Its a Charmed Life

By Jessie Mkay

Published on Jul 14, 2012


If you aren't at the very least 18 then don't read this. This doesn't contain any personal information on the celebrities who portray the characters. Donate to to keep the site running. Reach me at and enjoy.

It's a Charmed life.-1

When you look down into the abyss you realize you have two choices. Go back or jump in.....silly me for being curious.

I woke up and ate breakfast. Piper took me to the store to get some fashionable and functional clothes. She said I didn't have to worry about it. I couldn't help like I was going to pay with it without the use of actual money. She bought me health supplies and everything else I needed.

Finally we got home, "Um...honey. Now that you can...take a shower." I blushed after she said that. I ran upstairs with my clothes and sorted everything out. Before hitting the shower. I let the hot water hit me, as I scrubbed the grim off me. I began to finally feel as if I was scrubbing my old life away and beginning my new life.

As I got out and dried off there was a knock to the door. "Hey Azul....Aunt Phoebe has everything set up. When you're finished head downstairs." Wyatt said through the door. "Okay." I said as I heard him walk away. I don't know why but when I heard his voice I began to blush. I looked myself in the mirror, my cheeks burning brightly on my caramel skin. After putting on clothes I looked presentable for a fighting....a wife beater and grey sweat pants and white sneakers.

° ° ° ° °

"Kick higher!" Phoebe demanded as I kicked the dummy yet again. I been at this for 3 hours now. Sweat was just pouring from my body. I gasped for what little breath the basement offered me. "Pretty good, but I want you to try again." I just nodded. This is my first class....I'd hate to see the others. A little concentration, I felt my powers flow through my body. I jumped up being boosted by my powers, offering a spin kick to the neck. To my surprise the kick was enhanced causing the dummy to be launched at the wall hard, making the 200lb stand look like a rag doll.

Phoebe stared dumbfounded at what just happened. I turned when I heard the clapping. "That was awesome." Chris said looking at me. I blushed, "Thanks." "That was very impressive." Phoebe said. "It's time for a small break. Then you have sparring with Chris and then I'll teach you the art of spellcraft." She said walking upstairs. "Here." Chris said handing me a water bottle. I couldn't help gulping the whole thing in one go. "Mighty thirsty huh!" Chris smirked. "So tell me..." he started handing me another water bottle. "What do you think of my brother?"

I couldn't help spitting out the water and almost choking on it. I looked to see Chris with a smirk, "I see....he takes your breath away." "I didn't say that." I said blushing, "You don't need too. It's all over your face." He quipped, "Okay...can we just start?" He chuckled "Sure thing. I'm just wondering what it'll be like when you and Wyatt spar...I bet you two won't be able to keep your hands off eachother. I blushed even deeper "Did he say anything?...about me?" I stuttered, " have to win to find out." He said.

Taking a combative stance. I followed suit. He thrust a fist at me, I blocked with a palm to wrist stop. He did it again, before surprising me with a crouched leg sweep. I fell on my ass, thank God for being half Puerto's like falling on a cushion. "You just going to sit there? If I was a demon, you would be dead already." He said....I'm tired of playing the victim.

I got up by a kip-up. "Let's do this." I said with a serious look on my face. "Let's get this over with...I have a date." He said with a smirk. He lunged at me and attempted to punch me in the face. I ducked, and grabbed it. Before twirling still connected to him, bending his arm and kicking him in the back of the leg. Knocking him down. "We finished?" I asked with a smirk. "Nope."

He gave me an uppercut to the jaw. I wasn't expecting it. I got up again, and sent him flying into the wall with a kick. ", we are finished." Chris said groaning and with a slight lack of breath. He walked up the steps after telling me good job.

I was patting my face with a rag, not noticing Wyatt come in. "Hey." I jumped in the air, I turned around blushing at a laughing Wyatt. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." "I wasn't scared...just surprised." He chuckled again, "Okay. Umm. Mom made lunch." He said going upstairs. Leaving me swoon, I felt tight in my pants, noticing the hard on. Thank God he didn't see it! I would just die! I had to wait a few minutes, even after Piper yelled at my to come an eat. Finally it went down and now I can go upstairs.

"Hey what's for lunch?" I asked with a grin, "Grilled chicken and cheese melt." Piper said handing me a plat. "Thank you." I said before sitting in between the brothers. "Oh. I completely forgot! Melinda's moving back boys. She had fun living with Billie but she wants to be back with us." Piper said with a smile. "Really?! When?" Chris asked excitedly, finally able to see his sister. "This Monday. By the way...Azul...can I just call you Blue?" I nodded, "Meet Phoebe in the Attic." Piper said before leaving. "This is awesome! The Halliwell trio is back!" Chris said with a smile. I couldn't help but feel like a temporary replacement, but I just kept eating acting like I was okay. "You said it, finally things can go back to normal." Wyatt commented. "You'll love her!" Chris said bumping my shoulder with his. "I'm sure. If she's as kind and funny as everyone else here...then yeah." I said before heading to the Attic where Piper said to meet Phoebe.

"Hey." We greeted eachother at the same time. I sat on the couch as she explained spellcraft. It's basically saying an incantation unto which you speak your desires. "Now that you understand, I'm going to help you make a spell." She said smiling. "I'll give you an idea and you have to make a spell off it." I nodded. "Okay. Lost and found. I lost my keys." Phoebe said with a smirk.

