It's not easy being a Superman!

By moc.oohay@4002165recnad

Published on Mar 17, 2008



The door of the house opened with utter anguish, as Superman returned to his home secretly through the back porch of the residence of Clark Kent. He had just won an ultimate battle with a desperado in the heart of Metropolis, that for some reason was very powerful, and really gave Superman, a real knockdown brawl.

During the course of the battle, Superman took his knocks, and suffered tremendously with the condition of his superhero tights. They were virtually torn to shreds, and his beefy body could be seen from all corners of where its supposed to be hidden. Although he was not entirely tuckered, his costume suffered the majority of damage. He dare not even look at himself in the mirror, as he did not want to witness his torn condition. He rambled his big body up the stairs towards his bedroom. Superman, had always planned way in advance for the tragedies that could befall his life, and torn to shreds super costume was not ignored.

He reached for the secret hidden button that would open his awaiting closet full of extra costume changes. Many superman shirts, tights, and a few extra red boots stood before him like a halloween costume showcase.

First off, after he removed his torn clothing and set them on a huge pile of already thrown away disposable super gear, he reached up on the closet shelf for some packaged blue tights. After he put those on, he grabbed a spare cape hung in the back of the super shirts, and set it on a chair. The boots he had worn, were not in bad condition, but they would only remind him of this very bad day, so he decided to dispense with those also. Finally, he reached for a hanging shirt, and proceeded to put it on over his head.

Well, to his amazement, this shirt had a rather peculiar small tight hole for his macho brow, and when struggled with it on, it gave an almost silent tear. With the super shirt halfway over his head, he looked frantically for a pair of scissors, and took the shirt off. From there, he trimmed off the tight elastic part of the overly tight hole for his head. Then after putting on the shirt, to his dismay, the cuts of the scissors were very uneven, and made the entire look of his uniform, very unprofessional. Nope, this shirt would also have to go! So, like a wrestler, he tore off the super shirt from his thick muscled bod, and it landed on the garbage heap with a bound. He thought to himself, "thank goodness he had an abundance of disposable super hero shirts in which to choose from." He grabbed for another one, which looked flawless, and slowly put it on with anticipation. This one slid on like a super glove, and he was so proud that he completed his look.

He did, however, manage to save the shorts he had worn which did not show any signs of immediate wear and tear, so he decided to put those on over his new gear.

Unfortunitely, Superman made a drastic fast move while reaching for his red cape, and boots all in one swoop. While bending downward, he heard a blood curdling sound of an echoing RIP!! It was his red shorts that had let him know that they had met their day. Superman, looked all around for another pair of red shorts, but could not find any-anywhere. He used his super vision and scanned the area all around, but no red shorts were in supply. He quickly slapped his handsome head, and reached for the cell phone. Another prior adjustment to his costume woes,was a nearby supplier that could send him suitable gear to form his super suit. "Hello, underwear gear?" he went on.

An hour passed, and his special order had arrived as he could see the delivery man approach the front sidewalk with his X-ray vision. However, he did not change out of his superman clothes because he did not want to struggle with them back on again, but he did have on his Clark Kent glasses to give him the impression that Clark was recieving the shipment, and not Superman. As he could not open the door to expose his super suit, and for the fact that his package was prepaid by credit card over the phone, he simply instructed the delivery man to slip the package throught the doggie door. The delivery man complied, and told Clark Kent to have a nice day. He took his brown box package up the stairs again, and opened the package quickly.

Superman let out a huge sigh, and then reached for the cell phone agian. "Hello, underwear gear?" It seems that they mistook his shipment, and gave him red patterned thongs. This was no good. Another hour passed by, and the deliverer had manage to take back the prior package, and replace it with the proper order Superman had made. The shorts were plain, red, tight, and just the way he was accustomed. Nothing could rain on his parade now, absolutely nothing.

With his super hearing, he overheard a brushing of footsteps just outside his house through the halfway open window. He looked out and downward from his second story home, and saw a young man in shorts looking about the wire fence for something. And it wasnt so much that a young man was on his premises walkway garden, that he noticed the man with the baseball cap was particularly cute looking. Then he noticed something else about the man. The young man had a shirt with an printed logo, and Superman used his vision to magnify the writing. It said plainly, ACTIVSKIN LEGWEAR FOR MEN, which would have been entirely too difficult to read from that distance from any normal human being. He gazed at his blue runner's shorts, and noticed they were very snug and clinging on to some other material. The young man, about 26. was sporting what he was advertising, and wearing see throughish tights that resembled nylon pantyhose underwear. Superman smiled to himself, and looked innocently about the man's physical capabilities. He noticed that the man had indeed a toned bod, with nice sleek rather muscled legs. The nylon shimmer of the tights gleamed, and made the man's legs look rather silky. "Not bad", Superman thought.

