Its Not the Blood

By Will Ren

Published on Feb 1, 2011


Kyle opened the garage door and backed his bike out into the driveway, careful not to scrape the patrol car with the handlebars. He pulled his full-face helmet on and secured a second helmet to the rear part of the seat with a cargo net.

The Honda CBR 1000 fired up and he gave it a few sharp revs, before climbing on and backing out into the street. He checked his mirrors and dropped it into first gear. The café racer pulled hard through first gear and the bike accelerated up the street.

It took about ten minutes to get to the bus stop by Ryan's apartment. As he neared the enclosure, he saw a few people standing around. One drew his attention. Cody was leaning against the outside of the stand, staring directly at him.

Kyle smiled, but it was hidden by the helmet. He pulled up to the curb, shut the bike off, and removed his helmet.

Cody smiled and walked over. "Nice bike."

Kyle nodded. "Thanks. Here, this is for you." He unstrapped the second helmet and handed it to Cody.

"Do I need to wear one?" He took the helmet but didn't put it on.

"Well, it's the law and I'm a"

"Ok then." Cody pulled the helmet over his head, secured the chinstrap, and shrugged. "I'm good to go. What's the plan?"

"I thought we might cruise around for a while, then head to my place."

"Sure, sounds fun." Cody climbed onto the rear of the seat and gave a playful bounce. "What if I fall off?"

Kyle put his helmet back on and turned to face Cody. "I guess you should hang on tightly."

"Where? I don't see anything to grab."

"Then hold onto my waist." Kyle lowered his visor and turned around.

"You'd like that too much."


"Nothing." Cody wrapped his arms around Kyle's waist and hugged him tightly. "Let's go."

Kyle fired up the bike and maneuvered it into traffic, accelerating hard. His heart was beating rapidly, as he enjoyed the tight hold Cody had on him. He realized after their encounter in the mall bathroom that he wanted more.

Cody could sense the lustful emotions as well as the happiness Kyle was feeling and he smiled inside the helmet. He would let Kyle have some fun and then he would return to Ryan.

They drove around the city for a little over an hour, before Kyle pulled the bike over to the curb. He removed his helmet and turned off the bike.

Cody lifted the visor on his helmet and leaned to the side. "Why did we stop?"

Kyle turned his head and torso to better face Cody. "Do you want to keep cruising around or do you want to go to my place?"

"I'll leave that up to you. This is your adventure."

Kyle smiled. "Well, I'm not sure I'd call it an adventure, but I am having fun. Are you?"

"Yeah. I've never been on a bike like this before. It's cool."

"Good, I'm glad you like it. Why don't we head back to my place now and hang out for a while."

Cody shrugged. "Whatever you want."

Kyle turned back around and pulled his helmet back on. He fired up the bike and merged into traffic, heading towards his house.

It took a little while to get there but soon enough he pulled into a driveway, next to a patrol car. He turned off the bike and put his feet down to steady them.

Cody took the hint and jumped off the back of the seat. He removed his helmet and ran his fingers through his hair.

Kyle climbed off and raised his visor. He walked the bike back into the garage. "This way."

Cody fallowed him into the garage and leaned against the wall. Besides the bike, and some tools, there wasn't much else around.

Kyle removed his helmet. "Come on, I'm thirsty. Let's get something to drink." He took the helmet from Cody and put them both onto a bench along the wall. He opened the door to the house and went inside.

Cody followed him inside and took a seat at the table near the kitchen.

"Do you want anything? Kyle opened the fridge. "Maybe a beer or something?"

"No thanks."

"You mind if I have one?" He removed a bottle from its container.

"Not at all."

Kyle opened the twist top on a beer and took a long drink. He set the bottle on the table and sat across from Cody. "Are you nervous?"

"No. Why would I be?" Cody shrugged.

"Well I don't mind telling you that I am, a little."


Kyle looked away. "Well...I've never done anything like this before. Bring a guy home, I mean."

"Me neither." Cody laughed.

"What?" Kyle faced him. "I thought you...I mean, I assumed..."

"I don't even have a home. I'm the one who comes to visit."

"Oh, I get it. So you have done this before...right?"

"Done what exactly. Yes, I've sat at someone's table."

"You know what I mean."

"Kyle, just say what's on your mind."

He took a deep breath and let it slowly out. "Fine. I'll come clean."

"Awesome." Cody sat back in the chair and smiled.

"That day in the mall, in the bathroom, did everything I remember really happen?"

"What do you remember?"

"You sucked me off...and then said I could fuck you, if I wanted to."

"You remember me sucking you off?"

"Well, no, not really. But I do remember what it felt like when I woke up and I had definitely had an orgasm."

"Oh yeah, you did. I hadn't expected you to be a virgin."

"Yeah...about that. You said you could tell I was a virgin by my touch. Some kind of skill of yours."


"Well, I am a virgin, but I'm not ashamed of that."

"No reason you should be."

"It's just that I haven't found a girl I really like, enough to have sex with."

"How about a guy?" Cody smiled.

"I'm not looking for a guy." He seemed a bit defensive.

"Really? Then why am I here?"

"I'm not sure. More of an impulse decision I guess."

Cody nodded. "I make a lot of those."

"Yeah, me too."

"Let me tell you what I think, and then you can correct me if I'm mistaken."

"Um...sure, I guess."

"You don't consider yourself gay. You look at women and imagine yourself settling down with a wife someday."

Kyle shrugged. "Yeah, I guess so."

"Yet, I awoke some feelings in you that you either didn't realize you had or were ignoring, when I sucked you off in the bathroom."

Kyle nodded.

"So now you are curious whether you are gay or not. You invited me over here to see what it feels like spending time with a guy, one whom you know will agree to have sex with you, if you ask. No fear of rejection or embarrassment."

"Damn..." Kyle looked stunned.

"So, am I wrong?"

"No." His voice was quiet.

"It's no big deal Kyle. I meet a lot of guys with whom I'm their first gay encounter. It's what I do; make certain decisions easy for them."

"So you're sort of a sexual philanthropist." Kyle laughed.

"That's one way of looking at it. I help them and they help me in return."

"How do they help you?"

"Do you remember what I told you, back in the bathroom?"

"You said you are a vampire."

"Yes. And, as one, I feed on humans."

"You didn't feed on me."

"Oh, but I did."

"Did you drink my blood while I was unconscious or whatever that was you did to me?"

"No, I prefer to feed on something else." Cody grinned devilishly.

"Ah...of course." Kyle nodded.

"So, as I help guys work through their feelings, they help me by giving me what I need to survive."

"What if I want to fuck you instead of letting you suck my dick again?" He looked a bit embarrassed.

"That works. I still receive energy, unless you use a condom."

"I had planned to wear one...I mean...if we actually did that."

"Up to you."

"But you won't be satisfied if I use a condom, right?"

"I won't receive any energy from you, but I will enjoy being fucked."

Kyle looked away. "Oh...good."

"Kyle, it's ok. You don't have to be afraid. There's nothing to be worried about. I'm here because I want to be and because you want me to be here."

He nodded. "I do."

"Then let's have fun and see what you think about it afterwards. I'm not going to stalk you. I'm not going to `out' you to your friends. Nobody will know I'm here, and what we do stays between us."

"Good. I need..."

"You need to be who you are, but I understand about hiding your identity. Believe me, I know about hiding."

Kyle nodded. "Ok, so what do you want to do?"

"Nope. It's not that easy."


"You arranged this meeting so you run the show. I'll just go along with what you say."

