Its Not the Blood

By Will Ren

Published on Aug 27, 2010


The usual disclaimers apply.  This story will have some mild m/m sexual content as well as possible fetish situations.  If that bothers you, or you know you shouldn't be reading this, then ask yourself why you are and then go do something to repair your karma.  If it is legal for you to read this kind of entertainment (because really, that's all it is) then do so.

Kyle nodded. "Hi Cody. I had hoped you were staying out of trouble." He was trying not to smile.

Cody shrugged. "You know me. I'm actually the victim here, or rather my friend is." He squeezed Ryan's hand.

The older officer faced Ryan. "Is this true?"

Ryan nodded. "Yes sir. I was trying on some shirts, and those guys cornered me and said they were going to kick my ass."

"Uh huh, and why's that? Did you provoke them?" He saw Ryan holding Cody's hand, and frowned.

"No. They don't like that I'm gay, I guess."

Cody squeezed Ryan's hand tightly. "You don't have a problem with that, do you Bruce?"

The older officer faced Cody. "Don't call me Bruce. Last time, we let you go with a warning, but this is more serious." He jotted something down on the pad.

Cody faced Kyle. "You let me go?"

The younger officer quickly nodded. "Yeah, I explained to my partner that you were really sorry about hanging out at the arcade. I don't want to embarrass you, but I told him you cried, when I took you out to the patrol car. Sorry."

Cody was momentarily speechless, and then, slowly nodded, facing the older officer. "Yes...that was rather embarrassing. I'm not as tough as I look."

Bruce flipped his pad closed, and stuck it into a pocket. "Yeah, tell that to the guy they took out of here on a stretcher. You two are going to need to come with us."

"What? Why?" Ryan sounded panicked. "We didn't do anything wrong."

Cody released Ryan's hand. "Can I talk to you for a moment, sir? In private." He faced the older officer.

The older officer shrugged. "If you want to, but it won't change my mind." He stepped over to the side and crossed his arms.

Cody moved next to him, and looked up, into his eyes. "My friend has had a rough couple of days. This wasn't his fault. Can't you let us go?"

The officer shook his head. "No. Hanging out at the local arcade is one thing; assaulting someone is entirely different. Maybe it wasn't your fault. Maybe you were acting in self-defense, but I think you should come with us all the same."

Cody held the officer's eyes, and his own began to glow, faintly. He spoke in a quiet, calm voice. "Bruce. You did a great job here. You should be proud of yourself. You don't want to take us with you. You want to return to what you were doing before you were called here."

The officer started to say something, but closed his mouth and nodded.

"Let Kyle take care of this. Whatever he decides, you will approve and support him."

Bruce nodded. "Yes, he is a good officer. I will support his decision."

"Excellent. Off you go." Cody stepped back.

The officer turned and walked out of the store, leaving a very confused younger officer behind.

Cody walked back to Kyle and Ryan. "We are free to go, that is, unless you wish to detain us." He faced Kyle.

The younger officer looked at him thoughtfully for a moment, and then shook his head. "No, I see no reason to keep you." He looked towards the exit, where Bruce had just gone. "Should I bother asking where you sent him this time?"

Cody shrugged. "I honestly don't know. I told him he did a great job here, and it's now in your hands. I said to return to where you guys were, and to trust your decision in this matter."

Kyle smiled. "You didn't happen to add that I should get a raise, did you?"

Cody grinned. "Maybe next time." He sensed Kyle was more comfortable around him now, than he had been, in the bathroom, on Friday. "So, are we free to leave?"

Ryan stepped up to Cody and slipped his hand back into Cody's. "I don't want to go to the police station. If it's all the same with you, I'd like to pay for my shirt and go home."

Kyle shrugged. "I don't see any dead bodies, so I guess everyone will survive." He looked at Ryan. "I'm sorry you were treated badly. Some people aren't very accepting of ... things that are different. Well, at least different from what they're used to." He looked at Cody out of the corner of his eye.

Cody faced Kyle. "Thank you."

Kyle nodded. "Go on, get out of here."

Ryan held up the shirt. "I need to pay for this first."

Cody nodded. "Go ahead. I'll wait here."

Ryan headed over to the counter, avoiding the other officers and the two guys who had confronted him. He gave the shirt to the cashier and pulled out his credit card.

Cody faced Kyle. "So, how are you doing?"

Kyle shrugged. "Pretty good. I hadn't expected to see you again."

Cody smiled. "Is that a problem?" He stepped closer to the young officer.

"No, not really." He looked away.

"So what's on your mind?" Cody could feel the tension around Kyle. "You seem pretty worked up about something. Is it me?"

