Its a Charmed Life

By Jessie Mkay

Published on Jul 8, 2012


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It's a Charmed life.-1

Times in life you have to know what your doing....other times you have to just go with it.

"Goodies." By Ciara played as I strut on the stage. I swayed to the music and just let it go. I was acting innocent and then sexy and then back to innocent, before acting slutty. I was rubbing my inner thighs moaning on stage, causing the crowd to go crazy. As I finished up with another innocent move, the crowd went wild. "That ladies and gentlemen was our fresh meat straight from the streets. "Honey" This Puerto Rican is sweet as can be and looks and sings like an angel...if you catch my drift." I couldn't believe that I just did that, or that he said that...I'm a virgin. This wasn't my ideal job, but I had to eat. I was living on the streets ever since my dad found out I was gay. He said I was a disgrace to our family. I grabbed the essentials before I was kicked out, clothes, and my Ipod and some money I saved up for college.

I stopped at Publix, women hiding their children as if I was diseased. I walked to the Deli where a nice woman named Mable always has a sandwich for me. I looked at the 67 year old woman, her pale wrinkled skin stretched on her face as she smiled. I smiled at her, "Hello Mable." I said to her, she hugged me and placed a small kiss on my cheek. "Hello dear. It's nice to see you're doing well. What's with the tight clothes?" She asked, "Oh that's right. You're a stripper. My mind is not what it use to be. Listen, just be careful with yourself out there...the world is hard and can crush you if you don't have any proper support." She said before offering me another hug and going back to work. She really was the nicest woman alive.

I sat and ate in the chair watching her work, until I finished. After getting a drink from the water fountain, I left finally full. The clicking of the heels of my boots was all I heard as I walked the streets.

After about an hour I found the motel I was staying at. As I got in something felt odd. Like something was watching me. I closed the door and turned on the light to see a shadow by the kitchen, it scurried off as the light came on. Grabbing a lamp on the counter, I stepped forward to defend myself against whatever was here. As I brought the lamp over my head, I looked to see nothing there. So I stepped back thinking it was just a figment of my imagination. As I did my back hit something hard, I turned quickly to see a guy who looks like he walked straight out of the Halloween store.

Dressed in all black he had an angry look on his face, he lifted his hand creating a fire ball. As he tossed it at me I lifted my hands in defense seeing the ball collie with a invisible force. He growled in anger, "Die witch!" He snarled as more fire balls were thrown at me. I did the same in fear of being killed, this time with a slightly different result. The fireballs instead redirected their course back towards the man. I watch in awe as I saw him burst into flames.

I looked motel room was a mess, the smell of ash and something burning. I grabbed the fire extinguisher and put out the flames of the couch/bed. "Great there goes my bed!" I said depressed again as I looked at the damage. "How am I going to pay for this? I barely have the money to stay here." I said to myself.

"Probably best not to stay here." A voice said, "Hello?" I got up and gripped the fire extinguisher firmly in my hand, ready to use it like a blunt object or to put out more fire. I turned to the owner of the voice, blasting him with the freezing foam held with the extinguisher. He merely held up his hand to have it stop infront of him like a Neo-Matrix thing. "Hi. I'm Gabriel, just call me Gabe. I'm here to rescue you." He said cheerfully. "You're alittle late for that." I joked laying on my bed to tired to care about anything anymore. "You want a drink?" I asked him before a frown appeared on his face. "No thanks, I shouldn't and neither should you. It's dangerous for a-" he stopped talking as if saying too much. "It's just not good for you." He said with sigh of relief. I just shrugged, grabbing a bottle of Peppermint Schnapps. I drank straight from the bottle. "This is not good." I heard Gabe say as I downed a quarter of the bottle.

"What you say Gabby?" I asked, already the alcohol was affecting me. I could feel my head swimming and my senses dimming. "Let's dance." I said getting up and playing music. "This is way too much." Gabe said before grabbing me and pulling me to him. I heard the sounds of little bells as I could feel myself being lifted and weightless. Next thing I knew I was standing in a large house. "Is this where the party's at?" I asked taking another swig of my schnapps. "Let's get you somewhere comfortable." Gabe said half guiding me, half dragging me to another room and setting me on the couch. "Let me take this." He said trying to take it from me. He started to tickle me and I let go. "I'll bring you some coffee." He said walking away.

