Its Not the Blood

By Will Ren

Published on Jul 7, 2010


Cody wandered the mall's second level, peering into shop after shop, but nothing caught his eye. He wasn't looking for something to buy but he was looking for something. He continued to wander the various corridors and shops and eventually found himself in the center food court.

The smells from the various vendors assailed his senses with an overbearing stench. He was not hungry for food and quickly turned away from the chaos of all the people pushing and shoving to get in line like so many sheep.

He began his third loop through the mall starting at the ground floor and working his way up to the second floor and then back down. He paused in front of the small leather shop where he had purchased the pants he was currently wearing. That had been a year ago or so and the store seemed to be doing less business than it had back then. There was a sign in the window advertising all leather clothing 60% off. He didn't need anything at the moment but kept the sale in the back of his mind.

He looked at his reflection in the store window. He stood five foot nine and weighed one hundred fifty five pounds. He didn't have to guess his weight. He always weighed the same and always would. Short, brown hair was lazily spiked up but droopy and he was clean-shaven, not that he had to shave ever again. His blue eyes seemed darker than most people's and sat perched above a small nose. He looked like an average guy in his early twenties.

He placed his hand on the white, cotton, long-sleeved shirt he wore and gently traced his fingers up and down his chest as he watched his reflection. He liked how the bright white of the shirt contrasted the black leather of his pants and black combat boots.

A man hurrying by bumped him and nearly knocked him into the window. "Watch it freak!" He hurried past, disappearing into the crowd.

Cody turned and followed the man with his eyes and casually sniffed the air trail he left behind. "No." He continued walking through the first floor of the mall. He was approaching his favorite section of the mall – the arcade and game shops. He stepped into the arcade and his heart began to pound in his chest. So many smells, most of them delicious- cotton candy, popcorn, the wall of jelly beans, spilled soda behind the counter, and his favorite of all – horny teenage boys.

He let his eyes wander around the dark room taking in all the sights. For fifteen minutes, he observed the occupants of the large arcade until a hand landed firmly upon his shoulder.

He turned his face upwards, towards an overweight man in a security jacket.

"I thought we had discussed you not coming in here." He did not release his grip when Cody turned his body to face him.

"We did. You said you didn't like me being here and I said I didn't care. I am a customer like all the rest of these."

"No, you hardly ever play the games and you never buy anything from the concession counter."

"I don't have a lot of money and I am picky about where and how I spend it."

"You know what I think?" The man leaned in close enough for Cody to smell his breath.

"I don't really care."

"I think you are cruising, and it makes me sick."

Cody smiled casually. "I'm sorry to hear that it makes you sick."

"Ah you are cruising."

"I never said that."

"Come with me." He pulled Cody to the counter and sat him down. "Sit...and don't even think of leaving."

"Sure thing officer." He added a touch of sarcasm to his voice when he called the security guard `officer'.

Cody turned in his chair and resumed watching the room. So many people were going about and with all the lights and noise it was a bit disorienting trying to watch them all. He closed his eyes and let his other senses take over. He listened to a quarrel across the room between two kids, each of whom thought he was the best at some game. In another part of the room, a mother was trying at what obviously wasn't her first attempt to get her child to come away from the machines. He smiled as she said, "If I have to tell you one more time..." He knew it wouldn't be the last time she said that.

In another corner of the room, three boys were lighting up some weed and laughing to themselves at their victory of smoking grass in a public place. He could smell the pot from across the room.

"Alright, I need some information this time, and I have called the police." A fat hand grabbed his shoulder and spun him around so he was once again facing the back of the concession stand.

"Like what?"

"Name, address, telephone number...the works. I am turning you over to the cops for...well I don't know what they will call it, but you spend too much time here just watching the people and it creeps me out."

"My name is Cody. I didn't realize I was such a threat."

"Well Cody, if that is your real name, that is for the cops to decide." He looked towards the entrance as two officers walked in. He motioned them over. "And here they are now."

The cops walked up to Cody and looked from him to the security guard. "What's the problem now Frank?" The older of the two cops asked. He looked to be about forty five and obviously enjoyed the stereotypical doughnut shop as his gut hung over his utility belt.