Kyle faced him. "Yes...and no. I don't really know what you are, but you seem to care for that kid, and that makes me happy."

"Oh yeah?"

"I wasn't sure what to make of our first encounter. I...that is, you made me realize a few things about myself that I guess I had been ignoring. And, I guess I understand what you are, but you don't really seem like a vam..."

Cody cut him off. "Don't say it, not in public."

Kyle quickly nodded. "Sorry. What I mean is, you seem like a decent enough guy."

Cody smiled. "I like to think I am, once you get to know me. Just don't fuck with me, or my friends. Those guys were dicks, and got what they deserved."

Kyle looked him in the eyes. "Yeah, well...that's kind of the problem."


Kyle nodded. "Yeah...see...I was kind of hopping I could `fuck with you', as you put it." He smiled.

Cody smiled. "I see. So I wasn't wrong about you, what I felt the other day."

"Not really. I've never done that before, but you made me feel so strange inside, when we were together. I think I would like to try it, I mean, if you still want to."

Cody nodded. "I would like to." He turned and saw Ryan approaching. "So how do we get together?"

Kyle shrugged. "Can I get your cell number?"

"I don't have a phone."

Kyle frowned. "Can I meet you somewhere?"

Ryan stepped up next to Cody. "I'm ready."

Cody faced him and nodded. "Then let's go."

They turned and walked towards the exit. Cody turned and faced Kyle. "I'll find you." He smiled devilishly, then turned and walked out of the store. He caught up to Ryan. "You mind if I hold your hand again?"

Ryan faced him, his ears red. "Do you want to? In public?"

Cody shrugged. "I do, unless it bothers you."

Ryan smiled. "I'd like that." He slipped his hand into Cody's and gave it a playful squeeze. "Let's just hope nobody sees us and wants to pick another fight."

Cody faced Ryan. "I would never let anyone hurt you, not while I'm around."

Ryan nodded. "Thanks. I feel very safe with you."

They continued walking, and arrived at the food court. Ryan sniffed the air. "It's almost lunch time. You hungry?"

Cody nodded. "I am." He held Ryan's gaze.

Ryan laughed. "You have the strangest stare, do you know that?"

"How so?"

"I don't know. You have this presence. I can't put my finger on it, but people act weird when you're around."

Cody was amused. "Does that bother you?" Nobody had ever said that to him before.

Ryan shook his head. "No, it's mysterious, and I like that."

Cody moved over to their table, pulling Ryan along by the hand. The sat down in their spot, and, for a moment, just looked at each other. Eventually Cody grinned. "You had better go get something to eat, before you waste away, skinny boy."

Ryan playfully glared at him. "We're the same build, so don't be calling me names. The same could be said about you."

Cody laughed. "True. Would you please go get some food?"

Ryan nodded. "What about you? Let's go get something together."

Cody shook his head. "No thanks. I don't really like what they sell here."

"Oh, do you want to go somewhere else?"

Cody shrugged. "I'll probably have something later."

"Ok, well, I can wait too."

Cody shook his head. "No, if you're hungry now go get something. Really, I don't mind."

"I feel weird eating in front of you."

"Don't. If you get to know me better, you'll understand."

Ryan was puzzled. "What do you mean if? I plan to get to know you better! You saved my ass back there. Besides, you're the coolest person I've meet in a long time, and the strangest."

"Thanks, I think."

Ryan stood. "Well, if we aren't going to eat, then let's get out of here."

Cody stood. "Are you sure? I really don't mind if you get something to eat."

Ryan nodded. "I'm sure. Let's go. I've had enough of the mall for a while."

They left the food court and headed outside. It was a little after noon, and the sun was bright, but the air temperature was cool. They walked down a row of cars and stopped at Ryan's Jeep.

Cody whistled. "Is this yours?"

Ryan smiled. "Yeah. Do you like it?"

"I do. I've always liked Jeeps."

"Thanks. What do you drive?" Ryan unlocked the driver's door.

Cody shook his head. "I don't own a car."

"Oh." Ryan climbed inside and flipped the two levers that allowed the top to unhook. He pushed it back a little and then climbed back out. "Unzip the window over there, please." He unzipped the window on his side.

Cody unzipped and removed the plastic window. "Where do you want it?"

"Here, in the back." Ryan set his window in the back, behind the rear seat.

Cody set his window on top of the other one, and helped Ryan lower the top.

Ryan set the bag with his shirt behind the driver's seat and climbed in. "Jump on in."

Cody climbed into the passenger seat and looked around. He saw the Leather City bags in the back. "Hey, what did you buy at the leather store?"