I dozed off for a minute. The smell of coffee waking me up. Gabe was staring in my face, "Can I help you?" I asked as he backed up with a blush on his cheeks. "Sorry. Here's the coffee." He said handing it to me. I took a sip and began feeling myself wake up. "This tastes funny. What else did you put in this?" I asked, "Oh nothing really. It's the family's special brew." He said with a smile. "Okay...I'm going to go home." I said, "What home?" He asked, "Last I recall you have no home."He said in a sarcastic tone. I got up and began walking to the front door. "Okay okay. I'm sorry." I turned putting up my hand to gesture him to be quiet. I felt it now, a flow from my head to my hand and out. It pushed him against a wall. I heard stomping as 3 women came downstairs. "Gabe!" One of the peachy skins yelled, "I'll stop him!" An angry one said. She made a hand flicking gesture as if it was meant to do something. "Oh that so hurt." I joked beginning to leave.


door opened to two very handsome boys. One with chocolate hair and greenish hazel eyes and a taller blond with shoulder length in a pony tail. His blue eyes threw me off they were so beautiful.

"What's going on?" The brunette asked, "This hoe just knocked Gabe on his ass." The skinny skimpy one said. "Hoe? I'm a stripper at a nightclub, not a hoe. Atleast I wear clothes that show my body for money, while others are giving people free previews..." I said before fake coughing, "Whore." I smirked after she gasped, "Hey buddy. I don't know who you are but no one talks to my Aunt like that." The brunette said before charging. "Chris no!!!" The blond and Gabe yelled at the same time to no avail. I rotated behind him quickly before grabbing the back of his hair and pulling him back and then flipped him like I have done to many people before hand. When your gay and live on the streets you need to know how to go hood on people's asses.

"EVERYONE CALM DOWN!!!" The angry lady yelled, the house seemed to shake as she seemed to grow even more fierce. "NO!!! I'M LEAVING!!!!!!" I yelled my own anger flaring up the sounds of objects hitting things and the walls as I noticed the house shaking even more, and objects floating. "Forgive me." I heard Gabe say before I felt something smash against my body. The sound of glass shattering alerted me that it was a little glass bottle he threw at me.

My senses dulled slightly before I felt myself swimming and then darkness came to catch me as I freefell into it's waiting grasp.

° ° ° ° °

"You guys! That was my charge!" Gabe yelled angrily, lifting up his charge. Wyatt grabbed the legs, "Sorry. It was a misunderstanding." Piper said, "A misunderstanding? That's all you got?" Gabe asked, "Zip it mister." Piper commanded, "So what's the story?" Phoebe asked, " may want to sit down for this one." Gabe said before filling them in on everything he knows so far.

"So he's a special witch? What's so special? Is he another Billie?" Were the questions Gabe found himself presented in. "Possibly stronger. Like Either Equal to Wyatt and Chris or maybe more. We don't know for the moment anything is possible. He already used a force blast, and telekinesis. We just have to see what else he can do." Gabe said, "I have to go "upstairs" please don't hurt him." Gabe said before orbing away.

"I feel stupid." Chris said with a frown, "I got my ass handed to me." He said sitting down. "You deserved it. You charged into battle without knowing what who how or why." Wyatt said leaning on the wall looking g at the unconscious figure...those green eyes. He was mystified by them, they just seemed to pop as they contrasted against the perfect caramel skin. He looked at how the beautiful black hair reached past the slender boy's shoulders. What could this perfect angel hold that would be so important?

The sounds of miniature bells rang as blue glowing orbs fluttered together before the family. Shaping to the form of Gabe. "Well?" Paige asked, "They couldn't tell me much, they just said it would be best if he was either killed or went up withstand them to become an Elder." Gabe said with a frown, "They can't do that. That's killing an innocent. Also kidnapping!" Wyatt growled, no one knew why he was acting like this all of the sudden over a stranger. "Yes, but they say that he has a power that's dormant now but when it's activated demons and such will come from far and near to obtain it. Either by stealing, seduction, or what have you. They will try to use him.