"This guy keeps coming here and never spends a dime on anything. He just walks around looking at everyone like he is sizing them up or something. It creeps me out. I have told him to stay away and he is back again. Just look at how he is dressed. You can tell he is up to no good."

The older of the two cops sighed, obviously not happy to have been called there for what was quickly turning out to be nothing at all. "Fine, we'll take it from here Frank. Go and...walk around or something."

The younger cop tried not to smile and looked away as the security guard grinned smugly and walked off. "You'll get yours now freak..." He zeroed in on the three boys in the back smoking weed. "HEY! No smoking in here." The three disbursed and vanished into the dark interior of the arcade.

"So," the older cop began, "what's your story. You have Frank pretty upset. Care to tell us what you are doing here?"

"I am doing a whole lot of nothing officer. I came to relax and waste a bit of money if my favorite game opens up."

"Oh? And which game would that be?"

"I like the racing game across the room where you go head to head with three other opponents. As you can see, it's occupied and looks to be for some time so I am just going to sit and wait for an open seat. I mean...unless there is a law against that." He smiled up at the older cop.

"No law but we have received complaints from some parents about their kids being harassed by older guys trying to pick them up. Just want to make sure that isn't why you are here."

The younger cop stepped into the conversation. "How old are you?"

Cody turned towards the second cop and smiled. "Twenty two and holding." In sharp contrast to his partner, this officer was young and fit. Cody assumed he was about six foot even and around two hundred pounds, most of which was muscle judging by the bulges in shirt. His hair was trimmed short in a military style. Oh yeah, he liked this officer.

The younger cop nodded. "Yeah right. You don't look old enough to buy beer. ID please."

Cody stood and reached into his right rear pocket. "Hmmm..." He reached into his left rear pocket. "Well that sucks. I must have dropped my wallet somewhere in the mall.

The older cop sighed. "Must have..."

The younger cop pulled out a pad of paper and a pen. "Name?"

"Cody Walker"


"Which one?"

"I beg your pardon?" The cop looked up from his pad.

"I have two residences. One on campus and one at home. Which one do you want?"

"Oh, you're a student? What dorm are you in?"

"Hubberd Hall."

"The graduate dorm huh? You a grad student?"

"I am trying to be. It gets expensive these days so I don't like to throw my money away on any old game at the mall. I like to wait for the only one I enjoy."

"Room number?"

Cody smiled. "Are you planning to come visit me?"

The older cop frowned but Cody saw the younger one was trying to look serious and not smile. "He asked you a question Mr. Walker."

"Room 806." He faced the older cop. "That's on the eighth floor." He kept his face void of expression.

"Ok look. I don't want to be a jerk about this, but we can do this the easy way and you can stay or you can be rude and leave with us."

"Where would you like to go?" He looked at the younger cop out of the corner of his eye and caught the man smiling and then looking away.

"That's enough for me. Get up." The older cop stepped away from him.

Cody sighed and rose.

The cop pulled his handcuffs out. "Hands out in front of you please."

"Oh you are not serious." Cody held his hands out as the officer clicked the cuffs into place. "Don't I have any rights or something?"

"The younger cop leaned over to his partner and they spoke in hushed voices. "Come on Bruce, this isn't necessary. He isn't doing anything wrong."

"Yeah, well, he creeps me out too. Doesn't it seem odd to you that he has no money and is in an arcade full of kids just looking at everyone?"

"Yeah, all right, it's a bit strange but it isn't against the law."

"I know that. Let's just take him to the car and let him sit in the back a while. Let him think about whether it is worth coming back here or not. Then we let him go with a warning."

"Fine, have it your way."

The older cop turned Cody towards the door and motioned with his hand. "Let's go." He put his hand on Cody's shoulder and escorted him out of the arcade, down the hallway, and down the first service corridor they passed.

They walked down the hall a few steps and then paused, the younger officer lingering behind. The door to the service corridor closed separating the two officers.

The older cop and Cody stopped partway down the hallway. "Hold up a second."

The younger cop lingered in the mall for a minute. He spoke into his radio on his shoulder. "811 to station 8."

Cody heard his radio crackle to life on the other side of the closed door.


"Yeah we are going to be here for a little while on a 420."

"ROGER 811. WHAT'S YOUR 20?"

"Meridian Mall, B wing"

"811 CLEAR." The radio went silent.

