Its Not the Blood

By Will Ren

Published on Feb 13, 2011


"Damn it! This sucks!" Ryan hammered the brakes and the Jeep came to a quick stop, its tires protesting. He had been driving back to the apartment for almost ten minutes. He turned around, in the middle of the road, and headed back to the mansion. During that time, his mind wandered to all the possible things Cody might be doing. Ryan was still annoyed that Cody was attending the party, but he understood that he owed a debt to the woman who had helped David save him, and this was repayment of some type.

He pressed the gas pedal down, and the Jeep accelerated. "I'm taking you home. It's as simple as that. No, it's not open to discussion. Shut up and get in the car!" He worked through what he was going to say to Cody. "I don't care if you have to leave the city, or even the state. I'll come with you and we'll leave together."

A limousine was pulling away when he again drove up to the front door. A different, but equally massive, bodyguard approached.

"You're trespassing." He wasn't smiling.

Ryan took a deep breath. "I want to go inside. Where should I park?"

The man leaned inside the passenger window. "This is a private party."

"My boyfriend is inside. I want to see him."

"Didn't you hear me? Piss off."

"Fine. Please go find Cody and tell him I want to talk to him. I'll wait here."

The man paused. "Your boyfriend is Cody?" He was thoughtful for a moment. "I'll see what I can do." He backed away and motioned for Ryan to park across the dive, by a few other cars.

Ryan nodded and drove over to where he had been instructed to park. He shut off the Jeep and climbed out. His legs were a bit shaky but his determination was strong. He didn't like the idea of Cody being in there with other vampires and god only knows what kind of people, doing things that he probably shouldn't be doing.

Movement in the bushes in front of the Jeep caught his eye. A tall, slender man in a black suit and black boots stepped quietly out of the hedge and stopped, staring at him.

"Hello." Ryan put his hands in his jacket pockets and turned towards the mansion. He stopped short, nearly colliding with the same man, who was now standing in front of him.

"What is your hurry?" He spoke with a heavy accent, and, when he smiled, his fangs descended over his lower lip. "Stay a while."

Ryan had seen Cody do that often enough that he wasn't startled, but he quickly realized the situation was probably much more dangerous that when he was alone in his apartment, with Cody. He could see the man's eyes sparkling faintly and he knew he would not be able to resist, should the man charm him.

"No thanks, I'm just here to pick up my boyfriend and take him home." He stepped to the side, intending to walk around the man.

"And who is lucky enough to call you his?" He reached out a thin hand and caressed Ryan's cheek.

"His name is Cody." Ryan tried not to recoil from the man's touch. It was cold, and made his skin crawl.

"And what is your name?" His eyes continued to sparkle faintly.


"Well, Ryan, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance." The man pulled his hand back, allowing Ryan to walk past.

"Yeah, sure." Ryan quickly walked to the front door, not looking over his shoulder. He could feel the man's presence, only a few feet behind him.

The bodyguard crossed his arms when Ryan approached. "Ok look, I'm going to let you enter, but you have to talk with Naderi first. This is her home."

"Ok, but I don't know who that is." Ryan shrugged.

A firm hand landed on his shoulder. "I will be happy to introduce them." The tall man gripped Ryan's shoulder tightly.

The bodyguard grumbled. "Hmmm...alright but he must see Naderi before anything else happens." He stepped aside and pulled open one of the two, heavy doors.

"In we go." The man firmly pushed Ryan forward. He nodded knowingly to the bodyguard, as they walked by.

Inside, music was playing and there were people everywhere. Ryan looked quickly around the room, intending to call out to Cody the moment he spotted him, but he wasn't among those gathered.

"I am glad you are here." The tall man spoke above the noise. "Let us go someplace where we can talk."

Ryan tried to pull free of his grasp, but he was too strong. "No thanks. I just need to find Cody."

The man steered him across the room, towards a smaller room, off to the side. They entered and found only a few other people standing around. "What is the hurry? He is not going anywhere, and neither are you."

"Let me go!" Ryan struggled but it was pointless.

"Not yet. I've travelled a long way to be here tonight...and I am hungry." He shoved Ryan up against the wall and roughly grabbed his groin. He rubbed Ryan's cock and balls through his jeans. "If you are with Cody, you must be something special. What say we have a quick bite? Just you and me." He leaned forward and licked Ryan's neck. "Lovely...I can taste him on you."

"Stop it!" Ryan continued to struggle.

"Are you not enjoying yourself? Is this not why you have come here?" He lowered his mouth to Ryan's neck and his fangs pressed inward against his skin. "You smell incredible..."

Ryan tensed for what was coming but in an instant, the man had moved away and was now standing a few feet in front of him.

"Naderi." The man bowed his head.

Ryan looked to his side and jumped with fright. A tall, slender woman in a tight, black dress was leaning against the wall, inches from his shoulder.

"And who do we have here?" She smiled seductively at Ryan. "Are you lost, little one?"

It took Ryan a moment to gather his voice. She was beautiful, and had an aura of power he found difficult to ignore.

"I'm...Ryan." He stammered, feeling his heart pounding in his chest.

"I see. Well, Ryan, this is my house and my party. I don't recall inviting you to join us." She turned to face the tall man. "Give us a moment, won't you?"

The man bowed his head and turned, leaving the room.

Naderi faced Ryan again. "So, are you lost?" She ran a long, pointed fingernail through his short hair.

"No, ma'am. I'm looking for my boyfriend, Cody."

"I see..." She quickly pulled her hand back, just barely scratching his cheek with her nail."

Ryan inhaled sharply and reached up to feel his face. "Ouch!" When he looked at his fingers, there was the smallest amount of blood on them.

Naderi licked her finger and smiled. "So you have a vampire for a lover. How's that going?" She was very matter of fact with her question.

Ryan was momentarily shocked. " him. And he loves me."

She nodded. "He said the same thing to me a little while ago."

"He did?" Ryan's face brightened.

She regarded him with a hint of amusement. "Didn't I just say that?"

"Yes ma'am." Ryan quickly nodded. She seemed a lot nicer than the other people he had met so far. "Thank you." He hoped she would quickly take him to Cody and they could leave.

"Now, back to your not being invited into my home." She stopped smiling.

"I'm sorry. I don't mean to intrude."

"My concern is, this is a paid-admittance event, and as I understand it, you haven't paid."

"I didn't know I was supposed to." He quickly fumbled for his wallet.

Her hand snaked out and grabbed his wrist. "I don't need your money."

Ryan flinched in the strong grasp. "You're hurting me."

She released his wrist. "Come with me." She turned and headed towards another room.

Ryan remained where he was and slid his wallet back into his jacket.

Naderi turned back towards him. "Do not make me ask you twice." Her fangs descended over her lower lip.

He quickly crossed the room and fell into step beside her. They crossed into another room, and he began to wonder just how large the mansion was. As the entered the next room, Ryan saw what he had suspected was the purpose of the party. There were groups of people engaged in erotic activities. Some were women. Some were men. Some were mixed sexes. All were enjoying themselves immensely, judging by the moans and groans. Several of the people were displaying fangs, and he assumed they would soon be using them.

Ryan found it difficult to pull his eyes from the pairs of people around him. He knew firsthand how good it felt to have sex with Cody, and he was starting to become aroused. There was a sexual tension in the air about him, and he could feel it.

Many eyes followed his movement through the room, and more than one person nodded or smiled at him as he passed by.

Naderi grabbed his shoulder in a strong grip and stopped. "Look around you. Do you like what you see?"

"Um...I don't know. People seem to be enjoying themselves."

Several people walked towards him, one putting his hands on Ryan's chest and rubbing his leather jacket.

"Is he joining the party?" The man faced Naderi.

"Enjoy your evening, and thank you for coming." She smiled politely at the guest, and he walked away.

"This way please." She moved through the people, pulling Ryan along with her. She walked to the end and paused, when she reached a thick, wooden door. "In here." Naderi opened the door and pulled him into the room. She closed the heavy, wooden door behind them, and the room quieted.

Ryan looked around. The room was quite a bit smaller, and felt like a root cellar. It was cooler and dryer than the other parts of the mansion. "Where are we?"

Naderi shrugged casually. "One of my play rooms."

Ryan tensed. "Um, no offense but I didn't come here to play. I just want..."

"I speak with Cody. The thing is, sweetie," her fangs descended again, "I'm not interested in what you want."

Ryan's pulse spiked and he backed up, into a large, heavy, wooden chair. He steadied himself against the flat surface of its arm.

"Good, have a seat." She gestured for him to get into the chair.

Ryan sat down, and realized it was almost a throne, of sorts.

She smiled, and her fangs receded. "How about you and I chat for a while; get to know each other."

He nodded.

"I like you. I can tell you have a strong character." She pulled a smaller chair over in front of his and sat down. "Still, it shows poor manners to crash a party."

"I'm sorry."

"So, you love Cody?"

"I do."

"You obviously know what he is; what we are." She held his gaze without blinking.


"And that doesn't frighten you?"

"He doesn't."

"Hmm...but I do?" She smiled.

"A little."

"Do you think I intend to harm you?"


"Has Cody ever hurt you?"

"No...well...yeah, once, but that was by accident." Ryan remembered when Cody had lost control, but it hadn't been on purpose.

"You know what he is capable of, and yet, you still love him and keep him close."

"He's my best friend."

"Very interesting. I want to tell you a little about your Cody, things you may not know."

Ryan nodded. He hoped he wasn't about to learn something terrible.