Ryan smiled. "I got a pair of leather pants like yours, and two jackets. Oh, and a leather tank top."

Cody nodded. "All for yourself?"

"No, only one of the jackets is for me. The rest of the stuff is for Trevor."

"That's cool."

"Yeah, I wanted to get a pair of pants too, but they only had one our size. Trevor wears the same size pants I do. In fact, you wear the same size." He smiled.

Cody could sense the happiness in the boy, and it pleased him to be partly responsible. "I'll tell you what. Why don't you keep my leather pants? You really like them, and I rarely wear them." It wasn't true; he wore them often, but could always get another pair.

"Are you sure?"

"I am. Maybe I'll just borrow them back, when the mood strikes."

Ryan beamed with happiness. "Oh wow! That's awesome. Thanks!"

Cody sat back in the passenger's seat. "You're welcome." He thought back to when he had seen Ryan and Trevor in the alley, Friday night. The boy had looked really good in his pants. "You look nice in them."

Ryan was confused. "You only saw me in them for a minute, when we met at the mall on Friday."

Cody faced him. "You made a lasting impression."

Ryan laughed. "You're really strange." He started up the Jeep and backed out. "So, where do you want to go?"

Cody shrugged. "I don't care. I have nowhere to be."

"Me neither. Hey, you want to head over to my apartment? We can swap back clothes."

Cody nodded. "Sure. I've been in this exercise suit for so long I don't remember what normal stuff feels like."

Ryan smiled. "You wore it a lot. That's cool. Oh, that reminds me. I bought two more suits. Another for me, and one for Trevor. No offense, but I wasn't sure I would get the one you have back."

"Sorry about that."

Ryan kept his eyes on the road ahead, and gripped the steering wheel. "I don't want this to come out wrong, but, I'm glad you didn't wash it."

Cody noticed they were veering out of their lane, towards the shoulder. He pointed ahead. "Better keep your eyes on the road."

Ryan looked ahead and swerved back into his lane. "Sorry. Trevor says I am a shitty driver. I guess he's right." He smiled.

Cody turned in the seat so he was facing Ryan. "I take it you don't mind that the suit isn't clean?"

"No, I think it brings us closer together, if that makes sense. I wouldn't wear just anybody's dirty clothes." He smiled but kept his eyes on the road ahead. "I hope that doesn't creep you out."

Cody shook his head. "Not much does. Besides, I know what you mean. I would rather wear your worn clothes, than clean ones."

Ryan faced him. "You would? Thanks." He quickly faced forward again.

"The suit probably won't smell like much, other than vinyl. I don't have much in the way of body odor."

"Really? I assumed you'd have sweated a lot, having worn it most of the time."

"Not so much." He didn't sweat at all, but that was difficult to explain.

Ryan shrugged. "That's cool. Knowing you've been wearing it is enough for me." He smiled. "God, that sounds so..."

Cody laughed. "Gay?"

"Yeah." Ryan's ears began to turn red. "I'm not usually this silly. It's been a crazy few days."

"I agree." Cody straightened in the seat, and looked ahead. "Where do you live?"

"Just up ahead. Berry Tree apartments, over by the tracks."

"I've never been there." Cody had only been to a few motels in town, when he visited David.

"Where do you live?"

Cody was silent, wondering how to respond. He didn't know where David lived, at least not the name of the complex.

Ryan looked at him. "Cody?"

Cody pointed ahead. "I think your turn is coming up." He saw the sign for the apartment complex.

Ryan looked forward and turned on his blinker. They pulled into the parking lot and into his spot.

Cody climbed out of the jeep. "You want help with the bags?"

Ryan shook his head. "No thanks, I've got them." He climbed out of the jeep and pulled the bags out of the back. "Come on, I'm on the second floor."

Cody followed him into the apartment building and up to the second floor. They stopped outside the second door from the stairwell and Ryan stuck his key into the lock.

"I wonder if Trevor is home." He unlocked the door.

"Ryan wait." Cody put his hand on the boy's arm, sensing the familiar tingle.

Ryan smiled and looked at his arm. "You shocked me again. You really should use fabric softener, or something, to cut down on the static."

"Yeah, good idea. Hey, do you think Trevor will mind me coming in?"

"What? Why would he?"

Cody smiled. "Because he's your boyfriend."

Ryan nodded. "Yeah, and you're my friend. It would be cool if we could all be friends."

Cody nodded. "That would be nice."

"Come on." Ryan turned the key in the lock and the door opened. "You'll like Trevor. He's really cute, and strong. He works out a lot. Sorry, I'm a bit nervous. I tend to ramble when I get nervous."