Cody turned to the older cop and met his gaze. "Bruce." He kept his voice quiet. "You are very hungry. You do not want to be here with me. You want to get something to eat." His eyes glowed faintly with a deep blue light.

Bruce nodded as if in a trance. "Yes, I am hungry."

The younger cop opened the door and walked up to them. "Did you say something?"

Bruce turned to face him. "Hey, why don't you take him to the car. I'm really hungry and could use a bite to eat?"

"What? This was your idea."

"Who's the rookie here?" He walked back into the mall heading for the food court.

"Well you son of a..." He cut himself off and looked at Cody.

Cody smiled. "Problem officer?"

"Yeah for you. Come on." He grabbed his shoulder and steered him towards the exit where the patrol car was parked outside.

Cody felt a jolt of electricity pass into his arm from the younger cop's hand. He smiled and, for a moment, his eyes sparkled with the same blue light and then returned to their normal color. He took a deep breath. "So tell me 811... why am I really being detained?"

The younger cop looked surprised. "You heard my conversation?"

"Yes." He turned to face the officer.

"I was out in the hallway and the door was closed."

"I have exceptional hearing." Cody smiled at him.

"I guess you do. Ok, it's like this. My partner wants you to sit in the patrol car and think about why you were at the arcade. You really shouldn't just hang out there; it gives the wrong impression." He looked down at Cody's leather pants and combat boots. "And dressing like that isn't helping."

"You don't like how I am dressed?"

"That's not the point."

"What's your name?"

"Excuse me?" The cop stepped back, a surprised look on his face.

"Well you know my name and where I live; it seems only fair I know your name."

"That is none of your business." The younger cop felt his face warming. The guy was cute if a bit creepy. He imagined that having met under different circumstances they could be friends.

Cody did not miss the redness that entered the man's cheeks. He was trying not to blush. He leaned forward and held his gaze, his eyes glowing ever so slightly blue. "No I insist. I want to know your name."

"Kyle." The officer surrendered his name instantly and seemed unable to turn his gaze away.

"Kyle, these cuffs really hurt my wrists. Take them off ok?" He held his cuffed hands in front of him.

"Of course." The officer removed his key and unlocked the cuffs, draping them over his belt next to his own cuff pouch.

"That's better. So listen, I need to piss and there is a bathroom just down this hall. Come with me."


The cop followed him into the bathroom. The urinals were empty. Cody bent down and looked under the row of toilet stalls. He didn't see any feet so he knew they were alone. He went up to the bathroom door and jammed the trashcan under the handle to keep it closed. He walked back over to the officer who was just standing by the sinks and smiled. "Have a seat in the last stall Kyle." He kept his gaze locked to the cop's eyes.

The young officer nodded and went into the stall at the end of the row and sat down.

Cody stepped into the stall after him and dropped to his knees. He carefully unbuckled the man's utility belt and unzipped his pants. "What have we here?"

The cop nodded. "It's for you if you want it."

Cody smiled. "Oh I do." Cody pulled the man's limp dick from his pants and immediately began to suck him. He licked the head and the shaft, going down fully until the man's pubic hair brushed his nose. He pulled up and licked his lips, a strange blue glow in his eyes. "I love virgins." He went back down on the officer and sucked harder until, with a groan, the man tensed his hips and shot a few times into Cody's mouth.

After a last few sucks to milk the remnants from the softening flesh Cody sat back and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. "That was nice." He stood and stepped out of the stall. "Stand up and get dressed."

The officer stood and zipped up his pants and did up his belt before exiting the stall.

Cody faced him and held his gaze. "I release you..." He passed his hand in front of Kyle and stepped back a pace.

The officer blinked and looked around him. "What? How did I get in here?" He reached down to his groin and felt the shrinking bulge, knowing the feeling of just having cum. "Oh shit..."

"Problem Kyle?" Cody smiled at him.

"What the fuck just happened? How do you know my name?"

"Do you really want to know or should it remain my secret?"

"Damn straight I want to know. And why the hell aren't you cuffed?"

"You removed the cuffs...right before I sucked you off."

"Fuck!" He looked around and realized the second set of cuffs was strung from his utility belt.

"No, we didn't do that but, if you want to, we can." Cody smiled.