At first Superman didnt notice it, but his bulge in his tight red shorts begun to grow a little. He had noticed himself absent mindedly gazing at the man's obvious roundish posterior which nestled themselves strongly within the slit of the runner's shorts. Superman let out a deep breath of appreciation, and almost forgot to remember of what the person was looking for next to his house. He wanted to go downtstairs and ask him, but didnt want to change out of his outfir still. So he remained patrolling the area to see what the man was up to. His eyes drifted towards the man's leg area, and couldnt help but feeling a slight sexual arousal in his chest. Without thinking, his right hand shifted his crotch, and he tried not to think of what he was feeling, or thinking about. Unfortunitely, his crotch had different plans of their own. His red bulge kept getting a little bigger with the passing moments, and he had to notice that he had accomplished a well endowed hard on with his new red tight shorts. So much so, the rest of his costume was becoming unraveled. Superman began to feel himself perspiring, and withdrew a slight cough in his thick throat. The man then bent over the wire gate fence to search harder for whatever he was looking for, and his butt show thru his shorts, and there the nylon seams began to expose themselves. This drew Superman over the edge! This man here was positively sexy! His hard on grew, and grew with no sense of walls even encassed in the stretch of the tight shorts, until the ultimate happened. To Superman's utter dismay, his large throbbing cock broke free of the tight shorts jail, and the super dick tore an instant hole through the middle, exposing it's sexual eagerness. Superman's mouth dropped down as he was incapable of keeping his male prowess from remaining calm any further.

There was only one thing left to do, and his right hand knew exactly what was going on as it slowly reached over and around the meat of his thick hardened dick standing out in attention. Superman began to jack himself off, and with his left hand, brought open the soft curtains so he could look at the sexy man in his yard still further.

He grabbed, and he grabbed, until he no longer needed the sight of the man in his yard to get him off. The thought of sticking his manly tool up into the strength of those lustful intruders legs, gave him a sudden rush. How nice it must be to let his cockhead slip gracefully up and down into the crevice of that nylon encassed ass below him. How nice it must be to gently stroke his cock thru those awaiting cheeks, and give it some strong gentle strokes of their own. Those nice long legs needed loving, as did the entire strength of the man below. To his astonishment, Superman was thouroughly jacking off with vigor, and it was not enough just to think about it anymore. He wanted to meet him. . . . in person, and up close, if possible. But he did not want to change into Clark Kent to do it, and he was much too hot and bothered to think about struggling with clothes. So, he would confront the stranger as a helping superhero, and arrive to him quickly.

Superman was a pro at letting his appearances drift from a great entrance to a silent one, and this required a "sneak" attack. Straight from behind the gazing man, still looking about the brush for his lost item, Superman stood. Just like he was meant to stand with both hands propped on both his sides with macho earnest, and said, "May I help you sir?" The man surprisingly did not turn back, but responded with, "I lost some quarters in the weeds over here, and cant find them. I know their here, but I dont know." Superman tried desperately to seem professional, but his heated dick without gratification, began to adjust itself accordingly to the round butt that was within inches of it's reach. And the dick had every intention of reaching out for the gratification that it was looking for. Superman's hard dick felt a struggle with keeping it maintained once again, and he could see from the corner of his eye, that his crotch was protruding in broad daylight. So he clumsily tried to hide his protrusion by getting closer to the man looking over the edge of the wire gate fence. It was there he accidently, without thinking, stuck the super dick protrusion between the man's thighs. Superman, still sweating it out, tried to avade the circumstance by pointing out the possibility of the coins being in a certain area of the other garden. But his awareness that his crotch had sunk itself in between the man's legs took over, and his eyes almost crossed themselves with a sigh of relief. The man realized what was happening, as he felt a hard pipe drift into the butt crack of his runner's shorts. He realized through a shadow, that the helping voice belonged to a really big man of muscular size and gerth. He looked to his left only a little, and Superman's head was romantically forming next to his face. The man noticed it was Superman, and he smelled great.

Yes, it is not easy being a Superman, especially on a warm spring quiet day, with not many neighbors around to see the two of them walk into the house. It's not easy being big and muscular, with a great sexual prowess for arousal with someithng as sexy as this man who promotes skin tights for men, and has the courage to wear them in broad daylight. This sort of thing requires a reward of some kind, and Superman, after finding the lost quarters with his super vision in the garden, knew the man that was his, was gay, because he did not put up a fight with having Superman's ultimate crotch bulge finding sexual arousal in his runner's shorts, and nylon tights. Superman led the graceful man into his bedroom, and they struggled with a kiss, but it was Superman that went into his dominant persona, and gave the man, who was Robert, a great kiss of joy, and thankfulness.

Needless to say, the two of them got it on, with Superman not permitting the man to take off his nylon tights at any time during the course of the hot afternoon. He wanted them to remain on, and Superman "bottomed" him out. Yes, his new shorts took a beating, and they too ended up on the clothing garbage pile with his other torn ones, but hey. . . Superman was used to many changes in the course of being Superman. And Superman, he was.


Superman said to himself, "Man, I am flying."

"Yea, baby, yea. . . . . ." (puff, puff)

please submit this story to KISSING SUPERMAN in gay celebrity section, thanks.

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