Its Not the Blood

By Will Ren

Published on Dec 23, 2010


The sun was shining brightly as the passenger ship docked in the harbor. A tall man in a black suit and black boots picked up his luggage and disembarked. He sniffed the air around him, smelling a mixture of diesel fuel and seawater. People pushed past him, down the boarding ramp, anxious to meet loved ones or friends.

The man strode slowly down the ramp, his eyes wandering over the crowd before him. He wasn't expecting anyone; he only had one relative in America, and he wasn't meeting him. A cab pulled up to the curb and illuminated its `on duty' light. He opened the back door, set his suitcase on the seat, and climbed inside.

"Where to?" The cab driver leaned over the seat and looked into the back. He didn't know why, but the man seated behind him made him uneasy. He looked a little like a gangster, but more like the FBI.

"What's a nice hotel in this city?" His accent was heavy, suggesting he was not originally from the States.

"You want ocean-facing or city-facing?"


"That'd be the `Four Leaf Clover', across town, just off the beltway."

"Take me there." The man pulled the cab door closed and settled into the seat.

The cab driver slowly turned back around and pulled out into traffic. Periodically, he looked into the rear view mirror. Each time, he met the penetrating gaze of his passenger. "You've got a strong accent. Are you visiting family in the US?"


"Here on business?"

"Take me to the hotel please."

"Sure thing pal. Just trying to be friendly." The cab driver kept his eyes forward for the rest of the drive.

They rode in silence for eight minutes, until they arrived at the hotel. The cab pulled up to the curb and stopped.

The man climbed out and set his luggage on the sidewalk, before leaning back into the cab.

"Twenty-two fifty." The cab driver printed a receipt and held it towards the passenger-side window.

The man paid the fare and stepped away from the vehicle. He picked up his suitcase and headed into the hotel without another word to the driver.

"Yeah, you have a nice day too buddy." The cab pulled away from the curb and back into traffic.

The man walked to the reception desk and set his suitcase down. There were two women behind the counter, and one looked up.

"Good afternoon sir." The woman flashed him a well-rehearsed smile. "Checking in or checking out?"

"I have just arrived."

"I see. Welcome to the Clover. How long will you be staying?"

"Two nights."

"Alright." She turned a clipboard around. "I'll need you to fill that out. Name, address, the usual, and please sign at the bottom. Will this be cash or credit?"

"Cash." He filled out the form, leaving some information blank.

"Great. Just sign there and I'll get you a room key." She smiled again.

The man scribbled something illegible and pushed the clipboard back towards her. "How much for the room?"

"For two nights it will be three hundred, eighty-six dollars. That includes all the taxes and fees. If you want something from the mini fridge in the room, it will be added to your bill when you checkout."

"I don't drink alcohol."

"Well there's fruit juice and milk in there as well." She smiled again.

"I don't drink juice or milk." He handed her four, one-hundred dollar bills.

"I'll be right back with your change." She turned around and made an awful face towards the other receptionist, who was watching them. With his change in hand, she faced the man. "Here you go." She handed him a plastic room key card. "And here is your key. Have a wonderful stay with us. The pool is open to guests until ten each night."

The man took the key and put it into his coat pocket. Without another word, he picked up his suitcase and moved off towards the elevator.

The receptionist waited until he was across the room and far enough away not to hear her. "I can't stand Russians. So smug. Don't they know we won the cold war?" She laughed quietly at her own wit.

The man stepped into the elevator and turned back towards the front desk. Loudly enough to be heard, he commented as the doors began to close.

"I am not Russian." The doors closed.

The other receptionist opened her mouth in awe. "He heard you! You better hope he doesn't complain."

The elevator stopped on the ninth floor, and the doors opened. The man stepped out and walked down the hall, stopping outside his room. He set his suitcase down and pulled the plastic key card out of his pocket. For a moment, he faced the lock and compared the key card to the symbol on the door. This was something different. Usually he received a metal key. He sighed. Things were easier back home, not so dependent upon technology.

A door down the hall opened, and he turned towards the sound. Another guest was leaving his room. As he walked towards the elevator, he approached the man's hotel room.

"Excuse me please. I am having trouble with my door." The man moved into the center of the hallway and faced the other guest.

The other guest stopped and nodded. "Sure, let me see if I can help." He was a young man, in his early thirties, dressed in black jeans and a tight white, cotton shirt. "Let me see your card."

The man handed him the door key. "Thank you."

The other guest swiped the card and the LED on the door switched from red to green. "You had it backwards. The black stripe goes towards the lock."