The officer reached for his gun and drew it. "What the fuck are you?" He aimed the .45 at Cody's chest.

"That isn't very nice. You sure you want to know?"

"Tell me, now!"

"I am a vampire." He said it bluntly. He could easily wipe that portion of memory from the officer's mind later. He focused on the weapon pointed at him. It wouldn't kill him but it would hurt like hell.

"Oh bullshit!"

"Why don't you believe me?"

"It's fucking daytime asshole. And you don't have fangs. You are just some kind of faggot hypnotist or something and this time I am bringing you in for real!" He took a step forward.

"What's the charge? Sucking off a cop in a mall bathroom? That should make for an interesting report don't you think?"

He hesitated for a second. "Yeah...well...I'll think of something on the way to the station." He reached with his left hand, pulled the cuffs off his belt, and tossed them at Cody who caught them. "Put those on."

"No." Cody held them out for the officer to take them back.

The cop took a step forward and centered his gun on Cody's chest. "Do it now!"

Cody lowered his hand to his sides and let the cuffs fall to the floor. "You know. Back in the arcade, and the hallway, I thought you might be attracted to me. It was just a feeling, but I guess I was wrong."

"Fuck you!"

"Sure. Your place or mine?" Cody smirked.

"You put those cuffs on right now or so help me..." He pulled the hammer on the pistol back.

Cody waved two fingers between them and whispered. "Shhhhh."

The officer crumpled to the ground, his gun sliding harmlessly across the floor. Cody picked up the handcuffs and snapped them shut on the officer's wrists so he was hugging the stall post a foot above the floor. He picked the officer's gun up and tucked it into his pants, under his shirt, carefully releasing the hammer.


On the floor, the cop opened his eyes and struggled, trying to stand. "What the fuck? Get these damn things off me right now!" He realized that, cuffed to the post, he couldn't stand and sat back down on the tiled floor.

"Listen Kyle. It's been fun, but I have to go. Tell Bruce I said hi and I hope he enjoyed his lunch."

"Don't leave me cuffed like this!" His voice had changed from aggressive to panicked.

"Why not? How would you prefer I leave you? Maybe without your pants on?" He smiled seductively and the officer backed down. "It will be ok. You can talk your way out of this...somehow."

Kyle sighed and hung his head. "I don't understand any of this." He suddenly looked and sounded defeated. "Why me? I tried to be nice to you back in the arcade. I wanted Bruce to leave you alone."

"Because you are a virgin."

"What? Get the fuck out of here."

Cody gave him the look. "Don't even try that bullshit with me. I can tell a virgin's touch when I feel one. It is a talent of mine. I happen to hunt virgins and you did not disappoint me."

"So maybe I am. What happens now?

"What do you want to happen?" Cody smiled.

"I want to get out of these cuffs and away from you."

Cody sighed. "Ok. The way I see it you have three choices."

"What are they?"

"One, I let you go and we walk out of here and go our separate ways, you not trying to arrest me. Two, I leave you cuffed on the bathroom floor and you can try to explain your way out of it to the next person who comes in. Three, we leave together, go somewhere private, and have a little fun."

The officer turned away and was silent for a minute. "Option one."

Cody shrugged. "So be it." He unlocked the handcuffs and helped the man to his feet. He stepped over to the door and removed the trash can from under the handle. "See you around."

"Wait!" The cop felt his hip and looked around the bathroom. "My gun...where is it?"

Cody lifted his shirt, exposing the black grip of the pistol. "I have it. You wouldn't stop pointing it at me."

"No, you can't do that! I will get into serious trouble. Give it back, please!"

Cody was thoughtful and then removed the gun, handing it back to the officer. "I just thought it looked cool."

Kyle retrieved his gun and for a second felt its weight in his hand. He looked at Cody and raised the weapon.

"You chose option one. It would be a mistake to change your mind now." His eyes began to glow softly.

Kyle slowly lowered the gun and then holstered it. "What are you?"

"I told you...a vampire."

The man felt his neck. He examined his fingers but they were dry, no blood.

"I didn't bite your neck."

"Why not? I thought vampires did that."

Cody pulled open the door and walked out. He paused and turned back to the confused officer. "It wasn't your blood I wanted. See ya Kyle."

