It's Not for Everybody

By Justin Balancier

Published on May 3, 2022


"It's not for Everybody"

Chapter 10

"The Conclusion."

"That is all one can do, .there is always tomorrow." These words stuck in Skip's mind. He felt comfortable when Joe said that to him. Skip might turn out to be a real friend. "I think I would like that," he mumbled searching for the correct word. Friends were not something he had in abundance.

A couple of days went by and no word from Travis about the Johnston's property. Travis liked the place and Skip thought for sure, he had the house sold. That morning Skip received an email at work from Travis, it read as follows...

"Good morning Skip,

I am going to pass on the Johnston property. I like it, but would like to see more choices... What else is available?"


Skip sat at his desk tapping a pencil rereading the email. Everything was good however; a retired elderly couple downsized their house and wanted something smaller, all on one floor. They purchased the said house just two days ago.

For the next several days, Travis looked at half dozen properties deciding on which one would be right for him. After touring the last one, they stopped at `Connie's Sandwich Shop,' for lunch and coffee.

"Whatta you have men," a peppy brunette waitress asked.

"How about your number," said Travis unexpected, and shocking Skip?

"Oh please, that is older than dirt. If you want to play gigolo, get a new routine," said the waitress, named Debbie.

"Don't pay any attention to him," interrupted Skip -" he's confused."

"You mean `gay' - I talk to men every day, I know the straight jerks from the ladies; it's all good. Let's see, rye bread toasted, right?"

"Sorry Deb," added Travis, I was trying to be a comic" (Yeah, toasted is right.)

"Get yourself a coach and practice. Comedy isn't as easy as it looks. She laughed, everybody laughed and it was all good. On the way back to the office, Travis asked Skip if he thought he was a jerk.

"Nah, we are all jerks at one time or another. Today was just your turn.

"Debbie said I needed a coach, `cause I wasn't funny."

"I heard that, just be yourself and forget about making jokes. It probably will work better for you."

The subject changed back to real estate, but didn't last for very long.

"That makes sense, I will be myself. Turn down Tomball Road, there is a parking spot off the road that is private," stated Travis, almost as a command.

"Sure, you gotta pee?"

"Nope, you're are going to suck me off and we can stop this house hunting." Travis mumbled as he lowered his pants, grabbing for a cock that was beginning to pop through his underwear.

"I've got a good dick and you have good lips. Look at my cock, check out these balls; don't tell me you are not hungry for this meat?" I don't know how much you are getting from the daddies you live with, but right now, how about doing me?"

"Touch my cock," Travis continued, "it's plump warm and there is plenty of jizz in there, to flood your mouth with sticky cream."

Skip felt a wave of excitement come over him seeing Travis with his pants down. His body looked so much better naked and Travis was correct, he looked like a mouthful of vibrant delight.

A slut would be in pure heaven. An elegant queen would consider doing it. Skip took the route to heaven; there was nothing elegant about him. He reached over to squeeze Travis's dick as a gob of precum welcomed the grip of his hand. He rubbed a drop off on his finger and tasted it.

"How's it taste?" asked Travis.

"Where is this fuckin parking spot," mumbled Skip driving faster over Tomball Road?

"Just past this barn on the left, turn down the dirt road and you will see a parking spot. There is never anybody around."

"Yeah, okay-okay, I see it. Get those fuckin pants off? I want some cum."

"You gotta suck it out of me."

"I can do that, I don't need any help. Why didn't you tell me this before?"

"Tell you what?"

"That you're a man slut with a hot crotch."

"I was waiting to see if you were a player and now that I know you eat cum, I am going to give you a master load. You won't need dinner tonight."

Skip pulled into the parking area and parked close to trees to avoid being noticed.

This is where their relationship changed, from real estate agent and client, to a toilet affair of lips and cock.