"I see. We do not have these where I am from."

"Oh yeah? Where is that?" The other guest handed returned the door key. "You have a cool accent."

"I'm from a small town in Germany. I am afraid we are behind the times."

"Oh yeah? Cool. I visited France once. Never made it to Germany."

"You should visit sometime."

"Yeah, maybe. Hey...I have to go." He stepped to the side.

"Thank you again." The man picked up his suitcase and pushed the door open.

"You are welcome." The man continued down the hall, towards the elevators. "Maybe I'll see you around." He turned back towards the man in black, but he had entered his room and closed the door.

Ryan continued to look down into Cody's eyes. "So, do you love me?" He smiled and gave a playful push forward, his dick sliding deeper into Cody.

Cody extended his legs along either side of Ryan, and wrapped them around the teen's waist. He held him tightly, pulling Ryan closer. "Maybe."

Ryan didn't fight back, but allowed himself to be pinned tightly against Cody's chest. He laid his head on Cody's shoulder, his nose pressed against Cody's neck. "That wasn't a `yes'."

Cody wrapped his arms around Ryan's chest and hugged him. "I like you a lot Ryan, as much as I ever have anyone else."

Ryan struggled, and Cody released him. Gently, he pulled his softening penis out of Cody and sat back on his heels. "But you don't love me." His voice was sad.

Cody propped himself up on both elbows and faced Ryan. "This is a really uncomfortable conversation."

Ryan shrugged. "Sorry." He stood and walked back to the table. He picked up an empty glass, carried it into the kitchen, and washed it.

Cody sighed. "Here I go again." He stood and followed Ryan to the kitchen. "I have a hard time telling anyone I love them." He leaned against the wall.

Ryan set the glass in the drying rack and nodded. "It's cool. I'm not used to anyone saying that to me, so no biggie." He pushed past Cody. "Excuse me." He walked back into the living room and sat on the couch.

Cody watched him for a second, and then joined him. He sat next to him, close enough that they were touching. He leaned against Ryan's shoulder. "I'm afraid of emotional relationships. I told you that."

Ryan nodded. "Yeah, you did."

"So you know how hard this is for me."

"Sorry, I didn't mean to upset you."

Cody leaned over further, causing Ryan to tip to the opposite side. "I've never wanted to be with anyone as much as I want to be with you."

Ryan began to smile as he tipped over.

Cody raised his leg and crossed it over his other leg and over Ryan's.

Ryan began to laugh, as he fell over, on the couch. "I'm trying to be serious!"

Cody rolled over on top of him, their vinyl exercise suits protesting as the material slid around. "I am too."

"Let me stretch out." Ryan wiggled around and stretched his legs out straight.

Cody repositioned himself so he was lying on top of Ryan. "You are warm." He slid his hands around Ryan's waist, feeling the warm vinyl.

"Yeah, and sticky. This suit is clinging to me."

Cody faced him. "Lucky suit."

"Can you smell me?"

Cody nodded. "Sure, I'm on top of you."

"No, I mean my sweat. Did the suits work?"

"Oh, yeah. All I smell is warm vinyl."

"Cool. Then we should wear these every time we have sex, unless you want to smell me."

Cody laid his head on Ryan's warm chest. "I always want to smell you, but I don't want to lose control. It would kill me if I hurt you again."

Ryan placed a hand on the back of Cody's neck. "Thanks."

They lay like that for a while, each enjoying the contact and closeness of the other. Cody knew he was in love with Ryan, but he was afraid to say it. That could lead their relationship to the next level of conversation, and that could lead to heartache.

"What are you thinking about?" Ryan eventually whispered.

Cody lifted his head and looked at Ryan. ""

"Yeah, me too." Ryan smiled. "You're getting heavy."

"I've fed a lot, since coming here. I should watch my weight." He smiled and rolled off Ryan, onto the floor.

"Can you get fat?" Ryan rolled over, so he was facing Cody.

"No, I can't change anything about myself, not anymore."

"Well, seeing as you are perfect, the way you are, I think that's ok." Ryan smiled.

"Yeah, but sometimes I'd like to be a little older. I think I look too much like a teenager still."

"And that's a problem?" Ryan sat up and spread his legs apart. "Turn around and sit back."

Cody leaned back against the couch, between Ryan's legs.

Ryan tightened his thighs and playfully squeezed Cody's shoulders. "Are you going to stay with me?"

Cody turned his head and looked at Ryan. "I'd like to, at least for a while."

"Only for a while?" Ryan sounded sad.