"As a general rule, we never change someone as young as Cody was, when it happened to him. We prefer to wait until a person is more emotionally and physically mature. With him, however, it happened in Germany, and some of the old-world vampires don't fully appreciate the consequences of making one so young."

"What do you mean?"

"Given his appearance, it's much more challenging for Cody to blend in. He can't hold a steady job like someone in his forties could. He will be preyed upon by members of society who...well...are much like the people here tonight." She smiled. "It's much easier for him to get into trouble and to stick out."

"He seems to be doing ok." Ryan shrugged.

"Indeed he is. I am rather impressed with how well he manages his urges. I've only had to clean up one of his messes, since he arrived. For someone his age, that's outstanding."

Ryan was puzzled as to what `mess' she was referring to.

"Does he bleed you?" She folded her hands in her lap.

"On occasion, but I have to ask him to."

"You know he's dangerous. He could kill you any time he felt like it, or lost control."

"I don't feel that way."

"How do you think the two bikers that attacked you would respond to that?"

Ryan frowned. "I don't care what they think." He was curious how she knew about the incident, but thought better than to ask.

"But they embody the human mindset. Their opinions are considered...normal. You're the odd one."

"I'm not like them." Ryan shook his head.

"Apparently. You do seem rather unique. What I'm trying to convey is that you are human and Cody is not. How long do you think this relationship will continue?"

Ryan shrugged.

"Eventually he will move on."

"I don't want him to." Ryan felt his eyes watering.

"You are going to grow old and die. He never will."

"Why are we talking about this? I just want to see him and then we'll leave. Can I do that?" Ryan asked politely. "Please?"

Naderi was silent for a moment. She was slightly amazed that Ryan was holding up to her questioning as well as he was, given her formidable aura. Most humans she spoke with this directly crumbled and couldn't meet her gaze. She wasn't concerned about his and Cody's relationship. It would end with time, as all human things did. She wasn't worried about Ryan revealing the vampire existence either. She was, however, concerned that Ryan didn't seem to grasp that Cody, while obviously in love with the boy, was truly dangerous. She didn't want to have to clean things up if the relationship turned deadly.

"He has killed people." She smiled pleasantly.

"Oh." Ryan wasn't sure she was telling the truth. He couldn't imagine Cody actually killing someone.

"He might have killed those two bikers, had things not taken that unpleasant turn."

"He won't kill me." Ryan met her gaze defiantly.

"If he does, it will happen so quickly, I doubt you will have time to realize you were wrong."

"I'll take that chance."

"Well, I can see there is no dissuading you from this course. I will have him located and brought to you, after a while."

"Why not now?" Ryan wasn't sure why there needed to be a delay.

"I wish to talk some more; answer your questions."

"I don't have any." Ryan shook his head.

"I want to explain why Cody is here." Naderi smiled.

"Oh, that." Ryan shrugged. "He's here to repay his debt to you."

She nodded slowly. "Yes. Cody owes me a life debt and he's here to work it off."

"For when you told David how to save his life; from the gold."

She was silent for a moment. "He told you that?"

"Yeah." Ryan nodded.

"He trusts you."

"I hope so. I trust him."

"He is also here to help entertain my guests. He would have come here tonight, even if he didn't owe me. You know this. It's in his nature; he can't fight the urge to feed."

"It looks like there are plenty of vampires here tonight. Is he really needed or can he come home with me now?"

"Oh, he's needed. I have several executive guests who are interested in younger guys. Cody is exactly what they came here seeking. Besides, most of us don't enjoy the same recreation he does. He'll please them, satisfy any perverted request, and he'll do it happily."

Ryan frowned. "Oh, I see."

"By now you must realize that Cody isn't yours. He will do whatever he needs to do to survive. You are just convenient for him."

"For someone who knows him so well, I don't think you really understand him." He snapped back at her, before he had time to choose his words.

Naderi leaned forward in her chair. "For someone in your situation, you should consider your tone."

"You aren't going to hurt me, or you would have already." He tried to sound more confident that he felt.

"You are correct. I do not intend to hurt you. In fact," she rose and stepped up to him, running a fingernail under Ryan's chin and across his jugular. "I've just had the most amazing idea. If you'll help work off some of Cody's debt, you can both leave together, much sooner."

"I...don't know. What do I have to do?" Ryan felt his heart racing.

"Well, this is a party after all, and my guests expect to be entertained."

"I don't dance." Ryan shook his head. "And I don't really sing very well."

"Don't worry, that's not what I have in mind." Naderi moved over to the wall and opened a wooden chest. She bent down and picked something up, before turning around to face Ryan. In her hands was a thick, leather chest harness. It had an extra strap running up to a wide collar and another strap running to a thong. "Strip."

"What?" Ryan saw the harness in her hand.

"Remove...your...clothes." She stepped back in front of him, the harness in her hand. "Now."

Ryan shook his head. "I don't want to wear that."

Naderi sighed. "And here, I thought you understood vampires." Her eyes sparkled in the dim light. "Please undress."

"Yes, of course." Ryan stood and removed his leather jacket, setting it on the chair. He pulled off his hooded sweatshirt and dropped it to the floor. Next, he removed his boots and pants. Finally, he removed his briefs. Naked, he stood quietly in front of her.

She began by tightly buckling the thick collar around his neck. Next, she connected the two halves of the `X' that covered his chest and back. Finally, she placed his cock and balls through a hole in the wide strap that covered his groin, and attached a leather codpiece over them. She passed the strap between his legs and up his lower back until it connected to the harness in the middle of his back. She made sure all buckles were tight and stepped back.

"You are ready."

Ryan blinked and looked about him as if waking from a brief nap. He felt the straps against his skin and shook his head. "NO!"

"You look very nice in that." She smiled. "I'm certain my guests will agree."

"Why are you doing this?"

"Because I can. Don't worry. I'll make sure nobody bleeds you completely dry. You take it in the ass too, right? Like Cody enjoys?"


"You have anal sex." She smiled.

"No, I won't do that."

"But you do, with Cody."

"Yes, but not with anyone else."

"Maybe tonight you will."

Ryan's eyes grew wide and he began to panic. He reached up to the thick harness and began tugging on the straps.

"Please stop that." Her eyes sparkled softly.

Ryan relaxed, and his arms fell to his sides. "I'm sorry."

"That's better." She returned to the wooden trunk and removed several items. She had two, heavy leather mitts, without fingers. One at a time, she slid Ryan's hands into a mitt, and tightened the wrist buckles, so they couldn't be removed.

"How are you feeling?" She stepped back.

Ryan blinked a few times. Again, he woke from the charm and panicked. "What?" He raised his hands in front of himself, but was unable to remove the mitts.

"Those should help keep you from damaging my equipment, or my guests." She regarded him with an amused look.

He continued to fumble with the harness, but while wearing the mitts, he had no dexterity. Finally, he gave up and faced her, letting his arms fall to his sides.

"Excellent, you've accepted your fate."

"I don't have a choice do I?" He glared at her.


"So? What do I do?"

"I want you to wander among my guests. Some will touch you, others will ignore you, and some will probably taste you. You are now part of the entertainment."

"I don't want to be bitten!"

"You won't die, though it will probably hurt. This party is about my guests having a good time, not you. When his debt is paid, you can go home, with Cody, so try to be a good boy and behave yourself until then."

"I'm scared." Ryan felt his eyes watering.

"You should be. Not because you are with a group of vampires, or because you are probably going to have the wildest night of you teenage life, but because you are in love with one of us. One who might kill you at any time."

"He would never kill me." Ryan shook his head.

She shrugged. "I've heard that before."

"From who?"

"Other humans who died at the hands of their vampire lovers. Ask Cody about his friend Martin." She turned and walked back to the trunk, closing the lid. "It's time to rejoin my guests."

"I'm not sure I can do this." He examined his mitted hands.

"I thought you were brave around vampires." She mocked him.

"I am."

"Then stop whining and let's go." She moved to the door and grasped the handle.

Ryan remained standing by the large chair.

Naderi turned and faced him. "You are quickly becoming tiresome. If I have to come over there and get you, the pain will begin right now."

Ryan could feel the iciness in her words and reluctantly walked to the door. "Fine. But once I find Cody..."

She reached out and grabbed the harness, where it crossed his chest. With ease, she yanked him forward, within inches of her face. Her fangs were out and she was obviously angry. Spit flew from her lips as she berated him.

"Be quiet! I am tired of listing to your whining. It grates on my ears. One more word out of that pretty mouth and I will gag you." She shoved him backwards. "You will be with Cody when I decide the time is right, whether that's tonight or a month from tonight. Cross me and I will bleed you dry, leaving you here to rot!"

Ryan stumbled to the floor, hitting his right elbow hard. He winced in pain but was unable to rub it with the heavy mitts covering his hands. He looked up at her and realized the entire time they had been together, she had maintained her pleasant demeanor to keep him talking; learning about his and Cody's relationship. He started to say something.

She cocked a single eyebrow and pointed back at the wooden chest. "I have a tight, leather hood in there, with a built in gag, for mouthy boys like you. Shall I get it?"

Ryan quickly shook his head and looked down. He raised himself up off the floor and walked to the door. Without facing her, he opened the door and walked out into the room.

Naderi smiled to herself and slapped his ass. "Cheer up; you might actually enjoy what's about to happen to you."

Ryan didn't respond. He walked down the hallway and re-entered the main room. He honestly believed that she would put him into the hood if he spoke again. He looked around the room and realized, to his horror that many of the guests were staring at him.

