Its Not the Blood

By Will Ren

Published on Nov 8, 2010


Kyle pulled his patrol car into the parking lot of the university administration building. He opened the door and stepped out, looking around at the students moving about. Most looked away when he met their eyes, as if they had something to hide.

He closed the door and headed into the building. The main desk was in front of him, and a college-age girl sat at a computer, typing furiously.

"Good afternoon."

She looked up and blinked. "Oh, hi. Are you looking for someone ...officer..." She waited for him to identify himself.

"Dandrich, and yes, I'm hoping you can help me locate a student."

"Sure, do you have a name?" She clicked the mouse a few times and looked back up at him.

"Ryan Davis."

"Ok, let me look." She typed a few words and clicked the mouse again. "I have two students with that name. One is a third year grad student and the other will be a sophomore this year."

Kyle nodded. "The latter one. What is his address?"

A few more mouse clicks and she looked up. "Do you want me to write it down?"

He smiled. "That would be nice, thanks. Does he have a car registered?"

"Yes, a Jeep it says here. I'll give you his plate number too. So is he in trouble?" She didn't look up, but wrote down Ryan's address on a sticky note.

"I just need his information thanks." Kyle didn't want to elaborate, as he really had no business tracking Ryan down.

"Sure, here you go." She handed him the details and blinked a few times. "Anything else?"

Kyle stuck the address into his note pad and shook his head. "No thanks.." He turned and walked out of the administration building and climbed back into his patrol car.

For a moment, he just sat and stared out the window at the students walking around. He knew it wasn't protocol to track Ryan down, solely in the hopes of finding Cody, but it was the only lead he had. Cody had said he didn't have a cell, and he hadn't provided an address.

He started the car and headed towards the apartments where Ryan lived. He wasn't going to approach him; he just wanted to get a feel for who was where.

Cody held on to Ryan's hips tightly, ready to wrestle him down should it appear the condom had ruptured.

"Holy shit, that was awesome! We need to do it again." Ryan looked back over his shoulder and smiled. He was panting hard and turned his head back down.

"How do you feel?" Cody hadn't detected any changes in the boy's voice and his heat beat, while elevated, wasn't racing. He couldn't be certain until he pulled out of Ryan but it seemed the condom had held.

"I feel fine. I guess the rubber did its job huh?" He laughed.

Cody exhaled and lay down across Ryan's back, hugging him tightly. "Thanks."

"For what?"

"I haven't done that since I was with Draven, many years ago."

"No shit? I thought you had sex all the time."

"I always receive. I never give, but I do jack off, from time to time."

"Well please feel free to do that to me as often as you want." Ryan clenched his ass muscles around Cody's dick.

Cody pushed forward a little and arched his back. "I would love to." He looked down at Ryan's back and saw a thin layer of sweat, mostly in the depression along his spine. Gently, he pulled out and sat back enough that he could easily place his nose in the small of Ryan's back. The warm scent rising off the teen was intoxicating and he gently ran his tongue along his spine.

"Hey, that tickles." Ryan laughed.

Cody didn't answer. He continued to lick upwards, getting as much of Ryan's sweat on his tongue that he could. It was the most exotic flavor he had ever tasted, and he had tasted quite a few people in his time.

"What are you doing?" Ryan tried to turn and look over his shoulder but Cody suddenly grabbed him strongly by the waist and slammed his penis back inside the boy. "Again? So soon?" Ryan braced himself with his hands as he was thrust forward roughly.

Cody pushed deeply inside and held still. He was panting heavily and saliva began to drip onto Ryan's back and shoulders.

Although Ryan couldn't see it, his back was bathed in a pale blue light as Cody's eyes began to glow. "What are you doing?"

Cody didn't answer. He inhaled deeply, savoring the warm scent rising off the human's skin. His fangs descended and he looked down at the body beneath him. Ryan's body was glowing a dim red, as his life force pulsed.

"Hey...are you drooling on me? Man, that's gross." He laughed uneasily.

Cody leaned forward and lined his fangs up with the boy's right shoulder, and hesitated...for only a moment. With a soft growl, he sank his teeth into the tender flesh.