Cody sighed and untangled himself from Ryan's legs. He stood, and took a seat on the couch again, patting his legs. "Come on, lay back. We need to talk."

Ryan pouted, but stretched out on the couch, his head in Cody's lap.

Cody looked down into the teen's eyes. "We've known each other for what...four days?"

"Yeah, something like that."

"And you say you love me?"

"Yeah." Ryan's voice grew quiet.

"What if you are just feeling teenage lust and having fun with something new and exciting?"

"Maybe, but what if I'm not?" Ryan looked up, a challenge in his eyes.

"Then we have a problem." Cody stared back.

"Why a problem?"

Cody did not immediately respond. He looked across the room, at the TV. The clock on the wall ticked quietly as a minute passed.

"Cody?" Ryan sat up and swung his legs off the couch. "What's wrong?"

When Cody turned to face him, his eyes were moist and he looked ready to cry.

"Oh my god...what's the matter?" Ryan took his hand.

Cody smiled weakly. "I'm in love with you."

Ryan was silent for a moment and then shrugged. " that all? So...where do we go from here?"

"Yeah..." Cody looked down.

Ryan quickly lay back down on Cody's lap, so he was looking up at him. "Want me to go first?"

Cody nodded.

"I know you are afraid of relationships because you'll outlive the person you are with."

"Yup, that's part of the problem."

"But...what if...well..."

Cody raised an eyebrow. "Are you asking what I think you are?"

"Maybe. It would solve the problem."

"Yeah, it would. But it's dangerous."

"Why? You were changed and you're fine."

Cody laughed. "Well I wouldn't exactly say I'm `fine', but thanks."

"You know what I mean."

"Not everyone survives the process. It would kill me if I tried to change didn't work."

"Oh, I didn't know that. I thought it was pretty straight forward."

"It isn't like the movies. I don't bite you and BAM you're a vampire."

"What does happen? You wouldn't talk about it with Trevor and me earlier."

"We really don't discuss the process with humans, not until the point we decide to change one."

"So you won't tell me?"

Cody was silent for a moment. Vampires had rules, but really, who would know if he broke this one.

"It would take two of us to change you; I can't do it alone. We would bleed you almost completely dry. As you approach the point of death, I would introduce my blood into your body. Vampire blood is not compatible with human blood, so they would conflict. Once you have more vampire blood than human blood, the vampire blood will become dominant and begin converting the remaining human blood. After that, the change moves to all the cells in your body and they freeze in time. It can take a few hours and you need to remain conscious while your body changes. It's painful."

Ryan's eyes grew wide. "But what happens if you time it wrong or my body rejects your blood?"

Cody nodded. "Therein lies the danger. You can die during the attempt."

"Oh. I thought it would be easier than that."

"No. If it were, there would be many more of us, and eventually fewer and fewer humans."

"So that's it? Exchange blood and hope yours wins the chemical battle within me?"

"No, then you need to be...well...bred."


"It's not the blood; that's only part of the process. To complete the change, you need the semen of a vampire within you too."

"But that means..."

"...only male vampires can breed new vampires."

"But there are female vampires too."

"Sure. The creation process is the same whether you are changing a male or female. The difference, of course, is a male gets it in the ass." Cody smiled.

Ryan smiled too. "Oh no...not that."

"You're too easy." Cody ran his fingers through Ryan's hair.

"So...what do you think?"

Cody placed his other hand on Ryan's chest and rubbed him gently. "If you are asking me whether or not I will change you...I don't know."

"Do you want to?"

"Yes." Cody nodded. "I'm lonely and the thought of losing you to old age is unbearable. It will eventually drive me away."

"No." Ryan sat up. "Don't leave me." He faced Cody. "I don't ever want you to go."

"And, herein lies the problem with our relationship. If I age and die, or I change you."

"Change me." Ryan nodded. "Then we can be together forever."

"You are so young." Cody smiled. "Not that I mind."

"You were only a few years older when you were changed."

"Yeah, and look at me. I'll always be perceived as a teenager. I can't hold a serious job, so I have to prostitute myself to get money to live. Either that or hang around people like David who will provide for me. Either way, I'm dependent on others."

"But together, we could go someplace where we don't need money." Ryan began to smile.

"Yeah, and fuck all day and night." Cody smiled. "I know what you're thinking."

Ryan shrugged. "Well, you are a lot of fun to be around."

"You're just saying that because you like my dick in your ass."

"Duh..." Ryan grinned and rubbed his groin. "I'm getting wood."

Cody shook his head. "You're such a poet."

Ryan stood up and held out his hand. "Come on, let's go to my room."

