Its Not the Blood

By Will Ren

Published on Oct 7, 2010


"Um, excuse me?" Trevor tried not to smile.

Cody shrugged. "You asked."

"Ok, I guess I did. So, is that really what it would take to keep you around?"

"Not sure what would make me stay, but it would make me happy."

Ryan smiled. "Oh yeah?"

"Yeah." Cody nodded. "I enjoy feeding, like we just did, but...I also like to take it in the ass."

Trevor looked down into Ryan's eyes. "So what do you think? Should we keep him, or should we let him go?"

"I think we should keep him. It will be good for us." Ryan smiled up at Trevor.

"Good for you?" Cody couldn't help laughing.

Ryan propped himself up on his elbows. "Yeah. I mean, you'll get to feed whenever you want, we get to be fed upon as often as possible, and we can probably give you what you just asked for. So, good for us, all of us."

"You know, I could continue to live with David and come visit once and a while."

Trevor shrugged. "Why not just stay here, with us?"

"It could be dangerous."

Ryan shook his head. "You won't hurt us."

Cody shook his head. "I would never intentionally harm either of you, but if I become very hungry or injured, I might not be able to control myself."

Trevor grinned devilishly. "Well, then we have to make sure you never get hungry again."

Ryan quickly nodded.

"There are more risks than just my eating you two." Cody became serious.

Trevor frowned. "Uh oh, I don't like the sound of that. Are you in some kind of trouble?"

"No, but let's just say there are people out there who are looking for me, and others of my kind."

Ryan sat up and swung his legs off Cody's lap. "There are more vampires out there?"

Cody nodded. "Well yeah. You didn't think I was the only one, did you?"

"I really didn't give it much thought. I guess that makes sense, based on what you told us about Draven and the others. many more?"

Cody shrugged. "I don't have exact numbers. I think it is safe to say a few dozen in every state, and that's just this country. We tend to gravitate to the larger cities."

Trevor nodded. "Sure, for food. That makes sense."

"So...these people who are looking for you and others like you, do they want to kill you?" Ryan asked.

"Probably not kill us, but milk us of our blood for its power. If someone could regularly consume my blood, or semen, he or she would become powerful like me, but not immortal. For that to happen there has to be the change."

Trevor frowned. "I bet the army would love to have a platoon of super-soldiers."

Cody nodded. "They are the ones who are most actively seeking my kind. There are a few private citizens as well, for their own reasons. They probably want to keep one of us captive and used to heal themselves and prolong life."

Ryan shook his head. "I don't want to talk about this."

Cody shrugged. "You need to know who might come knocking on your door one day, if I stay with you. That is one reason I move around so often. It keeps people from finding me."

"Have they ever found you?" Trevor asked.

"Not yet. I've had some narrow escapes, but we try to clean up after ourselves to minimize suspicion. Also, we look after each other, sort of like a buddy system. I check in with the senior vampire in each area when I arrive, so he or she knows I am in town."

"How do you know where to find that person?" Trevor asked.

"I can feel other vampires, when they are close by. And, we learn where to find those in charge."

Ryan faced Cody. "Sit back against the end of the couch so I can lie back against you."

"Sure." Cody moved so he was facing the opposite end of the couch.

Ryan turned around on the couch and backed up until he was leaning against Cody's chest, and stretched his legs out.

Trevor resumed his position at the opposite end of the couch and faced Cody. He pulled Ryan's feet between his legs and pressed them against his crotch.

Ryan smiled and looked up at Cody. "Will you continue your story now?"

"Where did I leave off?"

"You came back home from Germany, and tried to find work. You stay with people for sex." He smiled. "Like us."

Cody nodded. "I took odd jobs here and there. I don't really need money so I usually work in exchange for a place to live. Since I need to feed every day or so, I end up having a lot of sex."

Trevor was confused. "So, all the people you stay with are gay and willing to have sex with you?"

Cody laughed. "No, they usually aren't gay. That could put a lot of pressure on the situation, seeing as I often go out for a bite. I don't need jealousy. Those who probably wouldn't have sex with me...change their minds after we talk."

Ryan was suspicious. " mean you charm them."

"I'll admit that on more than one occasion I've had to resort to that for food, yes. I don't feel bad about it. You two know firsthand how good it feels after I'm done. Besides, when I leave, I remove the memories of my being there, if I need to, so really, no harm done."

Ryan wiggled against his chest. "You won't have to charm us."

Trevor laughed. "Especially not you."

Ryan glared at him. "Well excuse me if I happen to think that was the most incredible experience I've ever had."

Cody agreed with Ryan. "If you didn't enjoy it Trevor, I can refrain from feeding on you again."

"Oh no, I want you to do that again."

Ryan shook his head. "Then don't act like I enjoyed it more than you did."

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean it to sound like that." He changed the subject. "So, assuming one of us wants to do that other thing you mentioned, how would we go about it?"

Cody sighed. "You can say `fuck me'. I'm not shy."

