggle beneath me. I pinned him down, tore the flesh on his arms with my fingernails, and continued to bleed him."

"Did you end up hurting him badly?"

Cody closed his eyes for a few seconds. When he reopened them, tears streamed down his face. "I killed him."

Ryan was speechless. He had expected to hear that Martin suffered some bumps and bruises...but not that he had died.

"So, now you know why Naderi doesn't want us together. Other vampires had to clean up after me. They put Martin into his car, drove it out of town, and wrecked it. The police never thought foul play had been involved, just that he died in a horrible car accident. But, I know the truth, what really happened."

"I wondered why Naderi told me to ask you."

Cody sniffled and wiped his eyes. "She's afraid you're going to end up like Martin, and she will have to clean up the mess."

Ryan shook his head, violently. "No! You would never hurt me. I just know you wouldn't."

"Martin always said the same thing. Draven says we aren't compatible with mortals."

"Do you believe him?"

"It's kind of hard not to, when you've killed your best friend."

"I don't believe him." Ryan took a step forward. "I know you love me, and won't hurt me."

"I almost did, that first time we had sex. I bled you, and was barely able to pull away."

"But you DID pull away. That proves you have control now."

"Or it proves I still don't have the control needed to be with a mortal. I shouldn't have bitten you at all, that time."

Ryan looked at him questioningly. "Are you saying you shouldn't be with me?"

"I'm saying...there is room to be concerned. I love you more than life, but I can't be sure history won't repeat itself."

"It hasn't yet."

"Maybe we've just been lucky."

"I'm willing to chance it if you are."

Cody stared at the boy for moment, before holding his arms wide. "You're amazing, but foolish."

Ryan stepped into the embrace and hugged Cody tightly. "I know."

"So, do you still want me around? I can go with Draven, back to Germany." Cody held his breath.

Ryan pulled free of the embrace and looked Cody in the eyes. "I will die without you."

"You may well die with me." Cody frowned.

"I'll take that chance. You are the most exciting and incredible thing that has ever happened to me. I'm not about to lose you."

Cody nodded. "Thank you, that means a lot to me."

"Now." Ryan crossed his arms. "I think you owe me something."

"I do?"

"I said you could go to the party, but when you returned, we were going to make love."

"Yes, I remember." Cody nodded.

"Without a condom." Ryan grinned impishly.

"I said `maybe'." Cody crossed his arms.

"Well, you just finished telling me you are mine alone, that you killed you last lover, and that you can't live without me. I think we're ready to take this to the next step."

"The question is, are YOU ready? I'm not the one who's going to get hurt if this doesn't work out."

"I've been ready since I met you in the mall." Ryan nodded, and sat on the bed. "I've had your blood in me, with no ill effects. Let's do this already."

Cody nodded. "If you're sure."

Ryan moved over to the bed and sat down. "Get over here."

"Here we go..." Cody moved over and stood in front of Ryan. "I hope you don't end up regretting this."

"If I do, I doubt we'll have to worry about discussing it afterwards." He grinned and pulled his shirt over his head.

Cody removed his shirt and pants, standing naked in front of the bed.

Ryan lay back on the bed and kicked his pants off. He began gently stroking himself, until he was fully erect.

Cody climbed onto the bed. "What do you want me to do?"

Ryan rolled over onto his side. "Right here please. Lie down."

Cody lay down next to him, so they were looking each other in the eyes.

"Growing up, I never once imagined I would be this happy." Ryan reached out and grabbed Cody's penis, gently stroking it. "You've shown me such happiness, if I die now, it was worth it."

"Thanks. I'll try not to eat you." Cody smiled. "How do you want it?"

"I love it when you talk dirty." Ryan grinned. "Lay back."

Cody rolled onto his back.

Ryan scooted down on the bed, until his mouth was at Cody's groin. He playfully licked Cody's dick, and then swallowed it.

Cody inhaled sharply. "This isn't what I thought we were going to be doing."

Ryan pulled off and licked his lips. "No talking. You're going to ruin the mood." He went down on Cody again, licking and sucking playfully.

After a few minutes of exquisite, sexual torture, Cody sensed he was nearing orgasm. "I'm ready. Maybe you should stop now." He clenched the sheets in his hands.

Ryan held up one hand, and gave Cody the middle finger.

"Actually, that would be safer than this." Cody's breath was coming in gasps. "Oh shit...!"

Whatever he had been expecting, Ryan was not prepared for what happened next. His mouth was flooded with a warm, salty, spicy, liquid. A lot of it. It tingled on his tongue, and excited his whole body. He sat up and looked at Cody, beneath him.

"You can still change your mind about this..." Cody sat up quickly.

Ryan looked at him a moment longer, and then swallowed. He licked his lips and grinned. "Too late."

"Oh crap, here we go." Cody turned Ryan around, so his back was against Cody's chest. He wrapped his arms around him and held him tightly.

"You that worried?" Ryan laughed.

"I prefer to think of it as being prepared."

"Honestly, besides the awesome taste, I feel just..." Ryan tensed, his back arching.

Cody held him tightly. "Take it in, all the way inside. Let it fill you. Don't fight it.

Ryan started to hyperventilate, and tried to break out of Cody's grasp. "I'm so hot...I'm burning up!"

"I'm not letting go baby, so just ride it out. Your body is accelerating its functions. This may hurt a bit."

"I can't stand it! Ryan thrashed wildly, smashing his head backwards into Cody's face, slitting his lip.

Blood flowed down Cody's chin, dripping onto Ryan's neck.