"Really? No matter what I want to do?" He began to smile.

" have thought this through. Yes, as long as I'm not going to get seriously hurt, I'll do what you ask."

"Can you be hurt?" He stopped smiling. "I thought a vampire you're immortal."

"There are a few things that I would rather not experience, but I doubt we have to worry about that. Still, if I say `stop' I mean it and you had better stop. If not, I may become...cross." He smiled.

"Gotcha. Safe words and all. And, the same goes for me. If I say `stop' you have to stop what you're doing. Ok?"

Cody grinned and his fangs descended over his lower lip. "What makes you think you have anything to worry about?"

"Whoa..." He looked a bit alarmed.

"Don't worry, I don't usually bite."

"I hope not. That wouldn't be fun."

"Actually, Ryan rather enjoys it. But that's a topic we don't need to get into right now." Cody retracted his fangs.

Kyle took a deep breath and slowly let it out. "Ok. I'll be honest with you. I have been thinking about you since we met in the bathroom. You made me think about having a guy suck me off, and enjoying it."


"And I think I could be gay, but maybe just a little."

"Great. So let's start there." Cody rose. "I'll suck you off."

Kyle stood. "Actually, as much fun as that would be, I was wondering if I could...well...fuck you?"

"Kyle! Why would you ask me that?" Cody looked shocked.

"What? But I thought you said it would be ok!" He paled and looked truly terrified.

Cody shrugged. "Yeah, I'm cool with it." He smiled. "I was just messing with you."

Kyle sighed. "Christ! You had me going."

"So, let's rock."

"Ok." Kyle smiled. "I've never done this before so I apologize in advance if I suck."

"Don't you mean `fuck'?"

"Don't mess with me. Remember, I'm a cop."

"Yes sir!" Cody stood straight, his arms at his sides.

"This way." Kyle left the kitchen area and walked down the hall. He stopped at a closed door and turned. "This is my spare bedroom. I've been thinking about what I would like to try and I've set up a few things. If this freaks you out let me know and we can go to the couch or something."

"I don't freak out easily."

"So you say now...just wait." Kyle turned the handle and opened the door.

Trevor knocked on Ryan's door and opened it. "Can I come in?"

Ryan rolled over and looked up at the ceiling. His eyes were red. "Yeah."

"You ok bro?" Trevor sat on the edge of the bed.

Ryan sniffled and nodded. "Yeah, just feeling sorry for myself."

"Because classes are resuming?" Trevor smiled.

"Yeah, that's it." Ryan sat up.

"I'm sorry you feel bad Ryan. I know this is going to sound cliché and all but Cody really does love you. I can see it in his eyes. He isn't doing this to hurt you or make you jealous. Nothing like that."

"I know, but I still feel bad. I miss him, and I don't like to think about someone else having sex with him." He faced Trevor. "I mean except for you."

"Yeah, I know. Well, I'm here if you want to talk, or take a shower together." He lightly punched Ryan's shoulder.

"No thanks. I think I'll go running for an hour or two." He stood and smiled. "I'm ok."

"You sure bro?"

"Yeah, thanks though." Ryan stepped forward and hugged Trevor tightly. "I love you."

"I love you too." Trevor hugged him in return.

"So, I'll be gone for a bit."

"Ok. Maybe we can grab some dinner when you get back?"

"Yeah, maybe."

"Perhaps Cody will be back by then."

"Maybe." Ryan walked to the closet and picked out some clothes to run in.

"I'll see you later then." Trevor left the room.

Ryan dressed in some running clothes and left the apartment. He spent a few minutes stretching and then headed out to the sidewalk, turning towards town.

Cody stepped around Kyle and surveyed the guest room. "Wow, you've been busy."

"Some. I've had a bit of this for a while now, but added some more after I decided to get together with you."

Cody moved into the room and walked up to a large, wooden bench with padding. "And what's this for?"

Kyle smiled and stepped beside him. "For you."

"Looks pretty comfortable. I take it I'll be on my knees and stomach for a while?"

"Well, that will give me the best access."

"No doubt."

"You game?"

"Yeah. You want me naked?"

"No. I'm not attracted to naked guys."

"Well, I can't damage these clothes, they belong to Ryan."

"No need. I've set out some stuff for us to wear."

"Like what?" Cody looked at the bed and saw an assortment of leather motorcycle gear. "This?"

"Yeah. It's stuff I usually ride in. Today I didn't have any on because I wanted it all to be here, waiting."

"Sweet, I like this stuff."

"Really?" Kyle smiled. "That's cool."

"So what do you want me to wear?"

"Start with these." Kyle grinned and handed Cody a pair of black, leather chaps.

"Hmm... how `Village People'." He laughed and began to undress.

"I suppose so. Sorry if this is stupid."

"Not at all. It's about enjoying ourselves." Cody removed his pants and pulled on the chaps. "What next?"

"This." Kyle handed him a heavy, leather, button-down shirt, which Cody pulled on. "And these." He handed him some black, motocross boots. "Let me buckle those."

Cody stood still, while Kyle knelt in front of him, to buckle the boots.

Kyle looked up, directly at Cody's groin and smiled. He shook his head and turned his attention back to the other boot, finishing securing them to Cody's feet and calves.

"These are rigid. I won't be able to walk very well." Cody wiggled his feet but the protective boots limited movement.

"You won't need to walk much." Kyle handed him a heavy, racing jacket. "This next."

Cody pulled on the leather jacket and held his arms out to the side. "I feel bulletproof."

"Pretty much." Kyle began to undress and in a few minutes was similarly clothed, except, instead of chaps, he wore heavy leather jeans. "You ready?"

"And eager." Cody smiled.

Kyle paused for a minute and looked at the bench.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I guess. I was just thinking that here we the moment I have been thinking about for the last few weeks."

"You changing your mind?" Cody stepped up to him, the leather creaking as he moved.

"No, I don't think so. But, if I do this, it changes my life, its direction I mean."

"That might not be a bad thing." Cody put his hand on Kyle's shoulder. "If we do this, and you don't like it, you've learned something. It doesn't mean you have to keep doing it."

"I know." Kyle smiled.

"Come on, time to play." Cody walked over to the bench. "So what exactly do I do with this?"

"Kneel on the lower part and bend over the top part. You can rest your hands on the opposite lower portion."

"Ah, so on my hands and knees, but not on the floor. Gotcha."

"Yeah, I saw a video online about these benches and it looked fun. This one was easy to make, and pretty inexpensive."

Cody climbed onto the bench and got into position. "If I fall asleep, don't take it personally. This is pretty comfortable."

Kyle smiled devilishly and lifted a corner of the comforter off the bed. Hidden beneath were some leather restraints, a leather gag, and a leather blindfold. He scooped them all up and walked over to the bench. Gently, he dropped the items onto Cody's back.

"Toys?" Cody turned his head to get a better look.

"Hold still!" Kyle barked at him playfully. He picked up the wrist restraints and moved in front of Cody. He pulled Cody's hands forward and secured the left restraint around his wrist. Next, he passed the chain under the bench, and then secured the right restraint, effectively locking Cody's hands to the bench.

Cody gave a tentative tug upwards but the restraints were secure. "Help...I'm trapped." He smiled.

"Quiet." Kyle reached up and retrieved the gag. It was a wooden dowel, covered in leather, with a long strap attached to each end. He pushed the dowel into Cody's mouth, between his teeth, and tightened the strap behind his head.

"That too tight?" Kyle bent down and faced Cody.

Cody shook his head; the gag wasn't uncomfortable.