Trevor shrugged. "I know. I'm just not used to saying that."

"Well I'm used to hearing it so don't stress. I really would enjoy it."

Ryan turned and looked at Cody. "Do you get anything from it? I mean food-wise?"

"Yes, I absorb energy that way too, just not as quickly. But more importantly, it feels really good."

Trevor shook his head. "I don't think I want anyone doing that to me."

Ryan frowned. "Not even me?"

"I don't know bro, I think it would hurt. Then again, you're probably small down there." Trevor grinned.

Ryan glared at him. "Well you won't find out if you keep talking to me like that."

Cody interrupted. "If I might make a suggestion. You two don't have to do that with each other, if you don't want to. I am more than willing to take you both."

Trevor smiled. "I like the sound of that."

Ryan faced Cody again. "He's pretty horny."

Cody gently placed his hand between the boy's legs and rubbed his groin. "He's not the only one."

Ryan moaned and leaned back. "That feels nice. Do you want to have sex with one of us? You know, do one of us in the ass?"

Cody stopped rubbing. "No, I won't do that to either of you."

Trevor nodded. "Right, transmission of power and all that."

"Exactly." Cody resumed rubbing Ryan's groin. "Though the thought has crossed my mind, more than once."

Ryan cleared his throat. "So, you came back to the states..."

Cody stopped rubbing the teen and laid his hand on Ryan's chest. "And I have been wandering around ever since. I stay in town for a few months, and then move on."

Ryan sat up. "Only a few months?"

Cody gently pulled the boy back down against his chest. "It can be dangerous to stay longer. I tend to attract the wrong kind of attention."

Ryan nodded. "Like the cops at the mall arcade?"

"That is one kind of negative attention, though I think in this case Kyle may turn out to be an asset."

Trevor raised his hand. "Who is Kyle? You mentioned him before."

"One of the mall cops who came to question us after those assholes tried to beat me up." Ryan explained.

"And you know him?" He looked at Cody.

"Yes, I've fed on him. I didn't know until today, however, that he wants to do that again, and more."

"You have us now; you don't have to be with other people." Ryan sounded sad.

Cody kissed the top of Ryan's head. "You're sweet, but you guys may not always be available. Although, you are the most potent energy I've had in a long time."

Trevor nodded and smiled. "He's talking about me bro."

Cody corrected him. "Actually, no offense, Ryan is quite a bit more potent than you, though you are better than average."

"Hah!" Ryan glared at Trevor.

Trevor laughed. "Ok, you win, but I bet I produce more than you do."

Ryan pressed his feet into Trevor's groin. "Don't make me hurt you!"

Trevor inhaled sharply. " don't want to damage Cody's next meal."

Ryan relaxed his feet. "So what kind of special powers do you have?"

Cody shook his head. "Not many I'm afraid."

Trevor asked. "Can you fly?"

"No, I don't have wings."

"Can you turn into a bat or a wolf, like in the movies?"

"No, I am limited to this body."

"Well that sucks."

"Sorry to disappoint." Cody laughed.

"You don't burst into flames in the sunlight. What about holy water?"

"I don't drink water, but it won't hurt me. I do like to swim sometimes."

"So what you are saying is Hollywood has it all wrong?" Trevor frowned.

"There are some vampires who are hurt by water, others by wood, or fire. It just depends on the individual."

Ryan spoke softly. "What hurts you?"

Cody whispered, but loudly enough that Trevor could hear him too. "I'm not telling."

"Dude, why would he tell us that?" Trevor gave him the `duh' look.

"Because we won't ever hurt him."

Cody hugged the boy. "I know you won't, but I need to keep things like that a secret."

Trevor continued. "Ok, so what can you do?"

"I am quite strong, much more so than I appear. I run my muscles at full strength, all the time. It's like having your adrenal gland in overdrive. I can hypnotize people for short periods of time, creating the illusion that I move quickly, or vanish. I can make people do my bidding, or forget what they've seen. I can put people to sleep."

Trevor waved his hand. "Hold up. Put them to sleep? Permanently?"

Cody shook his head. "No, until I wake them, or it wears off."

"Can we see that?" Trevor smiled.

Cody shrugged. "If I do it to you, how will you watch?"

" it to Ryan then."

"Hey!" Ryan sat up. "I don't want to get hurt!"

Cody pulled the boy back down again. "It doesn't hurt. I will do it to Trevor and you can tell him all about it when he wakes up. How's that?"

Ryan laughed. "Yeah, do it do him."

Trevor sat up straighter. "Now wait just a damn..."

Cody passed his hand between them and held the older boy's gaze. "Shhhh..."

Trevor's head lolled backwards and he slumped down on the couch.

Ryan sat up. "Holy shit!"

"That's pretty much how it goes. I believe it's basically a hypnotic suggestion to sleep, but there might be more to it than that. It happens very quickly and is powerful. Took me a while to get the hang of it but Draven was a good mentor."

Ryan grasped one of Trevor's hands and tugged on it. "Hey...wake up."

