Itching Powder

By Alex Richards

Published on Dec 11, 2018


Chris's hands were free, but he stayed there: ass-up on the bed, whimpering at the friction against his scalp as Mickey guided his head forward. The intense tingling on his skin and down his throat was making him do all sorts of uncharacteristic things tonight. For example, his suitemate Mickey had just asked him if he'd sucked cock before. And instead of being offended or disgusted by the question, he felt intrigued. Maybe a cock down his throat would satisfy that empty feeling deep in his gullet.

Chris looked up. Why was Mickey holding his head still? Had he changed his mind? When Chris looked, he saw that Mickey was holding himself in his hand, waiting to press his thick cock in between Chris's lips.

The sight of that huge cock in front of him reminded Chris why he should have been trying to get out of his current situation. The thing was about 10 inches long, and it had a thick vein that ran along the side of it. Chris struggled slightly, lips clamping together, moaning a little at the feeling of his lips. He found himself longing for Mickey to push that thing into his mouth, knowing it would probably ease the sensitive feeling of his lips and his tongue.

"I want to hear you ask for it, sweetheart," Mickey growled, voice low and rough. Thoughts of his buddy's fat, hard cock kept sliding through Chris's brain, and he could feel an ache in the back of his mouth, making him shiver. He wanted this. He didn't know why, and he hated himself for it, but FUCK! he wanted this.

"P-please, Mickey? I-" Chris could barely get the words out. He took the first tentative lick at the flushed head of Mickey's cock, but Mickey stepped back.

"Oh, now, buddy. You can beg prettier than that." Mickey ran his thumb over Chris's puffy bottom lip and slipped it inside his mouth to massage that warm, wet tongue. Chris's eyes rolled into the back of his skull.

"Please, Mickey, please," Chris moaned around his friend's thumb. "I'll be so good. Please, just let me."

Mickey leaned in close and whispered in Chris's ear, "Tell me, `I want to suck your big cock.'"

Chris's whole body flushed with shame. Why was he letting his friends treat him this way? Worse yet, why was he liking it so much?

"Please, I- I want to suck your big cock." Chris said the last words so quietly, it was obvious he was uncomfortable with it. That's okay, Mickey thought. He would have him screaming it soon enough. Mickey stepped closer so that his hard, ten-inch cock was staring his prude roommate in the face.

Chris's lips buzzed as he slowly wrapped them around the head of Mickey's dick. His mind was flooded with thoughts of cock: the slick slide of skin, the slippery feel of pre-come oozing from the tip, the sweet, mouthwatering taste as he ran his tongue over it. This wasn't as horrifying as he thought it was going to be. He sucked Mickey down, cheeks hollowing out as Mickey groaned low in his throat.

Mickey's eyes were dark, pupils blown. He was done holding back. Mickey gripped the stud's hair and shoved his cock all the way down so fast that Chris gagged. He looked down with a sneer, watching full, spit-slicked lips pass along the shaft as he controlled the speed of Chris's mouth with his hand in his hair. Mickey noticed that he could control Chris's mouth even more by massaging and scratching Chris's tingly scalp. Those hands in his hair were making Chris moan loudly and claw at the bedsheets. The fat cock punching the back of his throat was making Chris jerk and tense up, but the sensation at the back of his throat felt better than anything all night. He couldn't stop his lips moving over the other man' dick, sucking hard and fast. He was slobbering on his buddy's cock as if he never wanted to stop


"Fuck Chrissy." Mickey marveled at the appealing sight of a cock hungry Chris. Using all of his will-power, Mickey pulled Chris off his cock, staving off his orgasm. He didn't want to come just yet.

Chris whined, sounding desperate and Mickey almost shoved right back into that mouth. He would have done it, if not for the pretty sound that left Chris's mouth. "Please...let me. Mickey... feels so good." Chris clawed at the sheets again, trying to pull himself closer to that beautiful cock.

Suddenly, a hand came down on Chris's ass -- HARD. The stud yelped as he turned around to find Connor grinning at him. Connor brought his hand up and spanked him again. A warmth spread out through his stinging ass cheek.

"Miss me?" Connor stroked the pink handprint he left on that oversized cheek. Chris had been so wrapped up in sucking Mickey's cock, he hadn't even noticed Connor was gone. Before Chris could even reply, Connor slipped his fat fingers back inside his friend's twitchy hole. Chris cried out and immediately started grinding back, desperate to get more inside of him.