Kyle watched the bathroom door close and, for a moment, was alone with his thoughts. He placed his hand on his groin and gave it a gentle squeeze. Shaking his head in disbelief, he straightened his uniform and went to the sink, leaning on the counter for support. He looked in the mirror and took a deep breath.

The bathroom door opened and he spun around towards it, a panicked look on his face.

"Hey...sir...sorry if I startled you..." A teenager stopped in the doorway and then cautiously moved over to a urinal.

Kyle avoided the boy's gaze and quickly left the bathroom. He stepped into the service hall and looked to the left and then to the right, but the hall was empty except for a woman with two girls all carrying packages and laughing to themselves.

"Excuse me but did you see a guy in black pants and white shirt come down this hallway?" He stopped the woman and her daughters.

"No officer, we didn't. Is there something wrong?" The woman looked too eager for bad news.

"No ma'am, just looking for someone who lost his ID."

"Oh." She seemed saddened and hurried her two girls out the door at the end of the hallway.

Back in the arcade, Cody took a seat at the racing game he enjoyed. He was just leaning forward to deposit his quarters when a fat hand landed heavily upon his shoulder.

Frank glared down at him. "I thought I told you to leave. Didn't those cops take you out of here in handcuffs? I saw you get arrested!"

The boy in the seat next to Cody looked shocked and quickly got up and left the area.

Cody looked up at the security guard and met his gaze, his eyes glowing dimly. "The police let me go. They said I can be here. You look tired and should go sit down somewhere out of the way. After all, we are friends aren't we Frank?"

Frank blinked once and stood up, pulling his hand away with him. "I am just going to sit down behind the counter for a while and take it easy. Enjoy the game Cody." He walked away.

Cody felt the seat next to his move and turned his attention to the side. A boy about 16 had just sat down and was smiling at him.

"Man that was cool. I have never seen that asshole just walk away from someone before. You really told him off."

Cody shrugged. "He seems nice enough."

"What Frank? No way man...he's a dick, always hassling us to leave once we are done with the machines."

"I didn't know that. I'm Cody." He held his hand out.

"Drew." The boy shook his hand. "You any good at this game?"

Cody smiled as a jolt of electricity shot up his arm. He released Drew's hand and shrugged. "Not really."

"Then I am going to kick your ass." Drew deposited his quarters and the game flashed "Waiting for other players to join".

Cody put the last coin into the machine and it began to count down while he selected the car he wanted to drive.

The game came to life and, for a while, Cody lost himself in the simple pleasure offered by video games. He didn't try to win. He wanted the boy next to him to win so he could challenge him again.

The game ended and the scores confirmed that Cody really wasn't very good at the game.

"Man you suck." Drew laughed.

"You have no idea..." Cody replied, giving him a look out of the corner of his eye.

"Go again?"


They played another race and again Cody lost.

"Go again?" Drew smiled at him.

"No, I know when I am beaten. Besides, I am getting hungry. I guess I will get out of here and get something to eat. You want to come with me?" He stood and stepped to the side.

"Nah, I'm going to play this some more." Drew turned his attention back to the game and deposited a few more quarters into the machine until it began to count down again.

"Excuse me." Another boy bumped past Cody and slid into the seat he had just vacated.

Two more teens jumped into the remaining seats and all four racers began counting down.

Cody was unable to leave the game. Something had caught his attention, the faintest scent. He moved from seat to seat, standing behind each boy and casually smelling the air around him. It was the boy in the third seat, he decided.

Three of the four had given him the familiar tingle when he gently brushed against them -Drew being the first and the second and third boys being the others. The fourth boy at the end did not stimulate him, which he found interesting as the boy could not have been older than fourteen.

He returned his gaze to the boy in the third seat and moved to stand behind him. It was difficult to tell with so many people moving around, but he was fairly certain from the way he smelled that not only was this boy a virgin but there was something else, some strange scent he could not identify.

The game ended, and the two boys at the end stood together. The one from the fourth seat stretched. "I'm gunna grab a drink and then head over to the video store. See if that hot clerk is working again and maybe ask her out."

The other boy nodded. "Ok. See you later then?"

"Yeah..maybe..." The younger boy slipped out of the arcade.

The older boy turned to leave and nearly collided with Cody who was standing behind the game.