Cody took his hand and was pulled up. "What's in there?" He smiled and followed Ryan into his room.

"My bed." Ryan closed the door behind them. "So what happens if you bleed me a little and then fuck me, without a condom?"

"Well, in theory, as I would only drink a little blood, your immune system would be strong, and able to fend off my vampire semen. But, more than that, it would enhance you. For a short while you would have heightened strength, hearing, sight...the works."

"I know you are reluctant, but can we please try a little?" Ryan climbed onto the bed.

Cody followed him and sat cross-legged. "Like I've said, it can be dangerous. You may have an allergic reaction and go into shock. Or, as I've mentioned, you could become aggressive. Then again, like a very small percentage of people, you may have no reaction at all."

Ryan began to grin.

"What?" Cody smiled back.

"Tie me up." Ryan's grin widened.

"You'd like that too much."

"Probably, but can we please try?"

Cody didn't immediately respond. When he did, he spoke softly. "Since I met you, I've wanted to fuck you, and without a condom. I don't understand why you so much more than anyone else."

"That's cool." Ryan nodded.

"There is something unique about you. Your scent, your ability to heal me, that electric tingle you feel when you touch me."

"Yeah, that's interesting."

"My point's either a really good thing that you are the way you are...or a really bad thing. I'd hate to find out we aren't compatible and you get hurt."

"I'm willing to take that chance."

Cody shook his head. "I'm not, at least not yet."

"Come on, Cody. Please?"

"I'm sorry. Not now. Give me time to think, ok?"

"Fine. I'll be patient."

"Although, I can just bleed you, without too much risk."


"I won't introduce any of myself into your body, just take from you."

"Can we try?"

"If you'd like me to, I will."



"Will you fuck me while you bleed me?" He quickly added. "With a condom on of course."

"Yes." Cody smiled. Ryan was so worked up, he could feel the lust in the air around them.

"Awesome!" Ryan reached for a condom and the lube in the nightstand. "We can go to the mall afterwards."

"I can hardly wait..."

"Here." Ryan handed him the condom. He got onto all fours in front of Cody, on the bed. With one finger, he spread some lube on his hole and slid a finger inside. He moaned quietly.

"Hey, don't start without me." Cody laughed.

"Sorry." Ryan pulled his finger out of his ass and wiped it on the comforter.

"Do me a favor?" Cody rubbed Ryan's back.


"Take off your shirt." Cody grinned devilishly.

"Umm...won't that set you off?" Ryan began to remove the vinyl exercise top, some sweat dripping out, onto the comforter.

"If I'm going to purposely bleed you, I don't think it will matter." Cody removed his top and tossed it to the floor.

Ryan handed him the warm, damp suit top and Cody greedily pulled it over his head.

"Oh my god..." Cody's eyes began to glow, and his fangs slid down over his lip.

"I take it you like my sweat?" Ryan wiggled his ass.

Cody's dick was rock hard and, before he began leaking onto Ryan's comforter, he unrolled the condom, down his dick. "On your back." His eyes began glowing more brightly.

"Yes sir!" Ryan rolled over and pulled his knees to his chest.

Cody dropped down and sucked the teen's dick into his mouth. He toyed with Ryan for a while and then pulled off and moved up to his stomach. He licked and kissed his way up to Ryan's breasts, sucking each nipple.

"Fuck! You are good at this!" Ryan closed his eyes and clenched his teeth.

Cody smiled wickedly and his fangs dripped saliva onto Ryan's chest. He licked the boy's neck, using his spit to numb the area. Then, he began seeking the boy's hole with his dick. He found the mark and pushed slowly inside.

Ryan moaned and tightened his ass muscles. "All the way..." He exhaled and rolled his head all the way to the side.

Cody's eyes glowed brightly for a second and as gently as possible, he sank his fangs into Ryan's neck.

"AH!" Ryan opened his mouth and squinted. It stung a bit, but wasn't as painful as the first time he'd been bitten. This time, it was deliberate and certain precautions against pain had been taken.

Cody began fucking him, a bit roughly, and closed his lips around the puncture wounds in his neck. He sucked and was rewarded with warm blood. It flowed freely, and he sucked harder.

Ryan began to moan as he was fucked harder and harder. The pain in his neck turned to a strange pleasure, as he thought about Cody sucking his blood, and their life forces merging. He felt closer to Cody in that moment than to anyone else he ever had. They shared a bond that was unique, special, and spiritual.

