It's Just a Party

By Will Ren

Published on Aug 17, 2017



This isn't my usual sci-fi tale. I realize it might be a niche storyline so hopefully at least one person enjoys it .

It has teen boys, kink, and the like. Give it a read if that stuff sounds interesting.

"I don't know, you should just go without me. I won't know anyone there so what's the point?" Ethan shrugged. He lifted a shirt out of the laundry basket and hung it up in the little closet they shared.

"Uh, how do you know you won't know anyone unless you go? It isn't like I gave you a list of names." Corey punched his roommate on the shoulder.

"Oww! Dick!" Ethan punched him back.

Both boys rubbed their shoulders and glared at the other. They were roommates in their freshman year at State College, having been thrown together by some random computer matching algorithm.

Corey was the athletic one, standing six feet two inches and covered in well-defined muscles. He kept his blonde hair short, parted on the side. A small amount of stubble almost always covered his face. If you needed to find him all you had to do was look for a friendly game of football or basketball behind the dorm or over at the campus rec center.

Ethan was the scholar in the room. He was five foot eight and barely one hundred pounds. Short brown hair, spiked up with gel, basic muscle tone, and the most penetrating blue eyes. Those eyes were usually either locked on his school books, deep in study, or on the computer screen. Of late it was usually a website that he should have been avoiding, seeing as the boys shared a computer. He tried to remember to clear the browsing history but it was always risky.

Corey was dating a beautiful girl, Mallory, and on more than one occasion he had kicked his roommate out for the night so they could fool around. Most of the time he hung out with her, sometimes at her parent's home as she lived locally.

Ethan didn't mind when he was left alone, he was used to it. He did, however, loathe the rare occasions when he couldn't sleep there as he had to find somewhere else to stay. Usually he crashed across the hall with Mike and Tim but he didn't really like them. They were jocks too and they always poked fun at him when Corey kicked him out of the room for a night.

As for a girlfriend, Ethan hadn't found the right one yet. Or, more specifically, found one with a dick. Yeah, he wasn't really looking for a girlfriend. The more he surfed the web the more he took to cruising sites that featured boys his age doing all manner of things.

The thing is, the more he watched them the more he longed to be there with them, caught up in the sexual frenzy that kept him glued to the screen for hours on end, gently stroking himself to orgasm. He had come to terms with being gay a few years prior, in his sophomore year of high school.

That had been a rough time for him but he had devised a coping mechanism: he kept that shit buried very deep down, denying his desires!

His parents would have freaked and his friends, the few he had, would have disowned him. Nobody else in his school was gay, at least not openly, so it wouldn't have mattered if he had come out. It had bothered him, not being able to experience what he longed for, but it was more tolerable back then.

Now that he was away from home, at college, it was becoming a distraction and quite frankly depressing. He knew there was a gay support/meet group on campus but he was too insecure to seek them out and risk other people learning his secret. He knew of a few places around the city where he could have probably had some form of encounter but that wasn't what he wanted.

He knew he was decent looking; he got hit on by girls occasionally, but never guys. He also knew he was a virgin and that was kind of embarrassing. Listening to Cory and his friends you would think they were all having sex. Hell, he knew they were. He was the only one on campus who wasn't.

He sighed deeply and clicked past the photos featuring hot wax, piercing, flogging, pretty much anything that caused pain. He wasn't against people doing that, just not to him. He found himself most often on websites that contained videos of twink boys either getting fucked in bathrooms or showers, dicked from behind while on all fours, or just plain old cuddling, though that usually morphed into sex anyway. The sex scenes were usually phony, cheesy, insincere, you name it, but he still wanted to be one of those boys. He wondered what it would feel like to have another guy's dick buried in his ass; moving in and out, stimulating his prostate. From all he had read and seen it would hurt if careful preparations hadn't been taken. Still, it would be fun to try. All he had tried so far was inserting his finger. That felt pretty good but he wanted more.

Of late, he had begun to explore sites dealing with fetish, kink, puppy play, bondage, and the like. He started out vanilla, watching guys in leather pants wrestling or rolling around in the grass in wet jeans. Then, inevitably, he found X-tube and all it had to offer.




His fantasy world exploded and he began to question whether there was something wrong with him, mentally. He got aroused and orgasmed so much quicker watching guys getting mummified in plastic wrap and duct tape, encased in leather and rubber, and hell, even having sex in deep, creamy mud. Other boys were hooked to dick-sucking machines and others had mechanized dildos pumping in and out of their asses for what seemed like hours on end. Milking was a huge turn-on. He realized that the biggest thrill was no longer seeing a naked boy but seeing that same boy completely covered in something so he became more a `thing' than a person. To be dehumanized, encased, cocooned; a sexual object used for another's pleasure. Yup, that always sent him over the edge big time.

"The hell is wrong with me?" He had asked himself many a time as he stroked his dick, stuffed into a sock to keep splatter under control.

He got so engrossed in those types of videos that on more than one occasion he hadn't heard Corey's key in the lock and had nearly had a heart attack when the dorm room door opened and he had mere seconds to tuck himself away. The last time had been only two days ago. He needed to be more careful or he would be having an unpleasant conversation with his roommate.

He had been watching three guys getting it on. The one in the back was standing and dressed from head to toe in black leather with his dick sticking out of the leather pants. The one in the front was standing and facing him, wearing rubber jeans and a rubber t-shirt. The third one, in the middle, was completely encased in shiny, black rubber, getting both his ass and mouth thoroughly fucked, as he bent over between them.

The guy in the back, in leather, would thrust forward into the guy in the middle. The guy in the middle was pushed forward, forcing the third guy's dick deep into his mouth and throat. The guy in the front had his hands on the rubber-encased guy in the middle, holding him and slowly stroking his head.

Ethan had alternated imagining himself both the guy in the front and the guy in the back but in his heart, he knew, more than anything else, he wanted to be the guy in the middle, getting filled in both holes at the same time. To be the sexual `thing', used by the two.

The biggest turn on was the gear they were each wearing. Watching guys having sex in the nude or in street clothes just didn't do it for him anymore. Problem was, he doubted that even if he ever got up the nerve to ask a guy on a date he was damn sure he would quickly be labeled a freak if he even suggested something kinky. Then again, he didn't own anything other than jeans and cotton shirts so it really didn't matter.

So, he kept his nose in his school work and had a one-percent social life. No use looking for something you would never find, right?

"So why don't you want to go?" Corey kept at him.

"Because." Ethan folded his arms.

"Because?" Corey encouraged him to continue.

"I won't have a good time." Ethan frowned. "You know I suck at social stuff."

"I'll bet you twenty bucks you have fun." Corey teased.

"Winning twenty bucks for several hours of boredom isn't much incentive." Ethan shook his head.


"You don't have fifty bucks." Ethan challenged.

"I have forty and could owe you the other ten, if I lose the bet."

Ethan was silent for a moment, staring into Corey's beautiful, brown eyes. He was slightly attracted to the larger boy, though he preferred guys his own size. One of his fantasies was to completely switch clothes with another guy, while he was currently wearing them. They needed to be `worn'. Not dirty, just personal. For that to happen, they should probably be the same size.

"...fifty bucks..." Corey sang. "Come on, I'll introduce you around to some of the others I know."

"You just said you didn't have a list of names." Ethan frowned.

"Well not a list of EVERYONE who will be there but I know a few people. So do you, in fact."

"Really? Who?"

"Well, Mallory will be there."

"That doesn't count, it's her house."

"No, it's her parents' house." Corey stuck out his tongue.


"And Phil and Dave from down the hall are going."

"They're assholes. Who else?"

"Uh...a few of Mallory's friends."

"Who I don't know."

"Oh, and Paul."

"The one who you sometimes play ball with?"


"Eh, he's not too bad."

"See? You know someone!" Corey smiled.

"I know exactly four people, Paul and Mallory, and two assholes. Hardly enough to peak my interest."

"I guess. I just hate to think of you all alone on a Friday night, locked in here by yourself." He gave him a knowing look and tilted his head towards the computer.

"What?" Ethan played dumb, his pulse rising.

"Nothing. Just commenting on your lack of a social life."

"It works for me. Besides, I might go pick up the latest Call of Duty and play that all weekend. It just came out."

"Uh, major boring shit."

"Don't be a dick. I enjoy games."

"I know, just giving you hell. I do the same thing to Zach when he plays them. God, that's all he does." He shook his head. "That boy needs to get out of the house."

Ethan raised an eyebrow. "Zach?"

"Yeah, you know, Mallory's brother?"

"I didn't know she has a brother."

"Yes you did. I've told you about him before." Corey nodded.


"Umm." He was thoughtful. "So anyway, Mallory has a brother named Zach." Corey smiled.

"And he games?"

"All the time. He is almost as big a computer nerd as you."

"Thank you." Ethan frowned.

"So what do you say? Come with me?"

"Well, it would be good to get out of here for a while. And maybe, if the party is as dull as it probably will be, maybe he and I could play Xbox, or whatever he has." He was getting excited about the possibility of meeting someone new, someone who liked video games. Maybe they could become friends. Maybe he was cute. Maybe...NOPE...push that shit waaaayyy down inside!

"Do you think he will be there?"

"Don't know." Corey turned away and headed to the bathroom. "I'm going to shower before we head over."

"You mean before you head over. I never said I am going."

"Whatever." Corey pulled his shirt over his head and dropped it on the floor. He kicked his jeans off and ripped a small fart as he moved into the bathroom.

"You're a pig." Ethan admired his roommate's tight ass.

Corey stuck is butt out the bathroom door and farted again before ducking back inside and shutting the door.

The shower started and Ethan heard the curtain being pulled closed. He counted to ten and then walked over to Corey's discarded shirt and picked it up. He pressed the cotton to his face and inhaled, savoring the scent he enjoyed. It didn't stink; it smelled like Corey and deodorant, maybe a lingering hint of fabric softener. He took a few deep breaths and then set the shirt back on the floor where it had been. What he really wanted was to put it on and then climb into Corey's bed and press his face into his pillow, wrapping himself in the bed sheets, covered in his scent. But, as always, he didn't.

He flopped down in the beanbag chair and checked email on his phone. Nothing, but that wasn't unusual. One usually needed to send emails to receive them, but he never did. Nobody to send them to.

He surfed the web, eventually making his way to X-tube. It wasn't nearly as satisfying on his phone's small screen but at least it was private.

Fifteen minutes later, the shower water shut off and he heard the curtain sliding back. He sighed and closed the browser window. He really didn't want to go to the party but he didn't have a good reason not to. He was never going to meet people if he didn't get out. Besides, he was genuinely interested in meeting Mallory's brother.

