Its My Life

Published on Apr 5, 2023


Disclaimer: If you are not yet 18 years of age or if it is illegal to read materials of this kind where you live, then please stop now. This story contains descriptions of sexual activity between teenage boys. However the acts are consensual and are a result of their love for one another. This story is completely fiction, all descriptions, and names are also fictitious; any similarities are truly just that, purely a coincidence.

This story is the property of the author (me), who reserves all copyrights and privileges. Please do not repost, reuse this story without contacting the author (me) and receiving the written permission of the author (me). This is my first story also... so kinda just go with the flow... now on to the story!

It's My Life. Chp,3

As Joe got ready to speak my heart was racing. I was nervous about what he had to say but at the same time I needed to hear what he had to say. I waited for him to say something while observing his body language. He seemed very tense to me. This being a whole blur to me because I had no clue as to what happened and why he walked all the way over to my house from Bianca's in the rain. He opened his mouth to say something and right before the first words come out, my cell phone rings. I looked at my ID and realized it was Giana I picked it up to answer it.


"Giana... whatcha need?" Trying my hardest trying to not sound annoyed with her, but dammit I was! Joe was about to say something that seemed really important and leave it to bad timing of a sister to screw it all up. I was close to yelling at her but I figured Joe looked upset enough, I didn't want to freak him out or anything.

" I need a ride home from Bianca's. I'm too drunk to drive home and Connie left with Kara so I'm stuck here and I really don't wanna stay here tonight." She did sound drunk, but why?! Why of all times she chooses to call she calls me right before something important was about to happen?

I didn't know what to do; I mean I don't want my sister driving home drunk. The thought of her doing that or even getting into an accident is something I didn't want to think about. I under normal circumstances would have told her to stay home but she sounded like she wanted to get out of there. I sighed and eventually gave into her pleading.

"Alright you better be ready when I get there. Joe is here and I was busy before you decided to call. Be outside so I don't have to go inside since I'm not dressed." Walking into a party with a bunch of drunks wasn't really on my list of to do things.

"Joe.... I'm really sorry but we have to go pick up my sister. I hope you don't care or anything. She's drunk and Connie and Kara left here there. You can stay here if you want that's all right. I should be back in no more then 10 minutes, if that's alright." I felt so bad for just cutting him of like this. He looked a little annoyed about the situation too. Man... Giana is so going to owe me after tonight.

"That's cool Jake, actually can you drop me off at home. I'm not feeling to good and kind of just want to sleep in my own bed tonight if you don't mind." I can't believe this!! I had a feeling something good was about to happen and now Giana went and shit on my night.

"That's cool, lets go then. You can leave your clothes, I'll get them over to you tomorrow when I come over or something." I looked over to him to make sure we were still on for tomorrow after all. He nodded and told me that would be cool.

"Maybe we can finish this conversation tomorrow or something like that?" Man... this is going to be eating at me all night now that he said that. We left my house and it was still raining hard and I drove the 5 minutes to Bianca's house. Picked up Giana who could more then tell I was pissed at her. She hopped in the backseat and didn't say a word. Just Hi to me and Joe and that was it.

"I'm going to take Joe home first G, so make yourself comfortable and don't puke." I didn't mean to sound so mean but she really did it this time. Joe lives about another 10 minutes away out of our sub-division. It was being to quiet so I popped in my Red Hot Chili Pepper's CD and put on, "Under The Bridge". Within 5 minutes of the drive to Joe's, Giana was already sound asleep in my back seat.

"I love this song Jake. I think it's one of their greatest J. It calms me down quiet a few times if I ever get upset. Or whenever I feel like updating my journal, I listen to this sometimes. But I also feel so alone and I hate feeling like that too." He looked rite at me and he never could have looked cuter. As I turned into his street the light shined on just the right parts of his face. I couldn't believe how sweet and nice of a guy Joe was. Even if we are just friends, he really does mean a lot to me. I laid my hand on his and we just looked and smiled.

"I know what you mean at times Joe." We just looked at each other and then down at our hands and suddenly both became very aware of it. I sure as hell wasn't going to be the one to pull away. Joe just kinda smiled and I pulled up to his house. I don't know what to think of all of this.

"Sorry about tonight Joe. I hope your not too mad or anything. Didn't plan on Giana bothering me tonight." Joe looked back at Giana and laughed, she was dead asleep on my backseat knocked out like a light.