They walked inside and Cody looked around. It was a nice apartment, but definitely the home of two teenage boys. Unlike David's apartment, it lacked pictures on the walls, the dishes were piled in the sink, the carpet needed vacuuming, and there wasn't a living plant in sight.

Ryan motioned him inside. "Let me see if Trevor is here." He walked to Trevor's room and looked inside. "Nope. His backpack is gone, so I guess he's at the library."

Cody closed the door and moved over by the kitchen. "Is he taking classes?"

"Yeah, he's in summer school. He had some problems with his grades last term so he's making up for it now. What about you?"

Cody faced him. "What about me?"

"I mean, are you a student here too?"


"Oh, but you live in the area?"

"Yes, for the moment."

Ryan frowned. "What's wrong Cody? You seem a little tense."

"I'm sorry. I feel weird being here, without Trevor home." Cody was anxious, and he assumed that was the reason. Normally, he wouldn't have a problem being in the home of someone in a relationship, if he intended to feed on him or her. This was...different.

Ryan waved his hand. "Don't be. We only decided to become boyfriends last night. So far we haven't done anything, although we did sleep together."

Cody smiled. "I thought you didn't do anything."

"It's not like that. He slept behind me and rubbed my chest with his hand. We didn't have sex."

"Still, he might not like that I'm here, alone with you. Maybe I should leave, and come back another time, when he's here."

"Cody! You're being silly. We're just going to hang out. It isn't like we're going to have sex." Ryan laughed.

Cody stared into his eyes. "See, that's just it..."

"What?" Ryan returned his gaze.

"I want to have sex with you."

Ryan's eyes grew wide. "Oh!"

Cody shrugged. "You might as well know what I'm thinking."

Ryan nodded. "I appreciate that. For what it's worth, I've been having my own fantasies about what I'd like to do with you, since we met."

Cody raised his eyebrows. "But you have a boyfriend now."

Ryan smiled. "I do. We haven't had a chance to talk about our relationship. I don't know what Trevor wants out of this. I assume he wants to have sex with me."

"He's crazy if he doesn't."

Ryan blushed. "Stop already!" He laughed. "You're trying to seduce me."

Cody held his gaze. "How am I doing?"

Ryan stepped closer to him. "Pretty damn well. If Trevor and I weren', I'd be with you."

Cody smiled. "But you are dating. And that is why I think maybe I should leave, for now."

Ryan shook his head. "No. I can control my impulses. I assume you can too?" He grinned.

Cody nodded. "For a while. I have a hunger for you, and if it grows too strong, I'll have to leave."

Ryan laughed. "There you go being all strange again. Come on, I want to show you my room."

Cody smiled. "I'd like that."

Ryan led them into his bedroom. It was a disaster, as usual. Dirty clothes on the floor, papers on the desk, and the bed was unmade. "Sorry for the mess. I wasn't expecting company."

"I've seen worse." Cody sat on the corner of the bed. He inhaled deeply, and smiled. The room smelled like Ryan. He looked around and saw his boots, pants, and shirt, lying on the floor. "Let's switch clothes."

"Oh yeah, good idea. Yours are around here somewhere."

Cody pointed. "On the floor, there."

"Oh, sorry. Last night was a bit chaotic."

"No problem." Cody stood and removed his shirt, Ryan's shoes, and pants, exposing the exercise suit.

Ryan smiled. "Wow, you look really hot in that." He held out his hands. "Can I touch you?"

Cody could sense the boy's excitement. "Sure."

Ryan stepped closer and ran his hands down Cody's arms and chest. "That material is so smooth. It's like plastic, but softer."

Cody smiled. "Then you should put on one of the suits you bought." He pulled the exercise suit top off, and then slid the pants down, and removed them. He stood in front of Ryan, completely naked. "Or maybe this suit."

Ryan's mouth opened, and he stared. Unconsciously, he looked Cody's body up and down. "Wow..."

Cody faced him. "What?"

"You're beautiful. Our bodies are so similar it's freaky. You don't have any body hair either."

Cody shrugged. "I guess not. I've never really thought much about it." He reached down, picked up his shirt, and pulled it over his head. "I'd better put something on, before Trevor walks in on us."

Ryan pouted. "I wasn't done looking..."

Cody smiled. "Boyfriend...remember?"

"Yeah, but I can look, just not touch."

"What should I do for pants? I'm letting you keep my leather jeans."

Ryan smiled. "Are you absolutely sure?"

Cody nodded. "Yes, but I reserve the right to borrow them."