Cody paced himself, fucking in long powerful thrusts, and sucking the boy's blood at the same pace. He usually didn't drink blood, so he wasn't sure how long he should continue milking Ryan. He slowed his sucking and began to lick the wounds, sealing them with his saliva and stopping the flow of blood.

Ryan clenched his ass and Cody pushed deeply, flooding the condom with his blood-red semen.

Cody pushed up and away from Ryan's body, blood running down his chin and dripping onto the teen. He opened his mouth as he pushed as deeply into the boy as he could.

Ryan opened his eyes and looked up at Cody. Blood dripped onto his chest and face, but he didn't mind. After all, it was his own.

Cody looked down suddenly, his eyes still glowing brightly. He turned his head from side to side, as if trying to decide what Ryan was.

"Thanks." Ryan smiled sleepily. "I really enjoy..." He never got the chance to finish what he started saying.

Cody leaned forward and covered Ryan's mouth with his own. He kissed him passionately for a while, moving to his cheeks and down to his throat.

Ryan was in a sexual bliss he had never experienced. His whole body tingled, but at the same time, he felt a great weariness descending over him.

Cody pulled off and smiled. "How was it?" He gently pulled out of the teen and lay down next to him.

Ryan stretched out his feet and sighed. ""

"Yeah." Cody licked his lips and closed his eyes. "I hope it didn't hurt too much."

He didn't receive an answer. Ryan was asleep. Gently, Cody leaned over and looked at the blood pumping in Ryan's neck. His pulse was strong; he was just relaxed from the blood loss.

"Sleep it off sweetie." He rose and went into the bathroom. In the mirror, his face had blood smeared on it, and down his chin. He found a washcloth in the drawer and began to clean himself up. When he was finished, he pulled the bloody condom off his softening dick and flushed it. He wiped off with the washcloth and rinsed it in the sink.

Cody returned to Ryan's room and spooned up beside him. For a while, he lay next to the boy and watched the gentle rise and fall of his chest, and the veins pulsing in his neck.

An hour later, Ryan moaned and stretched. He sat up and looked down at Cody. "What time is it?"

"Almost noon."

"Did I fall asleep?" He swung his legs off the bed and rose.



"It's cool. That was your first time being bled."

"Well, second if you count the first time you bit me." He looked around the room for a shirt and saw the vinyl top Cody had been wearing. He picked it up and pulled it on.

"Yeah but this time I really bled you. You were weak afterwards."

"Well, I feel ok now."

"Good. You want to get something for lunch? You should eat to rebuild your strength."

"Yeah, I'm hungry."

"So let's get dressed and get you something to eat."

"Ok. We can drive downtown; grab something at the Coney Island." He pulled a pair of jeans on, over the vinyl pants.

"Are you going to wear the exercise suit under your clothes?"

"Yeah. You?"

"Sure." Cody smiled, smoothing the exercise suit and Ryan's sweat to his body. "I don't want to take this off." He picked up another pair of jeans and pulled them on.

When they were both dressed, Ryan picked up his keys and nodded towards the door. "Let's go."

They left the apartment and climbed into the Jeep. Ryan drove them downtown and parked in the usual structure. They walked around for a while, eventually stopping so Ryan could eat lunch.

After lunch, he drove them to the mall. They spent the rest of the afternoon wandering in and out of stores and looking at the other shoppers. Now that Cody had Ryan, he didn't feel the urge to people watch and eventually became bored.

"I want to go home." He bumped Ryan's shoulder with his head.

"Oh yeah?"

"Yup. I was thinking maybe we could have some more fun and then when Trevor gets home, go out to the bar again."

"I doubt he'll go if he has class tomorrow but we can ask him." Ryan led the way back to the Jeep and they drove back to the apartment.

Trevor was already home and sitting at the table when they entered. "Hey guys." He looked up from a book.

"Hey." Ryan walked over and looked at what he was reading. "Bleh..."

"Yeah, but I want to pass the final so I have to."

Cody took a seat across from him. "You want to go to the bar tonight?"

Trevor shrugged. "I always want to go but I probably shouldn't. You two can if you want."

"Without you?" Ryan sat down. "That would feel weird."

"Nah, don't sweat it bro. We both know I can't afford to slack on my studies."

"Do you still want to go?" Ryan faced Cody.

"Sure, if you do." Cody nodded.

"Ok, but if you change your mind let us know." Ryan pointed at Trevor.

"You got it."

"Come on, Cody. Let's change and get ready." Ryan stood and headed towards his room.

Cody faced Trevor. "You sure you won't join us?"

"I am. Thanks for taking him out. He needs to get out of here and anywhere other than the mall."