"Don't worry about it Jake. We can talk tomorrow; don't forget to call me tomorrow though so we can hang out. Finish up what I needed to say. Thanks for being there for me Jake though, I really appreciate it." He grabbed my hand and told me good-bye. I waved to him and he closed the door and I watched him walk up to his house. Before he got inside his house. He checked to make sure his car alarm was on and then walked inside. I honked my horn twice and left.

The drive home even though quiet was a long one. I pulled out the CD and turned on the radio, nothing but mindless mixes were on so I just drove home listening to this overly bad techno mix and Giana's snore. I could not believe her, but I can't stay mad at her no matter what she does. I tried my best to keep my mind of Joe but of course my mind drifted back to him. I parked my car and woke up Giana and walked in. She said goodnight to me and I locked the door and armed our alarm and went to my room. The whole time thinking about how hot Joe looked when he changed in front of me.

I woke up the next day and made breakfast for Giana and me. Around 12 I figured Bianca would be up and somewhat motivated to do something or want me to help clean. I called her and sure enough I was right, she said she thought I would never call. I told her I would be there in about a half hour I wanted to shower first. I hurried and showered and changed into a pair of khaki cargo shorts and a muscle shirt with flip-flops and left to Bianca's. It was nice out today and I was tempted to take Giana's car since it was a convertible and all, but I decided against it cause I didn't want her to be driving my car around. I headed to Bianca's and hung out with her and helped her clean her disaster of a house. We finished with that around 4 and we were both hungry so we decided to get some food. I suggested we call up Joe so he could join us he said he had to go run to his dads' office for something or another but he wanted me to call him around 7. We went to eat at a BW3's (it's a buffalo wings restaurant). After we ate I took her home because she said she wanted to finish up the clean up and then probably head to my house to see what Giana was doing. I called up Joe and he told me to stop by. I told him I had to stop by the coffee house first to check up on it before I headed to his house and if he wanted me to get him anything. He asked me to pick him up a large French Vanilla Latte (my favorite drink too!).

I got to the coffee house to see that everything was running fine. Oh yea, we owned a little coffee/bookstore that my mom ran. It was something that my mom had always wanted to do; so about 4 years ago mom and dad both opened it. They figured since my dad makes more then enough money that was worth the risk. It's a nice little store, we have the occasional open mic night, and bands would sometimes play there. Me and Giana would help out when we could, but my mom has what she likes to call her second set of kids there who were it so its all good. They are a good group of people and it's a very nice place to come and hang out. It's actually is quiet successful too. My mom always said she has her regulars that come in and business was always steady. Most importantly my mom and dad were both happy with the store so that was the most important thing. But since my mom had been outta town for the week Giana and me have been sharing shifts helping run the place with dad stopping in every so often to help also. We really weren't needed since they employees knew what they were doing. It was a nice group of kids ranging from juniors to college students, we all got along and they didn't treat us any differently just because our parents owned the store. So it was a fun place to hang out at too every now and then. I walked in and everyone was doing his or her jobs. I waved hi to Matt who worked there actually (his parents wanted him to start working even though he really didn't have to) and stopped and chatted with him. I took a few orders from the customers and then got our drinks and said bye to Matt telling him to call me so we could hang out after his shift was over. As I was leaving Giana was walking in saying that mom wanted her to stay and help close with Matt, Blake, and Rachel tonight. I laughed at her and waved goodbye to everyone in the store and left. I don't see why she got all huffy though, it's not like she had much of anything else to do I though. I ended up pulling up to Joe's house around 8. He was sitting outside on the porch looking hot as can be. Wearing an Abercrombie shirt that fit him just right and shorts that fit him loosely too. It was a nice site to see.

"So nice of you to finally show up Jake." He smirked and took his coffee from me.

"Yeah... yeah... yea..." I handed Joe his drink and sat down next to him. "I had to stop by the shop to make sure everything was alright and it hadn't burned down."

"Yum... thanks for the drink. Let's go inside and play some pool or something, I'm getting bit up out here."

We walked inside his house and ended up going straight to his room. Joe's house is almost as big as my house, except the 2nd floor wasn't as big as ours. I loved Joe's room it's always the right temperature, and he always keeps it nice and clean. Plus he has basically everything you need in it. We sat down and chatted ideally.

"So Joe, you know, you never did fin.." he cut me off mid sentence.

"Yea I know Jake, just lets not talk bout it right now. Want to go play some pool now?"

"Sure kid, how bout we put a wager on it?" Joe was the biggest sucker when it comes to bets and I know he would fall for mine. "If I win you have to tell me what you were going to tell me last night. And if you win.... umm....., I don't know whatever you want."