"Oh, excuse me. I didn't see you there."

"That's cool. It is pretty dark in here."

The boy lingered for a moment and then smiled. "Well I'm out of here." He pushed past Cody and headed for the entrance.

Cody sniffed the air as he walked past and smiled. Oh yeah...this kid was special. He followed him out of the arcade and watched as he headed over towards a sporting goods store. Careful not to be caught following him, he stayed a safe distance behind but never let him out of his sight.

The boy stepped into the sporting goods store, and Cody quickened his pace, entering the store ten seconds later.

He saw the boy across the room looking at some shiny, warm-up suits. He watched as the kid grabbed two suits, one red and one black, and headed for the changing room. He slipped into the stall and closed the door.

Cody walked up to the rack of warm-up suits and checked a price tag. He was shocked that they cost over one hundred dollars. "For this?" He picked up the sleeve of the suit and felt the heavy, slippery, vinyl material between his fingers. It did have a certain appeal but not for that price.

The door to the dressing room opened and the boy from the arcade walked back to the rack. He looked at Cody for a second then smiled. "Oh hey, you again."

Cody faced him. "Excuse me?" He pretended to not recognize him.

"It's me, from the arcade. I was playing the racing game just a while ago. Remember?"

"Oh yeah...I remember now. Sorry, it was really dark in there."

"Yeah I guess it was. Hey listen...I've got to get out of here so maybe I'll see you around some time." He hung the red suit back on the rack and turned to leave.

"Yeah, maybe." Cody watched him go and noticed he was not carrying the second warm-up suit nor had he hung it back on the rack. He smiled to himself and followed the kid to the entrance. Just as the boy walked through the security scanners at the entrance the lights went off and something on the wall started to beep and buzz.

The kid turned around in a panic and locked eyes with Cody.

Cody nodded and casually bumped into the display of skis at the entrance and they went flying, clattering loudly to the floor. The boy stepped out into the mall and melted into the crowd.

A security officer and a clerk came running over. Cody started to pick up the skis and stack them back up while the clerk shut off the alarm.

The security officer helped him pick up the skis. "Are you ok, sir?"

"Yes I am fine but I think I set the alarm off when I tripped over this display."

"It happens all the time. I told them not to put these things so close to the door. They are always setting off the alarm. Anyway, you aren't hurt, are you? If you are, I have to fill out a form, and the manager will want to speak to you."

"No, thank you I am fine." Cody smiled and started to walk out of the store.

The clerk approached him and touched his arm. "Sir, are you ok? I saw you trip over the skis."

"Yes I am fine thank you. I need to be going. Please excuse me."

"One moment please. The clerk reached into his vest and pulled out a coupon card. "You can use this next time you are here. It is good for 25% off a single item."

"Oh...great...thanks." Cody smiled and pocketed the coupon. He walked out into the hall and looked at the crowd of people passing by, but the boy was nowhere to be seen.

He closed his eyes and sniffed the air. "Got you." He opened his eyes and moved off to the left, towards the food court, following the scent trail.

Cody stood at the entrance to the food court and wrinkled his nose in distaste. "God this place stinks." For a few minutes, he looked over the crowd of people sitting around or standing in line, and then he saw him. The boy was seated at the opposite end of the room eating a burger.

Cody took a deep breath and headed over to him. He took a seat on the opposite side of the table` and watched him. He needed to find a way to get this kid alone for a while so he could find out more about him. He knew he was a virgin but there was something more.

The boy swallowed a piece of his burger and looked up. For a moment, he looked confused and then he smiled and set his burger down. "Hey...are you stalking me?" He grinned.

Cody shook his head and smiled. "No, but it is weird that we keep running into each other."

"Yeah, sure is." The boy adjusted his shoulders and wiggled a bit in the seat, apparently uncomfortable.

Cody smiled and inhaled the faintest aroma of vinyl. "I bet that suit is getting pretty warm by now."

The boy stopped chewing in mid bite and set his burger down again. "Um...what?"

Cody smiled and shrugged. "The warm-up suit you have on under your clothes. You know...the one you just stole from the store while I covered your exit?"

"Oh...are you mall security or something?"

"No, I just happen to notice what goes on around me."

"Yeah, ok. You aren't going to rat me out are you?"

