It's Not for Everybody

By Justin Balancier

Published on Apr 13, 2022


"It's Not for Everybody"

Part 9

Skip was doing remarkably well working for Joe in Real Estate. He was well trained and learned quickly compared to others who took training classes.

He dressed and looked the part concentrating on business matters. He understood the business and worked with potential buyers every day of the week. He was happy finally becoming an established agent, wearing his black and green jacket, like a badge of honor.

He did not use his name `Skip' on his jacket – he changed it to Steve. However, folks at work still called him Skip.

Someone by the name of Travis Drexel called about a small one family house listed for sale. Skip got the call and arranged to meet with him.

When Travis came into the office, they clicked immediately. It is amazing how a gay person recognizes a gay man without saying a word. Sometimes, they are mistaken, but rarely, when one knows what to look for. Skip was amused looking at somebody who reminded him of himself.

He was quiet, withdrawn and seemed to be harmless. You might say a "type" that Skip knew well.

Travis was thirty-two years old. That held no particular significance, except for being a question on the application for a bank loan.

The house was small, a two-bedroom bungalow all on one floor. It had a fenced in yard in a quiet neighborhood. The house was vacant for about a month. Folks, who looked at it, wanted something larger with a bigger yard and double attached garage. Travis didn't care about any of that except for the garage. He insisted on having a garage.

Joe had a company car for agents to use. Besides himself, he employed Skip, Tony, and a woman named Tracey who was very sharp and could sell just about anything. She and Joe handled huge properties. Tony and Skip took care of mostly younger homebuyers. Of course, folks juggled around wherever needed.

Skip no longer drove the wreck of a car that Cooper called junk. He drove a newer model vehicle, but still a Ford. He had money now and could afford things. His life was definitely looking brighter, thanks to Cooper and Joseph.

When Skip took Travis to look at the property, he drove his own car. Tony was using the company car.

"Well, here we are, don't expect the Taj Mahal, this is a one floor structure in your price range. We can continue to look if you don't care for it." Skip told Travis.

"Does it have a garage?" asked Travis. "I have to have a garage."

"Yep, it is fully automatic with garage door openers.'


"Yeah, cool." mumbled Travis looking at him from the corner of his eye.

Once inside the house, it was a routine viewing. The rooms were large except for the dining room. It was more like a dining area, which suited Travis just fine. He was more interested in seeing the kitchen.

"I like an open roomy kitchen," he told Skip.

"Oh, you like to cook, huh?"

"I do, but I like baking much better. I am a divine baker.

"Of course you are," acknowledge Skip by shaking his head.

Travis looked over the kitchen carefully opening drawers, inspecting counter tops and especially the stove and oven. There was a large pantry with lot of shelves.

"I like this kitchen. It is a tad dated, but it will work."

"That's what counts," Skip replied.

They looked at the two bedrooms. One was large and one was much smaller.

"I would want the larger bedroom for myself," said Travis.

"Do you plan on much entertaining?" blurted out Skip without thinking. It didn't sound professional, so he immediately apologized.

"The other bedroom can be a guest room, although I won't have many guests. I don't have people I call friends. Plenty of acquaintances, but they would never come here." he concluded.


On the ride back to the office, they seemed more comfortable with one another.

"You are easy to talk to Skip," said Travis. "It feels like I have known you for a long time."

"I normally connect well with people. I can understand that."

"You can?" "Sure, we are both gay." said Skip.

"I'm pretty obvious, huh?"

"No, you are alone. Believe me, I have been there and I see myself in you, just a couple of years back."

"Are you married," Travis asked.


"Got a boyfriend?" Continued Travis.

"Yes and no, but you would never understand it, so I won't go there."

"Sure I would."

"I live with my adopted parents. They aren't really my parents, but that is what I call them."

"What's so hard to understand about that?"

"They are both men," admitted Skip.

"Oh. I won't ask questions. It is none of my business but I gotta say, you are a lucky man having two dads who love you."

"I think so," admitted Skip. "Actually they love each other, I am a toy."

"You mean you are a dude whore,?"

"I wouldn't say that."


"Forget about it," mumbled skip, sorry to have mentioned anything to Travis.

They arrived back at the office and went inside to talk about the house purchase.

"I want to think about it and will let you know tomorrow," said Travis.

"Not a problem, it has been on the market for a while, so take your time. I will be here, if you have any questions."

"That means, I can come back to see you."


"Would you consider going out with me for dinner or maybe a movie?" Asked Travis.

"Sure text me. The number on my card." That evening Skip told Joe about Travis and how he asked him for a date. At first, Joe, didn't like the idea with perspective buyers; but this was different. it was a gay young man, friendly with another gay young man.

"Go ahead and have dinner with him," said Cooper. You should have a more friends."

Joe agreed, "Everyone should do what they want to do, look at us."

"He is not really my type, and I don't think of him that way. It would be cool however, to pal around with somebody my age. I am twenty eight and he is, I believe thirty,"

"That's about all one can do. Make friends and hope for the best, there is always tomorrow.

The story is ending, with one more chapter, number 10.

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Next: Chapter 10

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