Its a Charmed Life

By Jessie Mkay

Published on Jul 18, 2012


If you aren't at the very least 18 then don't read this. This doesn't contain any personal information on the celebrities who portray the characters. Donate to to keep the site running. Reach me at and enjoy. Also If you don't like then don't read.

It's a Charmed life-3

Freedom comes at a price. The price is sadly a life.

A blinding light flashed me in the eyes, "Wakey Wakey. We have to get things done." Chris said to me with a smirk. "5 minutes." I said placing my head back on the heavenly softness. "Don't make me get the bucket." He said, I got up. "You wouldn't do that!" I commented as Wyatt walked by soaked. "Yes actually he would."

"So what's it going to be?" He asked slyly, "I'm up!" I said getting up. Jeez. I took a quick shower, taking extra care today. Today is a big day after all right? I did dressed to impress. Some guy liner to bring out my green eyes. I put on a tight black shirt with a golden phoenix on my chest. It hugged my figure with my tight black pants that just fit my ass like a glove. I stepped into my leather knee length boots I used as a stripper. I parted my hair to cover my left eye....going Aaliyah. Putting my Celtic octopus necklace.

I went to the stairs and took a deep breath, and stepped downstairs. When I finally got to the bottom step I was awarded with awed looks. A man stood next to Piper...he must be Leo. He smiled to me as he held out his hand. "Nice to finally meet you. I'm Leo." He said to me. "I'm Azul. Though people have taken to calling me Blue." I said to him. "I wish I could stay but I have to get back to Magic School." He said before kissing Piper and walking up the stairs to a door that appeared out of nowhere. As he closed it, the door vanished. "That's something you don't see everyday." I commented, "Well actually that's something YOU don't see everyday." Chris joked.

° ° ° ° °

In the underworld, the demons have gotten restless. An all out war amongst eachother for the throne of being the Source of All Evil. Literally killing eachother on the spot.

"We must decide who will rule soon! My scout was killed by the new Charmed Ones....we must kill them before they invoke the powers and are able to use the Power of Three." An ancient upper-level demon, Hathrax said addressing the demons. "I claim the thrown of the Source and dare anyone to try to challenge me!" He roared. A reptile demon, a spider demon, and a vampire charged at once to have a stream of fire blast through their torsos. At witnessing his power the other demons bowed before him. "Very well. Bring me the Dark Priestess! I wish to be anointed and crowned before the Charmed Ones invoke the power of three." At saying this three demon left to fetch the Dark Priestess.

° ° ° ° °

I was sitting on the couch watching TV waiting for the Sisters to get together....except they were working. Phoebe was running an exclusive..."Just Ask Phoebe." She was a bit of a celebrity in San Francisco. I still can't believe I'm in San Francisco....when I was stripping I was doing it in LA. While I was deep in thought I couldn't help but feel eyes on me. I looked to see Chris and Wyatt looking at me funny. "Yes?" I asked, "Oh nothing." They both said blushing.

A knock was heard from the front door. "I'll get it." I said getting up and walking to the front still feeling eyes on me. As I opened the door, a teenage girl stood there smiling. A frown met her as she looked at me. "Umm...Hi?" I asked, we stood there in silence. "Oh! I'm Melinda." She said shaking my hand. "Azul." I said, "No seriously what's your name?" She said with her hands on her hips. She saw the look on my face. "Sorry. Nice to meet you Azul." "I guess come's your house." I said helping her with her luggage.

"Thanks. Wyatt! Chris!" She yelled to feel a stampede as both boys came charging in. "Mel!" They said excitedly, "It's so awesome to see you." Chris said happily. "I missed you baby sis." Wyatt added going for a group hug. "Puh-leaze! We orb around all the time. I saw you two just the other day." She commented. I felt bad for breaking up the family lovefest. "Excuse me..." I said covered in luggage. "Oh sorry!" Wyatt said grabbing everything. "He's the Quarterback at our school!" Chris said to me. "You play any sports?" I asked him. "Basketball." I nodded at his answer.

