Itching Powder

By Alex Richards

Published on Dec 5, 2018


All the normal disclaimers: This is fiction. None of this ever happened, nor should anything like this ever happen. This is not what consent looks like.

All of the people are imaginary, but they are also in college and of legal age in this story.

This story was heavily influenced by everything I read. Many thanks to all of the writers whose work I've ripped off.

"You could always just take what you want -- if you're that desperate," Mickey said, looking Connor in the eye and raising one dark eyebrow. He didn't have to say anything more for Connor to know exactly what he meant. Lots of people wanted to fuck their roommate, and people could do some pretty drastic things for an ass that fine.

Chris was one of the most beautiful boys that almost anyone had ever met. His face was boyish and sharp, but there was something almost feminine about it. His pouty lips, long eyelashes, and high cheekbones contrasted with his sharp, masculine jaw. Chris had a perfect, sculpted jock body, but he was saddled with a massive ass that sat up soft and high and swayed when he walked. He had long legs with muscular thighs and a strong defined back. With looks like his, he turned heads where ever he went.

Connor and Mickey had been obsessed with the stud ever since the beginning of the year when they had been assigned as his suitemates. The other two boys used to stay up late devising ways to catch a peak of that perfect, pink puck nestled between their roommate's massive cheeks.

What made things even more unfair, Connor was he was a prude. He was painfully inexperienced, and he had no desire for that to change that. It drove everyone insane. No one that sexy should ever be as stuck-up and square as Chris was. The entire campus talked behind his back about how much they wanted to fuck him. Men and women -- old and young -- tried, but no one could manage to charm their way into that gorgeous boy's pants.

Connor considered Mickey's suggestion for a while. What did his friend mean by "take it"? It wasn't that Connor encouraged that sort of caveman mentality, but fuck! Chris was pretty much the biggest cocktease he had ever met. The stud was always sucking on pens or the side of his thumb, or biting and licking his lips until they were red and slightly swollen. He waggled his ass as he sauntered naked around the suite and pushed out his big jock tits so you couldn't help but stare at his perpetually hard nipples. Simply put, the guy was a wet dream on two legs, and it seemed he delighted in rubbing everyone's face in it.

Mickey seemed to pick up on Connor's hesitation and stretched casually as if he wasn't talking about potentially raping their roommate.

"I mean, I'm not suggesting we use force per se. We would... I mean, we could make him want it. Lots of things on the market for that," Mickey said, enjoying the way Connor's eyes took on a different, almost salacious quality. Connor sat up, interested.

"There's stuff to do that? I mean, aside from the usual...uh, drugs and stuff?" Connor asked, leaning forward.

Mickey nodded. "Course. There's some strong stuff out there if you know who to ask." Mickey got up then, moving over to a cabinet. He rooted around for a few moments before pulling out what looked like a tube of Astroglide.

"Lube?" Connor looked incredulous.

Mickey snorted. "Do I look like an amateur to you?"

He sounded so reasoned and confident. Connor couldn't help but consider the delicious possibility Mickey was suggesting. Mickey tossed the bottle to Connor, who popped the cap and sniffed it. It had a slightly pepperminty smell, and it looked to be a watery gel-like substance. Mickey sat back down.

"I'm not sure what it is, but a guy gave it to me over the summer in Germany. You just rub that on your skin, and it makes everything fifty times more sensitive to touch, clothing, air -- pretty much everything. Not sure how it works exactly." Mickey took a deep breath, enjoying holding his roommate's attention so thoroughly.

"My guess is it's the oils in it or some shit," Mickey continued. "Either way, it makes your skin become a hotbed of nerves. Just touching the skin'll drive the person crazy -- crazy enough to get them into bed without having to resort to drugging them barely conscious."

Connor couldn't believe what his friend was telling him. Surely this was some sort of hoax. No way did some sort of extraordinary horniness powder exist; the world would be chaos if it did! Still, Connor wanted so badly to believe there was some magical substance that would turn his gorgeous, straight roommate into some sort of desperate slut.

Mickey continued. "You just gotta rub it in the right places. It doesn't take long to work either and it gets stronger the longer its left on." Mickey added with a slow smile.