"Not a problem. I'll take care of him."

"I know. Now, get out of here before I change my mind." He looked down and turned a page.

Cody entered Ryan's room and found him laying out two outfits. "Whatcha doin'?"

"I'm going to wear my leather pants and jacket, you get to wear those." He pointed to a pair of dirty jeans, dirty shirt, dirty socks, and dirty shoes.

"You're too kind." Cody picked up the shirt and held it to his face. "This stinks." He smiled.

"Yeah, I knew you'd like it. I went running last weekend and haven't gotten around to washing it yet." Ryan pulled on the leather pants, over the exercise suit.

"You going to wear that suit all night?"

"Well...I thought it might be nice if I got it all sweaty and wet for you."

"Oh you did huh?"

"Yeah. You keep yours on too. Then, when we get home tonight...we can switch." He smiled.

"That sounds awesome." Cody nodded.

Ryan pulled a long-sleeve T over the exercise suit top and pulled on his leather jacket. "You about dressed?"

"Done." Cody pulled on the last shoe and stood. "Let's go."

They left the apartment and headed downtown. The night passed without excitement and soon enough they were back at the apartment. Trevor was already in bed, having an early class again. They stripped out of their street clothes, keeping the vinyl suits on, and climbed into bed. Although he mentioned being really tired, Ryan gave Cody a goodnight fuck before falling asleep in Cody's embrace.

The next three weeks followed almost the same routine. The rose, had sex, went out for Ryan's breakfast, burned away the afternoon either driving around or walking, and returned to the apartment in the late afternoon. On Fridays and Saturdays, Trevor would join them at the bar, free from his homework. After the bar, when Trevor was still awake, Cody saw to his sexual needs, but that was an infrequent occurrence. Trevor enjoyed his time with Cody, but didn't seem to `need' it as Ryan did.

Soon enough, the fall term was due to begin and Ryan had to choose his classes. He spent one morning looking over the class schedule, shaking his head.

"This sucks!" He set the pen down.

Trevor leaned over his shoulder. "Problems?"

"Yeah. I have six classes this term. Four are in the morning, and two are in the afternoon."

"And...?" He sat down next to Ryan.

"I don't want to go to class in the morning."

Trevor laughed. "Oh no...someone won't get his ass pounded every day before lunchtime."

Ryan glared at him. "That's not the point!"

Trevor stared at him for a moment.

"Well, ok that is the point." Ryan shrugged. "Why can't the university see to my needs and have all my classes in the afternoon?"

"Damn them for being so inconsiderate." Trevor laughed.


"So we don't have sex every morning. It won't kill you." Cody chimed in from the couch, where he lay stretched out, relaxing.

"Hush you!" Ryan waved a finger at him.

Trevor nodded. "Better watch out Cody, he's feeling feisty this morning."

Cody rose and walked over to the table. "You can always get up earlier than you do now." He batted his eyebrows.

"Awe man...I like sleeping in." Ryan pouted.

Trevor shook his head. "I would kill to have your schedule. Think of me for a minute. I didn't get a break this summer. I had to go to stupid class the entire stupid term. You got to hang out; having more sex than any human should be allowed to have."

"He's right, you know." Cody faced Ryan.

"And...that's why I'm so upset now!" Ryan folded his arms.

"I wouldn't worry about it. I'm sure you and Cody will find plenty of time to be together."

Cody faced Trevor. "And what about you? Do you want more time with us?"

Trevor shrugged. "I like the time we spend together, but unlike him, I won't die if I don't have your dick in my ass." He smiled at Ryan.

"I see." Cody smiled devilishly. "I think someone is jealous."

"Who? Me?" Trevor looked shocked.

Cody didn't answer. He pulled the waistband on Trevor's sweatpants down and gently tugged out his penis. Without waiting to be asked, he dropped to his knees and engulfed Trevor's dick in his mouth.

"Whine and ye shall receive." Ryan laughed.

"Thank god for sex-crazed, vampire houseboys." Trevor closed his eyes and leaned his head back. He placed his hands on the back of Cody's head and controlled his rhythm. "Yeah, just like that."

Ryan watched them, happy for Trevor. He had avoided telling him that he was more interested in Cody, yet somehow, Trevor had seemed to understand and wasn't upset.

Cody sucked for a few minutes and was rewarded with a generous spray of semen, in the back of his throat. He gently milked Trevor for a few more seconds, and then pulled off.

"Do you feel more included now?" He licked his lips.

Trevor smiled down at him, a content look on his face. "Yup..."

