Its Not the Blood

By Will Ren

Published on Dec 7, 2010


Cody continued to ease himself in and out of Ryan. He took his time, hoping to bring the boy to orgasm without stroking him. This was only the second time he had fucked anyone, since leaving Germany, and he realized he missed it more than he had thought.

Even though he was quickly becoming lost in the pleasurable sensation, he continued to have concerns. The condom they relied on to protect Ryan from Cody's vampire semen could rupture, but he had a powerful need for sex with this boy and it was beginning to outweigh the risks.

Cody silently laughed to himself. The teen was so eager for Cody to mate him, it might be fun to watch his reaction to the heightened power. No, Cody shook his head. He wouldn't risk it. He had watched when Draven and Hans had taken a boy from a nearby village and fucked him, without bleeding him first. The boy had reacted badly, and it had taken both of them to restrain him. In the end, they had to knock him unconscious to subdue him. The boy had died from the incident. Cody could not imagine doing that to Ryan, so it was best they continued to use condoms.

Cody quickened his pace and then pushed hard, holding still has he flooded the condom. He held onto Ryan's hips, should he need to wrestle him down. The warm scent of the teen's sweat again rose off his body, assailing Cody's nose. He felt his pulse beginning to race and turned his head away, as saliva pooled in his mouth.

"Wow...that was almost as much fun as last time." Ryan sighed. "But, you didn't jack me off this time."

Cody pulled out and sat back on his heels. "Flip over." He kept his face averted from Ryan's sweat-covered back.

Ryan rolled over and stretched his legs out to either side of Cody. "Why aren't you looking at me?"

Cody turned and faced him, a long string of saliva dripping off his left fang. "You're all sweaty again and it's making me agitated." He grinned and leaned forward, taking Ryan's dick into his mouth.

"Hey! Watch those teeth!" Ryan tensed, when one of Cody's fangs scraped the shaft of his penis, as it disappeared into his mouth. His concern quickly turned to moans of pleasure.

Cody sucked and caressed the penis in his mouth with practiced skill, until, with an audible groan, Ryan shot a warm load into his mouth.

"Oh man..." Ryan clenched the sheets in his hands and closed his eyes.

Cody gently pulled off the teen's throbbing dick, careful not to scrape the tender head with his fangs.

Ryan lifted his head off the pillows and stared dreamingly at Cody. "I love you..."

"No you don't. You love what I do to you." Cody smiled and flopped down on the bed next to Ryan.

Ryan rolled on top of Cody and kissed him. "No, I'm pretty sure I'm falling in love with my little vampire boy."

With ease, Cody rolled to the side and ended up on top of Ryan. He grinned and his fangs stuck out over his lower lip. "Who are you calling a little? Don't make me remind you who's in charge here."

Ryan didn't say anything for a few seconds, just stared into Cody's eyes. Slowly he began to smile. "Bite me."

Cody raised an eyebrow. "Are you saying I'm not in charge?"

"I didn't mean it like that; I want you to bleed me."

Cody released him and sat up, straddling Ryan's waist. "What?"

"You said it doesn't have to hurt, not if you're careful."

"Ryan, why do you want me to drink your blood?"

The teen looked away, seeming suddenly shy. "I don't know, maybe having more of me inside you will pull us closer together."

"Look at me." Cody gently turned Ryan's face towards him. "I have never felt closer to anyone than I do you. I don't need your blood in me to change that."

"But, you want to bleed me, right?"

"I'm a vampire."

"So do it." He closed his eyes and tensed.

Cody briefly considered doing what the boy had asked, but chose not to. "How about we save that for another time. I'm not in the mood for blood right now."

Ryan exhaled and relaxed. "I guess so. What should we do then?"

Cody rolled off and lay next to him. "You should get some sleep, it's getting late."

"I suppose so, though I don't have classes for a few more weeks. Are you going to sleep here with me?"

"Do you want me too?"

"Yeah, I'd like that." Ryan leaned forward and kissed Cody.

"I should warn you that I don't actually sleep. I slip into a meditative state to conserve energy."

"Ok, that's no big deal."

"Well, when I'm in that state I may look a little strange."

"How so?"

"I will be pale and...well, I'll look dead."

"Oh. But you'll be fine, right?"

"Sure. In fact, I'll be very alert to my surroundings." Cody grinned. "So don't try anything, or I'll bite you."