"He won't for a few hours, or unless I wake him sooner."

"That's incredible. Um...maybe you should wake him."

Cody leaned forward and wrapped his arms around Ryan's chest. He moved his hands around the boy's chest and then down to his groin. "We could have a little fun while he's napping."

Ryan looked over his shoulder and smiled. "I thought you weren't hungry."

"I'm not, but I am horny. I want to get physical with you."

"Let's wake him now, and play later."

"As you wish." Cody released Ryan and again passed his hand between himself and Trevor. "Awaken."

Trevor inhaled suddenly and sat up. He faced the other two and shrugged. "What?"

Ryan grinned. "You were sleeping."

"I was?"

Cody nodded. "Yes. I put you under. Only for a few minutes."

"Bullshit. I don't believe you." Trevor smiled.

"That's because you were asleep and didn't see it from my perspective." Ryan nodded.

Trevor faced Cody. "Do it again, but make it so I'll know it happened."

Cody shrugged. "Ok. I'll put you to sleep, and take your shirt off. When you wake you will know it happened."

"Ok. Do it."

Cody passed his hand between them, spoke again, and Trevor slumped back down on the couch. "Take his shirt off please." Cody smiled.

Ryan leaned forward and quickly removed Trevor's leather tank top, setting it on the table in front of the couch. Cody woke him and this time Trevor believed them.

"Holy shit. I really did sleep." He grinned. "I don't remember a thing, but I guess it happened."

Cody looked at him seriously. "How does your ass feel?"

"Why?" Trevor was suspicious.

"Ryan had his way with you, while you were asleep."

"Whatever!" Trevor laughed. "I think I would feel something if he'd done that to me."

"Yeah, you would." Cody shrugged. "I'm just messing with you."

Trevor pulled the leather tank top back on. "Well that is incredible. Can you show us something else?"

Cody held his gaze. "What would you like to see?"

"I want to see you move quickly."

"I could show you that, but I'm comfortable right now, sitting here. Besides, moving quickly uses more energy than just putting someone to sleep. I might have to feed again, sooner than I planned."

Ryan smiled. "Wouldn't THAT be a shame."

Cody shrugged. "How about I show you that another time?"

Trevor nodded. "Fair enough. Tell us more about yourself, if there's more to know."

"You know way more than anyone else. What I've told you is pretty much all there is."

Ryan slouched in the middle of the couch, and put his feet on the table. "So who else besides David, Kyle, and us have you fed on since you've been here?"

"I've only been in town a short time. Oh, I met a professor the other day. We had some fun."

Trevor was curious. "A prof from the university?"

Cody nodded. "Yeah."

"Who?" Ryan smiled.

Cody shook his head. "I really shouldn't say. He might not like that kind of reputation."

"I guess you're right. I'm going to start wondering which professor it was, and look at them all differently this coming school year."

Trevor looked at his watch. "Hey, do you two want to go to the bar tonight?" He faced Cody. "I mean, if you do that kind of thing."

Cody nodded. "Sure, I meet a lot of my dinner dates that way." He smiled.

Ryan faced him. "And at the mall."

Cody smiled. "The cutest ones are at the mall."

Trevor cleared his throat. "So is that a yes to the bar?"

Ryan looked down at his feet. "I guess so. Or we could stay here."

Trevor looked sad, and faced Cody. "We have a bad experience the other night, and it's left him a little shaken."

Cody considered pretending not knowing about the bikers in the alley, but he wanted them to know he had helped. He wasn't sure if they would approve or if it would frighten them. "What happened?"

Ryan shrugged, and continued to stare at his feet. "Two bikers wanted things to us, fight us I guess."

"Oh yeah?" Cody urged him to continue.

Trevor nodded. "Yeah. They had been at the bar, and one of them had an interest in Ryan. When he told him no, he got pissed off."

"I see. That can happen."

Ryan shook his head. "Well, it shouldn't happen."

Trevor agreed. "No, it shouldn't."

Cody placed his hand on the teen's shoulder. "I'm sorry. That was pretty upsetting I bet."

Ryan nodded.

"Still, you shouldn't let that keep you from enjoying yourself. I bet the odds of that happening again are pretty slim."

Trevor laughed. "Especially with you along."

Ryan looked up, into Cody's eyes. "Would you protect us?"

Cody took a deep breath and slowly exhaled. "I would, though there are only a few of my kind that like to help others. In all I think we are a pretty selfish group. That happens when you have a lot of power and don't have to follow the same rules everyone else does. Still, I often think I should become a cop or something, so I could help people, but that wouldn't work."

Trevor shrugged. "Why not? You could probably do a lot of good."

"I don't age. I wouldn't be able to work in one place for very long. Besides, if I rescued people from seemingly impossible situations, it would attract the kind of attention I try to avoid."

Trevor nodded. "Yeah, I see your point."

Cody looked away. "Still, I try to help in small ways, when I can."

Ryan faced him. "How have you helped other people before?"