In a few minutes, the bathroom door opened and Corey emerged, a damp towel draped over his head.

"Your turn."

"I'm not showering now." Ethan shook his head and briefly looked up, seeing Corey's naked body in the bathroom doorway. He quickly looked back down at his phone and busied himself with checking the weather. His dick began to swell in his jeans.

"So you are going to show up to your first college bash all gross?"

"I never said I was going."

"You have to go." Corey frowned.

"No, I really don't." Ethan faced him. "And put some damn clothes on!"

"I texted Mallory and said you were coming with me and asked if Zach is going to be there." Cory pulled his jeans on and dug a clean shirt out of his laundry basket.

"You what?"

"And...she said it's great that you are going and that yes, Zach will be home."

"Thanks a lot."

"She also said we probably won't see Zach. Apparently, he just got, and I quote, `some stupid game called Call of Duty' for his Xbox."

"I don't know..."

"Please come? Mallory would like it and it might help me get laid." He grinned widely.

"Ah hah! Now the truth comes out. You bring your pathetic, loner roommate along and score points with your girlfriend."

"Exactly!" He laughed. "So, come with?" He pleaded.

"Maybe." Ethan looked at the clock, hanging above the desk. "When are you heading over?"

"Party starts at ten. Let's eat, hang out, and then head over around that time?"

"Fine. That gives me time to finish some assignments that are due next week."


"Don't push your luck." Ethan smiled.

"Thanks, and really, you might have a good time."


"Well maybe you can sneak into Zach's room and steal that game you want. That would save you the money."

"I won't need the money as you are going to owe me fifty bucks when I have a shitty time at the party and win the bet.

"Never!" Corey laughed.

"Besides, unlike you I actually have cash in my wallet."

"There is that." Corey agreed.

They hung out in the room for a while longer and then made their way to the dining hall, before it closed at seven. After eating, they returned to their room. Ethan did some school work in the beanbag chair while Corey surfed the web, reading sports pages.

At about nine forty-five Corey switched off the computer.

"You ready?"

"No." Ethan closed his book and shook his head.

"Well, I'm ready." He held out his hand and pulled Ethan up, from the bean bag chair.

"Let's go." He released Ethan's hand and moved to the door.

Ethan sighed and followed obediently. He felt so pathetic; he had actually gotten a little excited over holding Corey's hand, even if it was just being helped up from the chair.

Corey pulled his lightweight leather jacket from the closet and slipped it on.

They stepped out into the hallway and Ethan turned and closed the door, locking it.

"Aren't you bringing a jacket?" Corey asked.

"No, it isn't that cold."

"That's because we are inside."

"You know what I mean." Ethan pushed past him and headed down the hall.

"Well you know, it might get cold later and you'll wish you had one." Corey spoke in a parental tone.

"Thanks dad. I'll be fine."

Corey jumped in front of him, slapping his back lightly as he moved past. "Well, if you get cold you can wear mine on the walk home."

"Won't be necessary but thanks." Ethan caught a faint whiff of leather as Corey moved past him and his dick twitched in his jeans. Fact is, he would enjoy wearing his roommate's leather jacket but he would never have the nerve to ask. Besides, it would be too large.

They left the dorm and walked for about twenty-five minutes, until they were off campus. They had entered an area of larger homes and eventually arrived at the house.

There were a few cars already parked and a dull thumping was coming from inside.

"Sounds like the party is already going strong." Corey said.


Corey opened the front door and they both entered. Inside, about a dozen people were standing around in the living room, plastic cups in their hands.

"Are they drinking beer?" Ethan yelled over the din.

"God, I hope so." Corey scanned the room, looking for Mallory.

"We aren't old enough. Won't her parents be pissed?"

"Nope, they are out of town for a while, hence the bash. I'm going to dump my jacket and get something to drink."

"Don't ditch me!" Ethan called out, as Corey walked away into the group of people standing in the room.

Ethan watched as his roommate received several high fives. It sucked not knowing anyone. He wished, he possessed a third the self-confidence Corey had. It would probably make life easier.

Corey emerged from the kitchen with two plastic cups.

"Beeeeerrrr!" He yelled over the music.

Ethan took the cup and tasted it. "Gross."

"Don't be a pussy. I want people to think I have a cool roommate." Corey joked.

"I am cool!" Ethan raised his voice over the music.

"I'm going to look for Mallory. Stay out of trouble."

"If I'm not here when you get back don't be alarmed. It means I went home." Ethan rolled his eyes.

"No way! You have to stay at least until midnight or you forfeit the fifty bucks. No fair leaving before you give yourself a chance."

"Fine!" Ethan looked around the room and saw a comfortable looking chair. "Is it alright if I go sit down?"

"Sure." Corey shrugged and moved off in search of his girlfriend.

For the hour and a half, Ethan scanned the room, people watching. It probably made him look a bit creepy but he didn't care. Despite what Corey had said, Paul was nowhere to be seen so the opportunity to interact with the only other person he considered normal wasn't going to happen.

He did see Phil and Dave. Sadly, they also saw him and came over to where he was sitting.

Dave spoke. "Well look who's here. Never thought you would leave your room long enough to have a life." He sneered.

"Yup, having a blast." Ethan smiled back.

"Looks like it. You've been sitting there since you got here."

"So what?" Ethan became defensive.

"Whatever dude." Dave turned and walked away, Phil following him.

"Dick." Ethan mumbled. He resumed looking around the room.

A little while later, he saw two relatively cute guys, standing over by the kitchen, talking. He tried not to stare but he wondered if one of them were Zach. He was desperate to get out of the main room and the thought of playing some Xbox was pretty much the only thing keeping him there. They laughed, fist bumped each other, and continued with their conversation, each taking a drink from his cup. Unlikely Zach was one of them he decided, as they looked pretty athletic, like Corey. He assumed Zach wasn't a jock.

After a few minutes of staring he sighed and looked to the other side of the room. Another cute guy was standing alone, over by the front door. This guy was his own size and looked a little uncertain of himself, as if he'd rather be somewhere else.

Ethan felt his adrenaline spike for a moment when he considered that it could be Mallory's brother. He debated going over and introducing himself. "Nothing ventured nothing gained."

He stood and took a deep breath. The guy was attractive and he felt his pulse jump at the thought of hanging out with him. He moved across the room.


"Huh?" The guy faced him. "Oh, hi."

"Are you Zach?" Ethan yelled over the music.

"What?" The guy asked, looking confused.

"Are you..." He was interrupted when a girl walked up and kissed the guy on the mouth.

She pulled him away and as they walked off Ethan saw the guy look back at him and then face the girl and laugh.

"Fantastic. I just made a fool of myself." He sighed and headed to the kitchen. It was almost midnight so in a few minutes he would be fifty dollars richer. He decided to force himself to drink another cup of beer, to possibly give him a buzz for the lonely walk home. Maybe he would be abducted by aliens in the darkness. That would be something...

He stepped into the kitchen and almost collided with Mallory, who was exiting with a cup in each hand.

"Woops!" She laughed and then recognized him. "Oh hey! Ethan! Glad you are still here. Corey said you came with him."

"Yup." He smiled politely.

"Well cool. Having fun?"

"Yeah, mostly. Don't really know anyone, I mean except you of course."

"Phil and Dave are here somewhere."

"Yeah, already talked with them." He forced a smile.

"Oh good. Well I'm going to find Corey. Have to keep my eye on that boy!" She stepped past him and left the kitchen.

"Tell him he owes me fifty bucks." He said softly so she wouldn't hear him, not that she would over the thumping of the music. "Oh wait! Where is Zach?" He yelled after her but she was already gone, lost in the mob of people crowded into the living room.

"Fantastic." He shook his head at his stupidity. He had just missed the opportunity to ask the one person who would probably know where Zach was. He thought about chasing her down but that felt pathetic and desperate, not that he wasn't.

Ethan walked up to the keg on the table and refilled his cup. He took a sip and grimaced. It wasn't very good beer, not that he drank enough to really know.

"Excuse me." A girl pushed past him and filled her cup.

"Sure." He said flatly, stepping slightly to the side.

She giggled and walked away, rejoining the larger group in the living room.

Ethan turned and looked out the kitchen window, into the dark yard beyond. He wondered if Mallory's parents had a pool. His parents didn't and it always seemed like a cool thing; having your own. The house was large enough and the area nice enough...

"Coming through." A guy stepped up to the keg and filled his cup, bumping him slightly as he pushed past.

Ethan realized he was standing in the worst possible place. He was directly in front of the keg, in the line of traffic. He moved to the side. "Sorry." He turned and was about to head back to his chair in the living room and paused, having smelled something nice.

He turned back around, determined to get a better smell of the guy at the keg, careful not to be caught sneaking a peak. The guy had filled his cup but was now standing at the sink, looking out into the back yard. He hadn't returned to the living room, assuming that was where he had come from.

Ethan couldn't see his face but given his apparent height and weight he determined they were the same size and he liked what he saw. Thin build, tight shirt, and skinny jeans hugging a really nice ass. As he often did, he had the desire to walk up and hug the guy from behind, imagining they were friends, or more. Hug him around the waist and pull him back against his chest, pushing his nose into his hair and then kissing his neck. His dick twitched in his jeans.

Ethan walked up behind him. "Hey!" He yelled a little too loudly, wanting to be heard over the music.

"What?" The guy jumped and spun around, spilling his beer down the front of Ethan's shirt. "Oh shit! Sorry man, you startled me." He grabbed a dish towel from the counter and clumsily wiped at the damp material, pressing his hand to Ethan's chest.

Ethan sighed, looking down watching the beer soak into his favorite T-shirt. A shitty ending to an equally-shitty night. "Don't worry about it. I'm ready to head home so..." He looked up and met the other guy's gaze and froze, not completing his sentence.

The guy was fucking beautiful! He also had blue eyes but black hair, swept over one side in a slightly Goth style. Maybe a little younger but not much. His nose was slightly up-turned and his lips were small and perfect. His skin was smooth and unblemished. Holy hell!

Ethan's dick further swelled and he continued to stare. The guy was seriously hot. In fact, he looked a lot like Mallory.

"Hey, are you Zach?" He held his breath, his pulse drumming in his ears.

The guy looked startled and then smiled. "Huh? Oh, yeah, I am." He spoke loudly, over the music.

Ethan smiled. "I'm Ethan."

"Who?" He shook his head.