Cody sat back in his seat. "That depends upon you."


"Yeah, maybe we can strike a deal." An idea was quickly forming.

"Like what? You want money?"

"No...but that warm-up suit you stole is interesting. I have never seen anything like it before."

"Oh, I get it. I have to give it to you, or you'll rat me out to the cops."

Cody just shrugged.

"I thought you were kind of cool up until now."

Cody smiled. "I am cool. You just have to get to know me. And no, I don't want you to give it to me but maybe I could borrow it for a while?"

The teen looked at him suspiciously. "So you aren't going to take it from me, and you aren't going to call the just want to borrow it?"

"Yeah, if that's ok."

"Maybe...but it's pretty weird."

"Yeah, I guess it is. By the way I'm Cody." He held his hand out.

The boy wiped his hand on a napkin and extended it, taking Cody's hand in his. "Ryan." For a second, while he held Cody's hand, he could swear he felt an electric jolt up his arm. He let go and pulled his hand back.

"Nice to meet you Ryan."

"Hey...did you just feel something?"

"Like what?"

"I don't know, maybe a static shock?"

"No." He had felt it but wasn't sure why the boy also had. It was yet another mystery about him.

"Well that was weird. I could have sworn I felt a shock when I touched your hand."



A silence descended over them for a moment. Cody was the first to say something.

"So how about you let me wear that suit for a while?"



"Dude. I am not about to undress in front of everyone here."

"Well not here, I was thinking maybe we could sneak into one of the store bathrooms or something, maybe a dressing room."

Ryan smiled a little and shrugged. "Ok, I guess so. But won't this set off the security going into a store like it did leaving? I need to find and remove the security device."

"Maybe. You know of another place to go?"

Ryan thought for a minute. "Actually, I do." He stuffed the last of the burger into his mouth and carried the tray to the trash can. Cody followed him. "Come on."

They walked through the mall for a while and eventually came to a store that was being built at the end of a wing. The front and side were covered in heavy plastic and it was dark inside. Ryan looked around to make sure nobody was watching and then pressed himself between the plywood and the metal post and the wood yielded. He slipped into the darkness.

Cody smiled, slightly impressed, and followed him inside.

It was dark in the construction area but not completely as light filtered through the plastic hanging over the entrance.

"How did you know about this place?"

Ryan shrugged. "I hid in here a few days ago when the mall cops were looking for me."

"Oh yeah? Another suit?"

"No, these." Ryan showed off some new tennis shoes.

"You have a bad habit."

"Yeah, well, when you don't have any money, you have to do what you need to."

"I know how that is."

"You do? I figured you had money."

"Why would you assume that?"

"Your leather pants, and those boots, aren't cheap."

Cody looked down at his feet and then up at Ryan. "You like them?"

The boy shrugged. "Sure I guess. I mean the leather pants are kind of gay, but the boots are sweet."

"Thanks, I think..." Cody looked confused.

"Hey I didn't mean it like that. The pants are cool, but you don't see many guys wearing them unless they are on a bike or in a band."

"Yeah, well, I'm neither so I guess that makes me gay huh."

"I didn't mean to upset you."

"You didn't." Cody shrugged.

" you?"

"Am I what?"

"You know...into guys and stuff."

Cody smiled. "Oh, I get it. Yeah, I guess I am. You?"

Ryan looked down at his stolen shoes and shrugged. "I don't know, never really thought about it."

"Hey look man, no big deal. I don't want to make you uncomfortable."

Ryan looked up and met his gaze. "You don't."

"Cool, then can I wear the warm-up suit?" He looked hopeful.

"Oh, yeah sure. I guess that is why we are in here." Ryan laughed. He removed his shoes, shirt, and jeans, and was left wearing only the shiny, black, vinyl suit with a logo on the chest.

Cody nodded. "That is so cool looking."

Ryan held his arms out to his sides. "You like it?"

"Yeah I really do." It didn't hurt that it was being modeled by an incredibly cute teenage boy.

"Ok can borrow it for a while I guess, but I want it back eventually."

"No problem." Cody removed his own boots, pants, and shirt and piled them neatly on a work bench to the side. He wasn't wearing underwear and was totally naked. He noticed Ryan's eyes looking him over.