"Anytime you want to."

"So...I need something else to wear."

Ryan shrugged. "Do you want to keep the pants you had on?"

Cody faced him, and for a second, was silent. "Do you have anything else...that needs to be washed?"

Ryan nodded, and pointed to a pair of black jeans, by the closet. "I wore that pair of jeans almost all last week. They could probably stand up on their own." He laughed.

Cody walked over to the jeans, lying on the floor, and picked them up. He held them to his face and inhaled. They were definitely not clean, but the scent he noticed was mostly Ryan. They had a musky smell, combined with the faintest trace of soap. "These are perfect." He turned to face Ryan and saw the boy adjusting his crotch.

Ryan lowered his hand. "Sorry, you are getting me a bit excited."

Cody noticed the bulge in the boy's pants. "So I see." He felt the urge to feed rising, and knew this was becoming a risky time to be with the teen. If he didn't feed soon, he would begin to lose resolve, and he didn't want to jeopardize Ryan's relationship with Trevor. Even now, in this state, his hunger would create an alluring aura of sex appeal, as it tried to secure a meal for him. Cody looked away and pulled the boy's jeans on. "I'll try not to ruin these." He pulled his combat boots on, and laced them up.

Cody stood and found himself face to face with Ryan, who had quietly moved over, and was standing right next to him.

Ryan put his arms around Cody and hugged him tightly. He turned his face to Cody and kissed him on the mouth.

Cody firmly, but gently, pulled free of the boy and stepped back. "Ryan...we can't."

Ryan lowered his arms, a hurt look in his eyes. "Is it something about me? I thought you liked me."

Cody stepped forward and took the boy's hands in his own. "Ryan, I do, more than you can imagine. I'm usually not this restrained. What you're feeling right now, this lust, it's my fault, but I don't want to do anything until I meet and talk to Trevor. Please try to understand."

Ryan nodded, but still looked sad. "You're right."

Cody smiled. "So come on, let me see you in your leather pants and jacket."

Ryan smiled, and his mood lightened. "Ok." He removed Trevor's boots and pants, and his semi-rigid penis flopped out in front of him.

Cody instantly focused on the boy's manhood, and his eyes narrowed.

Ryan looked at him and laughed. "Down boy!"

Cody faced him and smiled. "Sorry. I'll be good." He sat on the corner of the bed, while Ryan pulled the leather jeans on. "Hey, you should keep these too." He removed the combat boots and handed them to Ryan.

"You sure?"

"Yeah, but I'll need something of yours now." He tried not to smile.

Ryan pointed to the closet. "Help yourself." He pulled the combat boots on and laced them over the leather pants.

Cody move to the closet and examined the few pairs of shoes within. He held them up, one at a time, and selected what he assumed were the boy's running shoes. They smelled strongly of Ryan. "These." He displayed the shoes.

Ryan laughed. "Those are my running shoes. Man, they must stink."

Cody pulled them on and tied them. "I happen to like the way they smell."

Ryan took his new shirt out of the shopping bag, and pulled it over his head. "Should I tuck it in, or leave it out?"

Cody stood and walked over to Ryan. He looked down at the boy's waist, and tucked the shirt in. He pulled it back out, before tucking it back in. "I like it tucked in." He noticed that while he fussed with the shirt, Ryan's penis had begun to swell again.

Ryan, breathing heavily, nodded. "Then tucked in it is. Can you pass me the smaller of the two jackets?"

Cody reached into the bag and pulled both jackets out. He set them on the bed and looked at the tags. Finding the smaller one, he passed it to Ryan.

Ryan pulled the jacket on and held his arms out. "What do you think?"

Cody grinned. "I think you are the cutest guy I've seen in a very long time. Trevor is going to go crazy when he sees you."

Ryan smiled. "Wait until you see him in his stuff."

Cody nodded. "So what now?"

Ryan pointed to the living room. "Let's go out and watch some TV for a while." He removed the leather jacket, and set it on the bed.

They went out into the living room, and sat down on the couch. Ryan picked up the remote, and turned on the TV. "Is there anything in particular you want to watch?" He turned, and was surprised to find Cody staring intently at him.

"You." Cody smiled.

Ryan blushed. "Stop it already."

Cody smiled. "Sorry, you look good enough to eat." It had been over twelve hours since he had last fed on David, and he was getting hungry. Being a very young vampire, the urge to feed was strong, and difficult to ignore. It was possible to go several days without feeding, but his energy reserves would become depleted. His self preservation would kick in before he completely exhausted his spiritual energy, forcing him either to feed, possibly violently, or to rest, as he had done that morning.