He sighed. He had hoped Mallory had told him he was coming over. "Ethan. I'm Corey's roommate."

Zach was thoughtful for a moment. "Oh right, sis said you were coming over."

Ethan nodded.

"Dude I'm really sorry about your shirt." Zach grinned sheepishly.

"It's ok, it'll dry eventually."

"Fuck that, I'll loan you one of mine. Come on." He set his now-empty cup on the counter and moved towards a door at the far side of the kitchen.

Ethan set his mostly-full cup on the counter and followed, his dick continuing to swell at the prospect of wearing Zach's clothes. He didn't even try to deny it, he was seriously attracted to the guy. He needed to be careful so he didn't mess this up by saying or doing something stupid or weird.

Zach led them to the door and opened it. A flight of steps descended into what was presumably the basement. He switched on the light and started down. "Follow, if you dare." Zach smiled.

Ethan's heart was racing as he followed him. Away from the kitchen, he could now smell a few different scents. There was the expected musty smell most basements had, something that smelled like laundry detergent, and what he hoped was Zach's personal scent. The latter grew stronger the closer he got to him as they walked down the steps. He was careful not to follow so closely that he bumped into him.

"That's my room, or rather the part of the basement that I've taken over." He waved his hand around a section that was curtained off by heavy drapes.

"Pretty cool." Ethan looked around and nodded.

"Yup, all mine." Zach pulled one of the curtains away and stepped past it.

"Wow." Ethan followed and looked around. The section behind the curtains was carpeted, well lit, and decently large. A few pictures of guys in colorful motocross gear were hanging on the walls, posing next to their bikes. No hot girls in bikinis, a good start. He adjusted his dick, careful not to get caught. A table to against one wall held a nice computer setup and there was a large LED monitor to the side. There was a king-size bed in the middle of the other wall, a table to one side.

Zach sat down on the bed and stretched his shoulders. "What time is it?"

Ethan checked his phone. "About 12:15".

"You have to be anywhere?" Zach faced him.

"No. Tomorrow is Saturday so no classes."

"Cool. I've got nothing to do tomorrow either." He smiled.

"Are you in college too?" He assumed they were probably the same age.

"No, I'm a senior in high school. I might go this fall. Not sure. It doesn't sound all that fun."

Ethan felt his dick continue to swell in his pants and it was becoming uncomfortable. "I'm a freshman. College is ok if you aren't expecting anything too great."

"How old are you?" Zach asked.

"I just turned Nineteen."

"Cool." He smiled. "I'm seventeen. I'll be eighteen this fall. So hey, sis said you might want to play some Xbox or something?" Zach asked. "I just got the newest Call of Duty."

"Sure." Ethan exhaled and realized he had been very tense. He let his shoulders sag and felt his muscles relax. He absentmindedly pulled his wet shirt off his chest.

"Oh shit, hang on. I forgot your shirt is trashed. Give me a second." Zach stood and walked to a closet across the room. He dug around in a pile of clothes on a shelf and came back holding a T shirt.

"This should fit; we are the same size." He grinned and held out the shirt.

"Thanks." Ethan paused for a second and then lifted his wet shirt over his head. "Where should I put this?"

Zach looked at Ethan's bare chest and then held is other hand out. "I'll take it." He handed Ethan his shirt and took the one soaked with beer. He moved one of the curtains aside and set the wet shirt in the laundry tub next to the washing machine.

Ethan took the opportunity to smell the boy's shirt. Freshly washed; that was disappointing.

Zach returned with a damp cloth. "Here, wipe yourself off."

He took the cloth and wiped the beer off his skin. He glanced at Zach and saw he was watching him. When he was done, he handed the cloth back.

Zach turned and tossed it over by the washing machine and then closed the curtain.

Ethan pulled the clean shirt over his head and down to his waist.

"Hey, that looks really good on you." Zach nodded."

Ethan looked down at the shirt. It was black with two, inch-wide, shiny silver stripes running down the sleeves and sides. "Yeah, it's pretty cool." He was beginning to feel a wet spot in his briefs.

"Ok, let's get this game on!" Zach reached over to the large LED monitor and picked up two controllers. He turned on the monitor and game console beneath it.

He returned to Ethan and sat down on the floor with his back to the bed. "Come on, sit here." He tapped the floor next to him.

Ethan slid down the foot of the bed and sat next to him, their legs almost touching. He looked down at his feet and for the first time noticed Zach's bright red and silver high-top sneakers.

"Wow, I like your shoes." He pointed.


"Mine are boring." He twisted his brown hiking boots back and forth.

"Yeah but yours are functional. I don't play basketball so these are just for show."

"Well I think they're awesome." Ethan smiled and realized that had sounded a little weird. `Be careful idiot', he thought.

Zach smiled. He fired up the console and clicked through the menus. "Have you played this yet?

"No. I was thinking I would buy it tomorrow."

"I've played it a few hours already. If you've played the previous ones this one is pretty much the same." He began by giving him a description of what he had already encountered in the game and then jumped right into an entry level.

For a while, they battled their way through forests with hidden enemies, and ruined cities filled with snipers. After a bit, Zach paused the game, set his controller down, and stretched his arms. "You want anything to drink?" He turned to face Ethan. They were sitting so closely their faces were only about two feet apart.

Ethan turned to face him and smiled. "Nope, I'm good." His heart was racing, sitting so close to Zach. He could smell him and really liked his personal scent. It felt like they were already good friends but he needed to remember they were practically strangers and not to do anything that would freak him out. You know, like lunging forward and kissing him on the mouth; a thought that was manifesting itself in his head at the moment.

"Ok. Well, holler if you want anything. I have some snacks and pop down here so we don't have to go back up there." He hiked his thump to the party upstairs.

"You not enjoying the party?"

Zach shook his head. "No, not really. It isn't my idea of a good time. I just went upstairs to steel some beer."

Ethan nodded. "I know what you mean. I almost didn't come tonight but Corey really wanted me to."

"I'm glad you did." Zach smiled, glanced quickly at Ethan's crotch, and resumed the game. "Game on!" He focused on the next level and reloaded his weapons.

Ethan felt his adrenaline momentarily spike. He had seen Zach look at his dick, which was painfully erect, and he hadn't freaked out. He turned to the monitor and also reloaded, making certain to buy extra med kits. He adjusted his back against the bed and then felt something. He looked down and Zach had relaxed his legs, his left one now resting directly against Ethan's right leg. It wasn't accidental contact, he was certain of it. His dick throbbed and he felt a bit more liquid seep out the tip.

Zach faced him. "Let's do this." He pushed against Ethan's leg with gentle pressure and smiled.

They faced the monitor and for the next thirty minutes continued to battle across the level.

It was nearly impossible for Ethan to concentrate on the game. He felt his dick throbbing in his pants, Zach's leg against his leg, and continued to smell the boy's scent. He realized he was breathing heavily.

When they reached the next level Zach again paused the game and faced Ethan. "Wow, some close calls. You almost died a few times."

"Yeah, sorry."

"Hey, no worries! I'm having a blast."

"Me too." Ethan smiled.

"So how about now? You want anything?" He smiled, keeping his leg against Ethan's.

"Nope, still good." Ethan lied. He did want a few things but there was no way in hell he was going to ask.

"Well, my butt is getting a little sore. I'm going to move up onto the bed so I can lay down and face the game. You want to join me?"

Ethan's heart raced with another burst of adrenaline. "Sure, I'm kind of sore too."

"Hey, I asked if you wanted anything." Ethan gave Zach's leg a shove with his leg and stood.

"I thought you meant food or something."

"Nope, anything. You name it."

They laid down on the bed, on their stomachs, facing the monitor and Zach resumed the game.

Ethan was glad they were on their stomachs as it hid his raging erection. If only he had the courage to ask Zach to borrow his pillow so he could prop his chest up. That and bury his face in it.

It took another twenty or so minutes to complete the next level and then Zach again paused the game. He rolled onto his back and stretched.

"Ok, this isn't very comfortable." He rolled off the bed and stretched.

Ethan rolled onto his back and lifted his arms over his chest. "Yeah, kind of puts your spine at an odd angle."

"Back to the floor?" Zach suggested.

"Yeah." Ethan rolled off the other side of the bed and met Zach at the foot.

Zach looked at Ethan's waist and then met his gaze. He looked slightly concerned. "Hey, I want to ask you something."

Ethan nodded. "Sure." His pulse began to rise again. Shit! Had his boner given him away?

"So about getting comfortable, is it ok if I change clothes before we continue the game?"

"Yeah." He didn't understand why Zach would be worried about that.

"Ok, but...what I like to wear when I relax might seem a little strange."

"Are you going to strip nude?" He laughed, trying to lighten the mood. Secretly, he hoped the boy would.

"Ha. No, that's not what I meant." Zach grinned and then his smile faded. "But..."

"Listen, whatever you want to wear I promise not to freak out. I'm actually really open-minded." He was very curious now about what Zach was planning to change into. Clearly, it wasn't something normal or he wouldn't be concerned.

Zach took a deep breath. "Alright but remember, you said it was ok." He pulled back the comforter on the bed, uncovering the pillows, and picked something up.

Ethan gasped slightly, not quite able to hide the shocked look on his face.

Suddenly looking both embarrassed and worried, Zach held it up. "I usually wear this when I'm down here alone."

"Wow!" Ethan moved over next to him and their shoulders bumped. He realized he was leaning against him but made no effort to move.

"It's a catsuit." Zach held his breath. The only other person he had shown the suit to was Mallory's previous boyfriend, last year. The guy had responded by calling him a string of unpleasant names, the most hurtful of which were freak' and queer'. Since then, he didn't interact with any of her friends, choosing instead to hide in the privacy of his basement room.

"Wicked!" Ethan immediately thought of his favorite videos on X-tube. "Is that rubber?"

"Yeah." Zach practically whispered, expecting the worst.

"God, that is so cool!" Ethan faced him grinning, clearly excited.

"Really?" Zach looked hopeful. "It doesn't freak you out?"

"What? No! I wear the same thing to class all the time."

"Huh? Wait, you're fucking with me!" Zach laughed.

"Yeah, but seriously, it's really cool. I've seen that kind of thing before, in videos on the web."

Zach sighed, obviously very relieved. "You have no idea how stressed I was."

"What for? This is your room. Be yourself and do what you enjoy." He said it casually but absolutely understood why Zach would be anxious and worried about rejection. He was extremely flattered and pleased that he had taken the risk and exposed his secret.

"Yeah but the deal is I want to keep hanging out with you AND I want to wear this. I was afraid you wouldn't want to stay here if I showed you the suit. It's just that I want to be myself around you.