Connor slid his thumb over the small amount of fluid in the cap. He had to test out a little bit for himself. Connor frowned when his thumb suddenly felt cool. Then after a few minutes, it felt oddly tingly. Connor rubbed his fingers together, raising his eyebrows as the touch seemed electrified, stronger -- insistently so. It was enough for him to know that, if he had this on his entire body, it would drive him insane. Connor was sold. A plan was beginning to form in his mind.

"Does it wash off?" Connor asked, wiping his fingers on his sweater and capping the bottle once more. Mickey shook his head. "The oil in it makes sure it stays on the skin unless you really scrub at it with soap." Mickey watched as Connor's face broke out in a smile.

Fuck! This was going to be delicious.

He was tired -- tired enough to want to forgo the shower and get straight into bed. Sadly, Chris knew he couldn't do that. He'd agreed to sit up and watch a game with his suitemates. Connor and Mickey had practically begged him to do it. Ugh! Why had he agreed to this? Although it sounded appealing at the time, now Chris just wanted to sleep.

He stepped into the bathroom adjoining his room, shutting the door and slowly stripping his clothing off. His huge ass jiggled as he stepped into the shower. He zoned out under that hot stream, his eyes drooping slightly. The water washed over his body as he causally massaged his firm, fat ass cheeks.

"Fuck," he murmured, reaching for the small shelf on the wall and grabbing his body wash. He popped the cap and squeezed a large amount of the gel onto his palms, rubbing it over his toned abs and thighs. He was glad he'd got the menthol stuff like Connor suggested. The cooling effect always felt good on his skin. Once he'd washed his body, Chris moved his hands to his hair and scrubbed until his scalp felt that same pleasant coolness.

Chris took great care to rinse off all the body wash. He stepped out, turning off the shower with a sigh. Maybe he should have taken a cold shower to wake himself up a bit. The heat and the steam only made him feel more tired and slightly lightheaded. The menthol was just making him tingle pleasantly, not waking him up like he thought it might. Frowning slightly, Chris dried himself off, patting at his skin until it was only slightly damp, before wandering into his bedroom to get dressed.

"You think he'll use it?" Connor asked, sounding anxious.

"Of course he'll fuckin' use it," Mickey snapped back. "He uses that shit every time he showers, right? So he'll use it." Mickey jiggled his heavy thigh as he sat on the couch in the common room.

"I put some in the shower head though, just in case," Mickey preened at his own ingenuity. "If he doesn't use it, that'll hit him for sure. Now shut up and chill." Mickey was tense and his buddy's nerves were only aggravating him further.

Connor nodded and tried to have faith in their plan. He said a silent prayer, hoping that big stud was slathering his innocent body with that incredible liquid. Fuck, maybe he'd even get a double dose? Now came the next step: driving Chris out of his mind with sensation and lust -- enough that the poor straight boy would break. Connor and Mickey spaced themselves out on the couch, ensuring there was just enough space between them for Chris to sit down.

Mickey looked over at his buddy. There was no turning back now, and he could tell Connor was excited. They'd been formulating this plan for about three days, discussing the different ways of getting the stuff onto Chris's skin without him noticing. They had work-shopped several ideas -- from `accidentally' spilling it on him to pretending it was sunscreen. They had even considered simply holding him down and dumping the bottle on him. In the end, they'd settled for putting it into his shower products.

It had been easy really. Chris was a creature of habit, and once Connor convinced him to switch soaps, the suitemates knew for certain exactly what bottle to dose. The soap they chose to `recomend' was naturally oily and would easily disguise the odd texture of the liquid they were spiking it with. Its unique formula also meant it would cling to poor Chris's body much longer and would be harder to wash off. Coupled with some more in the shower head, and it was pretty much guaranteed that every inch of that sweet stud would somehow come in contact with the stuff.

The suitemates heard the shower shut off down the hall. Soon that beautiful, big-assed straight boi would be joining them on the couch, drenched in an invisible film of skin-prickling, touch-magnifying, orgasm-inducing gel. Then he would be forced to sit between them as they innocently groped his body while `watching the game.' Connor grinned, They were going to have this gorgeous, straight boy squirming in his seat in a matter of no time.

Next: Chapter 2

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