Itching Powder

By Alex Richards

Published on Dec 8, 2018


Connor grinned as the door shut behind them, leaving a panting, gasping Chris handcuffed to the bed. He'd looked beautiful and the suite mates had thought about fucking that pink, hairless puck right then and there. But they had a plan, and they were going to stick to it. They wanted Chris truly desperate -- so delirious that he would allow himself to give in to the pleasure. They wanted him to like what they were making him do. And that meant letting the gel sink in.

Following his friend into the common room, Connor went to make the final preparations for what was to come that night. He felt excited. Finally, he was going to live out his fantasy. The things they were going to do to that perfect ass... If everything went according to plan, they were going to permanently convert this gorgeous prude into a needy slut who never felt better than when his holes were filled. Connor pulled out a few plugs and dildos of varying length and thickness. Which one would they introduce him to tonight? Mickey went to his room to get some lube. When he got back, he saw the collection of toys that his friend was considering and felt a sudden twinge of uncertainty.

Were they going too far? Perhaps they should just let him go. But he had been such a cocktease, parading around campus with that thick ass on display and riling everyone up. While pretending to be a prude, Chris was all heat and seduction, teasing and playing and leaving an often aroused and slightly confused crew boys in his wake. Oh no, Mickey decided. Chris definitely deserved this.

"Fuck." Chris whimpered as he struggled against his bonds. They were real handcuffs, not the kind with an easy release mechanism, but the kind that needed a key. Why were his buddies doing this to him?
At first, he thought it was a joke. They were going to come back in with cameras and laugh and start taking pictures that they'd torment him with, but they didn't come back.

He did not expect them to leave him alone, achingly hard with a twitching hole. His lips felt tingly and sensitive and he could feel a phantom finger pushing in and out of his mouth every time he breathed.

"Connor? Mickey?" Chris whispered into the empty room. No way was he going to yell. Surely, they couldn't leave him here like this forever. They'd come back and let him go, right? He moaned quietly as his ass throbbed, making pleasure sing through his veins. God, it was almost too much. The feeling of that strange liquid dripping down his ass and thighs was nothing compared to the pool that was sloshing inside of him. Chris bit his lip as he shifted on the bed, feeling his ass cheeks move together and rub lightly as he did so. 
"Uh, shit!" Pleasure thrummed through his body, making him go rigid as those soft, fat cheeks rubbed together. God, they couldn't leave him here. He'd go insane!

He couldn't help but grind his ass back slightly, in an attempt to feel what he'd just felt. Flushed with embarrassment, eyes watering slightly Chris thought about how cruel and strange this whole situation was. There was nothing he could do, handcuffed to his bed, ass in the air, desperate to cum. The longer he was left alone, the more his skin felt every little bump and dip in the mattress. He gasped out and writhed as the liquid dripped down his thighs. His cock ached and dripped pre-cum, begging to be touched, but it was his ass that was driving him crazy. He just couldn't help himself; he had to do something.

It took him a few tries and plenty of moaning and gasping, but eventually, he managed to find a position where he was able to rock his hips back and forth slightly, creating some delicious friction against his hole with his oversized cheeks. He felt wrong -- dirty and humiliated -- as he rocked back and forth. He couldn't help but bite his lip, which in turn made him moan in a combination of pain and pleasure. He tried to stifle his moans, swallowing deep, but he felt the liquid drip down the back of his throat. This was all getting to be too much.

"Oh fuck. Uhh. Oh god." Chris couldn't help but moan loudly as he felt himself on the brink of cumming. His dick twitched once, twice before he spurted out ropes of hot cum with a loud cry. As he emptied his load onto the sheets below him, his skin felt electric and too hot, too sensitive, and just so damn good. 
His release felt incredible and intense, but the feeling wasn't going away; it was just getting worse, tickling over his spine and making his thighs shake as he felt his dick still twitching. In desperation, Chris whimpered and resumed the frantic rocking of his hips, desperate to chase that sensation he'd just felt.