Naderi pushed him forward. "Time to mingle. I'm going to leave you alone for a while. Don't worry though, I won't be far, and I will be watching you." With that, she slipped away to speak with the man who had escorted Ryan inside. For a moment, they spoke together. Then, with a subtle nod, she left the room.

The man smiled and crossed the room. He arrived at the side of two men who were running their hands over Ryan's body. One man was on his knees, rubbing the back of Ryan's thighs, his nose against the leather codpiece.

"Hello again." He reached out and felt the thick leather straps across his chest. "You have changed your clothes."

The two men who had been fondling Ryan rose and politely walked away.

Ryan just nodded. He avoided the man's gaze, repulsed by his cold fingers.

"So, let us get right to it."

Ryan faced him. "I'd really rather not, thank you."

"Hmm...Naderi said you had attitude." Suddenly, he leaned forward and kissed Ryan passionately on the lips. He placed one hand on the back of Ryan's head, so he couldn't pull away.

Ryan fought back as hard as he could but the man was just too strong. He tensed and kept his mouth as tightly closed as possible.

The man pulled away and smiled. "You are a handful! Fine, have it your way." His upper lip curled and his fangs descended.

Before Ryan had time to flinch or cry out, the man bent down and sank his fangs into his left breast, above the nipple. He did cry out then, as pain flooded him. He felt the warm wetness, as the man sucked, milking blood from the two holes in his flesh.

The man pulled away, blood running down his chin. He lifted his face to the ceiling and laughed. "Such sweet nectar. How I have missed young, American blood." He faced Ryan and saw he was panting heavily, a terrified look in his eyes. "You should really try to relax. The more you panic, the more blood you force out of the wound."

Ryan looked down at his chest and saw two streams of blood flowing down his chest. He raised a hand to put pressure on the bite mark, but with his hands in the leather mitts, he wasn't able to do anything.

Across the room, two other vampires separated from their partners and moved towards him, drawn to the fresh blood.

Ryan backed up and bumped into someone. He turned his head and faced a middle-aged woman. She regarded him curiously for a moment and then wrapped her arms protectively around his chest. She didn't seem to mind that her white shirt was becoming red from the blood running out of the puncture wounds on his breast.

The two vampires approaching him paused as if unsure whether to approach the woman holding Ryan.

He started to thank her when her fangs dropped down and she leaned forward. Experiencing another sharp pain, he felt her teeth slice into his neck, at the base of his right shoulder. He flinched but didn't struggle much.

She only bled him for minute and then released him. Walking casually back to whoever she had previously been speaking with.

The two vampires who had halted their approach resumed it. The appeared instantly at Ryan's side and each took an arm, leading him into another room-- the larger room he had passed through earlier.

Several of the guests called out and clapped as he was delivered into their midst.

Ryan was feeling rather relaxed and wondered if he were going to pass out. He shuddered to think what they might do to him if he did, and struggled to remain awake.

The two vampires led him to a couch and laid him gently down. The taller one took a seat at one end and pulled Ryan's head up onto his lap.

The shorter and younger looking one sat at the other end and pulled Ryan's feet up onto his lap. "You are seriously cute. What's you name kid?"

"Mmm...Ryan..." He replied sleepily.

The taller one spoke above the din. "Well I'd like to thank you for spending some time with us."

Ryan just nodded.

The taller vampire looked at his shorter companion. "You want to go first or shall I?"

The shorter vampire gestured with his hand. "Please, be my guest. Just don't drain him."

"No, I'll leave a little for you."

Ryan glanced sleepily upward, into the softly glowing eyes of the older vampire. He began to protest but found his mouth suddenly covered by the vampire's. A moment later, he felt a sharp sting on his lower lip, and tasted his own blood.

The older vampire kissed him for nearly twenty seconds, sucking blood from his lip as he did. Then, satiated, he broke the kiss and straightened up. "He's all yours."

"Thank you." The younger vampire smiled and removed his blue silk shirt. A small crowd of guests and vampires gathered as he rubbed his palms on Ryan's neck and chest, covering his fingers in blood. He ran his blood fingers across his own cheeks and chest, streaking them with Ryan's blood. He licked his fingers clean and leaned forward to lick at the wound on Ryan's left breast. His saliva worked to heighten the blood flow, and he licked greedily.

Ryan moaned, as the younger vampire positioned his hand between Ryan's legs and began rubbing and squeezing his cock and balls.

"I think he likes this." He rubbed harder and squeezed firmly. "I'm going to play a little." He slid off the couch and onto his knees. Carefully, he unsnapped the codpiece, Ryan's flaccid penis flopping free. "Hmmm...what's this?" He leaned forward and engulfed Ryan's dick in his mouth, sucking gently. He didn't try to bring him to orgasm, just sucked for a while, kneading Ryan's testicles gently.

Ryan moaned and then cried out in pain, as the pressure on his testicles increased.

The younger vampire stopped sucking Ryan's dick and, in a quick motion, sank his fangs into Ryan's abdomen.

Ryan cried out softly, the pain barely registering. Soon, he became very relaxed and closed his eyes, all pain leaving his body, and slipped into quiet darkness.

"Ha ha...he likes this." The younger vampire resumed sucking the blood from Ryan's abdomen. He pulled off after a minute and laughed again. "Uh oh...I think I broke him." He stood and patted Ryan's abdomen, covering his hand in blood.

The older vampire shrugged. "I just hope he enjoyed himself while it lasted."

In a different room of the mansion, Cody was busy attending to two of Naderi's human guests. One was a high-ranking politician from a neighboring city, and the other was that man's secret lover.

The politician was on his back, on a large, exercise mat, on the floor. Cody was seated upon his rigid cock, riding slowly up and down.

"My god, boy. You are fantastic!" He gripped Cody's hips with his hands to adjust his position. "Yeah, that's better. Clench for me."

Cody tightened his ass muscles and the man groaned.

The man's lover walked over to them and stood in front of Cody. He tugged on the metal ring that was attached to the thick, leather collar Cody wore. "Open." He pointed his dripping cock at Cody's mouth.

Cody licked the head of the man's cock and swallowed it, sucking greedily.

"Yeah!" The man placed both hands on Cody's head and began pushing him away, and then pulling him closer.

The man on the floor moaned again. "Maybe we can convince you to come live with us?" He cried out and shot his load into Cody's ass.

Cody felt the energy, but it wasn't nearly the same as when he and Ryan had sex. Still, it was something. He sucked fiercely on the cock in his mouth and quickly received a large jet of semen, which he swallowed.

"God damn!" The man in front of Cody carefully pulled his cock from Cody's mouth and stretched. "I'm going to fuck you ass next time. See how that compares to your mouth."

Cody stood and smiled. "I'd like that."

The man on the floor rolled over and got up onto his knees. He playfully grabbed Cody around the waist and pulled the silver, rubber, thong he was wearing down.

Cody's semi-hard dick flopped out, and the man moved closer to suck it.

"Sorry, that's not allowed." Cody wiggled out of the man's grasp and backed up.

The other man nodded. "Come on Phil, you know the rules. Don't do anything stupid that might get us banned from future parties."

"Yeah, you're right. I just want some boy spunk in my stomach." He stood

The other man wrapped his arms around his lover. "What? Am I not good enough for you?" He kissed him on the mouth.

Cody smiled and walked out of the room, fingering the ring on his collar as he joined the other guests. Several humans cornered him and began groping and kissing him. Eventually, they walked away and he was alone. He started to move to the next room when an older Vampire with an elderly human companion stopped him.

He put his hand on Cody's shoulder. "Don't run off just yet, my friend here has been watching you, and wishes to spend some time with you."

Cody turned to face the older vampire. "Of course." He turned to the human. "Nice to meet you sir."

"No, the pleasure is mine, young man. You are indeed what my host described." He smiled. "Can we go somewhere less crowded?"

Cody noticed the duffle bag the man was carrying. "Sure, whatever you wish."

The older vampire faced his human guest. "Follow me please." He led them both to a small room, similar to the one Ryan and Naderi had recently been in. He closed the door behind them and faced the human. "Will this room do?"

"Yes, it is perfect. Would you like to join me?" The man set his bag on the floor.

Cody faced the other vampire and shrugged.

"No, thank you my friend, I am content to watch you work." He pulled a chair away from the wall and sat down.

"Watch you work?" Cody smiled and raised an eyebrow. " have more than fucking me on your mind." Cody wasn't worried. The other vampire was present; clearly to make sure things didn't get out of hand.

The man removed his glasses and rubbed the bridge of his nose. "No young man, I will not be engaging in sex with you. Rather, with your permission, I would like to torture you."

"Excuse me?" Cody looked at the other vampire. "Did you know about this?"

"I did. Naderi has approved it, as long as the usual limitations are respected."

Cody faced the human. "And you get off on this?"

The man put his glasses back on and nodded. "I do indeed. Pain, if inflicted correctly, can be erotic."

Cody nodded. "I agree. It's just an unusual request."

The man nodded. "Yes, I suppose it is. It isn't often I have willing participants. And, of course, you must be willing, or I won't enjoy myself. I take no pleasure in hurting people who do not desire it."

Cody shrugged. "Well, I can't say whether I'll enjoy it until we begin. I've never done anything like this before." It wasn't entirely true. Draven and Hans had enjoyed bleeding Cody, increasing the pain slowly until he asked them to stop. He had enjoyed that, being part of their pleasure.

"Then you will allow me to do this to you?" The man smiled slightly.


"Thank you." The man picked up the duffle bag and set it on a table. "Please have a seat in that chair while I prepare." He pointed to a large, wooden chair; similar to the one Ryan had been in earlier.