Ryan grinned. "Promise?"

"Go to sleep." Cody rolled over and stood next to the bed.

"What are you doing?" Ryan propped himself up on one elbow.

"I need to get rid of this." Cody removed the condom and headed towards the door.

"Well..." Ryan started to smile.

"NO! So don't even ask."

"Fine!" He lay back with his head propped up on the pillows and folded his arms across his chest. "I'll just be here...waiting." He glared playfully at Cody.

"Be right back." Cody held Ryan's gaze with a penetrating stare. His eyes seemed to sparkle faintly.

Ryan watched for a few seconds, but Cody never moved. For a moment, his body seemed to blur slightly, but then came back into focus. "I thought you had something to throw away."

"I already did." Cody approached the bed.

" never left the room." Ryan sat up.

"You never saw me leave the room, but I did. Just for a minute." He showed his empty hands for proof.

"Hey! Don't be pulling that vampire crap on me."

"I'm sorry. I didn't think it would upset you." Cody smiled and lay down next to Ryan.

Ryan rolled onto his side and traced his fingers up and down Cody's chest. "Well, it is kind of cool that you can do it. Just don't try to trick me."



"Cross my heart." Cody smiled and kissed Ryan, then lay on his back. "Remember, don't freak out if you see me meditating."

"No, I won't. Good night Cody." Ryan lay on his back.

"Good night, my little human boy."

Ryan laughed quietly. "I like that."

"Shhh..." Cody closed his eyes.

After ten minutes, Ryan's breathing slowed and he was asleep. Cody slowed his breathing and began to meditate, as he had done in David's apartment. He made a mental note to fully awaken before Ryan saw him, so as not to frighten him.

The night passed quickly for them both. In the morning, as the sun was coming up, Cody sensed movement from the other part of the apartment. He roused his body and quietly slipped out of Ryan's bed.

Trevor was heading to the shower when Cody opened the door to Ryan's room. He followed him into the bathroom. "Hi."

"Hey, Cody. Good morning."

"It seems like it's going to be a nice day."

" you need to use the bathroom?" Trevor removed the T-shirt he had worn to bed.

"No." Cody smiled.

"So how can I help you?" Trevor began to grin, as he looked Cody's naked body up and down.

"You want company in the shower?"

"Ah, I wondered." Trevor laughed. "Sure, let's go."

They both stepped into the shower and Cody held his hand out. "Pass me the body wash."

Trevor handed him the container and pulled the shower curtain closed. "This is cold at first." He turned on the shower and pointed it towards the wall.

"It won't bother me."

The shower continued to spray on the wall for several seconds. "I think that's about right." Trevor pulled the showerhead away from the wall and stepped into the warm spray.

Cody squirted a liberal amount of body wash into his hands and began to soap up Trevor. He began with his shoulders and worked down to his hips. He enjoyed the muscular definition of Trevor's body, but preferred Ryan's thinner build.

"That feels nice." Trevor looked over his shoulder.

"You want me to jack you off?" Cody rubbed the soap down one of Trevor's thighs.

"What? Oh, sure."

"Sorry, I forgot this is only our second time together." Cody reached around Trevor's waist and gently began to stroke him.

"Yeah, I haven't had as much attention as Ryan has." He began to moan softly. "I like that."

"Do you mind that Ryan and I spend so much time together?" Cody felt the penis in his hands swelling and stroked quicker.

"No, not at all. I don't think I have the time he needs, at least not while taking classes." He tensed his back. "I'm going to shoot."

"Hold that thought." Cody stopped stroking him and turned Trevor around. He quickly rinsed off the teen's cock and then engulfed it in his mouth.

"Oh my god..." Trevor braced himself against the shower wall as he was sucked to a quick orgasm.

The warm jet of semen hit the back of Cody's throat and he swallowed. He gently milked the last bit, while carefully pulling off Trevor's dick.

"Now this is how all showers should be." Trevor smiled.

"Anytime you want company just ask."

"Thanks, I will. So what do you and Ryan have planned for the day?" He rinsed the rest of the body wash off.

"No idea. I will let him set the agenda."

"Be careful or you'll end up spending the entire day at that stupid mall." He shut off the water and climbed out of the shower, reaching for two towels. "Here, dry off."

Cody took the towel and wiped the water off his body. "I want to ask you something."

Trevor stepped up to the mirror and began to style his hair with some gel. "Sure."