Ryan cried out half from pain but also from the shock of what was happening. "What...?"

Cody tasted the sweet nectar that was the teen's blood and sucked hard, his mouth milking the blood from Ryan's body. As quickly as it had happened, it ended. Cody wrenched his mouth away and lurched backwards, pulling his still hard dick out of Ryan's ass. "No...!"

Ryan heard a heavy thump and slowly turned around, cradling his right shoulder with his left hand. Cody wasn't behind him. Carefully, he looked over the end of the bed.

Cody was on the floor, on his back, staring at the ceiling. His eyes were glowing brightly and his fangs were extended. His mouth and chin were covered in blood, and he was breathing rapidly, as if he had just exerted himself strongly.

Ryan looked down on him and whispered. "Cody?"

Cody's eyes turned and instantly locked onto the boy's. For a moment, he didn't respond. His breathing slowed and he retracted his fangs.

"Are you hurt? I heard you fall off the bed." Ryan pulled his hand away from his shoulder and noticed his fingers were covered in his own blood.

With a groan, Cody sat up and cracked his neck. "Sit back." He stood and faced the bed.

Ryan nodded and sat back on the bed.

"I'm not going to hurt you, but I need to clean you up. You're bleeding."

"Yeah, that happens when you get bitten." Ryan smiled uneasily.

Cody knelt on the bed in front of Ryan. "Lay back."

Not certain it was the best idea, Ryan did as he was told, and lay back on the pillows.

Cody inched up onto his waist and straddled him. "Relax, I'm just going to clean your shoulder off."

"Is that a good idea?" Ryan could feel his own heart racing.

"It will stop the bleeding."


Cody leaned forward and gently licked at the two puncture wounds on the boy's shoulder. He released the chemical in his saliva that worked to close the wound and stop the bleeding. Earlier he had used the anti-coagulant, while he was feeding.

Ryan was tense at first. It was strange and definitely unnerving, but he began to relax, as Cody cleaned him.

For almost two minutes, Cody gently licked the wound until it stopped bleeding and the skin healed, leaving only two small red marks. Finished, he sat up, still straddling Ryan's waist.

Ryan reached his right hand, which was clean, up to the wound and rubbed his shoulder. He examined his fingers but there wasn't any blood on them. "I'm not bleeding."

Cody shook his head. "No, I've closed the wound and mostly healed you." He looked away, ashamed by what had happened. "I'm sorry."

"Hey, look at me." He poked Cody in the chest.

Cody faced him. "Ryan...I never meant to..."

"I know you're upset but it's cool, I'm ok."

"You don't understand." Cody shook his head.

"Then why don't you explain it to me. But first..." He beckoned with his finger.

Cody leaned forward and Ryan wrapped his arms around him.

Ryan kissed Cody gently for a few seconds and then began running his tongue around Cody's mouth and chin.

Cody pulled away, a confused look on his face. "What are you doing?"

"You're all bloody. I'm cleaning you off."

Cody relaxed and smiled. "You're nuts, you know that?"

"Oh? How so?" He pulled Cody back down and finished cleaning his face with his tongue. When he was finished, he wiggled a bit. "You're getting heavy."

"Sorry." Cody rolled off and onto his side, next to Ryan.

Ryan rolled over and faced him. "You were saying something about me not understanding what happened?"

Cody shook his head. "I don't think you realize how close I came to really hurting you."

" that was more than an after-sex love bite?" He smiled.

"I'm serious! I lost control and that has never happened."

"Why do you think it did?"

"You have an intoxicating scent and when you were all sweaty, I couldn't resist licking your back."

"Yeah, I know. That was kind of fun."

"Well it could have turned out much worse than it did. You taste so good...I lost control."

"But just for a moment. You didn't bite me for long."

"No but it took all my willpower to stop. I barely pulled away."

"Yeah, and fell off the bed, onto the floor." Ryan smiled. "SPLAT!"

"I'm glad you are enjoying this. Personally, I'm pretty upset."

"Come on Cody, you didn't really hurt me. And, considering the incredible sex we just had, I'm willing to let you bite me again." Ryan leaned forward and licked Cody's chin.