"Good." Cody stood and turned to Ryan. "What about you?"

"I'm good." Ryan smiled. "Besides, I want to put my dick somewhere else in a little while."

"Whenever you're ready." Cody returned to the couch and stretched out again.

"Well, it seems I will be joining you in the early morning class routine." Ryan marked down some course numbers and shook his head. "This blows."

Trevor rose. "I'll walk you to class. I'm used to it."

"Gee...thanks." Ryan glared at him. "I don't think I..." His cell phone rang, cutting him off mid-sentence. He picked up but didn't recognize the number. "Wonder who this is?"

He flipped open the phone and answered the call. "Hello?"

"Is this Ryan Davis?" A man's voice greeted him.

"Yeah. Who's this?" Ryan hated telemarketers and if this were one now, on a Saturday morning, he was going to be rude.

"My name is Kyle, you met me at the mall a few weeks ago."

"Who?" Ryan didn't remember.

"I'm the cop you met in the store, when those guys jumped you. I'm Cody's friend." Kyle wasn't sure `friend' was the correct term to use. He hoped Ryan would remember.

"Oh...oh yeah. I remember now." He covered the phone's mouthpiece and looked at Cody. "It's that cop friend of yours."

Cody sat up. "Kyle?"

Ryan nodded, and uncovered the phone. "What's up?"

"Is Cody with you?" Kyle asked tentatively.

"Yeah, he's right here."

"Can I talk with him?"

Ryan covered the mouthpiece again. "He wants to talk to you."

Cody rose and walked to the table. "So, give me the phone." He held out his hand.

Ryan handed Cody the phone.

"Hello?" Cody sat down at the table.

"Hey, it's Kyle."

"Hi. What's up?"

There was a brief silence.


"Sorry. Just getting up my nerve. Can we meet up?"

Cody thought for a second then answered. "Sure, I guess so. Where?"

Ryan snapped his fingers to get Cody's attention. "What does he want?"

Cody moved the phone away from his face. "He wants to meet up with me."

"No!" Ryan shook his head.

"Yes!" Cody nodded and pulled the phone back to his ear. "I don't have a car."

"That's cool. I can pick you up."

"Ok. Where and when?"

"How about noon. I'll meet you at the bus stop in front of Ryan's apartment." A split second later, he realized perhaps he should have said somewhere else, like the mall. It gave away that he knew where Ryan lived.

"Fine. Noon it is."

"Great, thanks." Kyle ended the call. His pulse was racing and he took a few deep breaths. He wasn't sure this was the best idea but now it was too late. The meeting was set and he would go through with it. He put his cell into his pocket and walked to the guest bedroom. He opened the door, looked inside, and smiled. "This should be fun."

Cody handed the phone back to Ryan. "Thanks."

"What the hell was that all about?" Ryan dropped the phone on the table. He wasn't smiling.

"I'll be in my room." Trevor grimaced at Cody and headed to his room.

"Kyle wants to get together with me."

Ryan glared at him. "What the fuck Cody? You're my boyfriend."

"Yeah, I know." Cody was confused.

"So you're just going to go hang out with him and let him fuck you?"

"I don't know what we are going to do. What's the big deal? I don't love him. I love you."

"Well this sure is a fucked up way of showing it." Ryan stood and stormed off to his room.

Cody found himself alone at the table. He sighed and followed Ryan into the bedroom. "Call him back. I won't go."

Ryan was lying on the bed, staring at the ceiling.

Cody lay down next to him. "Ryan I'm sorry, I didn't think before I agreed to meet him."

Ryan rolled over and faced Cody. "You love me right?"

"More than life itself." Cody leaned forward and licked Ryan's nose.

"And after you let him fuck'll come back right?"

"Well, I don't know exactly why he wants to hang out but yes, you have my word. I will come back to you."

Ryan rolled over onto his back. "I know this is who you are...and what you do. I had just hoped that since you and I were boyfriends you wouldn't keep seeing other people."

"It isn't like that, not really. I don't feel anything for him. As I said, I didn't think before I answered him. I just fell into my usual routine, like when I was with David. I've been doing this for a long time, and it's a hard habit to break."

Ryan turned to face him. "I know, and I guess I understand. But, that doesn't mean I have to like it."

"I know. I'm sorry. I'll let Kyle know this is a one-time event and not to call again."

"Is that a good idea? He's a cop. What if he causes problems?"

Cody's eyes began to glow. "He won't. I'll erase his memories."

"Yeah, that's a good idea." Ryan sighed. "Fine. Let him play with you and then come home. But know this...I'm going to fuck you hard so you remember where you belong and who you belong to!" He started to smile.