By the time Connor and Mickey returned, Chris was thrashing against the sheets, hips rocking and twisting as he attempted to get some form of friction against his needy hole. He'd already cum twice -- the evidence streaking the bed and his arms where his elbows rested, hands still bound by the cuffs. He seemed unaware of his suitemates at first, too wrapped up in his own little world. A steady, high-pitched whine escaped Chris's lips, as he pumped his hips back and forth. It was only when Connor put a hand on his ass that Chris stilled and begged quietly, "Connor. Please."

"Please, Connor. Let me go." Chris's voice had taken on a desperate tone as Connor ran a rough finger over his hole, earning a jolt from Chris's hips and a moan.
Mickey moved behind Chris, watching Connor trace hypnotic circles around Chris's wet, pink hole. "You want it bad, huh, Chris?" Mickey sat down on the bed, sliding up until Chris could see him.

The stud's cheeks had a pink flush to them and his lips were red and puffy from being chewed on. He looked rather pretty, almost feminine. His body was stretched taught and flushed as he grew more aroused. Little moans were leaving his mouth in high pitched, panting breaths the closer he got to orgasm. He eyed Mickey wearily as Mickey raised a finger and pressed it against Chris's lips.

"Please. Mickey-" He was cut off as the finger slid into his mouth, a second following.

"Sh Sh Sh. There we go, little cocktease." Mickey murmured, almost fondly.
Chris should have been resisting! This so wasn't him. He was a good boy. Sure, sometimes he liked to have fun pretending to be sexy, but he never let things get this far! He should have been doing something to try and get away, but instead, he was sucking on Mickey's fingers as if they were candy and moaning around the digits. The feeling of something sliding in and out of his mouth temporarily eased the tingling sensation on his lips and the friction against his tongue felt amazing!

"You love this, don't you? Having something to suck on." Mickey asked, watching as Connor massaged that tight pink ring with his rough thumb. Chris could only shake his head weakly, hollowing his cheeks and sucking hard. No! He didn't like sucking on things; it just felt too good.

"Oh now, don't lie. I can tell you do. Little cockteasing sluts like you love sucking, and they love being filled and fucked from both ends. And guess what, baby? You're one of the worst cockteases I've ever seen," Mickey continued, watching as Connor slid two fingers around to Chris's puckered hole. Chris was already pushing back on them, hips canting, mouth sucking hard in a silent moan. Connor's fingers must have felt good because he wasn't stopping -- wasn't saying anything -- just rocking back and forth as Connor smirked and stroking his skin soothingly.

"That's right, baby, rub yourself off on my fingers."

"Uhnn...please." Chris pulled off Mickey's fingers and whispered his plea so quietly that the moan that followed seemed twice as loud. Chris wiggled his hips. He wanted those fingers inside his hole. If Connor would just put those thick fingers inside him and touch the empty place the liquid created... But Connor wasn't moving; he was making Chris rut against them and Jesus!

"Show me how bad you want it, baby," Connor whispered and started rubbing that hairless, pink rosebud a bit more forcefully. Mickey started stroking Chris's tongue inside his mouth with his two fingers. Fuck, if it didn't feel good -- better than before. Chris started shaking and bucking wildly back and forth between the two sets of fingers. It only took a few moments before Chris was coming again, coating the bed underneath him.
Connor whistled appreciatively. "Fuck Chrissy, how many times is that now? Two? Three? When was the last time you got laid? Oh, that's right. I bet a prude like you is a virgin." Connor smiled at Chris's panting moan of response.

"Please...Connor. I don't." Chris trailed off, attempting to shift his position. His arms were beginning to hurt cuffed in this position. "...Just let me up please."

Connor shook his head. "We're not even close to done here, sweetheart. I'm going to make you moan and scream and beg in ways you never have." He looked at Mickey for a moment, who nodded, adjusting himself in his jeans before unzipping them slowly, making Chris's eyes dart to his crotch. "I don't know if I want this." Chris murmured while licking his lips.