Ryan increased his thrashing; to the point Cody wasn't sure he could restrain him. "Let me go...I have to get out up. I can't stand it!"

"You're not going anywhere!" Cody held him as tightly as he could, but now, their strengths were nearly matched.

"I can't...take it...!" Ryan began to yell.

Cody shook his head and his fangs descended. "I didn't want to do this to you, I'm sorry." He leaned his head to the side, and sank his teeth into Ryan's neck. The warm blood pooled in his mouth, and he swallowed.

Ryan continued to thrash, and Cody continued to bleed him. Soon, Ryan began to relax, and calmed down.

Cody knew it was time to stop bleeding him. He knew Ryan was controllable now. He knew how good the blood tasted, and he wanted more.

"Cody?" Ryan tried to move his head, but Cody had his hand on top. "You need to stop." His voice was relaxed, sleepy.

"We aren't compatible with mortals...this will end badly..." Cody heard Draven's words, like whispers at the back of his mind. "You are killing him..."

"Cody...I love you..." Ryan whispered, as his eyes began to close.

Memories of Martin flooded Cody's mind, along with a terrible guilt. He gasped, and pulled his mouth off Ryan's neck.

Ryan's neck continued to pump blood out of the two holes, so Cody gently licked them until they healed over.

He unwrapped his arms from around Ryan, and laid him gently on his back, in the bed. His breathing was very shallow, but he was still conscious. Cody looked down into his eyes. "How do you feel?"

Ryan moved his legs and arms around, as if waking from a deep sleep. "Fantastic. I was getting sleepy for a minute, but it's passing."

"Your enhanced metabolism is speeding the creation of new blood. You'll be fine in a few minutes."

Ryan faced him, a sleepy smile on his face. " bit me."

Cody lay next to him and ran his hand down Ryan's chest, resting it on his groin. "You we being a bad boy."

"Well...if this is what being bad is like, I need to be bad." Ryan put his hand on top of Cody's and rubbed it down between his legs. I'm so horny right now."

"I know. It's your heightened being. Part of being a vampire means being more than human. All of your emotions are accentuated. That's one reason why there are some pretty nasty vampires out there. If they are cruel and dishonest as a human...well...change one and watch out!"

"So you're saying I'm ok?" He smiled up happily

"You are just like me." Cody leaned down and kissed him. "Honest, caring, and horny as shit."

"How long will I feel like this?"

"Most of this evening; maybe until tomorrow morning."

"Do you want to go do something? Go for a walk? Go to the bar? Go for a drive?" Ryan sat up. "We could go running."

"No, let's just stay here for a while. I think you need to relax." He leaned forward and kissed him again. "You're a little worked up."

"But I feel fantastic!" Ryan kissed him back.

"Good, I'm glad you are enjoying this. And I'm glad I didn't...hurt you."

"Nah, I'm good. I don't even feel the bite mark now."

"That's because it's healed. I started the process and your body finished it."

"That quickly?"

"Everything about you is enhanced right now. Your strength, stamina, hearing, eyesight, regenerative abilities...everything."

"So if I hurt myself, I'd be able to heal right away? Like you do?"

"Pretty much."

"Let's try!" He jumped out of bed and ran to his desk.

"Ryan wait!" Cody followed him. "Don't do anything stupid. You aren't immortal."

"I'm just going to cut myself." He pulled a pocketknife from the desk and flipped it open.

"You don't have to do this." Cody put his hand on Ryan's wrist.

"I want to see." Ryan drew the blade across his palm and cut a small gash. "Hey, that didn't really hurt much. Ooo...look at the blood." The cut began to bleed, filling his palm with blood.

For a few minutes, they watched as Ryan's body healed the cut and left no scar. Periodically, he had to lick the blood away, so they could see his skin. When it was healed, he hugged Cody tightly.

"This is amazing. Is this what you feel like all the time?"


"I...don't want this end." He looked Cody in the eye. "Can you...change me?"

Cody shook his head. "Not by myself. It takes two of us."

"Let's go find someone. Maybe Shota will help." He smiled.

"You're drunk."

"No I'm not." Ryan hugged him happily.

"Not on alcohol, but it's the same thing. You're not thinking clearly."

"Sure I am. I feel great and want to always feel like this. What's wrong with that?"

Cody pulled free from the embrace, a somber look on his face. "This is only part of what I feel. There's also the need to feed."

" you and I have sex all the time. How's that different from what we do now?"

"It wouldn't be the same." Cody frowned.

"What do you mean?"

"If you become a vampire, I can't feed you. I don't have any life force, except what I take from others. It's used, stale, by the time it's in my body."

"So..." Ryan thought about it.

"You would have to feed on humans."

"Oh. I didn't think about that." He moved back to the bed and sat down. "I thought you and I would be able to support each other."

Cody sighed and followed him to the bed, also sitting down. "I'm sorry, that doesn't work."

"But...could we still have sex? Would it feel the same?"

"We could have all the sex we want, and it would feel better."

"Well, that's really all I care about." Ryan grinned and lay back on the bed, pulling Cody down on top of him. "I love you."

"I love you more." Cody laid his head on Ryan's chest, hearing the boy's heart racing.

"So, what you once told me, about others wanting to harness this power...I can see why."


"Thank you so much for sharing this...yourself...with me."

"I'm just glad it all worked out."

"Me too." Ryan sighed. "Let's stay here tonight, like this."

"The entire night?" Cody laughed.

"Sure. What, you got plans now?" Ryan laughed.

"Spending the rest of the day with you."

"Damn straight!" Ryan wrapped his arms around Cody and hugged him tightly.

Next: Chapter 19

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