Ryan lay back on the couch, and propped his feet on the coffee table. "You never answered my question."

Cody drew his legs up onto the couch. "Oh? Which question was that?"

"Where do you live?"

Crap. Cody had hoped that was behind them. "I live with a friend, in his apartment."

Ryan smiled. "Does he have a name?"


"And where do you and David live?"

Cody smiled. "You're being awfully inquisitive."

"I just want to know more about you."

"How about this. When Trevor gets home, we'll sit down and talk as a group."

Ryan pulled his feet off the table and onto the couch, so his boots were touching Cody's shoes. "You know before, when I said you are mysterious, and I told you I like that?"


"I do, but only to a point."

"I'm sorry Ryan, but before I tell you too much about me I need to get a feel for where our friendship is going."

Ryan smiled. "All the way I hope."

Cody laughed. "Be careful what you wish for."

Ryan waved his finger at him. "You don't scare me."

Cody narrowed his eyes. "The day is young."

"Nah, the way you protected me earlier, I don't have to worry about you."

"I'm glad you feel that way."

Ryan smiled. "Like I told you, I want us to be friends, very good friends." He made a devilish smile.

"I'd like that too. Let's see what Trevor says."

Ryan nodded. "Fair enough. Listen, I know you said we should wait until he gets home to talk about you, but can we at least talk about what happened at the mall?"

"Sure, what's on your mind?"

"Well, for starters, how did you handle those cops so easily? I thought for sure we were going to be arrested."

"It wouldn't have been an arrest. We would have gone to the station with them to answer questions, I guess."

"So how did you talk that older cop out of it? What's the deal with the younger one? Do you know him?"

Cody nodded. "I explained the situation to Bruce, and he agreed we didn't need to go with them."

"Yeah, but he looked so strange when he just up and walked away. Almost like he had been hypnotized." Ryan looked suspiciously at Cody

Cody sighed. "Here we go again; more of what I don't want to talk about right now."

"I'm sorry. I can't help being curious. Ok, what about the younger cop?"

Cody nodded. "His name is Kyle."

"So you know him? He's pretty cute."

Cody shrugged. "We met on Friday, right before I met you, in the arcade."

"What do you mean you met him? Were you in trouble? He said something about they let you go."

"They were going to sit me in their car to give me time to think about why I hang out at the arcade all the time, but never play any of the games."

Ryan grinned, finally getting some answers. "Ok, I'll bite. Why do you hang out at the arcade?"

Cody narrowed his eyes. "I like to look at all the teenage boys."

Ryan laughed. "You are so gay! But, I mean that in a good way."

Cody frowned, but not seriously. "Thanks."

"So how old are you? I assume you're older than me, but not by much."

"Yeah, I'm older...I'm twenty two." He would clarify that later, if he decided to tell Ryan more.

"Oh, that's not much older. I'm eighteen."

Cody smiled. "So you're legal meat."

"Stop already!"

"I don't want to get in trouble with the law...again..."

Ryan nodded. "So, you were saying you met Kyle on Friday?"

"Yeah. He and Bruce were escorting me out of the arcade, and to their car. Bruce decided to go get some food, and left me with Kyle."

"What happened?" Ryan was having a hard time concealing his excitement. He had never been involved with police before.

"We never made it to his car."

"What? I heard him tell the older officer you did, and that you cried, so he let you go."

Cody smiled. "That was much easier for Bruce to accept than what really happened."

"Oh, you have to tell me now. I can't stand it!" Ryan smiled.

"I sucked Kyle's dick in one of the bathrooms." Cody folded his hands behind his head.

Ryan was silent, and his grin faded to a more serious expression. "Really?"

"I swear it."

"Did he force you to?"

Cody laughed. "No, not at all. If anything I forced him."

Ryan was puzzled. "Um, how do you force a cop to do anything?"

Cody shrugged. "I can be very persuasive."

Ryan nodded. "I think I saw that today. So what then?"

"Well, once we were done, I asked him if he wanted to fuck me. He said no, so we went our separate ways."

Ryan's mouth fell open. "You asked him to fuck you?"

"Sure, why not?"

"Can't you get into trouble, asking a cop that?"

Cody shrugged. "Not if the cop wants to."

"And did he?"

"Not then, but he does now."

Ryan nodded. "So that is what you were talking about, when I returned from paying for my shirt."

"Yes. He was asking for my cell number."

"Did you give it to him?"

Cody shook his head. "No, I don't own a cell phone."

Ryan was confused again. "Wait a minute. No car, no cell phone...are you avoiding technology or something?"