"Alright, if I win, you have to treat me to a da... a night out. You pay for everything next time we go out somewhere." His face got beat red and I could have sworn he was about to say DATE!

"Fine, no problem over here, besides it's not like your going to win anyways."

We played ideally and eventually came down to a tie. Both had to get the 8ball in the pocket with nothing left on the table. It was my shot and I knew I had to either make it or I would be taking Joe on a date... oh wait.. I mean a, "night out." I went to shoot and I scratched the ball. DAMMIT! I can't believe it, I was so close and now I screwed it up. It was Joe's turn now and I was almost sure he was going to make it in. He leaned over the table and I made a quick glance at his ass. It looked perfect in his shorts. So tight, a perfect bubble butt, I checked him out one last time before he shot the ball.

"YES! Ha! Jake you bitch, I told you I would win. You're going to have to take me out now! See you can't beat the master!" I was halfway mad, but I was also all for it. If it were up to me I would take him now.

"The master? What are we 7 Joe? I leaned into wrestle with him and I took him down. We wrestled around on the ground for awhile. I was able to have my free shots at touching places where otherwise he would be looking at me strange. We both got tired and eventually just both fell to the floor. I landed right on top of his chest; I felt him breathing heavily and listened to his heartbeat. God, I could sit there forever and just listen to Joe breathe and lay with him.

"So when can I cash in on that prize Jake? He petted my hair and I just sat there. Unsure of either I should make a move or just let him take the lead. I was getting nervous and I my stupid side of me took over and I sat up right away. Joe looked at me confused and I felt so stupid but tried to play it off as saying my phone was ringing. I pulled out my phone and acted like I was checking it to see who called me. I think he knew I was lying because I'm one of the worst liars when it comes to making up a lie on the spot.

I put my phone back in my pocket and turned to him as he was still lying on the floor. "I don't know Joe, when do you want to go out then?" Joe looked angelic lying down on the floor looking up at me. His t-shirt pulled up a little exposing his defined stomach and treasure trail. I'm not a big fan of those but with Joe I can deal with that.

"Let's go out right now. How about we go rent a movie and then order Pizza and we can call it even."

"That's cool, do you want to go with me to go get the video, or just wait here and order the pizza?" He propped himself up on his shoulders and looked up at the ceiling almost comptimplating on what to choose.

Almost like a light bulb went off in his head he said, "Only if you pick me up and carry me to your car." What the hell, is he really serious? "No I'm just punking you Jake, yea I'll go with you, last time you picked out a movie we ended up watching, "The Blair Witch Project 2" Argh! He knew exactly how to get to me sometimes. See, last Friday the 13th Joe, Giana, Ally, Connie, and me hadn't felt like doing so we decided to rent a movie and they told me to get something scary. So I grabbed the "Blair Witch Project 2" because I thought I put that back and grabbed "Freddy VS. Jason" we'll I had a major brain fart and ended up getting the wrong movie and they never let me live it down because I went back to go get the right movie and when I went to change them, F vs. J was already all out. So we got stuck watching the BWP 2 much to pretty much everyone's disappointment.

"Fine then but I really want to see, 'School of Rock' so can we please get that? Order the pizza too, we can pick it up on the way back." I grabbed my shoes and Joe ordered the pizza. I asked him if he wanted to drive his car but since it was I taking "him out for a night" day; I had to be the man so he said and drive him.

We got the movies and the food and headed back to his house. On our way back to his house Matt called me to see what I was doing. I told him I was out with Joe and he told me that Giana, Blake, Rachel, and him were all going out to go to a movie. He invited us but I told him we had just got food and we're pulling back into Joe's drive way right then.

We walked into his front room. His parents had some benefit to go to so they wouldn't be home more then likely tonight since it was out in the city. I put the pizza on the coffee table and Joe popped in the movie. I sat down on the couch and put a pillow over myself since I started to get cold. Joe came and sat down with me, he looked at me and then took the pillow, smirked and laid down right on top of my lap.

"Get off of me Joe, I want to enjoy the movie, now you hold up your end of the deal and make me a plate!" I barked at him like he was some chic. He looked at me like I was stupid and then laughed. Put 2 slices of pizza on the plate and slid it down the table, he almost dropped it so I threw the pillow at him and he got comfortable on the other side of the couch and started the movie.

I liked the movie, during certain parts I would catch Joe looking over my way and then look away when he saw that I caught him. All of these things were all happening and it was really making me think about things. Would I even notice any of these things had it not been for Ally and her big mouth. If she had kept her mouth shut I would have just thought of all of this as Joe and me having a night in. But now she has me thinking about all these things.