"You like it?"

Cody faced him and his fangs descended, over the wooden dowel, trapping it in his mouth.

"I'll take that as a yes." He picked up the blindfold and strapped it over Cody's eyes, securing it behind his head.

Cody, no longer able to see, reached out with his other senses, keeping alert to his surroundings in case Kyle should accidentally bring an object of gold into the game. Though his hands were bound, Cody knew from his brief tug that the restraints would not hold him, should he exert his full strength.

Next, Kyle secured Cody's ankles to the rear of the bench with another set of leather restraints. Lastly, he wrapped a heavy, leather belt around the bench and Cody's chest, pinning him down.

By this time, Kyle was rock hard and throbbing. He reached down and roughly adjusted himself, through the thick, leather pants. He straddled Cody's legs and pressed his groin to Cody's ass, leaning forward and laying on top of him.

"I'm ready."

Cody nodded.

Kyle straightened, still straddling Cody's legs, and unzipped the leather pants. His erect dick sprang forward and bobbed with anticipation. A large drop of pre-cum dripped off the end and fell onto Cody's leg.

He ran the tip of his dick up and down Cody's ass crack, coating it in the slippery liquid. Kyle jacked himself slowly, squeezing more liquid onto his fingers, and then spreading that along the length of his dick. When it was glistening with dampness, he gently leaned forward and placed the tip against Cody's anus. Kyle paused then and closed his eyes. His mind was racing with emotions, both pro and con, about what he was preparing to do. He leaned forward. The tip of his dick slid easily into Cody and Kyle gasped. He lingered for a moment and then forced the rest of his sizable dick into Cody.

Secured to the bench, Cody groaned quietly, feeling the large dick inside him. Kyle was better endowed than Ryan was, and his ass was stretched, tightly.

Fully hilted, Kyle paused for a moment to enjoy the feeling. He had long wondered what it would feel like to fuck another guy and that moment had come. He welcomed the feeling and realized instantly that this is what he wanted.

Cody tightened his ass and squeezed Kyle's cock in a powerful embrace.

"Oh yeah, that's nice." Kyle slowly withdrew and then rammed the entire length back inside. He began a steady rhythm and soon was pounding away into Cody.

Secured to the padded bench, Cody was comfortable. He and Ryan were usually gentle with each other and it was an interesting experience, being the captive recipient of an aggressive fucking.

Kyle continued to pound away at Cody and then with a loud grunt he rammed deeply inside and exploded. "Oh yeah!"

Cody felt the warmth and energy flow into him and squeezed his ass tightly.

"Wow!" Kyle pushed in a little further. "Holy shit that was awesome."

Cody relaxed and Kyle slowly pulled out.

He sighed and lay down on top of Cody's back, panting heavily. "That was great."

Cody didn't respond. He lay still, allowing Kyle to come down off his high. His own body began to absorb the fresh semen and he savored the energy.

Kyle pushed up off Cody and stepped away from the bench. He moved to the front and casually ran his fingers through Cody's hair. "Thanks, that was wild. Are you ok?"

Cody nodded.

"Good. Don't go anywhere; I'll be back in a bit." Kyle left the room and walked to the kitchen. He grabbed another beer and downed half of it. He sat on the couch and looked down at his dick. It was shiny with moisture but not dirty, as he had expected. Gently, he fondled himself, mostly flaccid at the moment.

Cody could hear him moving around. He heard the refrigerator door open, and the escape of pressure when a bottle cap was removed. He heard the springs protest when Kyle sat on the couch. It seemed his host was relaxing and had left him bound to the bench. He gave a tentative tug on the wrist restraints and agreed with his earlier assessment that he could break free if needed. Still, he was enjoying being a helpless victim at the moment and relaxed. The bench was comfortable and he liked the position he was in.

Kyle finished the beer and set the bottle in the sink. He retrieved his cell phone and scrolled through some emails and text messages. He had a few hours left, before he needed to head to work, and he was eagerly waiting for round two. It took about twenty minutes before he was able to revive his dick. When it began to harden, he headed back to the room where Cody was bound.

Cody heard him coming down the hall and reached out as strongly as he could with his senses, but it was just Kyle, with nothing new in his possession.

"Hey, you still ok?"

Cody nodded, as best he could.

Kyle walked up to him and ran his finger up the crack of Cody's ass. "You're all slippery still. That's nice." He jacked himself some more and a large drop again formed on the tip of his dick. He spread it around the shaft and lined himself up.

Cody smiled to himself, the gag not allowing for mouth movement. Kyle was incredibly horny an aroused at the moment. It seems they had awoken a deep lust that he had been suppressing.

"Round two." Kyle lined himself up and pushed the entire length of his dick inside in one thrust. He buried himself fully and felt his balls against Cody's ass.

Cody grunted and tightened his muscles around Kyle's thick dick.

"I may never let you leave." Kyle grinned devilishly and began fucking Cody again. It took longer this time but eventually, with another loud moan, he shot a second, smaller load.

Cody felt the ejaculation but it wasn't very much. He was glad Kyle had decided not to use a condom. He didn't need the energy, not with as often as he and Ryan had sex, but he enjoyed the closeness and physical exchange.

Kyle sighed and pulled out. "I need to build up my stamina."

Cody held still, listening to Kyle's rapid breathing.

Kyle removed the blindfold and gag, then the ankle and wrist restraints. Finally, he removed the belt holding Cody to the bench.

"You ok?" He put the gear on the bed.

Cody straightened and climbed off the bench. "Yeah, that was fun."

"Yeah, I had a blast. I think that pretty much answered my questions. Thanks."

"Glad I could help. What time is it?"

"A little after three. You need to get back?"

"Not yet."

"I have to work this evening but if you want to hang out a bit longer we can just chill."

Cody stepped up to Kyle and grabbed his slippery dick. "Maybe we can do more than chill, in a little while." He gently stroked the flaccid penis in his hand.

Kyle closed his eyes and smiled. "That feels nice."

"Yes, it does." Cody released Kyle's dick and sat on the bed. "Is it ok if I wear this for a while yet?"

"The leather? Oh yeah, please do." Kyle removed his jacket and boots. "I'm a little warm so I'm going to change." He undressed and put his street clothes back on. "You want something to drink?" He pointed towards the kitchen.

"No thanks." Cody rose. "But you go ahead."

Kyle nodded and walked out of the room.

Cody followed him to the kitchen and leaned against the wall. "What are you doing tonight? At work, I mean."

"Cruiser duty. Me and another officer will be roaming the streets, keeping an eye on things." He filled a glass with water and drank about half.

"Are you going to take me back or should I call Ryan to come get me?"

"I can drop you off on the way to work. It's out of the way so we'll have to leave a bit earlier." Kyle faced Cody. "You look really nice in leather."

Cody ran his hands along his chest and hips. "Thanks, I like it."

"You want to keep some of it for a while? The jacket maybe?"

"I do...but I probably shouldn't." He thought of Ryan's reaction if he returned home with another guy's clothing.

"I don't mind."

"It isn't that. Ryan would be jealous. As it is, he wasn't overjoyed that I came over here."

"Oh, really? I'm sorry. I never thought about that. I assumed it was ok. You agreed to it so quickly."

"Yeah, I did. Sex is one of my weaknesses. I've been doing this for so long I never give it a second thought. I don't usually have relationships, for obvious reasons, but Ryan is too much for me to resist. I'm going to have to be better in the future."

"He's really cute." Kyle smiled

"Yeah, he is."