Cody sat down, purposely spreading his legs apart. He watched as the man removed items from the bag. Quickly, several piles formed on the table.

"Is all that for me?" Cody pointed to a pile of clothing.

"Yes. I hope you don't object to wearing it." The man continued to arrange items on the table. He placed a long, thin knife on the table, along with a scalpel, hammer, and some pliers.

"And those?" Cody raised an eyebrow.

"Yes." The man met his gaze. "Still wish to continue?"

"Why not?" Cody smiled. It was probably going to hurt but he could suppress most of the pain and the wounds would heal quickly enough.

"Thank you." The man smiled happily. "Let's begin with this." He handed Cody a ruffled, white tuxedo shirt.

Cody received the shirt and examined it. "Nice."

"Thank you. Put it on please."

Cody stood and pulled the shirt on. It had many buttons down the front, but no buttons at the wrists. He reached for the buttons near the top.

"No, allow me." The man walked up to Cody and began to button the shirt. He started at the top and moved down. He took his time, seeming to enjoy sealing Cody into the white, cotton. On more than one occasion, he ran his fingers across Cody's chest and abdomen, enjoying his muscular definition.

Cody glanced at the older vampire who nodded.

When the man got to the lower buttons, he gently caressed the silver, rubber thong covering Cody's cock and balls. "I've never been a fan of rubber. Too modern." He reached out to the table and retrieved a surgical scalpel. Carefully, he cut the thong's straps.

Cody inhaled sharply when the blade sliced into his thigh. It only hurt for a second, producing a small amount of blood.

The man removed the thong and let it drop to the floor. "Much better." He returned the scalpel to the table and handing Cody some soft white linen pants. "These next please."

Cody nodded and pulled the pants on. They laced at the front, and he tied them closed.

"Please have a seat again." The man motioned to the large chair.

Cody sat, the small cut on his thigh staining the pants slightly.

The man produced several thick leather straps and began to secure Cody to the chair. He bound his legs to the front legs of the chair, and his wrists to its arms.

Cody glanced at the other vampire, who again merely nodded.

"Now, with your permission, I would like to begin." The man faced Cody.

"I'm ready." Cody could feel his heart racing. He wasn't exactly sure why the man found this stimulating, but Naderi had told him to accept all requests, so he would.

"I sincerely hope you take some pleasure in this too." He turned to the bag and pulled out several long, thick nails, and an old, wooden mallet.

Cody's eyes widened when the man turned around, displaying the contents in his hands.

He approached the chair. "I normally dip these into alcohol before using them, but of course that isn't necessary with you."

Cody shook his head. "No, you don't need to." It appeared the man knew he was a vampire.

The man placed one of the thin nails above Cody's left wrist and raised the wooden mallet. He paused for only a moment and brought the hammer swiftly down, upon the nails head.

Cody felt a sudden, intense flash of pain in his left wrist and inhaled sharply. He looked down at his wrist and saw the long nail imbedded in his flesh, and the wooden chair beneath him. A small trickle of blood began to soak the shirt at his wrist. It became obvious why the man had dressed him white cotton.

The old man inhaled slowly and smiled. "Well done. How does that feel?"

Cody faced him. "I've never felt anything quite like this. Are you enjoying yourself?" He could feel the man's heartbeat increasing.

"Oh, yes." He placed another thin nail over Cody's right wrist. He raised the mallet and pounded the nail into his flesh.

This time Cody did cry out, just a little. The pain was bearable, but intense at first.

"Shh shh's alright." The man set the mallet on the table and picked up the long, thin knife. He slowly slid the sheath off, revealing a shining, polished blade.

"That's a pretty knife." Cody faced the man, his breathing increasing. He was slightly alarmed about what the man might be intending to do with it.

"I've had this a long time." He approached Cody and placed the knifepoint against his left bicep. He tapped the hilt with his palm, and the tip sank into flesh.

Cody jumped at the burst of pain. Unintentionally, his fangs descended and he growled softly.

The man was unfazed. "We are just getting started, relax." He twisted the knife, blood soaking the material on Cody's left arm.

Cody groaned and clenched his teeth, his fangs hanging over his lower lip. He felt a sudden surge in the man's pulse and realized the human was truly enjoying himself.

The man removed the knife and repeated the process on Cody's right arm. This time, when Cody cried out in pain, he removed a wooden bit gag from his duffle bag and secured it in place, behind Cody's head. Cody was now effectively gagged, the wooden dowel between his teeth displaying his fangs nicely.

"These are beautiful." The man tapped one of Cody's fangs with the edge of the knife. He placed the tip against Cody's left breast and pushed the tip into his flesh.

Cody cried out, and bit down on the gag, his teeth sinking into the wood. He shook his head; he'd had enough.

The man drew the blade down and across Cody's left chest, slicing the shirt and his skin beneath. Blood flowed freely and Cody cried out loudly.

The other vampire stood and approached the chair. He saw the blood running down Cody's chest and his own fangs descended. "How much more do you plan to do?" He faced the human.

The man's eyes were closed as he held the knife tip against Cody's right breast. "I am almost done." He pushed the tip into flesh and cut downward.

Cody flexed against the thick, leather restraints and his eyes began to glow dimly. He wasn't at all aroused, but he could sense the emotions of the human and the man was extremely aroused. He closed his eyes and concentrated on suppressing the pain and healing the wounds.

The man stepped away, to the table, and wiped the knife clean with a towel. "May I cut his face?"

"Yes. Then we must stop my friend. He needs to rest." The older vampire moved away from the chair.

"As do I. This has been extremely fulfilling and I wish to thank you." He turned around and approached the chair, a small, antique surgical knife in his fingers.

For Cody, time seemed to stop. His body began to tingle, and he opened his eyes. He saw the man approaching, and his gaze was drawn to the beautiful knife in his hands. The light in the room reflected brilliantly off its golden surface. He could smell the metal and realized it was pure gold.

"I was given this scalpel as an award for outstanding service to the hospital where I used to work. It has great sentimental value to me." He raised the knife and lined it up with Cody's cheek.

Cody panicked and began thrashing wildly in the chair, trying to free himself.

The man paused. "Your struggles haven't been all that convincing, until now. Thank you. This is the last pain you will have to endure."

Cody was screaming into the bit in his mouth and trying to rip free of the leather straps that held his wrists bound to the chair. The movement caused the wounds from the nails and on his chest to bleed a lot.

Sensing something was wrong, the other vampire stepped up between them. "Please allow me a moment." He leaned down and whispered into Cody's ear.

Cody faced him, terror in his eyes and nodded.

The vampire straightened up and faced the man. "I'm sorry my friend, you will not be able to use this knife."

"Oh? Is something wrong? He lowered his hand.

Cody watched as the knife was pulled away from him.

"Yes, he is allergic to gold."

"I see. Well, it's not important. I've had quite a lot of fun tonight and will be satisfied with that." He returned to the table and put the scalpel away.

"You may use the other knife, if you still wish to cut his face."

"No, that won't be necessary. We are done."

Cody sighed and closed his eyes, as he tried to calm his pulse.

The man returned to the chair and removed the two nails with pliers. He put them into a small glass vial and placed them into his bag. Then, he returned and removed the straps and the gag.

Cody stood and shivered.

"Are you cold?" The man asked him.

"No." Cody held his gaze and stepped forward, closer to the human. His fangs were still descended and a small string of drool dripped from one.

The other vampire quickly stepped between them and grasped Cody's shoulders. "Stop. Just stand there for a moment."

The man turned away, and packed everything into his bag. "It would please me if he remained in those clothes for a while, so I can look at him some more."

The older vampire nodded. "Of course." He faced Cody. "Are you ok?" He gripped Cody's shoulders tightly.

Cody took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, his fangs receding. "Yes, I'm fine." He looked at his arms and chest. "I'm a mess." He smiled at the other vampire.

"I think it looks wonderful." He released Cody and stepped away. He faced the man, who had turned around to face them. "Well, my friend, did you enjoy yourself?"

"Yes, thank you both. This is the most fun I've had since...well, in a long time. Perhaps we can do it again." He lifted his bag. "I'm ready to go."

The older vampire opened the door and motioned for the man to leave the room. "Let's have a drink and talk a while." He turned to Cody. "Thank you."

Cody nodded and watched them leave. He patted his chest with his hand. The material was soaked with blood. He pulled the material away from his skin and felt it fall back under its damp weight. He no longer felt any pain, and his strength was returning. He stepped out into the hallway and returned to the room where he had previously been.

A vampire who looked only slightly older than Cody was seated on a large couch, at one side of the room. He smiled when Cody walked to the couch and slumped down next to him.

"You look like you had fun." He leaned over and sniffed Cody's chest. "This is your blood?"

"Yes. The human I was just with enjoys cutting people."

"How nice of you to accommodate him. My name is Mark."

"I'm Cody."

The other vampire smiled. " you're the other cock sucker I've been hearing about."

Cody faced him. "Excuse me?"

"I'm sorry, that came out wrong. I think it's awesome to meet another vampire who enjoys the fruits of the loin, rather than the vein."

Cody nodded. "Oh, gotcha. I didn't know anyone else here liked that."

"Oh, I prefer it actually." Mark smiled. "So much more potent than blood. Though, often harder to come by."

" can be."

"Are you tired?"

"A little. That last human tired me out more than I thought. My strength is returning though." Cody closed his eyes and relaxed. "I'm just going to sit here for a while."

"Sure. When you feel rested, let's go suck off two or three of the guests. It will help you regain your strength."