Cody shook his head. "You have a death wish."

"Nah, just a sex wish."

"Well, before we EVER do that again...I need to think about this more."

"Oh come on! Nothing happened! I'm alive and well, and the condom didn't break. See?" Ryan pointed to Cody's groin and stopped smiling. "Holy shit, you're bleeding!"

Cody looked down and saw the blood filled condom. "No, not really." He tugged the condom loose and it snapped free of his dick. He held it up between them. "This is what my semen looks like."

Ryan gently poked the condom. "It's warm."


"Can I taste it?"

Cody pulled his hand and the condom away and sat up. "Are you crazy? After what just happened? No you can't taste it!"

"Party pooper!" Ryan lay back on his pillows. "You got blood all over my sheets. I'll have to wash them."


"So what now?" He faced Cody.

"We should get cleaned up. Do you want to shower?"

"Together?" Ryan smiled and sat up.

"Yeah, if you don't mind."

"That would be fun. Can I just taste one drop?" He pointed his finger at Cody's dick, which was still covered in his bloody semen.

"NO! Now get in the shower!" He smiled and got off the bed.

"Fine, but sooner or later I'm going to suck you off." Ryan climbed out of bed and stood next to Cody.

"If that ever happens it will be later, MUCH later!" He smacked Ryan on the ass. "Lead on."

Kyle pulled his patrol car into the parking lot of Ryan's apartment complex. Slowly, he drove past the parked cars, looking for a Jeep, one with the correct license plate. In a moment, he found it and stopped. Assuming Ryan parked near his apartment he looked up at the closest building, as if trying to sense where Cody might be.

Not wanting to draw attention, he drove through the rest of the lot, exiting the other side. He now knew where he was likely to find Cody so the next step was to somehow contact him.

Kyle had come to the realization he had enjoyed his brief time with Cody, even if he didn't fully understand all that had happened. He had slowly been building fantasies about what he might do if they two of them spent more time together. He smiled and placed his left hand on the handcuffs attached to his utility belt.

Ryan opened the door to his bedroom and walked out into the living room, heading towards the bathroom in the middle of the apartment. He turned to Cody. "Follow me."

Cody nodded and fell into step behind Ryan. They crossed the living room and passed the kitchen, arriving at the bathroom. He had the condom in his hand.

"Let me warm up the water before we get in." Ryan turned on the faucet and pointed the nozzle at the shower wall. "It takes a minute."

"I'm not in a hurry." Cody lifted the toilet seat cover and dropped the condom into the water. It made a small splash, and then he flushed.

"Hey? What did you just do?" Ryan faced him.

"I flushed the condom. Didn't think I should leave it in the trash." He gave Ryan a knowing smile.

"I was kind of hoping you might not think of that and toss it in the basket." Ryan pouted.

"Uh huh...I wasn't born yesterday ya know."

"So you've mentioned. Ok, the water should be warm now." Ryan climbed into the shower and stepped under the warm spray.

Cody followed him and pulled the shower curtain closed. "May I wash you?"

"Hell yeah!" Ryan smiled and handed Cody a bottle of Axe body wash.

For a few minutes, Cody lathered up Ryan's body, enjoying running his hands over the teen's skin. To their amusement, Ryan became erect.

"Uh oh..." Ryan smiled.

"Yeah, didn't see that coming..." Cody ran his hand up and down the length of Ryan's penis, causing the teen to moan quietly. "You want to put that to use?"

Ryan nodded. "You bet."

"Do you have any conditioner or hand cream?"

"Well yeah, this is a bathroom." Ryan reached out of the shower and grabbed a bottle of hand cream off the toilet tank. "Will this work?"

Cody nodded. "It's for you, not me. Slap some on your dick and let's play."

Ryan smiled. "You have a way with words."

Cody shrugged and turned around.

Ryan lubed up his penis with the hand cream and set the bottle on the shower floor. He wrapped his arms around Cody's chest and hugged him tightly, while easing the greasy tip of his penis into the crack of Cody's ass. "You ready?"


Ryan pushed forward and gently slid the entire length of his penis into Cody. He hugged him tighter and began slowly pulling out, pausing when he was almost completely out, then pushing back in.