Cody looked into the boy's eyes. "I've done simple things, like helping an old man facing eviction from his apartment keep his home."

Ryan smiled. "How?"

"He was kind to me, offering me shelter, so I convinced the landlord he should let the man live there for half the rent." Cody narrowed his eyes. "I can be convincing, when I want to be."

Ryan nodded. "I bet. What else?"

"Small stuff here and there. Helped an old woman get her purse back from a thief. Nothing really notable." Cody looked away. He took a chance, and turned back to face them. "I once helped two, college students in an alley, who were having trouble with some bikers."

Ryan laughed. "I wish you had been there the other night to help us, with our bikers."

Trevor gently kicked Ryan's leg. "Bro, I think he IS talking about us..."

Ryan faced Trevor. "What?"

"Look at him. He's dead serious."

Ryan faced Cody, and noticed he wasn't smiling. "Are you? Talking about the other night?"

Cody looked into the younger boy's eyes, and for a moment, didn't respond. He desperately wanted them to know he had helped, and would help again, but he was worried they might be upset by what had happened –that he had injured the two bikers.

"Cody?" Ryan touched Cody's arm.

"Yes." Cody blinked once and relaxed.

Trevor spoke softly. "That was you the end of the alley, in the darkness."

"It was."

Ryan shrugged. "Why didn't you tell us sooner?"

Cody looked away. "I wasn't sure you would want to know. I'm still not sure I should have even said anything about it."

"You think we wouldn't want to know?" Ryan released Cody's arm. "We have wanted to thank whoever that was that helped us, but didn't know who it was."

Cody smiled timidly. "Now you do."

Trevor spoke quickly. "Then I say thank you."

Ryan was quiet for a second then nodded. "Me too. Thank you, very much." He smiled.

Trevor shrugged. "Well so much for my werewolf theory." He laughed.

Cody shook his head. "There's no such thing as werewolves."

Trevor nodded. "Uh huh...and I bet there're aren't vampires either."

"I wouldn't know." Cody shrugged.

Ryan leaned over and hugged Cody. "Thank you."

Cody returned the hug and looked at Trevor.

Trevor smiled and nodded. "It seems we have our own personal body guard now, or should I say you do bro."

Ryan released Cody and sat up. His eyes were red and moist.

Cody looked concerned. "Hey, I thought we weren't supposed to cry."

Ryan shrugged, and wiped his eyes. "I'm not sad, just overwhelmed to find out it was you."

"Well I guess we know there isn't a pack of wild dogs running around the city." Trevor smiled.

"Excuse me?" Cody was confused.

Ryan sat back. "The news lady said the bikers were attacked by dogs."

"Oh, yeah. I told the larger biker that is what happened. You know, implanted the thought. I couldn't have him telling anyone about me."

Ryan looked squeamish. "Um, so did you bit his arm? I saw a picture of it on the news. It looked like an animal bite alright."

Cody opened his mouth and his fangs dropped down. "He tasted like chicken." He laughed.

Trevor grimaced. "You're on our side...right?"

Cody retracted his fangs and nodded. "Most definitely. I don't think they will bother anyone again."

Ryan nodded. "Good. Assholes got what they deserved. You fucked them up good."

"I didn't overly hurt them; just enough to give you two a chance to get away, and show them what it feels like to be a victim."

Ryan faced Trevor. "I say we go to the bar tonight. I'm not feeling insecure any longer."

Trevor stood and stretched. "Then it's a plan. How about nine o'clock like usual?"

Ryan looked at Cody. "That work for you?"

"Sure. It isn't like I have anywhere to be."

Ryan corrected him. "No, you do have somewhere to be. Here with us."

Cody dipped his head. "My apologies. I forgot."

Trevor headed to his room. "Well, unless there is more to tell, I need to get some homework done before class tomorrow." He walked into this bedroom.

Ryan shrugged and faced Cody. "What should we do until we go out?"

Trevor poked his head back out and grinned. "I think Cody mentioned something about butt sex."

Ryan glared at Trevor. "That's NOT what I meant!"

Cody touched Ryan's arm. "Why not?" He batted his eyes.

Trevor laughed. "Watch out bro, you have your hands full."

Cody beckoned Trevor back into the room. "Hold up. I need to ask you something."

Trevor returned to the living room and stood next to them. "What?"

"Well, you two are boyfriends now, and I don't want to come between you. This feels a little strange, the three of us having sex together."

Trevor faced Ryan, who shrugged. "Well, if Ryan doesn't object, I don't have a problem if we all share each other. It's obvious you are hard for him, and I think he feels the same way about you."

Ryan punched Trevor in the arm. "You're such a dick!"

"Well, am I wrong?" Trevor rubbed his arm.

"No." Ryan looked away.

Trevor faced Cody. "Am I right about what you feel for Ryan?"

Cody nodded. "Yes."

Trevor crossed his arms. "Fine. Now that we have cleared that up, why don't you two go and have some fun, while I slave away with my homework. If I get bored I'll see what you two are doing." He turned and walked into his room.