"As much fun as that sounds, I think I'm ready to head home. I've had enough."

Mark shrugged. "You sure? That's a shame. All my activities tonight have gotten me horny. Since we aren't allowed to have sex with the humans, I was hoping you and I could go off somewhere and I could play with you a while." He smiled happily. "You look like you would be fun."

"Normally, I would say let's go. But..."

"Is there a problem?"

"No, well yeah...I have a boyfriend." Cody smiled.

"I didn't know that. Would he like to join us?" Mark asked.

"I doubt it. He isn't here and even if he were, he doesn't like to share me."

" why are you here tonight?"

"Long story. Anyway, I need to go find Naderi, so I can tell her I'm leaving."

"I just saw her go into one the other room, that way." He pointed to the larger room next to the one they were in.

"Thanks." Cody stood and cracked his shoulders. "I want to get out of these clothes. They are beginning to get sticky."

"I don't know, you look pretty good in them."

"You can have them if you want."

"Nah, but thanks."

"It was nice meeting you Mark." Cody smiled and turned towards the room where Naderi was supposed to be. When he entered, he saw her chatting casually with two human women. He walked over to her.


"How are you doing? It looks like you've been busy." She pressed her hand against his blood-soaked shirt. The two women walked away, leaving them alone.

"Yeah, it's been a busy night. I'm ready to leave, if I've repaid my debt to you." He dipped his head politely.

"You have, in more ways than you know."

Cody faced her and smiled. "I'll see myself out, after I make a quick call, if I may use your phone."

She took hold of his hand. "Actually, there is one last person you need to see, before you leave."

Cody sighed. "Must I? I really want to go home."

"Home? Do you have one of those now? Oh, yes, with the human boy." She turned and headed down another hallway, pulling Cody along by his hand.

Cody was confused as to why she seemed suddenly displeased that he was in a relationship with Ryan.

"Ryan is more than that to me, and yes, I want to go be with him now." He was pulled along, and stopped outside a closed door.

"Not just yet. I have someone in here that you should attend to." She opened the door and stepped inside.

Cody followed and closed the door behind him. He stepped around Naderi and saw familiar vampire, seated on the edge of a bed. In the bed, a young human male lay asleep, or unconscious. It was impossible to tell from that distance. The boy had on a leather body harness, the type Cody had worn before, at previous events like this one. He couldn't see the human's face, as he was also wearing a tight, leather hood.

He recognized the vampire on the bed. "Hello Shota. That a friend of yours?" Cody pointed to the human in the bed.

The other vampire rose and crossed the room. "It is good to see you again." He gave Cody a brief hug.

Cody jerked his head to the side and stared at the other vampire. "What's going on here?" He inhaled deeply, his eyes sparkling suddenly blue. He held Shota's gaze for a second and then kissed him, licking Shota's lips.

"What have you done?" He shoved him away, violently. His fangs descended and his upper lip curled.

Shota collided with a small table and regained his composure. "Relax, I did not harm him." His own fangs descended and he smiled, wickedly. "All I did was carry him here, when he lost consciousness."

"Bullshit. I can taste him on you. You fed on him!"

"Well, ok, maybe I took a little advantage of him, after I laid him down. You have to admit, he is both cute and tasty."

"I told you he's mine!" Cody lunged forward, his hands outstretched towards Shota's throat; his fingernails suddenly and inch long and very pointed.

In a millisecond, Naderi was between them. Her hands shot upwards and grabbed Cody's wrists, stopping him instantly. With ease, she swung him aside, sending him crashing into a dresser along the far wall. The wood splintered and fell to the floor, Cody with it.

"Remember where you are! Do not dare raise your hand against a member of this household!" She faced him and casually walked towards where he lay.

Cody stood and faced her. "He had no right to touch Ryan!"

"In my house, I make the rules and decide what is allowed, not you." She stopped a foot away from him and looked down into his eyes.

Cody returned her icy glare. "I'm taking him home." He stepped around her.

"No, you aren't." Naderi blocked his path to the bed.

"Get out of my way." Cody stepped to the opposite side.

"Make me." She smiled.

Cody sighed. "You know I can't; you're too strong."

"Yes, I am, but I had hoped you would try." She reached up and slid a long finger through the metal ring attached to the thick leather collar around Cody's neck. She gave a playful tug, pulling him closer. "You always look so adorable in this collar."

"Whatever..." He looked towards the bed. "So is he still alive?" His voice wavered.

"Of course he is." She laughed. "He agreed to help work off your debt."

"He agreed?" Cody tried to pull away but she held him easily.

"Well, I didn't give him much of a choice but yes, he knew what was going to happen."

"Knowing you, I doubt he really understood." He faced her. "You're vile, and I'm ashamed I came here tonight."

With ease, she lifted Cody off the ground by the leather color, until his feet hung several inches off the wood floor.

"And you have terrible manners."

Cody allowed himself to dangle in the air. It wasn't painful, and he knew he couldn't overpower her.

After fifteen seconds or so, Naderi lowered him to the floor. "Now, if you are done with the dramatics, you should tend to your pet, before he does die." She released her hold on the collar and stepped aside.

Cody moved quickly to the bed. "He's been bled several times."

"Yes, he was well received."

Cody gently turned Ryan's head to one side, so he could reach the laces holding the hood to his head. Carefully, he unlaced it and pulled it up and off Ryan's head. Cody looked inside the hood and saw a short, fat rubber plug where the mouth would be. It glistened with spit.

"You gagged him?" Cody set the leather hood on the bed.

Shota smiled. "He is much like you. He does not know when to keep quiet."

Cody glared at him. "This isn't finished between us." He placed his ear over Ryan's mouth and felt the gentle breath of air. Carefully, he examined his body, noting all the wounds. "May I please take him home?" He faced Naderi.

"Ah, you have regained your civility." Naderi moved over to the bed. "No, you may not."

"Why not?" Cody glared up at her.

"Two reasons. First, he is in no condition to travel. He needs to rest and rebuild his strength."

"So you can bleed him again?"

"Maybe, if the mood strikes me."


"And second, I want to talk to him some more. He is a curious little human, and he amuses me. As Shota noted, in many ways, he's like you. By that I mean rude and defiant."

Cody smiled. "Well good for him."

"Actually, that's just the attitude that got him into his current situation." She smiled back mockingly.

"So if I can't take him home, can I at least make him more comfortable?"

She looked down at Ryan and shrugged. "He looks pretty comfortable to me."

"He's unconscious and cold."

"So warm him up."

Cody stared at her for a moment. "What do you mean?"

"Don't play naive. You know exactly what I'm talking about."

"No, I won't do that to him." Cody shook his head.

"You will if I tell you to. Then again, I can have Shota do it." She snapped her fingers and Shota walked over to stand at her side.

"I would be happy to." He smiled at Cody. "Then he and I can play some more, when he wakes up."

"I will kill you if you try."

Naderi shook her head. "There you go again, threatening my family. "When will you learn?" She faced Shota. Bring me another harness, several chains, and some locks please. And pay attention to which ones you select."

"Of course." Shota bowed his head and quickly left the room, closing the door.

Cody stood and regarded her suspiciously. "What are you doing?"

"Silence. Do not speak again." She turned her back on him.

"I'm talking to you." Cody's voice was determined.

Naderi turned around and faced him. She held up her index finger and her nail slowly grew to an inch in length, and became pointed. She looked down at Ryan and pointed her finger at his left thigh.

"No!" Cody reached out to grab her hand but she leaned forward and caught his wrist in her other hand.

Slowly, he watched as she pushed her fingernail into the muscle of Ryan's leg, a small amount of blood seeping out around the wound.

"Stop it please!" He yelled at her.

She pushed down until the skin on her finger rested on Ryan's leg. The nail was buried an inch deep in his flesh. She kept her eyes glued to his. "When I tell you to be quiet, it isn't a request."

"You're hurting him!" Cody struggled in her grip.

Naderi removed her finger and stabbed it into another section of his leg. "No, you are."

Cody closed his eyes and exhaled. For a moment, he was very still.

"Are you finished?" Her voice was calm and controlled.

Cody relaxed and opened his eyes. "Yes."

She smiled and removed her fingernail from Ryan's leg. Blood dripped off the tip and ran down his thigh. "He's bleeding again. You should do something about that." She released Cody's wrist, stepped away from the bed, and sat down in a nearby wooden chair. Casually, she licked her finger clean.

Cody quickly sat next to Ryan's ankles and licked at the two puncture wounds. The blood flow ceased and the wounds closed. He wiped his eyes with the back of his hand and then stretched out, lying across Ryan's cold body.

"That isn't going to be enough to warm him."

"There's nothing else I can do." He didn't look up.

She gently drummed her fingers on the arm of the chair, but didn't respond. Her fingernails clicked against the wood.

Cody heard her fingernails and shook his head. "I don't want to do that. It could kill him."

She continued to drum her fingers. "He doesn't have much time left, not at the rate his body temperature is dropping. Too bad this room is so cold."

The door opened and Shota returned, with a small box in his hands.

"Alas, time is up." She rose and motioned Shota over to the bed. "Bind Cody."

Cody looked up and met Shota's gaze. He was about to say something when Naderi cleared her throat and waved her finger at Ryan's leg.

"On your feet please." Shota motioned for him to stand.

Cody knew if he resisted Ryan would pay the price for his defiance. He carefully climbed off him and stood at the side of the bed.

Naderi nodded at Shota, and then returned to her chair.

Shota set the box on the bed and removed an identical body harness to the one Ryan wore. He handed it to Cody. "This is for you."

