It's Not for Everybody

By Justin Balancier

Published on Jan 4, 2022


"It's Not for Everybody"


"Let me help you out," interjected Joe. George is looking for a story that is gay, but not written porn. When you say, "Man you are hungry, do you want my cum?" – that is spoken porn. At least it is to me."

"I know, but it's mild. I say that to you, all the time."

"With me, that's different," admitted Joe. "I'm into nasty."

"Oh, I can ask much hotter questions." Cooper confessed, getting closer and closer to George, who was about to leave.

"How about I drop my underwear, so you can see the whole package?" slurred Cooper.

"I'm not going to suck anybody's dick," said George.

"Not a problem," replied Cooper. "Just check it out and take a look..."

"Yeaaah, I could handle that much, I suppose." George replied.

"We come as a pair," interjected Joe removing his clothes without the slightest degree of embarrassment.

Joe was naked in a few seconds. He looked so hot, that it was criminal. He was hard as a rock. Not just his cock, but his chest and stomach were that of a twenty-year-old stud and not a man who was a delicious forty-six.

"Oh good grief," mumbled George, "what have I got myself into. He held Coopers warm dick in one hand and held Joe's cock, with the other. He stroked a little, but that was all he did.

They were certain once George begun stroking them, he would have cock in his mouth, It always worked that way in the past.

"I have to leave gentlemen. You are both awesome and I will regret leaving, but duty calls. I am too elderly to be of any value to you men. I am close to eighty and you don't want some eighty year old fool slobbering over you."

"Oh but we do," grumbled Joe. "Yes, slobber -slobber all you want," added Cooper...

"I am past all that stuff," said George. Nothing much came of it and he left in search of a story elsewhere.

The following day, Cooper recognized Gary on the street pressing a bloody handkerchief to his lips. He looked frightened. This was not a lucky day to be in the bushes.

"Do you think we should get out of the car and go talk to him, He looks hurt?" said Joe.

"No I don't. He probably was hit in the mouth approaching the wrong person. He's a little hurt, but not damaged. Believe me, he will be right back in the bushes, looking for cock, tomorrow."

"You're right `Coop', getting involved with somebody like that; it's hard to get rid of them."

Cooper drove back into town to pick up the dry cleaning. Joe sat next to him and they chatted about everything but sex. Ninety percent of the time, they were classy gay men well respected. The other ten percent of their time, they were sex hounds looking to get off with no apologies for anything. It was during that time they admitted to being cum pigs. That is a huge amount of "nasty" to cram into a measly ten percent.

Alone at home they spoke more freely about sex and their strong desire to find blowjobs. Of all the nasty things that gay men participate in, Joe and Coop preferred oral sex. However, there is always an exception to everything.

"Do you want to know something?" Cooper asked Joe waiting for a red light to turn green.

"Not especially."

"What kind of answer is NOT ESPECIALLY? How about a yes or no?"

"The light is green...Go." said Joseph. "What's up?" he asked

"I am thinking about the chubby fellow Gary with a bleeding cut lip."

"Well, don't. He is none of our concern and you know nothing about him. It is best to avoid trouble before trouble comes to the surface.

"Is it possible that we are placing too much emphases on sex? We should be more entertaining and circle ourselves with sensible friends. Maybe join some group and volunteer like model residents. Wouldn't that be more sensible than looking around for blowjobs?" said Cooper.


"Really, you don't think we should be model citizens?"

"I am a model citizen, but getting my dick sucked is a different thing all together. What is wrong with you today, anyway," asked Joe, while fumbling with his cell phone.

"In our family, there was no clear line between how we looked to the neighbors and how we acted behind closed doors. My sister Lisa, was prom queen and cock crazy just like me, one time, she walked in and saw her boyfriend giving me a blowjob. She wasn't upset seeing us naked. It was the competition for sex that she was angry about."

"That's nut and probably that's how she got to be prom queen."

"I'm just sayin...,"mumbled Coop.

"It's getting dark out, do you think it is going to rain before we get home," Joe asked

"You are changing the subject," said Cooper. "I am right in the middle of a queer story and you ask about the weather. No, it is not going to rain today. Look it's getting brighter already."

"I bet you were a prettier prom queen than Lisa," giggled Joe putting his hand on Coops leg.

"Probably, her boyfriend and I were wrestling in the bedroom when my legs went around his neck and he bit my crotch just fooling around. It was nothing serious."

"I pretended to be wounded and he rubbed it making it better. I got hard with him stroking and unzipped my pants. My dick sprung out and almost hit him in the face. The next thing I know, my cock was into his mouth.

"And that is when she walked in, huh?"

"No - not exactly; I talked to him for a few minutes and he mumbled, but kept doing the nasty."

"Is this true, or are you bullshitting me with a story?" asked Joe

"Now, would I do a thing like that?"

"What did you say to him?"

"You better stop Mark; that was his name Mark O'Connor.

"Man, this is a cool dick. I ain't no queer, but I had to see what cock tastes like."

"Do you like it?'

"Yeah, I do, but I ain't queer." He repeated.

Lisa was standing in the doorway and heard what he was saying. When Mark realized she was watching, he stopped immediately.

"Ah, cool story, giggled Joe stuffing his phone back into his shirt pocket. Let's go find chubby Gary.

"Oh stop."

They drove on to the expressway and exited at the ramp leading to the COUNTRY MALL.

"Were are we going?" asked Joe

"I want to stop at the automotive center... I need some cleaning supplies for the car and they have the hottest salesman.


"Oh yeah"

After parking, they were near the mall entrance, so they went to walk around and go to the food court.

The court was bustling with shoppers and young people just hanging out. They ordered a couple of tall sprites with plenty of ice and sat down at a table opposite the mall rest rooms.

"How come you want to sit here?" asked Cooper.

"It's a vacant table. Don't read something into everything that happens today. I know you were hoping for some serious action. Gaud, I thought I was the oversexed pig in this family," gurgled Joe sipping sprite through a straw.

"If that's a real problem, then you have a problem."

"That doesn't make sense. We are both looking for the same thing."

"I know, I am a jerk and every once in a while, a jerk forgets to shut up. This table is perfect."

Men of every age, shape and looks, came and went to the men's room.

"I'll be right back," said Joe."

Coop thought he was going to men's room but instead he bought two burgers and sprite refills.

"Thanks for saving my seat," He said to Cooper trying to make light of the entire situation.

"Whew, it wasn't easy. A hunk with thick lips stopped by and wanted to sit down, but I had to say the seat was saved."

"Nice try, I was twenty feet away getting burgers and I watched you all the time."

"Well there goes that moment, all shot to hell," stated Cooper having fun with Joe, the love of his life.

A sailor walked by, and went into the men's room. It was unusual seeing a man in uniform in the mall; but here he was, big as day.

"Whew, I would like to be in a fox hole with that," whispered Coop, making sure nobody but Joe was listening.

"He is in the Navy and navy men don't lie in foxholes. They are on ships at sea," said Joe.

"I knew that. I wanted to see if you were paying attention," babbled Cooper turning bright red...

The sailor returned quickly and went to a table where a woman and small child in a baby stroller were waiting. They left the food court.

"Well that was a coming of age moment."

"Ha, a good one. Do you know what Victor Hugo said?

"He said a lot of things," replied Joe.

From Les Miserable – Victor Hugo; "We're all fools most of our lives, it's unavoidable."

"I don't see the connection,"

"Yeah, let's leave it at that."

Part 3 continues with the sex Cooper and Joe are looking for.

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Next: Chapter 3

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