"Promise?" Cody held his gaze.

"I do." Ryan leaned forward and licked Cody's nose.

"What time is it?" Cody couldn't see the clock next to the bed.

Ryan rolled over and then back towards Cody. "Almost ten thirty. When are you meeting him?"


"Fine, then you have some time."

"Time for what?" Cody smiled.

"Time to play with me." Ryan slid his pants down and began to stroke himself.

"Oh, I see." Cody moved down on the bed and gently sucked Ryan's dick into his mouth. For a few minutes, he licked and teased it, but then, pulled off.

"What's wrong?" Ryan lifted his head off his pillow.

"Let's shower." Cody batted his eyebrows.


"Yeah, now." He climbed out of bed.

Ryan climbed out of bed and stripped. "Are you going to finish what you started here?" He smiled.

"Oh yeah..." Cody also stripped and then smacked Ryan's ass. "Get moving."

Ryan walked to the bathroom and started the shower running. When it was warm, he climbed in, followed by Cody.

They spent a few minutes washing each other and then Ryan relaxed against the wall, gently stroking his dick.

Cody knelt down on the tiles and looked up at him. "May I?" He reached out and gently wrapped his fingers around Ryan's erect penis.

"Anytime you want." Ryan stopped rubbing himself and let his hands fall to his sides.

"Turn around please." Cody released his penis.

Ryan turned around and put his hands out in front of him, against the shower wall.

Cody moved up behind him and reached around with his left hand, again grabbing and stroking Ryan's dick.

"That feels nice." Ryan closed his eyes and smiled happily.

Cody didn't answer him. He continued stroking Ryan for a few minutes and then paused. "Take over for a moment, ok?"

"What? Oh, sure." Ryan was confused as to why Cody had stopped jacking him but quickly took over before he lost his erection.

Cody settled back onto his heels and smiled. He had something special mind for Ryan, something he had never done with the boy before. He took hold of Ryan's ass cheeks, one in each hand, and gently spread his ass open. His boy hole glistened with wetness. Cody leaned forward and gently licked up between Ryan's ass cheeks, making sure to drag his tongue over the sensitive area.

"Hey..." Ryan smiled. "What are you doing?"

"Shut up and relax." Cody squeezed Ryan's ass and stuck his tongue back into his crack again. He resumed licking his anus, pushing his tongue inside a little bit.

Ryan began to moan and pushed his ass back, towards Cody. He resumed stroking himself, building up a quick rhythm.

Cody licked and Ryan jacked. Cody didn't get any energy from doing this, but it made him feel good to know he was pleasuring the teen in a way he had never done before.

Ryan continued to jack until, with an audible groan, he shot his load onto the tiles in front of him.

Cody felt him orgasm and continued to lick him, until Ryan released his softening dick. Then, he rose and wrapped his arms around the boy.

"You convinced now that I'm yours?"

Ryan turned around in the wet embrace and nodded. "Yeah, I never really doubted it."

Cody kissed him on the mouth and then stepped back. "Good, you have no reason to."

"Let's get out of here before we turn into prunes."

"I don't prune but sure, if you're ready." Cody pulled the shower curtain back and stepped out onto the bathmat. He pulled two towels off the rod and tossed one at Ryan.

They spent a minute drying off and then returned to Ryan's room.

Ryan lay naked on the bed, his hands folded under his head. "So how much time are you going to spend with Kyle?"

Cody was busy rummaging through Ryan's dirty clothes pile. "No idea. Depends on what he wants to do. I assume a few hours." He emerged with a dirty shirt and pair of jeans.

"Is he going to drop you off here when you two are done?" Ryan turned his head to watch Cody examine his worn clothing.

"I don't know. I assume so, as he is picking me up. Still, if I end up wiping his memories, I'll have to catch a bus or walk."

"Take my cell number with you and call from his place. I'll come get you."

"Ok." Cody pulled the dirty clothes on.

Ryan looked over at the clock. "It's almost eleven thirty."

Cody walked over and sat on the bed. "So I have a little time."

"Lay next to me for a while?" Ryan moved over to the far side of the bed.

"Sure." Cody lay down and rolled over to face him.

"I like when you lay by me." Ryan smiled.

"I know. I do too." Cody reached out and gently traced up and down Ryan's naked chest.

"That feels nice." Ryan closed his eyes. "You love me right?"

"More than life itself." Cody smiled, amused by the boy's neediness.

"Ok...well...just remember that."

"I will never forget."

Next: Chapter 16

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