Connor grinned. "I thought so. I knew your itchy, little pussy missed me." He kept pumping two of his thick fingers in and out of that tight puck. Chris was practically vibrating with need.

"Wait a sec..." Connor continued, bringing his other hand out from behind his back. "I got something better than fingers."

Connor held something dark purple in his hand. It had a thin cord hanging from it and a large flat base. Connor stopped working his other hand in and out so that Chris could concentrate on what was about to go inside him. Connor held up the large plug and delighted in the grimace it provoked in Chris. He got so much pleasure watching Chris struggle against what his body so clearly wanted. Connor shifted Chris around until his ass was lifted slightly, the hole exposed enough that he could slather it with lube and press the plug against Chris's ass. The suitemates smirked as they watched Chris stir and keen quietly at the intrusion.

Chris shut his eyes tiredly, attempting to pull himself away from the thing probing his ass. That thing was BIG, and even though his twitchy little hole was buzzing with need, he wasn't sure he wanted it inside of him. Chris started to roll away, but he was met with a wall of Mickey. He could have lashed out -- could have pulled Mickey's hair or punched him. He wasn't handcuffed anymore, and he was big enough to overpower one of them. But the feeling on his skin wouldn't let him say anything but "yes" to his suitemates tonight.

Connor pressed the tapered head slightly into Chris's tight hole. "You look so fucking sexy Chrissy, all hot and sweaty and needy. You fucking love it don't you?" Connor spoke quietly in Chris's ear, enjoying the whimper it got. "I can't wait until you're begging us to fuck your pussy."

Whatever that thing was that Mickey was trying to get into him fucking hurt! Enough that Chris was pulled out of his haze and began to struggle once more. His arms strained as Mickey held them behind his back.

The pain and the panic made it difficult to breathe. Chris found himself becoming light headed as he tried to steady his nerves. Could he pass out like this? What would they do if he did? The thought frightened him enough to try and slow his breathing, attempting to draw in deep breaths and try not to whimper at the press of the toy into his hole. It felt so much different than the fingers from earlier; the plastic and its oddly pointed shape felt alien as it tried to burrow its way inside him.

He was tight. Mickey twisted the plug slightly and delighted in hearing Chris's keening moan. Chris felt a combination of pain and pleasure as the plug pressed into him slowly, breaching his hole inch by inch.

"Come on, Chrissy, relax, it'll be so good. Can you feel it pressing against your hole? You look so sexy with your fat ass spread open. It's gonna go in there -- in that tight little hole. And then, when you're panting and begging and bouncing on this plug, I'm gonna fuck you. And then, once I've sprayed your little pussy full of cum, Mickey's gonna fuck you. He fucking loves sloppy seconds. He can't wait to fuck your loose hole."

Mickey was holding those massive ass cheeks apart, helping Connor ease the toy in. When it finally breached the stud's puck enough to slide in easily, Chris let out a strange sound that was a cross between a sob and a gasp.

"S'okay Chrissy, it's in. Fuck, you look so fuckin' hot like this. Such a pretty little girl." Connor couldn't help but stroke his cock a few times as he watched Chris tremble, hole stuffed full.

"Fuck...turn it on, Connor. I wanna see what he thinks." Mickey walked back around so he could watch Chris's face when the toy whirled to life. "I wanna see how much he likes it."

A low hum that was barely detectable started in the room, and with it, Chris's answering moans. He surged up against Mickey, hands flexing and digging into his shoulders as the plug vibrated against his sensitive hole. His hips stuttered, torn between rocking against the plug or pulling away.

This was too much! Chris just wanted it to stop. It hurt and felt so good at the same time. He didn't understand how he could want something and yet hate it at the same time. That's what he felt right now -- torn between lust and anger, between pushing Connor and Mickey away and begging them for what they'd promised.

The plug inside him suddenly vibrated harder, and a finger began sliding against the rim of his ass. What was Connor doing back there? It was too much -- a weird sensation of pain and hurt and fuck, yes, want, as Connor's finger slipped inside his rim. He felt himself grow light headed as he bucked against Connor's finger and the plug. His cock dragged against the wet sheets below him, but all he could think about was his stuffed almost to the point of breaking hole.

"Oh, god...please...more..." Chris gasped out. He hadn't meant to say that but he just couldn't stop wanting --no, needing -- more. Even though his mind was screaming no, his body was saying yes. It was making him grip Mickey's shoulders as he arched his back like some cheap whore. Fuck! He loved having his hole full.