Cody faced Ryan and held up his hand. "Give me a moment please." He followed Trevor into his room.

Ryan could hear them talking quietly, but couldn't make out what was being said.

In a moment, Cody returned to the living room. He took Ryan's hand and led him across the apartment, to the teen's room. "Let's go."

Ryan smiled. "What did you and Trevor talk about?"

Cody pulled him into this room and closed the door. "I told him I would respect your relationship and not pressure either of you to have sex with me, if that was what he wanted. I wanted to make one hundred percent certain he is ok with our doing things together."

Ryan nodded. "He is. I know him. He cares about me, but isn't as horny as you are."

Cody gently reached forward and rubbed the boy's crotch, through the leather pants. "I think you mean as horny as WE are. I can sense the surface emotions of those around me."

Ryan closed his eyes. "Oh, I didn't know that. Mmmm...If you keep that up, you're going to see just how emotional I can be."

Cody removed his own shirt, and Ryan's shirt next. "Let's go, if you don't mind."

Ryan smiled. "I've never done anything like this before."

"It's easy. I'll help you."

They each removed their shoes and pants, and were soon standing naked in front of Ryan's bed.

Cody gently grabbed the boy's dick and began rubbing it.

Ryan moaned softly. "That feels so good."

Cody continued rubbing him for a few minutes, until Ryan's pre-cum started flowing. He released the boy's dick and sat on the edge of the bed. "I want to have sex with you."

Ryan nodded. "If you show me how, I will."

Cody lay back and put his feet on the edge of the bed. "Just ease on inside."

Ryan took a step forward, his penis bobbing with anticipation. "Won't this hurt? I have some KY next to the bed."

"It won't hurt me. I don't mind dry insertion, but if you want, go ahead and lube up. I don't want you to be uncomfortable."

Ryan nodded and picked up the tube of KY from the small table next to the bed. He applied a good amount to his dick and rubbed it all around, moaning softly.

"Hey, don't get too excited. I want your semen inside me, not all over me." Cody cautioned the teen. "At least not this first time." He grinned.

"Yeah, sorry. Old habits and all that." He placed the head of his dick against Cody's ass. "I don't want to be gross, but should I use a rubber, so I don't get dirty?"

"I don't eat food remember? I don't go to the bathroom anymore, so I'm clean. The only thing in there might be David's semen, but my body has probably absorbed all of it by now. Besides, if you use a condom I won't get any energy from you."

Ryan didn't respond. Instead, he gently pushed forward, and sank his penis into Cody. He pushed forward until he felt his abdomen against Cody's ass. "Oh my god...this feels incredible."

Cody tightened his ass muscles. "It feels pretty awesome on this end too."

Ryan held still. "What do I do?"

Cody gave another playful squeeze with his ass. "In and out."

Ryan laughed. "Oh yeah. Here goes..."

For the next few minutes, Ryan gently eased himself in and out of Cody. The longer he lasted, the more intense the buildup inside his groin became. When he couldn't take it any longer, he pushed deeply, and felt his cock explode, showering Cody's insides with his semen.

Cody felt the energy and groaned. His fangs descended, and his eyes began to glow their usual blue. "God, you are something special."

Ryan held still, his eyes closed. "I think I like that better than the blow job you gave me earlier." He gently pulled his dick out of Cody's ass.

Cody wrapped his ankles around the boy's waist. "Where do you think you're going?"

"Nowhere, just straightening my back." Ryan smiled, and opened his eyes.

Cody drew his legs towards his chest, pulling Ryan towards him, and pinned the teen's groin tightly against his ass.

Ryan leaned forward, and placed his hands on the bed, one on each side of Cody. Their faces were a foot apart. "I want to kiss you."

"I wish you would." Cody curled his upper lip, retracting his fangs. "I'll try to keep those out of the way."

"Um, yeah, thanks." Ryan grinned and leaned all the way forward, kissing Cody passionately. The kiss was returned with the same vigor and lasted for quite a while. Eventually, Ryan straightened up. "I need to either lie down or stand up. This is hard on my back."

Cody relaxed his legs and Ryan slipped free of them.

"I should clean up. Don't go anywhere." Ryan smiled, and walked to the closet, picking up a dirty towel. He gently wiped the lube off his dick and dropped the towel to the floor. He turned back to the bed and collided with Cody, who was now standing directly behind him.

"Sorry." Cody backed up a step.

"What are you doing?" Ryan smiled.

"I missed you." Cody narrowed his eyes.

"Missed me? I was only away from you for twenty seconds, and I was still in the same room."

Cody nodded and took Ryan by the hand. "Come on." He led him back to the bed and playfully pushed him down, onto his back.

"Be gentle with me." Ryan laughed.

"I'll do my best." Cody climbed onto the bed and straddled the boy. "Do you mind if I sit here?"

"Not at all, but I don't think I'm ready for more sex yet."