Cody took the harness and held it up. "I'll need help putting it on."

Shota smiled. "I hoped you would say that."

Cody undressed, setting the blood-soaked shirt and pants on the floor. He now wore only the thick leather collar with the metal ring.

Shota fastened the second collar above the one Cody already wore, and tightened it.

"Lock it." Naderi nodded.

Shota reached into the box and pulled out a small, gold lock.

Cody inhaled sharply and backed up, nearly falling onto the bed.

Naderi rose. "Stand absolutely still, or Shota might miss the collar with that beautiful lock." She smiled.

Cody faced her. "Don't do this to me."

"You either endure this discomfort...or walk away; leave my house immediately."

"Then we'll go." He reached down and touched Ryan's cold hand.

She laughed quietly. "You misunderstood me. I meant `you' leave. The boy stays here, with us."

"Then I stay." Cody held his breath and closed his eyes. He could feel the golden lock, as it moved closer to him.

Shota was careful not to touch Cody, as he clicked the lock closed on the back of the harness's collar. He leaned close to Cody's ear. "I will try to be careful." He playfully licked Cody's cheek and stepped back.

"Keep going." Naderi motioned for Shota to continue fastening the harness around Cody.

It took a few minutes, during which time he secured the back of the harness with another lock. Shota playfully played with Cody's cock and balls before he slipped them through the hole in the front strap and attached the codpiece.

"You know, when this is all over, I would enjoy mating you." Shota gave the codpiece a playful squeeze.

"That won't happen." Cody hissed through clenched teeth.

"Your loss, my friend." He removed two thick leather wrist cuffs and locked those onto Cody as well. He removed the leather mitts on Ryan's hands and placed leather wrist cuffs on him instead. Then, he stepped back a pace. "He looks absolutely adorable like that, they both do."

Naderi smiled. "I agree. Maybe I'll keep them here, like this, forever. Oh, I mean Cody forever. The boy will die after a while I suppose."

Shota shook his head. "That is a pity."

"The hood next please." She pointed to the hood, lying on the bed next to Ryan.

"Wait!" Cody opened his eyes but didn't move.

"Yes?" Naderi smiled.

"I need to know. How did Ryan get here?"

"I'm told he drove himself."


"He told me that he came back to get you and take you home. He didn't want you here. I told him you couldn't leave and he became cross. You know I don't like rudeness."

" didn't have to hurt him."

"I didn't have to, but I wanted him to see our true nature. He seems to think you are someone he can trust, someone he can love. Dare I say an equal?"

Cody glared at her, the rage in his eyes obvious. "He can. I would never hurt him!"

"That's funny, he said the same thing. I simply gave him a taste of what life with vampires is like."

"No, you showed him how cruel we can be, but I'm not like you."

She laughed loudly. "Of course you are. You're just young and still clinging to your human feelings and memories. When you've lived as long as I have, or longer, you'll feel differently. You'll understand that humans are no more than playthings to us, at best."

Cody looked over at Ryan. "I doubt that very much."

Naderi was silent for a moment. "Time will tell which of us is right. As for your misguided romance, you and I both know it won't last."

Cody faced her and his eyes were still moist. "I know it won't, but as long as it does, I intend to treasure each minute we're together."

She held his gaze. "We can change him, make him one of us. Would you like that?"

Cody looked back at Ryan. "It needs to be his choice, not mine."

"You disappoint me. He has not choices, not when we're involved. You are treating him as an equal instead of a snack, and that sickens me." She pointed to Shota. "Do it."

Shota picked up the hood and stepped in front of Cody. "Be a good boy and open wide." He held the back of the hood open and pointed the rubber gag at Cody's mouth.

Cody opened his mouth and the wet gag slid into place.

"Close please."

Cody closed his mouth, tasting Ryan's saliva.

Shota stepped behind him and pulled the hood tightly around his head. He laced the hood closed and secured the bottom of it with another gold lock.

Cody was glad the hood had no eye openings, as he had begun to cry; both for his and for Ryan's situation. He felt the tears slide down his face and pool at his chin.

Shota wrapped his arms around Cody and hugged him. Playfully, he pushed his groin against Cody's ass, humping happily. "May I have him once, before we leave?" He smiled at Naderi.

"No, but perhaps afterwards you can have them both, if the human survives."

"Thank you." Shota bowed his head and stepped away from Cody.

Naderi smiled contentedly, and stood. "There. That should keep you happily quiet for some time. Use the silence to reflect upon this day, specifically your lack of manners and poor choice for taking a human as a partner."

She walked to the door and opened it. "Bind them together." She turned and left the room.

Shota reached into the box and removed some slender gold chains, and more locks.

Cody, although blinded by the hood, recoiled from the large amount of gold approaching him.

"Relax brother. I will be very careful and the leather may protect you." He took a step closer.

Cody backed up, and tripped backwards onto the bed. He landed heavily on Ryan and immediately rolled off, as best he could."

"Careful, you will hurt your human." Shota grabbed the harness, where it crossed Cody's back, and pulled him up, onto Ryan's chest. "Now hold still or this will hurt."

He began running the cold chain through the metal loops on Cody's left wrist cuff and passed it through the metal loop on Ryan's right cuff. He brought the two ends of the chain together and locked them together.

Next, he repeated the process on their other hands. Each chain had about three feet of slack, when locked.

The last chain connected the metal rings on each of their collars. Again, he secured them with the last golden lock.

"I am going to leave you now. Were I in your place, I would not move around too much. There is enough slack in those chains to touch you." Shota reached between Cody's legs and rubbed his groin. "Your boy looks very pale. I do not know if he will survive the night. I am sorry."

Shota gave Cody's ass a playful smack and left the room, turning off the lights as he went.

Cody heard the door close and reached out with his senses. He tried to feel the room, to see if they were truly alone, but the gold was too much and too close. It blocked all his senses, and made his skin tingle.

He didn't know where the chains were, in relation to his or Ryan's body. Carefully, he brought his knees up to Ryan's ribs and gently sat down. Immediately, the chain connecting their necks pulled tight. Cody realized he would be unable to sit up on Ryan, though that was probably best, in the boy's weakened condition.

He pulled his right hand up, feeling for Ryan's face. The chain swung in the air and the hanging loop portion brushed his right knee.

White-hot fire shot through Cody's leg and he jerked violently. The motion caused the chain connected to his left wrist to also swing and contact his body. Again, he jerked violently, in the other direction. By some miracle, the other chain did not touch him a second time.

He froze, unable to move. He couldn't sense the chains; there was too much gold too close.

After a fifteen tense minutes, he slowly began to move his right hand towards where Ryan's face should be. He heard the soft metal sounds of the chain moving and paused. His hand was shaking and he was beginning to feel weak. The gold was sapping his energy as if an enormous leach were attached to him.

His fingers contacted Ryan's flesh. It was cold, maybe colder than before. Cody began to panic. He knew Ryan could die from blood loss and he knew what could save him.

Time ticked slowly past while Cody deliberated. Finally, having no other choice, he began thinking of a way to get his blood into Ryan's body.

Normally, he could just bite his own wrist and let Ryan drink. With the leather hood in place, that wasn't an option.

Were Ryan conscious, he could bite Cody's wrist himself. Again, not an option.

Cody gently slapped Ryan's face, hoping to rouse him. The gold chain rattled mockingly as he moved, but Ryan did not wake.

Very carefully, Cody brought his left hand into the game. It was uncomfortable, sitting like that. He no longer rested his weight on his hands, and the chain connecting their necks kept him bent over. He needed to use his back muscles to support himself in that awkward position, and the gold was making him weaker by the moment.

He lengthened the nail on his left index finger and felt for his right wrist. He brushed against the gold lock that secured the leather cuff to his wrist and screamed into the hood. The rubber gag did its job and hardly a sound escaped. A small tendril of smoke rose from the skin on his hand.

More carefully, he again felt for his right wrist. He located skin, between his hand and the leather cuff, and sliced it open with his fingernail. He felt the warm wetness as blood began to run down his arm.

Quickly, before he healed, he positioned his wrist over Ryan's mouth. With his left hand, he felt for Ryan's lips and pried his mouth open.

Cody placed the cut on his wrist into Ryan's mouth and pushed down. His right forearm touched the gold chain and again he screamed, pulling his wrist out of Ryan's mouth.

He took a deep breath and put his wrist back into Ryan's mouth, careful not to touch the chain. He felt the wound healing and rubbed it against Ryan's teeth, tearing it open again. It hurt, but nothing compared to the white-hot pain from the gold chains.

He didn't want to drown Ryan, so he pulled away after ten seconds, and felt Ryan swallow.

Ryan moaned and took a very deep breath, as if gasping.

Cody pushed his wrist back into the boy's mouth and again used his teeth to keep the blood flowing. This time, he felt Ryan's lips move, as they closed around the wound and gently sucked.

The flow of blood from Cody to Ryan increased and Cody further weakened. Bound with gold, his body was unable to restore itself. When he felt he had given Ryan enough blood, he pulled his hand away, and down to the sides. He pulled both hands as far away from Ryan as he could, stretching the chains connecting their wrists tight.

Then, he waited.

It was nearly thirty minutes before Ryan stirred. At first, he made quiet whimpering sounds, but soon, those turned into moans of discomfort.

Cody hoped his blood was compatible with Ryan. If not, it would probably kill him. Yet, if the blood were compatible, and if Cody had given him too much, it would begin the process of converting Ryan's remaining blood to Cody's blood. The process of Ryan becoming a vampire would begin. Still, without mating him, Ryan would remain a human.