Ethan nodded. "Honest, it's totally cool; doesn't bother me at all."

"Awesome!" Zach cheered, clearly relieved.

"So put it on already. I want to see you in it." He was dying to see the cute teen in the rubber suit. Holy shit! This was turning into a dream come true. Who needed X-tube when you were about to have your own rubber boy standing next to you?

Zach nodded and set the suit on the bed. He sat down and unlaced his shoes, setting them down. He removed his socks and dropped them to the floor.

Ethan took a deep breath and pointed to the shoes. "So hey, as long as we are exposing our darkest secrets, can I wear those?" He hoped he hadn't overstepped.

Zach looked at his shoes and then at Ethan, smiling. "Yeah, that'd be sweet. I was wondering when you were going to ask."

"Oh, about the same time I told you I liked them." He picked up one of the shoes, folded down the tongue, and pulled it up to his face.

"Are you gunna smell it?" Zach grinned.

Ethan faced him and grinned. "No. I'm just checking the size. Looks like you are an 8.5. I'm a 9 so these will be tight but doable." He didn't care if they were a size 5; he was determined to wear them. And actually, he did want to smell them but that was crazy, right?

"Well I'm not letting you take them home so you won't have to wear them too long." He was beyond happy to have found someone who seemed to enjoy the crazier side of life, as he did. Exchanging clothing with another guy had always been a fantasy of Zach's but he had never told anyone. He removed his shirt.

Ethan looked at Zach's chest and as he had hoped, it was hairless and tight. He smiled and removed his own shoes.

"Here, you should wear this too." Zach handed him his shirt.

"You sure?" He set the shoe back down. There was no way in hell he was going to pass up an opportunity to wear the boy's shirt but he thought it better to seem like he wasn't too eager.

"Yeah, I..." He paused.

"What?" Ethan took the shirt. It was still warm.

"I mean, only if you want to." Zach's ears were turning red.

"It's cool; I want to." He removed the clean shirt and eagerly pulled Zach's on. He inhaled deeply as it went over his head and confirmed the shirt smelled really good; a combination of mostly Zach and a little detergent.

"Do you like how it smells?"

"Huh?" Ethan put his arms through the sleeves and pulled it down.

"I heard you take a deep breath as you pulled it on. I assumed you were smelling it." He grinned.

"Oh...uh." He adjusted the shirt.

"It's ok, tell me." Zach urged.

"Yeah, I like how you smell." He took a deep breath and let it out. "One of my secrets is I want to wear other guys' clothing, but I never have."

"That's so cool. I'm the same." Zach nodded. "Just think of the wardrobe possibilities if we hang out. We can share clothes!"

Ethan bent over and picked up a shoe again. He straightened, faced Zach, and saw that he was watching him intently, an excited grin on his face. Realizing he was in a safe environment to experiment with his fantasies, he peeled back the tongue and held it tightly over his nose and mouth, inhaling deeply.

"And?" Zach asked, unsnapping his jeans.

Ethan removed the shoe from his face. "It smells really good." He smiled, feeling his ears redden.

Zach pointed to the floor. "You should wear my socks too."

Ethan nodded and removed his own socks. He pulled Zach's socks on and slipped his feet into the boy's still-warm shoes. They were tight but not uncomfortable. He laced them and wiggled his feet side to side. "I like these. You may never get them back."

Zach let his jeans drop to the floor. He stepped out of them and was now completely naked. "So I guess I did strip nude." He laughed. "But only for a second."

"No underwear?" Ethan stared at the boy's groin. Zach was beautiful. Lean, mostly hairless, and sexy as fuck.

"Nope. Sorry, you won't get to wear any of those."

"Bummer." Ethan pouted.

He watched Zach pick up the rubber suit and shake it out, into shape. He moved up next to him and touched it. "Wow, this is heavy rubber. Is this the kind people usually wear?"

"No. I prefer thicker latex instead of the usual, thin stuff. It's more restrictive and it doesn't tear as easily."

"I bet." He rubbed the sleeve between his fingers. "I like it." He was doing his best not to stare at Zach's naked body; focusing instead on the suit.

Zach faced him. "Really? Do you want to wear it?" He asked, his voice sticking in his throat slightly.

"I don't know." He met his gaze. "Kind of."

Zach held his gaze. "I'd like that." His voice was hardly more than a whisper.

"Yeah, ok." Ethan smiled. His pulse was thumping loudly in his ears and he felt a little light-headed from the excitement. This was it, he was going to wear a rubber suit, just like the boys in the videos he loved watching.

"Sweet!" Zach grinned. "Go ahead and strip."

"Aw man, I just put your clothes on!" He removed the boy's shoes and socks, pulled off the shirt, and dropped his jeans and underwear. "It's chilly."

"You'll be warmer when you have this on." He handed Ethan the rubber suit. "Besides, maybe the cold will make your dick relax." He laughed. "You've been hard the entire time we've been down here."

"Has it been that obvious?" Ethan took the suit.

"Yup." Zach nodded.

"Well that's embarrassing."

"No way! That's why I took a chance and opened up to you about my rubber suit." He smiled. "I thought maybe you'd be ok with it, and with me."

"I'm glad you did." Ethan nodded.

Zach pointed to Ethan's underwear. "Can I wear your briefs?" His pulse was pounding in his ears.


Zach picked up Ethan's dark blue briefs and looked at Ethan. He saw he was being curiously observed. He held the briefs to his face and inhaled. "Wow!"

"You like?" Ethan grinned.

"Oh yeah, you smell great." He slid his legs in, pulling the crotch tight against his balls. He felt a damp spot in the front and placed his fingers on the material. "Hmm, I think you had a leak."

"Maybe a little."

"It's cool." Zach met his gaze and stared into Ethan's blue eyes. "I like it. Makes it way more personal."

"So how do I put this on?" Ethan lifted the suit and examined it. The scent flowing from the suit was strong and pleasant.

The suit was heavy black rubber and had attached toe socks, gloves, and a hood with only mouth, nose, and eye openings. A heavy, plastic zipper went from the top of the hood to the lower back.

"Well, normally I would give you some lube to spread on your body to help ease the rubber on...but..."

"Yes?" Ethan smiled.

"I wore the suit all day yesterday, last night, and most of today. I removed it an hour before the party started."

"So what you are saying is..." He opened the back of the suit and folded it inside out. The inside glistened with dampness.

"It's probably still slippery from the lube I used; and my sweat." Zach grimaced. "I can clean it out first, if you'd like."

"No way! Help me get this on." Ethan's heart was pounding and his dick was sticking straight out, bobbing. If there was one thing that was better than wearing another boy's rubber suit it was wearing one that was nice and lubed with that boy's sweat.

Zach was beyond happy. Not only was Ethan going to wear the suit but he wasn't upset that it was slimed from his sweat. He felt his dick swelling and it began to tent out Ethan's briefs. Maybe he had finally found someone who would be the special friend he had been longing for.

Ethan noticed the boy's erection and pointed. "You are going to make a mess in my briefs." He pointed to Zach's erection.

"Yeah, sorry. I've been hoping to meet someone like you but I didn't think I ever would. I guess it's my turn to be excited."

"Time to share another secret?" Ethan asked, holding his breath.

"Sure." Zach smiled, his pulse racing.

Ethan relaxed, exhaling deeply. "I'm...uh..."

"Gay?" Zach asked quietly.

"...yes..." Ethan shrugged and looked down at his feet. He waited for what he assumed would be a polite request to leave.

"Yeah, I kind of figured you were." Zach smiled.

Ethan looked up, his eyes slightly moist. "You did?"

"Not for sure but I was hoping so." It was his turn to be timid.

"You were?" Ethan started to smile.

"Yeah, because I am too."

"What?" Ethan beamed.

"Hell yeah." Zach nodded.

"Oh my god! This is great. So I want to tell you something."

"Go for it."

"I thought I was all alone with my fantasies and stuff. I want to smell you, wear your shoes, socks, shirt, rubber suit, sleep in your sheets, everything!" Just hearing himself say what he had been feeling for so long caused his dick to twitch and a large drop of pre-cum dribbled out the end.

"Fuck yeah!" Zach nodded. "All that and more. Now hurry up and put that on. You are making a mess on my carpet." He laughed. "Put one leg in first. Pull it up slowly, working out any air that gets trapped in the feet. The socks have toes so take a minute to fit those on."

Ethan nodded and sat down on the bed. He began by putting his left foot into the suit's leg and sliding it down to the attached sock. Zach had been correct; the suit was still very slimy inside. Ethan hoped it was mostly the teen's sweat and hardly any lube. His dick bounced in the air in front of him as he slipped each toe into its own pocket. He pulled the rubber partway up his leg and then repeated the process on his right foot and leg.

"Now stand up and I'll help you pull it on." Zach instructed.

Ethan stood and gently pulled the suit up to his waist, the rubber bunching up in his hands. "What about?" He nodded towards his erection.

"Don't worry; there is a place for that too."

Ethan continued lifting the heavy rubber and he noticed a cock and ball sheath attached to the front of the suit. "Ok, I see."

"Here, I'll hold the suit." Zach stepped up behind him and grabbed the bulk of the suit. "Work yourself into the sheath."

Ethan took a deep breath, smelling a wonderful mixture of latex and sweat. "Do I need to lube up first?"

"No. There's ..." His voice trailed off.

Ethan paused and turned to look over his shoulder. "Is there already lube in the sheath?"

"Not exactly." He grimaced.

"Did you jack off in this?" He felt his adrenaline spike again.

Zach just nodded. "Yeah, this afternoon. I left it in there because I like how it feels when I put the suit back on. I didn't know you would be wearing it. I will clean it out if you'd like."

"Fuck no! Help me get this on." Ethan faced forward again. "This is intense!"

Zach reached around and hugged him. He felt Ethan's skin against his chest and was sure the older boy would feel his heart pounding. He squeezed him tightly.

Ethan moved a hand up and placed it on Zach's arm. "You ok?"

"Yeah. Thanks for not freaking out. I've waited so long to meet someone like you."

"I feel the same. I've shared my darkest fantasies with you and you didn't freak out on me."

"Hell no! You are the coolest guy I've ever met!" He stepped back again and held the suit. "Ok, let's get you into this. Slide your dick into the sheath and when it's almost all the way in you need to push your balls into the attached pouch. There is a thicker, doubled-up, ring around the base of your dick, to keep it in place."