Cody offered him encouragement by tightening his ass muscles. For a few minutes, they were quiet, while Ryan did all the work. Then, with a moan, Ryan pushed deep and unloaded inside Cody.

Cody felt the warmth and the surge of energy, as another load of the boy's potent semen entered him. He wasn't hungry, and doubted he would be for several days, but he had a strong need for sex with Ryan.

Ryan sighed and slowly pulled out. "Let's do that every time we shower together."

Cody turned and faced him. " think I'm going to shower with you again?"

"I...well I was hoping..."

Cody leaned forward and kissed Ryan on the mouth. "Relax, I'm kidding. I'll shower every time you do, if you want me to."

Ryan smiled. "Yes please."

"Finish washing up if you aren't done already." Cody pulled the curtain back and stepped out onto the bath mat.

"I'm done. You did a nice job cleaning me earlier." Ryan stepped out next to him. "Grab a towel." He pointed to the towel rack on the wall. "One for each of us."

Cody pulled the two towels off the rod and handed one to Ryan. "Is one of these Trevor's?"

"Yeah but he doesn't shower until morning so it will be dry by then."

"You don't think he will mind us using it?"

Ryan shrugged. "I doubt it but we have clean ones if he does."

There was a knock on the door. "Why do I hear two voices in there?" Trevor opened the door, smiling.

Ryan laughed. "Because there are two clean boys in here." He finished drying himself and hung the towel on the bar to dry.

Cody followed suit and stood naked next to Ryan. Trevor nodded. "Well, as long as you are both clean, do you want to get dressed and head out?"

"What time is it?" Ryan shrugged.

"Five thirty. You two have been occupied for almost two hours."

Ryan looked shocked. "Really! I didn't know it had been so long. Sorry to have abandoned you."

"Not a problem. I got a lot of homework done."

"Isn't it a bit early to go into town?" Cody asked.

"Yeah but I thought we could walk around a bit, enjoy the last of the cool summer nights." Trevor adjusted his hair in the foggy mirror.

Cody nodded. "I like walking around town."

Ryan shrugged. "I'm cool with that."

"Fine, then let's get dressed and head out." Trevor smiled and left the bathroom.

"What are you going to wear tonight?" Ryan called after him.

"The leather jeans and tank you bought me."

Ryan looked at Cody and smiled. "Then I'll wear my leather pants too, and my new jacket."

"Cool. I guess we don't have to worry about getting beat up tonight." Trevor walked back into his room.

Ryan shook his head. "Not with you along." He started at Cody.

"Probably not but I don't go looking for trouble."

"Me neither!" Ryan walked past him and into his bedroom.

Cody followed and sat on the corner of the bed. "What should I wear?"

Ryan faced him and shrugged. "I don't know. What do you want to wear?"

Cody looked casually around the room. "Something of yours that is in desperate need of washing."

Ryan laughed and pointed to the closet. "Help yourself to anything you want." He pulled the leather pants on and slid his feet into the combat boots. "I'm going to wear my new shirt too."

Cody nodded and moved over to the closet. He spent a few minutes looking at the clothes hanging on the rod and folded in piles but eventually made his way to the dirty clothes basket. After digging through them, he found what he wanted and pulled out some pants, socks, long-sleeve shirt, and a pair of briefs. He turned back to the bed and dropped the clothes on the sheets.

"Found something you like?" Ryan couldn't help smiling.

"Yup." Cody pulled on the briefs and socks, followed by the pants and shirt. He smoothed the shirt to his chest and inhaled. "Smells nice."

"If you say so." Ryan picked up the leather jacket. "You want to see if Trevor's ready?

Cody nodded. "Sure."

They left Ryan's room and walked into Trevor's. He was just finishing tucking in the leather tank.

"Hey, you two ready?"

Ryan grinned. "Wow."

Cody nodded. "Yes, we're ready."

Trevor smiled at Ryan. "You like?"

"I do. Are you going to be cold?"

"Maybe. I'm going to wear my hoodie, just in case."

"I've got my new jacket." Ryan held the leather jacket in front of him.