"Oh well, if you ever want to borrow any of my bike gear just let me know. I'd be happy to loan it."

"Thanks, I will. I'd have to ask Ryan first."

"Hell, bring him on over. Maybe he'd enjoy being strapped to the bench too. I mean, assuming you don't mind."

"It would be his decision but I'll mention it to him if I feel the timing is right."

Kyle finished his glass of water. "Well, if I'm going to take you home we should get you out of that gear and back into your clothes. Do you want to shower?"

"No thanks, I didn't sweat. Besides, I enjoy smelling like leather."

Kyle was silent for a moment, staring at Cody. He looked him up and down a few times.

Cody met his gaze. "I want to talk to you about something. Can we sit for a bit?"

"Uh..sure." Kyle moved over to the couch.

Cody sat next to him, turned slightly, so they were facing. "I had fun today. I'm glad I was able to help you sort some things out."

"Thanks. I'm glad you came over too."

"That said, I won't be coming back."

"What?" Kyle looked sad. "Did I do something wrong?"

"No, not at all. I did. I hurt Ryan's feelings by coming here, and it's killing me thinking about it."

"Oh, yeah, that sucks."

"So, here's the deal. I don't mind talking to you if we see each other in public but I don't want you to call Ryan's cell again, unless it is an emergency." He laughed. "And sexual emergencies don't count."

"Bummer. I had hoped this was the beginning of a regular thing. But, I understand about you and Ryan so I won't push it."

"Thanks. The alternative is I wipe the memory of my being here, from your mind. I will leave your emotions and newly-found gayness intact." He smiled.

"Um..I might have even more questions if I suddenly crave guys but don't know why."

"Yeah, it might make more problems for you, but those are the two choices you have."

"I'll go with the first one. I won't bother you, but if we see each other on the street we stop and chat, ok?"

"Deal. Oh, and if you ever tell anyone about me..." His fangs slid down.

"Yeah, don't worry. I don't plan to tell people I had sex with a vampire. It's not good for the career."

"Or your health. I'm not the only vampire in town, and the others wouldn't be amused." Cody retracted his teeth.

"Gotcha. Your secret is safe."

"Thanks." Cody nodded.

"I do want to thank you too."

"You're welcome. I'm glad you are at peace, in a manner of speaking."

"I am. I know a few more things about myself now and I can grow from here."

Cody smiled wickedly and slid off the couch, in front of Kyle. "Speaking of mind?" He placed his hand on Kyle's crotch and gently squeezed.

"Again? Don't you get tired of sex?"

"Bite your tongue!"

Kyle laughed and unzipped his pants. His flaccid penis flopped out. "He's sleeping."

"Let me see if I can change that." Cody leaned forward, the leather creaking, and sucked Kyle's dick into his mouth. He sucked playfully for a few minutes and felt it swelling. When it was fully engorged, Cody went to work, using his time-perfected skills.

Kyle lay back on the couch and closed his eyes. "Oh ...please stop..." He laughed. "Ok... don't stop."

Cody bobbed up and down for a minute or two longer and felt Kyle orgasm, for a third time that afternoon. Only a small dribble slid out onto his tongue. He licked it up and pulled off. "One for the road, as they say."

Kyle sat up, a sleepy look in his eyes. "I'm not going to be able to stay awake tonight."

"You'll find something to think about." Cody stood. I'm going to go change. Be right back." He returned to the guest bedroom and changed back into his own clothes. Regretfully, he put the leather gear onto the bed and returned to the living room.

"You ready to go?"

"I am. I want to get back to Ryan."

"Somebody's in love." Kyle teased.

"I am. And I'm going to have some serious ass kissing to do, to get myself out of the doghouse."

"Ryan is a lucky boy."

"So am I."

"I'm ready if you are." Kyle stood.

"Sure. Bike or car?"

"Patrol car. That way I can just go in early and get some extra hours."

"Can you drop me off before you get to the apartment? I don't want to be seen getting out of the car."

"You worried what the neighbors might think?" He joked.

"Actually, yeah. I try to keep a low profile and that won't help me." Cody stood. "Ok?"

"Sure. I'll drop you wherever you want."


"Thank you." Kyle stuck out his hand.

Cody smiled and shook his hand.

"Let's go." Kyle grabbed the keys and headed to the front door.

Cody followed him and soon they were in the patrol car, driving towards Ryan and Trevor's apartment. Not much was said on the return trip, each had thoughts going through his mind. When they were a block away from the apartment, Cody pointed to an approaching stop sign.

"This will do."

"Ok." Kyle pulled the patrol car over to the curb. "Good luck with Ryan and thanks again for coming over."

"I had a nice time. Maybe I'll see you around."

"That would be nice."

Cody climbed out and closed the door. "Later."

"Yup." Kyle smiled and turned at the intersection, driving away.

Cody took a deep breath and crossed the street, heading towards the apartment. He dodged traffic and continued down the street for another block. At the entrance to the complex, he turned and headed towards Ryan and Trevor's place.

He reached the door and gently knocked. He heard movement from the other side.

Trevor opened the door and smiled. "Hey."

Cody smiled. "Hi."

"Come on in." Trevor pushed the door open and stepped aside.

Cody walked in and looked around.

"He's in his room." Trevor grimaced.

"Has he been in there the entire time I was gone?" Cody looked at Trevor sheepishly.

"No, he was for a while. I think he was crying. Then he went out running. He only got back about forty minutes ago."

"Uh oh."

"Yeah. I'll be in my room. If you need a place to sleep tonight you can crash with me."

"I hope it doesn't come to that, but thanks." Cody headed to Ryan's room and knocked on the door.

"Come on in." Ryan replied from inside.

Cody turned the handle and went in. "Hey."

Ryan looked up from the bed. He was on his stomach, propped up on his elbows, reading a magazine. "Hi."

Cody closed the door and sat on the bed. "What are you reading?"

Ryan closed the magazine so the cover was exposed. "Jeep stuff."

"Cool." Cody could feel the tension in the air.

Ryan opened the magazine and continued reading.

For a few seconds, nothing was said.

"So, are you pissed at me?" Cody broke the silence.

"Should I be?" Ryan didn't look up.


"Then congratulations, I'm pissed at you." Ryan closed the magazine and looked up.

"I'm sorry." Cody looked as sad as he truly felt.


"I don't want you to be angry with me."

"It'll pass."

"I'm back now, like I said. And I won't be seeing Kyle again."

"Did everything go ok?"

"Yeah." Cody knew better than to say he had fun.

"Wonderful. I'm glad it worked out for you two."

"It worked out for him. I helped him think through some issues."

"How kind of you." Ryan rolled over and got off the bed.

Cody shook his head. He had known Ryan would be upset but it seemed he was overly so. "Come on, let's move past this, and be friends."

"We are friends." Ryan busied himself at his desk.

"Well it doesn't feel like it at the moment." Cody rose and stood next to Ryan.

Ryan faced him. "You really hurt my feelings."

"You know I didn't mean to."

"Accidentally or not, it still hurts. I thought you were my boyfriend."

"I am. I love you. Very much."

"Then promise me right now that you'll never do that again."

"I promise I'll never do that again." Cody nodded. "I told Kyle not to call here. I told him we wouldn't be getting together again."

"You did?" Ryan seemed to brighten a little.

"I did. Please understand. It's very hard for me to deny what I feel; what I do to survive."

"I know it is." He punched Cody in the arm. "But next time try a little harder!" He glared.

Cody rubbed his arm. "Ow."

"You deserved that." Ryan crossed his arms.

