Its All About Cock

By Jack Herold

Published on Sep 12, 2011


It's All About Cock

by Hartford

Chapter 2

News of my performance spread around our small campus and soon reached Father who has contacts everywhere, or so it always seems. He voiced his displeasure during dinner at his club a few weeks later with my mother and my sister present and also Father's partner, Ralph Johnson. Father had intended to have a hard word with me, as it were, but not then. Dinner with the family at the club was a monthly mandatory occasion for chatting and blather and at which nothing serious was permitted to be discussed unless it was Janice or me asking for advances on our allowances. I forced the issue by entering the dining room after Father and the others were at their table, wearing a skirt I had had a tailor fashion from the pants of a three thousand dollar navy blue suit. The skirt ended a few inches above my knees. With it, I wore the neatly pressed suit jacket, white dress shirt with a tasteful tie, and sandals. I was responding in my way to Father's email, rudely demanding my presence and referring to me as an "insane homosexual." My reply said I would strive for sanity in my future encounters. Father had his back to me as I came toward the table in my much noticed skirt. Mr. Johnson rose when he saw me and pulled out a chair. I settled in beside him and Mother once Father had gotten a good look at my outfit.

"Hello everyone!"

Father glared at me while tapping a finger on the white linen. He puckered a few times, which is a habit he has when choosing his words. "Johnnie, you have embarrassed me and the family and Ralph and this club to which I've belonged for thirty years, of which I'm a director. You may have embarrassed me fatally here. What the fuck is the matter with you?"

"Oh, Father, you mean they never saw a guy wearing a skirt before? Tell them I'm practicing being Scottish. They need to lighten up."

"Yes, Henry. He has a point," Mother said, giving my hand a pat."Those men shouldn't be so stuffy. They should enter the modern age."

"Where queers rule the earth," Mr.Johnson snickered, then winked at me that he was making a joke.

The waiter handed me a menu and Father calmly ordered drinks, except for me."What would you like, Johnnie?," he said, sourly.

I couldn't resist. "Well, since you put it that way, Father, something does come warmly to mind but I better not say it and, I doubt they would have it anyway. They would have to manufacture a serving by hand. I'll have sparkling water, please. Any kind."

Father leveled a gaze at me. "Explain it. Can you explain it?"

"Probably not, but I agree an explanation is merited. I apologize for not having one. But you're going to have to get used to it. Everyone is. I'll say this father. Being an object of desire is a humbling and horny experience. I see why girls like it."

Father retreated. The battle would resume when privacy was available. Conversation turned to other things and gradually the air became genial. Janice talked to me and she was oddly respectful, perhaps merely vigilant. I wasn't sure. Mr. Johnson talked to me about school and a few other things and in the midst of our discussion his hand slipped under the table and draped over my right knee. I was startled, and curious and instantly turned on. After a moment, I went exploring with my right hand and found Mr. Johnson's lap. A thick cock was stretching the man's pants.

"Ohhhhh," I heard myself faintly say.

"What Johnnie?," Mother said.

"Nothing. I was going to...sneeze."

"I hope you're getting enough sleep, Johnnie, and not letting yourself get overtired with all this sexual business."

"I'm fine, Mother. Don't worry. I'm great."

Mr. Johnson's hand departed my knee and moved up my leg, drawing my skit along, and exposed my panties. I felt the air on my thighs, and then I felt something else. Mr. Johnson had his hands inside my panties but instead of going for my dick, he wormed his way under my bottom. I felt his finger searching for my rather excited asshole, my "boy cunt" as we fag sluts call it. I lifted up for him. He found what he was looking for and plunged his finger inside.


"Oh dear," Mother murmured.

Father heard her. "What?"

"Johnnie's developing a cold or something. You put him under too much stress, Arnold." This began a polite argument between my parents which I tuned out. "Mmmmmmm," I purred, only to myself. My hand had gotten inside Mr. Johnson's pants and wrapped his bristling badboy. I masturbated him while his finger fucked me. I closed my eyes. I forget everything except being fucked. Fortunately, or not, Mr. Johnson saw me losing it and stopped what he was doing before it got worse.

"Would you care to order, Sir?," said the waiter, suddenly hovering over me. He looked at his pad.

"Oh, all means. Can I have a bun?"

"A bun?"

"Yes, I want a bun, that's all. Thank you."

It was thank you from Mr. Johnson, as well. He let me go and zipped his fly. He went to the bathroom. I wondered what exactly his problem was, but I didn't much care. I had to keep myself from laughing. Father and my sister watched me, leaning, if I read them correctly, to the crazy in the head theory of my transformation, and this made everything funnier all the while we finished dinner.

"Sorry to eat and run but I have an important appointment," I said, as the dishes were being cleared for deserts.

"Yeah, what kind of appointment? It's three o'clock on Sunday," Father said.

"You know!," Janice snickered.

"I'm going to run for the United States Senate. I'm meeting with one of my staff, some of my staff," I explained. Father glared, assembling his words. Janice had hers: "You're not going to run for the United States Senate. Are you crazy, Johnnie?"

"So you think that disqualifies me?"

"What? Oh, blaahhh."

Father was ready now but I preempted him. "My platform, Father, is there will be a chicken in every toilet."

"Cut the crap, please," Father sighed.

"I'll ignore that, too easy. You see, if there was a chicken in every toilet people would think twice before using one. Then they might think twice before doing what sends them to the toilet in the first place, stuffing their faces, like in places like this. It could be a cure for obesity, our national disease. That's a cure you could use, Father. So this will be my major policy initiative. I must leave. It's been a pleasure. Bye Mom. Goodbye, Mr. Johnson"

I strolled out in my abused skirt.

I didn't have an appointment but I had an expectation. Question was, would he show?

(Note: I missed some typos in the first chapter, including in the phrase "the shyness melted it away" which should read, "the shyness melted away.")

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