"Can someone cook me something as I calm down from my long trip." Melinda said. "You orbed." Chris said. "I know but taking all that stuff made me hungry." She joked. "I'll make you something." I volunteered. "Thank You....Azul!" She beamed with happiness.

° ° ° ° °

Hathrax stood in a pool of black liquid. His marble clammy skin etched with tribal markings. He was ready to devour the heart of the last source, each time one becomes source they have to take out their heart....being hollow to emotions. After doing this he would have to devour the heart of an innocent witch to perform an unforgivable act. He had one already picked out.....the newest Charmed addition.

The dark priestess a woman of wicked beauty...she was known for stealing the souls of children to remain beautiful when she was a witch.

She began chanting from an ancient text that has been used for each source. The dark liquid began to bubble and boil loudly. Suddenly tendrils rose from the wicked liquid and entered Hathrax. It seeped into his mouth and nose, his vein becoming visible and as black as the liquid. As the liquid moved across his body his veins grew, finally entering his eyes. Slowly his eyes became dark with the onyx liquid. He let out a groan of pain and pleasure feeling both the power rush through him and the shifts his body made to adjust to contain the wickedness.

As he was presented the heart of the last source, it began beating. He began with a small lick to get use to the taste but deciding to get it over with he swallowed the whole thing at once. His body began to levitate over the now empty pool. A wicked aura began to radiate from him, and he released an other worldly roar.

As his feet reached the floor again, the ground seemed to shudder at his wickedness.

With a wave of his hand he summoned a trio of demons. Demonic Bounty Hunters.

"Bring me the newest Charmed one. At the least his heart. Now go." Hathrax, the new Source commanded.

"There is a matter of payment. My liege." One of the hunters said, the Source smiled at this. "How about your life for his? I think that sounds fair." The Source said with a hand under his chin. His fully onyx eyes seemed to glow with a flame inside them, as if to scare them.

"Yes my Lord." One said, followed by another. "Such a fair king you are." As he kneeled before their new Source. Hathrax smirked at this, he was enjoying his reign as Source. "Now go!" Hathrax commanded.

As they left he turned to the Dark Priestess. "Bring me a Lazarus demon." Hathrax commanded, she moved into the shadows shimmering away.

° ° ° ° °

I stood over the stove making Melinda's lunch. Two grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup. I placed it in a tray and grabbed her some soda. As I presented it to her, her eyes widened with the guys and I could see their mouths salivating with hunger.

I couldn't help but laugh at this,"I'll bring you guys some food too." I said as I walked back into the kitchen to make them food.

I finished making them sandwiches, poured their soup, and grabbed them soda. As I turned to the trays, I noticed 3 men in trench coats. All three raised their hands creating energy balls. In sudden adrenalin, I accessed my powers feeling the tingles of the telekinetic energy rush my body. Using it to dodge and flip into the air over the counter, and ran into the living room. I didn't see the energy ball coming as I felt a searing pain hit me on the shoulder. I felt my body being thrown through the air and crashing into the grandfather clock. Shattering the poor thing into pieces.

"Blue!" I could hear the Halliwell trio yell as I crashed. I could hear the concern in their voices. Then the sounds of battle. I got up and looked at my shoulder to see a nasty gash on my shoulder. Great. Chris was levitating and kicking one of the demons in the face. Wyatt was having a throwing match with his. Melinda just telekinetically orbed an energy ball back at her demon. He combusted into no longer existent ashes. An energy ball headed for Chris, I couldn't let him get hurt. I swayed my hand and watched as the orb redirected back at the demon. He dodged it in the nick of time.

He turned angrily at me before sending a bolt of lightning at me. I lifted my hands to protect myself, and watched as it redirected back at him. It shot a hole through his chest. He burst forward in ashes. An explosion could be heard as I saw Wyatt had blown up the demon.

"Is everyone okay?" He asked looking at them, they nodded and turned to me. As I was about to answer I couldn't help but faint from the pain and exhaustion.