"I don't think I'll need that just yet. Still pretty decent weather at night. But...Cody? Do you want to wear it?"

Cody shrugged. "Sure."

Trevor picked up his jacket and tossed it to Cody. "Let's head out in a few and just walk around window shopping. We can do the bar around eight if we're ready."

Cody and Ryan nodded. "We'll be on the couch." Ryan pointed back into the living room.

Trevor finished getting ready and shut off his desk light. "Let's book." He walked out into the living room, where Cody and Ryan were waiting.

They all left the apartment and walked out to Ryan's jeep.

"Shotgun!" Trevor pointed to the front passenger seat.

Cody smiled. "I like it the back..."

It took the other two a moment to catch his joke and then they both smiled and climbed in. Cody jumped into the back seat and sat in the middle.

Ryan backed out and drove through the parking lot to the main road. "Downtown?"

Trevor nodded. "Yup, at least for a while. I'm not ready to eat again so soon."

Ryan looked in the rear view mirror when Trevor mentioned eating again. He wasn't surprised to find Cody staring back at him, batting his eyebrows. He smiled and pulled out into traffic.

Cody leaned forward between the front seats. "Can we stop somewhere first?"

Ryan nodded. "Sure. Where?"

"I want to go by David's and tell him where I'm going to be, and get my stuff."

Trevor turned and faced him. "Have you decided to stay with us?"

"If that's ok." Cody faced him.

Trevor smiled. "Sure. I've never seen Ryan happier. And, personally, now that I`ve had my first, I want a blow job before bed each night."

Cody raised an eyebrow. "Oh really..."

Trevor nodded. "Yeah. You're welcome to blow me too if you want, Cody." He faced Cody and then faced Ryan.

Ryan thought about that for a moment and then looked at them. "Hey! Wait a minute!"

"Kidding bro. I don't expect that of you."

Ryan shrugged. " never know. I find myself doing all kinds of things lately that I never thought I would. So where does David live?"

"I don't know the street names but I can direct you. Take a right at that light way up ahead and we'll go from there."

Cody directed Ryan where to turn and in a few minutes, they were pulling into another apartment complex. He told Ryan when to stop and jumped out of the back of the jeep. "I'll just be a few minutes."

"Take your time." Ryan nodded.

Cody entered the building and walked up to David's door. He knocked softly and heard footsteps on the other side. The bolt clicked and the door opened.

"Hey kiddo, where you been?" David opened the door.

Cody walked inside and faced him. "With Ryan and his roommate."

David nodded. "Ah hah. I thought so. Everything ok?"

"Yes, better than ok in fact. They've asked me to stay with them."

"Oh yeah? Are you going to?"

"I am. Hope that's ok."

David shrugged. "We both knew this day would come. Besides, it's like you said, I'll find someone pretty quick to see to may needs." He grinned.

"Yeah, you'll be fine. And, who knows, you may see me again."

"I'd like that." David pointed to the spare bedroom. "Your bag's in there."

"Thanks David." Cody walked into the bedroom and picked up his small duffle from the floor. There wasn't much in it; Ryan had most of his clothes.

"You got everything?" David was still by the door.

"I think so. I travel light."

"Well, it sure has been interesting Cody. Take care of yourself."

"You too David, and thanks for everything." He held out his hand.

David smiled and shook Cody's hand. "I'll be seeing you."

Cody nodded and walked out of the apartment. He paused and looked back over his shoulder. "When you least expect me." He turned and walked downstairs and out to the jeep.

He tossed his bag into the back and climbed in. "I'm ready."

Ryan nodded and backed the jeep out, heading for the street. "Everything ok with David?"

Cody nodded. "Yeah, why?"

Ryan shrugged. "Just thinking how upset I'd be if you left us." He kept his eyes on the road and pulled out into traffic.

"Well, with a little luck, you won't have to find out for a long time." Cody leaned forward between the front seats.

Trevor faced him. "I'm glad you decided to stay with us."

"Me too." Cody sat back and closed his eyes. The breeze coming in through the topless jeep felt nice on his skin. He was overjoyed that he had found the two teens to live with, but he knew the risks of becoming too attached. Still, the night was young and he intended to enjoy himself.