Ryan began to shake, and then convulse. Cody lay down upon him, as best he could, hoping his weight would hold the boy still.

The chain connecting their necks touched Cody's chest and he screamed in agony, sitting back up.

Ryan's body relaxed, and in a minute, he lay completely still. Cody couldn't tell if he had passed out again or worse. He wanted to touch his chest, to feel for a heartbeat, but somewhere, the gold chain hung between them.

Ryan moved his legs and then inhaled deeply, as if waking from a long night's rest. He continued to squirm slowly around in the bed and then suddenly, was completely still.

"Cody?" Ryan's spoke quietly. "I can smell you."

Slowly, ever aware of the chain connecting their neck collars, Cody nodded.

"What's going on? I feel really strange." Ryan brought his right hand up to his mouth. Hey, they removed those awful leather mitts. God I hated those."

The chain connecting their wrists together pulled Cody's hand forward, nearly causing him to lose his balance.

"What's happening?" Ryan quickly lowered his right hand, but that caused the gold chain to flop heavily against Cody's left arm.

Cody screamed into the gag and jerked his hand away.

The chain was pulled tight, but did not break.

"What are you doing?" Ryan felt the chains tethering them together. "What's this? Are we chained together?"

Cody carefully nodded and was still. The chain connecting their collars swung teasingly between them.

"Did you just nod? I can't see."

Cody was confused. Had Ryan's eyes been damaged? Again, he slowly nodded.

"I think you are nodding. I'm sorry, it's dark in here, and I can't really see very well. Wait...actually..." Ryan grew quiet.

Cody waited, for what seemed like minutes, for the boy to speak again."

"I can see you, sort of. There is a little light coming through the crack under the door."

Cody held still. He swore silently. Shota, that asshole, had turned off the lights when he left.

"Why won't you talk to me?" Ryan sounded panicked.

Slowly, Cody reached out with his left hand, feeling for Ryan's right hand. He had no idea where the chain lay, so he proceeded slowly. He felt warm skin and traced the outline of Ryan's fingers. Carefully, he pulled the boy's hand up to his face. He kept his elbow out to the side, avoiding the chain.

Ryan felt Cody's face and realized his friend was wearing a leather hood. He felt around and realized it had no eye or mouth openings. "Is that some kind of hood or mask? I don't feel any mouth or eye openings."

Cody slowly nodded. He suddenly felt very safe, feeling Ryan's hand touching the leather hood.

"Do you want me to remove it?"

Cody nodded.

Ryan brought his left hand quickly up, feeling the other side of Cody's head.

The chain swung forward and brushed against Cody's right breast. He screamed in agony and lurched backward.

"What happened?" Ryan cried out. "God, something stinks? It smells like burning hair."

Cody stopped thrashing and held still. He couldn't speak, but he desperately needed to make Ryan understand the chains were gold. He didn't know how much longer he would be conscious. Should he pass out, and Ryan not know what the chains were, the boy might let them rest against Cody, and that would kill him.

Slowly, Cody reached out and felt Ryan's fingers, on his right hand. He pulled the boy's hand forward and pressed it against his face. Then, he let go.

Ryan nodded. "Yes, you have a hood on. I know you can't speak." He pulled his hand away.

Cody yelled but it was only a muffled sound. He grabbed Ryan's hand and put it back onto his face, pressing it there.

"You want me to hold my hand here?"

Cody nodded, and Ryan understood that movement.

"Ok, I'll keep it right here."

Cody sighed. It wasn't much, but it was a start. Now, how to get him to understand the chains. He lifted his right hand, feeling the chain pull tight, as it lifted Ryan's left hand.

"Do you want me to put my other hand on your face too?"

Cody shook his head side to side.

"Ok, no."

Cody thought for a moment, and then had an idea. He lifted his hand and the chain tugged Ryan's hand upward.

He let his hand settle back down and Ryan's hand settled down onto the bed again. Cody lifted his hand and yanked Ryan's back into the air, before setting it back down.

"What are you doing? I don't understand." Ryan was confused.

Cody repeated the process.

"Do you want me to do something?"

Cody repeated the process.

"I can't move very much...we are connected by a chain."

Rapidly, Cody nodded up and down.

" want me to know we are chained together."

Cody nodded.

"Ok, I kind of knew that already."

Cody sighed.

"What about the chains?" Ryan was slowly catching on.

Cody didn't know how to describe gold.

"Cody? Is there something about the chains I need to know?"

Cody nodded.

Ryan felt the length of the chains, and found the locks. "Oh...they are locked."

Cody nodded.

"Do you have the key?"

Cody shook his head `no'.

"Is it in the room somewhere?"

Cody shrugged.

"I guess you don't know."

Cody held still.

"So we are locked together."

Cody nodded.

"Is there something else I need to know about the chains?"

Cody nodded.

"They aren't very thick, and they aren't heavy."

Cody was still

"I'm sorry, I just don't understand."

Cody hung his head.

"I'm sorry."

Cody lifted his head and prepared to do the unimaginable. He slowly moved his right hand forward, and felt Ryan's wrist. He took the boy's fingers in his hand and moved them down to his own wrist, where the chain ran through the lock.

"I feel where the chain runs through the loop thingy."

Cody could feel Ryan fingering the chain and pushed the boy's hand against his wrist. The pain was unbearable and he screamed into the gag, yanking his hand away.

"What happened?" Ryan yelled. "What's wrong?"

Cody tugged upward on the chain again.

"The chain."

Cody nodded.

"The chain...touched you."

Cody nodded rapidly.

"The chain touched you and it hurt?"

Cody nodded twice, very large nods, and then sighed.

"So...when the chain touches you, it hurts. I don't understand. I thought only gold hurt you..." Ryan paused.

Cody held still.

"Oh my god...are you saying the chains are made of gold?" Ryan whispered.

Cody sighed, and felt tears stream down his cheeks. Slowly, deliberately, he nodded.

Ryan felt the chain with his fingers, careful to keep it away from Cody's skin. "Well, they feel pretty small; I bet they're just gold plated."

Cody shrugged.

"I guess it doesn't matter to you though."

Cody shook his head `no'.

"Can you break them?"

Cody shook his head `no'.

"Right, gold negates your strength. Sorry, I forgot."

Cody sighed and leaned his head forward, pressing it against Ryan's hand.

"Hey, are you ok?"

Cody shook his head `no'.

"The gold is making you sick?"

Cody nodded.

"Ok, let me think about what I can do."

Just then, the door opened. Three women started to enter but then stopped, startled to see two people together on the bed.

"Oh, sorry. Didn't know the room was occupied." One laughed and they closed the door.

"Hey!" Ryan called out.

The door opened. "Yeah?" One of the women poked her head inside.

"Can you turn the light back on? We're almost done here."

"Oh, sure." She flipped the light switch on and looked at them more closely. "Kinky!" She smiled.

" can leave now." Ryan looked annoyed.

"Well excuse me." She closed the door.

Ryan faced Cody. He looked at Cody's arms and chest, seeing multiple thin, ugly, red welts. It was obvious every place the chains had touched him. What was more, there were several deep cuts on his body, and some were still bleeding.

"Have we been like this for a while?"

Cody nodded.

"That lady turned the lights on. I can see now."

Cody nodded.

"Turn your head."

Cody turned slowly to the side.

"Oh no! There's a small lock securing the hood to you. Even if I unlace it, I can't get it off." He looked around the bed, and then on the floor. "Holy shit!"

Cody turned back towards him.

"I think there is a key in that box on the floor."

Cody's heart leapt. He doubted it was supposed to be there. But ... maybe Shota had left it after all.

"I can reach it, but we have to move off the bed."

Cody shook his head `no'.

"I know. It's dangerous. But I can't reach the key from here."

Cody slowly nodded.

Ryan swung his legs off the bed and felt the cold wood under his feet. "Move with me."

Cody turned his body towards the door.

"Stop!" Ryan yelled.

Cody froze.

"The chain connecting our collars is almost touching your chest. Don't move." Ryan leaned back until the chain tugged Cody's neck forward.

That gave him just enough room to stretch out with his toes and pull the box to the bed. "I need to bend down. Resist me a little and the chains will stay tight." He bent down and dragged Cody with him. He was barely able to get the key in his fingers and then sat up, leaning back from Cody as he did to keep the chains tight.

"Got it!" Ryan smiled but Cody couldn't see him. "Now, hold really still."

Carefully, Ryan turned Cody's head and stuck the small key into the lock that secured the hood. It clicked, and he was able to remove it. He tossed it across the room and quickly began to unlace the hood.

In a minute, Cody blinked into the bright lights of the room and met Ryan's gaze.

"You're free." Ryan smiled happily.

"Thank you." Cody looked away.

"Hey? What's wrong?" Ryan frowned. He could tell Cody had been crying.



Cody faced him. "This is my fault."

"What? Ok... now isn't the time for this. We need to get out of here!"

Cody nodded. "You're right."

"Hold still." Ryan unlocked the chain connecting their necks and threw the lock and chain across the room. "Wrists next." He removed the two chains from their wrists and threw them away. "Anything else?"

Cody turned around, and Ryan saw the small lock securing the harness across his back. He unlocked it and threw it away with the others.

Freed from the gold, Cody stumbled to his feet and fell off the bed. He crashed loudly to the floor.

"Let me help you!" Ryan rushed to his side and helped him up. Easily, he lifted Cody off the floor. "You've lost weight." He smiled, and helped Cody back to the bed.

"No, you're just a lot stronger." Cody smiled sadly.