"Yeah, I did." Cody lunged forward and hugged Ryan, pinning his arms to his chest. "I love you."

"Hey, let go!" Ryan tired not so smile.

"Why? Don't you like it when I hold you?" Cody leaned forward and kissed him on the mouth.

Ryan turned his head. "I'm still mad at you!"

Cody released him. "Oh, I'm sorry. I thought we had moved beyond that." He turned away and faced the bed.

Ryan threw himself onto Cody's back, knocking him down onto the bed.

They rolled around playfully, Cody letting the teen overpower him.

Ryan ended up on top of Cody, straddling his waist. He leaned forward and pinned Cody's arms above his head. "You'd better be a lot nicer to me in the future or I'll kick your ass."

"Yes, my love." Cody smiled up at him.

Ryan grinned and released Cody's wrists. He grabbed the shirt around Cody's waist and pulled it quickly upwards, over Cody's head and arms.

Cody was now naked from the waist upwards. "Don't be so rough, you'll hurt me."

"Quiet!" Ryan leaned forward and kissed Cody's left nipple. He licked his chest and moved to the right nipple, biting gently.

"Ouch!" Cody lifted his head off the bed.

Ryan looked up, and with one hand, pushed Cody's head back down. "I said be quiet!" He fumbled with Cody's pants and soon had them off. Ryan looked down at Cody's naked body and nodded. "You look the same."

"I am the same." Cody looked up again.

Ryan pointed a finger at him.

"Sorry, I'll be quiet." Cody lay his head back down, trying not to smile.

Ryan removed his own shirt and pants, and then grabbed Cody's ankles. He lifted them up and back, exposing Cody's ass. "This had better be the same too." He reached for the tube of lube on the bed stand and squirted a little onto his hand. He rubbed it around is dick and wiped his hand on Cody's ass.

Without further ceremony, Ryan lay down on Cody's shoulder and buried his dick in his ass, in one quick thrust. For a minute, he just lay there, enjoying the familiar feeling of being inside Cody.

"Better now?" Cody kissed the back of Ryan's head.

"Yes." Ryan no longer sounded angry, just very tired.

"Then get going. Make us one again." Cody folded his hands on top of Ryan's back.

Ryan looked up, into Cody's eyes, and a single tear dripped onto Cody's chest.

"I'm so sorry." Cody craned his head upwards and kissed Ryan.

"Not yet, you aren't...but the night is young!" Ryan began thrusting into him with a sense of haste. He didn't last very long before he exploded within Cody, spraying his insides with semen.

Cody leaned his head backwards. His fangs descended and his eyes began to glow their familiar blue color.

Ryan looked down at him and smiled. "Good. Now my vampire boy remembers who he belongs to."

Cody didn't respond. He closed his eyes and enjoyed the feeling of Ryan inside him, and inhaled the intoxicating aroma of the boy's sweat.

Ryan thrust forward again. "Excuse me, I'm talking to you."

Cody lifted his head and their eyes met. "Sorry, lost in the moment."

"Well next time, pay attention." Ryan thrust hard again and then leaned down, kissing Cody and licking the tip of one fang.

Cody returned the kiss and retracted his fangs. "So am I out of trouble now?"

Ryan pushed up and pulled Cody's legs to either side of him. "No, not yet."

Cody wrapped his legs around Ryan's waist and held him. "Soon?"

"Maybe. I think you need to be punished some more." Ryan glared at him.

" that was punishment?" Cody grinned.

Ryan struggled free of Cody's legs and lay next to him. "No, not really. I could never hurt you."

"Thanks. And really...I am..."

Ryan cut him off. "I're sorry. I get it already."

Cody rolled over, on top of Ryan. "You have any plans for the evening?"

"Yeah, fucking you so much you never consider leaving me again."

"Well yeah, I meant besides the obvious." He kissed Ryan on the lips.

"Hey, let me up, you're getting heavy." Ryan struggled.

"Sorry." Cody rolled off the boy and stared up at the ceiling.

Ryan climbed off the bed and wiped his dick on the hand towel he kept on the nightstand. "Do you want to go to the bar tonight?"

"Sure, whatever you want to do." Cody stretched out on the bed.

"Ok already, you're forgiven. We should only go to the bar if you want to go, not just because I'm asking."

"I do want to go, especially if it makes you happy." Cody smiled and batted his eyes.

"Hmmm..." Ryan pulled on his clothes. "Let's see if we can get Trevor to come with us."

Cody sat up and nodded. "Good idea. You always have good ideas."

"I'm going to kick your ass if you keep that up." Ryan glared at him.

"Well, I still feel guilty."

"Don't. I'm over it." Ryan reached down and picked up his damp jogging clothes. "Here, these are for you to wear tonight." He tossed them to Cody. "Put them on."

"Did you forget to put these in the dryer?" He held the shorts up to his nose and inhaled.

"No, it's what I wore when I went running this afternoon. That's my sweat."

"Sweet Jesus!" Cody grinned and quickly pulled the sweaty clothes on. "You're too good to me."

"Just don't forget it!" Ryan smiled and opened the door. He left Cody to finish dressing and walked to Trevor's room.

"Hey, you want to go to the bar with us tonight?"

Trevor turned from his desk and nodded. "Might as well. Only a few more days before the next term begins."

"Don't remind me!"

"When are you thinking about heading downtown?"

"Whenever. We could go now if you're ready. By the time we drive down there and find a parking spot it will be time to eat."

"Ok. Let me finish what I'm doing. Give me fifteen?"

"Sure." Ryan returned to his room and found Cody sitting on the bed. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing. Is this all I should wear? Might look a little strange to be wearing running shorts and a t-shirt."

Ryan nodded. "Yeah, put something else on. I know you don't get cold but it looks odd."

Cody rummaged through Ryan's dirty clothes pile and selected a pair of jeans and a long-sleeved shirt. He pulled them on and looked for a pair of shoes. "Where are the shoes you ran in?"

Ryan smiled and pointed to a pair of running shoes by the bed.

"Do you mind?" Cody looked hopeful.

"Why do you even ask me? You know I like it when you wear my clothes, almost as much as you like it."

Cody walked over and pulled the slightly-damp shoes on. "I'm ready."

"Trevor said to give him fifteen minutes and then he'll come with us."

"Oh, cool."

Eventually, Trevor joined them and they left the apartment. Cody took his usual spot in the back of the Jeep and Ryan drove them to the parking structure. They walked to the bar and got in line. Ten minutes later, they were seated at a booth, and Ryan and Trevor ordered something to eat. Cody sat across from them, watching them enjoy their food.

As the evening wore on, they talked about the upcoming term and what it would mean to Cody.

"So, basically, the place will be all yours during the day." Trevor picked up his glass and took a long drink.

"Sounds dull." Cody frowned.

"Well, what do you normally do when you're alone?" Trevor took a bit of his sandwich.

"I'm not usually alone." Cody winked slyly.

"No! You won't be doing any of that!" Ryan slapped Cody's arm.

"Ouch!" Cody rubbed his arm. "I'll behave, I promise."

"Damn right you will!" Ryan glared at him. "You can clean the place up or something but you stay inside; no wandering around. When I get home from class, I expect you to be waiting for me, preferably nude."

"Yes sir." Cody nodded.

Trevor laughed. "Well I see you two worked things out this afternoon."

Ryan nodded. "Yeah. He understands the rules now."

"I do." Cody snaked his hand under the table and grabbed Ryan's crotch. "I know my place."