"You aren't wearing any underwear..." He saw that Cody was fair skinned and mostly hairless with a tight stomach but not really muscular.


Ryan smiled. "I'm not either... This is so gay." His smile brightened.

He lifted the top piece of the warm-up suit over his head and grimaced. "Sorry man, but this is a little damp. It was hotter than hell and I was sweating."

Cody held his hand out and took the warm-up top from him. "I don't mind." He pulled the top over his head and stuck his arms into the sleeves. "Damn you soaked this thing."

"Yeah sorry." Ryan handed him the pants.

Cody pulled them on and shook his head. "These are even worse." He smoothed the warm, damp vinyl to his chest and legs and shrugged. "Oh well. I'm covered in your sweat now so too late to change my mind."

Ryan turned away, avoiding his gaze. "That must suck." He adjusted his crotch.

He noticed Ryan's hand move to his groin when he turned away. He took a good look at the boy and realized they were nearly identical in size and build. Ryan was younger and was very cute with his short, blond hair gelled up in a similar way Cody's was. His face still had a very boyish look. "I kind of like it."

Ryan faced him. "Really? Man that's gay."

Cody shrugged. "Can't help what I feel. And, right now, I feel all sweaty." He smiled.

Ryan laughed. "Alright...well...I guess I should get dressed now and we can get out of here. We need to find a place to meet up later so I can get those back from you. Once you wash them of course." He laughed again.

Cody picked up his clothes and tossed Ryan the leather pants. "Put those on, and my boots and shirt."

Ryan caught the heavy, leather pants and unconsciously held them to his face for a quick sniff.

Cody saw the boy's reaction to the leather and smiled. "You like them?"

Ryan shrugged. "Yeah I guess so. I've always liked the smell of leather. You sure you want me to wear these and your boots?"

"Yeah. That way you can be certain I will come back for them and return this suit to you. I mean unless that's too gay..."

"Deal!" Ryan quickly dressed himself in Cody's clothing. "Here, you will need to put these over that suit to walk out of here." He passed his jeans and shirt to Cody. "Oh, I guess these too." He handed him the new shoes.

"I will take care of these." Cody held up the shoes. He sniffed the inside of one of them. "They still smell new."

Ryan laughed. "Man that's just gross."

Cody pulled Ryan's cloths on over the vinyl suit and shrugged. "Now all we need to decide upon is when to meet up again and swap back.

"Yeah...well I will leave that up to you. I don't really care when." Ryan looked away.

Cody was good at reading other people's emotions and he sensed something was wrong. "You pick a time and place."

"No really, you decide." He didn't want to seem clingy by saying "as soon as possible". It wasn't that he wanted his clothes back soon; he wanted to spend more time with Cody.

Cody nodded. "Ok. How about tonight at the Burger King down the street. Say eleven? That will give us thirty minutes before they close to use the bathroom and swap back."

Ryan faced him. "You want to swap back tonight?"


"Well I thought maybe you could keep my clothes a little longer and I could keep these?" He rubbed his leather-clad legs. "Maybe just overnight?"

"Oh, no problem. I just thought you would be anxious to get your stuff back, but whenever works for you is fine."

Ryan smiled. "How about we meet here tomorrow, food court, and go from there?"

Cody could hear the eagerness in the boy's voice and nodded. "Tomorrow it is. Noon?"

"Noon." Ryan nodded. "And...thanks for letting me wear your clothes."

"No problem. Thanks for the gross, sweaty stuff."

"Man you are weird!" Ryan laughed.

"You have no idea." Cody held his gaze.

"Ok well...I have to go. Tomorrow at noon, ok?"

"I will be there." Cody held out his hand.

Ryan looked at it for a second then grabbed it tightly and shook it, again feeling a slight shock. "Man there it is again. Did you feel that?"

"Feel what?"

"Ok..well..later!" He turned and snuck out the way they came in and was gone. His heart was racing and he needed some time alone to sort out what he was feeling.

Cody held up his hand that Ryan had just shaken and smelled it. "What is it about you?" He waited a few minutes and then exited the construction site.

He walked to the nearest exit and out into the afternoon sun. If things went well, he would return tomorrow at noon and perhaps get to know Ryan better...a lot better.

Next: Chapter 2

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