"How's that possible?"

Cody sighed and lifted his wrist. He held it out to Ryan.

"Yeah, you've been bleeding."

"Yeah, and my blood is all over your mouth and chin."

"Huh?" Ryan felt his face but the blood was dry. "Is that what I tasted earlier?"

"Yes. I made you drink my blood. I'm so sorry."

"Why?" Ryan spoke quietly.

"You were unconscious and dying. I needed to heal you. I'm sorry; it was the only thing I could think to do."

"No, I mean...why are you sorry?" Ryan smiled.

Cody smiled sadly. "It could have killed you."

"But it didn't. I feel fantastic."

Cody nodded. "Yeah, that's the effect vampire blood has on humans, those who don't die from drinking it."

"So are we compatible?" Ryan grinned happily.

"It looks like it." Cody nodded.

"How long will this last?"

"An hour, maybe longer. I didn't give you a lot."

"So am I now a vampire?" Ryan licked his teeth, but they felt the same.

"No, you only have my blood in you. To change you, I needed to mate you too."

Ryan faced Cody. "Oh. Are you going to?"

Cody stared at Ryan for a few seconds. "It's too late now, but...are you saying you want me to?"

Ryan stared back.


"I don't know. I feel fantastic, but I need to think about it."

Cody nodded.

"For now, I need to get you out of here and back home."

"I hope they let us leave." Cody stood weekly.

"They had better. I feel strong enough to take them on, all of them."

Cody straightened up and flexed his shoulders. Freed from the gold, he felt his strength slowly returning. "Don't be foolish. There are too many of them here, and Naderi is stronger than all of them." He moved back over to the bed and sat down.

"So what should we do? Can we sneak out a window or back door?" Ryan looked around the room but there weren't any windows.

"That would be a bad idea. If there's one thing vampires enjoy more than drinking blood, it's a chase. They would follow us to your apartment and that would endanger you and Trevor."

"But they don't know where I live." Ryan shrugged.

"Those who have fed on you now have a physical link to you. They could easily track you down."

"Oh, I didn't know that."

"There's a lot you don't know about us."

"Yeah, Naderi tried to tell me some of it. She wants to break us up I think."

"I know." He looked away.

"Cody? Do you want to break up with me?" Ryan whispered.

"No. I love you."

"Then look at me."

Cody turned back towards him.

"I would die if you left me. Promise you won't do that."

Slowly, his body sore and burned, Cody reached out and hugged Ryan. "I won't leave you."

Ryan hugged him tightly, causing Cody to wince with pain. "Oh, sorry."

"You're really strong." Cody released him.

"Thanks. I feel incredible. Too bad you don't feel good at the moment."

"I could, if you will you help me."

"What can I do?"

"I need you to heal my wounds, like you did before, when I was burned by Trevor's key."

"Then lie back, and let me see what I can do."

Cody sighed and stretched out on the bed.

Ryan climbed onto his legs and looked at Cody's chest and arms. "You have a lot of burn marks. Do they hurt?"

"Like hell." Cody nodded. "Can you lick them? That should help."

Ryan bent down and gently licked at the largest burns, across Cody's chest. He coated them in his saliva, and they began to bubble and hiss.

Cody tensed and arched his back.

"Does that hurt?" Ryan sat up.

"Yeah, but it's working so don't stop." Cody closed his eyes and forced himself to lay still.

Ryan resumed licking his chest and moved to his arms. Soon, he had covered all of the burns and cuts with his saliva, and they were healing, slowly. "There, that's all of them."

Cody winced, and clenched his fingers. "Thanks...feels better already..."

"Liar." Ryan smiled and kissed him on the mouth. "Anything else I can do to help?"

Cody opened his eyes and looked into Ryan's. "Yeah..." He smiled. "I need some of your energy."

"My pleasure." Ryan pushed up and moved back to Cody's feet. Gently, he grabbed Cody's ankles and moved them up to his hips. "You sure you're up for this?"

"Please..." Cody nodded.

"Have to get rid of this first..." Ryan unbuckled his and the codpiece covering Cody's groin. Next, he removed the strap that ran between Cody's legs. "There, now I have access." He spit into his hand a few times and rubbed his saliva on his erect dick, and on Cody's ass. "I'm ready if you are."

Cody nodded, and tucked his knees to his shoulders.

"Here we go." Ryan leaned forward and pushed his dick into Cody's ass. It was slow going at first, but not painful. Soon, he was fully inside Cody, and began a gentle rhythm.

"Thank you." Cody clenched as best he could.

"My pleasure." Ryan continued pumping in and out, and then ejaculated a very large amount. His orgasm lasted longer than it ever had and he moaned with intense pleasure. Eventually, his spasms stopped and he pulled out. "Oh my god...that went on forever." He grinned happily.

Cody relaxed his legs to either side of Ryan and propped himself up on his elbows. "You have enhanced stamina too."

"Well thank god for that. I feel like I could go again right now." Ryan laughed.

"That's because you probably could." Cody smiled.

"Do you want to?" Ryan reached out and put his hands on Cody's groin, gently rubbing him.

"And again and again, but we need to think about getting out of here." Cody put his hands on top of Ryan's.

"Oh yeah. I was lost in the moment." Ryan smiled and lay down on Cody's chest. "I'm so happy right now; I don't want it to end."

Cody wrapped his arms around Ryan and tugged on his body harness. "I know, me too. It would be nice if we could..."

The door opened, and they both looked over to see Shota standing in the doorway.

"I see you are alive and well, both of you." He stepped into the room and closed the door.

Cody sat up and swung his legs off the bed. "What are YOU doing here?" His fangs descended.

"Relax. Naderi has sent me to end this." Shota looked around the room and saw the chains and locks scattered around. "You found the key I left behind."

Ryan nodded. "Yes. Did you leave it here on purpose?" He sat up next to Cody.

"Naderi told me to leave a key in the room. I just made it easy for you to find." He crossed the room and stood before them. "It is time."

Cody rose, standing between Shota and Ryan. "Time for what?"

"She wishes to speak to you both." He turned and walked to the door. "I would advise against keeping her waiting. She is still in a bit of a mood." He opened the door and disappeared into the hallway.

Ryan faced Cody. "I guess sneaking out of here isn't going to happen now."

"No, but if she sent Shota to free us, she isn't mad at us anymore." He stood.

Ryan stood next to us. "Mad at us..." He smiled.


"I like how that sounds. Makes me feel we are in this together."

Cody turned and faced him. "Well, aren't we?"

"Always." Ryan kissed him. "Hey, let me fix you back up before we go." He passed the leather strap between Cody's legs and secured it to the back part of the harness. Then, he snapped the codpiece back into place. "Don't want to shock any of the guests."

"Yeah, I bet they would be horrified to see me naked..." Cody smiled.

"Hey, from now on, nobody else sees you naked. Deal?" Ryan kissed him again.

"Agreed." Cody kissed him back.

Ryan pointed back to the bed. "You want me to put that hood back on you? Minus the gold lock of course." He gently bumped his shoulder into Cody's. "That way you won't be tempted to kiss anyone else."

"No, I had it on long enough. You want to wear it again?" Cody challenged back.

"Again? I never had it on."

"Yeah, you did. When Naderi first brought me here, it was on you. I guess you were unconscious when they put you in it."

"Oh...I didn't know I had it on." He looked at the hood lying on the bed. "It might be fun to wear, just not here."

"Yeah, maybe we'll pick one up for back at the apartment. Come on, let's go."

The left the room together and made their way back to the largest of the formal sitting rooms. Many of the guests clapped and called out as they walked by, but none interfered with their passage.

As they entered the room, Naderi rose and approached them.

Cody held Ryan's hand tightly. "Here we go. Let me do the talking."

"Yeah, because that went so well last time." He squeezed Cody's hand tightly.

Naderi stopped before them. "Well don't you two make the cute bondage couple." She grabbed onto both of them, chest harness in each hand, and pulled the closer. "Now, I assume you both have had enough time to think about your behavior?"

In unison, they nodded.

"Good. My party continues and I am needed by my guests. You will find your clothing in the front room, where you entered. Please leave my harnesses here and see yourselves out."

They both nodded silently.

"Oh, and Cody, be careful with your human. I don't want another accident like before." She turned and walked back to where she had been sitting.

Ryan whispered to Cody. "What happened before? She told me to ask you about Martin."

"Not now. I want to go home." Cody moved towards the front door, pulling Ryan along by his hand.

"Ok, I'm coming."

They reached the front door and found two piles of clothes, waiting for them. As quickly as possible, they stripped and dressed.

"Hey, where are my keys?" Ryan felt his jacket pockets.

From behind them, the sound of metal on metal began. "Are these what you seek my young friend?"

Ryan turned around, and to his horror, the tall man who had been the first to bleed him was leaning against the wall. In his hand, he held and jingled Ryan's keys.

"I will trade you these for another sweet kiss."

Ryan reached behind him and tugged on Cody's arm.

"What's wrong?" Cody turned around. "Did you find your..." He stopped in mid-sentence.

The man leaning against the wall tossed the keys to Ryan, and folded his hands in front of him.

Ryan caught the keys and pulled Cody towards the door. "Come on, let's get out of here!"

The man took a step towards them. "Hello Cody. It has been a long time."

Cody stood frozen, unable to move. He could feel Ryan pulling on his hand, but he ignored him.

The man walked up to Cody and stopped in front of him, staring down. "How I have missed you, my love."

Cody looked up into his eyes and felt tears begin to stream down his cheeks. "Draven..."

Next: Chapter 18

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