Ethan nodded and did has he had been instructed. It was a strange feeling but a really good one too. He had experimented with condoms before and this was similar, but better. The tight rubber gripped his dick as he slid into the sheath. He felt something inside, as he squished his way in deeper. He knew it was Zach's semen and it gave him a huge thrill. He gently coaxed each testicle into the attached pouch. When he let go, he felt the retaining ring clamp down on the base of his dick. It felt wonderful.

"Wow, this is fantastic. I may never take it off." He laughed.

"Well, you did say you wore one just like it around campus all the time."

"I may have been exaggerating." He lifted his hands up to his shoulders. "Arms now?"

"Hang on." Zach tugged up the ass of the suit and the waist snapped into place above Ethan's hips.

"That feels nice." Ethan reached his hands around and confirmed that his ass was now encased in the tight, heavy rubber. "What's this?" His fingers brushed around a ring of thicker rubber, down on his butt, under his hole.

"That's for inserting stuff." Zach said quietly.

"Really?" He stuck his finger into the hole and felt rubber. What's inside this?"

"There is a rubber sheath attached to the hole."

"Gotcha." Ethan confirmed the hollow tube of rubber.

"It goes into your ass so you don't need to use a condom. I cleaned it off when I removed the suit."

"That's clever. How do I get it inside me?"

Zach grinned and reached into the table drawer next to his bed, removing a tub of Boy Butter.

"I need to lube it up, and then you. Is that ok?"

"Sure." Ethan nodded. He had never put anything into his ass other than the end of his finger. The thought of a rubber sheath going inside him was keeping his dick at full mast. He assumed it had been inside Zach while he wore the suit that day and that made it even more exciting.

Zach pulled the waist of the suit away from Ethan and with two fingers wiped some of the white cream onto the sheath. He used his thumb and a finger to spread the lube around the sheath and then spread a little up Ethan's crack, brushing across his hole.

"Hello!" He laughed. He had felt the boy's finger on his hole and it had literally sent tingles of pleasure up his spine.

"I'm done." Zach gently let the suit snap back against Ethan's lower back.

"Is the sheath inside me?" He didn't feel any different.

"No. To do that I need to push it inside you with something."

"Will you do that?" Ethan looked over his shoulder.

"Definitely. I just wasn't sure if you'd want me to."

"I do." He smiled.

"Have you ever put anything in your ass before?"

"No, I'm a virgin.

"Yeah, I'm a virgin too." Zach shrugged. "I mean, I've used a dildo a lot, but that doesn't really count."

"Well, I have used my finger a few times." Ethan smiled.

" Oh cool, I've done that too. So I'll use a finger to push the sheath inside you, ok?" Zach felt his dick twitch and realized the wet spot in Ethan's briefs was considerably larger now, than when he had put them on.

"Yeah." Ethan nodded.

Zach dipped his finger into the tub of lube and knelt down behind him. He poked his finger through the thicker ring that the sheath was attached to. He rubbed the cream around, pushed inside, and felt his finger contact Ethan's hole. He gently pushed forward and began to work as much of the attached anal sheath into Ethan as he could. About a third, maybe a half, went in and then he ran out of finger.

"That's all I can get inside with my finger."

"Ok. It feels good as it is." He wiggled his ass a bit and felt the sheath move inside.

"Let's get the rest of the suit on you." Zach helped him slide each arm into the suit and fit his fingers into the attached gloves. A bit of sweat had collected in the gloves and it made a slight squishing sound as his fingers went inside.

"Sorry, I tend to sweat a lot in this." Zach pulled the material around to the back.

"I don't mind." Ethan lifted his arms above his head and felt a small amount of sweat sliding down around his wrists. In the sheath, his dick bounced with excitement.

"I'm going to zip you in now. Ready?"

"Definitely." Ethan nodded.

Zach reached around and pulled the attached hood up from where it lay bunched up below Ethan's chin. He gently worked it over Ethan's head and made sure the eye holes and mouth opening were in place. Then, he pulled the zipper from the top of the hood to the bottom of his back, sealing the suit closed.

"All done." He stepped back. "You are now encased in rubber." Zach smiled.

Ethan turned around and ran his gloved hands over his body. "This feels awesome. Do you have a mirror?"

"Sure." Zach turned and steered him to a mirror on the inside of the closet door. "What do you think?"

"Holy shit! I love it!" He ran his hands over his head and down his chest, ending up grabbing his dick and jacking it a bit. It made a squishing sound as he stroked himself.

Zach stepped closer. "There's a lot of cum in there." He ran a hand down Ethan's rubber-covered chest. He hoped he wasn't being too forward by touching him so casually.

Ethan reached forward and grabbed Zach in a rubbery embrace, holding his nearly-naked body tightly. "I love it, thank you." He whispered. Staring back at him from the mirror was a rubber boy. He looked just like the ones in the videos he loved watching. Encased in black rubber, less human, more `rubber object'. He released him and stepped back a pace.

"So come on, let's finish the level." Zach took him by a rubber-covered hand and led him back to the foot of the bed.

They both sat back down and Zach resumed the game. For a while they played but Ethan couldn't concentrate and kept getting killed. Zach continued reloading the game but soon stopped and faced him.

"You aren't paying attention. I'm getting tired of defending your ass." He gave Ethan a gentle shove with his shoulder.

"Sorry, it's difficult to concentrate at the moment." He looked over and glanced down at the boy's crotch and stiff erection. "I'm so horny!"

"Yeah, me too." Zach decided to take things to the next level. He had been wanting to intimately touch Ethan for a while and now that he was in the suit, and obviously aroused, it felt like the right time to take another chance. He felt safe being himself with Ethan, knowing that the older boy felt the same as he did. He reached down and gently gripped Ethan's rubber-covered cock. He faced him and saw he was smiling so he stroked it up and down a few times. "This monster needs release."

Ethan moaned softly and laid his head back against the bed. As the sheath moved upward it tugged gently on his balls and squished around. "That feels great!" He had never been touched by anyone else and it was amazing. He realized they had moved into a new level of comfort and familiarity.

"I know, I jacked off in that suit earlier, remember?" Zach laughed, glad Ethan was enjoying the contact.

"How could I forget, with all your cum sliding around my cock and balls?"

"You say that like it's a bad thing." He gave a few more strokes and released Ethan's cock.

"Definitely not! I don't plan to shower for a few days, so I can keep the smell of sweat and rubber on me." He faced Zach. "And cum."

"Holy hell!" Zach beamed.


"That is the hottest thing I've ever heard."

Ethan shrugged. "Well, we're being all honest, right?"

"Totally." Zach stood and walked toward the closet. "Stay there."

"What's up?" Ethan turned his head and followed him, the thick rubber gripping his neck, resisting his movement.

"Hang on a second will ya?" Zach laughed and dug around for a moment, before returning with a bundle of something silver. He dumped it on the bed.

Ethan stood and looked down. "What's that?"

"A silver suit just like that one." He spread it out and picked up the tub of Boy Butter.

"You are going to suit up too?" Ethan stepped up behind Zach and hugged him.

"I will if you let go of me." He struggled free playfully and began spreading the cream onto his legs and arms.

"So that one isn't all slimy?" He rubbed his hands over his chest and then slowly began to stroke himself again, feeling the boy's semen squish around his encased dick.

"Nope. I rarely wear it now that I have the black suit. I like that one better."

"You want to switch?" Ethan didn't want to but it was polite to offer.

"No chance. You are going to stay in that suit until I let you out."

"I hope so."

"Give me a second." Zach set the tub of cream down and began to wiggle into the silver rubber. It only took a few minutes and then he turned his back to Ethan. "Zip me in please."

Ethan carefully grabbed the zipper at the top of the hood and pulled it down to his lower back. In a minute he had Zach sealed into the silver suit.

"Well, what do you think?" Zach turned around showing off his body in the suit. His dick stuck straight out in front of him.

"Awesome." Ethan reached forward and grabbed Zach's sheath, giving it a few strokes.

"Keep that up and I'll end up making a mess in this suit too." Zach smiled and leaned his head back, enjoying the contact..

"If you do, I will wear that suit next time."

Zach's smile relaxed and he faced Ethan. "So there's going to be a next time?" His voice was quiet.

Ethan nodded. "Definitely! And again after that. I'd really like to hang out with you a lot."

"Maybe for an entire weekend?"


"In rubber the entire time?" He began to grin again.

"I'll only come back over if you promise I can wear this again, for the entire weekend." Ethan nodded his head.

"I promise! I'll put you in that suit every chance I get." Zach nodded.

"Or that suit." Ethan pointed to the boy.

"Sure, either. I'll make sure to get this one all slimy before you wear it."

"Holy hell!" Ethan laughed and pulled Zach into a tight embrace. The suits slid against each other with a rubbery sound like balloons and their dicks were pressed tightly together.

They held each other for a half minute and then stepped apart.

"So..." Ethan faced Zach.


"I've never had anything in my ass, other than my finger." He decided he needed to discuss another of his fantasies.

"And you want to change that?"

"Yeah, I'm thinking it's time."

"Then let's get you something." Zach nodded.

"Do you have anything?"

"I have two dildos. Let's start with one of those."

"Are you going to use one too?"

"Sure." Zach nodded.

"Ok, I'll try one."

"Sweet!" Zach walked back to the closet. He returned with a small bag and dumped its contents onto the bed. Two black, silicone dildos landed on the comforter.

"Which are you going to use?" Ethan looked at them and rested his arm around Zach's shoulders.

"Well, one is slightly wider and has thicker veins but otherwise they're basically the same. Each is a life-size cock, as you can see. They flare out at the base and we can tuck them into the suits to hold them in place." He was enjoying Ethan's rubber-covered arm around his shoulders.

"I'll try the smaller one. It will probably fit better as this is my first time." He let his arm drop to his side.

"Yeah, it was comfortable earlier today." Zach smiled and reached for the container of cream.

"You used that this afternoon?" Ethan smiled, his dick bobbing to his heartbeat.

"Yup and now it's going inside you." Zach laughed. He spread some cream onto the dildo. "You want to do this or can I?"

"I want you to. Where should I sit or whatever?" He felt his ass twitching with anticipation.

"Hang on a second." He handed the greasy dildo to Ethan and returned to the closet. After a moment, he came back with an armful of rubber. He shook it out and a king-size rubber sheet fell into place, covering his bed. "Play time!" He laughed.

"Just how much rubber do you have in that closet?"

"A little more but this is most of it. It's pretty expensive and my allowance isn't great. I've saved up for a while to buy what you've seen. My folks load up a credit card for me each month and I buy it all online. Now, lie down on the bed and pull your ankles up to your ass."