They were no longer cutesy gay men conducting business. Skip was the real estate agent, but a hungry whore and didn't pretend to be cool about it. His favorite word was "load" and he would take as much as he could get of it. Now, here was Travis promising a mega load of nutt. Whew, it was just too much stimulation for one afternoon.

The most unpredictable thing happened when Skip pulled into the tree area and turned off the car ignition.

Travis had his pants and underwear off along with his shoes. He hopped up on the passenger seat squatting like a monkey and started springing up and down. His cock was firm like a firecracker sticking straight out. It was long, plump, fleshy smooth and moist looking at the tip. His balls hung down like a bird feeder from a crotch of a tree. It was much too dramatic to describe properly.

There wasn't much time for thinking, Cock (only inches away) was the temptation that Skip wanted to snack on. He got out of the car and went around to the passenger side.

Travis swung opened the car door and slid his butt around on the seat. His legs were sticking outside spread open and his feet on the ground.

Skip never hesitated, he move between Travis's legs, dropped to his knees and went down. It was very direct with no plan B.

Travis let out a gentle gasp feeling the warmth of Skipper tongue sliding underneath his cock causing his balls to begin a simmering twitch.

""Yeow, that is good man. Do you like my cock?" Travis asked.

"It's a good-looking dick."

"I'm not the gorgeous guy in town and I don't have bulging muscles, but I do have a talented cock. You will go home remembering sucking this cock, for a long time," said Travis, actually bragging praising himself.

The next few minutes were straight from the gay man's training book. Skip was on his knees between Travis's open legs giving him a blowjob of superior quality.

If there was one thing Skip did well, it was copping dick. He could suck like a sink drain gurgling liquid down his throat. He was an outrageous cum eater, but kept his addiction under control, until somebody talked about cum dumping a load. The word "load" triggered something magical in his brain and he turned into an instant cum pig.

Travis talked about feeding him his load. It was a wise thing to do, because Skip worked on Travis never missing a stroke, taking a breather, gaging, or pausing. Skip was a fine oiled machine doing what he did best, a champion cocksucker, yet remaining low key, keeping his private desires, private. That is until now.

There was no wild caring on such as holding Skip's head and face fucking him like a maniac. Nope – nothing like that at all. It was a civilized blowjob complete with passion, hunger and a love for cock.

Travis's legs tightened and he stretched them straight out. His balls rolled like dumplings and he could feel cum on the move. Up to now, the talking had been minimal except for telling Travis not to worry; he could discharge a mega load.

Skip knew jizz was on the way to his waiting mouth, and didn't remove his face from Travis, to ask about it. He just knew and Travis didn't say a word.

The stress was too much for Travis to endure and remain silent. Without thinking he said..."Bring the cream to the top buddy, you won't need dinner tonight."

"Oh yeah – yeah, I want it," begged Skip.

Before Travis could reply with foolishness, his dick overflowed into Skipper's mouth, with much flooding and feeding, just as he had promised. There is no need to say that Skip never lost a drop, because he guzzled everything except for a gob oozing from the tip of Travis's cock.

Travis fingered his cock still dripping cum feeding himself the sticky gob, and didn't give it to Skip.

However - not for long. He pressed Skip's mouth open and snowballed it back, dropping a gob into his mouth watching him swallow like a baby bird.

Skip stood up and spit on the ground a couple of times, clearing his mouth of saliva then got back into the car. He wasn't used to snowballing, but he could handle it. "Geezus, how did sex become so crazy?" he thought to himself.

"Put your pants on, you look like an idiot," said Skip, smiling. "Sure, you had something to eat and now you want to go home," replied Travis returning the smile.

"I did you know." Skip remarked.

On the return ride back to the office, there was not much talking about how they felt inside, until Travis broke the silence.

"Do you think I am a jerk?" Travis asked. "You never did say..."

"I think you are hotter than a volcano and don't realize it."

"Hell, I know that. I'm an actor and I can be anything you want me to be."

"Is that so?"

"Yeah," I call it an outside interest.'

"Wonderful, how about that!"


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