"Not on purpose. It's difficult to explain. Maybe once Trevor..."

Ryan interrupted. "I know...once Trevor gets here. Alright, I won't push it."


"So, are you going to see him?" Ryan smiled.

"I'd like to. I had fun with him in the mall bathroom, and I think he would be even more fun in bed."

"That's awesome."

Cody smiled. "Thanks. I wasn't sure you would approve."

"What's not to approve? You're gay and you want to have sex."

Cody nodded. "Isn't that the truth!"

Ryan smiled. "I know what you mean. Ok, so those goons who jumped did you knock that one guy out so easily? And the way you crushed the other guy's hand...I've never seen anything like that. You are so strong, but you don't have the muscles for it."

"That's kind of hard to explain. I am strong, but not in the normal way." Cody didn't have a better explanation without revealing the source of his enhanced strength.

"That doesn't make a lot of sense. And you moved so fast. I could barely follow you. How did you do that?"

Cody sighed. "I know you don't want to hear this...but let's wait..."

The sound of a key in the lock caused them both to turn towards the door. The apartment door opened and Trevor walked in. He saw Ryan and smiled. A half second later, he saw Cody on the couch. He looked a bit shocked, but quickly regained his composure, and closed the door.

"Hey Ryan."

Ryan stood. "Hi Trevor. This is my friend Cody."

Cody also stood. He extended his hand. "Nice to meet you."

Trevor took his hand and shook it. "Thanks...same."

Cody received the expected electric tingle and smiled. "I've heard a lot about you."

Trevor faced Ryan. "Don't believe any of it."

Ryan shook his head. "I only told him that we decided to be boyfriends, just last night."

Trevor looked a bit uneasy. "Oh." He faced Cody. "I hope you're alright with that."


Ryan nodded. "Cody is gay too." He faced Cody. "I'm sorry. I should have let you say that. And, I'm rambling again."

Cody turned to Trevor. "I'm gay too."

Trevor laughed. "Well there you go. Now we all know who's gay, don't we." He looked at Ryan. "New shirt?"

"Yeah, you like it?"

"It's cool. I take it you went back to that damned mall again." He faced Cody. "He can't stay away."

Cody nodded. "That's where we met, on Friday." He sat back down, at the end of the couch, closest to the door.

Trevor nodded. "Oh, cool." He slid his backpack off his shoulder. "Let me dump this, and I'll be right back." He went to his room, and came back. He sat on the coffee table and faced the middle of the couch.

Ryan smiled. "I have a surprise for you."

Trevor grinned mischievously. "You two had sex, while I was at the library? That kind of surprise?"

Ryan looked shocked. "No!"

Cody shook his head. "Not yet, we've been waiting for you." He smiled.

It was Trevor's turn to look a little surprised. "Oh...ok." He faced Ryan. "So what's the surprise?"

Ryan grinned. "I bought you some stuff today. I'll go get it. Wait here." He dashed off to his room and grabbed the Leather City bags.

Trevor faced Cody. "Well he sure is excited."

Cody nodded. "Yes."

Ryan returned, holding the bags behind his back. "Now, I bought these for you, but you don't have to wear them, if you don't want to. I can always return them, I suppose."

Trevor smiled. "Are you buying me clothes now?" He stood, and tried to see what was behind the couch.

Ryan nodded. "Yeah but I won't make it a habit. This is just something I thought about, after going to the bar last night."

"So show me already!" Trevor laughed.

Ryan set the bags on the floor behind couch. He pulled out the leather jeans and handed them to Trevor. "These first."

Trevor accepted the pants and was amazed. "Oh, Ryan. These are awesome. Dude, they most have cost a fortune."

Ryan grinned. "Do you really like them?"

"Oh, yeah bro, I do." Trevor smiled at him. "Thanks, you rock!"

Ryan looked at him shyly. "Will you put them on?"

Trevor looked quickly at Cody. "Now?"

Cody smiled. "I can turn around, if you're shy."

Trevor shrugged. "I'm not really...but..."

Cody nodded. "But you don't know me. Relax, you aren't the first guy I've seen without pants on."

Ryan laughed and Trevor's mood lightened too. "Ok." He removed his jeans. He wasn't wearing underwear, and either the leather pants, or something else, was arousing him.

Ryan pointed at Trevor's crotch. "You're getting wood."

Trevor quickly pulled the leather pants on and zipped the fly. He noticed the pants were longer than he normally wore his jeans. "They fit great, but are a bit long."

Ryan nodded. "Yeah, they're sold long. You have to get them hemmed to whatever length you want."