"Yeah, I know. I won't pressure you but please keep in mind you will NEVER be able to have too much sex with me. It is my favorite thing in this life, my only real need."

"Oh really?" Ryan grabbed Cody by the waist and pushed him to the side, ending up on top of him. "So, if I want to have sex with you once an hour you won't refuse me?"

Cody shook his head. "I won't refuse you anything." He craned his head upwards and kissed Ryan gently on the mouth, before laying his head back down.

Ryan became serious. "So if I ask you to fuck me..."

"Ok, I won't refuse you almost anything." Cody shook his head.

"Cody I'm serious. I want you to do it to me. I've never felt as certain about anything before."

"Ryan I shouldn't. I told you if I do that you will become powerful, and potentially dangerous, though only for a short time."

"But Hans and Draven did it to you all the time."

"That was different. At first, when they didn't know me, or how I would react, they bled me to weaken me and negate the power transfer. And, there were two of them. You could have an adverse reaction and might not be able to control yourself."

Ryan shrugged. "So, bite me too, like they did you. Make me weak."

Cody was silent, thoughtful. He usually didn't drink blood, but it could be very sensual, if he wanted it to be. "You really want me to do that?"

"No, not the biting part, but I do want you to fuck me and if that is what it be it."

"You're serious then?" Cody began to smile.

"Damn right I am." Ryan smiled back. "And I suspect, with your stamina, you could do it a few times in a row, or am I wrong?"

"I could love you all night, nonstop, if you wanted it. Of course, that would weaken me so we would either need to trade off or invite Trevor to join us."

"Oh yeah, he needs to be in on this." Ryan nodded. "In fact, I wonder if he would want to play a little now?"

Cody shrugged. "He mentioned something about homework. Maybe we should leave him alone."

"Nah, I think he would enjoy this. I'll be right back." He grinned and jumped off the bed, heading to the door. "You could, I mean if you want to, slide down to the end of the bed again."

"I'll be ready." Cody sat up and nodded.

Ryan opened the door and closed it behind him. He walked into Trevor's room, still naked, and wrapped his arms around the older boy's shoulders. "We're feeling lonely. Come join us."

Trevor set his pen down and turned around. "Dude, I told you I have to..." He stopped talking when he noticed Ryan was naked and semi-erect.

Ryan released him and backed up. "You have a little time, don't you?" He smiled.

Trevor nodded and rose. "It seems I do. What's the plan?"

Ryan stepped up to Trevor and gently removed the leather tank top. "Drop your pants and follow me."

Trevor quickly fumbled for his belt and kicked off the leather pants. "Yes sir!"

"This way please." Ryan walked back out into the living room. He had only gone a few feet when he was enveloped in a tight embrace, and felt something hard poking into the small of his back.

"You are so beautiful." Trevor whispered into his ear.

Ryan turned his head. "You really think so?"

"I do." Trevor released him. "This doesn't seem fair."

"What doesn't?" Ryan turned and faced him.

"I don't want either of you to fuck me but all I can think about is fucking the two of you."

"Oh, well don't get too worked up about it. Cody has assured me we can love him all day and all night and he will never get tired of it."

"Oh yeah? Well what about you?"

Ryan looked at Trevor suspiciously. "What about me?"

"Even if I don't let you fuck me...can I do you sometime?" Trevor gently grabbed the younger teen's dick.

Ryan closed his eyes and pushed his hips forward, just a bit. "I think that could be arranged."

"I hope so." Trevor released Ryan. "Lead on."

Ryan turned and resumed walking to his room. When he got to the door, he paused and turned to face Trevor. "Now, we've already had sex, and I'm too tired to go again just now. Cody is on the bed, and is waiting for you. If you don't want to do this you don't have to, but I want you to know it felt even better than the blowjob he gave me."

Trevor grinned. "Then get the hell out of the way." He gently pushed past Ryan and opened the door.

Cody was sitting on the edge of the bed, and looked up as the door opened. "Hey, done studying already?" He grinned seductively.

Trevor shrugged. "Nope, just taking a break. I was told I need to experience something."

"Well, come on over then."

Trevor entered the room and Ryan closed the door behind them. "What's the plan?"

Ryan walked to the bed and picked up the tube of lube. "May I?" He motioned to Trevor's dick, which was already beginning to drip on its own.

Trevor nodded. "Sure!"

Ryan squeezed some KY onto his palm, and wrapped it around Trevor's dick. He gently moved his hand up and down the shaft, coating in the lubricant.

Trevor closed his eyes and smiled. "That feels nice. You should make this a habit, bro."

"You wish!" Ryan removed his hand from Trevor's dick and began rubbing his own penis.

"So what now?" Trevor locked eyes with Cody.

"Do you want to have sex with me?"

"Yeah." Trevor nodded. "I mean, if you don't mind."

Cody lay back on the bed and pulled his feet up to his hips. "That's why I'm here, remember?"

Trevor stepped forward, lined the tip of his dick with Cody's ass, and gently pushed forward.