Ethan lay down on the rubber sheet and was immediately aware of the strong scent of latex. "This smells great."

"Yeah, I like to sleep on it sometimes or roll myself up in a rubber cocoon." He smiled down at Ethan. "And yes, before you ask, I'll do that to you too."

"Am I that obvious?" Ethan laughed.

"Yup. You ready for this?" He waved the dildo around.

"Yeah. Go slowly, ok?" Ethan sounded tense.

"Sure will. I don't want to hurt my best friend." Zach said softly.

Ethan lifted his head off the rubber sheet and met his gaze. "Is that what I am?"

Zach shrugged. "Well I was kind of hoping so. You are the first guy to ever gear up with me and we've been pretty friendly. I'd hate to drive you away."

"Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere. I think hanging out with you is going to be great."

"And?" Zach encouraged.

"Um... and I hope I get to wear rubber every time I come over here?"

And?" Zach prompted, a pleading look in his eyes.

"And you are my best friend." Ethan lay his head back down on the rubber sheet. His heart was racing. This was exactly, no MORE, than he had ever hoped for. The sheer craziness of the moment was almost too overwhelming.

"Thanks." Zach said softly. "I'm going to loosen you up a bit."

He began by inserting one finger into Ethan's anal sheath, moving it around. He pushed in as far as he could and then pulled out. He added a second finger and repeated the process. After Ethan's hole got used to the invaders Zach began spreading his fingers apart, stretching Ethan's ring.

"That feels nice." Ethan clenched his muscles.

"I think you are loose enough. You ready?"

"I guess so."

"Ok, here it comes." Zach gently twisted the rubber cock back and forth while pushing forward. He felt it slide into the anal sheath and then the head popped through Ethan's outer ring. He paused. "You ok?"

Ethan had inhaled briefly when it breached him. "Yeah. It's a little big but it's manageable. Give me a second to get used to it." He relaxed his ass, pushing out slightly, like he had read online. After a minute he nodded. "Go ahead."

"Ok. I'll go slowly." Zach continued to gently push the dildo deeper until the wider base was against the rubber hole in the suit.

Ethan purred contentedly. "That feels nice."

"Hang on; I need to secure it in place." Zach stretched the thicker rubber hole open wide enough to gently push the base of the dildo inside the suit. He let go of the hole and it pushed the dildo deeper, securing it in place. "All done."

"Ok, that's about to pop out my throat." Ethan laughed.

"You'll be fine." Zach gently pulled Ethan's legs out straight and helped him sit up. "You ok?"

Ethan nodded. "So far." He wiggled his ass on the bed, feeling the dildo moving inside him. "Oh wow! This feels awesome!"

"It's pushed the sheath all the way into your ass."

"Good." Ethan nodded.

"My turn." Zach picked up the other dildo and rubbed some lube on it. He pushed some cream into his anal sheath and wiped his gloved hand on the rubber sheet.

"You got that or do you need me to help?"

"I can do it but I'd prefer if you put it in me."

"With pleasure." Ethan held out his hand for the dildo.

Zach handed it to him and lay down on the bed, his feet at his ass. "Be gentle; it's my first time."

"Liar." Ethan laughed.

"Yeah but be gentle anyway."

Ethan followed Zach's example and spent a few minutes with first one and then a second finger, loosening Zach's hole. Then, he took a few minutes to gently ease the rubber dildo into the boy's attached sheath and then stretched the thicker rubber of the hole around the base until it was holding the dildo in place.

"Done." He pulled Zach's legs out straight.

"Hell yeah, it's in there deep." Zach grinned and sat up, wiggling his butt around on the bed. "Feels nice."

Ethan nodded. "I know."

"You want to continue the game?" Zach tilted his head towards the monitor where the game was asking if they should reload from a point prior to Ethan's character dying. "Or is that pretty much done for the night?"

"I don't think I can concentrate on anything at the moment. I just want to jack off and stuff."

"And stuff? What else do you have in mind?"

"Maybe lie next to each other on your bed and jack each other off? Maybe talk a little?" Ethan shrugged. His dick bobbed in front of him to his heartbeat. Memories of the videos he enjoyed flooded his mind, each asking to be played out.

"That works." Zach climbed up onto the bed, the rubber sheet sliding against his silver suit with a sound like balloons.

Ethan climbed up next to him and they both lay down facing each other. When it was apparent that he needed encouragement, Zach reached out and began to stroke Ethan's cock.

Ethan sighed and placed his hand on the teen's dick, also stroking up and down. They both closed their eyes and enjoyed the mutual masturbation. The sound of rubber on rubber and a strong scent of latex filled the area.

They jacked each other for a few minutes and then Zach stopped.

"I don't want to cum yet and I'm getting close."

Ethan pulled his hand away and nodded. "Ok. Want to talk a bit?"

"Sure. Let's be totally honest and tell each other our fantasies." He smiled.

"Ok." Ethan nodded.

"You go first." Zach laughed.

"Oh sure!" Ethan gave Zach's dick a quick stroke and then rolled onto his back, folding his hands across his stomach to keep them out of mischief. He sighed and thought about everything he wanted to tell Zach and decided where to begin.

"So, you already know that I want to wear your dirty clothes."


"I think you smell great and I like having your scent on me."

"Same with me and your clothes. I only had your briefs on but I want to wear everything you had on tonight."

"I'd like that. Also, I like to watch videos of guys like us in rubber and leather."

"Oh yeah? What site do you like best?" Zach also enjoyed kinky, gay porn and was curious if they liked the same ones.

"I used to watch a few different ones but lately I just cruise around X-tube."

"Me too! Which videos are your favorite?"

Ethan was thoughtful for a moment. He wanted to tell Zach everything but it would be revealing his deepest, darkest desires. He worried that it might be more than Zach wanted to know.

"Come on, don't hold back on me now." Zach urged. "I'll tell you mine too."

"Ok. I guess the ones I like are where the guys are totally encased in either rubber, leather, and even plastic wrap and tape."

"Oh yeah, those are great!"

"And lately I've decided I want to be the guy getting fucked."

"And you've never done anything like that before right?"

"No, this is the first time I've ever worn any rubber and had anything other than my finger in my ass." He laughed uneasily.

"I hope this doesn't sound corny but I'm glad I got to be the one showing you this stuff." Zach smiled.

Ethan turned and faced him. "I'm really glad you are. I've never been this happy before and I like everything we've done."

"So what else?"

"Well, I saw that episode of American Horror Story where the guy wore the rubber suit and I knew I wanted to be him."

"And now you are. I saw that episode too and that got me so hard!"

"Yeah. I really like being totally covered in rubber." He ran his hands down his legs and back up his chest. "So what about you?"

"Basically the same as you. I got into rubber earlier this year but have never had anyone else to share my gear with."

"And now you do." Ethan smiled.

"I know, thanks. I'm having just as much fun putting you into rubber as you are having being in my gear."

"What videos do you like best?"

"There are three that I usually watch when I want to get off."

"Only three?" Ethan laughed.

"Yeah, but I do like most of the others."

"What are they?"

"One is a guy in full rubber, strapped down onto a metal table, his legs out to the sides in stirrups. Another guy in full rubber steps up between his legs and fucks him."

"I haven't seen that one but I'm going to look as soon as I'm back in my room!"

"Another one is where two guys in rubber are kneeling on a bed. The guy in the back hugs the other guy and fucks him for a while."

"I've seen that one. I like it but the guy in front needs rubber gloves. I don't like seeing his bare hands."

"Oh yeah, totally! And the last one is where three guys are fucking in a room. There is a guy in leather and a guy in rubber jeans and shirt. They are fucking some guy encased in rubber. They fuck him in his ass and mouth."

"Oh shit!" Ethan faced the ceiling.

"What?" Zach propped himself up on his elbow and faced him. "You ok?"

Ethan turned his face to him, the rubber suit gripping his neck, resisting movement. "Yeah. That's my favorite video!"

"Really? Awesome!" Zach lay back down.

"Which guy are you?" Ethan asked quietly.

"I think I would be the guy in back, fucking the guy in the middle."

"Oh." Ethan sighed.

"That ok? Why? Which one would you be?"

"I want to be the guy in the middle; getting filled in both holes at the same time."

For a moment Zach was silent. Ethan began to worry that he had said something wrong.

"That's sweet! What is it about that video that gets you hard?" Zach smiled happily.

Ethan breathed a silent sigh of relief.

"I think the best part is the guy is totally encased in rubber. Just a rubber `thing'. The other guys use him for their pleasure. I guess you would say he's their gimp."

"You would make an awesome gimp." Zach nodded. "I can tell how much you love rubber."

"Yeah, I really do."

"Hey, I have an idea." Zack sat up.

"Yeah?" Ethan sat up too. His heart was racing, wondering what would happen next.

"I want you to be a gimp, my gimp."

"I'm already encased in rubber." He shrugged.

"Not completely. I can see your eyes and lips." Zach shook his head.

"Well, as much as I want to be totally encased I do like oxygen." Ethan laughed.

"Give me a second." Zach climbed off the bed and walked to the closet.

"More rubber?" Ethan turned his head to watch him.

"Yup!" Zach dug in the closet and walked back with a heavy, rubber hood.

"Is that for me?" Ethan felt his pulse spike, even higher than it was already racing.


"Does it go over this hood?" He pointed to his own head.

"No, it goes under that hood." He held it out for Ethan.

He took the hood and looked it over. It didn't have any openings other than two holes for the nose. Inside the hood were two, soft, rubber tubes.

"Those go inside your nose so you can breathe when I zip the hood closed."

"Wow, that's intense."

"Yup. You can't speak and you can't see. You will be even more a `rubber thing', as you said." He held out his hand for the hood.

Ethan handed it back and nodded. "I'd like that." He gave his dick a few strokes.

"You ready?" Zach asked.

Ethan just nodded.

"One more thing."

"Yeah?" Ethan's voice cracked from the anticipation.

"I want to get it slimy before I put it on you."

"Oh, ok. I'd like that." Ethan nodded.

"I want to slime it up with my cum." Zach's voice was quiet. He had fantasized about doing that to another guy and now he might get the opportunity. He hoped that Ethan would let him.

Ethan ran his rubbery hand down the boy's chest, feeling the silky latex under his hand. "Yes." He nodded happily. He reached down and gently stroked Zach a few times.

"Not that cum." He shook his head. "I've saved some for a special occasion and that's now."

"Huh?" Ethan tilted his head. "Saved how?"