"The more time I spend here the more sex we will each end up happening. Not that I need that much energy, but I sense the mood in the air."

"Yeah, you're probably right. I know I plan to use you whenever I can." He turned to face Cody. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it to come out like that."

Cody shrugged. "I know what you meant."

"It's just that I've never acted on my feelings and now you are here. It's all so easy for me."

"Easy is good."

"Yeah, well that's actually something I've been thinking about." He beckoned with his head. "Come on, let's sit for a few and chat, before I leave for class." He left the bathroom and sat naked on the couch.

Cody followed and sat next to him. "What's on your mind?"

"Well, I want to be completely honest with you."

"About me and Ryan?"

"Yeah, well no, more about Ryan."


"The other day when I told him about my feelings for him it was more to comfort him than me." He turned to face Cody. "I could literally feel his pain, when he thought I had discovered he's gay. He thought I wouldn't approve and that I was going to leave."

"But you didn't."

"No, because I really do love him."

"But..." Cody could sense Trevor was anxious.

"Well when I see you two together and see how happy Ryan is, I know I will never make him that happy."

"But you want to."

"Oh yeah, I really do. He is like my little brother, though he is only a year and a half younger than me."

"So what can I do to help? Do you want me to leave so you have him to yourself?"

Trevor quickly shook his head. "No! Don't leave. That would kill Ryan."

"So what exactly do you want me to do?"

"I want you to be his boyfriend." Trevor held his breath.

"But you already have that title." Cody felt his heart racing.

"I know, but it was more an impulse decision than the right thing to do. I don't really know what I want and he seems to. I may end up holding him back."

"So what will you tell him?"

"Nothing, and that is why I need your help. I'm not going to push him to explore our relationship. But I need you to be there for him, for every experience he wants to try."

"I see." Cody relaxed. "I won't lie to you Trevor. I am a little jealous that you are his boyfriend."

"Well, if you want the role, it's yours. But, we need to make it seem like Ryan and I both want this. I don't want him to think I am dumping him."

"You aren't. You are just sharing him with me."

"Yeah, but like a 90/10 ratio." Trevor laughed.

Cody gently laid his hand on Trevor's flaccid penis. "Anytime you want to spend time with me, all you have to do is ask."

Trevor stiffened. "Yeah, I know, and don't think I won't ask." He closed his eyes and pushed his hips forward.

"You want me to jack you again?"

"I do, but I don't think anything will happen so soon. And, I really do need to get dressed and go to class."

Cody pulled his hand away. "Sure."

"So, you'll take the lead with Ryan?"

"I will." Cody nodded. "Someday, however, he will question his relationship with you."

"Yeah, and I'm ok with that." Trevor stood. "Thanks."

"Want to really thank me?" Cody grinned.

"Um..sure." Trevor smiled.

"Toss me that shirt you've been wearing."

Trevor laughed and threw the shirt he wore to bed at Cody.

Cody held it up to his face and inhaled. "Nice. You've worn this for a while."

"Every night for the last week. I was going to wash it."

Cody pulled the shirt over his chest and shook his head. "Please don't."

"Horny roommates and horny vampires. One of you will be the death of me." He walked to his room. "Have a good day, Cody."

"You too." He got up and returned to Ryan's room. He quietly closed the door and stood at the foot of the bed.

Ryan was still asleep but had rolled over onto Cody's side of the bed. He had his face buried in the pillow Cody had been using.

He quietly climbed back into bed and draped an arm over the sleeping teen. Carefully, not wanting to wake him, he pressed his nose into Ryan's hair and waited for him to awaken.

It was nearly an hour later when Ryan stirred and rolled over. He bumped noses with Cody and smiled.

"Am I going to wake up like this every morning?"

"Do you want to?"

"Yeah, I really do."

"Then let's plan on it." Cody rolled away and climbed out of bed.

Ryan noticed he had a shirt on. "Hey, is that Trevor's shirt?"

Cody nodded. "Yes. We talked a bit this morning, after a shower."

Ryan sat up and smiled. "Oh, after a shower. I see I'm not the only one who gets that privilege."

"I am an equal opportunity shower assistant." Cody smiled. "But, I prefer showering with you."

"I know, that's why I commented on it." Ryan grinned and climbed out of bed. He walked to the window, careful to not stand where someone outside might see him.

"So are you ok that Trevor and I had sex this morning?"