As well lubricated as Cody was, Trevor slipped easily inside. He sighed and began the rhythm of pulling out and pushing back inside. "This feels great." He continued the motions. "You are way better than a pillow."

"Um...thanks." Cody laughed.

"I think I'm going to enjoy doing this." Trevor's voice was becoming strained.

Cody offered encouragement by tightening his ass muscles and squeezing the dick in his ass. In a few minutes, Trevor stiffened and Cody felt a second wave of energy wash inside him.

Trevor held still for a few more moments, and then gently pulled out. "Thank you, that was my first time doing that."

"Yes I know." Cody relaxed his legs and sat up.

"How do you know?" Trevor was puzzled.

"I can tell when I touch a virgin, and each of you gave me the feeling which told me you had never had sex before. Don't take it the wrong way; it's a bonus from my perspective."

Ryan handed Trevor the same towel he had previously used, and Trevor wiped off his dick, before handing it back to Ryan.

"Wow. That was pretty intense." Trevor faced Ryan. "And you did it too?"

"Yeah, before I went and got you."

"Well, all I can say is thanks, both of you." He faced Cody. "I mean it."

"My pleasure. I should be thanking the two of you. I haven't fed this much in a long time, not all at once anyway."

"Well, if you guys don't mind, I still have some homework I need to complete before we head out tonight." He turned towards the door.

Cody stood. "Hey Trevor?"

"Yeah?" Trevor turned to face him.

"Thanks again, I mean it." Cody smiled.

"No problem bro. Thank you!" He opened the door and walked back to his room.

Ryan smiled. "I think he really enjoyed that."

"I would hope so. Now, what were we talking about earlier?"

Ryan blushed and looked down at his feet. "You fucking me."

Cody reached forward and began gently stroking the teen's semi-hard dick. "Don't get me wrong Ryan, I really want to, but it's so risky."

Ryan looked up and nodded. "I understand but that doesn't change what I want." He closed his eyes. "God that feels fantastic. Don't stop."

Cody continued rubbing Ryan's dick and noticed the teen was again fully erect. "You have great stamina."

"Thanks." Ryan opened his eyes and looked down at his rock hard dick. "You know how to do exactly what feels good."

"Lots of practice." Cody laughed. He stopped rubbing Ryan and cocked his head towards the bed. "Come on, lay down with me, and let's talk."


Cody lay down on the bed and Ryan lay next to him. They were face to face, and each propped up on an elbow.

"I would be lying if I told you I wasn't thinking about fucking you. I've thought of little else since we met in the mall on Friday." Cody smiled.

"What a coincidence." Ryan grinned.

"But, I am very serious; it could be dangerous."

"I know, but I'm willing to chance it if you are."

"I don't know that I am, at least not yet."

They were both silent for a few moments and then Ryan sat up excitedly. "Condoms!"

"No thank you, I don't like them." Cody shook his head.

"Not for me, for you."

"I don't know. I thought about that too, but if it breaks..."

"But what if it doesn't? Hell, use two or three, if that would make you feel better."

"Feel better? I wouldn't feel anything, with three on!" Cody laughed.

"Yeah, but you would do it right?" Ryan was hopeful.

Cody was silent for a moment. He weighed the risks of his semen getting into Ryan's body against the teen's blatantly overwhelming desire to be fucked by him. The main risk was Ryan becoming powerful from an accidental transfer of spirit energy. He wouldn't turn evil from that, but Draven had warned him that for some people, the hunger to feed was incredible and set in immediately. It would wear off when the heightened spirit energy returned to normal, but during that time the person might harm those around him.

"You could tie me to my bed." Ryan smiled.

Cody faced him. "God, you are even hornier than I am." He smiled.

"Just around you. I can't explain it but you bring out the beast in me."

"I can explain it, if you'd like. It's part of my aura."

"Well whatever it is, I'm going to go crazy if I you don't have sex with me. PLEASE!"

"If I agree to this, and it is a HUGE `if', you need to understand that if I feel you are losing control of yourself I will bleed you to weaken you."

"Will that hurt very much?"

"If you are losing control, you probably won't notice."

"Oh! Why not bleed my first, gently, to weaken me. Then, you can have sex with me to bring me back to normal strength."

"NO!" Cody sat up.

"What's wrong?" Ryan sat up and faced him.

Cody quickly shook his head. "That's dangerous. If I'm not careful I could kill you...or worse."

"There's something worse than killing me? Besides, you'd be careful. After all, it's like you said – you don't kill your food sources."

"I can't go into the details at this time, but we have rules and that would violate them."

"Well that doesn't make any sense, but whatever you say."

"Let's try the condoms, that was a good idea." Cody got up onto his knees, in the middle of the bed.

"Really? Cool!" Ryan rolled off the bed, and opened the drawer next to his bed. He pulled out a box, and ripped the end open.

"I have to ask, why do you have a box of condoms next to your bed?" Cody smiled.