"Hey! Not in public." Ryan smiled.

Cody started to respond but, suddenly, he sat up straight and pulled his hand back. He quickly looked around the room.

Trevor faced him. "What's wrong?"

"Cody?" Ryan reached across the table and touched his hand. "What is it?"

"We're not alone."

Trevor nodded. "Yeah, there're about sixty other people here..."

Cody faced him, a serious look on his face. "There's another vampire in the room."

Ryan turned around and looked at the people sitting and standing around them. Nobody looked specifically like a vampire, but then he quickly realized that Cody didn't look like a vampire, at least not what Hollywood made them out to be. "Do you know who?"

"Not yet, but I'm working on it." Cody looked around the room and then his gaze settled on one person, seated alone across the room. "There he is."

Both Ryan and Trevor followed his gaze. Trevor nodded. "The guy in the black pants and black shirt?"


"What do you think he's doing here?" Ryan faced Cody, and Trevor also looked at Cody. "He obviously isn't here for dinner."

"Actually..." Cody shrugged.

"Ok, you know what I mean. Do you think he is looking to pick someone up?"

"Maybe." Cody looked across the room and then faced them. "You should ask him."

"What?" Ryan looked shocked. "I'm not going over there. He gives me the creeps."

Cody held Ryan's gaze. "You don't have to, he's coming this way."

Ryan sat up straighter, but didn't turn around. "Uh oh."

The stranger walked up to their booth and stood. He was Asian, with pale skin and long black hair. He looked to be in his late twenties.

"Good evening." He addressed Cody first and then turned to Ryan and Trevor. "May I...join you?"

Cody nodded. "Of course." He slid over on the bench, and the stranger sat next to him. Ryan's eyes conveyed the message `what are you doing?' but he didn't say anything.

"Thank you." He brushed his long, black hair behind his shoulders and folded his hands on the table. "My name is Shota. It is a pleasure to meet you." He had a strong accent.

Trevor nodded. "Nice to meet you too. How can we help you?"

He turned to Cody. "I was sent to find you."

"Why?" Cody faced him.

"Naderi asks for you."

"What for?"

Shota raised an eyebrow. "She did not specify. She said to find you and relay a message."

"What message?"

Shota looked from Ryan to Trevor, and then back to Cody. "It is a private matter."

"They are with me. You may speak freely in front of them."

"They are both with you?" Shota looked at Cody, a hint of curiosity on his face.

"He's mine, specifically." Cody pointed to Ryan. The other is also mine, but to a lesser degree."

"Of course." Shota dipped his head to Cody. "Naderi is hosting a party in one week's time. She requests that you attend this party. Several of her guests have asked for you."

Ryan spoke up. "What kind of party?"

Shota faced him, a smile forming on his lips. "The kind of party that would give you nightmares, boy."

Ryan held his ground. "Well he isn't going!"

Shota faced Cody, an amused smile on his face.

Cody dipped his head to Shota. "Of course I will be there. Please tell Naderi."

Shota nodded. "Seven o'clock, one week from today." He rose, gave Ryan and Trevor a brief nod, and walked away, exiting the bar.

Ryan faced Cody. "Oh hell no!"

Trevor faced Cody. "What was that all about?"

Cody shook his head. "Not here. Finish eating and I'll tell you on the way home."

Ryan pushed his plate away. "Well, I'm not hungry now."

Trevor stuffed the last of his fries into his mouth. "I'm done." He stood and pulled his jacket on.

Ryan slid out of the booth and also put his coat on. "Let's go." He stormed out of the bar, Trevor and Cody following.

Outside, he turned to Cody. "Did anything we talked about today sink in?" He was furious.

"Do you mind?" Cody pointed towards the parking structure. "I don't want to have this discussion on the sidewalk."

They walked in silence for a few minutes and arrived at the Jeep. They got in, and Ryan headed for the apartment. Nobody spoke during the ride. When they arrived, Ryan parked the Jeep and they all went inside.

"Sit!" Ryan pointed at Cody and then the couch.

Cody and Trevor took a seat on the couch, and Ryan sat on the floor, facing them.

Cody sighed. "Let me start off by saying I have absolutely NO choice in this matter. I have to attend the party."

"Bullcrap!" Ryan shook his head. "Shithead asked you if you could go."

"His name is Shota, not shithead."


"Naderi asking something is really just a formality; a rhetorical question."

"Who is she?" Trevor joined the conversation, trying to defuse the tension.

"She is best described as the ruler of this territory. She is the senior vampire."

"So you have to do what she says? Whatever she says?" Ryan looked sad.

"Pretty much. My only other option is to leave, and never plan on returning, at least while she is senior in this area."

"That blows." Trevor frowned.

Ryan agreed. "Do I even have to ask why she invited you to this party?"

Cody shrugged. "There's pretty much only one reason I get invited to vampire gatherings..."

Ryan crossed his arms. "You said you wouldn't do that anymore. Remember?"

"It isn't that I want to, I have to do this."

Trevor nodded. "I agree Ryan. If he has to, he has to."

"You aren't helping matters." Ryan glared at Trevor.

"I'm only saying I agree that Cody is trapped into doing this." Trevor shrugged.

"I am. Even if she weren't the senior vampire around here, I owe her a life debt. She saved me, and told David how to heal me."

"She did?" Ryan relaxed a little.

"Yes. The night I helped you with the two bikers, I got seriously hurt, and would have died. She saved me."

"Oh, I didn't know that." Ryan unfolded his arms.

"So try to think of this as working off a debt. I wouldn't be going otherwise."

Ryan nodded. "Ok, that makes it a little better, but I still don't like it."

Trevor faced Cody. "What did you mean when you said we are yours, to Shota?"

"I was stating my claim over you both."

"Oh?" Trevor smiled.

"If not, he might have tried to take one of you, for the evening."

"What?" Ryan's mouth fell open.

"Pretty much the only rule we all uphold is not to interfere with another vampire's human, or humans in this case. I laid claim to both of you to protect you."

"So why did he look at you so strangely when you said both?" Trevor asked.

"It's unusual for us to have more than one consort. It suggests you both know I'm a vampire, and are with me willingly. That's often appealing to other vampires – humans wanting to be ours."

Trevor laughed. "So we're sort of like vampire groupies."

"Yeah, sort of."

Ryan stood and sat between them. "Well if you're going to this sex bash then I'm coming too. Somebody has to keep you out of trouble."

"Absolutely not!" Cody grabbed Ryan's arm.

"Ouch, you're hurting me." Ryan tried to pull away but couldn't.

"You are not coming with me!" Cody released him. "It's too dangerous."

"I agree." Trevor nodded.

Ryan rubbed his arm. "Wouldn't you protect me?"

"I'd try, but I'd only be one of dozens of vampires. I couldn't protect you!"

"Fine. How long will you be gone?"

"I don't know. Probably just that night."

"Probably?" Ryan glared at him.

"If the party is more than one day then I'll have to stay."

"Next weekend?" Ryan asked. "Right before classes start?"


"How are you getting there?"

"Can you drive me?" Cody asked sheepishly.

"Can I wait in the driveway?" Ryan asked.


"Fine. I'll drive you, but you have to promise to think of me and only me, the entire time you are there." Ryan crossed his arms.

"Don't I always? I'm yours and I'll never forget that." Cody leaned forward and kissed Ryan's cheek.

Ryan leaned away. "Nope, that won't work this time. I'm angry with you again."

Cody leaned back and pouted. "Please don't be angry with me. It breaks my heart."