"By the power of one times three, show me where Phoebe's keys may be." I chanted, a blue ball formed before us and raced out of the room. We ran to follow it, as we got downstairs we notice the ball go downstairs to the basement. There were Phoebe's keys sitting on the table. "Thanks I always lose these...and hey now we have a lost and found spell! Congrats on your first spell." Phoebe said before leaving.

"That was impressive." Wyatt's voice said scaring me again. "Dude! Wear a bell!" I said as Wyatt chuckled. "Sorry. It's time for our spar." Wyatt said taking a combative stance. Oh lord don't think about him like that! I was already thinking naughty thoughts about Wyatt. "From four to five let sex and attraction be out of my mind." I whispered, "Pardon? I didn't catch that." Wyatt said with an honest face. "Nothing." I said with a smile as I felt my head clearing of my lust. "Where were we?" I said as we began. He charged me, as I sidestepped him. He surprised me with a back kick. He landed a few punches on my sides, as I grabbed his hands and kicked off his stomach going into a back flip and landing on my feet. I looked at the clock as it read five minutes till five. I had to end this. I lifted and did an air twirl kick, he blocked and grabbed my leg and brought me to the wall. Pinning me, we were close...really close. I could feel his hips connect with mine. I would be blushing if it wasn't for my spell. He looked in surprise to see were I my knee his crouch. "It's a draw." He said quickly before walking out. Dropping me on the floor.

The clock struck five and my face looked flushed and my pants felt tight. "Oh what you do to me." I said leaning on the wall as I sat. After a good five minutes I was back to normal. "Hey. It's time for me." Paige said orbing in. "Oh joy." I said getting up, "Hey, I'm only trying to help you." She said with her hands on her hips in her yet again skimpy outfit. "You're right. Sorry." I said as she grabbed my hand and orbed us upstairs in the attic. "Okay so...." I sat there paying as much attention as I could. "Understand?" I nodded. "Good. Now let's test it." She said.

She grabbed a purple crystal hanging from a chain and a map. "Try to locate me." She said before orbing. I did as she said to do. I spun the chain slowly over the map. Focusing my energies into the crystal and focused on finding Paige. The crystal twirled and twirled and twirled. As it seemed to get closer to a location and closer and closer until it dropped. Golden Gate Bridge. "Paige?" I asked and she orbed back in. "Alright. Where was I?" She asked. "Golden Gate Bridge." I stated and she smirked. "Congrats you passed." She said clapping her hands quickly. "Now on to potions. Since you don't orb, let's make you a teleportation potion." Paige said. Reading off the ingredients. She nodded and shook her head at the ingredients if I got them wrong or right.

I put in the final ingredient a ginger root, and the cauldron? Poofed with smoke. The bubbling green liquid turned black. "If we were human then the potions would just be ingredients, since we're witches the magic changes things." She said with a smirk. I nodded, "Think of where you want to be and you will go there once you smash the bottle." She said I thought of being in my room. As I smashed the bottle a cloud came around me and once it was gone I saw myself in my room. "There you have it. You finished my 'courser's see you later." She said orbing out. I took a shower and got dressed in a white v neck and black skinniest jeans that fit my ass so well. Stepping I to white converse I headed to the kitchen for a drink.

As I drank I heard something in the attic. I slowly walked thinking it was nothing but when I went inside, I found myself with a guy in black with his back to me. I held up my hand and watched as he began levitating. I spun him around. "Let me go!" He demanded sending an energy ball my way. I deflected it, and before he could do another he exploded. I turned around to see Wyatt. "Are you okay?" He asked coming up to me. "Yeah. I'm fine." I said and he nodded, "My mom's ready for you. She's in the sunroom." He said orbing us downstairs.

"Took your time." Piper said with her hands on her hips, "Demon. We vanquished it." Wyatt said, "Congrats then. Your first demon." She smiled, "I didn't kill it." She nodded, "First demon. Not vanquish." She corrected so I understood what she meant. "Alright so..." She explained things, Demons how they come in different types and powers and tricks. She said a spell from the Book of Shadows. Having Wyatt orb crystals around the demon who appeared. The crystals illuminated brightly as the beams connected creating a cage. "Okay...kill the demon." Piper said as she sat back and watched. I focused thinking about the demon and what to do with it. Suddenly I felt myself move, looking around as a thud was made. I saw my body on the floor. "I said kill it. Not get yourself killed." Piper said. I wanted to try something so I jumped inside the demon, he screamed in pain as his face turned red. The veins on his forehead showed before poof, he was gone leaving me there. I walked up to my body and thought of getting back inside it. "Focus." Wyatt said to me, as I found myself on the floor. I was back in my body. "Hello body!" I said jokingly as I patted myself to make sure it's all there.

I looked at the clock to see the time....11pm. It's this late already? As I thought about it I began feeling the aches of today's training. "Alright Blue. Tomorrow we make you guys official Charmed Ones." Piper said before kissing Wyatt on the forehead and hugging me. "I'm going to bed. Leo should be back from Magic School. " she said grabbing the Book of Shadows and walking upstairs. "So..." he started but his phone rang. "Hello? Hey baby." He said into the phone smiling.......I could feel the frown growing on my face. I walked upstairs not saying a word as he was swept into a conversation with his "baby". I am so stupid....a boy that fine, of course he has someone on his arm. I walked into my room, after closing the door I jumped in the bed and screamed in the pillow.

(That's the next chapter. A little friendly competition will ensue. Need a little help....As you know Azul...or Blue. Is a Hybrid.....what should his other half be? Any ideas. It isn't a whitelighter/darklighter so don't say either. Tell me what you think. Reach me at

Next: Chapter 3

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