Its All in the Mind

By moc.og@65suxaM

Published on May 17, 2002


Disclaimer: The following story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives. (This story is also the original work of the author and the story belongs to

AN: I know I said that I'd introduce the celebrity in the next chapter and I will. I'm adding this incite...a side view. I felt that this was the best way to introduce a little more history to the character while I could. Really and honestly; right after I sent in chapter 3 I started writing this, it just came to my mind so now I'm posting and I decided that I'll have side views from other characters as they come along.

As I mentioned before, the next chapter will take a while to come along. I still haven't chosen which celebrity it will be, even though I'm writing it already. (It's down to two...but you can still make suggestions)

I sat now in the waiting room of the Emergency Room. Still shaking and covered in the blood of my best friend. I had held him until the ambulance arrived and held him on the ride over until he started slipping away and I was asked to move aside. At that point it was all too much and I moved away to the far end of the seat. As I heard one of the paramedics say "we're losing him" I passed out. I awoke to gentle shaking, I shot up looking around for Devon and began to cry and scream hysterically when I saw he was gone. The man tried to calm me down and eventually succeeded. I was brought into the ER waiting room and told that the doctors would notify me when they could and that they were working on him right now. I continued to cry lightly at the relief that he was at least still alive. About a half hour after I had been sitting there I pulled myself together enough to realize that I should call his parents. I phoned them and relayed the situation to his father over the phone. He was at work and said he would join me as soon as possible. I was forced to simply sit and wait to find out whether my best friend was to live or die this day. My mind began to think back over the incident. The man pulling out of the parking lot was busy with a back seat full of small children and was pulling out into to traffic. He hadn't even looked back to the wheel before he took off, he simply kept on driving. But he was not completely at doubt if Devon didn't make it I'd blame him, but Devon had walked out into the driveway with out looking. He had been staring into space again. And when I yelled for him to stop he kept on going. His behavior today had me worried from the moment I noticed it this morning. Once before a few years back; about 9th grade actually. Devon had slipped into a fit of depression; He wouldn't talk to anyone, he stopped showing up to track practice and lost all interest in his other activities. He'd come to school and just put his head down...all day. Teachers eventually began to worry and he simply replied that he was sick. The other students took no notice at all; Devon was naturally quiet and still doesn't talk much unless you start up the conversation first. I believe if time had allowed we all would have taken notice and seen the signs of depression in him. Unfortunately Thanksgiving break came up, and then Christmas break began 3 days later. Devon hadn't come to school the 3 days in between. I called his house almost everyday for a week but he his parents kept telling me he was sick and didn't feel like talking. It took his parents a while but they eventually began to notice that he was more than just simply sick and even if he was it was a serious illness. He had been sick from Thanksgiving to two weeks before Christmas when they finally noticed. He had been staying in his room and only came out to use the bathroom. He'd occasionally go to the basement so he could watch cable but even then he only lay deathly still. One day a few days after Christmas he supposedly started complaining about not feeling "right". That was it...he simply said he didn't feel right. When asked what was the problem he said he just didn't feel....right, that something was wrong. It was as if he was suddenly over come with a new feeling that he couldn't identify. He believed he was having an anxiety attack; so he tells me. He says that his heart had started rising and his hands were shaking and that the pit of his stomach felt dead inside. His father wanted to take him to emergency; he declined he hated the wait in the Emergency room. For days he complained about the strange feeling that was bad enough to cause him concern but not an "emergency". Later he told me that it was the same feeling as always just it was worse and wasn't going away like before. See...what ever it was he feeling all those days ago in class and up til Christmas would come and go randomly. The situation now was that it wouldn't go away and was much worse. He never said so but I honestly believe the only reason he said something to his parents at all was because he was scared. The feeling was to intense not and he was afraid he couldn't handle it. And that same fear kept him from seeking medical help. It was a few day before New Years and his mother had had it. Whether Devon liked it or not he was seeing a doctor. She agreed that they would schedule an appointment instead of going to Emergency. She was becoming scared herself. You see...Devon had been sick from the middle of November to the end of December. After seeing the doctor and Devon obviously (to me at least) downplaying his illness the doctor said it was acid reflux. This was correct; to a point; see when a large amount of stress is placed on the body over an amount of time the body begins to react. In this case it was acid reflux. And after 3 appointments due to his mothers concern over the "acid reflux" the doctor told them just that. She asked him if there was a problem if he was under some form of stress. He denied, and this went on into January. He began to downplay everything to the point where he pretended nothing was wrong at all. His parents could still tell something was wrong from all the time he was spending away from everyone. As it drew closer for school to begin I started calling him again. He told me all that had happened. Including the fact that he was still not feeling ok, but then the worse thing I ever heard him say came from his lips. He was use to feeling this feeling bad. I was brought back to my senses as I heard a scream and then footsteps coming at me. Before I new it Devon's mother was on me crying and rocking me back and forth. It took a while for me and the nurses to make her realize that it wasn't my blood on my clothing that it was from the accident. Once she was calmed down she went straight into mother mood and looking into the status of her child. Eventually my parents showed up. This was going to be a long day. Please send Comments, Question and suggestion (good or bad) to: Feedback is the only outside reward/payment I get for my writing. Again, thanks all of you who have been e-mailing me. E-mails keep me writing.

Next: Chapter 5

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