Ryan faced him. "Go. Get undressed. Wait for me." He pointed to his bedroom.

Cody rose and walked silently to Ryan's room.

Trevor laughed. "You have him well trained. Go easy on Cody bro, this isn't his doing."

Ryan sighed, and looked very tired. "I know. This doesn't seem to be getting any easier."

"He loves you. Always remember that." Trevor stood and stretched. "I'm going to bed. What about you?"

Ryan stood and smiled. "I'm going to fuck my vampire for a while. Maybe he'll forget about that damned party next weekend."

Trevor nodded. "I figured. See you tomorrow." He stumbled off to his room and closed the door.

Ryan walked to his room and closed the door.

Cody was naked and laying on the bed, looking up at the ceiling.

Ryan undressed and crawled on top of him. He pressed his groin into Cody's. "I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings. I seem to have developed jealousy issues."

"I'm glad you're jealous. It proves you love me." Cody smiled up at the boy.

"I do, I really do. I love you so much I can't imagine life without you." Ryan rolled off him, ending up next to him in bed.

"You don't have to worry, I'm not leaving you."

"Cody?" Ryan whispered his name.


"Get the lights?"

"Sure." Cody climbed out of bed and turned off the lights. He stood next to the bed and looked down on Ryan.



"Will you make love to me?" Ryan's voice quivered.

"I'd like that." Cody reached into the nightstand, next to the bed, and pulled out a condom. He picked up the tube of lubricant and squirted a little onto his fingers.

Ryan rolled over in the bed, and got up onto his hands and knees.

Cody gently slid his slippery fingers into Ryan's ass crack, and spread the lube around. He rolled condom down, over his erection, and wiped the rest of the lube on his own dick.

"I want to be yours." Ryan hung his head, and exhaled.

Cody pressed the tip of his dick against Ryan's anus and gently, slowly, pushed inside. "You are, and I'm yours." He pushed all the way inside, and held still. "I love you Ryan." He wrapped his hands around the boy's chest.

"I know." Ryan clenched his ass.

Cody slowly pulled almost all the way out, and then pushed deeply back inside. He continued, building a slow rhythm.


"Uh huh?" Cody continued fucking the boy.

"When you get back from that party, will you make love to me?"

"Of course."

"Without a condom?" Ryan whispered.

Cody's eyes sparkled with a dull blue light, and he quickened his thrusting. "Maybe."

"Please. It would make me truly yours. I really want to be yours."

Cody's eyes flashed suddenly, brightly. He buried his dick in the boy's ass, and flooded the condom. "You are mine."

Ryan felt the warmth in his bowels and clenched his ass. He felt so secure in Cody's tight embrace; he never wanted it to end.

Slowly, Cody released him, and gently pulled out. "I don't have to give you my semen to make you mine. I've never known such happiness, as when I'm with you."

Ryan relaxed and rolled onto his back. He reached up and gently stroked Cody's dick. The blood-red semen in the condom squished between his fingers.

"But if you give me this, we'll truly be one."

Cody lay next to him. "That we will. You know it's really dangerous."


"And you want me to, anyway."


Cody was silent. After a while, he smiled and sat up. "Do you want to go to bed or do you want to try something different?"

Ryan opened his eyes and shrugged. "What do you have in mind?"

"An experiment." Cody got up onto his knees, his still-erect penis bobbing straight out, in front of him.

Ryan looked down and saw the blood-filled condom, clinging to Cody's erection. He smiled and looked back into Cody's eyes. "Ok."

Cody stood and pulled the condom off his dick, setting it on the nightstand. He picked up the tube of lube and squirted some onto his hand. Returning to the bed, he wiped his hand on Ryan's rapidly hardening dick and rubbed up and down.

"Mmm...that feels great." Ryan closed his eyes and bucked his hips upward.

"I want to ride you."

"Sure." Ryan moved up on the bed, so his head was on a pillow.

Cody climbed on top of the boy and straddled his waist. "Take over."

Ryan wrapped his hand around his dick and gave it some quick strokes. "Ready."

Cody lowered himself, slowly, and felt the teen's dick slide into his ass. He sat down, Ryan's waist supporting him.

"I like this." Ryan smiled.

"Me too."

"You want the towel to wipe your hand on?" Ryan motioned to the towel on the nightstand.

"No thanks." Cody began to stroke his own dick with his lubed hand.

"Oh, gotcha." Ryan grinned and began humping into Cody.

For five minutes, Ryan fucked Cody, and Cody stroked himself.

"I'm gunna cum." Ryan bit his lower lip.

"Good." Cody continued to stroke himself.

"Mmmm..." Ryan closed his eyes and shot another load into Cody's ass.

Cody clenched around Ryan's dick and, without warning, shot a large amount of blood-red semen onto the boy's stomach.

"What?" Ryan started to lift his head off the pillow.

"Shhh...don't move." Cody stopped stroking himself. "Just lay there and close your eyes.

Ryan lay back and closed his eyes.

Cody took his left hand and placed it over the pool of semen on Ryan's stomach. "Tell me what you feel."

"I feel your hand on my belly. It feels wet, and warm."

"And now?" Cody pushed down lightly and spread the semen up the boy's chest, to his neck.

"It tingles, my chest I mean."

"Uh huh." Cody rubbed the semen over Ryan's left breast and then his right, coating the boy's chest in blood. "Anything else."

"I smell something strange. Kind of spicy." Ryan inhaled.

"Do you like the scent?" Cody rubbed his hand back down, and around the boy's stomach.

"Yeah, I do. It reminds me of cinnamon rolls. What are you doing?"

"Keep your eyes closed." Cody gently pulled off the boy's dick. He moved to the side and gently pushed Ryan's legs up to his chest.

"Ok." Ryan laughed playfully.

Cody moved in between the Ryan's legs and gently pushed his dick into the boy's ass. He pushed it all the way in, and then leaned forward, lying down on the Ryan's chest.

"That feels great." Ryan clenched his ass.

Cody rubbed his chest against Ryan's, smearing the semen between them. "I love you." He leaned down and kissed him on the lips.

Ryan returned the kiss, feeling the tip of Cody's fangs. "I love you more."

"I doubt that." Cody pulled up, propping his hands on either side of Ryan's chest.

"Can I open my eyes now?"


Ryan opened his eyes. Although the lights were off, his body was bathed in a pale blue light.

"At this rate, I'll need to buy more condoms." He smiled.

"Why?" Cody gave a playful thrust, gently pushing Ryan up on the pillow.

"Two in one night." Ryan laughed happily. He ran his hand across his chest and examined his fingers. They were covered with a sticky, red fluid.

"I only used one condom tonight." Cody pushed forward again and smiled.

"Gross, you used the same one twice." Ryan stuck his tongue out. "Nasty!"

Cody leaned forward and licked the boy's neck, spreading his saliva onto his skin.

Ryan sniffed his fingers. "What's this stuff?"

Cody licked Ryan's neck again, feeling the warmth, and smelling a mixture of the boy's sweat and his own semen. "Why don't you taste it, and find out?" He thrust forward again.

"Umm...ok." Ryan laughed and stuck two fingers into his mouth. "Whoa...what IS this?" He sucked greedily on his fingers.

Cody grinned and his fangs glistened with saliva. He leaned forward and, as gently as possible, sank his teeth into Ryan's neck.

"Oh...god..." Ryan clenched his ass, and wrapped his hands around Cody's back, pinning their chests together, in a sticky embrace.