"See Joe! I can too pick out good movies! So what do you want to do now?" He got up to put the dishes and pizza in his kitchen and I followed close behind him. Joe turned around leaning against the center island. He just sorta smirked and laughed at me.

"I just kinda want to go lay out since it's so nice out tonight. Or we could play some pool if you want, I don't care really, whatever u want to do is fine with me." Joe gave me those puppy dog eyes, not like he needed to though, I was with Joe tonight and I liked hanging out just the two of us.

"That's cool, I don't feel like going out so that's fine with me too. You want to go lay out on the hammock then? Where's your Jason Mraz CD at though, I have this one song stuck in my head that I can't get out of my head." I loved Jason's CD, esp. since Joe gave it to me for my birthday. He knew I had wanted it so he got it for me and I burned him a copy cause I know he liked Jason too. But the music is relaxing too, so it's good chill music to listen to while we just lay out and take the night in.

"It's in the stereo still. I was listening to it when Pat and me were playing pool in the other room. I'll go and open the doors since the hammock is right there you can hear the music pretty good coming out from there anyways."

"Alright, since you got it covered then Joe I think I'm just gonna go lay out then. I light the torches to so no stupid bugs come around." I looked at the hammock and it was a little bigger then normal sized ones. It's in such a nice area between 2 trees right by his pool. Now I don't know if I should lie across it or what. I didn't want to make Joe uncomfortable so I figured I would just lay like I was lying in a bed and if he wanted to switch I would if he said something.

"Go ahead make yourself at home, leave no room for me I see." He had two bottles of water for each of us and DAMN! He was looking hot in the night-light. Joe kicked off his flip flops and laid right next to me not thinking another second about it. Laying next to him our sides of our bodies felt just right. I wouldn't trade that feeling for anything, and Joe was nice and warm so even if it did start to get a little cooler his body heat could keep me warm.

We laid there for a few minutes not talk just taking in the night and enjoying each others company. Occasionally I would zone out and start singing along with the CD. Joe would laugh here and there when I started to sing and I would snap back in to reality. Nothing could bother me right now; I was lying down with one of my best friends enjoying his company. I really did like Joe and even if he wasn't gay that would be okay, I can handle that, being friends with Joe makes me happy as it is.

My favorite song on the album came one, 'You and I Both' and I decided to just speak up. "Joe can I ask you something?" He looked me in the eyes and Joe made me feel right I no longer needed to ask what he had to say everything about him made me feel right. His baby blue eye's as he looked at me and I wanted nothing more but to profess how I feel about him to him.

"Actually Jake, I do have something to say so I'll go first. This isn't going be easy either so give me a chance because I hearing myself say it will be the first to me too." I looked at him and listened to what the radio was playing in the background:

Cause you and I both loved What you and I spoke of And others just read of, others only read a of the love Oh, the love that I love

"Jake... (Joe took a deep gulp and I put my hand on his because he had started to get really nervous.) Jake... god, I'm just going to say it, Jake I like you... I don't know how you feel about me or anything but I really like you. I see you and when we hang out I am really happy around you. You put a spark in so many peoples' eyes and I don't think you give yourself that much credit. You are such a good friend to me and everyone else and I don't know what I would do without you.... (He took a deep breath and I looked right at Joe, he looked like a deer in headlights not sure what to do but determined to finish saying what he had to say. The song was still playing and I couldn't help but think how ironic how it was....)

Cause you and I both loved What you and I spoke of And others just read of and if you could see me now Oh, love love, you and I, you and I, not so little you and I anymore, Umm And with this silence brings a moral story More importantly evolving is the glory of a boy

What I'm trying to say Jake is that I like you a lot and I don't know how you feel about all of this. I really don't know what I think about this whole thing either. I don't know if I'm gay or bi or any of that other crap, but what I do know is that I like you and I just had to get that all off my chest because it was driving me crazy, and I hope you don't freak out or take this the wrong way either Jake, I just had to tell you... You do understand I hope..."

Joe's voice trailed off and he looked away from me as if he was embarrassed about what he had just done. I put my hand on his face ever so lightly and turned it towards mine and without being fully aware of what was going on I pulled him in and kissed him. Slowly we pulled apart and I looked at him as to examine and check to see if I really did, what I think I did.