He was a damn slut. Only a slut would be enjoying this right now. Only a slut would love having his hole full of fake vibrating cock. And, only a slut would still want more. Chris remembered having Mickey's dick in his mouth -- the feeling of that heavy cock sliding against his overly sensitive lips, the blunt head hammering against the back of his throat.

He wanted it back.

With shame surging through his body, Chris quietly leaned against Mickey's broad chest and whispered in his ear, "Mickey. I wanna suck you. Please." Mickey pulled back and looked at Chris as if he were something to be pitied before a slow smile spread across his face. He shoved Chris's shoulders down and jacked his hard dick a few times in front of Chris's face.

Mickey slipped his cock between those full lips. A cool and satisfying feeling brushed against Chris's tongue, and fuck, if it didn't feel good against his soft lips, slipping in easily. Instead of fucking his mouth like Mickey had done earlier, his cock simply stayed there, heavy against Chris's tongue. Mickey grabbed onto Chris's head, just keeping him there. Chris tried to move his mouth slightly, testing and found he couldn't. It was completely stuck there until Mickey let him free and that made Chris whimper pathetically in the back of his throat like a wounded animal.

He looked so beautiful like this, Connor decided as he admired the slut they had managed to created. Mickey had the entirety of his thick cock down Chris's throat, and Connor had the stud twerking that massive, beachball-sized ass back tried to cram his pussy even fuller. Connor wiggled the finger he had wedged alongside the plug, earning a squeak from Chris. He loved how he could play the little stud like an instrument. Connor leaned down to blow on the hot, stretched skin of his rim and Chris jolted forward, further onto Mickey's cock. Connor had never had this much fun playing with a toy in his whole life.

This time, Connor dragged his tongue over the red, abused skin around the base of the plug. Chris tensed and moaned around the thick cock in his mouth. That sexy stud began grinding himself against the bed, desperate for some friction. He was stunning like this: half-desperate, half-scared of what he was feeling, skin angry and red over his ass and flushed pink in other places, sweat pooling in the curve of his lower back.

Connor dragged his tongue down Chris's ass, ignoring the almost pained sound coming from the boy. Perhaps it was time to reward the little stud ; he'd been a good boy so far. Connor gently grabbed those soft cheeks exposing his pink hole, filled to the brim with vibrating plastic, and still glistening with lube from earlier.

Connor wrenched the massive plug from Chris's body so hard that boy screamed. A clever tongue quickly pressed against Chris's puckered hole. Connor reveled in the way Chris breathed in deep through his nose as that slimy muscle wormed its way inside his tight hole. Connor used his fingers to play with the rim while his tongue licked up the crack, smearing spit and lube around his messy hole. A slightly cool, tingly sensation against his tongue made the normal act of eating jock pussy feel so much better to Connor. He could do this all night!

"Oh god. Oh fuck," Chris chanted in his head over and over as that slick tongue passed over his ass, delving into his hole and pushing against it. He moaned loudly around the mouthful of cock, writhing against the sheets, wet from the countless loads of cum. That tongue felt so wet and smooth and hot against his hole. He couldn't stop himself pushing back against it, whining when Connor held him down and pushed that tongue into him as far as it would go.

Suddenly, and without warning, he was coming, hard and fast, making his vision white out and his lungs stop working for a moment. It should have made him panic, but instead, it just made the whole thing more intense. That tongue was flicking and pushing against him faster and harder as he rode out his orgasm. Then, as he was slowly coming down from the high, Connor's tongue slowed at the same time, soothing him through the tremors that wracked his body.

"Beautiful." Connor murmured against his skin, biting the reddened flesh enjoying Chris's flinch of pain. "Get him up on his knees Mickey, want him to ride me when I fuck him for the first time." Connor sat up as he spoke, gripping his hard length and stroking the head with his thumb a few times, licking his lips and gripping the base with his other hand to stop himself from coming too soon.

It was easy to maneuver Chris laying in a post-orgasmic haze. Mickey pulled the boy up and helped him into Connor's lap. Chris went easily, eyes blinking slightly as he became aware of the change of position. He tried to say something. Mickey could see his lips nursing around the air, desperate for something back in his mouth to suck.

"Shh Chris, s'alright." Connor stroked over his back gently, rubbing his cock between those soft, fat cheeks. The lube was becoming tacky now.