Ryan maneuvered the jeep through the side streets and eventually arrived at the main parking structure. It was the same one he and Trevor had nearly been beaten up, or worse, a few nights prior. Tonight, however, he wasn't the least bit concerned. He looked in the rear view mirror and met the penetrating stare of his personal vampire bodyguard, staring back at him. As if some silent communication had been shared, Cody nodded.

Ryan headed up the ramp and found a spot near the stairwell leading to the back alley. They all climbed out and Cody slid his arms into Trevor's leather jacket and fell into step behind the two boys. At the end of the alley, Ryan paused and took a deep breath.

"So here is where it all happened."

"Yup." Trevor nodded.

Ryan faced Cody and smiled. "Let's go shopping."

Cody nodded and waited for them to head off, before following. He knew the incident with the bikers wasn't over. He had not been able to alter the memory of the first biker who had attacked him, and that was something he needed to do. His and Bobby's stories would not match and that would attract attention, should a certain group of people find out about the incident.

They spent the next two hours walking in and out of stores, but not buying anything. It was dark at eight thirty when they exited the bookstore, along the main street. Other students and a few older couples were hurrying along in the chilly evening.

Trevor shivered and pulled his hood up over his head.

Cody touched his arm. "Do you want your jacket?"

"No, I'll be fine once we walk a bit. Besides, we'll be inside in a few minutes."

"If you change your mind let me know." Cody released his arm.

They continued walking and in a few minutes were at the entrance to their usual bar. There was a line to get in, so they joined those waiting.

Trevor leaned close to Cody. "We always come here."

Cody nodded. "I've never been here. Let's hope I can get in."

Ryan joined the conversation. "Why wouldn't they let you inside?"

Cody shrugged. "No ID."

"Oh my god...I forgot about that. How will you get in?"

"Let's hope the bouncer isn't strong willed." Cody smiled.

Ryan nodded. "You'll charm him."

Cody shook his head. "We're in public so try to keep my secrets please."

"Ooops, sorry."

When it was their turn to get their hands stamped as under 21 Cody was the last to step up to the door. The bouncer held out his hand.


"I'm over 21"

"And I'm the tooth fairy. ID."

Cody held his gaze for a moment and then smiled seductively. He turned on his vampire charisma and shrugged casually. "You don't need to see my ID."

"Why not?" The guy seemed puzzled but didn't completely surrender his will.

"You remember me. I come here often. You know I am over 21."

"You do seem familiar...but..."

"If it would make you more comfortable you can stamp my hand as `under 21'."

The bouncer was thoughtful for a moment then nodded. "That would be best. I remember seeing you here but don't want to get in trouble." He held out the underage hand stamp.

Cody held his hand out and received the red "21" on the back. "Thanks, I'll see you later."

"Yeah, have a good night." The bouncer turned to the next couple, waiting in line. "ID please."

Cody entered the bar and round Trevor and Ryan waiting just inside. Trevor motioned with his head and moved over to a vacant booth.

"I thought you weren't going to get in." He sat down and pointed for Ryan and Cody to sit across from him.

"Yeah, he was pretty strong willed. Bouncers usually are for some reason."

Ryan smiled. "So what do you guys want to eat?"

Trevor looked at Cody. "We usually have burgers and fries."

Cody smiled. "You two go ahead. If I get hungry I'll either drop down under the table for a snack or head to the bathroom stalls."

Ryan's mouth fell open. "Really?"

Cody shook his head. "No...not really. I don't need to feed for quite some time, thanks to you two."

Trevor flagged down a server and ordered their food and drinks.

The evening wore on without event and eventually it was time to leave. Nothing was said on the walk back to the parking structure. When they reached the alley, Ryan paused. He looked from Trevor to Cody and smiled. "I guess there isn't anything to be afraid of anymore."

Cody stepped up to him and grinned. "I wouldn't say that." His fangs descended and he grimaced menacingly.

Ryan took a step forward and kissed him strongly on the mouth. After a few seconds, he stepped back and smiled.