"I keep a small, plastic bag in the fridge down here. It has a few days' worth of cum in it." He smiled.

"And you would use some of that inside the hood?" He grabbed his own dick and stroked it quickly.


"Why did you save the cum? You didn't know I was going to be here."

"I like to put some in the hood and wear it when I sleep at night."

"Ah, gotcha. You are lucky that you get to do that." Ethan nodded. "I could never do that, sharing a room with Corey."

"Well, tonight is your lucky night. You get to wear the hood."

"Oh god. I want to, so badly!" Ethan sighed.

"Before I seal you away for the night, I have a request." Zach asked quietly.

"Oh?" Ethan smiled.

"Can we kiss?" He practically whispered.

Ethan felt his pulse spike. He had never kissed a guy before but had wanted to for several years. That is one of the feelings he had repressed to keep his secret safe. "I..."

Zach shook his head. "It's cool, you don't have to. I just thought I'd ask."

"No, it's fine. I want to."

"You sure?"

"Yeah. I've just never kissed anyone else. Well, besides my mom." He grinned.

"I haven't either. I've wanted to for a few years but nobody knows this side of me so I haven't."

"So it's your first time too." Ethan nodded.

"Yup. I probably won't be any good." Zach laughed.

"I can't imagine that kissing a rubber-covered boy could be anything but awesome."

Zach smiled happily and leaned forward.

Ethan leaned forward and gently pressed his lips to the other boy's.

They kissed briefly; the kind of kiss you give someone you haven't seen for a while.

The boys pulled apart and each licked his lips, tasting the other.

Zach shrugged. "That was nice, thanks."

Ethan took a deep breath and let it out. Then, he quickly moved forward and pressed his lips tightly to Zach's, holding the back of his head with both hands.

Zach moaned softly and returned the kiss with passion.

Ethan sat down and lay back on the bed, pulling Zach down between his legs. He gently chewed the boy's lip, pulling it into his mouth, and slid his hands down to Zach's sides.

Zach pushed his groin forward, pressing their erections together. He moved his head to the side and pushed his tongue into Ethan's mouth, feeling him suck it inside.

They stayed that way for a few minutes, making out passionately. Then, Ethan relaxed his grip and Zach pushed himself up, still pressing their groins together.

"Wow." He whispered.

Ethan nodded. "Yeah, wow."

"That was something." He stood and moved to the foot of the bed.

Ethan quickly scooted off the bed and stood next to him. "It was fucking amazing!" He hugged the boy tightly, their rubber-covered bodies squeaking softly.

Zach sighed and hugged him in return. "So, I think I want my best friend to become my boyfriend." He held his breath and waited.

Ethan smiled and released him. "Hmm...Let me check with him." He looked to the left and then nodded, facing Zach again. "Yes." He grinned.

Zach smiled. "Awesome! I have a boyfriend!" He laughed. "And not just an ordinary boyfriend, a gimp!"

"You have a gimp? Where? Can I meet him?" Ethan asked.

Zach nodded and picked up the rubber hood. "You sure can."


"Turn around." Zach made a spinning motion with his finger.

Ethan turned around and felt Zach unzipping the suit.

"Hey, I don't want to take this off." He started to turn back around.

"Hold still. I'm just folding down the attached hood so you can put this one on under it.

"Ohhhh..." Ethan turned back around.

Zach finished unzipping the suit and carefully peeled the attached hood off Ethan's face.

"Whew...fresh air at last!"

"Yeah, don't get used to it." Zach spread the second hood open on the bed. He opened the bag and held it above the hood.

"How much are you going to put inside?" Ethan asked.

"I was planning to use all of it."

"Good." Ethan grinned.

"You just want as much of my cum on you as you can get." Zach tilted the small bag and the white liquid inside slid out into the hood.

"Yeah, I do." Ethan nodded.

The cum pooled in the hood. Zach set the bag on the floor and gently kneaded the black rubber back and forth until the entire inside was slimed. He set the hood on the bed and most of the cum pooled in the mouth part, where Ethan's lips, nose, and chin would go.

"Ok. Bend over."

Ethan leaned over the hood and inhaled deeply. "I can smell that from here."

"Is it ok?" Zach asked quietly.

"Are you serious? I love how it smells."

"Good because you are about to be smelling it a whole lot stronger. Now bend down." Zach gently pushed Ethan further down. "Go ahead and insert the tubes into your nose."

Ethan bent down further and carefully pushed the inch-long tubes into his nose. His chin and lips were now almost touching the cum-covered rubber and the scent was overpowering. Encased in rubber, his body lubed by the boy's sweat, about to be further sealed into rubber, Ethan was beyond happy.

"Here you go." Zach gently pulled the hood straight up, forcing Ethan's face into the pool of semen.

Ethan felt the soft, rubber tubes push deeper into his nose and realized he could breathe easily. He also felt the semen coat his lips, chin, forehead, and cheeks as Zach zipped the hood tightly to his face. He moaned happily.

"There. All sealed in and slimy. You ok, gimp?" He rubbed his gloved hand on the heavy, rubber hood.

Ethan started to answer and felt the semen slide into his mouth between his lips. He closed his lips and ran his tongue over the inside of his mouth, tasting Zach. It was his first experience with another guy's cum and he was glad it was Zach who had ushered him into this new and exciting world. He swallowed happily.

"Yeah, you can't really talk now, unless you want a mouthful of my jiz." He gently rubbed his hand over Ethan's face, smearing the cum around.

Ethan nodded happily and mumbled affirmatively.

"Yeah, I know; you like it." Zach laughed.

Ethan nodded again.

"I'm going to zip up the suit." He pulled the attached hood up and over Ethan's head and zipped the suit closed.

Ethan moaned happily as the second layer of rubber pressed the cum-filled hood tightly against his face. He licked the inside of the hood, tasting the boy's semen.

Zach turned Ethan around, sat him on the bed, and gently pushed him down onto his back. He lifted his legs and placed his ankles against his butt. He gently patted him, feeling the thick base of the dildo under the suit.

Ethan purred happily and ran one, gloved hand over his face and slowly stroked his dick with the other.

"You know what?" Zach lay down next to Ethan, pushing his dick against his thigh and talking quietly into his ear.

"Mmmpphh??" Ethan mumbled from beneath the 2 hoods and rolled his head to the side, towards Zach.

"I'd like to fuck my gimp." Zach whispered.

"Mmm." Ethan moaned and nodded, facing the ceiling.

"I'm going to remove the dildo."

Ethan just nodded and ran his gloved hands over his head, feeling the cum slide around his face.

Zach gently stretched the rubber hole covering the dildo and carefully removed it. He set it on the floor and lubed up his sheathed cock.

"You ready?" His heart was pounding and his dick bounced in front of him to his heartbeat. He was finally going to have sex with another guy in full rubber. Another guy who seemed to want it as badly or more than he did. He smiled down at Ethan's fully encased head, enjoying the complete lack of skin.

Ethan nodded and spread his legs apart further, his ass at the end of the bed. He reached out his gloved hands, flexing the fingers searchingly.

Zach interlocked his rubber fingers with Ethan's and lined up his cock. He gently pushed it through the opening in the suit's ass and felt it contact Ethan's ring. It didn't take much effort, Ethan having had the dildo in him for a while, and then he was sliding deeply into him.

He pushed until he was all the way in and felt the pouch on his cock sheath against Ethan's rubber-covered ass.

"I'm all the way inside you." He squeezed Ethan's fingers and began gently thrusting in and pulling out, the rubber suits squeaking together softly.

Ethan nodded and mumbled something unintelligible. He had said `feels great'.

"Sorry, don't know what you said. Just relax and enjoy being my gimp." He pushed forward, into the rubber `thing' on the bed beneath him.

Ethan clenched his ass around the rubber-clad invader and released Zach's fingers. He gently stroked himself with one hand and rubbed the other hand around his face.

"Here." Zach lifted Ethan's ankles and set them on his shoulders. "There, that's better." He continued to move in and out of him, their suits squeaking together.

He gently pushed Ethan's hand away from his dick and grabbed it. "Let me do that. You just lay there and enjoy this."

Ethan moaned and felt Zach's hand around his dick. It felt wonderful and he relaxed his gloved hands to his sides.

Zach paused his stroking and thrusting. "Hey. Do you mind if I take a few pictures of us?"

Ethan held his hands up, lifting his thumbs. He thought that was a great idea, as he couldn't see what he looked like wearing the solid, rubber hood.

"Give me a sec." Zach gently lifted Ethan's ankles off his shoulders and pulled out. He walked to his computer desk and picked up his phone.

Ethan moaned sadly. He suddenly felt very empty.

"Hang on, I'm coming back." Zach set the phone on the bed and placed Ethan's ankles back on his shoulders. He gently pushed all the way back inside but didn't resume fucking him.

Ethan lifted his head. "Mmmphh?"

"Hold still; I'm taking pictures." He lifted his phone and took a few pictures of his silver, rubber-covered dick buried inside Ethan's black, rubber-covered ass.

Ethan heard the phone's camera click a few times and then laid his head back down.

Zach took quite a few pictures of them both, especially of Ethan's totally-encased head, knowing he would want to see that later. When he was finished he set the phone on the floor and resumed fucking him. He again wrapped a hand around Ethan's dick and stroked him.

Ethan moaned happily and stretched his hands above his head, grabbing handfuls of the latex sheet. He pulled the sheet down over his head and pressed it to his face.

Zach smiled at him and continued pumping in and out. He planned to wrap Ethan in the sheet later, seeing how much he was enjoying it at the moment.

"I'm going to cum..." Zach moaned. He stopped stroking Ethan and grabbed both his thighs, pushing in deeper. He quickened his thrusting and then, with a loud groan, shot his load into his cock sheath.

Ethan felt Zach's dick swell and push deeper than ever. Then, Zach held still for a few seconds. He knew he had just ejaculated and it was the best experience ever. He had gone from a lonely boy watching porn on a computer to the rubber-encased gimp he had always wanted to be. And, just like the other gimps in his favorite videos, he had just been bred by another rubber boy.

Zach sighed and slowly pulled out. "Holy shit, that was amazing." He lowered Ethan's legs and slid up next to him on the bed. "You ok?" He stroked Ethan's face and chest.

Ethan nodded and mumbled a `yes'. He gently stroked himself, wanting his own release.

Zach gently pushed his hand aside. "Hold up a second."

Ethan placed his hand on the bed next to his leg. "Mmm?" He asked.

"I want..." Zach paused.

"Mmmm..." Ethan encouraged him to continue.

"Can I ride you?" Zach asked quietly?