"Gonna need to lube you up a little more if I'm gonna fuck you. You're such a tight little virgin," Connor said, uncapping the tube of lube before pausing. "You want my fingers, princess, or you want Mickey's tongue to make our little girl wet?"

"Ahh, uhhn.... fuck. Anything please!" Chris wanted more -- wanted those fingers in him so bad or that tongue to push right into him until he came. He didn't care what they did to him anymore.

Connor teased a wet finger around Chris's stretched puck and chuckled as Chris tried to press down on it.

"Do you like that baby? Want me to push my fingers into your little pussy? Does my girl want more?" Connor teased, watching as Chris's eyes went wide. The jock tipped his head back and gave a loud, breathy moan as a full body shiver went through him. Chris liked his dirty talk. "Want Daddy to fuck you with his tongue? Hmm?" he whispered in his ear, watching Chris shudder.

"Uhh...want it..." Chris arched again, head still tipped back. "Fuck me with it...your tongue, Daddy...please...feels so good. I need it..." He was babbling, words falling out of his mouth as Connor teased that hole with his lube-soaked fingers.

"Gotta wait, Chrissy, Daddy's gonna fuck you first before you get his tongue again." Hands gripped at Chris's ass as Connor sat him up and nudged his cock against Chris's tight pucker.

"Gonna fuck you now, Chrissy. You want that, baby?" Connor felt the tip of his erection press just barely inside Chris. "Want me to fuck your tight little hole? Tell me, baby. Tell me what you want."

"Want it...want you to fuck it, please...fuck me, daddy, please, please." Chris whined, pressing down against Connor's cock, feeling it pop inside that tight ring. Connor was even bigger than Mickey, and Chris didn't think he was going to be able to take it. Kind hands gripped his hips and lowered him down. One hard shove from Connor and he bottomed out in that perfect, tight ass. Chris yelled out in pain as the pleasant burn made his eyes water, but Connor didn't give him time to adjust. He just lifted Chris off almost all the way before he pulled him back down, onto his lap. The sound of skin slapping against skin and their moans mingled together as Connor fucked him hard and fast.

"Oh fuck, oh god. Daddy. Connor. Oh, God! " He was right on the edge, right there, and yet he couldn't come -- not with Connor pinching the base of his cock as he fucked into him.

"Not yet Chrissy...wanna see my little girl come apart when her daddy fucks her." Connor moaned, grabbing Chris's hair and pulling him forward, lips meeting in a messy kiss that was more tongue than lips. The act of kissing this perfect slutty virgin made Connor cum with a shout, going rigid as he fired thick bursts of come deep inside Chris.

Chris groaned low in his throat. He needed Connor's dick to keep fucking him. Pouting as Connor pushed him off, Chris looked to Mickey, demanding he fuck him now.

"Beg for it, sugar," Mickey began, but Chris was too quick. He had already positioned himself on top of Mickey and was lowering his needy hole onto Mickey's cock.

"Fuck, baby. You need it that bad, huh?" Mickey said, sliding into Chris's relaxed ass. Chris instantly started bouncing up and down on that pole, panting quietly.

Mickey groaned. It was tight -- tighter than he thought it would be after his friend's cock had opened the virgin up. Mickey pounded into Chris hard, gripping his hair as he did and biting at the exposed neck that was presented to him. It was hard enough to leave a mark -- hard enough to make Chris scream his release against their stomachs. Mickey pulled out and stroked his cock a few times before cumming streaks of white hot jizz all over Chris's pretty face.

It was several moments before anyone moved or said anything. It was Chris's soft whimper that broke the silence, and Connor swore he saw tears in the other man's eyes as the realization of what just happened hit him. Sure, sometimes Chris had pushed them away, but mostly he agreed to it. Had he wanted this to happen?

Connor ran a soothing hand down his front, smearing the cooling cum over his toned abs. "So fuckin' good Chrissy... Daddy wanted that for so long."

Connor slowly got up from the bed, pulling Mickey with him to gather their clothing as if nothing had happened. He wasn't sure where this went now that they'd had their fun. He hoped Chris would forever be changed by this night and the liquid they had spread on his skin.

When the pair of them were dressed, Connor took one last look at Chris as he lay on the bed, covered in cum and sweat, one leg tangled in the sheets. His eyes were glassy and his lips were swollen as he lay there, staring at the ceiling. Chris finally opened his mouth and spoke quietly.

"...Me too, Daddy. I think I wanted that too."

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