Trevor shrugged. "I don't mind them long. I can tuck them into my boots." He smiled at Ryan. "Thanks a lot."

Ryan held up his hand. "Wait, there's more."

Trevor grinned. "Dude, it isn't my birthday."

Ryan waved him away. "Shush...this is something I wanted to do."

Trevor looked at Cody. "He can be so mean sometimes." He smiled.

Cody nodded. "You'd better just do as he says."

Ryan held something behind his back and faced Trevor. "Take off your shirt."

Trevor nodded. "Yes sir!" He removed his shirt, exposing his toned abdominal and pectoral muscles. His biceps bulged as he pulled the shirt up, and over his head.

Cody widened his eyes. "Holy shit, Ryan, you weren't kidding." Trevor was beautiful, if a bit more muscled than Cody liked.

Trevor frowned and looked at Ryan. "Exactly what did you tell him?"

Ryan approached Trevor, his right hand and the tank hidden behind his back. He ran his left hand down Trevor's chest, and playfully squeezed his groin, through the leather pants. "I told him you were the cutest and strongest guy on the planet."

Trevor faced Cody and shrugged.

Cody nodded. "That's pretty much what he said."

Ryan leaned forward and kissed Trevor on the lips. "This is for you too." He stepped back and handed him the white, leather, tank top.

Trevor accepted the tank top and smiled. "This is pretty cool." He pulled the tank over his head, and tucked it into the pants. "Thanks bro."

Ryan nodded. "Almost done." He walked back over to the couch and reached down behind it.

Trevor's eyes widened. "There's more?"

Ryan stood and tossed him the leather jacket. "That's the last thing."

Trevor caught the jacket and turned it around, examining it. "This is awesome! I've always wanted one like this." He quickly pulled the jacket on, and held his arms out. "How does it look?"

Ryan quickly ran to his room, and returned holding his own jacket. He slipped it on, and stood a few feet in front of Trevor. "I got one for myself too."

Trevor reached forward and hugged Ryan, running his hands down his back. "We look like two `leather boys' now. People are going to talk."

Ryan returned the hug, and pressed his face into Trevor's shoulder, inhaling the strong, leather scent. "I don't care. Do you like the clothes?"

Trevor stepped back, and looked Ryan in the eyes. "I really do." He leaned forward and passionately kissed Ryan on the mouth.

They kissed for a few seconds, grinding into each other, and then pulled apart. Ryan's face was bright red. Trevor looked happy, but otherwise the same.

They faced Cody and Trevor shook his head. "I'm sorry, that was kind of rude, with you sitting right there." He fell silent, and tugged on Ryan's hand.

Ryan turned around and faced Cody, who was still seated on the couch. "Cody? Are you okay?" He let go of Trevor's hand and walked to the couch. Gently, he placed his hand on Cody's shoulder. "What's wrong?"

Cody had his head down and turned away, towards the door. "Please, give me a minute." His voice sounded strange, as if he were having trouble enunciating his words.

Ryan bent down, trying to make eye contact. "What's the problem? Did we upset you just now, by kissing?"

Cody kept his head turned. "No, I rather enjoyed watching you."

"Then what's wrong?" He reached his hand under Cody's chin, planning to lift his face.

Cody jumped off the couch, keeping his face averted, and moved over to the door. "I have to go. I'm sorry, Ryan. It isn't anything either of you did, it's me." He remained facing away, as he spoke.

Trevor walked over to Ryan, the confusion on his face obvious. "Cody? What's wrong? Stay here. You don't have to leave.

Ryan nodded. "Yes, please stay. Whatever you think is's not." Ryan laughed, trying to lighten the mood. "I'll get you a leather jacket too, if you're jealous."

Cody sighed and hung his head. "How about I come back tomorrow morning. We can talk then. Right now, I really need to go."

Ryan faced Trevor, a pleading look in his eyes. "I don't want him to go."

Trevor pushed past Ryan, and stepped up behind Cody. "Come on, let's work this out now." He put his hand on Cody's shoulder.

Cody straightened, but didn't turn around. "It isn't that simple." His voice was calm, yet strong. "It would be better if I left."

Trevor shook his head. " wouldn't. Now, come back over here and sit down. We can all talk about what's bothering you." He gently, but firmly, turned Cody around so they were facing each other.

Time slowed, or so it seemed to Trevor. He stared at Cody, unable to move or speak. Slowly, Trevor backed away; his hands fell to his sides, as he moved.

Ryan approached the door, trying to see Cody's face. He stopped when he saw him, standing in the shadow of the closet, by the door. "Oh my god...are those...are those your teeth?"

Next: Chapter 11

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