Ryan faced him. "Yeah, sure. I mean, he is my boyfriend and all, but..."

"But?" Cody urged him on.

"I don't know. I feel closer to you than I do him."

"That's just because you've had my dick up your ass." Cody batted his eyebrows.

"Probably, but there's more to it than that. I get this feeling we belong together."

Cody nodded. "I know."

"You feel that way too?"

"I do."

Ryan shrugged. "I should probably say something to Trevor; let him know that I think I am in love with you."

Cody cleared his throat. "In love?"

"Yeah. I told you so last night."

"Please keep in mind that I have this aura..."

"Yeah, yeah...vampire aura..bla bla bla...that doesn't change what I'm feeling."

"I know but we only met a few days ago. You don't really know me. I'm just trying to talk some sense into you. "

"Nope, won't work. I'm in love with you and there's nothing you can do about it." Ryan put his hands on his hips in mock challenge.

Cody grinned and his fangs descended. "Don't make me remind you of your place, boy."

"Yeah, but then you'd have to bite me."

Cody retracted his fangs. "Shit, you're right. You'd enjoy that too much."

Ryan just nodded.

"You think Trevor will be ok if you and I become boyfriends?"

"Well, he and I have only been together for two days. I think he'll be fine."

Cody nodded. "I suspect you're right."

"Although, he did give me this." Ryan picked up the small gold key from the nightstand.

"What's that?" Cody couldn't see what Ryan was holding.

"Oh, something he gave me when he asked to be my boyfriend. A token of how much he cares for me. Here, check it out." Ryan tossed the key to Cody.

With more-than-human coordination, Cody snatched the key out of the air with ease and closed his fingers around it.

"Shit!" Cody screamed and dropped the key to the floor, cradling his hand to his chest.

"What's wrong?" Ryan scrambled over the bed and stood before Cody. "Did you cut your hand on the key?

Cody shook his head, keeping his eyes closed. "I...need a moment."

"Let me look." Ryan gently pulled Cody's hand away from his body and uncurled his fingers. "Oh my god! Your skin is smoking!"

Cody was breathing hard and nodded. "Yeah, that key burned me."

" wasn't hot."

"It's gold."

"Maybe, Trevor said it is really old. He's had it for a long time but I assumed it was just gold colored."

Cody faced Ryan, and a single tear ran down his cheek. "It's real is my weakness."

Ryan was silent for a minute. At first, he thought Cody had meant he was greedy, but then, he realized the full truth of what he had just said.

"Cody, I'm so sorry. I didn't know. It's your holy water, sort of."

Cody just nodded.

"Are you going to be alright?" He looked at Cody's hand and saw it was no longer smoking. There was a bloody outline of the small key, burnt into the palm of his hand, next to the scare from the biker's wallet chain.

"I'll live. It was a small key, and I only held it for a second."

"What can I do to help?"

"Nothing. I'll be fine." Cody clenched his fist and then opened his hand. "It feels better already." That was a lie. The wound hurt like hell but it wouldn't be fatal to him.

"Maybe I should kiss it." Ryan smiled and gently kissed Cody's hand.

Cody laughed. "Wow, I'm healed already!"

Ryan glared at him. "I really am trying to help. I feel terrible."

"Can I suck you off?"

Ryan blinked. "What?"

"Your semen will help heal me."

"It will?"

"Yes. Before, when we first had sex, on the couch, your semen helped heal this scar on my hand."

"Well then...yes...yes please. Let me help now."

"And of course you won't enjoy it at all." Cody laughed and gently pushed Ryan down on to the bed.

"Of course I will, but I really do want to help you. I care about you Cody."

For a moment, Cody was silent. He nodded. "I know you do." He bent forward and sucked the boy's flaccid penis into his mouth. As he sucked and licked, he felt Ryan's dick begin to expand.

"Oh yeah...happy to help." Ryan closed his eyes and put both hands on Cody's head.

Cody continued to bob up and down on Ryan and then with a grunt from the teen, felt a warm spray inside his mouth. He didn't swallow the semen. Instead, he gently pulled off and stood up.

"Feeling better?" Ryan opened his eyes and groggily sat up.

Cody shrugged. He held his hand out and slowly dribbled the semen in his mouth into his hand. When it touched the wound, it smoked and bubbled. Cody inhaled sharply and closed his hand into a fist.

"Does that hurt?" He rose and stood in front of Cody.