"Blue!" Wyatt cried as he shook my body. He laid his hand over me and a golden light poured from his hand into my wound as the wound disappeared. "Why would he faint?" Chris asked like it was no big deal. "Because he isn't use to this like we are!" Wyatt snapped back. "Jeez. Relax. I was just asking." Chris defended himself. "I know sorry." Wyatt apologized for his attitude. "It's cool. I'm worried too. Gabe!" Chris yelled.

"Sorry. Whoa! What happened?" Gabe said coming up to the Wyatt who was holding Blue's unconscious body. "Bounty Hunter demons." Wyatt said, "Oh that's not good. They can only be sent by the Source. Someone must have been crowned. That explains what they wanted. The last part of the ritual is to consume a witch's heart."

The Halliwell's eyes widened. "We need to get Mom and the Aunts. We were caught with our pants down. We need to be ready for this new Source." Wyatt said picking up Blue and setting him on the couch.

Chris began dialing on the phone. "Mom. There was a demon attack." Chris said into the phone, Piper's voice was loud on the phone...she was yelling. "Mom we got them. I mean Blue's unconscious but okay. We have a bigger issue though. We need to get the Aunts," he said into the phone overlooking Mel and Gabe flirting. "Yeah. Okay. See you in a few minutes." Chris said ending the phone call.

"Mom will be hear in a bit. She's either really pissed or really scared." Chris said to them. "If you two are done flirting we have bigger fish to fry." He said to Gabe and Mel, who in turn began blushing brightly.

° ° ° ° °

Hathrax was rather pissed off when he heard the news. The bounty hunters failed. "It was a simple retrieval. How could they fail. It appears I underestimated the Charmed ones. They aren't even properly blessed yet and they still win. Why must they always prevail?" The new source asked as he fumed. Letting out shouts and snarls of aggression. He waved his hand forcibly summoning the Dark Priestess.

"How is that search coming?" He asked her as he sat back on his throne. "We have found one sir. The problem is that it's protected by a spell my lord. It will take atleast three days to take it off." She said in fear.

"Fine...I'll think of something else." Hathrax grumbled, "Continue on this." He commanded as she faded back into the shadows.

He did manage to grab a random witch off the streets. She stood before him in fear. The blonde shivered in fear, as he rose to his feet and put a hand on her shoulder. He smiled a comforting smile. "Don't worry. This will only hurt a lot." He said with a snickers as he shoved his clawed hand into her chest.

Her screams falling on deaf ears as he ripped out her heart. Her body fell to the floor as he held his bloody hand to his face. Peering at the heart before swallowing it.

"Oh the Charmed One's heart would have been so much sweeter, but atleast I get to keep my throne." Hathrax grumbled as he set the corpse ablaze with a stream of fire. He sat back on his thrown as he created a ball of fire to play with.

° ° ° ° °

"Okay. Let's get this over with. We hoped to deal with any Source business until you guys were properly blessed." Piper said to us as she had us facing the stand. Me in the middle. Wyatt on my right and Chris on my left.

As they turned to the spell in the Book of Shadows to Invoke The Powers, a swirling cyclone of lights was seen. A lightly tanned woman with dark almost black hair and green eyes appeared before us. Followed by a woman slightly older with brown eyes and an even older woman.

"Prue?!?" The sisters yelped in disbelief. "Yeah it's me." She waved, "Well no love for your mother and grandmother. Okay we'll just be on our way." The elderly woman said with a smile showing she was joking.

"Sorry Grams." The sisters said together. "It's nice to finally meet you Prue." Paige said to Prue. Holding out her hand, to have Prue grab and pull her into a hug. "We're a hugging family." Prue said with a smile.

Then it was the Halliwell trio next.

"Hey Aunt Prue, Grandma and Grams." The trio said getting hugs. I couldn't help but feel left out. Something was bothering me. The way the Lady....Prue was staring at me. I felt uncomfortable, "So why now is it that we can finally see you?" Piper asked crying. "I tried to bring you back so many times." She cried into her sister's shoulder.

"I know you did. I could feel the pull. Except it was my time. Besides, you and Phoebe needed to truly accept Paige as a sister. If I came back there would be a chance the Power of Three wouldn't be reconstructed." Prue said explaining the reason for her absence.