Cody retracted his fangs and pouted. "Damnit...nobody's afraid of me anymore."

Trevor put his arm around Cody and steered him towards the stairs. "Don't worry, we're both terrified of you. Now let's go...I'm cold."

They climbed the stairs and get into the jeep. Ryan started it up and left the structure. As soon as the engine was warm, he turned on the heater. Cody removed Trevor's leather jacket and gave it to him.

"Here, you look like you need this."

Trevor slid his arms into the warm leather. "Thanks, but what about you?"

"I don't get cold. I was wearing it for looks, and because it is yours." Cody smiled and sat back.

Ryan looked at Trevor and smiled. Ten minutes later, they pulled into the parking lot of their apartment complex and got out of the jeep.

Cody picked up is duffle bag and followed them upstairs. "Where should I put this?"

Trevor didn't wait for Ryan to answer. "In Ryan's room."

Ryan smiled and faced Cody. "If that's ok with you."

"You bet." Cody headed off into the boy's room and tossed the bag onto the bed. He returned to the living room and sat on the couch.

Trevor went into his room and hung up his jacket. He returned and sat next to Cody on the couch. "So let's discuss sleeping arrangements."

Ryan nodded and sat on the other end of the couch, next to Cody.

Cody held his hands in front of him. "I don't want to come between you two so the couch is fine with me."

Trevor shrugged. "I don't mind if you sleep with Ryan. Besides, he'll start whining if you sleep out here."

Ryan glared at Trevor. "Whining?"

Trevor nodded. "See? He's starting already. You two work this out. I'm going to bed. I have class tomorrow. Goodnight."

"Goodnight Trevor and thank you." Cody smiled.

Trevor nodded and walked into his room, closing the door behind him.

Cody faced Ryan. "Well? Do you want me to sleep with you or out here?"

Ryan couldn't hide his happiness. "With me, as if you even need to ask." He grabbed Cody's hand and stood, pulling him up at the same time. "Come on."

They entered Ryan's room and closed the door. Ryan began to undress while Cody watched.

"Do you want me to sleep on the floor or in bed with you?" Cody began to remove his clothes.



"In bed with me."

Cody laughed. "I know, I was just teasing." Naked, he jumped into bed and flopped down onto his back, his hands folded behind his head on Ryan's pillows.

Ryan stood at the end of the bed staring at the naked vampire in his bed and knew he wasn't going to get much sleep that night. He walked over to the table next to the bed and pulled out a condom. "Here, put this on, ok?" He tossed the packet to Cody.

Cody removed the condom from its packet and began to stroke his rapidly-hardening penis.

Ryan grinned and straddled Cody's legs. He grabbed his own penis and began to stroke it. "I'll get the lube when we are ready."

Cody sat us as best he could and craned his head upwards. For a few minutes, they kissed passionately and then he lay back down. "Better get the lube now."

Ryan rolled off Cody and opened the table drawer. He removed the tube of lubricant and flipped open the cap.

Cody rolled the condom down his hard shaft. "Bleh...I really hate these."

"I agree. I say forget it and let's see what happens."

"And I say this is the only way I'll fuck you so take it or leave it."

Ryan nodded. "I suppose you know best." He squirted some lube onto his palm and ran his hand along Cody's penis. After it was covered, he got up onto his knees and ran his hand along the crack of his own ass. "I'm ready." He grinned.

Cody propped himself up on his elbows. "You want me behind you or would you like to try sitting down on me while I lay here?"

Ryan thought for a moment. "I think I want you behind me again. I like that position."

Cody nodded and got up onto his knees.

Ryan got onto all fours, facing the pillows.

Gently, Cody lined himself up and eased his throbbing dick into the teen. When he was all the way seated, he wrapped his arms around the boy's chest and hugged him. He whispered into Ryan's ear. "I'll try not to bite you this time."

Ryan looked over his shoulder and shrugged. "If you want to, I don't mind. I kind of liked it."

Cody grinned and his fangs dropped down over his lips. "Be careful what you wish for." He began thrusting in and out, and his eyes began to glow a faint blue.

Ryan moaned softly and closed his eyes.

Next: Chapter 14

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