Ethan nodded happily and mumbled a `yes'.

"Give me a minute to remove my dildo." Zach climbed off the bed and gently pulled the rubber dildo out of his ass. He dropped it to the floor and picked up the tub of Boy Butter. He dipped a finger into the cream and spread it on Ethan's cock.

He covered the tub again and set it on the floor. Gently, he climbed onto the bed and straddled Ethan's abdomen, sitting down carefully.

Ethan rubbed Zach's thighs.

"I'm ready."


Zach lifted his ass up and scooted backwards. He used his hand to point Ethan's cock at his ass and then gently sat down. His anal sheath was very slippery and Ethan's cock slid in easily, his hole having been nicely stretched by the dildo.

"MMMM!!" Ethan moaned loudly.

"I take it that is a happy sound?" Zach laughed.

Ethan lifted his head off the bed and nodded quickly before resting it back down again.

"You just lay there and let me do the work." Zach lifted up and sat back down. Ethan's cock slid in and out of his ass and he clenched tightly.

Ethan wished he could see him, encased in silver rubber, riding his dick. He assumed they would have sex many more times and maybe one of those times he wouldn't have the full hood on and could watch.

Zach rode him for a few minutes, clenching his ass as much as he could. He acknowledged how much better this felt than just having the dildo in his ass. The movement of Ethan's dick inside him was far more stimulating.

Ethan felt a great urge rising within him and with a loud groan ejaculated into his attached sheath. He added his cum to Zach's and felt is squishing around his dick. He pushed up strongly, held his position, and then relaxed back down.

Zach smiled, though Ethan couldn't see it. It had been his turn to be bred. It made it all the more special that it a was another guy who enjoyed rubber as much as he did. He gave Ethan a moment and then gently pulled off him.

Ethan was breathing heavily through the nose tubes and rolled his head from side to side in his post-orgasm high. He had just had the best cum of his life and it was even better because he had just fucked another guy. It was better still that it was a guy fully dressed in rubber who had turned him into the gimp he wanted to be. He opened his mouth and licked as much cum off the inside of the hood as he could, savoring the taste of Zach.

Zach lay next to Ethan and pulled the rubber sheet over them both. He draped a leg over Ethan and kissed his rubber-covered lips.

"That was amazing!" He said softly.

Ethan moaned happily.

"Let's rest for a while and maybe go again?"

Ethan nodded and sighed.

"Put your arms down against your sides." He moved off him.

Ethan did as instructed.

"Now roll onto your right side."

Ethan moved up onto his side.

Zach pulled the rubber sheet up and over Ethan's body, tucking it beneath him and pinning his arms tightly against his body. "Ok, roll onto your back."

Ethan lay back down, the rubber sheet gripping his body in a tight cocoon.

Zach lay back down next to him and pulled the other side of the sheet over both of them. He leaned close to Ethan's head and draped his arm over him.

"Good night, gimp." He sighed and closed his eyes.

Ethan was able to breathe easily through the nose tubes and soon enough fell asleep in the warm, rubber cocoon.

Several hours later, around four thirty in the morning, Zach opened his eyes and realized they had both been sleeping soundly. It was quiet upstairs and he assumed the party was over and people had gone home.

He looked at Ethan, breathing softly and smiled. He was happier than he had ever imagined he would be. Not only had he had the best experience of his life, he had also done the same for another and that filled him with pride and a sense of deep friendship.

"I love you." Zach kissed Ethan's encased lips and whispered to him.

Ethan inhaled deeply and pressed his lips tightly against Zach's.

"Sorry, didn't mean to wake you." Zach sat up and pulled the rubber sheet from beneath Ethan.

Ethan sat up and stretched.

The boys hugged and Ethan laid his head on Zach's shoulder.

"Is my gimp ready for round two?" He asked playfully.

Ethan nodded and sat back, resting on his hands.

"Get up onto your hands and knees, ok?" Zach climbed off the bed and stood.

Ethan turned around and got into position. He felt the bed sink down behind him and then heard the click of Zach's phone again.

A moment later, he felt Zach pushing against his ass.

Zach moaned as his dick slipped back inside Ethan's anal sheath. "Oh god, this feels great."

Ethan nodded his head and clenched his ass. He waited for Zach to begin fucking him and then heard more camera clicks. He smiled inside the hood. He was going to enjoy looking at all the pictures.

Zach set the phone down and began breeding him again. He continued for a few minutes and then, with an audible groan, shot another load into his sheath.

Ethan sighed and hung his head.

Zach pulled out and slapped Ethan on the ass. "Roll over and lay down."

Ethan flopped down on his back and pulled the latex sheet over himself.

"You like being wrapped in that sheet, don't you?"

Ethan nodded.

"I will wrap you up again in a little bit. For now, you want to take that inner hood off? Get some fresh air?" He placed his hands on Ethan's chest.

"MMMM!!" Ethan shook his head side to side. He did NOT want to remove the inner hood.

"Ok, ok! I won't remove it!" He laughed. "Here, hold still for a bit." Zach pushed the latex sheet away from Ethan's crotch. He reached over to the small side table and picked up a small towel he kept handy.

Ethan felt him wipe off his dick and lifted his head off the bed. "Mmm?"

"Just cleaning you off so I can suck your dick." Zach replied happily.

Ethan nodded and laid his head back down.

Zach tossed the towel to the floor and lay down next to Ethan, sliding down the bed a little, until his mouth was at his groin.

Ethan was patiently waiting for this newest experience when he suddenly felt something warm slide down his sheathed dick.

Zach took as much of Ethan's dick into his mouth as he could, before he felt like he was going to gag. He had never given a blowjob before but he had seen it done a lot in videos. He knew to watch his teeth and to apply lots of suction.

Ethan had never had a blowjob before and it felt wonderful.

Zach continued to suck Ethan's dick for a few minutes. Then, Ethan groaned and thrust his hips up, forcing more of his cock into Zach's mouth.

Zach took the hint and sucked as hard as he could. He felt Ethan's cock spasm and knew he had just cum.

He let the rubber-covered dick slide gently from his mouth and worked his jaw side to side. "Well? How did I do?"

Ethan was breathing heavily through the nose tubes. He lifted his head and nodded, before resting it back down.

"Good. It was fun." Zach stood. "You want to sleep some more?"

Ethan nodded and sighed.

"Ok. I'm going to wrap you in the sheet again."

Ethan nodded and put his arms to his sides.

Zach spent a few minutes cocooning Ethan in the latex sheet and then spooned in behind him again. He draped an arm over his body and hugged him.

"Goodnight again." He kissed his head.

"Ggguuuhhhnnnhhh" Ethan mumbled.

They stayed that way for a few more hours and then Zach opened his eyes. The little window outside his draped area had light shining through it so he knew it was morning.

"Hey, time to get up." He gently shook Ethan.

Ethan inhaled deeply and nodded. He was still cocooned in the latex sheet.

"Let me help you." Zach untucked Ethan and then lay down on him. He kissed him for a minute and then rolled off.

Ethan sat up.

Zach helped him to the side of the bed and held his arms. "Stand still for a minute." He unzipped Ethan's suit from the lower back to the top of the attached hood. Then, he peeled the suit down, exposing the solid, rubber hood.

Ethan groaned sadly and hung his head.

"Yeah I know, but you can't go home this way." He laughed.

Ethan shrugged as if saying he'd be willing to try.

Zach unzipped the heavy hood and pulled it off Ethan's head.

Ethan blinked and faced him. He licked his lips and smiled. "Good morning."

Zach dropped the hood onto the bed and smiled. "Good morning to you. How was your first night as a rubber gimp?"

"Crazy, wild, fantastic, more than I ever dreamed it could be." Ethan grinned.

"So it was just ok?" Zach hugged him, pressing their lips together.

"Yeah, it was ok." Ethan kissed him back.

"Let's get cleaned up and have something to eat."

"OK." Ethan pouted.

"Hey, don't be sad. You can be my gimp again anytime you want to." He smiled.

"Promise?" Ethan smiled.

"You know it."

They spent a few minutes helping each other out of the suits. Both suits were now quite slimed with sweat and lube. Zach set them both on the bed and pulled his comforter over them.

"There, keep them out of the way and slimy until the next time you visit."

Ethan shivered in the chill basement air. "Brrr."

"You want to clean up? I have a small shower stall in the corner of the basement."

"Hell no! I want to keep this smell on me as long as I can."

"Well, you need to at least wash your face. You have my cum all over it, and in your hair."

Ethan walked to the mirror on the back of the closet door and nodded. "So I do. Well, I like the look."

"Fair enough. I have a baseball hat you can wear."

"Cool!" Ethan smiled and returned to the bed. He picked up the small towel on the table and wiped his face clean. "Good enough." He smiled.

"Ok. Let's get dressed."

Neither of them said anything and each picked up the other's clothes.

Zach wore Ethan's briefs.

They pulled each other's socks, pants, and shoes on, and Zach got him a ball cap from his closet. He was bummed he couldn't wear Ethan's shirt as it was still soaked from the beer.

Ethan took the ball cap and held it over his face, inhaling deeply before putting it on.

"There, you are me now." Zach smiled and stepped up to him.

"I love it."

"You hungry?"

"Yeah, a little." Ethan nodded. He leaned forward and kissed Zach.

The boys went upstairs and for the most part the house was back to normal. They made a quick breakfast of cereal and juice and then Ethan got ready to leave.

Zach pulled him into a hug and they kissed passionately for a few minutes.

"When can you come back?" He asked.

"This afternoon?" Ethan smiled.

"That's great." Zach nodded.

"Ok, I'll see you later today." Ethan waved goodbye and let himself out. He walked home alone, but was happier than he had ever been.

Eventually he arrived back at the dorm room and opened the door.

Corey was home and watching TV. He turned to face him.

"Where have you been? I was getting worried."

"I was at Zach's." He closed the door.

Corey looked at Ethan's feet and smiled, recognizing Zach's red and silver high tops. "So the party wasn't a complete waste of time?"

Ethan walked up to him, pulled out his wallet, and handed Corey fifty dollars before turning away and heading to the bathroom to brush his teeth.

Corey pocketed the money and followed him to the bathroom. He leaned against the doorway and smiled.

"So you had fun?" He grinned.

Ethan didn't face him. He shrugged and scrubbed his teeth. "Yeah, it was ok I guess."

That's it. I hope you've enjoyed my little story.

I had fun writing it and I hope you had fun reading it. If you did, and you can, please consider donating to this wonderful repository of creative writing.

Will Ren


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