"So why are you here?" Phoebe asked, "Well. I wouldn't miss my own son becoming a full Charmed One." She said with a sheepish grin. "Son?!" They exclaimed shocked, "How?" Paige asked joining in.

" was when Andy died. I got a bit self destructive. I drank a lot and the rest is a blur. Point being I woke up with Azul's dad. We fell in love and later conceived. The problem was that our relationship was a species crossing issue for the Elders. We didn't and couldn't tell anyone or the Cleaners would have taken him." She explained looking at me now, "You're father loves you. " she said, "Then why did he kick me out and say that no son of his was a fag?" I asked angrily as tears fell down my face.

"We'll we had to hid you. When you were young we had a spider demon wrap you in it's web. Everything inside the cocoon doesn't age. It's held in suspended animation." Prue said, "That explains why I'm terrified of spiders." I commented, "That's totally understandable," she said to me. "So technically you are probably about the same age as Chris. Maybe older." She said as we absorbed this information.

"We had it planned that he would have to say something to give you the motive to leave. That they were tracking Manny's every move, so we had to get you to make yours." She said.

"So that's why the Elders tried to take Blue." Wyatt commented, "Precisely. He's the one who got away." Prue said coming up to me. "I am so sorry for everything you been through. I am sure you don't want to talk to me or your father now." She said, being surprised as I ran into her arms and began crying. I could feel it. It was all true. We cried our hearts out just letting it all sink in.

"Isn't that touching." A demon said shimmering in, with a snap of his fingers more appeared. We split up into groups. New and Old Charmed Ones. I flipped in the air delivering a kick to the face. Phoebe followed with and air drop kick. Grams and Mom levitated demons against the walls. Piper and Wyatt blew up demons as Grandma froze them. Paige orbed energy balls back at their owners causing them to be knocked back.

"Just one left." I said stalking up to him. "Not really." He said with a smirk, before another demon came out of nowhere. Wyatt and Piper tried to blow him up to see him be thrown against the wall. He got up laughing that they couldn't hill him.

"You need to try better than that." He taunted, Piper turned to the other guy and blew him up. "One down." She smirked.

He lifted his hand at my mom and shot a stream of lightning, I ran and pushed her out of the way. I felt the electricity reflect off my hand and at the wall. I lifted my hands and shoved at the demon, watching as he was blown back.

"Crystals." Paige yelled orbing crystals around the demon. Light erupted from the crystals forming a light cage around him.

"Quick invoke the powers and then send this demon to the wasteland!" Grams yelled. We looked as the demon tried to force his hand through the cage. It was only a matter of time.

We ran to the Book of Shadows, and opened it to the Invoke The Powers spell.

"Hear now the words of the witches. The secrets we hid in the night. The oldest of gods are invoked here, the great work of magic is sought. In this night and in this hour, we call upon the ancient powers. Bring your power to us brothers three. We want the power give us the power." We chanted hand in hand. Lights flowed above our heads.

"Make up a spell!" Piper yelled. The demon was an inch away from removing the crystal.

"Us brothers three, use this spell to be free. Send this demon to a place of waste, out of time and space." We chanted together. As we watched the demon ignite in a flurry of lights and fire.

"Is everyone okay?" Paige asked looking at everyone. "Fine." Was basically the answer. "So...I have to talk to my dad don't I?" I asked...Mom.

"That's probably best." She said hugging me, before Grams and Grandma came up to me. "Welcome to the family, honey." They smiled and hugged me. "If you ever need me just call." Grams promised. Lights swirled around mom, grandma, and grams as they vanished.

"So it's true." I stated, "Yep it's never gonna be the same again." Chris and Wyatt said together causing us to laugh. "I love our family." I said noticing that I was still holding Wyatt's hand. I looked at it then him, when he realized it he blushed red. Causing me to laugh.

(That's the new chapter. Hope you like it. By the way the contest is almost finished. The ideas for Blue's other half are as followed: Vampire. Wood Nymph. Mermaid. Banshee. Let me know, and you'll see it on the next chapter on what characteristics he shows. Reach me at

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