"Hoping to get lucky?" Ryan shrugged. He tossed a strip of four to Cody. "Use as many or few as you think necessary." His hands began to tremble.

"You ok?" Cody opened the first wrapper.

"Yeah. I've been thinking about this for a few days now. I guess my excitement has peaked."

"No, it hasn't yet." Cody stroked his dick for a few seconds. When it was erect, he rolled the first condom down its length. "Bleh, I hate these things." He rubbed his dick a few times. "Already feels terrible."

"Well, I'd say don't use a condom but I know what you'll respond."

"I may regret this but let's go with just one."

"Alright." Ryan stared into Cody's eyes. "What should I do?"

Cody shrugged. "How do you want it?"


"Do you want to be on all fours? On your stomach? On your back?"

"Oh, yeah." Ryan was thoughtful for a moment. "I think doggy style." He grinned. "That way you can hold onto me tightly."

"Climb on up here." Cody moved to the side. "Oh, pass me the KY too. You'll need it."

Ryan handed him the tube of lubricant and grimaced. "Is this going to hurt?"

"Probably, it's your first time."

"Well...try to be gently with me." He climbed onto the bed and got into position in front of Cody.

Cody squeezed some lubricant onto his palm and greased up his condom-covered dick. "I'm going to take it slowly so you can get used to the sensation and try to relax."

Ryan nodded. "Thanks."

Cody stuck the index finger on his clean hand into his mouth and wetted it with his saliva. Vampire saliva, as he had mentioned to them, contained several chemicals. One of them worked to suppress pain receptors when he bit someone, if he were gentle. It was that chemical he was going to introduce into Ryan's virgin ass before he fucked him.

"Here we go." Cody dribbled more saliva onto his index finger and gently pressed it against Ryan's ring, spreading the saliva around the opening.

"Mmm...that feels nice. What are you doing?" Ryan hung his head.

"Getting you warmed up and trying to relax that tight boy hole. Haven't you ever played with a dildo or anything?"

"No, just my own finger."

Cody continued to spread his saliva over Ryan's anus and when it was good and wet he pushed his finger inside.

Ryan stiffened.

"Did that hurt?"

"No, not at all, but it felt strange."

"I am rubbing my saliva around your hole to hopefully kill some of the pain receptors."

"I didn't know you could do that!"

"Yes you did. I told you earlier about the properties of my saliva."

"Oh, yeah. I just didn't think of that and my ass at the same time." He laughed.

"How does this feel?" Cody pulled his finger out and pushed it back inside.

"Feels great. No discomfort at all, just a strange pressure."

"Good. I think you are as ready as you can be." Cody pulled his finger out of Ryan's ass and grabbed his dick. "Ready?"

Ryan just nodded.

"Take a deep breath and let it out." Cody put the head of his dick against Ryan's spit-covered ass.

Ryan exhaled and tried to relax.

"Pretend you have to take a dump and push out a little." Cody put both hands on the teen's hips.

Ryan pushed outward and bit his lower lip.

Cody leaned forward and the head of his dick disappeared into Ryan's ass.

Ryan gasped and clenched his ass.

Cody stopped pushing forward. "You ok?"

"Yeah...I feel you inside me."

"Does it hurt?"

"Actually...not really. Just feels tight."

"You want me to continue?"

Ryan nodded.

Cody gripped Ryan's hips and gently pushed forward. Now that the head of his dick was already inside, the rest slid in relatively easily. He took his time but in a few minutes was fully inserted and had bottomed out inside Ryan.

"I'm just going to stay like this for a moment to let you get used to the feeling."

Ryan nodded.

"Are you ok?"

Ryan nodded.

"Are you in pain?"

"No. This feels strange but good at the same time."

"You ready for me to begin?"

"Yeah." Ryan nodded.

Cody gently began pulling his dick out of the boy's ass. Before the head popped out he paused and gently eased himself all the way back inside. Slowly, he increased the momentum and in a few minutes was thrusting in and out at a moderate pace.

Ryan began to moan and thrash his head around.

Cody smiled. It was obvious just how much Ryan was enjoying his first fuck. He pushed a bit harder and felt his dick rubbing across the boy's prostate.

"Oh god..." Ryan arched his back.

Cody grabbed the teen's hips tighter and pulled out again, then pushed all the way back inside.

"Don't stop..." Ryan shook his head.

"I don't intend to." Cody reached his left hand around Ryan and began to stroke his dick.

"Oh yeah...yeah..." Ryan nodded.

Cody felt a tightness growing in his groin and realized the moment was quickly approaching. He stroked Ryan's dick faster, and pushed him over the edge.

Ryan's dick gave a violent spasm and erupted onto his comforter, and at the same time, his ass clamped down around Cody's dick.

Cody pushed forward strongly and buried his dick as deeply in the boy as he could. He felt the rush of semen up the shaft and ejaculated. Two thoughts ran through his mind – he wanted to fuck Ryan again, and he hoped the condom hadn't ruptured.

Next: Chapter 13

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