"Joe, I feel the same exact way about you. I just didn't have the balls to tell you because I was so scared you didn't feel the same way about me. I'm so sorry if I ever gave off the wrong impression or anything like that. But Joe, I like you a lot too, not just as a friend because you will always be my friend but I like you more then a friend. When I look at you, I don't see a fling or someone who isn't serious. I look at you and I see someone who has grown up and is mature but still knows how to have fun. You're gorgeous, and not just hot you look, everything about you Joe. Your personality and when I see you and Pat together, you two are so close it's really nice to see and I wish that we can have some sort of the same connection Pat and you have. Joe what I'm trying to say is... will you be my boyfriend?"

I had just poured my heart out to him and I felt it beating so hard it was in my throat. I felt like everything was closing in on me and I had no clue of what was about to happen. I looked at Joe and saw a tear trickling down his face and I felt one roll down my cheek too. That was it for me, and I think Joe sensed it. He pulled me into a hug and just held me there. I had never felt this way for someone in along time. Joe had been there for me the past year more than anyone in my life. When I had surgery on my knee he was the second person I saw besides Eaden. He took me to the airport when I flew out to New York for vacation and he picked me up when I got home. Whenever I needed someone to talk to he was there. I realized this but Joe had been there for so much and I could only hope I was there for just as much for him too.

We came apart and Joe gazed into my eyes and I looked right back at him, "Yes Jake, nothing could make me happier then to be your boyfriend." We kissed and then he nuzzled his head on my chest and we laid there just taking each other and the events that had just happened in. I listened to him breath and took in the fresh night air. This was something I would defiantly not forget.

I opened my eyes and it must have been at least 3 in the morning because it was all dewy around us. I pulled my arm out from under Joe who had knocked out and looked out my cell to see what time it was. It was only 1:30 and I had missed 2 calls, one was from Giana and one Ally of all people. She decides to show up at the weirdest times she does, no not when I really need her she's busy, but when I go to sleep she wants to hang out. I decided to call Giana but be as quiet as possibly not to wake up Joe.

"Hey G, It's me Jake what did you want?"

"Oh Jake, Hey, nothing I was just checking up on you to see where you were and all, and if you were going to be coming home tonight or staying out at Joe's" I was torn, I mean as nice as it would be to stay with Joe tonight, I had to help open up the café in the morning so I knew I had to head home.

"I'll be home in about 20 minutes or so. Take the alarm off though so it won't go stupid when I come in."

"Yea don't worry about that, I'm up with Connie we were just listening to some music and talking about random stuff. We're in the sun room just chilling so I'll come around front when I hear you pull up then Jakey."

"Alright, tell Connie I said 'Hi' Joe might be with me though, I'm not sure yet."

Since I couldn't stay there, hopefully he would come and stay the night at my house. I gave him a couple of nudges and then ended up kissing him on the check and he woke up.

"Hey sleepyhead, have a good nap?" He looked cute half up and half asleep. Then again Joe really is irresistible almost always and not only that, but he's also mine!

"Wow, it's 1:45 we knocked out huh? That's okay though since it was relaxing." He sat up and as with any hammock when someone gets up you end up loosing your balance especially if you're on one side more then the other. Before I knew it I had flipped off of it onto the dewy glass and started laughing my ass off. It took a second for Joe to process because he kept walking until he heard me laughing.

"So meanie , or you just gonna watch me on the ground or are you going to help you boyfriend up?" Wow, I got the chills when I said that I thought to myself. But it felt right at the same time too.

Joe walked over and helped me up and we went inside his house. I told him about me having to head home and he said he would stay the night. I was excited because I wanted to spend a lot of time with him even if we were just sleeping.

He closed up his house and left a memo on the kitchen counter and we left to go to my house. During our ride home we just talked nonchalantly. It was obvious we were still tired so when I pulled into the driveway. I told Giana and Connie 'goodnight' and we headed up to my room.

We went to my room and Joe locked the door behind him. "So I take it your not going to be sleeping on the futon anymore?"

"Nope, I'm going to sleep in that bed with you>" He stated matter of fact like but trying not to be serious also. That was all I needed to hear I threw my shirt off and pulled off my shorts and hoped in my bed. Joe did the same and jumped in next to me. I set my alarm clock to 5:30 since we opened at 7 on Sundays. Joe wrapped his arm around me and snuggled up closer to me. I felt so safe and at him around his arms and gave his hand a kiss and slowly drifted off to sleep.


Sorry about the long wait in between chapters 2 and 3. Life got really hectic and "It's My Life" took the back seat for awhile and I can't say it won't again but thank you for all the emails you guys sent, it really helped out in writing this chapter. But for now it's back from its hiatus. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and remember to send all comments good or bad to:

It's My Life

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