Mickey settled on the bed next to Chris and pulling out his half hard dick. He stroked it slowly a few times, watching as it hardened further before fixing Chris with a sultry smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. "Course you do Chris. If you didn't, then you wouldn't have just rubbed yourself off on Connor's fingers like some cheap whore."

With that Mickey reached into his back pocket, pulling out a white tube and tossing it toward Connor, who caught it easily.

"You're gonna love this Chrissy," Connor added. "We've wanted this for way too long, so, I promise, we'll make it good." he purred, uncapping the tube and squeezing a generous amount of thick gel onto his fingers before pressing them against Chris's twitchy puck. "Promise you'll like it," he said again, as two of his fingers breeched Chris's needy hole.
A brief burst of pain followed by indescribable pleasure hit Chris deep in the gut. He felt those two fingers slip into is tight, hot ass, and he couldn't help but let out a loud moan, pushing his hips backward. No matter how much he thought he didn't want this, it felt too good to deny.

He shuddered at the thought. No way! He couldn't like this! It was just this feeling, this stupid feeling all over his body that was making him think that he liked it. This wasn't what he wanted -- to be humiliated and used like a cheap slut. Chris moaned loudly as Connor's fingers twisted inside him.

...Was it?

Chris's confusion didn't stop him from letting out a high pitched whine as Connor's probing fingers pressed against his prostate. He felt his dick twitch, taking interest and almost groaned in frustration. There was just no way he could cum again.

Still, that feeling on his skin, in his hole, on his lips, dripping down the back of his throat -- that feeling was making Chris do all sorts of things out of the usual. Chris began an odd push and pull against Connor's worming fingers, half trying to get away and half pushing himself onto those long digits. He couldn't bear it when Connor and Mickey began chuckling at him, petting his skin as if he was a prized pet. But fuck he needed those fat fingers deeper inside of him. He started thrusting back hard and fast.

"That's it, princess. Make your jock pussy cum." And with that, Connor pressed hard against his prostate. Chris yelled loudly, a dry, painful orgasm being wrenched from him and making his skin burn pleasantly.
He was beautiful -- every last damn inch of him -- and Connor was finding it hard not to slide his cock into that tight heat currently twitching around his fingers. Connor pushed sweaty hair from his eyes and pulled off his t-shirt, dropping it into a damp heap on the floor. Jeans and boxers followed quickly after, before he settled himself behind Chris. He took his hard cock in his hands and massaged the wet, throbbing head against Chris's hole. His teasing cock earned a whimper of delight from the man under him. Chris's hands clawed at sheets, but there were no more protests from the man under him -- just moans and whimpers and groans as Connor slipped through the lube smeared around his ass. Suddenly, as if nothing had happened, and just as Chris began to push backward, Connor pulled away.

"I don't think you want my cock bad enough yet. Let me go get you something to keep you on edge until you've earned my cock, pretty boy." With that, Connor stood up and got one of the toys he had set out in the other room.

Chris was a shuddering wreck, arms aching and legs trembling. "Let me go," Chris whimpered. "I promise I'll be so good." Chris pulled against the handcuffs to make his point clear. "I want to be good."
"You're uncomfortable?" Connor asked upon his return, sounding genuinely concerned. As much as he was enjoying this, he needed Chris to enjoy this more. Connor took the keys from his jean pocket on the floor and tossed them to Mickey, who began undoing the metal cuffs. "Don't go anywhere, angel. I want you laying on the bed, upper body toward the edge. I need plenty of access to your mouth." Mickey instructed, as he pulled and pushed Chris into position with surprisingly, little resistance. Chris was arranged in the same position as before, ass up in the air, but he sighed as the feeling began to return to his arms. This was better.

"You ever sucked dick before Chris?" Mickey asked him as if he were simply having a pleasant conversation. It made Chris's head spin.

"Of course not," he mumbled, feeling butterflies in the pit of his stomach. In fact, it felt like his whole fucking stomach had dropped out altogether. Now that he wasn't handcuffed, he was here by choice, and that meant he must in some world want this.

No! Chris thought. It wasn't him. It was that delicious feeling on his skin that had convinced him to stay.

Next: Chapter 5

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