Cody felt an orgasm building within him but fought it down. He would not breed the boy, not yet. He sucked gently on Ryan's neck, tasting the warm blood, and savoring its energy.

Ryan opened his mouth and exhaled loudly. "That feels incredible. I can...hear your heartbeat. I think I hear..."

Cody gently pulled off his neck and sat back, easing out of the boy's ass. He licked his lips and some blood ran down his chin.

Ryan closed his eyes and sighed. "Oh wow, that was...weird. I felt so strange."

Cody ran his hand across his own chest and licked his fingers. "What did you feel?"

"I'm not sure. It thought I could hear the ocean, and your heart beating. It sounded like the wind was blowing." He lifted his head off the pillow, and propped himself up on his elbows.

"How do you feel now?" Cody leaned forward, several inches away from Ryan's face. His eyes still glowed, faintly.

Ryan stuck his tongue out, licking his own blood off Cody's chin and lips. "I feel fine. Not really tired at all. That's kind of strange, don't you think?"

Cody kissed him and then stood. He smeared his hand around his bloody chest. "We should shower and clean up."

Ryan looked down at his own chest and traced two fingers across his abdomen. "What is this? Is it my blood?"

Cody held his hand out. "Come on."

Ryan took his hand and was pulled up. He sniffed his fingers. "This smells nice."

"I'm glad you like it." Cody pulled him towards the shower.

They entered the bathroom and Ryan turned on the light. "Holy shit!" He stopped in front of the mirror.

"What's wrong?" Cody stood next to him.

"Dude! Look at us! We're covered in my blood."

Cody looked in the mirror. Both of their chests were covered in his blood-red semen, Ryan's neck had blood down the side and on his shoulder, and Cody had blood on his face and chin.

He faced Ryan. "Only some is your blood." He smiled.

"I don't understand." Ryan faced him.

"The stuff on your chest, and on mine, isn't your blood." He pulled him into the shower and turned the water on. It was cold at first, but quickly warmed.

"What is it?" Ryan faced the warm spray and felt the water drench his body.

"When you were fucking me..."


"You shot your semen into me."

"Yeah, I know." Ryan shook his head under the water, sending droplets flying in all directions.

Cody held him from behind and put his lips to Ryan's right ear. "And I shot mine all over you."

Ryan stopped moving and slowly turned to face Cody. They bumped noses, and Cody backed up.


"That is what you felt, the warm wetness. And I spread it all over your chest."

"So, you didn't have a condom on?"

Cody shook his head.

"And when you put your dick back in my ass?"

"Nope, nor then."

Ryan began to smile. "Then...what I tasted was..."

"Yup." Cody nodded.

Ryan shook his head for a moment, and then hugged Cody tightly. "Oh, wow, thank you!"

Cody let the boy hold him for a moment, until he let go. "So? What do you think?"

"I don't know. It tasted really good. And, the feeling was...well, I don't know how to describe it. I felt more alive than ever before."

"That's because, for a mortal, you were. But, just a little bit."

"And you didn't have a condom on?"

"No." Cody smiled.

"So...did you...?"

Cody shook his head. "Not this time. Small steps, ok?"

Ryan quickly nodded. "Sure, that's great." He shivered.

"You alright?" Cody eyed him curiously.

"Better than alright. We did it, well almost."

"Yeah, almost." Cody stepped into the water and rinsed off.

Ryan shut the water off and slid the curtain back. "Come on, I'm feeling tired all of a sudden."

They got out of the shower and dried off. Cody walked Ryan back to his room and spooned up behind him in bed. They talked for a while about what had happened and soon Ryan fell asleep.

"Good night Ryan." Cody draped his arm over the boy and listened to the crickets outside.

In the morning, Ryan awoke to find Cody's arm around him. He rolled over and stared into Cody's eyes.


"Good morning. How did you sleep?"

"Incredible. I feel so energetic this morning."

"I bet." Cody released him and sat up.

"Hey, you want to go running with me?" Ryan climbed out of bed.

"Not really."

"Come on, it'll be good exercise." Ryan smiled.

"I don't need to exercise."

"Hmm...must be nice. Ok. Then what do you want to do?"

Cody shrugged. "Nothing in particular."

"Fine. Well, I'm going to get something for breakfast. Come sit with me and we can plan the day."

They talked, while Ryan had some cereal. In the end, the decided to go up town, to the bookstore, and get Ryan's books for the term that would begin in a week.

As they wandered through the store, Cody held the books that Ryan was purchasing.

Ryan looked at one and grimaced. "Oh god...this class is going to be such a drag."

Cody took the book, and added it to the stack he was carrying. "Which class?"

"English Literature. I don't want to take it, but it's required."

"English lit?" Cody smiled. "Who is teaching it?"

Ryan fumbled with the course sheet. "It says `Dr. R. Stein'. Do you know him?"

"If his name is `Randy', I might." Cody smiled.

"Oh no! Is that the prof you had sex with?" Ryan began to laugh.

Cody looked around. Another student had overheard Ryan and moved away, a disgusted look on his face. "Quiet please..."

"Oh, sorry!" Ryan whispered. "Damn it. I'll never be able to concentrate in his class if he's the one."

"I'd like to sit in on one of his classes if I can. You think you can sneak me in?"

"Sure, I bet I can." Ryan smiled and walked off. "This way, Computer Science time."

They spent the day gathering books and supplies, and then headed back to the apartment.

For the remainder of the week, they busied themselves with odd trips around town, walking around campus to find all the rooms where Ryan would be in class, and going to the mall. Eventually, the weekend came, and with it, a painful duty.

Cody jumped onto the couch and sat next to Ryan. "Hey, I need you to drive me to that party."

Ryan closed one of his textbooks and sighed. "I hoped you had forgotten about it."

"I'm sorry. I'll come back just as soon as I'm done. I promise."

"And you won't have a bit of fun without me right?"

"None." Cody kissed him. I need to be there at seven.

"I remember. Ok, I'll get my keys." Ryan pouted and walked to his room. In a moment, he returned. "Let's go. The sooner I drop you off the sooner I'll pick you back up."

"Maybe. I'll call you if I need a ride home."

"Why wouldn't you?"

"Someone might be able to give me a ride here."

"I'd rather come get you."

"Ok, I'll call you when I'm ready."

Ryan didn't respond. He walked down to the Jeep, and Cody followed.

Having been to Naderi's house before, when he first arrived in town, Cody knew the way. He gave Ryan directions, as he drove, and soon, they pulled up to a huge mansion, several miles out of town.

"Wow, this place is massive." Ryan drove up the tree-lined lane.

"Yeah, she has lots of money. She's lived here for a long time."

"Then she shouldn't need you to help her." Ryan mumbled.

"What's that?"

"Nothing." He pulled the Jeep up to the front door and stopped.

A huge man, all muscles, approached and looked in the passenger window.

"What do you want? This is private property!"

Cody faced him. "I'm here to see Naderi."

"Oh yeah? You have an appointment?" He sneered.

"What do you think?" Cody smiled and his fangs descended.

The man was obviously startled and backed up.

Cody faced Ryan. "I love you. Be back later." He opened the door and stepped out.

The bodyguard stepped aside and pointed to the front door. "Go ahead inside please." He walked to the door and opened it for Cody.

Without looking back, Cody stepped through the doorway and into the crowded room beyond.

Ryan watched Cody enter the mansion and then the door closed.

The bodyguard faced him. "You need to move that thing. There are other guests arriving."

Ryan sighed and put the Jeep into gear. He drove out the other end of the long driveway and back onto the main road.

Next: Chapter 17

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