Cody swallowed and nodded. "Yeah, but I can tell it's helping." For a while, he was still, holding his hand tightly closed.

Ryan patiently waited for him to say something.

In a moment, Cody slowly opened his hand. Beneath the small pool of Ryan's cum, the scar from the key was nearly healed. "That's amazing."

Ryan smiled. "Good, I'm glad I could help."

"Help? You did something that should be impossible. I've never heard of this happening. Gold has always scared me."

"Before you say it, your secret is safe. I won't even tell Trevor."

Cody faced him. "Thank you."

"Now, let me see that hand." Ryan gently took Cody's hand in his own. "Yup, that burn is almost entirely gone." Before Cody could tell him now or pull his hand away, Ryan quickly bent down and licked the semen off his palm. He ran his tongue over the entire palm and then straightened up.

"Well that was unexpected." Cody smiled.

Ryan shrugged. "It's my cum, and a little of your blood." He licked his lips as if expecting something.

Cody shook his head. "Sorry, not enough blood and it's stale. You won't get a buzz or anything."

"That's ok. I enjoyed it."

"Thanks for helping me." Cody held his arms open.

Ryan stepped into the embrace and they hugged each other tightly. "I don't ever want to let go of you."

Cody hugged him strongly then let go. "Well, that would make it difficult to get things done, wouldn't it?"

Ryan stepped back. "You know what I mean."

"Yeah, I do."

"So what do you want to do today?" Ryan sat on the bed.

Cody shrugged. "Fuck you a half dozen times."

Ryan reached over, picked up a pillow, and threw it at Cody. "That's not what I meant."

"But you'll let me right?"

Ryan nodded. "Well yeah." He smiled.

Cody moved forward and straddled him on the bed, pushing him backwards. "How about now?" He pinned Ryan's hands to the bed, above his head.

"Do I have a choice?" Ryan challenged him but smiled.

Cody released him and stood. "Yes, you always have a choice. I won't ever force you."

"Cody, I'm kidding. Of course I want to have sex with you." He sat up. "Oh, and last night, as I was drifting to sleep, I thought of something we can do to keep you from freaking out when I get all sweaty next time."

"Oh yeah?" Cody sat on the bed next to him. "Sex in the shower?"

"Well, that works but I was thinking about here in bed."

"Wrap you in plastic?" He batted his eyes

Ryan grinned. "Actually, something like that!"

Cody looked shocked. "Really? You'd let me wrap you in plastic?"

Ryan shrugged. "I hadn't thought about that specifically but it sounds fun. What I was thinking was more practical than that."

"Well now you have my attention."

"I'll be right back." Ryan walked over to the closet and dug around for a moment. He returned to the bed with three bundles of clothing. "Remember these?" He held out the vinyl suit Cody had borrowed.

"Yes." Cody ran his hand along the top portion of the exercise suit.

"Well, you wear one...I wear one...we have lots of sex, but you don't go all vampire psycho on me when I get all sweaty. I'll be sweating under the suit."

"That is actually a pretty good idea."

"Thanks, I have them occasionally." Ryan separated the suits into three piles. "Which one do you want to wear?"

Cody pointed to the black suit with silver stripes down the sides. "I like that one."

Ryan nodded and handed him the suit. "I'll wear the one you borrowed." He set the third suit on the floor. "Let's dress."

They each pulled on an exercise suit and took a moment to run their hands over each other.

"These are so cool." Ryan ran his hands down Cody's chest, grabbing his dick in the process.

"So how do we have sex in them?"

Ryan walked to his desk drawer and returned with a pair of scissors. "Hole in the front and hole in the back. If I'm careful cutting them they shouldn't tear."

Cody nodded. "They seem pretty durable."

"Hold still." Ryan felt the front of Cody's suit and quickly located his swollen penis. "Down boy..." He gave a few playful tugs.

"Sorry. Can't help it when I'm around you." Cody smiled.

"Hold still or your days of fun will come to a sudden end." Ryan carefully cut a whole were the base of Cody's penis was. "That should be about right when you are poking through. Go ahead and try."

Cody pulled the elastic waist of the pants away and pushed his dick through the hole. "Perfectly positioned."

Ryan turned Cody around and located the crack of his ass. He pushed inward with a finger and took note of where to cut. In a moment, Cody's suit had a hole in the back.