"Go tell them to shit bricks. Their way isn't always the best or right way!" Piper fumed, she knew all too well of the pain that the Elder's in their high and mighty arrogance could cause. They already took to much from the family, she didn't want to see it taken from an innocent soul.

"I don't have to...their coming." Gabe said slightly shocked mostly terrified. The sounds of bells ignited in the air as bundles of blue lights fluttered together and solidified to four men and women wearing golden robes. "Now what's this about bricks?" One of them asked acting cocky. "You can't kill or take him. He deserves a normal life. How does a witch become a stripper anyways? Let us take him in and raise him up like a family." Phoebe said, determined.

"No!" The Elders said in union holding their ground, the Halliwell's retaliated. Wyatt grabbed onto the boy's hand feeling sparks as they connected hands. He seemed to stir from his unconsciousness. Chris grabbed the boy's other hand aswell they tried to stand the boy up, what happened next caught them off guard. The chandelier ignited in a huge display of blue light, it was so bright that many had to look away. The trio looked up and felt something in them...power? Responsibility? Whatever it was it showed.

"Well now. This is a turn of events....He shall stay. I offer this warning however, he is more than meets the eye." One of the Elder's spat viciously before they orbed out.

° ° ° ° °

I sat on the couch as they tried to explain everything. I was a witch and some how part of the Power of Three. Somehow I was connected, somehow I was a part of this. To me it sounded stupid, except it explained some things. "Okay...well I gotta go." I said getting up, everyone turned to me. "Where are you going?" The tall blond asked, "Work." I said heading to the door. As I opened it, I was pinned against the wall. The door slammed shut, "You can't go back to that life. I won't let you." What's his name...Wyatt. "You can't tell me how to live my life." I yelled, "Maybe not, but I can't let you do that to yourself either." He spoke calmly yet with authority. "Fine." I said relenting.

"Can I atleast get some food?" I asked when...Piper popped her head by the wall. "Come to the kitchen I have dinner set up." She said with a smile, I sat down and began eating. "Thanks." I said and continued eating. I looked to see the sisters, staring at me and speaking to eachother.

° ° ° ° °

"Look at him. He's so small. He needs to eat more." Paige said, "Where's he staying?" Phoebe asked, "He'll stay here. He's part of the Power of Three. Besides...if I remember...he seems future familiar." The other two gasped, "Wait like he's another future Chris?" Paige asked, "No. More like I saw him in the future during one of our many time travel trips. I have a feeling he is going to be here for a LONG time." Piper said serving dinner to the rest.

° ° ° ° °

"Okay let me explain how this is going to go." Piper said to me after dinner, "You're going to live here from now on. No more stripping, and whatever else your life was's over. Your life like a witch starts tomorrow. Phoebe will teach you how to fight and write spells. You'll spar with Chris and Wyatt. Paige will teach you potions, scrying. I'll help you with developing your powers and teaching you demonology straight from the Book Of Shadows itself." Piper said with a smile, "Come with me. I'll show you to your room." She said leading me to a room. "Do you have any clothes?" "No. I lost my stuff over a fireball that a demon threw at me." I told her, "Okay...we will also go clothes shopping." Piper said before hugging me, I was surprised at first before I hugged her. "Can I ask you a question?" Piper asked, sitting on my bed. "Sure." I said waiting for the question. "Why did you become a stripper?"

She asked, "Well I never met my mother. My dad said that my mom was a strong beautiful woman. She left him with me because of some business she had to take care of. It was the last time my dad saw her, she died at an early age. He said that they hid their relationship because it was inappropriate at the time. I assumed cause it was interracial. Except with what I went through...It sounds like there's more to it. I'm thinking it was more interracial then I thought, as I think of what you told me about how love strict the elders are. The point being my dad said he can't have a fag in his house, so he kicked me out." I said telling her my story. When I finally finished I was crying and too tired to notice that the others were listening by the door. "'s okay. By the never told us. What's your name?" Piper asked, "Azul." I mumbled, "Blue." The Halliwell's said together.

(That's the first chapter. I hope you like it. If so tell me, if not then oh well. Review at

Next: Chapter 2

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