Its All in the Mind

By moc.og@65suxaM

Published on Oct 12, 2002


Disclaimer: The following story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives. (This story is also the original work of the author and the story belongs to

My eyes glared at Kim as all the color drained from my face. "No....tell me you're kidding..." I hissed.

She stood and placed her hand on my shoulder. "They thought this would be best so they moved you down here."

`They...thought, how "they" could don't know anything about me. Kim..." I hissed.

I sat up in bed and began to pull the cords from my arms and neck.

"Devon stop that....right now" Kim stated.

"You...what did you say to them Kim, you opened your big mouth and got me put in this place." I shouted.

"Devon calm down your acting crazy, what do you think your going do walk out, you're still in pain I can tell."

"Watch me" I stated.

I pulled the small patch from my chest and the machine next to me went flat line. I used my arms and maneuvered closer to the edge of the bed so I could swing my legs over the side.

" are not doing this" Kim stated as she tried to push me back into bed.

"You know just as well as I do that you need to rest"

"Get your hands off me now!!!" I yelled.

Just as I pushed her away and sat up the doctor and two nurses came running in. The rushed towards my bed and the doctor checked my pulse even though I was seating up and obviously not in distress. "What is going on here?" he questioned

"I'm checking out" I said sternly

"You can't leave until you're healed and your parents will have to check you out. So please just lay back and rest. Even if you do want to leave so fast, you'll need to wait until you can get around, am I right?" he reasoned.

"Stop trying to calm me down and get out of my way" I stated as I swung my feet over the side of the bed.

The movement itself was painful but as the doctor grabbed my legs, put them back in the bed and pinned them down in one movement the pain was magnified by the sudden jerk.

"Let go of me" I yelled into the doctors' face.

Just then one of the nurses began to push my shoulders back to the bed. At that very moment is when I snapped. It was like an instinct I was being held against my will; physically. Two people both larger than me in size trying to hold me down with me still not able to completely see. I lashed out in a quick movement that sent the nurse slamming into the chair next to my bed. She was quickly replaced by the other nurse who wasn't playing around. This nurse half sat on me as she tried to hold me still. My legs were thrashing about as I kicked at the doctor. My left foot had caught him in the chest once already and the first nurse had risen from the chair and moved to help the doctor with my feet. They were older and larger than me, but I was still stronger than them. There only advantage was that I couldn't make out there exact form or how they were standing. So I couldn't try to throw my weight against them.

"Sheryl go get some help now!!!" yelled the doctor.

The moment her added weight left my body I began to thrash harder than before. As I was thrashing about I could feel the doctor losing control of my legs. His hand and arms could barely control the swinging of my feet. The nurse was franticly trying to calm me down patting my face and talking to me. I gave her no reply as I continued to buck and kick. Soon I felt one of my legs slip from the doctors grasp and as that did I kicked him in the stomach. He grunted out and dropped my other foot. The nurse hearing the loud groan from the doctor turned her body to look over her shoulder. As she was looking away from me I grabbed both her shoulders and pulled her across my body and over to the other side of the bed. She went crashing into the floor her feet hitting the small desk and lamp.

As I sat up again and moved from the bed I looked over to Kim who had been standing against the wall crying and shaking her head. She screamed at me to stop all this, but I was running on auto. I quickly moved to the closet and grabbed my clothing. As I returned to the center of the room the doctor stood and grabbed my shoulders in a huff of breathe. I dropped my clothes and began to struggle against the man.

"Devon Please!!!" yelled Kim

I quickly brought my knee up and sent the doctor to the floor once again. I looked forwards to the nurse who was now leaning on the bed. She made no attempt to subdue me again. I quickly pulled on my pants and held my shoes in hand as I moved to the door. I must have been about 2 feet from the door as it swung open I had barely enough time to back away. Two security guards tackled me. At this time I was no longer just trying to escape I was fighting. I punched kicked and bit the two men as they dragged me to the bed. The doctor joined the two men in holding me down. I was practically paralyzed. The three of them had me pinned so tight that the bone in my arms and legs began to ache. The first nurse retuned to the room I caught I slight glimpse of her as she came into the room holding a needle.

Up until this point I had remained quiet for the most part. But the moment I saw that needle I began to yell. Struggling against all three of them had almost not point. I could only budge the doctor the two guards were strong enough together to hold my upper body and arms. The nurse came charging toward the bed with a stern look on her face and placed one hand on my arm as she prepared the needle with the other.

" can't give him that, his body has been on an IV for could kill him."

"Oh God!!!" I yelled. The doctor went quiet as the nurse remained ready with the needle.

"Ok lets move him to the end of the hall." said the doctor.

"No...I told you can't you promised me..." stated Kim.

"Kim stay out of the way I don't have any choice the needle may be to much for him right now!!" The guards and the doctor lifted me from the bed. The second nurse joined them in supporting my body. "Keep his back level he's been in an accident for god sakes" yelled the doctor.

As we neared the door I began to struggle again. "Kim...Kim, where are they taking me?" I yelled. The guards tightened there hold on me and I used my last resort and bit into the shoulder of the guy who was hold my right side. As he yelled out he released me. As my right side slopped the guard holding my left lost his grip and I fell to the ground. My legs that were still being firmly supported anchored me and my body swung towards the floor. I crashed to the floor hitting my head and top of my back. The guard moaned as he rubbed his shoulders. And I moaned from the pain in my head. "No!!! He already can't see don't make things worse." I heard Kim yell. I heard a small click and then the guard I had bit sigh. I suppose I was about to be mace and didn't even know it. "Look the boy has back and head trauma can we get him there in once peace." I was once again lifted. At this point my short adrenaline rush was over and my body was exhausted beyond my control. I could only groan as I was moved from the room. As I stared up at the ceiling I only could make out the lights that passed overhead. I turned to the side and I could see figures standing to the sides watching us as we went past. The group stopped and I was left being carried by one person. It must have been the doctor for he struggled under my weight. I was placed down on a soft cushion as the doctor left the room. "I'll be back in a while with some pain medicine, now you just stay here and calm down ok. No one's trying to harm you." My head was swimming in pain and my back was killing me. I was able to huff out. "Then let me go!!"

Soon after the door I was brought through came close. I moved my head around slowly as I looked about the room. I couldn't make out any figures to separate them from the walls. In fact I was pretty sure I was lying on the floor. In a few minutes a thought made its way through the pain and confusion in my mind. White room with cushions!!! They had put me in a padded room. If they didn't think I was crazy before they would soon......

AN: Well there it is...I know it's been awhile. Don't judge the plot yet you'll be surprised. The stories about to get exciting, dramatic and confusing. Please send Comments, Question and suggestion (good or bad) to: Feedback is the only outside reward/payment I get for my writing. And thank all of you who have been e-mailing me.

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