"My turn. Please be careful." He handed the scissors to Cody.

"Well yeah." Cody found the base of Ryan's dick and carefully cut a hole. He repeated the process in the back of the pants and then handed the scissors back. "Done. So when do we get to try this theory of yours?" Cody grinned.

"In a bit. I'm not ready yet." Ryan returned the scissors to his desk drawer. "I want to fuck you next." He pulled his own penis through the hole in his pants.

Cody nodded. "Whenever you're ready."

"I'm hungry. Let's get some breakfast." He opened his door and walked out into the living room.

Trevor had already left for class so they were alone. Cody followed him and sat at the table.

"I'm going to have some cereal." Ryan prepared his breakfast. "You don't want anything right?"

"That's not entirely true..." Cody folded his hands on the table.

"You know what I mean." Ryan sat down and began eating.

"And you know what I mean." Cody challenged back.

Ryan nodded. "You can eat me after breakfast."

Cody narrowed his eyes. "I intend to."

Ryan grinned and kept eating.

"So other than the pending sex orgy, what do you have planned for us today?"

"I don't know. Do you want to go to the mall?"

"Trevor was right. He warned me you would say that."

"We don't have to go there. Is there anything you want to do?" He took another spoonful of cereal.

"We could drive around or go walking. Are there any woods around here? I like walking in forests."

Ryan nodded as he chewed. When he was finished, he set the bowl in the sink and returned to the table. "So...I want to ask you something." He looked nervous.

"Anything." Cody nodded.

"Have you ever turned anyone into a vampire?"

Cody could sense the boy's pulse racing. "No."

"Have you thought about it?"



"I thought about changing Martin, when we were first together."

"Why didn't you?"

Cody shrugged. "He didn't want me to. He said he born human and would die human. That was his destiny."

"I see."

"Why do you ask?" Cody felt his own pulse begin to climb.

"I was just thinking about growing old and you not being attracted to me anymore."

"Ryan, you are what...eighteen years old?"


"You have your entire life in front of you. Don't make it sound like you are old and withered."

"But I will age, and you won't. Someday you will no longer find me attractive and you will leave me."

Cody didn't immediately respond. The conversation had turned into what he feared the most, becoming attached to another human, and watching him age and die.


"I don't want to talk about this. Too many sad memories."

"I'm sorry, that wasn't my intention."

Cody smiled. "Besides. Long before you ever get old and withered I'll turn you into a vampire so we can fuck each other silly for the rest of time."

Ryan grinned. "I like the sound of that." He stood. "Come on, speaking of fucking, I think I want to have some fun."

Cody stood. "You want to do me?"


"Right here?"

"I was thinking my bed but sure, let's try it right here."

They moved over to the living room and Cody lay down on the floor. "How do you want me?"

Ryan knelt by his feet. "Knees to your chest please."

Cody tucked his knees up to his chest and held them in place.

Ryan reached into the hole in the front of his exercise suit and pulled out his hardening penis. "You ready?"

"I am. Do you need lube?"

"Not sure." Ryan leaned forward and pressed the tip of his dick against Cody's ass. He gently pushed forward but it wasn't comfortable. "Yeah, I want lube." He moved back and stood. "Be right back." He ran to his room, grabbed the tube of KY, and ran back to the living room. He flipped open the top and squirted some onto his palm. He rubbed it on his dick and then wiped his hand on Cody's ass.

Cody smiled. "Ready now?"

"I hope so." Ryan leaned forward and placed his hands on either side of Cody. He lined up his dick and pushed it slowly inside. "Oh yeah, much better."

Cody closed his eyes and nodded.

Ryan began to slowly fuck Cody. He realized this was probably the happiest he had felt his entire life. He closed his eyes and continued to love his new friend.

Cody opened his eyes and smiled. He could feel the emotions Ryan was feeling. The boy loved him and was extremely happy at the moment. Cody tightened his ass muscles and gripped Ryan's dick in a tight embrace.

Ryan opened his eyes and looked down into Cody's eyes. He began to thrust harder and leaned closer, so their faces were inches apart. He continued to hump into him and then, biting his lip, he fired several strong shots of semen deep into Cody's ass.

Cody felt the semen as it entered him, and the resulting warmth and energy made his eyes begin to glow faintly.

Ryan smiled and kissed Cody. "I really do love you, ya know."

Cody kissed him in return. "I know."

Next: Chapter 15

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